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为了研究皮质醇分泌的昼夜节律在月经周期中的变化,实验对15位月经周期正常的育龄期健康妇女,在月经周期的不同阶段分别于24h内每隔两小时采样,检测唾液昼夜游离皮质醇水平。采用非线性回归分析模型分析皮质醇昼夜节律。结果显示,皮质醇昼夜节律在整个月经周期都具有复杂的明显受到亚节律(ultradian)影响的分泌形式;与月经期相比,围排卵期和黄体晚期昼夜节律波峰宽度(peak-width)明显减低(P=0.005与0.031),而昼夜节律波谷(trough)有抬高趋势(P=0.0622与0.066);黄体晚期的亚节律波幅(ultradian amplitude)与月经期相比显著减低(P=0.002)而与围排卵期相比有减低趋势(P=0.05)。这些结果提示月经周期的不同阶段对皮质醇分泌的昼夜节律有影响。  相似文献   

Liu HY  Bao AM  Zhou JN  Liu RY 《生理学报》2005,57(3):389-394
目前有关月经周期对睡眠影响的研究结果并不一致,而对月经周期中昼夜睡眠-觉醒及静息-活动节律尚缺乏系统性的研究.本研究旨在观察正常育龄期女性月经周期中睡眠-觉醒及静息-活动昼夜节律的变化.我们采用静息-活动监测仪(actigraphy)和睡眠日志,调查了12个自然生活状态下健康育龄期妇女在月经周期不同阶段,即行经期、围排卵期、黄体早期及黄体晚期中睡眠与活动节律的变化.结果显示,睡眠-觉醒节律参数在四期之间无统计学显著差异;而静息-活动节律方面,所有受试女性静息-活动节律的平均日周期长度为(24.01±0.29)h,并且四期之间无显著性差异.行经期日间稳定系数(interdaily stability,IS)比黄体早期显著增加(P<0.05).黄体早期日间活动开始时间明显较黄体晚期提前(P<0.05);黄体早期的活动峰值时相比围排卵期显著提前(P<0.05).月经周期可以影响静息-活动昼夜节律时相.而总体静息-活动数量与质量未发生显著变化;健康育龄期妇女在月经周期的各阶段中睡眠-觉醒节律亦无明显变异.  相似文献   

Summary The normal human mammary gland undergoes a well defined sequence of histological changes in both epithelial and stromal compartments during the menstrual cycle. Studies in vitro have suggested that the extracellular matrix surrounding the individual cells plays a central role in modulating a wide variety of cellular events, including proliferation, differentiation and gene expression. We therefore investigated the distribution of a number of extracellular matrix molecules in the normal breast during the menstrual cycle. By use of indirect immunofluorescence, with specific antibodies, we demonstrated that laminin, heparan sulphate proteoglycan, type IV collagen, type V collagen, chondroitin sulphate and fibronectin undergo changes in distribution during the menstrual cycle, whereas collagen types I, III, VI and VII remain unchanged. These changes were most marked in the basement membrane, sub-basement membrane zone and delimiting layer of fibroblasts surrounding the ductules where basement membrane markers such as laminin, heparan sulphate proteoglycan, and type IV and V collagens appear greatly reduced during the mid-cycle period (days 8 to 22). These results suggest that some extracellular matrix molecules may act as medittors in the hormonal control of the mammary gland, whereas others may have a predominantly structural role.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to exercise in relation to the phase of the menstrual cycle were studied in ten women taking oral contraceptives (P) and in ten women not taking oral contraceptives (NP). Each subject was tested for maximal aerobic capacity ( ) and for 50% exercise in the follicular (F) and luteal (L) phases of the menstrual cycle. Since the oral contraceptives would have prevented ovulation a quasi-follicular phase (q-F) and a quasi-luteal phase (q-L) of the menstrual cycle were assumed for P subjects. Exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer at an ambient temperature of 24° C and relative air humidity of 50%. Rectal (T re), mean skin ( ), mean body ( ) temperatures and heart rate (f c) were measured. Sweat rate was estimated by the continuous measurement of relative humidity of air in a ventilated capsule placed on the chest, converted to absolute pressure (PH2Ochest). Gain for sweating was calculated as a ratio of increase inPH2Ochest to the appropriate increase inT re for the whole period of sweating (G) and for unsteady-state (Gu) separately. The did not differ either between the groups of subjects or between the phases of the menstrual cycle. In P, rectal temperature threshold for sweating (T re, td) was 37.85° C in q-L and 37.60° C in q-F (P < 0.01) and corresponded to a significant difference fromT re at rest. TheT re, andf c increased similarly during exercise in q-F and q-L. No menstrual phase-related differences were observed either in the dynamics of sweating or in G. In NP,T re, td was shorter in L than in F (37.70 vs 37.47° C,P<0.02) with a significantly greater value fromT re at rest. The dynamics and G for sweating were also greater in L than in F. The Gu was 36.8 versus 16.6 kPa · ° C–1 (P<0.01) while G was 6.4 versus 3.8 kPa · ° C–1 (P<0.05), respectively. TheT re, andf c increased significantly more in phase F than in phase L. It was concluded that in these women performing moderate exercise, there was a greater temperature threshold and larger gains for sweating in phase L than in phase F. Intake of oral contraceptives reduced the differences in the gains for sweating making the thermoregulatory responses to exercise more uniform.  相似文献   

