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Organisms modulate their fitness in heterogeneous environments by dispersing. Prior work shows that there is selection against 'unconditional' dispersal in spatially heterogeneous environments. 'Unconditional' means individuals disperse at a rate independent of their location. We prove that if within-patch fitness varies spatially and between two values temporally, then there is selection for unconditional dispersal: any evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) or evolutionarily stable coalition (ESC) includes a dispersive phenotype. Moreover, at this ESS or ESC, there is at least one sink patch (i.e. geometric mean of fitness less than one) and no sources patches (i.e. geometric mean of fitness greater than one). These results coupled with simulations suggest that spatial-temporal heterogeneity is due to abiotic forcing result in either an ESS with a dispersive phenotype or an ESC with sedentary and dispersive phenotypes. In contrast, the spatial-temporal heterogeneity due to biotic interactions can select for higher dispersal rates that ultimately spatially synchronize population dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of a nonlinear reaction–diffusion population model in fragmented environments. The model is set on , with periodic heterogeneous coefficients obtained using stochastic processes. Using a criterion of species persistence based on the notion of principal eigenvalue of an elliptic operator, we provided a precise numerical analysis of the interactions between habitat fragmentation and species persistence. The obtained results clearly indicated that species persistence strongly tends to decrease with habitat fragmentation. Moreover, comparing two stochastic models of landscape pattern generation, we observed that in addition to local fragmentation, a more global effect of the position of the habitat patches also influenced species persistence.   相似文献   

The steady state distribution of age structure is studied for populations with two age classes and stochastic vital rates. For a serially uncorrelated dichotomic vital rate the distribution of age structure is found analytically to be a singular steplike function; outside a specific region of vital rate values the singular function crosses a threshold to a smooth function. For a vital rate following a correlated two state Markov process the joint distributions of age structure and environment are found analytically to be singular steplike functions; again a threshold marks a transition to a smooth function. For fecundities which are serially uncorrelated but continuously distributed the age structure distribution is obtained as a smooth analytic function for all parameter values. These explicit results have applications to studies of age structure and average growth rate.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting population spread rates is an important problem in basic and applied ecology. In this article, we link estimates of invasion wave speeds to species traits and environmental conditions. We present detailed field studies of wind dispersal and compare nonparametric (i.e., data-based) and mechanistic (fluid dynamics model-based) dispersal kernel and spread rate estimates for two important invasive weeds, Carduus nutans and Carduus acanthoides. A high-effort trapping design revealed highly leptokurtic dispersal distributions, with seeds caught up to 96 m from the source, far further than mean dispersal distances (approx. 2 m). Nonparametric wave speed estimates are highly sensitive to sampling effort. Mechanistic estimates are insensitive to sampling because they are obtained from independent data and more useful because they are based on the dispersal mechanism. Over a wide range of realistic conditions, mechanistic spread rate estimates were most sensitive to high winds and low seed settling velocities. The combination of integrodifference equations and mechanistic dispersal models is a powerful tool for estimating invasion spread rates and for linking these estimates to characteristics of the species and the environment.  相似文献   

The dynamics of many diseases and populations possess distinct recurring phases. For example, many species breed only during a subset of the year and the infection dynamics of many pathogens have transmission rates that vary with season. Here I investigate computational methods for studying transient and long-term behaviour of stochastic models which have periodic phases—several different potential techniques for studying long-term behaviour will be contrasted. I illustrate the results with two studies: The first is of a spatially realistic metapopulation model of malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata), a species which disperses only during a quarter of the year; this model is used to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the particular methods presented. The second study is of a model for disease dynamics which incorporates seasonality in both the rate of within-population transmission and also in the rate of transmission effected via aerosol importation. This model has applications to studying disease invasion and persistence in captive-breeding populations. We demonstrate, via comparison to appropriately matched models with constant transmission rates and also no aerosol transmission, that seasonality and aerosol importation may alter control choices, with possibly an increase in the threshold population size for local control surveillance, transfer of importance to limiting aerosol transmission, and the use of temporally targetted surveillance. The methodology presented is the gold-standard for dealing with many phased processes in ecology and epidemiology, but its application is limited to systems of small size.  相似文献   

