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Alvarez AA 《Bioethics》2007,21(8):426-438
Application of egalitarian and prioritarian accounts of health resource allocation in low-income countries have both been criticized for implying distribution outcomes that allow decreasing/undermining health gains and for tolerating unacceptable standards of health care and health status that result from such allocation schemes. Insufficient health care and severe deprivation of health resources are difficult to accept even when justified by aggregative efficiency or legitimized by fair deliberative process in pursuing equality and priority oriented outcomes. I affirm the sufficientarian argument that, given extreme scarcity of public health resources in low-income countries, neither health status equality between populations nor priority for the worse off is normatively adequate. Nevertheless, the threshold norm alone need not be the sole consideration when a country's total health budget is extremely scarce. Threshold considerations are necessary in developing a theory of fair distribution of health resources that is sensitive to the lexically prior norm of sufficiency. Based on the intuition that shares must not be taken away from those who barely achieve a minimal level of health, I argue that assessments based on standards of minimal physical/mental health must be developed to evaluate the sufficiency of the total resources of health systems in low-income countries prior to pursuing equality, priority, and efficiency based resource allocation. I also begin to examine how threshold sensitive health resource assessment could be used in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Ho D 《Bioethics》2008,22(2):77-83
A number of philosophers have argued that alcoholics should receive lower priority for liver transplantations because they are morally responsible for their medical conditions. In this paper, I argue that this conclusion is false. Moral responsibility should not be used as a criterion for the allocation of medical resources. The reason I advance goes further than the technical problem of assessing moral responsibility. The deeper problem is that using moral responsibility as an allocation criterion undermines the functioning of medicine.  相似文献   

Ubel PA  Baron J  Asch DA 《Bioethics》1999,13(1):57-68
Background: Some members of the general public feel that patients who cause their own organ failure through smoking, alcohol use, or drug use should not receive equal priority for scarce transplantable organs. This may reflect a belief that these patients (1) cause their own illness, (2) have poor transplant prognoses or, (3) are simply unworthy. We explore the role that social acceptability, personal responsibility, and prognosis play in people's judgments about transplant allocation.
Methods: By random allocation, we presented 283 prospective jurors in Philadelphia county with one of five questionnaire versions. In all questionnaires, subjects were asked to distribute transplantable hearts between patients with and without a history of three controversial behaviors (eating high fat diets against doctors' advice, cigarette smoking, or intravenous drug use). Across the five questionnaire versions, we varied the relative prognosis of the transplant candidates and whether their behavior caused their primary organ
Results: Subjects were significantly less willing to distribute organs to intravenous drug users than to cigarette smokers or people eating high fat diets (p le; 0.0005), even when intravenous drug users had better transplant outcomes than other patients. Subjects' allocation decisions were influenced by transplant prognosis, but not by whether the behavior in question was causally responsible for the patients' organ failure.
Conclusion: People's unwillingness to give scarce transplantable organs to patients with controversial behaviors cannot be explained totally on the basis of those behaviors either causing their primary organ failure or making them have worse transplant prognoses. Instead, many people believe that such patients are simply less worthy of scarce transplantable organs.  相似文献   

Kidneys for transplantation are scarce, and many countries give priority to children in allocating them. This paper explains and criticizes the paediatric priority. We set out the relevant ethical principles of allocation, such as utility and severity, and the relevant facts to do with such matters as sensitization and child development. We argue that the facts and principles do not support and sometimes conflict with the priority given to children. We next consider various views on how age or the status of children should affect allocation. Again, these views do not support priority to children in its current form. Since distinctions based on age ought to be positively justified, the failure of all these attempts at justification implies that the priority to children is ethically mistaken. Finally, the paper points to evidence that the paediatric priority reduces the overall supply of kidneys, at least in the United States. Paediatric priority is a real-world policy that seems discriminatory, in some places probably reduces the supply of organs, has no robust official defence, and is unsupported by mainstream ethical principles. Consequently, it should be ended.  相似文献   