The whole body sweating response was measured at rest in eight women during the follicular (F) and the luteal (L) phases of the menstrual cycle. Subjects were exposed for 30-min to neutral (N) environmental conditions [ambient temperature (Ta) 28 degrees C] and then for 90-min to warm (W) environmental conditions (Ta, 35 degrees C) in a direct calorimeter. At the end of the N exposure, tympanic temperature (Tty) was 0.18 (SEM 0.06) degrees C higher in the L than in the F phase (P less than 0.05), whereas mean skin temperature (Tsk) was unchanged. During W exposure, the time to the onset of sweating as well as the concomitant increase in body heat content were similar in both phases. At the onset of sweating, the tympanic threshold temperature (Tty,thresh) was higher in the L phase [37.18 (SEM 0.08) degrees C] than in the F phase [36.95 (SEM 0.07) degrees C; P less than 0.01]. The magnitude of the shift in Tty,thresh [0.23 (SEM 0.07) degrees C] was similar to the L-F difference in Tty observed at the end of the N exposure. The mean skin threshold temperature was not statistically different between the two phases. The slope of the relationship between sweating rate and Tty was similar in F and L. It was concluded that the internal set point temperature of resting women exposed to warm environmental conditions shifted to a higher value during the L phase compared to the F phase of the menstrual cycle; and that the magnitude of the shift corresponded to the difference in internal temperature observed in neutral environmental conditions between the two phases.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the distribution of oestrogen receptor beta (ER) and androgen receptor (AR) are related to cell proliferation or correlated with the expression of progesterone receptor (PR) or oestrogen receptor alpha (ER) in the normal human endometrium. Immunohistochemical distribution of immunoreactive ER in well-characterised menstrual cycle biopsy samples was lowest in proliferative endometrial glands, highest in early secretory phase glands and maintained at ~20% throughout the rest of the menstrual cycle and was closely correlated with stromal AR and stromal ER expression. Stromal ER was not significantly altered until the menstrual phase of the cycle and was not correlated with the expression of any other antigen in the stroma or endometrial glands except stromal AR. By contrast, glandular AR immunoreactivity was below 5% early in the cycle, increased during the secretory phase and showed strong expression just before menstruation. PR and Ki-67 expression showed strong positive correlations, indicating that PR may be a potent regulator of endometrial proliferation. These data suggest that glandular ER expression is closely associated with a functional secretory role whereas glandular ER and PR are associated with proliferation; glandular AR expression may be the switch required for menstruation.  相似文献   