A discrete time model is developed for periodic survivorship and maternal frequency rates. The Leslie matrix is subdivided by an additional variable representing time of birth (season of birth in the example presented) to accommodate both age-specific and time-specific variations in vital rates. Thus, in contrast to the standard time-invariant model, significant periodic alterations in age-specific birth and death rates are explicitly accounted for and may realistically include observed recurrent changes, such as zero or reduced birth rates during unfavorable seasons, etc. Conditions for stability of the extended projection matrix are developed and are shown to be analogous to those of the Leslie model. The periodic model is applicable to populations with overlapping generations in seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are increasingly frequent and have dramatic ecological and economic consequences. A key to coping with invasive species is our ability to predict their rates of spread. Traditional models of biological invasions assume that the environment is temporally constant. We examine the consequences for invasion speed of periodic and stochastic fluctuations in population growth rates and in dispersal distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive spatially explicit equations to describe a stochastic invasion process. Parents are assumed to produce a random number of offspring which then disperse according to a spatial redistribution kernel. Equations for population moments, such as expected density and covariance averaged over an ensemble of identical stochastic processes, take the form of deterministic integro-difference equations. These equations describe the spatial spread of population moments as the invasion progresses. We use the second order moments to analyse two basic properties of the invasion. The first property is permanence of form in the correlation structure of the wave. Analysis of the asymptotic form of the invasion wave shows that either (i) the covariance in the leading edge of the wave of invasion asymptotically achieves a permanence of form with a characteristic structure described by an unchanging spatial correlation function, or (ii) the leading edge of the wave has no asymptotic permanence of form with the length scales of spatial correlations continually increasing over time. Which of these two outcomes pertains is governed by a single statistic, φ which depends upon the shape of the dispersal kernel and the net reproductive number. The second property of the invasion is its patchy structure. Patchiness, defined in terms of spatial correlations on separate short (within patch) and long (between patch) spatial scales, is linked to the dispersal kernel. Analysis shows how a leptokurtic dispersal kernel gives rise to patchiness in spread of a population. Received: 11 August 1997 / Revised version: 22 September 1998 / Published online: 4 October 2000  相似文献   

The population-dispersal dynamics for predator–prey interactions and two competing species in a two patch environment are studied. It is assumed that both species (i.e., either predators and their prey, or the two competing species) are mobile and their dispersal between patches is directed to the higher fitness patch. It is proved that such dispersal, irrespectively of its speed, cannot destabilize a locally stable predator–prey population equilibrium that corresponds to no movement at all. In the case of two competing species, dispersal can destabilize population equilibrium. Conditions are given when this cannot happen, including the case of identical patches.  相似文献   

Very few studies have addressed how the invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar spreads beyond initial founding populations in harbours. Surveys of the harbours and accessible areas of open coast throughout southern New Zealand were conducted to determine how far U. pinnatifida populations had extended since initial incursions. Our findings clearly demonstrate that U. pinnatifida is capable of invading native communities and can establish reproductive populations in locations subjected to significant and consistent wave action. The extent of spread from source populations differs between harbours in which it has established. Dispersal is greatest in harbours with long established populations, those where populations have not been strategically managed, harbours with high water exchange with surrounding coastal waters, and where prevailing currents allow establishment of U. pinnatifida on suitable substrata close to harbour entrances. Dispersal along the open coast is primarily achieved by drifting adult sporophytes that are washed up in the rocky intertidal zone. Founding populations are most often found in the intertidal zone, primarily within rockpools. Subtidal transects and observations indicate that U. pinnatifida is well adapted to invade exposed coastlines and can establish within a broad range of niches in wave-exposed areas including rockpools, the low intertidal, shallow subtidal, Macrocystis pyrifera kelp forests, and in low light areas beyond the vertical extent of large native macroalgae. The current range of U. pinnatifida is much greater than expected and appears to be expanding. Due to its ability to grow in a broad range of environments and to form dense monospecific stands, U. pinnatifida has the potential to strongly modify almost all rocky subtidal and intertidal communities in temperate locations.  相似文献   

