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根据笔竹生长特性,用1年生竹、2年生竹、3年生竹和4年生竹的离体叶片作为食料,研究食用对竹爪螨(Schizoterranchus bambusae Peck)生长发育及繁殖的影响。试验结果表明,该螨各螨态的发育历期在4种食料组间存在显著差异或极显著差异,其中幼螨至成螨历期(雌螨)分别为5.00、5.10、6.31和5.03d;取食3年生竹叶片时,幼螨-成螨的存活率、单雌平均产卵量显著小于其余3组,分别为70.81%和14.71粒/雌。试验进一步研究了不同受害程度的毛竹叶片对竹裂爪生长发育及繁裂的影响,结果表明该螨各螨态的发育历期、雌成螨的寿命及敏殖力都因叶片的受害和蔼不同而存在显著差异或极显著差异,这表明了该螨种群在发展过程中,因对叶片的取食危害,通过对自身营养条件的恶化而存在着较强的负反馈作用。 相似文献
天敌竹盲走螨在纯竹林中种群数量锐减的原因研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本项研究针对我国南方毛竹林,近年害螨突发性成灾的现象,进行调查与研究,结果表明:纯竹林害螨总量平均高于混交林289.28%,混交林天敌竹盲走螨(Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara)总量平均高于纯竹林263.56%;混交林益、害螨比例为1:13,而纯竹林益、害螨比例是1:118。研究表明纯竹林地面垦复、劈草,使得以芒草为生的芒草裂爪螨(Schizotetranychus mistanthi Saito)种群数量急剧下降,导致乡土优势种竹盲走螨缺乏中间食物,难以维持种群。在毛竹——芒草混生的毛竹林(含其它树种)由于毛竹上害螨和林下芒草裂爪螨受到共同天敌——竹盲走螨的控制维持着稳定的益、害种群数量,虽然有害螨,但不成灾,在纯竹林由于地面垦复、劈草破坏原有已形成的生物链,导致毛竹害螨失去天敌控制而突发性成灾,证明纯竹林中天敌锐减是导致毛竹害螨暴发成灾的重要因素。 相似文献
对危害毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)和慈竹(Neosinocalamus affinis)的竹裂爪螨(Schizotetranychus bambusae)两个种群进行相互间的食性选择和生殖隔离试验.结果表明,由于两种竹子叶片在物理结构上差异较大。尤其是慈竹叶片背面具有成排细茸毛,导致竹裂爪螨毛竹种群不能在慈竹叶上完成世代发育;竹裂爪螨慈竹种群能取食,危害毛竹叶片,但由于寄主转换后,对其生长发育不利,导致存活率低,繁殖力弱.两种群取食各自嗜食的寄主植物时,基本生物学特性存在差异,27℃条件下,当毛竹种群以毛竹为食时,种群的内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)、净增殖率(Ro)分别为0.1415、1.1520和15.6298;慈竹种群以慈竹为食时,rm、λ、Ro分别为0.0993、1.1044、10.0622;慈竹种群取食毛竹叶片时,rm、λ、Ro分别为0.0391、1.0399和2.5542.生殖隔离试验表明,两种群间能互相正常交配,且互相交配的时间与两种群自交时的交配时间(1次)差异不明显.同一种群交配产生的后代,其性比均在2:1左右,而不同种群杂交产生的后代全部为雄性(竹裂爪螨为孤雌产雄),这表明两种群在长期的寄主植物选择压力下已形成一定的生殖隔现象. 相似文献
通过比较毛竹林受密竹链蚧不同程度危害后叶片中叶绿素、总糖、还原糖、蛋白质含量及含水量的差异,结果表明,毛竹受密竹链蚧危害后毛竹叶片生理生化指标与正常叶片存在显差异。 相似文献
模拟酸雨对朱砂叶螨寄主植物三月早茄生理生化的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以朱砂叶螨的寄主植物三月早茄为对象,研究了不同pH值和不同时间模拟酸雨胁迫下,茄子对酸雨的抵抗、适应能力和营养物质含量变化.结果表明,随酸雨酸度增强,茄叶的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、磷和可溶性蛋白含量呈单峰变化趋势;而过氧化物酶(POD)活性、可溶性糖含量呈单谷变化趋势;还原糖含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性随酸度增加呈上升趋势;茄叶pH值呈下降趋势,含水量不受酸雨影响.POD对酸雨作用反应迟缓,而SOD、CAT较敏感,其他几项生理指标则对酸雨作用时间反应灵敏.高pH(4.0~5.6)的酸雨刺激茄叶的保护能力增强,促进茄叶的生长发育.由于茄叶内糖含量、磷及可溶性蛋白含量的改变,植物的适口性有所变化,可促进叶螨生长,而在强酸性酸雨(pH<3.0)胁迫下,植物的生长受到抑制,营养物质含量降低,抑制朱砂叶螨的生长. 相似文献
【背景】自20世纪50年代三裂叶豚草传入我国以来,迅速蔓延,已给我国农业生产、生态环境、人民健康造成巨大威胁。近年来发现的豚草锈菌对三裂叶豚草有一定的致病性,具备生物防治潜力。【方法】本文利用植物生理学技术研究了豚草锈菌对三裂叶豚草叶片生理生化特性的影响。【结果】锈菌侵染后,三裂叶豚草叶片的相对电导率随病级的增高和侵染时间的延长而上升,说明锈菌破坏了豚草叶片的细胞膜,导致其电解质外渗。同时,发病初期叶片内的丙二醛(MDA)与超氧自由基(O2.-)含量逐渐上升;当发病程度为3级时,O2.-含量达到最高;4级时,MDA含量达到最高。此外,锈菌侵染后,三裂叶豚草叶片抗坏血酸(AsA)含量持续上升,而脯氨酸(Pro)含量在发病后期下降,说明在三裂叶豚草与锈菌互作时,AsA含量虽然增加,但抗性并不明显,而Pro可能具有更为重要的作用。【结论与意义】豚草锈菌的侵入干扰了三裂叶豚草的生理生化反应,这将为深入研究豚草锈菌的致病机理、发挥其生物防治潜力奠定基础。 相似文献
念珠藻葛仙米生理生化特性对不同低温胁迫的响应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了不同培养温度下对念珠藻葛仙米的生长和相关生理生化特性的变化.结果表明,低温抑制葛仙米的生长,在2℃~5℃低温下其生长甚至完全停止;在10℃低温胁迫下,其生长延滞期变长,其后仍能保持正常生长.低温胁迫下,葛仙米光合系统II(PSII)的光合效率(Fv/Fm)的变化趋势与生长曲线相似;细胞电解质渗透率在低温胁迫初期尚能保持比较低的水平,但随着时间延长而升高;可溶性糖和还原性糖含量的变化则随胁迫加剧有不同程度升高.可溶性蛋白含量则在低温下保持比较低的水平.这些结果表明,低温对葛仙米的生长和光合作用具有抑制作用,但葛仙米也表现出了一定的抵抗低温胁迫的能力,并通过调节细胞膜的渗透性、重新合成低温适应调节物质(如总糖和可溶性糖等)来减少低温伤害,从而适应低温胁迫. 相似文献
采用疏伐和施药肥、施肥营林技术措施防治南京裂爪螨试验表明,当立竹度从3150根/hm^2疏伐到2700根/hm^2时,丝巢密度下降了25.0%,重度受害株下降了60.9%。施药肥5个月防治效果达到83.1%和92.2%,施肥达49.2%。施药肥、施肥后翌年毛竹产量大大提高,新竹产量分别提高33.5%和26.8%,春笋产量分别提高103.0%和118.2%,产值分别增加1,457元/hm^2和1,256元/hm^2,投入产出比为1:2。疏伐后施药肥效益更显,投入产出比为1:5。 相似文献
Hochachka PW 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology》2000,126(4):435-458
