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Wetland conservation and management are generally only based on present-day studies, without integrating historical considerations. However, wetlands contain palaeoecological archives that can provide accurate records of their own history. Our study aims at reconciling this paradox in the central French Alps, by reconstructing the past wetland diversity/richness and the controls of Holocene hydroseral dynamics, and by discussing on this historical basis their conservation, management and restoration. Previously published data, complemented by the palaeoecological study of a sedge mire, reveal three main stages in the regional hydroseral succession: initial aquatic plant communities (Nymphaea alba, Nuphar cf. lutea, Menyanthes trifoliata), carrs (Alnus glutinosa/incana, Salix spp., Thelypteris palustris), then sedge meadows (Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Lythrum salicaria…). This dynamic comprises (1) a classical evolution from open water bodies to treed wet communities, controlled by the relationships between sedimentation processes and climate, and (2) an unexpected return to herbaceous wet habitats mainly triggered by Subatlantic human-induced managements. Such recent changes induced in the studied region the decline of Alnus cf. glutinosa, the disappearance of Thelypteris palustris, and the extinction of the carr communities they constituted. The historically-based assessment of community naturalness and resilience appears critical for defining conservation priorities, refining management actions, and identifying baseline conditions for restoration initiatives. The main implications of our results are to reinforce conservation measures on the less impacted habitats and to increase the diversity/richness of isolated lowland mires, notably by restoring alder communities in some of them.  相似文献   

Vegetation development in the lowland floodplain alder carr “Na bahně” (eastern Bohemia, the Czech Republic) has been studied by means of pollen and macrofossil analyses and combined with vegetation analysis performed over the last 70 years. Local successional changes started with an oxbow lake (160 cal BC) which has later terrestrialised (630 cal AD). Then it changed from a typical alluvial fen into aSphagnum-dominated spring mire (950 cal AD) supplied by water arising from a river terrace surrounding the locality from three sites. In the centre of this wetland a small patch of alder carr developed (100 cal. AD), showing some tendency towards cyclic succession. The alder carr alternated several times with an openCarex fen (1100 cal AD to recent). The last fen-to-alder carr transition has been documented by direct observation during this century. Possible autogenic and allogenic factors driving the succession are discussed. The model of autogenic cyclic succession corresponds well with direct field observations and can be used to interpret alder carr structure, its dynamics, and function.  相似文献   

A 72 cm peat core from a spring mire reveals 3300 years of vegetation history in the Hoher Fläming, a landscape formed by the penultimate glaciation in southeastern Brandenburg. Primeval beech-oak forest dominated from a.d. 550 to 1200, prior to local forest clearance. Existing maps showing the natural and potential natural vegetation as pine and oak need to be revised. Local woodland cutting in the 12th century and grassland use since the 15th century affected the development of the helokrene (spring-fed) mire deposits from alder carr to mesotrophic fen vegetation and then to the present-day Sphagnum fallax-Juncus acutiflorus wet meadows. Vegetation and mire history link together the Hoher Fläming and adjacent landscapes on a northwest-southeast gradient of suboceanic to subcontinental climate. Moreover it represents a geographical and altitudinal transition of lowland and hill vegetation from 30 to 200 m a.s.l. to the montane belts of the palynologically well investigated Harz mountains. However, regarding some trees and herbs, the Hoher Fläming does not belong to the Hercynian region and type of vegetation.  相似文献   

The infill of abandoned river channels is the main information source on postglacial vegetation and landscape evolution in inland northern Belgium. Palynological studies of these deposits also contribute to a better understanding of the environmental context of the numerous archaeological sites in this area. The results are presented of palynological analyses, including pollen, spores, non-pollen palynomorphs and microcharcoal from the palaeochannel infill at seven sites in the Scheldt and Durme valleys in northern Belgium. Based on the regional vegetation evolution and radiocarbon dating, a biozonation for the Scheldt Basin is constructed encompassing the final Late-glacial and Holocene period. The local taxa show a hydroseral succession from open-water environment, through reed or sedge fen to carr forest. Salix and Viburnum opulus were important elements in the Early Holocene riparian and carr vegetation, but are often underrepresented in pollen diagrams from larger valleys. There are indications for human disturbance and agriculture between 7,000 and 6,400 cal bp. The simultaneous decline of elm and lime in the study area around 4,000 cal bp can be linked to human impact.  相似文献   

