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Variable selection, including spatio-temporal variation, frequency-dependent selection and differential selection due to habitat choice, may maintain polymorphism in heterogeneous environments. We studied predation as a selective agent on colour polymorphism of the aquatic isopod I baltica. Variable predation on this species can arise from at least three sources. First, apostatic selection was studied by testing the formation of preferences on colour morphs in the perch, a common predator of I baltica. Such acquired preferences should induce apostatic selection. While our results indicate some acquired preferences, there was significant heterogeneity in the behaviour of predator individuals. Second, temporal variation in selection can arise due to habitat shift from the green algae juvenile habitat to the bladderwrack adult habitat, and the consequent change in the crypsis of the morphs. Different crypsis between sexes probably promoted high predation mortality among females in the juvenile habitat. The high rate of male mortality during the breeding period, on the other hand, was presumably due to their high mate-searching activity. Third, the sex-dependent habitat choice of I baltica leads to sexual differences in the susceptibility of morphs to predation. Predators preferred the white-spotted morph over the uniform one in males but not in females, supporting the 'dimorphic niche' hypothesis as an explanation of sexual differences in morph frequencies. Finally, no evidence was found that the colouration patterns were under sexual selection. We therefore conclude diat variable predation is the most promising explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism in I. baltica.  相似文献   

Genetically based variation in coloration occurs in populations of many organisms belonging to various taxa, including birds, mammals, frogs, molluscs, insects and plants. Colour polymorphism has evolved in raptors more often than in any other group of birds, suggesting that predator–prey relationships was a driving evolutionary force. Individuals displaying a new invading colour morph may enjoy an initial foraging advantage because prey have difficulties in learning the colour of a rare morph (apostatic selection), or because morphs provide alternative foraging benefits allowing differently coloured individuals to exploit distinct food niches (disruptive selection). Plumage polymorphism should therefore have evolved in species that prey upon animals having the physiological ability to distinguish between differently coloured predators but also to flee once a predator has been detected. From this assumption, we can predict that closely related polymorphic and monomorphic species prey upon different animals. They may also differ in morphology, because foraging upon different prey may require different foraging modes, and in turn different morphological structures. We tested these two predictions in a comparative study of raptors. As expected, polymorphic and monomorphic species had a different diet, and there was a difference in wing length between polymorphic and monomorphic species within two genera ( Buteo and Accipiter ). Across all raptors for which phylogenetic relationships are known, polymorphic species preyed more often upon mammals than did monomorphic ones. These two types of raptor did not differ in the frequency of birds, insects and reptiles in their diets. We discuss these results in the light of the hypothesis that predator–prey relationships played a role in the evolution of colour polymorphism. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 565–578.  相似文献   

Mark recapture and morph frequency data, gathered during a population irruption of Hypolimnas misippus in southern Ghana, provide evidence for apostatic and mimetic selection. During a period of low adult survival, both the recapture rate and the frequency of the commonest morph ( misippus ) were significantly reduced. Selection against this form increased phenotypic diversity and generated significant disequilibrium in the combinations of unlinked fore- and hindwing phenotypes. There was also evidence for selection against those forms (weak alcippoides ) which most closely resemble misippus . Other morphs, including both good mimics of Danaus chrysippus and rare non-mimics, showed no reductions in recapture rate during the period of low survival, but only the good mimics increased significantly in frequency. The results provide a predictive ecological model for density-dependent selection by predators which is consistent with field data from previous studies of H. misippus in Ghana and Tanzania. Their evolutionary implications are discussed, and it is suggested that anomalies in the mimicry of this species may be partly due to lack of predation when it is scarce.  相似文献   

Littoraria filosa (Sowerby) is a member of the L. scabra group, found amongst the foliage of mangrove trees in northern Australia. The colour of the shell is polymorphic, showing two discrete ground colours, either yellow or orange-pink, with a variable degree of superimposed brown patterning. At a site on Magnetic Island, northern Queensland, colour frequencies of small snails were similar on different backgrounds. Amongst larger shells yellows were more frequent on Avicennia trees with abundant foliage, and browns on relatively bare trees, suggesting that visual selection for crypsis occurred. There was no evidence of substrate selection by the morphs. Yellow shells were cooler than brown shells, but differences in colour frequencies on sunny and shaded trees, and at different seasons, did not suggest climatic selection. By manipulating the colour frequencies of subpopulations of small snails isolated on individual trees, it was shown that the disappearance of yellow and brown shells was frequency-dependent. This result is consistent with hypotheses of mimicry of background elements by the morphs and of apostatic selection by unknown predators. Only the latter can account for the persistence of the highly conspicuous pink morph at a low frequency.  相似文献   