The human endometrium is a highly dynamic tissue with the ability to cyclically regenerate during the reproductive life. Endometrial mesenchymal stem-like cells (eMSCs) located throughout the endometrium have shown to functionally contribute to endometrial regeneration. In this study we examine whether the menstrual cycle stage and the location in the endometrial bilayer (superficial and deep portions of the endometrium) has an effect on stem cell activities of eMSCs (CD140b+CD146+ cells). Here we show the percentage and clonogenic ability of eMSCs were constant in the various stages of the menstrual cycle (menstrual, proliferative and secretory). However, eMSCs from the menstrual endometrium underwent significantly more rounds of self-renewal and enabled a greater total cell output than those from the secretory phase. Significantly more eMSCs were detected in the deeper portion of the endometrium compared to the superficial layer but their clonogenic and self-renewal activities remained similar. Our findings suggest that eMSCs are activated in the menstrual phase for the cyclical regeneration of the endometrium.  相似文献   

During two consecutive mating seasons from August 2001 to December 2002, we observed the sexual behavior of Sichuan golden monkeys in the Chengdu Zoo and the Shanghai Wild Animal Park. We collected urine samples from females in the early morning. We also measured urinary estradiol and progesterone levels using radioimmunoassay. Based on the estradiol concentration during the menstrual cycle, we discovered that the length of the menstrual cycle was 286.33 1.67 days. The length of pregnancy was about 200 days. The level of estradiol after impregnation was significantly different with the level during the ,same period in the non-receptive part of the cycle. Thus we could diagnose early pregnancy in female Sichuan golden monkeys by checking their urinary estradiol level .  相似文献   

Women frequently complain of memory problems at times in their reproductive lives that are associated with changes in estrogen concentration (e.g. around menopause and childbirth). Further, behavioural studies suggest that memory performance may fluctuate across the menstrual cycle. For example, performance on verbal tasks has been reported to be greatest during phases associated with high estrogen concentrations whereas the opposite has been reported with visuo-spatial tasks. The biological basis of these reported effects remains poorly understood. However, brain imaging studies into the effects of estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women suggest that estrogen modulates the metabolism and function of brain regions sub-serving memory. Furthermore, we have recently reported that acute suppression of ovarian function in young women (with a Gonadotropin Hormone Releasing Hormone agonist) is associated with decreased activation in left prefrontal cortex, particularly the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), during successful verbal memory encoding. We therefore investigated whether physiological variation in plasma estradiol concentration is associated with differences in activity of the LIFG during successful verbal encoding. We hypothesised that higher plasma concentrations of estradiol would be associated with increased brain activity at the LIFG and improved recall performance. Although we did not find a significant relationship between plasma estradiol concentration and verbal recall performance, we report a positive correlation between brain function and estradiol concentration at the LIFG.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine if differences exist in the pharmacokinetic parameters of oral ranitidine caused by gender and stage of the menstrual cycle. The study was performed in two steps, in the first a pharmacokinetic study was performed on 10 men (average age 35.5 yrs) and 10 women (average age 34.7 yrs) during the follicular phase, and in the second the pharmacokinetic study was performed only on the same women in their luteal phase. Subjects received a tablet dose of 300 mg ranitidine, and blood samples were drawn at several times after its ingestion. Plasma ranitidine concentration was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters of women and men revealed statistically significant differences both in distribution volume (Vd) with values of 2.0 and 6.3 l/kg, Area Under Curve (AUC) with values of 7312.15 and 11471.94 ng/ml/h, and clearance (CLt) with values of 0.65 and 0.59 l/kg/h, respectively. Several pharmacokinetic parameters in women were different in the follicular compared to the luteal phase; for example, Vd was 2.0 and 5.6 l/kg, AUC was 7312.15 and 5195.83 ng/ml/h, and CLt was 0.65 and 0.97 l/kg/h, in the respective phases. Moreover, the maximum concentration (Cmax) was 1086 ng/ml in the follicular vs. 864 ng/ml in the luteal phase. The first study detected differences between men and women in several pharmacokinetic parameters, mainly those indicative of drug availability, for example, Vd, AUC, and CLt. Comparison of data obtained in the follicular phase with those obtained in the luteal phase revealed differences in most pharmacokinetic parameters, which is seemingly indicative of the characteristic physiological changes associated with the luteal phase that largely affect the kinetics and availability of drugs such as ranitidine. Although it has been postulated that hormonal fluctuation within the menstrual cycle phase is the primary cause of documented gender differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, further study of related factors is required to fully understand how gender and menstrual cycle rhythms affect the pharmacokinetic process in their entirety.  相似文献   

