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The heavy metal Cd has recently been shown to have endocrine disrupting activity in different vertebrate species. In the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus, Cd exposure delays ovarian maturation and inhibits vitellogenesis, probably through a reduction in vitellogenin (Vg) polypeptide synthesis. An O. fasciatus strain was selected in the laboratory for Cd resistance with gradually increasing Cd concentrations for 50 generations. Cd-selected (OCdR) insects were 2.7-2.3 times more resistant to chronic exposure to Cd than susceptible (OS) insects. OCdR females showed increased (up to 90%) Vg polypeptide levels in hemolymph. Vg polypeptide synthesis was equally decreased in OCdR and OS females after acute Cd exposure, indicating that resistance in the OCdR strain was not due to a reduced sensitivity of the target of Cd. Vg polypeptide concentrations and ovarian maturation in acutely exposed OCdR females, however, were equal to those of control OS females. OCdR females chronically exposed to Cd showed a 30% decrease in Vg polypeptide concentrations, relative to control OS females. It is concluded that increased Vg polypeptide levels play an important role in resistance to the toxic effects of Cd on reproduction in the OCdR strain, and that this novel Cd resistance mechanism has the potential to evolve in vertebrate species in which Cd inhibits Vg synthesis by disruption of the endocrine system.  相似文献   

Newly hatched nymphs of the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus were exposed to various concentrations of CdCl2 administered in drinking water until the end of adult life. Significant nymphal mortalities were observed at concentrations above 30 mg Cd/l (corresponding to the LC50). The duration of the nymphal stages increased in proportion to the Cd concentration; at the lowest Cd concentration of 10 mg Cd/l, the median duration was significantly prolonged by one day, while at the highest concentration of 100 mg Cd/l it was increased by 10 days over the control group. The weight of newly emerged adults lineally decreased with Cd concentration, being reduced to half the weight of controls at 100 mg Cd/l. In addition, a proportionality between delay in development and weight reduction was found in Cd-treated adults. Survival of adult females was decreased at concentrations higher than 10 mg Cd/l, while males were only affected at 30 mg Cd/l or higher doses. Reproduction was the most affected parameter. Oviposition rate, fecundity and fertility of females exposed to 10 mg Cd/l were significantly lower than controls (73%, 58% and 55% relative to controls, respectively). Hatchability of the eggs laid by treated females was also reduced. These results show that development and reproduction of O. fasciatus are seriously impaired at sublethal Cd concentrations.  相似文献   

While investigating the distribution of Leptomonas wallacei in the intestine of the insect host Oncopeltus fasciatus, promastigotes and cyst-like forms of L. wallacei were observed only in the midgut ventricles V(3) and V(4) and the hindgut. In video-microscopy, once contact had occurred, the parasites remained attached to the midgut epithelium. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the adhesion of flagellates and cyst-like forms to the midgut wall and to the rectal pads of the hindgut. Using transmission electron microscopy, we observed that adhesion occurred mainly between the flagellum and the perimicrovillar membranes secreted by the midgut epithelium. No modifications were observed either in the parasite or in the epithelial cells. In the hindgut, adhesion to the superficial wax layer of the epithelial cells of the rectal pads was via flagellum. Host cell morphology appeared unaffected by L. wallacei.  相似文献   

