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Avian nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) neurons are reciprocally connected with the layer 10 (L10) neurons in the optic tectum and respond with oscillatory bursts to visual stimulation. Our in vitro experiments show that both neuron types respond with regular spiking to somatic current injection and that the feedforward and feedback synaptic connections are excitatory, but of different strength and time course. To elucidate mechanisms of oscillatory bursting in this network of regularly spiking neurons, we investigated an experimentally constrained model of coupled leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with spike-rate adaptation. The model reproduces the observed Ipc oscillatory bursting in response to simulated visual stimulation. A scan through the model parameter volume reveals that Ipc oscillatory burst generation can be caused by strong and brief feedforward synaptic conductance changes. The mechanism is sensitive to the parameter values of spike-rate adaptation. In conclusion, we show that a network of regular-spiking neurons with feedforward excitation and spike-rate adaptation can generate oscillatory bursting in response to a constant input.  相似文献   

We review here the development of Hodgkin–Huxley (HH) type models of cerebral cortex and thalamic neurons for network simulations. The intrinsic electrophysiological properties of cortical neurons were analyzed from several preparations, and we selected the four most prominent electrophysiological classes of neurons. These four classes are “fast spiking” “regular spiking” “intrinsically bursting” and “low-threshold spike” cells. For each class, we fit “minimal” HH type models to experimental data. The models contain the minimal set of voltage-dependent currents to account for the data. To obtain models as generic as possible, we used data from different preparations in vivo and in vitro, such as rat somatosensory cortex and thalamus, guinea-pig visual and frontal cortex, ferret visual cortex, cat visual cortex and cat association cortex. For two cell classes, we used automatic fitting procedures applied to several cells, which revealed substantial cell-to-cell variability within each class. The selection of such cellular models constitutes a necessary step towards building network simulations of the thalamocortical system with realistic cellular dynamical properties.  相似文献   

In order to properly capture spike-frequency adaptation with a simplified point-neuron model, we study approximations of Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) models including slow currents by exponential integrate-and-fire (EIF) models that incorporate the same types of currents. We optimize the parameters of the EIF models under the external drive consisting of AMPA-type conductance pulses using the current-voltage curves and the van Rossum metric to best capture the subthreshold membrane potential, firing rate, and jump size of the slow current at the neuron’s spike times. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that, in addition to these quantities, the approximate EIF-type models faithfully reproduce bifurcation properties of the HH neurons with slow currents, which include spike-frequency adaptation, phase-response curves, critical exponents at the transition between a finite and infinite number of spikes with increasing constant external drive, and bifurcation diagrams of interspike intervals in time-periodically forced models. Dynamics of networks of HH neurons with slow currents can also be approximated by corresponding EIF-type networks, with the approximation being at least statistically accurate over a broad range of Poisson rates of the external drive. For the form of external drive resembling realistic, AMPA-like synaptic conductance response to incoming action potentials, the EIF model affords great savings of computation time as compared with the corresponding HH-type model. Our work shows that the EIF model with additional slow currents is well suited for use in large-scale, point-neuron models in which spike-frequency adaptation is important.  相似文献   

Monocular deprivation (MD) during development leads to a dramatic loss of responsiveness through the deprived eye in primary visual cortical neurons, and to degraded spatial vision (amblyopia) in all species tested so far, including rodents. Such loss of responsiveness is accompanied since the beginning by a decreased excitatory drive from the thalamo-cortical inputs. However, in the thalamorecipient layer 4, inhibitory interneurons are initially unaffected by MD and their synapses onto pyramidal cells potentiate. It remains controversial whether ocular dominance plasticity similarly or differentially affects the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances driven by visual stimulation of the deprived eye and impinging onto visual cortical pyramids, after a saturating period of MD. To address this issue, we isolated visually-driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances by in vivo whole-cell recordings from layer 4 regular-spiking neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of juvenile rats. We found that a saturating period of MD comparably reduced visually–driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances driven by visual stimulation of the deprived eye. Also, the excitatory and inhibitory conductances underlying the synaptic responses driven by the ipsilateral, left open eye were similarly potentiated compared to controls. Multiunit recordings in layer 4 followed by spike sorting indicated that the suprathreshold loss of responsiveness and the MD-driven ocular preference shifts were similar for narrow spiking, putative inhibitory neurons and broad spiking, putative excitatory neurons. Thus, by the time the plastic response has reached a plateau, inhibitory circuits adjust to preserve the normal balance between excitation and inhibition in the cortical network of the main thalamorecipient layer.  相似文献   

