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The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) was widespread in Australia during the Late Pleistocene but is now endemic to the island of Tasmania. Low genetic diversity combined with the spread of devil facial tumour disease have raised concerns for the species’ long-term survival. Here, we investigate the origin of low genetic diversity by inferring the species'' demographic history using temporal sampling with summary statistics, full-likelihood and approximate Bayesian computation methods. Our results show extensive population declines across Tasmania correlating with environmental changes around the last glacial maximum and following unstable climate related to increased ‘El Niño–Southern Oscillation’ activity.  相似文献   

Insertions and deletions (indels) are common molecular evolutionary events. However, probabilistic models for indel evolution are under-developed due to their computational complexity. Here, we introduce several improvements to indel modeling: 1) While previous models for indel evolution assumed that the rates and length distributions of insertions and deletions are equal, here we propose a richer model that explicitly distinguishes between the two; 2) we introduce numerous summary statistics that allow approximate Bayesian computation-based parameter estimation; 3) we develop a method to correct for biases introduced by alignment programs, when inferring indel parameters from empirical data sets; and 4) using a model-selection scheme, we test whether the richer model better fits biological data compared with the simpler model. Our analyses suggest that both our inference scheme and the model-selection procedure achieve high accuracy on simulated data. We further demonstrate that our proposed richer model better fits a large number of empirical data sets and that, for the majority of these data sets, the deletion rate is higher than the insertion rate.  相似文献   

Emerging pathogens constitute a severe threat for human health and biodiversity. Determining the status (native or non‐native) of emerging pathogens, and tracing back their spatio‐temporal dynamics, is crucial to understand the eco‐evolutionary factors promoting their emergence, to control their spread and mitigate their impacts. However, tracing back the spatio‐temporal dynamics of emerging wildlife pathogens is challenging because (i) they are often neglected until they become sufficiently abundant and pose socio‐economical concerns and (ii) their geographical range is often little known. Here, we combined classical population genetics tools and approximate Bayesian computation (i.e. ABC) to retrace the dynamics of Tracheliastes polycolpus, a poorly documented pathogenic ectoparasite emerging in Western Europe that threatens several freshwater fish species. Our results strongly suggest that populations of T. polycolpus in France emerged from individuals originating from a unique genetic pool that were most likely introduced in the 1920s in central France. From this initial population, three waves of colonization occurred into peripheral watersheds within the next two decades. We further demonstrated that populations remained at low densities, and hence undetectable, during 10 years before a major demographic expansion occurred, and before its official detection in France. These findings corroborate and expand the few historical records available for this emerging pathogen. More generally, our study demonstrates how ABC can be used to determine the status, reconstruct the colonization history and infer key evolutionary parameters of emerging wildlife pathogens with low data availability, and for which samples from the putative native area are inaccessible.  相似文献   

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) substitutes simulation for analytic models in Bayesian inference. Simulating evolutionary scenarios under Kimura’s stepping stone model (KSS) might therefore allow inference over spatial genetic process where analytical results are difficult to obtain. ABC first creates a reference set of simulations and would proceed by comparing summary statistics over KSS simulations to summary statistics from localities sampled in the field, but: comparison of which localities and stepping stones? Identical stepping stones can be arranged so two localities fall in the same stepping stone, nearest or diagonal neighbours, or without contact. None is intrinsically correct, yet some choice must be made and this affects inference. We explore a Bayesian strategy for mapping field observations onto discrete stepping stones. We make Sundial, for projecting field data onto the plane, available. We generalize KSS over regular tilings of the plane. We show Bayesian averaging over the mapping between a continuous field area and discrete stepping stones improves the fit between KSS and isolation by distance expectations. We make Tiler Durden available for carrying out this Bayesian averaging. We describe a novel parameterization of KSS based on Wright’s neighbourhood size, placing an upper bound on the geographic area represented by a stepping stone and make it available as m Vector. We generalize spatial coalescence recursions to continuous and discrete space cases and use these to numerically solve for KSS coalescence previously examined only using simulation. We thus provide applied and analytical resources for comparison of stepping stone simulations with field observations.  相似文献   

