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Tropical dry forests are located predominantly in the northern portion of Venezuela, above 6°N. Although their potential extent covers ca 400,000 km2 (44% of the land), they currently occupy about 10 percent of this area. The diversity and complexity of Venezuelan dry forests increases from north to south along a gradient of decreasing severity of the dry season. A typical dry forest in Venezuela presents ca 110–170 species of plants from ca 40 to 50 families within an area of approximately 10 ha. Species composition and forest structure, however, are dependent on local landscape conditions (e.g., soil type, topography), and nearby forest types can be very different. Our analysis of five dry forest variants showed a maximum family similarity of 67 percent, although most values fell in the 50–60 percent interval. They are currently considered as one of Venezuela's most threatened ecosystems, but only 5 percent of extant dry forests are included in protected areas; this represents 0.5 percent of their potential extent. It is fundamental to promote the creation of at least 3 or 4 more large protected areas (ca 5000 ha), with different climatic and orographic characteristics, in combination with the recovery of threatened species, the restoration of degraded systems, and the implementation of sustainable development projects. Their apparent high resilience suggests that with the proper management we can restore and maintain the integrity of Venezuelan dry forests.  相似文献   

Land-use change in the tropics is creating secondary forest at an unprecedented rate. In the tropical Americas, mature dry tropical forest is rapidly being converted to secondary forest during the fallow period of shifting cultivation. We investigated litter phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in forests recovering from shifting cultivation of maize (corn) in three regions of the Southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our goal was to understand how nutrient and water availability affect forest recovery following conversion of mature forest to agricultural land. To investigate such changes at a regional scale, newly fallen litter was collected monthly along a seasonal, a successional, and a precipitation gradient. Reflecting possible P limitation, litter P concentration declined with forest age, while litter N concentration did not differ between age classes. Average litter P concentration from the southern, wettest region was 0.87 mg/g, almost twice the litter P concentration in the drier central and northern regions (0.44 and 0.45 mg/g, respectively). Average N concentrations of litter from the three regions ranged from 1.1% to 1.2%, with no regional differences. However, minima in both P and N concentration from all regions were pronouncedly timed with peak litterfall, suggesting nutrient retranslocation during periods of water stress. Additionally, successional differences in litter P were clearest during wetter months. P nutrient-use efficiency was lowest in the southern region and highest in the central and northern study regions. N nutrient-use efficiency was up to 40 times lower than P nutrient-use efficiency and showed no regional differences. Overall, our results suggest that litter nutrient dynamics in secondary dry tropical forests of the Southern Yucatan are strongly influenced by water and nutrient availability, especially P, as well as land-use history.  相似文献   