Some have challenged Thomson’s case of the famous unconscious violinist (UV) by arguing that in cases of consensual sex a woman is partially morally responsible for the existence of a needy fetus; since she is partially responsible she ought to assist the fetus, and so abortion is morally wrong. Call this the Responsibility Objection (RO) to UV. In this paper, I briefly criticize one of the most widely discussed objections to RO and then suggest a new way to challenge RO. In so doing, I investigate the plausibility of the moral principle that appears to be driving RO: If a woman is partially morally responsible for the existence of a needy fetus, she has a moral obligation to assist the fetus. I argue that this principle is false. I suggest modified versions of this principle but argue that, even on the most plausible version, RO does not persuade.  相似文献   

To determine the severity of dependence on alcohol in patients with alcoholic liver disease the severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire was administered to 193 patients with various types of alcoholic liver disease established histologically, in whom a detailed history of lifetime alcohol consumption was also obtained. Only 34 patients (18%) were classified as being severely dependent compared with 56% of patients without overt liver disease who were attending a neighbouring alcohol treatment unit. There was a significant correlation between the severity of dependence and mean daily alcohol consumption (r = 0.45 and 0.39 for men and women, respectively) but not duration of drinking. Dependence scores tended to be lower in patients with cirrhosis than in those with precirrhotic liver disease, but this difference reached significance only in women. These findings confirm that patients who develop chronic alcoholic liver disease are usually only mildly dependent on alcohol and support the hypothesis that patients who escape florid symptoms of alcohol dependence are at greater risk of developing liver damage because they are able to sustain a continual consumption of alcohol over many years.  相似文献   

Given the long‐standing controversy about whether the brain‐dead should be considered alive in an irreversible coma or dead despite displaying apparent signs of life, the ethical and policy issues posed when family members insist on continued treatment are not as simple as commentators have claimed. In this article, we consider the kind of policy that should be adopted to manage a family's insistence that their brain‐dead loved one continues to receive supportive care. We argue that while it would be ethically inappropriate to continue to devote scarce acute care resources to such patients in a hospital setting, it may not be ethically inappropriate for patients to receive these resources in certain other settings. Thus, if a family insists on continuing to care for their brain‐dead loved at their home, we should not, from a policy perspective, interfere with the family's wishes. We also argue that healthcare professionals should make some effort to facilitate the transfer of brain‐dead patients to these other settings when families insist on continued treatment despite being informed about the lack of any potential for recovery of consciousness. Our arguments are strengthened by the fact that patients in a persistent vegetative state, who, when correctly diagnosed, also have no potential for recovery of consciousness, are routinely transferred from hospitals to nursing homes or long‐term care facilities where they continue to be ventilated, tube fed and to receive other supportive care. We also briefly explore the question of who should be responsible for the costs of such treatment at the long‐term care facility.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the outcome of liver transplantation in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis with respect to selection criteria, survival, and evidence suggesting a return to harmful drinking. DESIGN--Nine year retrospective study. SETTING--Cambridge and King''s College Hospital liver transplant programme. SUBJECTS--24 Patients (three women, 21 men) with alcoholic cirrhosis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Survival, rehabilitation, and clinical and laboratory evidence of a return to harmful drinking after transplantation. RESULTS--15 Patients were selected for transplantation because of repeated admission to hospital for the complications of advanced portal hypertension despite abstinence, and six because they had a hepatocellular carcinoma superimposed on alcoholic cirrhosis. Three patients who were not abstinent received transplants. The one year survival rate was 66%, and of the 18 patients surviving at least three months, 17 had been rehabilitated. In three patients laboratory variables and histological examination of the liver suggested a return to drinking, though they did not admit to taking alcohol. These patients represented the only cases in the series that were not abstinent before transplantation. CONCLUSIONS--The survival and rehabilitation of patients who received transplants for alcoholic cirrhosis compared favourably with those of patients who received transplants for cirrhosis of other aetiology. The criteria for selection for liver transplantation in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis should include recurrent complications related to severe portal hypertension despite maximum medical treatment in addition to a minimum period of six months of abstinence before transplantation.  相似文献   

