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目的:应用Meta分析方法探讨孕期被动吸烟与小于胎龄儿之间的关联.方法:利用计算机检索中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、维普期刊全文数据库检索文献,采用Cochrane协作网提供的Review Manager4.2分析软件,对符合纳入标准的4篇有关孕期被动吸烟与小于胎龄儿关系的病例-对照研究结果进行了随机效应模型的Meta分析.结果:孕期被动吸烟与小于胎龄儿的发生关联明显,合并OR值为3.74,OR值的95%置信区间为1.75-8.00.结论:孕期被动吸烟与小于胎龄儿的发生有一定关联.  相似文献   

刘昀  许昱  向荣  欧劲  邓智锋 《生物磁学》2014,(19):3657-3662
目的:系统评价呼吸道过敏性疾病和社会心理因素的关系。方法:计算机检索Cochrance图书馆、Medline、EMbase、Pubmed、CBM、CNKI等数据库,查找包括心理社会因素对呼吸道过敏性疾病的影响或者呼吸道过敏性疾病对精神健康影响的临床研究。根据纳入和排除标准选择文献,对符合纳入标准的文献进行Meta分析,计算其合并OR值及95%CI。结果:共纳入20个病例研究(13篇文献),其中13个研究评估心理社会因素对呼吸道过敏性疾病的影响,7个研究评估效果呼吸道过敏性疾病对心理健康的影响。在这些研究中呼吸道过敏性疾病是评估哮喘和过敏性鼻炎。Meta分析结果显示社会心理因素和呼吸道疾病的发生发展有关[OR=1.77,95%CI(1.42,2.22)],呼吸道过敏性疾病与未来不健康的心理发生发展有关[OR=1.73,95%CI(1.47,2.03)]。结论:当前的研究发现呼吸道过敏性疾病和社会心理因素有很大的关系。这支持在呼吸道过敏性疾病治疗除了传统的生理和药理干预外,心理干预呼吸道对过敏性疾病的预防和管理也发挥作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨氨氯地平和硝苯地平临床治疗高血压的有效性与安全性。方法:计算机检索中国知网、维普资讯网和万方数据库,收集1990—2013 年间国内公开发表的关于氨氯地平和硝苯地平治疗高血压的随机对照试验文献资料,并根据纳入和排除标准,对其进行筛选;采用Stata 12.0 软件对纳入文献中临床试验数据进行Meta 分析。结果:共筛选出23 篇文献。纳入文献中氨氯地平和硝苯地平治疗高血压的有效性Meta 分析结果显示,两药物治疗组有效性总体数据的OR 为2.71(95%CI:2.07,3.55),且P < 0.01,即氨氯地平组的总有效率显著高于硝苯地平组;安全性Meta 分析结果显示,两药物治疗组安全性总体数据的OR 为0.36(95%CI:0.28,0.47),且P < 0.01,即氨氯地平组的总不良反应发生率显著低于硝苯地平组。结论:与硝苯地平相比,氨氯地平临床治疗高血压更有效、更安全。  相似文献   

目的系统评价使用不同抑酸剂时医院获得性艰难梭菌感染的风险,为临床医生选择抑酸剂提供依据。方法计算机检索PubMed、EMBASE、The Cochrane Library、CNKI、WanFang Data、CBM和VIP等数据库,搜集有关质子泵抑制剂(PPI)、组胺-2受体拮抗剂(H2RA)与医院获得性艰难梭菌感染风险相关性的文献,使用Stata 12.0软件进行Meta分析。结果共有14篇符合纳入标准的文献,其中病例-对照研究10篇,队列研究4篇。Meta分析结果显示,使用PPI的患者医院获得性艰难梭菌感染风险比使用H2RA的患者高33.1%,差异具有统计学意义[OR=1.331,95%CI (1.185~1.496),P0.01]。进一步按研究类型、用药目的的不同进行了亚组分析,结果均表明使用PPI的患者医院获得性艰难梭菌感染率明显高于使用H2RA的患者。使用漏斗图、Egger′s法和Begg′s法进行发表偏倚检测,结果表明纳入的研究均不存在发表偏倚。敏感性分析结果发现,异质性可能来源于Dubberke的研究,排除Dubberke的研究后再重新进行整合分析,异质性较前下降明显,并且合并OR值较前增大。结论使用PPI的患者医院获得性艰难梭菌感染风险比使用H2RA的患者高33.1%。  相似文献   