To test a new hypothesis explaining Fabaceae success in tropical dry forests, we compared seed germination of 34 species including legumes and non‐legumes. Legume seeds germinated twice as fast with higher final percentages compared to other taxa, which may afford them a competitive advantage in highly seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Several ecological and evolutionary processes can drive changes in diversity at different spatial scales. To determine the scale at which these processes are most influential, we hypothesized that (i) broad‐scale differences between ecoregions had greater influence on ant species richness and species turnover than local differences among fragments within ecoregions; and (ii) the degree of dissimilarity in ant species composition is larger between Tropical Dry Forest fragments and the surrounding vegetations than among Tropical Dry Forests located in different ecoregions, indicating that extant Tropical Dry Forests are relicts of a broader distribution of this vegetation. To examine ant diversity patterns, we built a nested hierarchical design on three spatial scales, ranging from fragments (local scale), Tropical Dry Forest + surroundings vegetation (landscape scale) and Brazilian ecoregions (regional scale). We used 450 sampling units (45 sampling units × two fragments × five ecoregions = 450). A null model based on the sample was used to identify variations in the random distribution across spatial scales. Spatial partitioning of ant diversity showed that observed β1 diversity (between fragments) and β2 diversity (among ecoregions) were higher than expected by chance. When the partitioning was analysed separately for each region, the observed β1 diversity (Tropical Dry Forest and surrounding vegetation) was higher than expected by the null hypothesis in all ecoregions of Brazil. Based on species composition and diversity patterns, we stress the importance of creating more protected areas throughout the coverage area of Tropical Dry Forests, favouring a more efficient conservation process.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the potential distribution of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTFs) during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations; to reassess the formerly proposed ‘Pleistocenic arc hypothesis’ (PAH); and to identify historically stable and unstable areas of SDTF distributions in the light of palaeodistribution modelling. Location SDTFs in lowland cis‐Andean eastern‐central South America. Methods We first developed georeferenced maps depicting the current distributional extent of SDTFs under two distinct definitions (narrow and broad). We then generated occurrence datasets, which were used with current and past bioclimatic variables to predict SDTF occurrence by implementing the maximum entropy machine‐learning algorithm. We obtained historical stability maps by overlapping the presence/absence projections of each of three climatic scenarios [current, 6 kyr bp during the Holocene, and 21 kyr bp during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)]. Finally, we checked the consistencies of the model prediction with qualitative comparisons of vegetation types inferred from available fossil pollen records. Results The present‐day SDTF distribution is disjunct, but we provide evidence that it was even more disjunct during the LGM. Reconstructions support a progressive southward and eastward expansion of SDTFs on a continental scale since the LGM. No significant expansion of SDTFs into the Amazon Basin was detected. Areas of presumed long‐term stability are identified and confirmed (the three nuclear regions, Caatinga, Misiones and Piedmont, plus the Chiquitano region), and these possibly acted as current and historical refugial areas. Main conclusions The LGM climate was probably too dry and cold to support large tracts of SDTF, which were restricted to climatically favourable areas relative to the present day (in contrast with the PAH, as it was originally conceived). Expansions of SDTFs are proposed to have occupied the southern portion of Caatinga nucleus more recently during the early–middle Holocene transition. We propose an alternative scenario amenable to further testing of an earlier SDTF expansion (either at the Lower Pleistocene or the Tertiary), followed by fragmentation in the LGM and secondary expansion in the Holocene. The stability maps were used to generate specific genetic predictions at both continental and regional scales (stable areas are expected to have higher genetic diversity and endemism levels than adjacent unstable areas) that can be used to direct field sampling to cover both stable (predicted refugia) and unstable (recently colonized) areas. Lastly, we discuss the possibility that SDTFs may experience future expansion under changing climate scenarios and that both stable and unstable areas should be prioritized by conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Wood decomposition in tropical forests is strongly linked to the terrestrial carbon cycle. Our understanding of the successional changes in wood decomposition in diverse tropical...  相似文献   

Endozoochory and fire are crucial ecological factors determining germination success and recruitment in many plant species. Fire is a well‐known germination trigger while endozoochory may allow seed dispersal along with an increase in germination. Their interaction has rarely been addressed, however, even though both factors are pervasive in human‐transformed ecosystems like most Neotropical Dry Forests (NDF). For three common Mesoamerican tree species (Acacia pennatula, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, and Guazuma ulmifolia), we used feeding trials to assess the preference of cattle, which are their main seed dispersal agent. We also experimentally tested the interaction between gut passage and fire as triggers of germination. The fruits of the three species were eaten by cattle, but the small seeds of G. ulmifolia were ingested 10‐fold more than those of the other species. While gut passage did not have any effect on germination, heat‐shocks above 90 °C increased the number of germinating seeds by 15 percent. These results suggest that cattle may be a key dispersal vector in NDF, but that fire may be an important germination trigger. Physical dormancy in these species may have been selected for by extinct megaherbivores because it was a key trait ensuring seed survival after gut passage. However, in light of the recent expansion of cattle‐ranching and fire occurrence in NDF, it has become a useful exaptation facilitating the colonization of disturbed areas.  相似文献   