Serum samples were collected 1–3 times weekly from two Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) for 6 months in 1987–1988, and for more than 3 consecutive years beginning in 1989 to characterize hormone patterns during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Based on serum progesterone concentrations, mean (±SEM) duration of the estrous cycle (n = 20) was 30.8 ± 2.6 days (range, 25–38 days) with a luteal phase length of 18.1 ± 0.4 days (range, 15–20 days). Mean peak serum progesterone concentrations during the luteal phase were 1.35 ± 0.16 ng/ml, and nadir concentrations were 0.19 ± 0.03 ng/ml during the interluteal period. Distinct surges of estradiol preceded luteal phase progesterone increases in most (14/20) cycles. Gestation length was 392 ± 4 days for three complete pregnancies. Mean serum progesterone concentrations increased throughout gestation and were 1.83 ± 0.13, 2.73 ± 0.13, and 4.30 ± 0.16 ng/ml during early, mid- and late gestation, respectively. Serum estradiol concentrations began to rise during mid-gestation, increasing dramatically during the last week of pregnancy. Patterns of serum estriol and estrone secretion during pregnancy were similar to that observed for estradiol. In contrast to progesterone and estrogens, serum cortisol concentrations were unchanged during pregnancy or parturition. Females resumed cycling 16.2 ± 2.0 days after parturition (n = 4) and, on two occasions, females became pregnant during the first postpartum estrus. These data suggest that the tapir cycles at approximately monthly intervals and that increases in serum progesterone are indicative of luteal activity. The interluteal period is relatively long, comprising approximately 40% of the estrous cycle. During gestation, progesterone concentrations are increased above luteal phase levels, and there is evidence of increased estrogen production during late gestation. The absence of increased cortisol secretion at the end of gestation suggests that this steroid does not play a major role in initiating parturition in this species. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The timing mechanism underlying ultradian (2–3 h) activity patterns in the common vole, Microtus arvalis, was studied using behavioural deprivation experiments. These were aimed at distinguishing between a homeostatic control mechanism, in which the rhythmic behaviour itself is part of the causal loop, and a clock mechanism, independent of the behaviour.In 175 experiments, deprivation of food during 3 ultradian cycles in (subjective) daytime did not result in significant changes in the ultradian periodicity of attempts to obtain the food, compared with ad lib. access to food and water. A minor, but significant increase in ultradian activity time () occurred in the course of the deprivation, but this was compensated by a shorter ultradian rest (). These results were obtained both in intact animals (n = 24), which showed ultradian and circadian rhythmicity in behaviour, and in animals (n = 21) with electrolytic lesions aimed at the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), which lacked the circadian modulation of behaviour. Simultaneous deprivation of water and food in 8 voles without circadian rhythmicity during 40 experiments also did not lead to any change in the ultradian periodicity of feeding attempts.Rest deprivation was studied in 5 SCN lesioned voles, by forcing running wheel activity to continue following spontaneous running. Thus, the experimental activity bout was artificially lengthened to 2–9 h in 67 experiments. The onset of the subsequent rest episodes occurred independent of the duration of the preceding . The duration of was dependent on the preceding, experimental in a periodic fashion. The interval experimental (=lengthened +following ) was equal to one, two or three times the control (obtained on nonexperimental days). This result fits the prediction of a clock model and is in conflict with a monotonicincrease of with , as expected in a homeostatic, restorative process.It is concluded that the ultradian timing of activity in the common vole can be explained neither by homeostatic hunger or thirst mechanisms nor by homeostatic rest/activity regulation. The results strongly suggest an independent clock system generating ultradian feeding rhythms in the common vole.Abbreviations DD continuous darkness - LD light-dark regime - LL continuous light - RCA retrochiasmatic area - ARC arcuate nucleus - SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei - ultradian period - ultradian activity time - ultradian rest time  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of the menstrual cycle on strength, functioning of the GH/IGF-1 axis and collagen metabolism in physically active women. Twenty-four physically active and eumenorrheic women volunteered to participate in the study (body mass 60.3 ± 9.18 kg, age 21.8 ± 0.92 years). Blood samples were obtained between the 5th and 8th days (the follicular phase) and between the 19th and 22th days (the luteal phase) of the menstrual cycle to determine sex steroid concentrations (follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), oestradiol (E2) and progesterone (P)). Also insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and collagen metabolism markers (synthesis (PICP) and breakdown (ICTP)) and maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were measured. MVC was higher in the luteal phase 164.1 ± 34.77 [N m] (F(1.23) = 4.59; p = 0.043). The recorded collagen synthesis marker (PICP = 296.4 ± 35.61 [ng/ml]) was at the upper level of the reference range (30–300), with an insignificant decrease in the luteal phase (Z = 1.612; p = 0.107) and a significant increase in oestradiol concentration (Z = 4.286; p = 0.0001). The marker of collagen breakdown (ICTP = 4.16 ± 0.68 [μg/l]) was reduced by 6.8% in the same phase (Z = 1.764; p = 0.137). The variability of physical abilities (MVC) during the menstrual cycle showed that menstrual status should be taken into account in determination of the training loads. Increasing the load in the luteal phase seems to be favoured by a beneficial change in collagen metabolism (lower synthesis decrease, lower breakdown increase) observed in physically active women.  相似文献   