目的:评价中药治疗甲状腺功能亢进症的有效性及安全性。方法:计算机检索关于中药治疗甲亢的人体临床试验研究文献,选择从1980年1月至2014年1月符合要求的随机对照试验(RCT)和临床对照试验(CCT)的文章,并按排除原则进行筛选,利用Cochrane手册进行文献质量评价,利用RevMan 5.2软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入16篇随机对照试验,所有文献入组患者合计702例,有效661例,对照组合计590例,有效462例。Meta分析结果显示,中药治疗亚急性甲状腺炎与单纯西药治疗比较总有效率(治愈率+好转率)的差异有统计学意义[OR=0.22,95%CI(0.15,0.33),P<0.01]。结论:采用中药治疗亚急性甲状腺炎的总有效率和治愈率明显优于单纯使用西药。  相似文献   

目的 系统评价复方嗜酸乳杆菌联合标准疗法补救治疗幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)感染的有效性和安全性。方法 检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Embase、中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库(WanFang Data)、维普网(VIP)和中国生物医学文献数据库(CBMdisc)等中英文数据库,并手工检索纳入研究的所有参考文献,获取有关复方嗜酸乳杆菌联合标准疗法(试验组)与标准疗法(对照组)补救治疗Hp感染的相关文献,检索时间从建库至2022年2月17日。采用《Cochrane干预措施系统评价手册》中偏倚风险评价工具对纳入的随机对照研究(RCT)进行质量评价。采用Cochrane协作网提供的RevMan 5.4和STATA 16.0软件进行统计学分析。采用Q检验和I2值判断异质性,根据异质性大小,选择不同效应模型进行分析。采用漏斗图及Egger’s检验定性定量分析发表偏倚。结果 共纳入9篇文献,10组数据资料(其中1篇文献有2组数据),总计1 511例患者。Meta分析结果显示,与标准疗法相比,...  相似文献   

目的:探讨含谷氨酰胺制剂的肠外营养对急性胰腺炎患者死亡率、感染并发症发生率和住院时间的影响。方法:在检索Medline、Embase和Cochrane图书馆等数据库后,两位研究者独立对截止2012年发表的文献的纳入和质量做出评估。资料的Meta分析采用RevMan5.0软件。结果:4篇文献被纳入我们的研究。结果显示谷氨酰胺制剂可以有效降低急性胰腺炎患者的死亡率(OR=0.26,95%CI=[0.09,0.76]),感染并发症的发生率(OR=0.26,95%CI=[0.11,0.60])和住院天数(OR=2.58,95%CI=[-4.78,-0.45]。结论:含谷氨酰胺制剂的场外营养可以改善急性胰腺炎患者的预后,但仍需大规模高质量的临床研究进一步明确。  相似文献   

目的对益生菌改善结直肠癌术后患者的感染与炎性反应的效果进行Meta分析,以得出新的结论。方法利用PubMed、Embase、CNKI电子期刊数据库、万方数据库和维普数据库,检索益生菌改善结直肠癌术后患者感染和炎性反应的随机对照试验(RCT)文献进行系统评价,应用Review Manager5.3分析软件进行Meta分析。结果共检索出17篇相关文献,有10个随机对照研究符合要求,进行两组Meta分析。第一组有9项对照研究共864名受试者(426人为试验组,438人为对照组)纳入分析,Meta分析显示与对照组相比,使用益生菌进行术前肠道准备,可以降低患者术后的感染率(OR=0.34,95%CI:0.23~0.49),差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。另一组有4项对照研究共317名受试者(160人为试验组,157人为对照组)纳入分析,Meta分析显示与对照组相比,使用益生菌进行术前肠道准备,可以减少术后患者的炎性反应(MD=-7.04,95%CI:-9.43~-4.66),差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论益生菌可以降低结直肠癌术后患者的感染与炎性反应。  相似文献   