Forty-one mixed samples of winkles containing the closely related species, Littorina rudis and L. arcana , were collected from different parts of the British Isles. Littorina rudis was the more ubiquitous species, with L. arcana being more-or-less confined to vertical cliffs and rocks. The frequencies of different shell colour patterns were determined for both species in each sample. Several colour morphs were diagnostic of one or other of the species over large areas, which confirms that these are separate species. The frequencies, in the two species, of the two commonest morphs, brown and fawn, were strongly correlated; in several other morphs their presence and absence in the two species was significantly associated; the levels of phenotypic diversity in the two species were also correlated. These patterns could not have arisen if the variation between shores was the result of genetic drift or founder effects, so some form of selection is implicated. In the brown morph there is some evidence for frequency-dependent selection, and it is suggested that the polymorphism may be maintained by visual predators through apostatic selection.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the three independent components of mating behaviour, sexual selection in females, sexual selection in males and mating pattern, we studied the distribution of shell colour morphs among mating pairs and between copulating and non-copulating snails in four subsamples of a natural population ofL. mariae. The colour of the shell, the sex and a qualitative estimate of age was recorded for every snail. We found sexual selection acting against one of the two commonest colours (yellow) among the young females. However, in males none of the eight shell colour morphs was favoured during matings. Male sexual choice or differences in female sexual activity may cause the sexual fitness disadvantage of yellow females. Moreover, individuals of different colour morphs did not mate at random, rather dissasortatively. A behavioural choice among shell colour morphs or a non-random microdistribution of the morphs may cause the departure from random mating in this population.  相似文献   

We identify two avian predators of the Neotropical apple snail, Pomaceaflagellata, and estimate the strength, direction and form of multivariate natural selection by these predators on size and colour of snail shells. Limpkins are tactile predators and act as agents of disruptive selection on snail size, selecting average-sized snails disproportionately more often than small or large snails (y = 0.39, SE = 0.08). In addition, we were able to identify variation in handling behaviours and snail size selection among individual limpkins. Individual limpkins showed preferences for snails of different sizes and punctured the snail shells opposite the aperture mainly when handling large snails. Snail kites are visual predators and seem to be agents of directional selection against lighter coloured snails (β= 0.66, SE = 0.33). The ecological interaction between the apple snail and its predators provides a powerful system to further explore the role of predation in determining evolutionary changes in snail behaviour, morphology and life history.  相似文献   

An opisthosomal (abdominal) colour polymorphism is described in the North American spider, Theridion californicum , comprising a plain Yellow morph and (at least) ten patterned morphs, which exhibit areas of red or black pigments superimposed on the yellow background, or no pigment (white). The polymorphism appears to be present throughout the species' range. The Yellow morph is the most frequent in populations, with patterned morphs all, individually, being rather rare. Progeny from known mothers were reared and indicate that the polymorphism is genetic and that Yellow is probably recessive to patterned morphs. Similar to other theridiids with well-studied colour polymorphisms, T. californicum occupies an under-leaf habitat and the variation in all these cases might be maintained by sight-hunting predators exerting negative frequency-dependent (apostatic) selection. In T. californicum , blocks of guanine underlying the pigmented hypodermis indicate a segmental patterning, which is not usually apparent in adult spiders. These segments, plus dorso-lateral divisions, permit the dorsal surface of the opisthosoma to be divided up into two mirror-image halves, each comprising 12 compartments. Each compartment can either lack pigment (thus appearing white as a result of underlying guanine) or be yellow, red, or black. All patterns in T. californicum can be derived from this ground plan, as can the morphs of other colour-polymorphic theridiids. It is suggested that selection for polymorphism, combined with constraints imposed by this theridiid ground plan, may have led to the convergent evolution of colour patterns across the family.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 23–34.  相似文献   