Two different experimental models were used to test if a temporal relationship exists between the rhythm of adrenal steroid secretion and the vulnerability of the hamster reproductive system to short photoperiod exposure or to the daily afternoon injection of melatonin. In the first experiment adrenalectomized hamsters were implanted with a Cortisol pellet to provide a sustained, rather than rhythmic, level of the hormone. The animals were either placed in short photoperiod or given a daily afternoon melatonin injection. In both cases the gonads underwent atrophy. In the second experiment adrenalectomized hamsters were given a Cortisol injection either in the morning (approx. 8 hr before the subsequent afternoon injection of melatonin) or in the afternoon (approx. 1 hr before the subsequent melatonin injection). Measurements of testicular and accessory organ weights 7 weeks later indicated regression of the reproductive system in both the groups when compared with their appropriate controls. Depressed levels of plasma LH. PRL, testosterone and thyroxine (T4) in these animals confirmed the melatonin induced gonadal collapse. The results suggest that apparently there is no temporal correlation between the rhythm of secretion of the adrenal steroids and the responsiveness of the reproductive system to late afternoon injection of melatonin. Interestingly, all the adrenalectomized Cortisol injected control animals (not receiving melatonin) had depressed plasma LH and PRL while the testicular weights and plasma testosterone titers remain unaffected.  相似文献   

Implicit motives for power and affiliation, salivary levels of testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone, and relationship status were measured in 18 normally cycling (NC) women, 18 women using oral contraceptives (OC), and 18 men at three assessments, corresponding to the menstrual, midcycle, and premenstrual phases of women's menstrual cycle. NC and OC women had elevated levels of affiliation motivation and decreased levels of power motivation at midcycle. Power motive changes were particularly pronounced in NC women across cycle phases. OC women and participants not engaged in an intimate relationship had significantly heightened levels of affiliation motivation, averaged across all cycle phases. Testosterone and power motivation, both averaged across all cycle phases, were positively correlated in men and in single women, but not in women engaged in an intimate relationship. Averaged levels of estradiol and power motivation were positively correlated in engaged women, but not in single women or men. Averaged levels of progesterone and affiliation motivation were negatively correlated in men, and there was evidence for a positive association between luteal affiliation motivation and periovulatory and luteal progesterone in NC women. This study therefore provides evidence that implicit motivational states fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, that the power motive is associated with testosterone and, in women, with estradiol, and that the affiliation motive and progesterone are associated in different ways in men and NC women.  相似文献   