The habitat preferences of small rodents were studied by live trapping methods at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire, a relict area of East Anglian fenland. The study sites were chosen to cover areas of managed fields, dominated by sedge ( Cladium mwiscus ) or by litter (grasses with sedges); the adjacent fen carr "bush growth"; and an area of unmanaged sedge. Clethrionomys glareolus is the commonest rodent species, occurring at relatively high densities, and closely associated with sedge growth. It is ubiquitous in unmanaged sedge but in managed sedge and litter field areas there is a marked preference for the field/fen carr transition where sedge growth is not cut. Thick sedge seems to afford the optimum habitat for this species probably because of the three-dimensional vegetation structure which provides dense ground cover with a natural thatch of dead leaves; this decays only slowly, even in succeeding fen carr. Sedge fields provide a less stable habitat and recolonization of a harvested field by Clethrionomys only began after eight months of sedge regrowth. Micromys minutus are caught only in sedge and litter. Apodemus sylvaticus seem to show no marked habitat preference but there are some data which suggest that high Clethrionomys densities can affect Apodemus distributions locally. Microtus agrestis prefers grassy patches within sedge fields; trap success points tending to be associated with the presence of Calamagrostis canescens. Microtus avoids fen carr and unmanaged sedge and is generally caught more often in litter fields than in sedge fields; however, this preference seems to disappear at the end of the Clethrionomys breeding season. During flooding, Clethrionomys found refuge in the dense sedge and sedge/carr transition habitats; prolonged flooding caused a decline in numbers of Clethrionomys and the elimination of Microtus , while the distribution of Apodemus was apparently unaffected.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the cool-temperate Bibi Mire, Hokkaido, Japan, valley fens and flood-plain fens have quite different vegetation. The main variables controlling the vegetation were all hydrological: mean water level, water level fluctuation and surface water flow. Chemical factors such as electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and related peat decomposition were less important. The pH was about neutral and has little effect. The flood-plain fen developed under fluctuating water table conditions. The dominant species are Calamagrostis langsdotffii and Carex pseudocuraica. When temporal inundation occurs in the rainy or typhoon seasons, the submergence stimulates bud germination of the stoloniferous C. pseudocuraica, which can rapidly elongate its stolons upward. Some large floating peat mats occurred in the flood-plain fen zone. On these mats some Alnus japonica saplings establish and patches of alder forest can arise. Here the water level was higher than in the peripheral alder forest zone. The valley fen is dominated by Carex lasiocarpa var. occultans and/or C. limosa. It is formed under stable water table conditions in the inundated parts of the mire -where the non-inundated wet areas are dominated by alder trees. In the area where the surface water is flowing, these two fen sedges grow in deeper water since the high oxygen content is considered to compensate the flooding stress.  相似文献   

Abstract. Woodland colonization on wetlands is considered to have a detrimental effect on their ecological value, even though detailed analysis of this process is lacking. This paper provides an evaluation of the ecological changes resulting from succession of poor fen (base‐poor mire) to willow wet woodland on Goss Moor NNR in Cornwall, UK. Different ages of willow carr were associated with eight understorey communities. During willow colonization, in the ground flora, there was a progressive decrease in poor fen species and an associated increase in woodland species, which appeared to be related to an increase in canopy cover and therefore shade. The most diverse community was found to be the most recent willow and was dominated by poor fen species. The oldest willow was the second most diverse and was associated with a reduction in poor fen species and an increase in woodland species. Architectural features were used successfully to assess the general condition and structure of willow. Tree height and DBH were identified as useful parameters to accurately assess willow age in the field. The implications of active intervention to remove willow in order to conserve the full range of communities within the hydrosere are discussed.  相似文献   

Carr vegetation was once extensive in New Zealand. It can be divided into Cordyline australis I Carex secta carr, comprising an open wood with scattered large herbs and an abundance of Carex species, and podocarp carr, dominated by tall conifers. Both have been almost eliminated by agricultural development. We studied a remnant of Cordyline australis I Carex secta carr in South Island, which graded at one end into salt marsh. Eight communities were recognized, including one pure salt marsh and two more with saline influence. Near the stream that provided moisture and alluvium for the area were herbaceous communities. In the poorly-drained area away from the stream were communities dominated by shrubs and small trees. The soil environment is similar to that of many European carrs, though generally less organic. A number of the exotic species are also found in European carrs.  相似文献   


The effects of local and regional environmental variables as well as spatial gradients on the plant species composition of two types of alder-dominated forests (riparian forests and alder carrs) with contrasting connectivity were studied across the Western Carpathians from Hungary through Slovakia to Poland. We used large vegetation (240 sampling plots) and environmental (24 variables) datasets, which were accompanied by spatial variables represented by principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of the two datasets revealed 13 and 29 variables with significant effects on variation in species composition of alder carrs and riparian alder forests, which jointly explained 41.2% and 36.4% of the variability, respectively. Altitude was the most important factor explaining 7.7% of the variability in the species composition of alder carrs and 8.2% in riparian alder forests. Variation partitioning in CCA revealed that local variables were crucial drivers for species composition patterns in alder carrs, while spatial processes unrelated to the measured environmental variables shaped the vegetation structure of riparian forests.