There is a growing emphasis on developing methods for quantifying the structure and composition of tropical forests that can be applied over large landscapes, especially for tropical dry forests that are severely fragmented and have a high conservation priority. This study investigates the relationships between various measures of forest structure (annual woody increment, canopy closure, stand density, stand basal area) and composition (tree species diversity, tree community composition) measured in semi‐deciduous tropical dry forests on islands in Lago Guri, Venezuela and three spectral indices derived from Landsat ETM+: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Infrared Index (IRI), and Mid‐Infrared Index (MIRI). Even though there were significant autocorrelations among spectral indices, there were significant differences in the relationships between spectral indices and forest attributes. IRI was not significantly correlated with any of the structural variables while MIRI was correlated with canopy closure and NDVI values were correlated with canopy closure as well as annual woody increment. NDVI and MIRI were both related to relative tree diversity and all three indices were associated with aspects of tree species composition. Based on the results of this study, it appears that spectral indices, and in particular NDVI, may be useful indicators of forest attributes in tropical dry forest habitats. Further research needs to be undertaken to identify if the results of this study can be applied to other tropical dry forests at a global spatial scale.  相似文献   

In this study, we use tree‐ring records to determine the climate factors controlling the growth of Centrolobium microchaete, a high‐value timber species from the tropical dry Chiquitano forest in Bolivia. We present the first tree‐ring chronologies from C. microchaete for Concepción and Santa Mónica, Bolivia. Statistical analyses show that the chronologies are of good quality and have a significant common signal between trees. The growth of C. microchaete is strongly influenced by climatic conditions during late spring–early summer. Abundant precipitations concurrent with below‐average temperatures during this period of the year favor tree growth. Climate variations in late spring–early summer explain >40 percent of the total variance in C. microchaete tree growth during the interval 1943–2005. Minor differences in tree responses to climate recorded between the two stands may reflect differences in the extent of the dry season and in soil water capacity between sites. Although the chronologies cover the past 180 yr, adding samples from older individuals would permit the extension of these records further back in time. The strong climate dependency of tree growth suggests that predicted future climate changes in the region could have a significant influence on C. microchaete tree growth during the 21st century.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the potential use of soils to sequester carbon for climate change mitigation. As such, there is a need to evaluate the potential for carbon accumulation in tropical regions. We compared the effects of three annual additions of nitrogen and/or phosphorus on soil carbon and nitrogen contents and pools (bulk soil, macro‐, meso‐, and microaggregates) of two regenerating secondary tropical dry forest differing in nutrient status and succession stage (10‐year‐old early‐succession stage and approximately 60‐year‐old late‐succession stage). The selected forest sites were located on a shallow calcareous soil in the Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). The primary production is limited by nitrogen and phosphorus in early‐succession stage and by phosphorus in late‐succession stage. In each forest site, four independent plots (12 × 12 m2) were established, the treatments being: controls and plots fertilized during three consecutive years with nitrogen, phosphorus, or nitrogen plus phosphorus. In both forests, soil carbon and nitrogen contents were consistently high, with soil carbon:nitrogen ratios generally greater than 10. Results indicate that usually there are no significant increases of soil carbon stock associated to late succession but can be increased to 3.7 Mg·ha?1·yr?1 with adoption of fertilizer practices. The potential soil carbon sequestration in early‐succession forest was estimated to be 2.7 Mg·ha?1·yr?1, and there is no indication that fertilization improves carbon sequestration. In short, results suggest that the soil potential for carbon sequestration in these ecosystems is high and depends on the specific nutrient status of the site.  相似文献   

