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INTRODUCTION: Intracytoplasmic lumens (ICL) with or without magenta material and transgressing vessels are features of Hürthle cell neoplasms (HCN). After detection of intracytoplasmic colloid inclusions (CIs) including targetoid (magenta) body-like structures in the Hürthle cells (HC) in a case of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), we reviewed cases of HT, thyroid neoplasms, hyperplastic nodules (HN) and colloid goitres to determine the frequency of these structures. Further, an attempt was made to find out the significance of CIs. METHODS: FNA smears of 120 HT, 101 colloid goitres, 11 HN, and 76 neoplastic goitres were examined. The presence of CIs and empty ICL were noted in epithelial cells in these lesions. An attempt was made to find out the difference between HT with and without CIs in respect of various cytomorphologic features. The groups were compared using the Fisher's exact test of probability. RESULTS: The CIs were present in 36 (30.0%) of HT, 26 (34.2%) of neoplastic goitres, 3 (27.3%) of HN, and 4 (4.0%) colloid goitres. As compared to colloid goitres, CIs were present in a significant higher number of cases in HN (P = 0.0202), neoplastic goitres (P < 0.0001), and HT (P < 0.0001). Among neoplasms the frequency of CIs in HCN (75.0%) was significantly higher than that of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) (33.3%, P = 0.0466), and follicular neoplasm (14.3%, P = 0.0083). The CIs were more frequent in HC in HT and HCN but in follicular cells (FC) in other lesions. The HT cases with CIs differed significantly from those without CIs in respect of HC and their cellularity, cellularity of reactive lymphoid cells, extracellular colloid and empty ICL. CONCLUSION: Care should be taken not to diagnose HT cases with an excessive Hürthle cell component and CIs, and PTC cases with Hürthlization and CIs, as HCN in FNA smears. Based on review of the literature and our findings, it is suggested that the Hürthle cell metaplasia in HT is a survival response of FC and the presence of CIs in Hürthle cell may represent their limited ability to synthesize colloid.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare percutaneous and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided biopsy techniques. Study DESIGN: From July 2005 to February 2006, all patients referred for EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) were considered. If inclusion criteria were met, the first 2 biopsy passes were performed without suction (fine needle capillary [FNC] sampling). Two additional passes were performed using the same needle with 10 mL of applied suction (FNA). A single blinded pathologist later retrospectively evaluated each set of slides. Fifty-three patients met inclusion criteria. The study group comprised pancreatic masses (23), lymph nodes (26), subepithelial masses (3) and liver lesion (1). There were 38 malignant and 15 benign lesions. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were found with the scoring systems considered in the study. In the subgroups of patients with pancreatic masses, lymph nodes, benign disease and malignant disease, no statistically significant outcomes were noted. CONCLUSIONS: No difference exists between quality and diagnostic accuracy of specimens obtained from EUS-guided tissue acquisition via FNC and FNA. The decision to use FNC or FNA should be left to the discretion of the individual endosonographer.  相似文献   

In a series of 200 fine needle aspirations (FNA) of the thyroid, necrosis around the needle tract was histologically evident in 2 of 30 cases with surgical follow-up. In one case of a differentiated thyroid carcinoma, necrosis with involution of the nodule was the dominant finding. This suggests that FNA can induce necrosis and apparent clinical regression of thyroid neoplasms. We believe, however, that a positive cytologic diagnosis coupled with a clinical suspicion of neoplasm should lead to surgical intervention, despite clinical regression following FNA.  相似文献   