Question: How does willow‐characterised tundra vegetation of western Eurasia vary, and what are the main vegetation types? What are the ecological gradients and climatic regimes underlying vegetation differentiation? Location: The dataset was collected across a wide spectrum of tundra habitats at 12 sites in subarctic and arctic areas spanning from NW Fennoscandia to West Siberia. Methods: The dataset, including 758 vegetation sample plots (relevés), was analysed using a TWINSPAN classification and NMDS ordination that also included analyses of vegetation‐environment correlations. Results: Based on the TWINSPAN classification, eight vegetation types characterised by willow (cover of upright willows >10%) were discerned: (1) Salix glaucaCarex aquatilis type, (2) AulacomniumTomentypnum type, (3) SalixBetulaHylocomium type, (4) Salix lanataBrachythecium mildeanum type, (5) SalixPachypleurum type, (6) S. lanataMyosotis nemorosa type, (7) Salix‐Trollius‐Geranium type and (8) SalixComarum palustreFilipendula ulmaria type. Willow‐characterised vegetation types were compositionally differentiated from other tundra vegetation and were confined to relatively moist valley and sloping tundra sites, from mire to mineral soils. These vegetation types were encountered across a broad latitudinal zone in which July mean temperature ranged from 6 to 10°C. Conclusions: Willow‐characterised tundra vegetation forms a broad category of ecologically and geographically differentiated vegetation types that are linked to dwarf shrub tundra, shrub tundra or mire. Because of complex ecological gradients underlying compositional differentiation, predicting the responses of willow‐characterised tundra vegetation to a warming climate may be complicated.  相似文献   

Sediments deposited in fen carr environments are frequently used in pollen-based reconstructions of vegetation history, although few studies of modern pollen–vegetation relationships in fen carr have been undertaken to aid the interpretation of fossil assemblages. It is often assumed that the wetland pollen signal will reflect the overall composition of the fen carr system although, given the closed canopy context, it may actually be dominated by local vegetation elements. This paper seeks to determine whether the vegetation heterogeneity within a modern fen carr is reflected in the pollen signal of the wetland taxa. Vegetation composition was recorded around a series of moss polster sample points at Calthorpe and Wheatfen, two areas of fen carr in the Norfolk Broadland, UK. The spatial interrelationship between the wetland components of the vegetation and their palynological equivalents in the moss polster pollen assemblages is explored through trend surfaces and a correlation based statistical test (the Mantel Test). The representation of the major vegetation components in the pollen record is highly variable. Values for Alnus glutinosa, a dominant canopy species, range from 5.3% to 73% of total land pollen (TLP) at Calthorpe and 2.5–61% TLP at Wheatfen. In part, this variation reflects the enhanced input of pollen from dry land sources close to the wetland edge although the variation recorded at points equidistant from the dry land margin suggests that other processes are also influential. The strongest positive associations in the Mantel Test are for under-storey and ground flora elements that are poorly represented in the pollen record. Taxa for which there is no association include those with few vegetation occurrences and those for which a large proportion of the pollen appears to have been derived from outside the study areas. We conclude that modern pollen samples collected from fen carr broadly reflect the vegetation composition of the study areas. However, the input of pollen from fen carr species is spatially inconsistent. Differences between the sample points can be attributed to the distribution and pollination biology of the under-storey and ground flora elements and the structure of the vegetation around sites. The results caution against assuming that changes in the pollen representation of wetland taxa, in fossil sequences constructed from fen carr deposits, necessarily reflect changes in the overall composition of the community.  相似文献   

The study of two pollen sequences from El-Kala marshes allowed the reconstruction of the regional vegetation history supported by eight radiocarbon dates. Pollen assemblages from Bourdim site were dominated by local input of Alnus and Salix, while regional vegetation was characterized by scattered Quercus suber forests with a well-developed Erica arborea matorral. While the vegetation dynamics recorded at Bourdim is recent (Late Holocene), the majority of the pollen diagram from Garaat El-Ouez is contemporaneous to the Late Pleniglacial and is characterized by open woodlands with Pinus, Poaceae and several heliophilous herbs. The significant values of Cedrus pollen identified in this period indicate that the region of El-Kala most probably played the role of a refugium for this tree.  相似文献   