Data on the frequencies of the main colour morphs ( lineata, redimita and ovata ) of Enoplognatha ovata have been collected from a total of 454 Ordnance Survey 10 km squares distributed throughout Great Britain. Only c. 0.5% of samples were monomorphic, for lineata in each case. Multiple regression analysis has been used to assess possible associations between morph frequencies and principal components derived from nine environmental variables. The distribution of morph frequencies is not random but shows weak clines associated with certain climatic factors. These large scale clines indicate the action of natural selection although very local variations in morph frequencies may result from selection and/or drift.  相似文献   

Caudal courtship glands (CCGs) are sexually dimorphic glands described in the skin of the dorsal tail base of some male salamanders in the genera Desmognathus, Eurycea, and Plethodon in the family Plethodontidae. These glands are believed to deliver pheromones to females during courtship, when the female rests her chin on the dorsal tail base during the stereotypic tail straddling walk unique to plethodontids. Although CCGs have been studied histologically, no investigations of their ultrastructure have been made. This article presents the first study on the fine structure and seasonal variation of CCGs, using the plethodontid Plethodon cinereus. The CCGs vary seasonally in height and secretory activity. The mature secretory granules observed in males collected in October and April consist of oval, biphasic granules that are eosinophilic and give positive reactions to periodic acid‐Schiff for neutral carbohydrates but do not stain for acidic mucosusbtances or proteins with alcian blue and bromphenol blue, respectively. Granular glands, some of which contain mucous demilunes, are twice as large as CCGs, are syncytial (unlike CCGs), and stain for proteins. Mucous glands are similar in size to CCGs, but are basophilic, show no seasonal variation in secretory activity, and stain positive for acidic mucosubstances. CCGs do not resemble cytologically the sexually dimorphic mental glands of some plethodontids, which contain round or oval granules filled with an electron‐dense amorphous substance. The CCGs are similar histologically to sexually dimorphic skin glands described in some anurans, but more comparative work is needed. J. Morphol. 276:319–330, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Amino acid changes in mitochondrial (mt) oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes have been suggested as a key adaptation to environmental variation. Here, we analyzed 416 sequences of ATPase synthase 6 (MT‐ATP6) and NADH dehydrogenase 2 (MT‐ND2) in 22 different hare (Lepus) species from across a wide range of habitats and climates. We used site‐ and branch‐based methods to test for positive selection on specific codons and lineages. We found four codons in MT‐ATP6 and five in MT‐ND2 under positive selection, affecting several species lineages. We investigated the association of protein variants at each locus with climate zone, using multinomial generalized linear models (glm), including species, regions, historical introgression events, and the co‐occurring protein variant at the other locus as additional explanatory variables. A significant climate effect as based on the “Köppen climate classification” was observed for MT‐ND2 protein variants as translated from our nucleotide sequences. Moreover, MT‐ND2 protein variants were significantly affected by the co‐occurring MT‐ATP6 protein variant in the same mtDNA molecule. Contrary to the expectation for non‐recombining mitochondrial DNA molecules, the presence of an evolutionarily relatively ancestral protein variant at one locus was associated with a relatively derived protein at the other locus in the same mitochondrial molecule, respectively. The relative evolutionary status of a protein variant was evaluated according to its positions relative to the respective out‐group protein variant in a network analysis of nucleotide sequences. All our results suggest a complex effect of various climatic parameters acting on multiple mtOXPHOS genes in a co‐adaptive way, favoring combinations of ancestral and derived variants.  相似文献   