We live in a time where climate models predict future increases in environmental variability and biological invasions are becoming increasingly frequent. A key to developing effective responses to biological invasions in increasingly variable environments will be estimates of their rates of spatial spread and the associated uncertainty of these estimates. Using stochastic, stage-structured, integrodifference equation models, we show analytically that invasion speeds are asymptotically normally distributed with a variance that decreases in time. We apply our methods to a simple juvenile–adult model with stochastic variation in reproduction and an illustrative example with published data for the perennial herb, Calathea ovandensis. These examples buttressed by additional analysis reveal that increased variability in vital rates simultaneously slow down invasions yet generate greater uncertainty about rates of spatial spread. Moreover, while temporal autocorrelations in vital rates inflate variability in invasion speeds, the effect of these autocorrelations on the average invasion speed can be positive or negative depending on life history traits and how well vital rates “remember” the past.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is an important determinant of vegetation composition. We present a mechanistic model of seed dispersal by wind that incorporates heterogeneous vegetation structure. Vegetation affects wind speeds, a primary determinant of dispersal distance. Existing models combine wind speed and fall velocity of seeds. We expand on them by allowing vegetation, and thus wind profiles, to vary along seed trajectories, making the model applicable to any wind-dispersed plant in any community. Using seed trap data on seeds dispersing from forests into adjacent sites of two distinct vegetation structures, we show that our model was unbiased and accurate, even though dispersal patterns differed greatly between the two structures. Our spatially heterogeneous model performed better than models that assumed homogeneous vegetation for the same system. Its sensitivity to vegetation structure and ability to predict seed arrival when vegetation structure was incorporated demonstrates the model's utility for providing realistic estimates of seed arrival in realistic landscapes. Thus, we begin to bridge mechanistic seed dispersal and forest dynamics models. We discuss the merits of our model for incorporation into forest simulators, applications where such incorporation has been or is likely to be especially fruitful, and future model refinements to increase understanding of seed dispersal by wind.  相似文献   

Spread rates of invasive plant species depend heavily on variable seed/seedling survivorships over various habitat types as well as on variability in seed dispersal induced by rapid transport of propagules in open areas and slow transport in vegetated areas. The ability to capture spatial variability in seed survivorship and dispersal is crucial to accurately predict the rate of spread of plants in real world landscapes. However, current analytic methods for predicting spread rates are not suited for arbitrary, spatially heterogeneous systems. Here, we analyze invasion rates of the invasive plant Phragmites australis (common reed) over variable wetland landscapes. Phragmites is one of the most pervasive perennial grasses, outcompeting native vegetation, providing poor wildlife habitat, and proving difficult to eradicate across its invasive range in North America. Phragmites spreads sexually via seeds and asexually via underground (rhizomes) and aboveground (stolons) stems. We construct a structured integrodifference equation model of the Phragmites life cycle capturing variable seed survivorship in a seed bank, sexual and asexual recruitment into a juvenile age class, and differential competition among all classes with adults. The demographic model is coupled with a homogenized ecological diffusion/settling seed dispersal model that allows for seed deposition that varies with habitat type. The dispersal kernel we develop does not require local normalization and can be implemented efficiently using standard computational techniques. The model generates a traveling wave of isolated patches, establishing only in suitable habitats. We use the method of multiple scales to predict invasion speed as a solvability condition at large scales and test the predictions numerically. Accurate predictions are generated for a wide range of landscape parameters, indicating that invasion speeds can be understood in landscapes of arbitrary structure using this approach.  相似文献   

We investigate how model populations respond to stochastic harvesting in a stochastic environment. In particular, we show that the effects of variable harvesting on the variance in population density and yield depend critically on the autocorrelation of environmental noise and on whether the endogenous dynamics of the population display over- or undercompensation to density. These factors interact in complicated ways; harvesting shifts the slope of the renewal function, and the net effect of this shift will depend on the sign and magnitude of the other influences. For example, when environmental noise exhibits a positive autocorrelation, the relative importance of a variable harvest to the variance in density increases with overcompensation but decreases with undercompensation. For a fixed harvesting level, an increasing level of autocorrelation in environmental noise will decrease the relative variation in population density when overcompensation would otherwise occur. These and other intricate interactions have important ramifications for the interpretation of time series data when no prior knowledge of demographic or environmental details exists. These effects are important whenever the harvesting rate is sufficiently high or variable, conditions likely to occur in many systems, whether the harvesting is caused by commercial exploitation or by any other strong agent of density-independent mortality.  相似文献   

Understanding biological invasions patterns and mechanisms is highly needed for forecasting and managing these processes and their negative impacts. At small scales, ecological processes driving plant invasions are expected to produce a spatially explicit pattern driven by propagule pressure and local ground heterogeneity. Our aim was to determine the interplay between the intensity of seed rain, using distance to a mature plantation as a proxy, and microsite heterogeneity in the spreading of Pinus contorta in the treeless Patagonian steppe. Three one‐hectare plots were located under different degrees of P. contorta invasion (Coyhaique Alto, 45° 30′S and 71° 42′W). We fitted three types of inhomogeneous Poisson models to each pine plot in an attempt for describing the observed pattern as accurately as possible: the “dispersal” models, “local ground heterogeneity” models, and “combined” models, using both types of covariates. To include the temporal axis in the invasion process, we analyzed both the pattern of young and old recruits and also of all recruits together. As hypothesized, the spatial patterns of recruited pines showed coarse scale heterogeneity. Early pine invasion spatial patterns in our Patagonian steppe site is not different from expectations of inhomogeneous Poisson processes taking into consideration a linear and negative dependency of pine recruit intensity on the distance to afforestations. Models including ground‐cover predictors were able to describe the point pattern process only in a couple of cases but never better than dispersal models. This finding concurs with the idea that early invasions depend more on seed pressure than on the biotic and abiotic relationships seed and seedlings establish at the microsite scale. Our results show that without a timely and active management, P. contorta will invade the Patagonian steppe independently of the local ground‐cover conditions.  相似文献   