Most simple neuron models are only able to model traditional spiking behavior. As physiologists discover and classify different electrical phenotypes, computational neuroscientists become interested in using simple phenomenological models that can exhibit these different types of spiking patterns. The Hindmarsh–Rose model is a three-dimensional relaxation oscillator which can show both spiking and bursting patterns and has a chaotic regime. We test the predictive powers of the Hindmarsh–Rose model on two different test databases. We show that the Hindmarsh–Rose model can predict the spiking response of rat layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons on a stochastic input signal with a precision comparable to the best known spiking models. We also show that the Hindmarsh–Rose model can capture qualitatively the electrical footprints in a database of different types of neocortical interneurons. When the model parameters are fit from sub-threshold measurements only, the model still captures well the electrical phenotype, which suggests that the sub-threshold signals contain information about the firing patterns of the different neurons.  相似文献   

The precise mapping of how complex patterns of synaptic inputs are integrated into specific patterns of spiking output is an essential step in the characterization of the cellular basis of network dynamics and function. Relative to other principal neurons of the hippocampus, the electrophysiology of CA1 pyramidal cells has been extensively investigated. Yet, the precise input-output relationship is to date unknown even for this neuronal class. CA1 pyramidal neurons receive laminated excitatory inputs from three distinct pathways: recurrent CA1 collaterals on basal dendrites, CA3 Schaffer collaterals, mostly on oblique and proximal apical dendrites, and entorhinal perforant pathway on distal apical dendrites. We implemented detailed computer simulations of pyramidal cell electrophysiology based on three-dimensional anatomical reconstructions and compartmental models of available biophysical properties from the experimental literature. To investigate the effect of synaptic input on axosomatic firing, we stochastically distributed a realistic number of excitatory synapses in each of the three dendritic layers. We then recorded the spiking response to different stimulation patterns. For all dendritic layers, synchronous stimuli resulted in trains of spiking output and a linear relationship between input and output firing frequencies. In contrast, asynchronous stimuli evoked non-bursting spike patterns and the corresponding firing frequency input-output function was logarithmic. The regular/irregular nature of the input synaptic intervals was only reflected in the regularity of output inter-burst intervals in response to synchronous stimulation, and never affected firing frequency. Synaptic stimulations in the basal and proximal apical trees across individual neuronal morphologies yielded remarkably similar input-output relationships. Results were also robust with respect to the detailed distributions of dendritic and synaptic conductances within a plausible range constrained by experimental evidence. In contrast, the input-output relationship in response to distal apical stimuli showed dramatic differences from the other dendritic locations as well as among neurons, and was more sensible to the exact channel densities. Action Editor: Alain Destexhe  相似文献   

Pugh JR  Raman IM 《Neuron》2006,51(1):113-123
Behavioral and computational studies predict that synaptic plasticity of excitatory mossy fiber inputs to cerebellar nuclear neurons is required for associative learning, but standard tetanization protocols fail to potentiate nuclear cell EPSCs in mouse cerebellar slices. Nuclear neurons fire action potentials spontaneously unless strongly inhibited by Purkinje neurons, raising the possibility that plasticity-triggering signals in these cells differ from those at classical Hebbian synapses. Based on predictions of neuronal activity during delay eyelid conditioning, we developed quasi-physiological induction protocols consisting of high-frequency mossy fiber stimulation and postsynaptic hyperpolarization. Robust, NMDA receptor-dependent potentiation of nuclear cell EPSCs occurred with protocols including a 150-250 ms hyperpolarization in which mossy fiber stimulation preceded a postinhibitory rebound depolarization. Mossy fiber stimulation potentiated EPSCs even when postsynaptic spiking was prevented by voltage-clamp, as long as rebound current was evoked. These data suggest that Purkinje cell inhibition guides the strengthening of excitatory synapses in the cerebellar nuclei.  相似文献   