Several species of swallowtail butterflies (genus Papilio) are Batesian mimics that express multiple mimetic female forms, while the males are monomorphic and nonmimetic. The evolution of such sex‐limited mimicry may involve sexual dimorphism arising first and mimicry subsequently. Such a stepwise scenario through a nonmimetic, sexually dimorphic stage has been proposed for two closely related sexually dimorphic species: Papilio phorcas, a nonmimetic species with two female forms, and Papilio dardanus, a female‐limited polymorphic mimetic species. Their close relationship indicates that female‐limited polymorphism could be a shared derived character of the two species. Here, we present a phylogenomic analysis of the dardanus group using 3964 nuclear loci and whole mitochondrial genomes, showing that they are not sister species and thus that the sexually dimorphic state has arisen independently in the two species. Nonhomology of the female polymorphism in both species is supported by population genetic analysis of engrailed, the presumed mimicry switch locus in P. dardanus. McDonald–Kreitman tests performed on SNPs in engrailed showed the signature of balancing selection in a polymorphic population of P. dardanus, but not in monomorphic populations, nor in the nonmimetic P. phorcas. Hence, the wing polymorphism does not balance polymorphisms in engrailed in P. phorcas. Equally, unlike in P. dardanus, none of the SNPs in P. phorcas engrailed were associated with either female morph. We conclude that sexual dimorphism due to female polymorphism evolved independently in both species from monomorphic, nonmimetic states. While sexual selection may drive male–female dimorphism in nonmimetic species, in mimetic Papilios, natural selection for protection from predators in females is an alternative route to sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the frequency of colour/pattern morphs of Philaenus spumarius is described at 48 localities in England and Wales. The sites have been divided into four broad environmental categories, two urban and two rural. There is a distinction between the urban and rural groupings in the relative proportions of the colour morphs; in urban localities there is a higher combined frequency of the eight ‘melanic’ morphs. Differences also exist between locality groupings, and between the sexes, in the relative frequencies of the eight morphs within the ‘melanic’ phenotypic category. Morphs limited to the female sex in some other parts of the species range occur among males in British populations. It is suggested that the different dominance hierarchy between the sexes which exists in Fennoscandian populations may not be characteristic of British populations.  相似文献   

The distribution of yellow, brown and red morphs of sympatric species of Littoraria were recorded on mangrove trees of the genus Avicennia within Moreton Bay, Queensland. The roles of background mimicry (leaf vs. bark, dark vs. light), niche selection and thermal tolerance (sunny vs. shaded positions and height above ground) were examined. The yellow advantage found previously in the area was tested. Total yellow morph frequency adjusted to a reduction in leaf background on pruned trees. Morph frequencies in Littoraria species reflect differences in habitat use. L. filosa (high yellow frequency) was more frequently found on leaves at the highest tree levels, while L. luteola (high brown frequency) was more frequently found on branches at lower levels. It is therefore argued that morphs mimic background elements. Previously reported niche selection by yellow and brown morphs of leaf and bark backgrounds is shown to be a result of the distribution of L. luteola on branches and L. filosa on leaves. At warmer times of the year, yellow L. filosa were more common in sunny positions; this is thought to be a result of thermal tolerance. There appears to be some advantage to particular morphs on particular tree types, but this relationship needs to be examined further. Mangrove-dwelling Littoraria are a promising model to investigate molluscan polymorphism. In the past, erroneous identification of sympatric species may have influenced the accuracy of reported patterns. We used allozyme electrophoretic markers as a precise identification technique. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 219–232.  相似文献   