We consider a two-species competition model in a one-dimensional advective environment, where individuals are exposed to unidirectional flow. The two species follow the same population dynamics but have different random dispersal rates and are subject to a net loss of individuals from the habitat at the downstream end. In the case of non-advective environments, it is well known that lower diffusion rates are favored by selection in spatially varying but temporally constant environments, with or without net loss at the boundary. We consider several different biological scenarios that give rise to different boundary conditions, in particular hostile and “free-flow” conditions. We establish the existence of a critical advection speed for the persistence of a single species. We derive a formula for the invasion exponent and perform a linear stability analysis of the semi-trivial steady state under free-flow boundary conditions for constant and linear growth rate. For homogeneous advective environments with free-flow boundary conditions, we show that populations with higher dispersal rate will always displace populations with slower dispersal rate. In contrast, our analysis of a spatially implicit model suggest that for hostile boundary conditions, there is a unique dispersal rate that is evolutionarily stable. Nevertheless, both scenarios show that unidirectional flow can put slow dispersers at a disadvantage and higher dispersal rate can evolve.  相似文献   

Mean and mean square number are studied for age-structured populations with serially correlated temporally fluctuating vital rates. Results are that (1) Moments of population number can be used effectively to analyse growth rates of the coefficient of variation and an approximate median population number. (2) Analytical approximations to the growth rates of moments reveal dynamic consequences of covarying phenotypic traits and of temporal correlation along environmental sequences. (3) Dynamic properties can be explicitly related to the static sensitivity of an average vital rate matrix. (4) The use of (1), (2) and (3) allows an extension of many applications of static vital rate theory to dynamics with fluctuating rates.  相似文献   

Summary Many natural populations undergo radical and unpredictable fluctuations, associated with stochastic environmental conditions. Under such circumstances, fitness of a genotype (or strategy) is defined as the geometric mean of the intergenerational genotypic population growth ratel(t). Unfortunately, this population-level criterion has proved difficult to apply at the level of individual organisms.After developing a formula for the variance ofl as the sum of developmental and environmental variance, we discuss several models of individual adaptations, involving clutch size, progeny size and number, and foraging behaviour under risk of predation, based on the geometric-mean fitness concept. We then show how the method of dynamic programming can be extended to deal with facultative behaviour in stochastic environments. Finally we discuss the concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy in a stochastic environment.Our analysis suggests several novel interpretations of field and laboratory observations. Under the geometric mean criterion behaviour may be determined primarily by the worst likely environment; behaviour may appear suboptimal if observed only under normal or average conditions. For example,except under extreme environmental conditions, avian clutches larger than those that are observed might result in increased fecundity, with little if any cost of reproduction in terms of parental survival; however, in unusually bad years such large clutches might be disastrous, in terms of parental survival. This consideration may help explain some recently reported experimental clutch-size manipulation results. Similarly, our analysis indicates that the known phenomenon of seasonal reduction in seed size may constitute a double bet-hedging strategy, determined by parental mortality risk and future seed survival probability. We also discuss circumstances in which phenotypic polymorphism is an adaptation to environmental uncertainty. Thus almost any individual life history or behavioural adaptation may be affected by environmental stochasticity.  相似文献   

How do temporally stochastic environments affect risk sensitivity in foraging behavior? We build a simple model of foraging under predation risks in stochastic environments, where the environments change over generations. We analyze the effects of stochastic environments on risk sensitivity of foraging animals by means of the difference between the geometric mean fitness and the arithmetic mean fitness. We assume that foraging is associated with predation risks whereas resting in the nest is safe because it is free of predators. In each generation, two different environments with given food amounts and predation risks occur with a certain probability. The geometric mean optimum is independent of food amounts. In most cases of stochastic environments, risk-averse tendency is increased, but in some limited conditions, more risk-prone behavior is favored. Specifically, risk-prone tendency is increased when the variation in food amount increases. Our results imply that the optimal behavior depends on the probability distribution of environmental effects under all selection regimes.  相似文献   

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