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To identify genetic factors underlying phosphorus (P) uptake and use efficiency under low-P stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), 84 selected genotypes (recombinant inbred lines) and their parents (which differed in tolerance for low-P stress) “IR20” and IR55178-3B-9-3, were cultured in liquid medium supplemented with adequate and low P levels in a greenhouse. Plants were sampled after 6 weeks in culture for measurements of plant dry weight, P concentration, P uptake and P use efficiency under both P sufficient and stress conditions. A total of 179 molecular markers, including 26 RFLPs and 153 AFLPs, mapped on all 12 chromosomes of rice based on the 84 selected genotypes were used to detect the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying tolerance for low-P stress. Three QTLs were detected on chromosomes 6, 7 and 12, respectively, for relative plant dry weight (RPDW) and relative P uptake (RPUP). One of the QTLs flanked by RG9 and RG241 on chromosome 12 had a major effect which explained about 50% of the variations in the two parameters across the population. The results coincided with the QTLs for low-P stress based on relative tillering ability from the same population from a cross between Nipponbare and Kasalath under soil condition. The identical major QTL for P uptake and plant growth under low-P stress in both liquid medium and soil strongly suggests that the ability of P uptake mainly controls rice tolerance for low-P stress.  相似文献   

猪的基因图谱及数量性状位点定位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在人类基因组计划的带动下,猪的遗传连锁图谱和细胞遗传学图谱有了较大的进步,利用目前猪基因组图谱的研究成果,通过基因组扫描法和候选基因法,可以对猪重要经济性状的主效基因位点进行区域定位,进而图位克隆,找到主效基因,为现代遗传育种奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

水稻外观品质的数量性状基因位点分析   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
利用由98个家系组成的Nipponbare(粳)/Kasalath(秒)∥Nipponbare回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines,BILs)群体(BC1F9)及其分子连锁图谱,采用复合区间作图的方法,在2个不同年份对粒长、粒宽、粒形、垩白率、垩白大小、垩白度和透明度等7个稻米外观品质性状的数量性状基因位点(Quantiative trait loci,QTL)进行了定位分析。共定位到33个四QTLs,单个性状QTL数目在4-7个之间,以垩白率最多,为7个;粒长和垩白大小次之,为5个;其他性状均为4个,表明该组合外观品质是由多基因控制的数量性状。单个QTL对性状变异解释率粒长为6.2%-15.2%,粒宽为8.3%-32.5%,长宽比为6.8%-19.8%,垩白率为6.4%-28.5%,垩白大小为6.1%-16.9%,垩白度为9.3%-17.2%,透明度为5.6%-25.2%.QTL在染色体上成集中分布的特点,第3染色体C1488-C563、第5染色体R830-R3166和R1436-R2289、第6染色体R2147-R2171均有3个以上的QTLs分布。比较2年的检测结果表明,外观品质性状的QTL定位都受环境影响,但不同性状受影响的程度差异很大。粒长和粒形的QTL定位受环境影响很小,垩白率、垩白大小和垩白度的QTL定位受环境影响很大。  相似文献   

利用相关性分析鉴定与水稻根部性状表达相关的分子标记   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
徐吉臣  邹亮星 《遗传学报》2002,29(3):245-249
84个水稻品种在营养液中生长,10天后测定每一品种的最大根长(Maximum Root Length,MRL)和根干重(Root Dry Weight,RDW)。选取其中有代表性的27个水稻品种,用扩增片段长度多态性(Amplified Fragment Length Polymor-phism,AFLP)技术进行基因组差异分析,通过计算差异带与性状表现间的相关系数,筛选与苗期水稻最大根长和根干重显著相关的分子标记,经过15对AFLP引物的筛选,有4对引物的7个片段的基因型表现与最大根长或(和)根干重显著相关,对其中的片段之一“T3P3f”进行克隆,测序后,设计特异PCR扩增引物“Z336”,进一步对84个水稻品种进行鉴定,统计分析后发现,Z2336与最大根长的相关系数为-0.193,相关性几近显著水平;与根干重的相关系数为-0.391,相关性达极显著水平,计算对根干重的差异解释率,可达15.3%,显示该标记与控制根干重性状表达的某个数量基因紧密连锁,它的存在对性状值的降低有显著的关系,进一步利用源于ZYQ8和JX17的加倍单倍体(double haploid,DH)分离群体进行基因定位,发现Z336位于水稻第11号染色体上,距离相邻的分子标记9.4cM。  相似文献   