The Kingman coalescent and its developments are often considered among the most important advances in population genetics of the last decades. Demographic inference based on coalescent theory has been used to reconstruct the population dynamics and evolutionary history of several species, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), an important human pathogen causing tuberculosis. One key assumption of the Kingman coalescent is that the number of descendants of different individuals does not vary strongly, and violating this assumption could lead to severe biases caused by model misspecification. Individual lineages of MTB are expected to vary strongly in reproductive success because 1) MTB is potentially under constant selection due to the pressure of the host immune system and of antibiotic treatment, 2) MTB undergoes repeated population bottlenecks when it transmits from one host to the next, and 3) some hosts show much higher transmission rates compared with the average (superspreaders).Here, we used an approximate Bayesian computation approach to test whether multiple-merger coalescents (MMC), a class of models that allow for large variation in reproductive success among lineages, are more appropriate models to study MTB populations. We considered 11 publicly available whole-genome sequence data sets sampled from local MTB populations and outbreaks and found that MMC had a better fit compared with the Kingman coalescent for 10 of the 11 data sets. These results indicate that the null model for analyzing MTB outbreaks should be reassessed and that past findings based on the Kingman coalescent need to be revisited.  相似文献   

A primary focus of historical biogeography is to understand changes in species ranges, abundance and genetic connectivity, and changes in community composition. Traditionally, biogeographic inference has relied on distinct lines of evidence, including DNA sequences, fossils and hindcasted ecological niche models. In this review we propose that the development of integrative modeling approaches that leverage multiple distinct data types from diverse disciplines has the potential to revolutionize the field of biogeography. Although each data type contains information on a distinct aspect of species’ biogeographic histories, few studies formally integrate multiple types in analysis. For example, post hoc congruence among analyses based on different data types (e.g. fossils and genetics) is commonly assumed to indicate likely biogeographic histories. Unfortunately, analyses of different data often reach discordant conclusions. Thus, fundamental and unresolved debates continue regarding speed and timing of postglacial migration, location and size of glacial refugia, and degree of long distance dispersal. Formal statistical integration can help address these issues. More specifically, formal integration can leverage all available evidence, account for inherent biases associated with different data types, and quantify data and process uncertainty. Novel, quantitative integration of data and models across fields is now possible due to recent advances in cyberinfrastructure, spatial modeling, online and aggregated ecological databases, data processing and quantitative methods. Our purpose is to make the case for and give examples of rigorous integration of genetic, fossil and environmental/occurrence data for inferring biogeographic history. In particular, we 1) review the need for such a framework; 2) explain common data types and approaches used to infer biogeographic history (and the challenges with each); 3) review state‐of‐the‐art examples of data integration in biogeography; 4) lay out a series of novel, suggested improvements on current methods; and 5) provide an outlook on technical feasibility and future opportunities.  相似文献   

We propose a compartmental disease transmission model with an asymptomatic (or subclinical) infective class to study the role of asymptomatic infection in the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases with asymptomatic infectives, e.g., influenza. Analytical results are obtained using the respective ratios of susceptible, exposed (incubating), and asymptomatic classes to the clinical symptomatic infective class. Conditions are given for bistability of equilibria to occur, where trajectories with distinct initial values could result in either a major outbreak where the disease spreads to the whole population or a lesser outbreak where some members of the population remain uninfected. This dynamic behavior did not arise in a SARS model without asymptomatic infective class studied by Hsu and Hsieh (SIAM J. Appl. Math. 66(2), 627–647, 2006). Hence, this illustrates that depending on the initial states, control of a disease outbreak with asymptomatic infections may involve more than simply reducing the reproduction number. Moreover, the presence of asymptomatic infections could result in either a positive or negative impact on the outbreak, depending on different sets of conditions on the parameters, as illustrated with numerical simulations. Biological interpretations of the analytical and numerical results are also given.  相似文献   

Environmental sources of infection can play a primary role in shaping epidemiological dynamics; however, the relative impact of environmental transmission on host‐pathogen systems is rarely estimated. We developed and fit a spatially explicit model of African swine fever virus (ASFV) in wild boar to estimate what proportion of carcass‐based transmission is contributing to the low‐level persistence of ASFV in Eastern European wild boar. Our model was developed based on ecological insight and data from field studies of ASFV and wild boar in Eastern Poland. We predicted that carcass‐based transmission would play a substantial role in persistence, especially in low‐density host populations where contact rates are low. By fitting the model to outbreak data using approximate Bayesian computation, we inferred that between 53% and 66% of transmission events were carcass‐based that is, transmitted through contact of a live host with a contaminated carcass. Model fitting and sensitivity analyses showed that the frequency of carcass‐based transmission increased with decreasing host density, suggesting that management policies should emphasize the removal of carcasses and consider how reductions in host densities may drive carcass‐based transmission. Sensitivity analyses also demonstrated that carcass‐based transmission is necessary for the autonomous persistence of ASFV under realistic parameters. Autonomous persistence through direct transmission alone required high host densities; otherwise re‐introduction of virus periodically was required for persistence when direct transmission probabilities were moderately high. We quantify the relative role of different persistence mechanisms for a low‐prevalence disease using readily collected ecological data and viral surveillance data. Understanding how the frequency of different transmission mechanisms vary across host densities can help identify optimal management strategies across changing ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Wildlife Trade and the Emergence of Infectious Diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most recent emerging infectious diseases have been zoonotic in origin. It is our contention that one of the factors responsible for such emergence is the trade in wildlife and bushmeat in particular. This article considers the effect of increasing diversity in the species hunted on the probability of global epidemics such as SARS. In particular, we develop a mathematical model of the probability of such an outbreak in terms of the number of species hunted, the number of susceptibles, and the rate of contact. Hence, we postulate that local biodiversity loss and increasing rates of animal trafficking, and trade and transportation of animals to large cities—where there is a greater potential for person-to-person transmission—may increase the probability of such outbreaks dramatically.  相似文献   