Summary The hemocytes of Oncopeltus differentiate rather early during embryogenesis. They are segregated by the mesoderm soon after its formation (about 50h after egg deposition). Newly segregated hemocytes show the typical features of embryonic cells: many free ribosomes, a few strands of rough ER, the cisternae of which are considerably distended, electron lucent vacuoles around the periphery, and glycogen deposits. A few hours thereafter the hemocytes undergo striking subcellular changes. First, glycogen, electron lucent vacuoles and rough ER disappear and phagocytotic activity can be observed. Golgi complexes become well expressed and give rise to electron dense vesicles which fuse to larger bodies. Then, rough ER develops again and occupies large areas of the cytoplasm. Its cisternae are often considerably distended by proteinaceous secretions. All hemocytes undergo the same steps of differentiation.Embryonic hemocytes obviously play a decisive role in the elimination of waste products, in particular of tissue debris that results from programmed cellular death. The significance of the conspicuous protein secretions is not fully understood. They may participate in the deposition of the acellular connective tissue, or may have some of the other functions ascribed to insect blood cells.Larvae and imagines of Oncopeltus have four types of hemocytes, which agree rather well with those found in Rhodnius (Lai-Fook, 1970). All embryonic hemocytes, aside from the newly segregated ones, represent plasmatocytes but, unlike plasmatocytes of postembryonic stages, they contain no large inclusion bodies. Newly segregated embryonic hemocytes, in addition to their typical embryonic features, have some similarities with larval and adult prohemocytes. Oenocytoids and granulocytophagous cells are absent in the embryo. Some aspects concerning the differentiation and classification of hemocytes are discussed.Supported by research grant Do 163 from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftThe author is grateful to Ms. K. Schmidtke and Ms. M. Ullmann for technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary 1. The ultrastructure of the corpora allata of last larval instars and adults of Oncopeltus was studied. The unpaired gland undergoes submicroscopic alterations and shows signs of degradation in old animals. The organ is partly covered and penetrated by corpus cardiacum tissue. Axons with different types of neurosecretory granules form synaptoid contacts with the corpus allatum cells.2. Dark and light gland cells can be differentiated on account of the degree of electron density. The former predominate during the last larval stage and in the young imago, the latter in mature males and females. It is highly probable that the light cells are the active (i.e. hormone producing) ones and the dark cells the inactive ones.3. The active cells are characterized by rough endoplasmatic reticulum (often in whorls), small amounts of smooth endoplasmatic reticulum and many multivesicular bodies. Abundant free ribosomes, a not particularly well developed Golgi apparatus, dense bodies, and cytolysomes are present in active and inactive cells.4. The nuclei contain one to four prominent and variously shaped nucleoli, which show differences between adult males and females with respect to their location in the nucleus.5. The corpus allatum cells of Oncopeltus are obviously engaged in extensive protein synthesis. Tangible structural indications for the manufacture of juvenile hormone were not observed. Possible sites of hormone release are discussed.This study was made possible by a fellowship and grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and was supported by research grants, administered by Prof. Scharrer, from the U.S.P.H. Service (NB-05219; NB-00840 and NS-07512). Present address of author: Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, D-6500 Mainz, Saarstraße 21, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.I am indebted to Prof. Scharrer for guidance and criticism. I also wish to express my appreciation to Mrs. S. Wurzelmann and Mr. S. Brown for their excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

田晓轩  谢强  卜文俊 《昆虫学报》2011,54(4):390-396
针对非完全变态类昆虫发育关键基因的研究相对匮乏, 尤其缺少Hox基因家族的基因结构和序列信息。为了研究Hox基因家族成员之一的Ubx基因在非完全变态类昆虫中的结构特点, 本实验选取乳草长蝽Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas, 1852)为代表, 应用RACE和RT-PCR技术, 对其Ubx基因的全长开放阅读框进行克隆。结果显示: 乳草长蝽Ubx基因(Of-Ubx)开放阅读框全长888 bp, 推测的完整蛋白含有295个氨基酸。Southern blot证实Ubx基因以单拷贝形式存在且含有内含子。在Of-Ubx的YPWM基序和同源异型结构域之间存在选择性剪接位点, 可产生3种不同转录本。分析以上实验结果, 发现乳草长蝽与黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen, 1830)的Ubx基因拥有相似的剪接位置、剪接体组合和边界序列, 提示它们很可能具有相似的剪接机理。这是Ubx基因的多转录本现象在昆虫纲中果蝇属以外类群中的首次详尽报道。

The conservation of expression of appendage patterning genes, particularly Distal-less, has been shown in a wide taxonomic sampling of animals. However, the functional significance of this expression has been tested in only a few organisms. Here we report functional analyses of orthologues of the genes Distal-less, dachshund, and homothorax in the appendages of the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hemiptera). This hemimetabolous insect has typical legs but highly derived mouthparts. Distal-less, dachshund, and homothorax are conserved in their individual expression patterns and functions in the legs of Oncopeltus, but their functions in other appendages are in some cases divergent. We find that specification of antennal identity does not require wild-type Distal-less activity in Oncopeltus as it does in Drosophila. Additionally, the mouthparts of Oncopeltus show novel patterns of gene expression and function, relative to other insects. Expression of Distal-less in the maxillary stylets of Oncopeltus does not seem necessary for proper development of this appendage, while dachshund and homothorax are crucial for formation of the mandibular and maxillary stylets. These data are used to evaluate hypotheses for the evolution of hemipteran mouthparts and the evolution of developmental mechanisms in insect appendages in general.  相似文献   