The spider Enoplognatha ovata is univoltine. It has three principal visible morphs, lineata, redimita and mala , whose genetics are understood. Phenotype frequencies and population sizes have been estimated at 44 sites in a single valley in Yorkshire for periods of up to 15 years. Geographically, recognizable areas of high and low frequencies of redimita and ovata are found, typically a few hundred metres across. Statistically significant frequency differences also exist on a scale of tens of metres between adjacent sites. Temporal variation in lineata allele frequency has been investigated using a weighted regression technique assuming either no deterministic change or a steady change at constant rate. There is little direct evidence for selection but variation within sites is less than would be expected through genetic drift. A negative relationship is demonstrated between initial allele frequency in a site and the direction and rate of allele frequency change with time, suggesting that populations are moving towards a global equilibrium. This conclusion is insensitive to varying assumptions about the relationship between estimated and effective population sizes. Evidence from transplantation experiments and from the most isolated site indicate that both migration and selection contribute to this trend. We suggest that populations were stochastically perturbed from the equilibrium during bottlenecks in population size which resulted from major habitat disturbance about 35 years ago.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms are common in the natural world and have played an important role in our understanding of how selection maintains multiple phenotypes within extant populations. Studying the evolutionary history of polymorphisms has revealed important features of this widespread form of phenotypic diversity, including its role in speciation, niche breadth, and range size. In the present study, we examined the evolutionary history of a ubiquitous colour polymorphism in the sulphur butterflies (subfamily: Coliadinae) termed the ‘alba’ polymorphism. We investigated the origin and stability of the ‘alba’ polymorphism using ancestral state reconstruction analysis. Our results indicate that the ancestor of the Coliadinae was polymorphic and that this polymorphism has undergone repeated transitions to monomorphism. Repeated loss of polymorphism suggests that the ‘alba’ polymorphism may be relatively unstable over evolutionary time. These results provide a framework for future studies on the origin and maintenance of the ‘alba’ polymorphism and guide the direction of future hypotheses. We discuss these results in light of current understandings of how the ‘alba’ polymorphism is maintained in extant populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic mechanisms of adaptive population divergence is one of the most fundamental endeavours in evolutionary biology and is becoming increasingly important as it will allow predictions about how organisms will respond to global environmental crisis. This is particularly important for the honey bee, a species of unquestionable ecological and economical importance that has been exposed to increasing human‐mediated selection pressures. Here, we conducted a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐based genome scan in honey bees collected across an environmental gradient in Iberia and used four FST‐based outlier tests to identify genomic regions exhibiting signatures of selection. Additionally, we analysed associations between genetic and environmental data for the identification of factors that might be correlated or act as selective pressures. With these approaches, 4.4% (17 of 383) of outlier loci were cross‐validated by four FST‐based methods, and 8.9% (34 of 383) were cross‐validated by at least three methods. Of the 34 outliers, 15 were found to be strongly associated with one or more environmental variables. Further support for selection, provided by functional genomic information, was particularly compelling for SNP outliers mapped to different genes putatively involved in the same function such as vision, xenobiotic detoxification and innate immune response. This study enabled a more rigorous consideration of selection as the underlying cause of diversity patterns in Iberian honey bees, representing an important first step towards the identification of polymorphisms implicated in local adaptation and possibly in response to recent human‐mediated environmental changes.  相似文献   

Persistent questions concerning the warning coloration of unpalatable insects address whether the bright aposematic colour itself or its combination with a species-specific dark pattern is the key factor in their protection against insectivorous birds, and how chromatic polymorphism originates and is maintained in aposematics. In the present study, these questions were tested experimentally, using the birds Parus major , Parus caeruleus , Erithacus rubecula , and Sylvia atricapilla as predators, and chromatically polymorphic firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus : red wild form, white, yellow, and orange mutants (all four of them with the same black melanin pattern, the mutants differing in colour of pteridine pigments only) and the nonaposematic brown-painted wild form as prey. The results show that a specific colour is essential for the birds to recognize the specific aposematic prey; the melanin pattern is not sufficient. White mutants were no better protected than nonaposematic firebugs; red wild-type and orange mutants were equally well protected against all bird species; and the reaction of birds to yellow mutants was species-specific. An evolutionary scenario of 'recurrent recessive mutations' is formulated to explain the origin of colour polymorphism in some aposematics.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 143–153.  相似文献   

Seed size affects the probability of seed predation. Large seeds should be preferred over small seeds but the selective responses of seed predators may also be frequency-dependent. Seed predators may prefer the most common seed sizes (apostatic selection), the rarest ones (antiapostatic selection) or even be unresponsive to the size of seeds. Moreover, seed density may further modify the selective responses of seed predators. We expect that at a low seed density seed consumption should be concentrated on common seed sizes, and at high seed density it should be concentrated on rare seed sizes, as common ones act as a background that makes rare phenotypes more conspicuous (the effect of background). We tested this prediction in a field experiment with seeds of Cryptocarya alba (Lauraceae) at La Campana National Park, central Chile. We presented large and small seeds in two contrasting seed densities (ten and 100 seeds per m2) and at five frequencies of large seeds: 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.9. After 28 days we measured the proportions of the two size classes in the remaining seeds. Large seeds were always preferred to small seeds, even when they were at low frequency. Contrary to the predictions, at low seed density consumption was antiapostatic whereas at high seed density selection was independent of frequency. We discuss the causes and consequences of such selective responses expressed by seed predators.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London , Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 137–142.  相似文献   

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