Under certain controllability and observability restrictions, two different parameterisations for a non-linear compartmental model can only have the same input-output behaviour if they differ by a locally diffeomorphic change of basis for the state space. With further restrictions, it is possible to gain valuable information with respect to identifiability via a linear analysis. Examples are presented where non-linear identifiability analyses are substantially simplified by means of an initial linear analysis. For complex models, with four or more compartments, this linear analysis can prove lengthy to perform by hand and so symbolic computation has been employed to aid this procedure.  相似文献   

Quantifying the Routes of Transmission for Pandemic Influenza   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motivated by the desire to assess nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza, we seek in this study to quantify the routes of transmission for this disease. We construct a mathematical model of aerosol (i.e., droplet-nuclei) and contact transmission of influenza within a household containing one infected. An analysis of this model in conjunction with influenza and rhinovirus data suggests that aerosol transmission is far more dominant than contact transmission for influenza. We also consider a separate model of a close expiratory event, and find that a close cough is unlikely (≈1% probability) to generate traditional droplet transmission (i.e., direct deposition on the mucous membranes), although a close, unprotected and horizontally-directed sneeze is potent enough to cause droplet transmission. There are insufficient data on the frequency of close expiratory events to assess the relative importance of aerosol transmission and droplet transmission, and it is prudent to leave open the possibility that droplet transmission is important until proven otherwise. However, the rarity of close, unprotected and horizontally-directed sneezes—coupled with the evidence of significant aerosol and contact transmission for rhinovirus and our comparison of hazard rates for rhinovirus and influenza—leads us to suspect that aerosol transmission is the dominant mode of transmission for influenza.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the presence of sea ice is an important factor in facilitating migration and determining the degree of genetic isolation among contemporary arctic fox populations. Because the extent of sea ice is dependent upon global temperatures, periods of significant cooling would have had a major impact on fox population connectivity and genetic variation. We tested this hypothesis by extracting and sequencing mitochondrial control region sequences from 17 arctic foxes excavated from two late-ninth-century to twelfth-century AD archaeological sites in northeast Iceland, both of which predate the Little Ice Age (approx. sixteenth to nineteenth century). Despite the fact that five haplotypes have been observed in modern Icelandic foxes, a single haplotype was shared among all of the ancient individuals. Results from simulations within an approximate Bayesian computation framework suggest that the rapid increase in Icelandic arctic fox haplotype diversity can only be explained by sea-ice-mediated fox immigration facilitated by the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Understanding the distribution of genetic diversity in the light of past demographic events linked with climatic shifts will help to forecast evolutionary trajectories of ecosystems within the current context of climate change. In this study, mitochondrial sequences and microsatellite loci were analysed using traditional population genetic approaches together with Bayesian dating and the more recent approximate Bayesian computation scenario testing. The genetic structure and demographic history of a commercial fish, the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus, was investigated throughout the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The results suggest that the species recently underwent population expansions, in both seas, likely concomitant with the warming period following the Last Glacial Maximum, 20 000 years ago. A weak contemporaneous genetic differentiation was identified between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. However, the genetic diversity was similar for populations of the two seas, suggesting a high number of colonizers entered the Black Sea during the interglacial period and/or the presence of a refugial population in the Black Sea during the glacial period. Finally, within seas, an east/west genetic differentiation in the Adriatic seems to prevail, whereas the Black Sea does not show any structured spatial genetic pattern of its population. Overall, these results suggest that the Black Sea is not that isolated from the Mediterranean, and both seas revealed similar evolutionary patterns related to climate change and changes in sea level.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are expected to evolve suppressed recombination, which leads to degeneration of the Y and heteromorphism between the X and Y. Some sex chromosomes remain homomorphic, however, and the factors that prevent degeneration of the Y in these cases are not well understood. The homomorphic sex chromosomes of the European tree frogs (Hyla spp.) present an interesting paradox. Recombination in males has never been observed in crossing experiments, but molecular data are suggestive of occasional recombination between the X and Y. The hypothesis that these sex chromosomes recombine has not been tested statistically, however, nor has the X‐Y recombination rate been estimated. Here, we use approximate Bayesian computation coupled with coalescent simulations of sex chromosomes to quantify X‐Y recombination rate from existent data. We find that microsatellite data from H. arborea, H. intermedia and H. molleri support a recombination rate between X and Y that is significantly different from zero. We estimate that rate to be approximately 105 times smaller than that between X chromosomes. Our findings support the notion that very low recombination rate may be sufficient to maintain homomorphism in sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Bottlenecks, founder events, and genetic drift often result in decreased genetic diversity and increased population differentiation. These events may follow abundance declines due to natural or anthropogenic perturbations, where translocations may be an effective conservation strategy to increase population size. American black bears (Ursus americanus) were nearly extirpated from the Central Interior Highlands, USA by 1920. In an effort to restore bears, 254 individuals were translocated from Minnesota, USA, and Manitoba, Canada, into the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains from 1958 to 1968. Using 15 microsatellites and mitochondrial haplotypes, we observed contemporary genetic diversity and differentiation between the source and supplemented populations. We inferred four genetic clusters: Source, Ouachitas, Ozarks, and a cluster in Missouri where no individuals were translocated. Coalescent models using approximate Bayesian computation identified an admixture model as having the highest posterior probability (0.942) over models where the translocation was unsuccessful or acted as a founder event. Nuclear genetic diversity was highest in the source (AR = 9.11) and significantly lower in the translocated populations (AR = 7.07–7.34; P = 0.004). The Missouri cluster had the lowest genetic diversity (AR = 5.48) and served as a natural experiment showing the utility of translocations to increase genetic diversity following demographic bottlenecks. Differentiation was greater between the two admixed populations than either compared to the source, suggesting that genetic drift acted strongly over the eight generations since the translocation. The Ouachitas and Missouri were previously hypothesized to be remnant lineages. We observed a pretranslocation remnant signature in Missouri but not in the Ouachitas.  相似文献   