Recent data indicate that plasticity protocols have not only synapse-specific but also more widespread effects. In particular, in synaptic tagging and capture (STC), tagged synapses can capture plasticity-related proteins, synthesized in response to strong stimulation of other synapses. This leads to long-lasting modification of only weakly stimulated synapses. Here we present a biophysical model of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus that incorporates several key results from experiments on STC. The model specifies a set of physical states in which a synapse can exist, together with transition rates that are affected by high- and low-frequency stimulation protocols. In contrast to most standard plasticity models, the model exhibits both early- and late-phase LTP/D, de-potentiation, and STC. As such, it provides a useful starting point for further theoretical work on the role of STC in learning and memory.  相似文献   

Although models based on independent component analysis (ICA) have been successful in explaining various properties of sensory coding in the cortex, it remains unclear how networks of spiking neurons using realistic plasticity rules can realize such computation. Here, we propose a biologically plausible mechanism for ICA-like learning with spiking neurons. Our model combines spike-timing dependent plasticity and synaptic scaling with an intrinsic plasticity rule that regulates neuronal excitability to maximize information transmission. We show that a stochastically spiking neuron learns one independent component for inputs encoded either as rates or using spike-spike correlations. Furthermore, different independent components can be recovered, when the activity of different neurons is decorrelated by adaptive lateral inhibition.  相似文献   

We develop a new computationally efficient approach for the analysis of complex large-scale neurobiological networks. Its key element is the use of a new phenomenological model of a neuron capable of replicating important spike pattern characteristics and designed in the form of a system of difference equations (a map). We developed a set of map-based models that replicate spiking activity of cortical fast spiking, regular spiking and intrinsically bursting neurons. Interconnected with synaptic currents these model neurons demonstrated responses very similar to those found with Hodgkin-Huxley models and in experiments. We illustrate the efficacy of this approach in simulations of one- and two-dimensional cortical network models consisting of regular spiking neurons and fast spiking interneurons to model sleep and activated states of the thalamocortical system. Our study suggests that map-based models can be widely used for large-scale simulations and that such models are especially useful for tasks where the modeling of specific firing patterns of different cell classes is important.  相似文献   

Capturing the response behavior of spiking neuron models with rate-based models facilitates the investigation of neuronal networks using powerful methods for rate-based network dynamics. To this end, we investigate the responses of two widely used neuron model types, the Izhikevich and augmented multi-adapative threshold (AMAT) models, to a range of spiking inputs ranging from step responses to natural spike data. We find (i) that linear-nonlinear firing rate models fitted to test data can be used to describe the firing-rate responses of AMAT and Izhikevich spiking neuron models in many cases; (ii) that firing-rate responses are generally too complex to be captured by first-order low-pass filters but require bandpass filters instead; (iii) that linear-nonlinear models capture the response of AMAT models better than of Izhikevich models; (iv) that the wide range of response types evoked by current-injection experiments collapses to few response types when neurons are driven by stationary or sinusoidally modulated Poisson input; and (v) that AMAT and Izhikevich models show different responses to spike input despite identical responses to current injections. Together, these findings suggest that rate-based models of network dynamics may capture a wider range of neuronal response properties by incorporating second-order bandpass filters fitted to responses of spiking model neurons. These models may contribute to bringing rate-based network modeling closer to the reality of biological neuronal networks.  相似文献   

For simulations of large spiking neuron networks, an accurate, simple and versatile single-neuron modeling framework is required. Here we explore the versatility of a simple two-equation model: the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron. We show that this model generates multiple firing patterns depending on the choice of parameter values, and present a phase diagram describing the transition from one firing type to another. We give an analytical criterion to distinguish between continuous adaption, initial bursting, regular bursting and two types of tonic spiking. Also, we report that the deterministic model is capable of producing irregular spiking when stimulated with constant current, indicating low-dimensional chaos. Lastly, the simple model is fitted to real experiments of cortical neurons under step current stimulation. The results provide support for the suitability of simple models such as the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron for large network simulations.  相似文献   