微生态制剂预防新生儿抗生素相关性腹泻的Meta分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的评价微生态制剂预防新生儿抗生素相关性腹泻(AAD)的效果。方法按照系统评价的要求全国检索MEDLINE,中国期刊全文数据库;中国生物医学文献等数据库,对符合纳入标准的5篇文献共计1560例患儿进行了Meta分析。结果发表性偏倚分析显示5篇文献以AAD发生率做的倒漏斗图显示呈基本对称分布,但提示存在一定的发表偏倚和方法学质量低下。经异质性检验,微生态制剂预防新生儿AAD具有临床及统计学上的同质性,可用固定效应模型进行分析。合并分析显示:应用抗生素治疗原发性疾病并同时加口服微生态制剂后,新生儿抗生素相关性腹泻发生率从23.7%降到7.9%(OR:0.28;95%CI;0.20~0.38),无副反应报道。微生态制剂预防新生儿AAD效果有统计学意义。结论从现有的临床证据来看,微生态制剂可降低新生儿AAD的发生率,但还需要严格设计的、大样本的随机双盲对照试验来进一步验证和支持。  相似文献   

目的应用益生菌对肝移植术后患者的感染情况及相关因素进行Meta分析,以得出新的结论。方法利用PUBMED、EMBASE、CNKI电子期刊数据库、万方数据库和维普数据库,检索益生菌对肝移植术后患者影响的对照研究的文献进行系统评价,应用Review Manager 5.3分析软件进行Meta分析。结果通过数据库检索21篇文章,根据纳入标准最终选择5篇,包括301名受试者(152名为试验组,149名为对照组)纳入分析,Meta分析显示与对照组相比,使用益生菌对肝移植的患者进行肠道准备,可以降低患者术后的感染率(OR=0.21,95%CI:0.11~0.41),差异有统计学意义(P0.05);能够减少住院时间(MD=-1.41,95%CI:-1.97~-0.86)和抗生素的应用时间(MD=-4.32,95%CI:-5.50~-3.13),差异有统计学意义(P0.05);降低胃肠道的不良反应(OR=0.51,95%CI:0.28~0.92),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论在肝移植之前或当天给予益生菌能够减少肝移植术后患者的感染率、抗生素使用疗程及患者的住院时间。  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested an association between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and the development of Sjögren's syndrome (SS), also known as sicca syndrome. The main objective of this study was to summarize the existing evidence and quantitatively evaluate the association between hepatitis C virus infection and SS/sicca syndrome by performing a meta‐analysis of observational studies. MEDLINE and PubMed (January 1980–August 2013) were searched to identify relevant studies in English. Outcomes were calculated and are reported as odds risk (OR) and 95% CIs based on a random‐effects model. Heterogeneity was assessed with I2 statistics. Quality assessment was performed with the Newcastle–Ottawa scale. Based on meta‐analysis of five cross‐sectional and five cohort studies, a significant positive relationship between HCV infection and development of SS/sicca syndrome was found, the pooled random effects OR being 3.31 (95% CI, 1.46–7.48; P < 0.001). In subset analyses, the studies that used European diagnostic criteria showed a higher summary OR than did studies that adopted other diagnostic criteria. When the data were stratified by source of controls, significant associations were also observed when healthy people (OR = 9.44; 95% CI = 2.67–33.40; P = 0.204) or subjects with hepatitis B virus infection (OR = 6.57; 95% CI = 1.21–35.57; P = 0.5) were used as controls, but not when the controls were hospital‐based (OR = 0.99; 95% CI = 0.61–1.61; P = 0.169). In summary, the findings suggest that HCV infection is associated with SS/sicca syndrome. The observed increased risk in studies in which European diagnostic criteria and healthy controls were used and the decreased risk in studies with hospital‐based controls may be attributable to selection bias or other unknown factors.  相似文献   



Several studies analyzed the association between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and the risk of stroke or cerebrovascular death, but their findings were inconsistent. Up to date, no systematic review about the association between HCV infection and stroke was performed. We conducted a meta-analysis to examine whether HCV infection dose increase stroke risk in comparison to the population without HCV infection.