Specification of the proximal-distal (PD) axis of insect appendages is best understood in Drosophila melanogaster, where conserved signaling molecules encoded by the genes decapentaplegic (dpp) and wingless (wg) play key roles. However, the development of appendages from imaginal discs as in Drosophila is a derived state, while more basal insects produce appendages from embryonic limb buds. Therefore, the universality of the Drosophila limb PD axis specification mechanism has been debated since dpp expression in more basal insect species differs dramatically from Drosophila. Here, we test the function of Wnt signaling in the development of the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus, a species with the basal state of appendage development from limb buds. RNA interference of wg and pangolin (pan) produce defects in the germband and eyes, but not in the appendages. Distal-less and dachshund, two genes regulated by Wg signaling in Drosophila and expressed in specific PD domains along the limbs of both species, are expressed normally in the limbs of pan-depleted Oncopeltus embryos. Despite these apparently paradoxical results, Armadillo protein, the transducer of Wnt signaling, does not accumulate properly in the nuclei of cells in the legs of pan-depleted embryos. In contrast, engrailed RNAi in Oncopeltus produces cuticular and appendage defects similar to Drosophila. Therefore, our data suggest that Wg signaling is functionally conserved in the development of the germband, while it is not essential in the specification of the limb PD axis in Oncopeltus and perhaps basal insects.  相似文献   

Summary The host selection of O. fasciatus is based on typical glycosides sequestered from the Asclepiadaceae. Neither the genins — characterised as 15-oxasteroids — nor the sugars are phagostimulants. After the passage through the insect the glycosides exhibit their biological activity furtheron.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im Rahmen einer Herrn Prof. Kloft gewährten Sachbeihilfe.  相似文献   

Unlike most Hox cluster genes, with their canonical role in anterior-posterior patterning of the embryo, the Hox3 orthologue of insects has diverged. Here, we investigate the zen orthologue in Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hemiptera:Heteroptera). As in other insects, the Of-zen gene is expressed extraembryonically, and RNA interference (RNAi) experiments demonstrate that it is functionally required in this domain for the proper occurrence of katatrepsis, the phase of embryonic movements by which the embryo emerges from the yolk and adjusts its orientation within the egg. After RNAi knockdown of Of-zen, katatrepsis does not occur, causing embryos to complete development inside out. However, not all aspects of expression and function are conserved compared to grasshopper, beetle, and fly orthologues. Of-zen is not expressed in the extraembryonic tissue until relatively late, suggesting it is not involved in tissue specification. Within the extraembryonic domain, Of-zen is expressed in the outer serosal membrane, but unlike orthologues, it is not detectable in the inner extraembryonic membrane, the amnion. Thus, the role of zen in the interaction of serosa, amnion, and embryo may differ between species. Of-zen is also expressed in the blastoderm, although this early expression shows no apparent correlation with defects seen by RNAi knockdown.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The hypothesis that the small size of nonmigratory milkweed bugs from Puerto Rico (relative to large migratory bugs from Iowa) might be an adaptation to low food levels was tested with bugs selected for large and small size as the consequence of positive genetic correlation between body size and wing length. The test involved examining reaction norms of life history traits to different food levels.
2. When nymphs were reared on 3 milkweed seeds per nymph from hatch to adult eclosion, large bugs were adversely affected with only 50% and 60% in each of two replicates reaching adulthood. Control (unselected) and small bugs, however, were unaffected at this food level. None of the lines was affected at levels of 6 and 12 seeds per nymph.
3. When adults were reared from eclosion on 12, 18 or 24 milkweed seeds per bug, large bugs were adversely affected relative to control and small bugs at all three food levels. At each food level fewer large bugs produced eggs than either small or control bugs which did not differ.
4. The evidence from the food level reaction norms suggests that larger bugs will be selected against during periods of food shortage of the sort likely to occur in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Leptomonas wallacei is a monoxenic trypanosomatid that colonizes the digestive tract of the phytophagous hemipteran Oncopeltus fasciatus. This infection was specific and took place exclusively in midgut intestinal ventricles V3 and V4, and in the hindgut. Abundances of parasites in the hindgut were 54% less than those in the hindgut. Parasites in the hindgut were more slender and had a longer flagellum than those from the hindgut, which were rounded, with a shorter flagellum. Moreover, hindgut forms expressed sugar residues on the cell surface, recognized by the lectins from Griffonia simplicifolia-I (alpha-galactose, alpha-N-acetyl-galactosamine) and Helix pomatia (N-acetyl-galactosamine); those sugar residues were not present in protozoa from the midgut. In culture, parasites were morphologically similar to midgut forms, but differed from them because they did not express sugar residues that bind to lectin (beta-galactose(1-3) N-acetyl-galactosamine) from Arachis hypogaea.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Gao X  Qiu B 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(4):911-918
Phytochelatins (PCs) are known to play an essential role in the heavy metal detoxification of some higher plants and fungi by chelating heavy metals. However, three recent papers reported that no PCs could be detected in the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance upon cadmium, lead or zinc treatment, respectively. In this paper, PC synthesis was assayed again in the mine population of S. alfredii with the help of reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), HPLC-mass spectrometry, and HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Our data showed that PC formation could be induced in the leaf, stem and root tissues of S. alfredii upon exposure to 400 microM cadmium, and only in the stem and root when exposed to 700 microM lead. However, no PCs were found in any part of S. alfredii when it was subjected to exposure to 1600 microM zinc.  相似文献   