Cellular characteristics of nipple aspiration fluid during the menstrual cycle in healthy premenopausal women Fifteen healthy premenopausal female volunteers underwent weekly nipple aspiration of ductal fluid from both breasts during two menstrual cycles to investigate the variability of the cellular profile of the ductal fluid. Ductal fluid was successfully obtained using breast massage and nipple-areolar suction from 247/280 (89%) breasts. 83% of samples available for cytological analysis were cellular and 30% of cellular aspirates contained ductal epithelial cells identified using standard morphological criteria. No significant variation in cell number or cell type was identified during the menstrual cycle. All samples tested had an 'H' score of zero for oestrogen receptor. Seven out of 14 women expressed the proliferation marker Mcm-2 in the cells of at least one of the specimens, with no evidence of a menstrual cycle influence on expression. In conclusion, the cellular profile of breast ductal fluid did not vary consistently during the menstrual cycle, permitting future breast cancer screening studies incorporating serial nipple aspirations to be performed independent of the phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

Infradian rhythmicity in milk leukocyte activity together with plasma cortisol and prolactin levels throughout the lactation period in high-yielding crossbred cows has been studied in 10 high-yielding (milk production: 5000 l per lactation) Karan Fries crossbred (Holstein Friesian × Tharparkar) cows. Milk and blood samples were collected from all the experimental animals. Isolation of milk phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) and lymphocytes were done by density gradient centrifugation. In vitro phagocytic index of milk neutrophils and macrophages was performed by colorimetric NBT reductive assay. Mitogen-induced milk lymphocyte blastogenic response was estimated by colorimetric MTT (tetrazolium) assay. Total plasma cortisol and prolactin were estimated by enzyme immune assay. Highest value of plasma cortisol and prolactin was observed at calving which decreased significantly (p < 0.01) on 15th day postpartum for both prolactin and cortisol. Immune activity of milk leukocytes was highest on day 0 colostrum and decreased significantly (p < 0.01) on 7th day postpartum. A significant (p < 0.01) rise of plasma prolactin was observed around 135th and 225th days postpartum, whereas a peak level of plasma cortisol was observed at 105th, 180th, and 270th days postpartum. Phagocytic index of milk neutrophils and macrophages remains almost in a steady state during mid-lactation period (between 100 and 200 days postpartum). A decline in increasing trend of milk phagocytic activity was observed during late lactation. Mitogen-induced milk lymphocyte blastogenic response was highest on day 0 colostrum which decreased significantly (p < 0.01) on 15th day postpartum. Con A-induced milk lymphocyte blastogenic response showed an increasing trend from 120th to 210th days postpartum. Upon correlation study, it showed that the plasma cortisol has a negative effect on milk leukocyte activity, while prolactin has a positive effect, though the effect is lactation stage specific.  相似文献   

Previous studies of changes in women's behavior during the menstrual cycle have offered insight into the motivations underpinning women's preferences for social cues associated with possible direct benefits (e.g., investment, low risk of infection) and indirect benefits (e.g., offspring viability). Here we sought to extend this work by testing for systematic variation in women's preferences for male and female faces and in their attitudes to their romantic relationship during the menstrual cycle. In Study 1, we found partnered women's reported commitment to their romantic relationship and preferences for femininity in male and female faces were strongest on days of the menstrual cycle when progesterone levels are increased (and fertility is low). Happiness in relationships did not change across the cycle. In Study 2, we found that the effect of cycle phase on women's preference for feminine faces was independent of increased attraction to apparent health in faces during the luteal phase. Collectively, these findings are further evidence that women's preferences for social cues associated with possible direct benefits and commitment to relationships are strongest during conditions characterized by raised progesterone level, while attraction to men displaying cues associated with possible indirect benefits is strongest when women are most fertile.  相似文献   

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