We followed standard guidelines for performance of meta-analysis. Two independent investigators identified eligible studies through structured keyword searches in several databases. Random-effects and fixed-effects models were used to synthesize the data. Heterogeneity between studies and publication bias were also accessed.


Combining the data from the eligible studies, we calculated the pooled multi-factor adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Upon the heterogeneity found between studies, the result was 1.58 (0.86, 2.30) by random-effects model. However, after omitting the study which induced heterogeneity, the pooled OR with 95% CI was 1.97 (1.64, 2.30).


This meta-analysis suggested that HCV infection increased the risk of stroke. More prospective cohort studies will be needed to confirm this association with underlying biological mechanisms in the future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND : Genetic and environmental factors likely influence susceptibility to nonsyndromic cryptorchidism, a common disease presenting at birth or in later childhood. We compared cases and controls to define differential risk factors for congenital versus acquired cryptorchidism. METHODS : We compared questionnaire and clinical data from cases of congenital cryptorchidism (n = 230), acquired cryptorchidism (n = 182) and hernia/hydrocele (n = 104) with a group of healthy male controls (n = 358). Potential predictor variables (p < 0.2 in univariable analysis) were included in stepwise multivariable logistic regression models. RESULTS : Temporary (odds ratio [OR], 0.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.4–0.8) or exclusive (OR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4–0.9) breastfeeding was reduced and soy formula feeding increased (OR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.2–2.9) in acquired but not congenital or hernia/hydrocele groups. The highest risk estimates were observed for primary soy formula feeding with limited or no breastfeeding (OR 2.5; 95% CI, 1.4–4.3; adjusted OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.4–5.4) in the acquired group. Primary feeding risk estimates were equivalent or strengthened when multivariable models were limited to age greater than 2 years, full‐term or not small for gestational age, or Caucasian subjects. Pregnancy complications and increased maternal exposure to cosmetic or household chemicals were not consistently associated with either form of cryptorchidism in these models. CONCLUSIONS : Our data support reduced breastfeeding and soy formula feeding as potential risk factors for acquired cryptorchidism. Although additional studies are needed, hormonally active components of breast milk and soy formula could influence the establishment of normal testis position in the first months of life, leading to apparent ascent of testes in childhood. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Japanese health system places great emphasis on healthy development. However, the prevalence of Exclusive Breastfeeding at one month postpartum between 1980 and 2005 has remained unchanged, fluctuating between 42% and 49%. At the same time, the Any Breastfeeding prevalence has gradually increased from about 80% to 95%. In 2010, the latest national breastfeeding report showed that ‘exclusive’ and ‘any’ breastfeeding rates have improved. However, as the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of breastfeeding practices was not used in this study or in other national surveys, it is difficult to interpret these latest results. While the Japanese government has launched several promotion projects, there have been few studies and reviews of risk factors that influence breastfeeding duration. The objectives of this review were to summarise the factors that have influenced the duration of breastfeeding in Japan to provide information relevant to breastfeeding promotion programs. A search of electronic databases in Japanese and English was undertaken up to 2011. The inclusion criteria for this review were studies that focused on infant feeding practices and targeted Japanese mothers, fathers, or health professionals, but excluded mothers’ friends and peer groups. In total, 12 articles were selected for the final analysis. Smoking status, low birth weight of infants and maternal perceptions of insufficient breast milk supply were negative influences on breastfeeding duration, while support from husbands/partners is associated with continued breastfeeding. Some factors that have been found to be associated with breastfeeding in other countries, including maternal age, family income, maternal educational levels, and living with grandparents of infants have not been confirmed in Japan. While the national breastfeeding rates were higher than other countries of similar health status, inconsistent knowledge of breastfeeding benefits and inappropriate hospital practices remain in Japan may be associated with increased the use of infant formula and reduced breastfeeding duration. Most of the studies reviewed were cross-sectional in design, with only a limited number of cohort studies. Also many published studies used small sample sizes. Cohort studies of infant feeding practices with larger sample sizes are required to monitor trends in rates and risk factors for breastfeeding outcomes.  相似文献   