X H Yue  S F Zheng 《Acta cytologica》1989,33(6):805-808
The cytologic findings of transthoracic fine needle sampling without aspiration (fine needle capillary [FNC] sampling) are reported. Eleven patients were examined by FNC sampling while four were examined by the classic fine needle aspiration (FNA) method. In contrast to FNA sampling, FNC sampling produced less patient trauma and admixture of the sample with blood, while giving a better perception of the tumor and its consistency. The quality of the samples obtained by the FNC technique was equal to that of the FNA samples. The results demonstrate that fine needle sampling without aspiration may be used in the study of deep-seated as well as of superficial organs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) has a diagnostic accuracy of 70-90%, depending on the site under evaluation. In order to improve EUS-guided tissue sampling a novel 19-gauge trucut-type needle has been designed to obtain core biopsies during EUS. We prospectively evaluated the safety and accuracy of EUS-FNA alone versus combined EUS-FNA and trucut needle biopsy (TNB) in patients referred to our Unit over a 3-year period. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 159 patients underwent EUS-FNA alone (lesions<2 cm) or the combination of both sampling modalities (lesions>or=2 cm). The adequacy of sampling, sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracies of EUS-FNA or EUS-TNB alone and combined EUS-FNA/TNB were determined. RESULTS: Adequate samples were obtained by EUS-FNA, EUS-TNB and EUS-FNA/TNB in 91%, 88% and 97% of patients, respectively. From the pancreas (n=83), adequate samples were obtained by FNA in 94% and by TNB in 81%, compared with 87% and 92% from non-pancreatic sites (n=76), respectively. The combination of both techniques resulted in more adequate samples from non-pancreatic cases than EUS-FNA alone (P=0.044). The specificity was 100%. Overall accuracy for EUS-FNA alone was 77%, for EUS-TNB alone 73% and for EUS-FNA/TNB 91% (P=0.008). For pancreatic sampling, the accuracy of EUS-FNA alone was 77%, for EUS-TNB alone 56% and for EUS-FNA/TNB 83%. For non-pancreatic sampling, the accuracy for EUS-FNA alone was 78%, for EUS-TNB alone 83% and for EUS-FNA/TNB 95% (P=0.006). The complication rate was 0.6%. CONCLUSIONS: Combined EUS-FNA/TNB for lesions>or=2 cm improves adequacy of sampling and diagnostic accuracy compared with either technique alone and is safe.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the occurrence, distribution and location of calcium oxalate crystals (COCs) in thyroid fine needle cytology specimens. STUDY DESIGN: Thyroid tissues from 60 fine needle aspiration cytology specimens (31 benign and 29 malignant lesions) were reviewed. These lesions were also histologically examined, and their pathologic diagnosis was confirmed. The cytologic slides were examined by normal and polarized light microscopy to determine their size, shape, occurrence, distribution and location. RESULTS: The size and shape of COCs varied from case to case. The total incidence was 45% (benign diseases, 68%; malignant lesions, 21%). No significant relationship between age and occurrence of COCs was found. Benign diseases showed more multifocal than focal distribution of COCs, unlike malignant diseases. Twenty-three (85%) of 27 cases with COCs revealed background location of COCs, especially within thyroid colloid. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of COCs in thyroid fine needle cytology was lower than that in histologic specimens reported in the literature, and COCs were more often identified in benign than malignant lesions. The presence of COCs may be a clue to benign lesions if their distribution is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the degree of interobserver variability in the interpretation of fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies of the thyroid, specifically in the categorization of follicular lesions (FLs), and to examine the accuracy of FNA diagnosis of FLs with surgical follow-up. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty cases were chosen with surgical follow-up and a cytologic diagnosis of either FL (21) or follicular neoplasms (29). Representative slides were selected for each case and circulated to 4 pathologists for review. Interobserver variability was assessed using pairwise K statistics. Accuracy of the cytologic diagnoses in predicting a nonneoplastic or neoplastic outcome was determined by measuring sensitivity and specificity. Likelihood ratios and receiver operator characteristic curves were calculated for each reviewer. RESULTS: Interobserver agreement between the 4 pathologists was fair to substantial (K scores, 0.199-0.617). The accuracy of the 4 pathologists' cytologic diagnoses in predicting the surgical outcome was 77-90% for follicular neoplasms and 53-74% for nonneoplastic diagnoses. CONCLUSION: FLs present diagnostic difficulties as to cytologic categorization. A wide range of interobserver agreement was found in this study of 4 pathologists from the same institution. Some pathologists make greater use of intermediate categories, such as FL, favor nonneoplastic, or FL, favor neoplastic, whereas others show more definitive categorization into benign and neoplastic groups.  相似文献   