The Ebola epidemic in Western Africa has highlighted issues related to weak health systems, the politics of drug and vaccine development and the need for transparent and ethical criteria for use of scarce local and global resources during public health emergency. In this paper we explore two key themes. First, we argue that independent of any use of experimental drugs or vaccine interventions, simultaneous implementation of proven public health principles, community engagement and culturally sensitive communication are critical as these measures represent the most cost‐effective and fair utilization of available resources. Second, we attempt to clarify the ethical issues related to use of scarce experimental drugs or vaccines and explore in detail the most critical ethical question related to Ebola drug or vaccine distribution in the current outbreak: who among those infected or at risk should be prioritized to receive any new experimental drugs or vaccines? We conclude that healthcare workers should be prioritised for these experimental interventions, for a variety of reasons.  相似文献   

J. Jokela  P. Mutikainen 《Oecologia》1995,104(1):122-132
We studied resource allocation among maintenance, reproduction and growth in the freshwater clam Anodonta piscinalis. Recent theoretical and empirical studies imply that organisms with indeterminate growth may have priority rules for energy allocation. That being so, the traits involved should potentially be capable of considerable phenotypic modulation, as a mechanism to adjust allocation. We tested this hypothesis using a 1-year reciprocal transplant experiment at six sites. Experimental clams were caged at higher than natural densities in order to detect any phenotypic modulation of the traits and discover the putative priority rules in energy allocation. We recorded the survival and shell growth of clams during the experiment, and the reproductive output, somatic mass and fat content of clams at the end of the experiment. Shell growth, somatic mass, and the reproductive output of females varied more among transplant sites than among the populations of origin, suggesting a high capacity for phenotypic modulation. However, the reproductive investment, somatic mass and shell growth were also affected by origin; clams from productive habitats invested more in reproduction and were heavier. In comparison to undisturbed clams, the reproductive output of the experimental clams was similar and their fat content was higher, whereas their shell growth was considerably slower and their somatic mass lower. These results suggests that when resources are limiting (due to high density) reproductive allocation overrides allocation to somatic growth. The highest mortality during the experiment coincided with the period of reproductive stress in the spring. Additionally, the proportion of reproducing females was lower in those transplant groups where the survival rate was lowest, suggesting that maintenance allocation overrides allocation to reproduction when available resources are scarce. The results of this field experiment support theoretical predictions and results of previous laboratory experiments that suggest that there are priority rules for energy allocation in organisms with indeterminate growth.  相似文献   

Laura Odwazny and Benjamin Berkman have raised several challenges regarding the new reasonable person standard in the revised Common Rule, which states that informed consent requires potential research subjects be provided with information a reasonable person would want to know to make an informed decision on whether to participate in a study. Our aim is to offer a response to the challenges Odwazny and Berkman raise, which include the need for a reasonable person standard that can be applied consistently across institutional review boards and that does not stigmatize marginal groups. In response, we argue that the standard ought to be based in an ordinary rather than ideal person conception of reasonable person and that the standard ought to employ what we call a liberal constraint: the reasonability standard must be malleable enough such that a wide variety of individuals with different, unique value systems would endorse it. We conclude by suggesting some of the likely consequences our view would have, if adopted.  相似文献   

B W Jespersen 《CMAJ》1997,156(2):163-166
Questions of resource allocation can pose practical and ethical dilemmas for clinicians. In the Aristotelian conception of distributive justice, the unequal allocation of a scarce resource may be justified by morally relevant factors such as need or likelihood of benefit. Even using these criteria, it can be difficult to reconcile completing claims to determine which patients should be given priority. To what extent the physician''s fiduciary duty toward a patient should supersede the interests of other patients and society as a whole is also a matter of controversy. Although the courts have been reluctant to become involved in allocation decisions in health care, they expect physicians to show allegiance to their patients regardless of budgetary concerns. The allocation of resources on the basis of clinically irrelevant factors such as religion or sexual orientation is prohibited. Clear, fair and publicly acceptable institutional and professional policies can help to ensure that resource allocation decisions are transparent and defensible.  相似文献   

