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Inclusion of an additional treatment of the products obtained at centrifugation stages b1 and b13 with activated bentonite and aluminium hydroxide into the alcohol method for the production of immunoglobulin from placental and abortion blood permits obtaining preparations with lowered content of proteolytic enzymes and thermostable acid phosphatase, free from chorionic gonadotropin and blood pigment. The treatment of the final preparation with DEAE cellulose removes blood group antigens from immunoglobulins. The preparations obtained by this method have been shown to meet the requirements for immunoglobulins imposed by technological specifications.  相似文献   

A monomeric, biologically active, full-length human apolipoprotein E   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is an exchangeable apolipoprotein that plays an important role in lipid/lipoprotein metabolism and cardiovascular diseases. Recent evidence indicates that apoE is also critical in several other important biological processes, including Alzheimer's disease, cognitive function, immunoregulation, cell signaling, and infectious diseases. Although the X-ray crystal structure of the apoE N-terminal domain was solved in 1991, the structural study of full-length apoE is hindered by apoE's oligomerization property. Using protein-engineering techniques, we generated a monomeric, biologically active, full-length apoE. Cross-linking experiments indicate that this mutant is nearly 95-100% monomeric even at 20 mg/mL. CD spectroscopy and guanidine hydrochloride denaturation demonstrate that the structure and stability of the monomeric mutant are identical to wild-type apoE. Monomeric and wild-type apoE display similar lipid-binding activities in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine clearance assays and formation of reconstituted high-density lipoproteins. Furthermore, the monomeric and wild-type apoE proteins display an identical LDL receptor binding activity. Availability of this monomeric, biologically active, full-length apoE allows us to collect high quality NMR data for structural determination. Our initial NMR data of lipid-free apoE demonstrates that the N-terminal domain in the full-length apoE adopts a nearly identical structure as the isolated N-terminal domain, whereas the C-terminal domain appears to become more structured than the isolated C-terminal domain fragment, suggesting a weak domain-domain interaction. This interaction is confirmed by NMR examination of a segmental labeled apoE, in which the N-terminal domain is deuterated and the C-terminal domain is double-labeled. NMR titration experiments further suggest that the hinge region (residues 192-215) that connects apoE's N- and C-terminal domains may play an important role in mediating this domain-domain interaction.  相似文献   

Transfer factor: isolation of a biologically active component   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chromatographie separation of transfer factor from a tuberculin-sensitive donor resulted in isolation of a fraction which was proved to be active by both local and systemic transfer of the specific immunity present in the donor. This isolation technique may lead to the ultimate characterization of transfer factor.  相似文献   

Elution properties of horse immunoglobulin isotypes from protein A and protein G columns were examined. IgGa and IgGb isotypes were bound to protein A and protein G columns and were eluted by adjusting the pH of the elution buffer from 8.0 to 2.0. IgGc bound to protein G column but not to protein A column while IgG(T) bound to both columns. IgM and IgA apparently appeared not to bind to either column. New methods for purification of serum isotypes were developed using protein A and protein G columns as well as formerly established methods. Using these methods, it was possible to obtain purified isotypes for establishment of immunological assays for practical clinical use.  相似文献   

The multistep fractioning of the protein components from cultural filtrate of B. anthracis grown on casaminoacids containing medium was done. The scheme for preliminary purification of a toxin complex of B. anthracis against low and high molecular mass contaminants has been elaborated and includes ultrafiltration, gel chromatography in ultragel AcA-202 and TSK-gel toyopal HW-55. Biological activities of the complex,toxicity for laboratory animals and adenylate cyclase activity characteristic of B. anthracis toxin, are shown to remain intact in course of preliminary purification. Molecular masses of protein subunits from the fraction containing anthracis toxin activity reach 85-90 kD, 0.3-0.5 mg of toxin complex protein is yielded from 1 l of B. anthracis cultural filtrate.  相似文献   

We describe a one-step detergent solubilization protocol for isolating a highly active form of Photosystem II (PSII) from Pisum sativum L. Detailed characterization of the preparation showed that the complex was a monomer having no light harvesting proteins attached. This core reaction centre complex had, however, a range of low molecular mass intrinsic proteins as well as the chlorophyll binding proteins CP43 and CP47 and the reaction centre proteins D1 and D2. Of particular note was the presence of a stoichiometric level of PsbW, a low molecular weight protein not present in PSII of cyanobacteria. Despite the high oxygen evolution rate, the core complex did not retain the PsbQ extrinsic protein although there was close to a full complement of PsbO and PsbR and partial level of PsbP. However, reconstitution of PsbP and PsbPQ was possible. The presence of PsbP in absence of LHCII and other chlorophyll a/b binding proteins confirms that LHCII proteins are not a strict requirement for the assembly of this extrinsic polypeptide to the PSII core in contrast with the conclusion of Caffarri et al. (2009).  相似文献   

A modified procedure for the isolation of a nuclear pore complex-lamina fraction from rat liver nuclei is described. Evidence is provided that the isolated lamina, a 150-A thick, proteinaceous structure, apposes the inner nuclear envelope membrane, connecting nuclear pore complexes and surrounding the entire nucleus.  相似文献   

A new phenolic, hydroxyeucomic acid, and dopamine were isolated from Cattleya trianaei and their biological activities examined.  相似文献   