The majority of sub-Saharan Africans today speak a number of closely related languages collectively referred to as ‘Bantu’ languages. The current distribution of Bantu-speaking populations has been found to largely be a consequence of the movement of people rather than a diffusion of language alone. Linguistic and single marker genetic studies have generated various hypotheses regarding the timing and the routes of the Bantu expansion, but these hypotheses have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we re-analysed microsatellite markers typed for large number of African populations that—owing to their fast mutation rates—capture signatures of recent population history. We confirm the spread of west African people across most of sub-Saharan Africa and estimated the expansion of Bantu-speaking groups, using a Bayesian approach, to around 5600 years ago. We tested four different divergence models for Bantu-speaking populations with a distribution comprising three geographical regions in Africa. We found that the most likely model for the movement of the eastern branch of Bantu-speakers involves migration of Bantu-speaking groups to the east followed by migration to the south. This model, however, is only marginally more likely than other models, which might indicate direct movement from the west and/or significant gene flow with the western Branch of Bantu-speakers. Our study use multi-loci genetic data to explicitly investigate the timing and mode of the Bantu expansion and it demonstrates that west African groups rapidly expanded both in numbers and over a large geographical area, affirming the fact that the Bantu expansion was one of the most dramatic demographic events in human history.  相似文献   

具潜伏期的无免疫型传染病动力学的微分模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对具潜伏期的无免疫型传染病进行讨论,给出一个常微分模型和一个偏微分模型.  相似文献   

Inferring the demographic history of species and their populations is crucial to understand their contemporary distribution, abundance and adaptations. The high computational overhead of likelihood‐based inference approaches severely restricts their applicability to large data sets or complex models. In response to these restrictions, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods have been developed to infer the demographic past of populations and species. Here, we present the results of an evaluation of the ABC‐based approach implemented in the popular software package diyabc using simulated data sets (mitochondrial DNA sequences, microsatellite genotypes and single nucleotide polymorphisms). We simulated population genetic data under five different simple, single‐population models to assess the model recovery rates as well as the bias and error of the parameter estimates. The ability of diyabc to recover the correct model was relatively low (0.49): 0.6 for the simplest models and 0.3 for the more complex models. The recovery rate improved significantly when reducing the number of candidate models from five to three (from 0.57 to 0.71). Among the parameters of interest, the effective population size was estimated at a higher accuracy compared to the timing of events. Increased amounts of genetic data did not significantly improve the accuracy of the parameter estimates. Some gains in accuracy and decreases in error were observed for scaled parameters (e.g., Neμ) compared to unscaled parameters (e.g., Ne and μ). We concluded that diyabc ‐based assessments are not suited to capture a detailed demographic history, but might be efficient at capturing simple, major demographic changes.  相似文献   

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