Landscapes intensively farmed over a long time period represent a threat for natural habitats and high levels of biodiversity. Information on the historical land use and spatial changes of natural habitats can help to explain the causes of a number of contemporary phenomena, which are important for the development of effective conservation and ecosystem management. This case study from the Czech Republic shows that archival written sources describing landscape quality, including vegetation cover, allow the reclassification of old maps to the level of natural habitat categories (sensu Natura 2000), with the aim of analyzing historic changes in land cover. Significant natural habitat decreases began by the middle of the 19th century. Over the course of 250 years, this area of formerly widespread natural wet meadows has declined by 99 %. An area of water vegetation was reduced by 95 %, willow carrs by 98 %, and a mosaic of willow carrs, wet Cirsium meadow, and alder carrs has decreased by 100 %. These decreases were caused by the conversion of meadows, pastures, and ponds into arable lands. Areas of oak-hornbeam forest, acidophilous oak forest, and thermophilous oak forest were primarily converted into monocultures of coniferous trees. Similarly, the areas with alluvial forests decreased. We conclude that old maps and other archive materials, despite their coarse accuracy, can serve as useful tools for disclosing natural habitat changes and their causes, providing a foundation for formulating biodiversity conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The method of pollen analysis was used to study a profile sample taken from the Jest?ebské blato mire, the Doksy District (northern Bohemia). The aim of the palacobotanical analyses was to perform a reconstruction of vegetation and environment for geobotanical and archaeological research purposes. Sediments dating back to the end of the Late Glacial and to both the Early and Middle Holocene were pollenanalytically studied. The results of the pollen analyses recorded the development of vegetation during the end of the Late Glacial, Preboreal, Boreal and Atlantic Periods. Parkline pine stands of the end of the Late Glacial developed to closed pine forests, during the Preboreal. Even during the Boreal, the dominant pine formed forest communities were typical of the area under study, though trees with greater demands on temperature and moisture conditions continued to penetrate the existing communities. During the Lower and the first half of the Upper Atlantic Period, spruce forests and alder woods formed the dominant forest communities in mire. Nevertheless,Pinus was still dominant on extreme sites (both from the edaphic and geomorphological points of view). An early occurrence ofAlnus andPicea is another characteristic feature of the studied area. The conclusions drawn from pollenanalytical results were used for the reconstruction of the past environment of the Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages.  相似文献   

Natural lakes are a rare phenomena within extraglacial areas of Central Europe. Almost all have been completely terrestrialized during the Holocene. This paper deals with one such former lake, located in southern Bohemia. Its extensive lacustrine and peat deposits were subjected to a multidisciplinary study that resulted in high-resolution pollen, macrofossil, algal and sediment-chemistry data interpreted in terms of past climate, geomorphology, soil, and regional vegetation development over the last 16,000 years. Against the background of these large-scale processes, local development took place, comprising the lake’s ontogeny from an arctic-type ecosystem hosting pioneer aquatic communities, through a highly diversified mosaic of eutrophic hydrosere habitats (shallow pools,Phragmites andCarex fen, alder carr), towards an oligotrophic mire that started to dome over the terrestrialized lake. At every individual development stage, specific processes characterized ecosystem function and composition: during the Late-Glacial with its rapid climatic changes, external forces induced the major stresses; while during the Holocene, autogenic changes of the wetland ecosystem played the most important role.  相似文献   

Significantly more species of freshwater hyphomycetes colonized bait leaves of alder (16 species) and willow (14 species) during early submersion period (1 wk) than those of oak (8 species). Production of conidia was also higher on alder and willow leaves than on oak leaves. Higher amounts of dry mass were lost from the alder (28.6%) and willow leaves (29.4%) than from the oak leaves (18.7%). Rapid loss of dry mass was accompanied by rapid development of a fungal community. Fungal species took a longer time (6 wk) to reach their peak of occurrence on oak than on willow and alder leaves (3–4 wk).Flagellospora curvula dominated the assemblages of freshwater hyphomycetes on alder and willow leaves, andLunulospora curvula dominated the assemblage on oak leaves. The freshwater hyphomycete community showed higher values of species diversity (H value) on oak leaves than on alder and willow leaves.  相似文献   