In this work, we evaluated the effects of cadmium (Cd) on the antioxidant defense system responses and the role of nitrate reductase (NR) in the redox balance maintenance in Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains. For that, B. japonicum USDA110 and its NR defective mutant strain (GRPA1) were used. Results showed that the addition of 10 μM Cd did not modify the aerobic growth of the wild type strain while the mutant strain was strongly affected. Anaerobic growth revealed that only the parental strain was able to grow under this condition. Cd reduced drastically the NR activity in B. japonicum USDA110 and increased lipid peroxide content in both strains. Cd decreased reduced glutathione (GSH)/oxidized glutathione (GSSG) ratio in B. japonicum USDA110 although, a significant increased was observed in the mutant GRPA1. GSH-related enzymes were induced by Cd, being more evident the increase in the mutant strain. This different behavior observed between strains suggests that NR enzyme plays an important role in the redox balance maintenance in B. japonicum USDA 110 exposed to Cd.  相似文献   

Hemimetabolous insects undergo an ancestral mode of development in which embryos hatch into first nymphs that resemble miniature adults. While recent studies have shown that homeotic (hox) genes establish segmental identity of first nymphs during embryogenesis, no information exists on the function of these genes during post-embryogenesis. To determine whether and to what degree hox genes influence the formation of adult morphologies, we performed a functional analysis of Sex combs reduced (Scr) during post-embryonic development in Oncopeltus fasciatus. The main effect was observed in prothorax of Scr-RNAi adults, and ranged from significant alterations in its size and shape to a near complete transformation of its posterior half toward a T2-like identity. Furthermore, while the consecutive application of Scr-RNAi at both of the final two post-embryonic stages (fourth and fifth) did result in formation of ectopic wings on T1, the individual applications at each of these stages did not. These experiments provide two new insights into evolution of wings. First, the role of Scr in wing repression appears to be conserved in both holo- and hemimetabolous insects. Second, the prolonged Scr-depletion (spanning at least two nymphal stages) is both necessary and sufficient to restart wing program. At the same time, other structures that were previously established during embryogenesis are either unaffected (T1 legs) or display only minor changes (labium) in adults. These observations reveal a temporal and spatial divergence of Scr roles during embryonic (main effect in labium) and post-embryonic (main effect in prothorax) development.  相似文献   

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