Zhang BB  Yin YW  Sun QQ 《Gene》2012,506(1):188-194
Epidemiological studies have evaluated the association between IL-1β -511 C/T polymorphism and duodenal ulcer (DU) risk. However, the results remain conflicting. The aim of this study was to perform a meta-analysis to investigate a more authentic association between IL-1β -511 C/T polymorphism and DU. Systematic searches of electronic databases Embase, PubMed and Web of Science as well as hand searching of the references of identified articles and the meeting abstracts were performed. Study selection, data abstraction and study quality evaluation were independently conducted in duplicate. Statistical analyses were performed using software Stata 11.0. The pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were performed. Publication bias was tested by Begg's funnel plot and Egger's regression test. A total of 14 studies including 1887 cases and 2780 controls were included in our final meta-analysis. There was no evidence of significant association between IL-1β -511 C/T polymorphism and DU (for T allele vs. C allele: OR=0.93, 95% CI=0.82-1.06; for T/T vs. C/C: OR=0.83, 95% CI=0.64-1.08; for dominant model: OR=0.93, 95% CI=0.80-1.07; and for recessive model: OR=0.87, 95% CI=0.69-1.11). Significant association was found in all genetic models for the PB subgroup and sensitivity analyses. In conclusion, our meta-analysis suggests that there was no evidence of a significant association between IL-1β -511 C/T polymorphism and DU with or without Helicobacter pylori infection, whereas a significant association was found by sensitivity analyses which showed a protective effect of the T allele against DU risk.  相似文献   

Published results suggests that high adiponectin level may decrease the risk of breast cancer. However, available evidence on breast cancer is conflicting. Therefore a meta-analysis was performed to assess the association between blood adiponectin and breast cancer risk. PubMed database, Web of Science, Elsevier Science, Springer Link and bibliographies of retrieved articles were searched for epidemiological studies published up to March 2013. Meta-analysis was performed on the combined effect values (OR) as well as standardized mean difference (SMD) including 17 studies. Fixed or random effect pooled measure was selected on the basis of homogeneity test among studies. The publication bias was assessed by the Egger’s regression asymmetry test and Begg’s rank correlation test with Begg’s funnel plot. Subgroup analyses and sensitivity analysis were also performed. A total of 13 studies involving 3578 breast cancer cases and 4363 controls contributed to the OR analysis. The high adiponectin level did not significantly affect breast cancer risk (OR=0.902, 95% CI=0.773–1.053). After excluding articles that were the key contributors to between-study heterogeneity, the OR of high adiponectin level was associated with decreased breast cancer risk (OR=0.838, 95% CI=0.744–0.943). There was a significantly association between high adiponectin level and postmenopausal breast cancer women (OR=0.752, 95%CI=0.604-0.936); and it was not associated with premenopausal breast cancer women (OR=0.895, 95%CI=0.638-1.256). The result of pooled measure on SMD was that the high adiponectin level was associated with decreased breast cancer risk (SMD= -0.348, 95% CI= -0.533--0.614) after excluding articles which were the key contributors to between-study heterogeneity. Our findings indicate that high adiponectin level might decrease the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. More randomized clinical trials and observational studies are needed to confirm this association with underlying biological mechanisms in the future.  相似文献   



The duration and pattern of breastfeeding can influence the consumption of fruits and vegetables in later childhood.


To investigate the association between pattern and duration of breastfeeding and consumption of fruits and vegetables in children aged between 4 and 7 years.


We conducted a secondary analysis using data from a former randomized clinical trial with 323 adolescent mothers, their children, and maternal grandmothers, when they cohabited. Information on infant feeding was collected monthly during the first 6 months of life, every two months until the child was 1 year old over and when children were between 4 and 7 years old. The associations between duration of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding and consumption of fruits and vegetables were tested by a logistic regression model.