Starting even before the end of World War II, the discipline of comparative physiology and biochemistry experienced a period of unprecedented growth and development that pioneers in this field thought would never end. However, by the mid-1970s many of the major mechanistic problems in the field were pretty well understood in principle, and by the mid-1980s workers in the field widely recognized that the discipline was at the point of diminishing returns. One response to this was disillusionment, which turned out to be premature because the field was already absorbing molecular biology tools which has now caused a kind of renaissance in mechanistic physiology studies. The second major response to the sense of disillusionment led to a search for new approaches, and out of this endeavor the newly rejuvenated field of evolutionary physiology arose, and this research area too is now in a growth phase. These general patterns of growth and development in our discipline as a whole are particularly clearly evident in the field of aquatic mammals and birds. Between the 1930s and the 1970s, studies of diving physiology and biochemistry made great progress in mechanistically explaining the basic diving response of aquatic mammals and birds. Key components of the diving response (apnea, bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, redistribution of cardiac output) were found in essentially all species analyzed and were generally taken to be biological adaptations. By the mid-1970s, this approach to unraveling the diving response had run 'out of steam' and was in conceptual stasis. The breakthrough which gave renewal to the field at this time was the development of microprocessor based monitoring of diving animals in their natural environments, which led to a flurry of studies mostly confirming the essential outlines of the diving response based upon laboratory studies and firmly placing it into a proper biological context, underlining its plasticity and species specificities. Now as we begin a new millenium, despite ever more detailed field monitoring of physiology, behavior and ecology, studies aimed at improving understanding of physiological mechanisms in diving are again approaching a point of diminishing returns. To avoid another conceptual stasis, what seems required are new initiatives which may arise from two differing approaches. The first is purely experimental, relying on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) to expand the framework of the original 'diving response' concept. The second, evolutionary study of the diving response, is synthetic, linked to both field and laboratory studies. To date the evolution of the diving response has only been analyzed in pinnipeds and from these studies two kinds of patterns have emerged. (1) Some physiological and biochemical characters, required and used in diving animals, are highly conserved not only in pinnipeds but in all vertebrates; these traits are necessarily similar in all pinnipeds and include diving apnea, bradycardia, tissue specific hypoperfusion, and hypometabolism of hypoperfused tissues. (2) Another group of functionally linked characters are more malleable and include (i) spleen mass, (ii) blood volume, and (iii) hemoglobin (Hb) pool size. Increases in any of these traits (or in a morphological character, body size) improve diving capacity. Assuming that conserved physiological function means conserved sequences in specific genes and their products (and that evolving function requires changes in such sequences), it is possible to rationalize both the above trait categories in pinniped phylogeny. However, it is more difficult for molecular evolution theory to explain how complex regulatory systems like those involved in bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction remain the same through phylogenetic time than it is to explain physiological change driven by directional natural selection. 相似文献