Randomly-connected networks of integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons are known to display asynchronous irregular (AI) activity states, which resemble the discharge activity recorded in the cerebral cortex of awake animals. However, it is not clear whether such activity states are specific to simple IF models, or if they also exist in networks where neurons are endowed with complex intrinsic properties similar to electrophysiological measurements. Here, we investigate the occurrence of AI states in networks of nonlinear IF neurons, such as the adaptive exponential IF (Brette-Gerstner-Izhikevich) model. This model can display intrinsic properties such as low-threshold spike (LTS), regular spiking (RS) or fast-spiking (FS). We successively investigate the oscillatory and AI dynamics of thalamic, cortical and thalamocortical networks using such models. AI states can be found in each case, sometimes with surprisingly small network size of the order of a few tens of neurons. We show that the presence of LTS neurons in cortex or in thalamus, explains the robust emergence of AI states for relatively small network sizes. Finally, we investigate the role of spike-frequency adaptation (SFA). In cortical networks with strong SFA in RS cells, the AI state is transient, but when SFA is reduced, AI states can be self-sustained for long times. In thalamocortical networks, AI states are found when the cortex is itself in an AI state, but with strong SFA, the thalamocortical network displays Up and Down state transitions, similar to intracellular recordings during slow-wave sleep or anesthesia. Self-sustained Up and Down states could also be generated by two-layer cortical networks with LTS cells. These models suggest that intrinsic properties such as adaptation and low-threshold bursting activity are crucial for the genesis and control of AI states in thalamocortical networks.  相似文献   

The Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model is the basis for numerous neural models. There are two negative feedback processes in the HH model that regulate rhythmic spiking. The first is an outward current with an activation variable n that has an opposite influence to the excitatory inward current and therefore provides subtractive negative feedback. The other is the inactivation of an inward current with an inactivation variable h that reduces the amount of positive feedback and therefore provides divisive feedback. Rhythmic spiking can be obtained with either negative feedback process, so we ask what is gained by having two feedback processes. We also ask how the different negative feedback processes contribute to spiking. We show that having two negative feedback processes makes the HH model more robust to changes in applied currents and conductance densities than models that possess only one negative feedback variable. We also show that the contributions made by the subtractive and divisive feedback variables are not static, but depend on time scales and conductance values. In particular, they contribute differently to the dynamics in Type I versus Type II neurons.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) noninvasively interferes with human cortical function, and is widely used as an effective technique for probing causal links between neural activity and cognitive function. However, the physiological mechanisms underlying TMS-induced effects on neural activity remain unclear. We examined the mechanism by which TMS disrupts neural activity in a local circuit in early visual cortex using a computational model consisting of conductance-based spiking neurons with excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections. We found that single-pulse TMS suppressed spiking activity in a local circuit model, disrupting the population response. Spike suppression was observed when TMS was applied to the local circuit within a limited time window after the local circuit received sensory afferent input, as observed in experiments investigating suppression of visual perception with TMS targeting early visual cortex. Quantitative analyses revealed that the magnitude of suppression was significantly larger for synaptically-connected neurons than for isolated individual neurons, suggesting that intracortical inhibitory synaptic coupling also plays an important role in TMS-induced suppression. A conventional local circuit model of early visual cortex explained only the early period of visual suppression observed in experiments. However, models either involving strong recurrent excitatory synaptic connections or sustained excitatory input were able to reproduce the late period of visual suppression. These results suggest that TMS targeting early visual cortex disrupts functionally distinct neural signals, possibly corresponding to feedforward and recurrent information processing, by imposing inhibitory effects through intracortical inhibitory synaptic connections.  相似文献   