In this article, we focused on hummocky microtopography as a prominent feature of mires and explored the microenvironmental conditions suitable for alder seedling establishment. Japanese alder (Alnus japonica) forest is widely distributed in wetlands in northern Japan. However, because alder seedlings are rare in mires, alder population dynamics and conditions that favor the establishment of alder seedlings are still unknown. The study was conducted in northern Japan at a site in mesotrophic mire. We surveyed the seedling density, the microenvironmental conditions (light, litter cover, and soil quality), and the density of dispersed seeds in alder forest and in the adjacent herbaceous fen. In addition, we performed a laboratory experiment to examine the germination characteristics of alder. Seedlings grew only on hummocks in alder forest. The percentage of litter cover on hummocks was lower than in hollows, and the density of dispersed seeds in alder forest was much higher than in herbaceous fen. Seeds of Japanese alder germinated under both light and dark conditions, and the germination rate were high under light and high-temperature conditions. Our results suggest that litter cover may inhibit seedling establishment and hummocks that characterized by less litter cover are suitable place for the establishment of seedlings. We conclude that hummocky microtopography and abundant seed rain in the mire enable the establishment of Japanese alder seedlings.  相似文献   

The Lieper Posse is a calcareous, ground water-fed fen system, situated in the end-moraine area of northeastern Germany. Nowadays the fen is partly drained and the vegetation adversely affected; hence regeneration measures are considered. Here we report a pilot survey of the actual vegetation cover in relation to the hydrological conditions of the system. The vegetation in the central part of the fen system can be assigned to the Caricetum lasiocarpae, with small areas of Eleocharitetum quinqueflorae. The southern part of the system includes a Ledo-Pinetum sylvestris bog. Along the edges eutrophic forest types are present. Peat analysis revealed that the system started as an open lake and subsequently changed into a rheophilous mire, ‘percolating mire’. The southern bog has only recently come into being. Hydrological investigations showed that the original mineral-rich ground water had to a large extent been replaced by acid rainwater; this is likely due to the construction of a ditch before 1850. The effects of this drainage on hydrological conditions and some aspects of soil fertility are discussed. Possible consequences for the restoration of calciphilous vegetation types are being considered. It is concluded that the vegetation development is predictable only to a limited extent, which is mainly due to a lack of knowledge on hysteresis effects in both vegetation and soil.  相似文献   

Questions : What is the variability of succession over a large geographical area? What is the relative importance of (1) local site factors and (2) landscape factors in determining spontaneous vegetation succession? Location : Various regions of the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The regions represent two categories characterized by agrarian lowlands, with a relatively warm and dry climate, and predominant woodland uplands with a relatively cold and wet climate. Methods : Gravel‐sand pits ranged in age from 1–75 years since abandonment. Three types of sites were distinguished: dry, wet and hydric in shallow flooded sites. Vegetation relevés were recorded with species cover (%) visually estimated using the space‐for‐time substitution approach. Local site factors, such as water table and soil characteristics, and landscape characteristics, namely climatic parameters, presence of nearby (semi‐) natural plant communities and main land cover categories in the wider surroundings, were evaluated. Results : Ordination analyses showed that water table was the most important local site factor influencing the course of spontaneous vegetation succession. Succession was further significantly influenced by soil texture, pH, macroclimate, the presence of some nearby (semi‐) natural communities and some land cover categories in the wider surroundings. Spontaneous vegetation succession led to the formation of either shrubby grassland, deciduous woodland, alder and willow carrs, and tall sedge or reed and Typha beds in later stages depending predominantly on the site moisture conditions. Conclusions: Although the water table was the most influential on the course of vegetation succession, the landscape factors together explained more vegetation variability (44%) than local site factors (23%).  相似文献   

Severe natural disturbances can lead to the recovery of the original vegetation or the shift to new vegetation types. While post-disturbance succession is well documented for regularly disturbed ecosystems, little is known about the pathways and rapidity of vegetation dynamics after rare events such as peat mass movements in bogs. We monitored the floristic changes in a mire subject to a bog burst in 1987 for two decades through the repeated sampling of permanent plots. The mean species number per plot increased continuously, while the evenness increased only in the first decade and then slightly decreased. Declining species were mostly mire species, while colonist species were mostly wet meadow species. Species turnover was higher in the first decade after the disturbance, and was also higher in the area of peat erosion than in the area of peat accumulation. Changes in plant species composition indicate a succession towards tall-forb vegetation (Filipendulion), acidic fen vegetation (Caricion fuscae) and swamp willow forest (Salicion). We conclude that the effects of the disturbance are still ongoing, and that the mire’s potential for recovery is therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

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