Today, the Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) of eastern South America occur as large, well-defined nuclei (e.g. Caatinga in the northeast) and as smaller enclaves within other vegetations (e.g. Cerrado and Chaco). In order to infer the way the present SDTF distribution was attained, the genetic structure of Astronium urundeuva, a tree confined to SDTF, was assessed using two chloroplast spacers and nine microsatellite loci. Five haplotypes were identified, whose distribution was spatially structured. The distribution of the two most common and divergent haplotypes suggested former vicariance and progressive divergence due to isolation. More recent range expansions of these two lineages subsequently occurred, leading to a secondary contact at the southern limit of the Caatinga SDTF nucleus. The multilocus-Bayesian approach using microsatellites consistently identified three groups of populations (Northeast, Central and Southwest). Isolation by distance was found in Northeast and Southwest groups whereas admixture was detected in the Central group, located at the transition between Caatinga and Cerrado domains. All together, the results support the existence of range expansions and secondary contact in the Central group. This study provides arguments that favour the existence of a previously more continuous formation of SDTF in eastern South America.  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand children''s perceptions of their present and future environments in the highly biodiverse and rapidly changing landscapes of Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. We analyzed drawings by children (target age 10–15 years) from 22 villages, which show how children perceive the present conditions of forests and wildlife surrounding their villages and how they expect conditions to change over the next 15 years. Analyses of picture elements and their relationships to current landscape variables indicate that children have a sophisticated understanding of their environment and how different environmental factors interact, either positively or negatively. Children appear to have landscape-dependent environmental perceptions, showing awareness of past environmental conditions and many aspects of recent trends, and translating these into predictions for future environmental conditions. The further removed their present landscape is from the originally forested one, the more environmental change they expect in the future, particularly declines in forest cover, rivers, animal diversity and increases in temperature and natural disasters. This suggests that loss of past perceptions and associated “shifting environmental baselines” do not feature strongly among children on Borneo, at least not for the perceptions we investigated here. Our findings that children have negative expectations of their future environmental conditions have important political implications. More than other generations, children have a stake in ensuring that future environmental conditions support their long-term well-being. Understanding what drives environmental views among children, and how they consider trade-offs between economic development and social and environmental change, should inform optimal policies on land use. Our study illuminates part of the complex interplay between perceptions of land cover and land use change. Capturing the views of children through artistic expressions provides a potentially powerful tool to influence public and political opinions, as well as a valuable approach for developing localized education and nature conservation programs.  相似文献   

The long-standing view in ecology is that disparity in overall resource selection is the basis for identifying niche breadth patterns, with species having narrow selection being classified “specialists” and those with broader selection being “generalists”. The standard model of niche breadth characterizes generalists and specialists as having comparable levels of overall total resource exploitation, with specialists exploiting resources at a higher level of performance over a narrower range of conditions. This view has gone largely unchallenged. An alternate model predicts total resource use being lower for the specialized species with both peaking at a comparable level of performance over a particular resource gradient. To reconcile the niche breadth paradigm we contrasted both models by developing range-wide species distribution models for Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis, and bobcat, Lynx rufus. Using a suite of environmental factors to define each species’ niche, we determined that Canada lynx demonstrated higher total performance over a restricted set of variables, specifically those related to snow and altitude, while bobcat had higher total performance across most variables. Unlike predictions generated by the standard model, bobcat level of exploitation was not compromised by the trade-off with peak performance, and Canada lynx were not restricted to exploiting a narrower range of conditions. Instead, the emergent pattern was that specialist species have a higher total resource utilization and peak performance value within a smaller number of resources or environmental axes than generalists. Our results also indicate that relative differences in niche breadth are strongly dependent on the variable under consideration, implying that the appropriate model describing niche breadth dynamics between specialists and generalists may be more complex than either the traditional heuristic or our modified version. Our results demonstrate a need to re-evaluate traditional, but largely untested, assumptions regarding resource utilization in species with broad and narrow niches.  相似文献   

In this study, we take an ecosystem approach to examine the degree of biological self-organization at the ecosystem level. An integrated set of indicators is derived from a theoretical framework and tested by field data from an ecosystem research project focusing on the Bornhöved Lake district in northern Germany. This field test is based on a comparison of the self-organized phenomena that comprise the carbon, water, and energy budgets of two adjacent edaphically and climatically similar ecosystems, that have vastly different levels of human interference—a crop field and a beech forest. In terms of biomass storage, biologically incorporated nitrogen and phosphorus, species number, total ecosystem respiration per total biomass (qCO2), total ecosystem assimilation per available nutrients, and transpiration per total evapotranspiration, we found clear differences between the systems. Ecosystem surface temperature and Rn/K* were found to be of limited utility in characterizing the two systems. The study is rooted in the concept of ecological integrity, an influential idea at the interface of ecological and environmental debate that has acquired a number of different meanings. Among other interpretations, it can be viewed as a guiding principle for sustainable land use that aims at long-term protection of ecological life-support systems. Effective use of any interpretation of this concept requires a theoretically consistent and applicable set of indicators. Therefore, we also discuss the integration of the indicator set and its potential use in monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Bivalve aquaculture has become increasingly important for marine protein production and is an alternative to exploiting natural resources. Its further and sustainable development should follow an ecosystem approach, to maintain both biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The identification of critical thresholds to development remains difficult. The present work aims at combining the calculation of the system’s ecological carrying capacity (ECC) with the ecosystem view of resilience for a bay system exposed to bivalve (scallop) aquaculture. Using a trophic food-web model, a stepwise further expansion of culture activities was simulated, and the impact on the system was evaluated twofold: First, a recently developed approach to estimating ECC was used, and second, a resilience indicator was calculated, which is based on the distribution of consumption flows within the trophic network (sensu Arreguín-Sanchez in Ecol Model 272: 27–276, 2014). Results suggest that a culture expansion beyond present-day scale would (a) cause a shift in community composition towards a system dominated by secondary consumers, (b) lead to the loss of system compartments, affecting ecosystem functioning, and (c) result in a decrease in resilience, emphasizing the need to regulate aquaculture activities. The applicability and potential of this presented method in the context of an ecosystem-based approach to aquaculture is discussed. This work aims at adding to the ongoing discussion on sustainable bivalve aquaculture and is expected to help guide aquaculture management.  相似文献   