Solid renal masses in 120 patients were assessed by percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology, performed under radiographic guidance. Follow-up was obtained in all but seven cases. Diagnostic sensitivity for 83 tumours in the series was 91.6%, while two false positive reports resulted in a specificity of 93.8%. Positive and negative predictive values were 97.4% and 81.1% respectively. One advantage of the procedure was the ability to cell type neoplasms accurately, which enabled administration of pre-operative chemotherapy in childhood tumours, and selection of appropriate surgical procedures in adults. The technique offered a non-surgical means of confirming primary renal tumours in patients presenting initially with distant metastases, and documenting renal secondaries in cases with malignancy at other sites. The diagnosis of benign or inflammatory lesions permitted institution of definitive therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the possible contribution by a multiparametric quantitative approach to the cytologic diagnosis of oxyphilic cell (OC) thyroid lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Ten cases of chronic lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis and 10 nodular goiters containing oxyphilic cells plus 20 cases of tumors subsequently classified as oxyphilic cell adenomas (10 cases) or oxyphilic cell well-differentiated carcinomas (10 cases) were evaluated. The study was performed on May-Grünwald-Giemsa-stained smears for planimetric measurements. The same smears were destained and Feulgen restained for densitometric measurements. The latter were performed using static cytometry equipment measuring 100 and 20-30 lymphocytes per case for the determination of integrated optical density (IOD). The following parameters were considered: nuclear area, perimeter, maximum diameter, form ELL, form PE, IOD, 5c exceeding rate (5cER) and visual classification of histograms as euploid, polyploid and aneuploid. RESULTS: Mean nuclear area of carcinomas was smaller than that of adenomas, goiter and thyroiditis. Nuclear area was larger in adenomas than in other benign lesions and carcinomas. All the other planimetric parameters were similar in the lesions examined. Four carcinomas and three adenomas were aneuploid, and all the rest were euploid. All the cases of thyroiditis and goiter were euploid or polyploid; four thyroiditis cases showed polyploid histograms and 5cER values > 1. CONCLUSION: Morphometric and densitometric procedures have a limited role in the discrimination of OC lesions, but small nuclear area values may be useful in distinguishing OC carcinoma from other lesions. The role of densitometry seems even more limited because aneuploid histograms may be found among adenomas and carcinomas. Further studies are needed to explain polyploidy and 5cER > 1 in Hashimoto thyroiditis.  相似文献   