With healthcare systems under pressure from scarcity of resources and ever-increasing demand for services, difficult priority setting choices need to be made. At the same time, increased attention to patient involvement in a wide range of settings has given rise to the idea that those who are eventually affected by priority setting decisions should have a say in those decisions. In this paper, we investigate arguments for the inclusion of patient representatives in priority setting bodies at the policy level. We find that the standard justifications for patient representation, such as to achieve patient-relevant decisions, empowerment of patients, securing legitimacy of decisions, and the analogy with democracy, all fall short of supporting patient representation in this context. We conclude by briefly outlining an alternative proposal for patient participation that involves patient consultants.  相似文献   

One of the societal problems in a new influenza pandemic will be how to use the scarce medical resources that are available for prevention and treatment, and what medical, epidemiological and ethical justifications can be given for the choices that have to be made. Many things may become scarce: personal protective equipment, antiviral drugs, hospital beds, mechanical ventilation, vaccination, etc. In this paper I discuss two general ethical principles for priority setting (utility and equity) and explain how these principles will often point in diverging directions. Moreover, each of these principles can be understood in different, again often competing, ways. Notwithstanding these controversies and conflicts, in the context of pandemic response there are at least some points of convergence: several policies can be justified by appeal to different ethical principles and theories. Convergence may be found with respect to a focus on saving the most lives (instead of other aggregative accounts); giving priority antiviral prophylaxis and therapy for life-saving pandemic responders; and, partly depending on epidemiology of the pandemic, to prioritise vaccination of children. Although decision-making about access to intensive care will involve choices with immediate tragic implications, the ethical complexity of these choices is relatively modest (although decisions will not be easy): there are persuasive moral reasons for giving priority to patients who are expected to benefit most within the shortest time. Finally, in the last section I tentatively argue that constraints on people’s freedom, as necessary for an effective public health approach, may support giving somewhat more weight to saving the most lives, than to concerns of equity.
Marcel VerweijEmail:

Ethical beliefs may vary across cultures but there are things that must be valued as preconditions to any cultural practice. Physical and mental abilities vital to believing, valuing and practising a culture are such preconditions and it is always important to protect them. If one is to practise a distinct culture, she must at least have these basic abilities. Access to basic healthcare is one way to ensure that vital abilities are protected. John Rawls argued that access to all-purpose primary goods must be ensured. Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum claim that universal capabilities are what resources are meant to enable. Len Doyal and Ian Gough identify physical health and autonomy as basic needs of every person in every culture. When we disagree on what to prioritize, when resources to satisfy competing demands are scarce, our common needs can provide a point of normative convergence. Need-based rationing, however, has been criticized for being too indeterminate to give guidance for deciding which healthcare services to prioritize and for tending to create a bottomless-pit problem. But there is a difference between needing something (first-order need) and needing to have the ability to need (second-order need). Even if we disagree about which first-order need to prioritize, we must accept the importance of satisfying our second-order need to have the ability to value things. We all have a second-order need for basic healthcare as a means to protect our vital abilities even if we differ in what our cultures consider to be particular first-order needs.  相似文献   

In many animal models transplanted livers are not rejected, even when there is a complete MHC mismatch between the donor and recipient and the recipient is not immunosuppressed. This distinguishes liver transplants from other organs, such as kidneys and hearts, which are rapidly rejected in mismatched individuals. Acceptance of transplanted livers in a rat model is not due to the absence of an immune response to the liver and there is a rapid, abortive response that is ultimately exhausted. Donor leucocytes transferred with the liver appear to be responsible for both liver acceptance and the abortive activation of the recipient's T cells. The immune mechanism of liver transplant acceptance appears to be due to 'death by neglect' in which T cells are activated to express IL-2 and IFN-gamma mRNA in the recipient lymphoid tissues, but not at adequate levels within the graft. Subsequently the activated T cells die leading to specific clonal deletion of liver donor-reactive T cells. These findings have important implications for liver transplant patients as immunosuppressive drugs that are given to prevent rejection can also interfere with this form of tolerance. In addition, it might be possible to modify the immunosuppressive drug treatment of transplant patients to promote the process of death by neglect of recipient alloreactive T cells.  相似文献   



Antioxidant system abnormalities have been associated with ethanol consumption. This study examines the effects of chronic ethanol consumption on oxidative balance, including selenium (Se) levels in alcoholic patients with or without liver disease, and if these measurements could be indicative of liver disease.