Intrinsic neuronal and circuit properties control the responses of large ensembles of neurons by creating spatiotemporal patterns of activity that are used for sensory processing, memory formation, and other cognitive tasks. The modeling of such systems requires computationally efficient single-neuron models capable of displaying realistic response properties. We developed a set of reduced models based on difference equations (map-based models) to simulate the intrinsic dynamics of biological neurons. These phenomenological models were designed to capture the main response properties of specific types of neurons while ensuring realistic model behavior across a sufficient dynamic range of inputs. This approach allows for fast simulations and efficient parameter space analysis of networks containing hundreds of thousands of neurons of different types using a conventional workstation. Drawing on results obtained using large-scale networks of map-based neurons, we discuss spatiotemporal cortical network dynamics as a function of parameters that affect synaptic interactions and intrinsic states of the neurons.  相似文献   

Yu J  Ferster D 《Neuron》2010,68(6):1187-1201
When the primary visual cortex (V1) is activated by sensory stimulation, what is the temporal correlation between the synaptic inputs to nearby neurons? This question underlies the origin of correlated activity, the mechanism of how visually evoked activity emerges and propagates in cortical circuits, and the relationship between spontaneous and evoked activity. Here, we have recorded membrane potential from pairs of V1 neurons in anesthetized cats and found that visual stimulation suppressed low-frequency membrane potential synchrony (0-10 Hz), and often increased synchrony at high frequencies (20-80 Hz). The increase in high-frequency synchrony occurred for neurons with similar orientation preferences and for neurons with different orientation preferences and occurred for a wide range of stimulus orientations. Thus, while only a subset of neurons spike in response to visual stimulation, a far larger proportion of the circuit is correlated with spiking activity through subthreshold, high-frequency synchronous activity that crosses functional domains.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), with blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, is a widely used technique for studying the human brain. However, it is an indirect measure of underlying neuronal activity and the processes that link this activity to BOLD signals are still a topic of much debate. In order to relate findings from fMRI research to other measures of neuronal activity it is vital to understand the underlying neurovascular coupling mechanism. Currently, there is no consensus on the relative roles of synaptic and spiking activity in the generation of the BOLD response. Here we designed a modelling framework to investigate different neurovascular coupling mechanisms. We use Electroencephalographic (EEG) and fMRI data from a visual stimulation task together with biophysically informed mathematical models describing how neuronal activity generates the BOLD signals. These models allow us to non-invasively infer the degree of local synaptic and spiking activity in the healthy human brain. In addition, we use Bayesian model comparison to decide between neurovascular coupling mechanisms. We show that the BOLD signal is dependent upon both the synaptic and spiking activity but that the relative contributions of these two inputs are dependent upon the underlying neuronal firing rate. When the underlying neuronal firing is low then the BOLD response is best explained by synaptic activity. However, when the neuronal firing rate is high then both synaptic and spiking activity are required to explain the BOLD signal.  相似文献   

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) has been observed in many brain areas such as sensory cortices, where it is hypothesized to structure synaptic connections between neurons. Previous studies have demonstrated how STDP can capture spiking information at short timescales using specific input configurations, such as coincident spiking, spike patterns and oscillatory spike trains. However, the corresponding computation in the case of arbitrary input signals is still unclear. This paper provides an overarching picture of the algorithm inherent to STDP, tying together many previous results for commonly used models of pairwise STDP. For a single neuron with plastic excitatory synapses, we show how STDP performs a spectral analysis on the temporal cross-correlograms between its afferent spike trains. The postsynaptic responses and STDP learning window determine kernel functions that specify how the neuron "sees" the input correlations. We thus denote this unsupervised learning scheme as 'kernel spectral component analysis' (kSCA). In particular, the whole input correlation structure must be considered since all plastic synapses compete with each other. We find that kSCA is enhanced when weight-dependent STDP induces gradual synaptic competition. For a spiking neuron with a "linear" response and pairwise STDP alone, we find that kSCA resembles principal component analysis (PCA). However, plain STDP does not isolate correlation sources in general, e.g., when they are mixed among the input spike trains. In other words, it does not perform independent component analysis (ICA). Tuning the neuron to a single correlation source can be achieved when STDP is paired with a homeostatic mechanism that reinforces the competition between synaptic inputs. Our results suggest that neuronal networks equipped with STDP can process signals encoded in the transient spiking activity at the timescales of tens of milliseconds for usual STDP.  相似文献   

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