唐国庆  李学伟 《遗传学报》2006,33(3):220-229
一种扩展的方法能够在多个世代对具有多个数量性状位点的多性状选择进行最优化。这种方法的基础是在目标雨数中用综合遗传值替代单个性状遗传值,并在整个规划期内最大化所有世代选择反应的加权和。利用多阶段系统优化控制理论,整个最优化问题通过一个向前和向后的迭代循环解决。用一个实际育种猪群的育种参数来评价该方法的选择效果,并和标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择进行比较。结果表明,优化选择要优于标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择。经济权重对优化选择的影响较明显,随着达100kg日龄赋予的经济权重的增加,优化选择的优势越明显。优化选择通过两种方式增加总选择反应:1)选择早期减少一部分QTL选择反应;2)对达100kgH龄给予更大的权重。选择后期优化累积贴现选择比优化终端选择给予达100kgH龄更大的权重。  相似文献   

利用微卫星进行奶牛数量性状基因位点定位的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用孙女设计法对德国奶牛的3个数量必状--产奶量、乳脂产量及乳蛋白产量进行了数量性状基因位点的定位研究。实验共有20个父系半同胞家系的1130头种公牛,共测定了30对染色体上的229个微卫星,表型性状的育种值由孙代母牛估计得到。连锁分析采用多重遗传标记回归法,临界F值由置换实验法计算得到。统计发现在某些染色体上存在着一些显著的QTL's区域,特别是14号染色体上某一区域对所有3个产奶性状都有极显著  相似文献   

在农作物中许多主要经济性状属由单个基因效应微小的多基因控制且易受环境影响的数量性状。多年来对这类性状的遗传研究主要采用数量遗传学方法,通过适当的试验设计和统计模型估算出乎均数、方差、协方差、遗传力、配 合力、遗传距离,基因加性效应显性效应上位性效应等遗传参数,用这些参数描述群体的遗传特征,对育种研究起到了一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

吴平  罗安程 《遗传学报》1996,23(6):431-438
在氮素限制供应条件下,灿稻品种IR42与广亲合粳稻品种Palawan剑叶及下位叶的平均叶绿素含量差异显著,叶绿素含量在Palawan/IR42杂交F2代中呈正态分布,104个分布与12条染色体的RFLP标记基因型之间表型平均值方差分析与区间作图分析结果表明,分别位于染色体2,4,7上的3个QTL位于RZ58/RG102,RG143/RG329和RG634/RG650之间。与RG143及RG102连  相似文献   

大白×梅山杂交组合肉质性状的数量性状位点定位分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为寻找影响猪肉质数量性状基因位点的染色体区域 ,以 3头英系大白公猪和 7头梅山母猪建立F2 资源家系。随机选留 14 7头F2 代个体 (1998年 81头 ,2 0 0 0年 66头 ) ,经检测均获得肉质性状表型数据。对资源家系内的所有个体位于染色体 1、2、3、4、6和 7上的 48个微卫星位点进行扩增。利用线性模型最小二乘法分别对各年度及两年综合后的肉质性状进行数量性状位点 (QTL)区间定位 ,利用置换法确定显著性阈值。研究结果表明 :在 2 0 0 0年群体中 ,猪 4号染色体 (SSC4)上定位了肌内脂肪QTL ,达到染色体极显著水平 (P <0 0 1)和基因组显著水平 (P <0 0 5) ,解释表型变异为 5 2 4% ,梅山猪具有增加肌内脂肪QTL ;两年度群体综合后 ,在上述 4号染色体同一区间 ,肌内脂肪QTL接近染色体显著水平 ;股二头肌pH值和半棘肌pH值QTL分别定位在SSC1和 3上 ;在 1998年和 2 0 0 0年群体中分别发现 1个和 3个达染色体显著水平 (P <0 0 5)的系水力QTL ;在 1998年群体中 ,肌肉含水量QTL位于SSC6;两年综合群体中 ,SSC2、6和 7上定位了肌肉含水量QTL ,达到染色体显著水平 ,含水量QTL均有印迹效应 ,梅山和大白猪各有增效基因  相似文献   

In present study, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg, P and K contents of 85 introgression lines (ILs) derived from a cross between an elite indica cultivar Teqing and the wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) were measured by inductively coupled argon plasma (ICAP) spectrometry. Substantial variation was observed for all traits and most of the mineral elements were significantly positive correlated or independent except for Fe with Cu. A total of 31 putative quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected for these eight mineral elements by single point analysis. Wild rice (O. rufipogon) contributed favorable alleles for most of the QTLs (26 QTLs), and chromosomes 1,9 and 12 exhibited 14 QTLs (45%) for these traits. One major effect of QTL for zinc content accounted for the largest proportion of phenotypic variation (11%-19%) was detected near the simple sequence repeats marker RM152 on chromosome 8. The co-locations of QTLs for some mineral elements observed in this mapping population suggested the relationship was at a molecular level among these traits and could be helpful for simultaneous improvement of these traits in rice grain by marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