近三年来国内昆虫生理生化与分子生物学重要研究进展评述 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
作者收集了近3年来国内科学家在国际刊物上发表的重要论文,对这些工作给予了简要的介绍和评论。最近两年我国的昆虫生理生化与分子生物学研究和过去相比,取得了长足的进步,特别在基因测序(基因组、表达序列标签)、基因组的分子标记和利用基因组序列开展相关研究等方面进步尤为显著。但是和国际水平相比差距依然很大,如在克隆新的、重要的基因方面远远落后,鉴定基因的功能方面比较薄弱等。通过比较,既看到了该领域国内工作取得的成绩,也清楚地看到和国际一流水平相比存在的巨大差距,期待我国科学家鼓足勇气,凝炼目标和方向,在今后的研究中取得更新、更大的进步。 相似文献
本文对毛竹害螨优势种竹裂爪螨Schizotetranychus bambusae Reck自然种群在主要发生季节的消长情况进行了调查。结果表明,竹裂爪螨在林间发生的高峰期为5—6月份。发生的严重度与林份条件有密切关系,在土壤瘠薄、林相较差的林区发生重;海拔较高、人为干扰度大的林区的发生重且高峰有所延后。竹裂爪螨在林间不同年龄竹株上存在转移危害,即4—5月,3年生竹上(当年不换叶)的有螨叶率与平均每叶螨量大于2年生竹;5月下旬以后,2年生竹换叶完成、新竹开始上林,竹裂爪螨逐渐转移到新叶上为害,使得在1年生竹、2年生竹上的发生量逐渐超过3年生竹上的发生量。通过对5、6月发生高峰期的空间格局研究表明,竹裂爪螨在毛竹林间呈聚集分布,且密度越高,聚集度越大。利用Iwao的m-m回归分析表明,竹裂爪螨是以个体群的方式存在。从空间格局的动态规律上看,5月份的聚集度大于6月份的聚集度,其中5、6月份的m'-m回归式分别为:m=2.265 2.342m(R=0.853,5月份)、m=1.612 2.171m(R=0.952,6月份)。 相似文献
Effects of the Nest Web and Female Attendance on Survival of Young in the Subsocial Spider Mite Schizotetranychus Longus (Acari: Tetranychidae) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The subsocial spider mite Schizotetranychus longus lives gregariously in woven nests on leaves of Sasa bamboo. Adults of both sexes defend their young against the predatory mite Typhlodromus bambusae. The effects of web and female attendance of this species on offspring survival were evaluated in a natural forest. Experimental removal of web and females revealed that S. longus young suffered greater mortality than in the control. Furthermore, the web made by parent females had a positive effect on offspring survival, possibly through preventing predators from intruding into the nest. Attendance of a female in a nest also had an effect on improving the survival rate of her offspring over a short period. We could not detect any function of the web and female other than protection against predators at least for the 5 day period of the experiment. The nest web of S. longus has an important function in the survival of young by preventing the entry of pedestrian predators (generalist) and females may play a role in defending against specialized predators which can intrude into the nests. 相似文献
P. B. Grover D. R. Ross R. H. Shukle 《Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology》1988,7(1):59-69
Several carbohydrases and glycosidases from the alimentary cancal and/or salivary glands of feeding larvae of mayetiola destructor have been identified. Pectinase activity was identified in the midgut and may be present in the salivary glands. No endocellulase activity was found in larvae; however, hemicellulase activity was detected in extract of larvae. Amylase activity was present in midguts from feeding larvae and at a low level in extract of salivary glands. Amylases detected in the midgut showed mobilities during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis similar to the two major amylases in tissues of the insect's host plant. The possibility exists that Hessian fly larvae utilize amylases obtained from their host plant in the digestion of starch. The major glycosidases detected in the midgut lumen of larve were: α-D-glucosidase and α-D-and β-D-galactosidase. The role of these enzymes in the feeding process of Hessian fly larvae is discussed as well as their potential role in feeding damage to wheat. 相似文献