A series of almost 25,000 thyroids examined by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy was reviewed to ascertain the incidence and presentation of metastatic cancers in thyroid FNA samples. Metastatic cancers in FNA samples from the thyroid were identified in 25 cases (0.1%); the primary tumors were carcinomas of the kidney (8 cases), lung (7 cases), breast (5 cases), cervix uteri (1 case) and colon (1 case) and 1 case each of malignant melanoma, malignant pleural mesothelioma and rhabdomyosarcoma. FNA cytology was positive in all 25 cases. In 11 cases, the primary tumor was clinically known at the time of FNA biopsy; of the other 14 cases, cytology suggested that the malignancy was metastatic in only 5. Metastases of renal and mammary adenocarcinomas were almost indistinguishable from follicular and papillary thyroid carcinomas on cytologic grounds. The results demonstrate the rarity of this finding and the difficulty of diagnosing a metastatic tumor in the thyroid by FNA biopsy, in the absence of a clinical history of a prior primary neoplasm.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of the ThinPrep Processor (Cytyc Corporation, Boxborough, Massachusetts, U.S.A) in fine needle aspiration (FNA) of thyroid gland lesions. STUDY DESIGN: This study included 459 thyroid FNA specimens obtained from patients who came to our endocrinology department with various thyroid disorders over 3 years. The cytologic material was prepared using both the conventional and ThinPrep method in the first 2 years (285 cases), while in the last one only the ThinPrep method was used (1 74 cases). The smears were stained using a modified Papanicolaou procedure and May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain. Immunocytochemistry was performed on thin-layer slides using specific monoclonal antibodies when needed. Thin-layer and direct smear diagnoses were compared with the final cytologic or histologic diagnoses, when available. RESULTS: Our cases included 279 adenomatoid nodules, 15 cases of Hashimoto thyroiditis, 45 follicular neoplasms, 14 Hürthle cell tumors, 58 papillary carcinomas and 1 5 anaplastic carcinomas. Thin-layer preparations showed a trend toward a lower proportion of inadequate specimens and a lower false negative rate. Cytomorphologic features showed some differences between the 2 methods. Colloid was less frequently observed on ThinPrep slides, while nuclear detail and micronucleoli were more easily detected with this technique. Moreover, ThinPrep appeared to be the appropriate method for the use of ancillary techniques in suspicious cases. CONCLUSION: Thin-layer cytology improves the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid FNA and offers the possibility of performing new techniques, such as immunocytochemistry, on the same sample in order to detect malignancy as well as the type and origin of thyroid gland neoplasms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate worrisome histologic alterations following fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the thyroid (WHAFFT). STUDY DESIGN: Of 1,890 FNA thyroid cases, 265 underwent surgical excision. The histologic sections of these cases were studied for WHAFFT lesions. Thirty control cases were also studied. RESULTS: WHAFFT lesions were present in 38.49% of cases. Acute lesions were seen in 30 and chronic in 72 cases. Control cases did not show WHAFFT lesions. The common lesions were hemorrhage and fibrosis. Worrisome lesions, like nuclear atypia, vascular changes, capsular pseudoinvasion and metaplasia, were present in 32 (12.07%) cases. CONCLUSION: Considering the large number of FNAs and reduction in the number of thyroid excisions, the advantages of FNA are manifold as compared to the few diagnostic problems. Misdiagnosis can be avoided with awareness of WHAFFT lesions.  相似文献   

Chang TC  Lai SM  Wen CY  Hsiao YL  Huang SH 《Acta cytologica》2002,46(6):1037-1042
OBJECTIVE: To elucidate three-dimensional (3-D) cytomorphology in fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of parathyroid lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Ultrasound-guided FNAB was performed on parathyroid lesions from 10 patients with hyperparathyroidism. The aspirates were stained and observed under a light microscope (LM). The aspirates were also fixed, dehydrated, critical point dried, spattered with gold ions and observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Findings under SEM were correlated with the appearances under LM as well as with serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations. RESULTS: Under LM, nine cases displayed isokaryosis and one case, anisokaryosis. These appearances corresponded to isocytosis or anisocytosis under SEM. Under SEM, 3-D cytomorphology of parathyroid lesions displayed isocytotic, scattered cells in five cases, uniform cellular arrangements in four cases and anisocytotic, scattered cells in one case. The cell surface was rather smooth in five cases. The other five cases had significant granules on the cell surfaces; these all had serum PTH concentrations > or = 268 pg/mL. CONCLUSION: 3-D cytomorphology in FNAB of parathyroid lesions was a rather smooth cell surface in cases with low serum PTH and a granular cell surface in cases with significantly increased serum PTH. These characteristics and the absence of microvilli might be helpful in the differential diagnosis between parathyroid and follicular thyroid lesions.  相似文献   