In present study, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg, P and K contents of 85 Introgression linee (ILs) derived from a cross between an elite indica cultivar Teqing and the wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) were measured by inductively coupled argon plasma (ICAP) spectrometry. Substantial variation was observed for all traits and most of the mineral elements were significantly positive correlated or independent except for Fe with Cu. A total of 31 putative quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected for these eight mineral elements by single point analysis. Wild rice (O. rufipogon) contributed favorable alleles for most of the QTLs (26 QTLs), and chromosomes 1, 9 and 12 exhibited 14 QTLs (45%) for these traits. One major effect of QTL for zinc content accounted for the largest proportion of phenotypic variation (11%-19%) was detected near the simple sequence repeats marker RM152 on chromosome 8. The co-locations of QTLs for some mineral elements observed in this mapping population suggested the relationship was at a molecular level among these traits and could be helpful for simultaneous improvement of these traits in rice grain by marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

The demand for high quality rice represents a major issue in rice production. The primary components of rice grain quality include appearance, eating, cooking, physico-chemical, milling and nutritional qualities. Most of these traits are complex and controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs), so the genetic characterization of these traits is more difficult than that of traits controlled by a single gene. The detection and genetic identification of QTLs can provide insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying quality traits. Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) are effective tools used in mapping QTLs. In this study, we constructed 154 CSSLs from backcross progeny (BC3F2) derived from a cross between 'Koshihikari' (an Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Japonica variety) as the recurrent parent and 'Nona Bokra' (an O. Sativa L. Ssp. Indica variety) as the donor parent. In this process, we carried out marker-assisted selection by using 102 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence and simple sequence repeat markers covering most of the rice genome. Finally, this set of CSSLs was used to identify QTLs for rice quality traits. Ten QTLs for rice appearance quality traits were detected and eight QTLs concerned physico-chemical traits. These results supply the foundation for further genetic studies and breeding for the improvement of grain quality.  相似文献   

微卫星标记与奶牛数量性状QTL定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
储明星  叶素成  陈国宏 《遗传》2003,25(3):337-340
本文对奶牛产奶性能(产奶量、乳脂率、乳脂量、蛋白率、蛋白量)、乳房炎及体细胞数、繁殖性能、生产寿命等数量性状QTL定位研究进展进行了综述。 Abstract:Mapping of quantitative trait loci for some important traits (milk yield,fat percentage,fat yield,protein percentage,protein yield,clinical mastitis and somatic cell count,reproductive performance,productive life,etc.) in dairy cattle was introduced in this review.  相似文献   

Improving grain quality, which is composed primarily of the appearance of the grain and its cooking and milling attributes, is a major objective of many rice-producing areas in China. In the present study, we conducted a marker-based genetic analysis of the appearance and milling quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains using a doubled-haploid population derived from a cross between the indica inbred Zhenshan 97 strain and the japonica inbred Wuyujing 2 strain. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis using a mixed linear model approach revealed that the traits investigated were affected by one to seven QTLs that individually explained 4.0%-30.7% of the phenotypic variation. Cumulatively, the QTL for each trait explained from 12.9% to 61.4% of the phenotypic variation. Some QTLs tended to have a pleiotropic or location-linked association as a cause of the observed phenotypic correlations between different traits. Improvement of the characteristics of grain appearance and grain weight, as well as an improvement in the milling quality of rice grains, would be expected by a recombination of different QTLs using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

李宏 《生命科学研究》2002,6(2):123-128
提出了雄性不交换条件下F2群体区间标记定位QTL的相关方法,并且对其适用的条件进行了讨论,通过对分子区间标记进行赋值,计算在无交叉干涉条件下分子标记与表型值的简单相关系数,并在此基础上进行连锁检验,在特定条件下可以估计数量性状座位(QTL)与分子标记座位间的连锁值。  相似文献   

Kim Lorenz  Barak A. Cohen 《Genetics》2012,192(3):1123-1132
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) with small effects on phenotypic variation can be difficult to detect and analyze. Because of this a large fraction of the genetic architecture of many complex traits is not well understood. Here we use sporulation efficiency in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model complex trait to identify and study small-effect QTL. In crosses where the large-effect quantitative trait nucleotides (QTN) have been genetically fixed we identify small-effect QTL that explain approximately half of the remaining variation not explained by the major effects. We find that small-effect QTL are often physically linked to large-effect QTL and that there are extensive genetic interactions between small- and large-effect QTL. A more complete understanding of quantitative traits will require a better understanding of the numbers, effect sizes, and genetic interactions of small-effect QTL.  相似文献   

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