Main methods

Serum Se levels, antioxidant enzymes' activities, malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein carbonyl (PC) were determined in three groups of patients: alcoholics without liver disease, alcoholics with liver disease, and non-alcoholics with liver disease; and in healthy volunteers.

Key findings

Serum Se levels were lower in alcoholic patients and in patients affected by liver disease and especially lower in the alcoholic liver disease group. These values were correlated with the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), the antioxidant selenoprotein. The antioxidant activities of the glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were also lower in the three non-healthy groups. However, GR activity decreased and SOD activity increased in the non-alcoholic liver disease group versus alcoholic groups. Higher concentrations of PC in serum were found in non-healthy groups and were higher in alcoholic patients who also showed higher MDA levels. The highest MDA and PC levels were found in the alcoholic liver disease group.


We conclude that serum Se levels are drastically decreased in alcoholic liver disease patients, showing that this element has a direct correlation with GPx activity, and lipid oxidation, suggesting that the serum Se/MDA ratio could be an indicator of hepatic damage caused by alcohol consumption, and pointing to Se as a possible antioxidant therapy.  相似文献   

Traditional species-based conservation programmes are appropriate in situations where species are readily identifiable. However, in certain taxonomically complex groups of organisms, generally characterized by the presence of uniparental lineages and reticulate evolution, it is not possible to classify biodiversity into discrete and unambiguous species. Attempts to impose species-based conservation on such taxonomically complex groups are proving untenable, and threaten to divert scarce resources and taxonomic expertise from the conservation of other priority groups. We argue here that a new approach should be adopted for taxonomically complex groups. We advocate the conservation of evolutionary processes that generate taxonomic biodiversity, rather than the preservation of a limited number of poorly defined taxa arising from this evolution.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2013,19(3):414-419
ObjectiveSeveral studies have shown that patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) have lower bone mineral density (BMD) and a higher prevalence of osteoporosis compared to an age-matched population. Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are typically associated with increased BMD. We hypothesized that patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and underlying insulin resistance may have higher BMD than patients with cirrhosis from other causes.MethodsWe performed a retrospective chart review of patients with ESLD who underwent liver transplant evaluation at Ochsner Clinic Foundation and had a BMD study as part of initial work up and compared BMD values of patients diagnosed with NASH to patients with cirrhosis due to other causes. Patients were categorized into 3 groups based on the etiology of their liver disease as NASH, alcoholic cirrhosis, or viral hepatitis C or B (HCV/ HBV).ResultsA total of 63 patients met the study inclusion criteria, including 15 with NASH, 17 with alcoholic cirrhosis, and 31 with HCV/HBV. The overall prevalence rates of osteopenia and osteoporosis were 44% and 12%, respectively. BMD values were higher in the NASH group than the HCV/HBV group at lumbar spine, total hip, and femoral neck (P = .01, .03, and .02, respectively). There were no statistical differences in BMD values between NASH and alcoholic cirrhosis groups at any site.ConclusionsWe found a high prevalence of low BMD among patients with ESLD awaiting liver transplantation. NASH patients had higher BMDs than HCV/ HBV patients. The effects of NASH and insulin resistance on bone are complex and should be examined further. (Endocr Pract. 2013;19:414-419)  相似文献   

Teo B 《Bioethics》1992,6(2):113-139
[I]s persistent organ shortage the major obstacle to the performance of more procedures as often popularly portrayed? Does the answer therefore lie in the adoption of more efficient strategies of organ procurement? While the measures taken to improve the efficiency of organ procurement may be inspired by the laudable motive of saving lives, they may ultimately prove to be myopic if the larger ethical issues raised by organ transplant programs for the allocation of national and organ resources are not given their due consideration. For any society that desires to include organ transplantation in its health delivery system, it must consider the social and ethical issues that transplant programs raise for the macroallocation of available national resources and the manner by which organ resources are procured, and distributed. The failure to resolve these issues in an ethically acceptable manner at any of these levels would render any transplant program ethically indefensible. This essay therefore argues that before a society decides on its policy of organ procurement it ought to make prior assessments of: a) its social priorities; b) the policies for ensuring fair access to organ resources; and c) the extent to which it is willing to support transplants.  相似文献   

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