N. Dincer, S. Balci, A. Yazgan, G. Guney, R. Ersoy, B. Cakir and G. Guler
Follow‐up of atypia and follicular lesions of undetermined significance in thyroid fine needle aspiration cytology Objective: To report our experience of atypia of undetermined significance (AUS)/follicular lesion of undetermined significance (FLUS) rate and outcome. Methods: Among 7658 patients with 19 569 nodules, 524 (2.7%) nodules were diagnosed as AUS/FLUS on fine needle aspiration (FNA). After exclusion of patients with simultaneous nodules that were suspicious for follicular neoplasm or malignancy or that were malignant, 368 (4.8%) patients were diagnosed as AUS/FLUS. The outcome of 146 patients who had undergone surgery or repeated fine needle aspirate at the time of preparation of this study was evaluated. The original FNAs were matched to repeated FNAs and thyroidectomy or diagnostic lobectomy specimens. Results: Seventy‐two (19.6%) of the 368 patients had directly undergone surgery, either a lobectomy or a thyroidectomy: of these, 27 (37.5%) had neoplastic nodules (21 were malignant). Seventy‐four (20.1%) of the 368 patients had repeat FNA. On second FNA, 47 of 74 (63.5%) were benign, three were suspicious for follicular neoplasm, one was malignant and 23 (31.1%) were non‐diagnostic. Four patients had a third FNA: two were AUS/FLUS, one was malignant and one non‐diagnostic. One patient had a fourth FNA, which was diagnosed as AUS/FLUS. Sixteen (21.6%) of 74 patients with repeat FNA had surgery: three of these had neoplastic nodules (two were malignant). Overall, 88 of the 368 (23.9%) patients had a thyroidectomy of which 30 (34.1%) were neoplastic and 23 (26.1%) malignant. The neoplastic rate for patients who were once diagnosed with AUS/FLUS was 8.2% and the malignancy rate 6.3%. The malignancy rate for patients on follow‐up at the time we prepared the study was 15.7% (23/146); 222 remained on follow‐up without surgery or repeat FNA or were managed elsewhere. Conclusions: Although in this category repeat FNA is expected rather than excision, we suggest evaluation of all AUS/FLUS patients in multidisciplinary meetings to decide management and recommend follow‐up of all patients with this diagnosis.  相似文献   

To delineate the cytologic presentation of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, the fine needle aspiration smears were studied from 87 surgically proven cases. Six diagnostically useful findings were identified: papillary fronds, monolayered sheets, tissue fragments, intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, psammoma bodies and multinucleated giant cells. From 1,500 smears on "cold" nodules of the thyroid, 6 known false-negative and 4 false-positive diagnoses for papillary carcinoma were made. The estimated accuracy of the fine needle aspirate diagnosis of papillary carcinoma is 94%.  相似文献   

The predictive value of fine needle aspiration (FNA) was assessed in 1,181 consecutive cases of breast lesions in which cytologic abnormalities were reported. The positive predictive value (PPV) of an FNA cytologic report of atypia, suspicious or positive was 0.49, 0.95 or 0.996, respectively. In the presence of a suspicious/positive report by both physical examination and mammography, the PPV of a cytologic report of suspicious was 0.99. The PPV was directly correlated with age, partly due to the incidence of fibroadenomas among younger patients; fibroadenomas were present in 53 of 146 cases with a false FNA report of atypia, in 10 of 19 cases with a false FNA report of suspicious and in 2 of 2 cases with a false FNA report of positive. Overall, 93 cases reported as benign by physical examination and mammography were biopsied on the basis of the FNA cytologic report; cancers were diagnosed in 33 of these 93 cases (6 cancers among 42 women less than 40 years old and 27 cancers among 51 women greater than 39 years old). The widespread use of FNA cytology to study breast lesions is thus recommended, without regard to patient age and even in the presence of clinically benign findings, since the increase in the rate of cancer detection is worth the excess of unnecessary biopsies. The predictive value of a positive report of FNA cytology, or even of a suspicious report in the presence of clinical suspicion, is so high that an intraoperative frozen section biopsy might be spared in such cases.  相似文献   

Circulating thyroglobulin and antithyroglobulin antibodies were assayed in fifteen patients affected by solitary "cold" nodules of the thyroid who had undergone fine needle aspiration for cytologic diagnosis. The aim of the study was to investigate whether a minor insult to thyroid tissue such as fine needle aspiration is able to release thyroglobulin into the circulation and to induce the formation of antithyroglobulin antibodies. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Circulating thyroglobulin increased substantially after fine needle aspiration in 11 out of 15 patients. 2. Antithyroglobulin antibodies did not appear in any patient during a follow-up period of two months. 3. The magnitude of basal thyroglobulin and thyroglobulin increase after needle aspiration were unrelated to cytologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

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