The influence of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on rainfall and its possible effect on availability of food for white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in a tropical dry forest in the Pacific coast of Mexico was studied. From 1977 to 2003 there were three significant El Niño and La Niña events. During El Niño years rainfall decreased during the wet season ( June to October) and increased during the dry season (November to May), with the opposite effect during La Niña years. Plant diversity was monitored in permanent plots during the wet and dry seasons of 1989–1993. The results provide evidence that ENSO events affect deer food availability, particularly in the dry season.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of rainfall attributes on litter decomposition over an 8-year period in a well-preserved tropical dry forest ecosystem in western Mexico. We examined the relationship between the size and number of rainfall events and rainy-season litter decomposition rates and determined if this relationship varied along a landscape gradient. A mass balance approach was used to estimate decomposition rate in four permanent 2,400 m2 plots located in two small watersheds. Watershed I included three plots in different landscape positions (upper, middle, and lower) in the elevation gradient, whereas Watershed IV included one plot in the middle position. Surface litter C mass was lower in the rainy than in the dry season in all plots in response to seasonal fluctuations in rainfall. The frequency of small (≤5 mm) and medium (5.1–9.9 mm) size rainfall events largely did not correlate with litter decomposition, but the frequency of large events (≥10 mm) had a positive correlation with decomposition rates (P < 0.05), except in plot IV (P < 0.1). Decomposition rates were similar among plots at the different landscape positions within Watershed I (P > 0.05). The relevance of large rainfall events (≥10 mm) in rainy-season litter decomposition suggests that changes in the precipitation regime which alter the frequency of these rainfall pulses or increase their variability would affect the vulnerability of the litter C and nutrient pools to extreme events.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from the English Channel area of Britain and Northern France on the spatial distribution of Lower to early Middle Palaeolithic pre-MIS5 interglacial sites which are used to test the contention that the pattern of the richest sites is a real archaeological distribution and not of taphonomic origin. These sites show a marked concentration in the middle-lower reaches of river valleys with most being upstream of, but close to, estimated interglacial tidal limits. A plant and animal database derived from Middle-Late Pleistocene sites in the region is used to estimate the potentially edible foods and their distribution in the typically undulating landscape of the region. This is then converted into the potential availability of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and selected micronutrients. The floodplain is shown to be the optimum location in the nutritional landscape (nutriscape). In addition to both absolute and seasonal macronutrient advantages the floodplains could have provided foods rich in key micronutrients, which are linked to better health, the maintenance of fertility and minimization of infant mortality. Such places may have been seen as ‘good (or healthy) places’ explaining the high number of artefacts accumulated by repeated visitation over long periods of time and possible occupation. The distribution of these sites reflects the richest aquatic and wetland successional habitats along valley floors. Such locations would have provided foods rich in a wide range of nutrients, importantly including those in short supply at these latitudes. When combined with other benefits, the high nutrient diversity made these locations the optimal niche in northwest European mixed temperate woodland environments. It is argued here that the use of these nutritionally advantageous locations as nodal or central points facilitated a healthy variant of the Palaeolithic diet which permitted habitation at the edge of these hominins’ range.  相似文献   

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