Approximately 60% and 45% of children consumed fruits and vegetables, respectively, five or more times a week. Consumption of vegetables among 4-7-year-old children was higher in children who were breastfed for 12 months or longer (OR 2.7; 95%CI 1.49–4.93); however, exclusive breastfeeding duration did not have a significant association with consumption of vegetables (OR 1.5; 95%CI 0.70–3.04). There was no association between weekly consumption of fruits and duration of breastfeeding (OR 1.3; 95%CI 0.71–2.30) or exclusive breastfeeding (OR 0.7; 95%CI 0.34–1.44).


Longer duration of breastfeeding was positively associated with consumption of vegetables in children aged 4–7 years; however, there was no association with consumption of fruits. Exclusive breastfeeding duration did not have influence on consumption of fruits or vegetables.  相似文献   

Understanding the role that breastfeeding and bottle feeding play in the development of dental caries during childhood is essential in helping dentists and parents and care providers prevent the disease, and also for the development of effective public health policies. However, the issue is not yet fully understood. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to search for scientific evidence in response to the question: Do bottle fed children have more dental caries in primary dentition than breastfed children? Seven electronic databases and grey literature were used in the search. The protocol number of the study is PROSPERO CRD 42014006534. Two independent reviewers selected the studies, extracted data and evaluated risk of bias by quality assessment. A random effect model was used for meta-analysis, and the summary effect measure were calculated by odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI. Seven studies were included: five cross-sectional, one case-control and one cohort study. A meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies showed that breastfed children were less affected by dental caries than bottle fed children (OR: 0.43; 95%CI: 0.23–0.80). Four studies showed that bottle fed children had more dental caries (p<0.05), while three studies found no such association (p>0.05). The scientific evidence therefore indicated that breastfeeding can protect against dental caries in early childhood. The benefits of breastfeeding until age two is recommended by WHO/UNICEF guidelines. Further prospective observational cohort studies are needed to strengthen the evidence.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Increasing evidence demonstrates that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with atherosclerosis. However, there are contrasting findings in several studies that the atherosclerotic burden is not associated with HCV infections. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis to clarify if HCV infection is associated with atherosclerosis compared to non-infected people.


Standard guidelines for performance of meta-analysis were followed.


A thorough database search performed by two independent investigators identified 14 eligible studies for analysis. The data from 11 studies were synthesized to report unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) for carotid atherosclerosis; the pooled unadjusted OR (95% confidence interval (CI)) was 1.65 (1.21, 2.09). By synthesizing the data from 8 studies to report adjusted ORs for carotid atherosclerosis the pooled multi-confounder adjusted OR (95% CI) was 1.76 (1.20, 2.32). However, the numbers of studies on coronary or femoral atherosclerosis were limited and not enough for analysis.


Our meta-analysis indicats that HCV infection is associated with carotid atherosclerosis independent of classical risk factors. Therefore, we would recommend for HCV infected patients to be counseled on their risk for carotid atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) have been repeatedly associated with risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in studies focusing on serological evidence of infection. We investigated NHL risk in association with detection of HCV-RNA or EBV-DNA in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The study involved 91 NHL cases and 182 controls nested in the Italian branch of the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and nutrition) cohort, which obtained blood samples from 47,749 healthy volunteers between 1993 and 1998 in 5 Italian cities. NHL cases were identified until June 2005 through linkage with records of the Cancer, Mortality, and Hospital Discharge Registries. For all study subjects, we performed viral genome analyses on DNA and RNA extracted from buffy-coats and analysed EBV and HCV antibodies. The odds ratios (ORs) of NHL were 1.2 (95% confidence intervals: 0.4–3.8; 5 exposed cases) for PBMC HCV infection and 1.2 (0.7–2.3; 24 exposed cases) for PBMC EBV infection. Similar OR estimates were found for detection of EBV and HCV antibodies. These null results, although based on a relatively small sample size, suggest that persistent EBV and HCV infection in the PBMC is not a stronger predictor of NHL risk than serological evidence of infection.  相似文献   

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