The aromatic region of the 1H-FT-NMR spectrum of the biologically fully-potent, monomeric human insulin mutant, B9 Ser----Asp, B27 Thr----Glu has been investigated in D2O. At 1 to 5 mM concentrations, this mutant insulin is monomeric above pH 7.5. Coupling and amino acid classification of all aromatic signals is established via a combination of homonuclear one- and two-dimensional methods, including COSY, multiple quantum filters, selective spin decoupling and pH titrations. By comparisons with other insulin mutants and with chemically modified native insulins, all resonances in the aromatic region are given sequence-specific assignments without any reliance on the various crystal structures reported for insulin. These comparisons also give the sequence-specific assignments of most of the aromatic resonances of the mutant insulins B16 Tyr----Glu, B27 Thr----Glu and B25 Phe----Asp and the chemically modified species des-(B23-B30) insulin and monoiodo-Tyr A14 insulin. Chemical dispersion of the assigned resonances, ring current perturbations and comparisons at high pH have made possible the assignment of the aromatic resonances of human insulin, and these studies indicate that the major structural features of the human insulin monomer (including those critical to biological function) are also present in the monomeric mutant.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid affinity chromatography is a powerful method for the purification of biological compounds owing to its specificity, rapidity and high resolution. In our laboratory, we develop chromatographic supports based on porous silica beads. However, in order to minimize non-specific interactions between the inorganic surface and proteins in aqueous solution, the silica beads are coated with modified dextran. As previously reported, many affinity ligands can be covalently grafted onto dextran-coated silica. In this study, N-acetylneuramic acid, which belongs to the sialic acid family and is present in immunoglobulin G (IgG) epitopes, is used as an active ligand. The interactions of this affinity support and IgG subclasses are analyzed. This immobilized ligand enables purification of IgG3 antibodies.  相似文献   

1. Four major radioactive fractions have been isolated from the livers of vitamin A-deficient rats given [6,7-(14)C(2)]retinoic acid. 2. At least one of these was more potent than retinoic acid and approximately equal to retinol in the growth assay for vitamin A activity. 3. The biologically active material was chromatographically distinct from retinoic acid, retinol and retinal. 4. Alkaline hydrolysis of this material yielded an acidic compound containing all the radioactivity. 5. The methyl ester of the acidic product was unlike the methyl ester of retinoic acid in its chromatographic behaviour. 6. It is suggested that this metabolite may represent the active form of retinol in its growth-supporting role.  相似文献   

Antibodies produced against pure Fraction I protein (ribulose 1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase) from Nicotiana tabacum have been covalently linked to a Sepharose 4B matrix. Fraction I protein present in crude extracts of green leaves of higher plants can be absorbed on a column of the immobilised antibody. The Fraction I protein is eluted from the column with 8 M urea and is in the form of dissociated subunits uncontaminated with other proteins. This material is ideal for an examination of the subunit polypeptide composition of the Fraction I protein by isoelectric focusing. By this procedure, Fraction I protein from sugar beet, Beta vulgaris, has been shown to consist of four different types of polypeptides, three large subunit polypeptides and a single small subunit polypeptide.  相似文献   

A newly proposed method for the mathematical and graphic determination and calculation of ED50 (LD50) on the abscissa at the meeting point of the cumulate of dead and the cumulate of survived animals (in absolute figures) in "dose-effect) experiments is described. "The method of meeting cumulates) for the calculation of ED50 (LD50) is simple, eliminates unnecessary calculations, yields results, highly similar (95-100%) to those obtained by other methods and may be used in different medico-biological studies.  相似文献   

1. A procedure is described for the purification of catalase and a peroxidase active fraction from human white adipose tissue. 2. Gel electrophoresis on SDS-PAGE revealed relative molecular masses of 202,900 and 208,600 for the active catalase and peroxidase molecules respectively (nonreducing conditions), as compared to 56,800 and 49,800 for the monomers under reducing conditions, thus indicating the likelihood of tetramers in the intact state. 3. The two purified enzymes differ with regard to pH optima (5-9 for catalase and 3 for peroxidase), temperature stability (up to 50 degrees C for catalase and 70 degrees C for peroxidase) and Km values towards H2O2 (38.9 mM for catalase and 7.69 mM for peroxidase, which was also active in oxidizing a number of o-dihydricphenols as second substrates). 4. The catalase enzyme showed uncompetitive inhibition by the irreversible inhibitor 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT), Ki = 5.4 mM.  相似文献   

—A method is described for the fractionation of bulk isolated oligodendroglial cells from calf brain to produce both a plasma membrane and an attached myelin fraction. The cells are homogenized in a sucrose solution containing Mg2+ and K+ at a pH of 6·5. Crude membrane fractions are obtained from this homogenate by discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. After being subjected to osmotic shock, these fractions are purified by continuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The plasma membrane fraction, which bands at 1·0 m -sucrose, was identified by its morphology and enzyme content. Electron microscopy showed it to be a homogeneous preparation of vesicles composed, for the most part, of smooth trilaminar membranes. Enzymatic analysis revealed the presence of high specific activities of Na+, K+-ATPase, 5′-nucleotidase and 2′,3′-cyclic AMPase. Lipid analysis showed a higher galactolipid and lower phospholipid content than has been reported for neuronal and synaptic membranes. The attached myelin fraction, which bands at 0·7 m -sucrose has the typical multilamellar appearance of myelin, but differs considerably from normal myelin in having high concentrations of plasma membrane marker enzymes, and a lipid composition intermediate between normal myelin and the plasma membrane fraction. The ganglioside content and protein patterns of these fractions have also been examined.  相似文献   

Discrete independent protein-RNA particles with a sedimentation constant of about 24S have been isolated from the cytoplasm of unfertilized sea urchin eggs or developing embryos. They contain about 8% of the total protein of the egg/embryo. The particles are 3–4% RNA by weight. Therefore, these particles bind the amount of RNA equal to about 4% of the total RNA of the egg/embryo. On the basis of labeling kinetics and sedimentation properties we tentatively conclude that this RNA represents the nonpolyribosome-bound RNA of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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