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Despite the large number of reports attributing the signaling between detached cell cultures to the electromagnetic phenomena, almost no report so far included a rigorous analysis of the possibility of such signaling.In this paper, we examine the physical feasibility of the electromagnetic communication between cells, especially through light, with regard to the ambient noise illumination. We compare theoretically attainable parameters of communication with experimentally obtained data of the photon emission from cells without a specially pronounced ability of bioluminescence.We show that the weak intensity of the emission together with an unfavorable signal-to-noise ratio, which is typical for natural conditions, represent an important obstacle to the signal detection by cells.  相似文献   

High titers of juvenile hormone (JH) maintain developmental arrest in Manduca sexta larvae parasitized by Cotesia congregata. Parasitized hosts exhibit up to 9.5 times greater amounts of total hemolymph JH (from 0.6±0.09 to 2.51±0.43 ng/ml) compared to non-parasitized controls. Elevated titers are observed throughout the fifth instar, even beyond egression of the parasitoids on day 5. GC–MS analysis revealed that in hemolymph of unparasitized control larvae, JH I is the major homolog and levels of JH III are negligible; in parasitized individuals the amounts of JH I, II, and III rise, and JH III predominates. Neck ligation ensured separation of M. sexta’s corpora allata from the posterior section, which contained most of the parasitoids in the infected insects. When the posterior region was sampled, JHs were not detected in the non-parasitzed larvae, but in those parasitized, JH III was found (1.98±0.29 ng/ml, 24 h post-ligation). JH III was the only homolog produced and secreted by the parasitoid in in vitro culture. This is the first report stating that a parasitoid secretes JH III and may contribute, at least in part, to the circulating titer in the host hemocoel, concurrently promoting host production of JH I and II.  相似文献   

Conservation projects may be reluctant to attempt Systematic Conservation Planning because existing methods are often prohibitive in the time, money, data, and expertise they require. We tried to develop a “resource light” method for Systematic Conservation Planning and applied it to the Ewaso Ngiro Landscape of central Kenya. Over a 6-month preparation period and 1-week participatory workshop, we used expert assessments to select focal biodiversity features, set quantitative targets for these, map their current distribution, vulnerability, potential for recovery, and conservation costs, and, finally, map cross-feature conservation priorities. Preparation for and facilitation of the workshop required time investment by one part-time workshop coordinator, eight workshop committee members, six ecosystem experts, and two GIS technicians. Total time investment was approximately 56.5 person-weeks spread over facilitators and 40 workshop participants. Monetary costs for the workshop were approximately $US 42,000, excluding investments made by researchers previous to this project. Costs for a similar workshop could vary substantially, depending on need to cover salaries, international travel, food and lodging, and the number of participants. To stay within our resource constraints, we completed the exercise for only four of nine focal biodiversity features and did not negotiate trade-offs between conservation and human land-uses or use planning software to identify “optimal networks” of conservation areas. These were not considered critical for conservationists to try Systematic Conservation Planning, introduce landscape-scale conservation concepts to stakeholders, and begin implementing landscape conservation strategies. Participants agreed that further work would be needed to complete and update the planning process. Due to the lack of comparative cost data from similar planning exercises, we cannot definitively conclude that our approach was “resource light”, although we suspect it is within the constraints of most site-based conservation projects.  相似文献   

Signal transduction pathways often modulate both positively and negatively acting components to optimize the efficiency of a signal. Recent results have shown that plants make extensive use of regulated proteolysis to modulate signal transduction pathways. An emerging theme from hormone (e.g. auxin and gibberellin) and light signaling pathways is signal or stimulus-induced degradation of negative regulators to optimize plant growth and development.  相似文献   

In most cases, phase-shifting effects of light pulses are studied in animals kept in constant darkness (DD) or in animals released into DD following the stimulus. In this study, the authors exposed Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) to short light pulses during the dark phase of a 16:8 light-dark (LD) cycle and thus obtained a type VI phase response curve. Light pulses early in the night caused phase delays of the activity onset as well as phase advances of the activity offset, whereas light pulses later in the night resulted in phase advances of the activity offset only. A combination of two 15-min light pulses-the first one given late in the scotophase and the second given early in the dark phase of the following night-led to a strong compression of the activity phase alpha. In 75% of all animals, daily rhythms were no longer visible after complete alpha compression, and long-term arrhythmicity (up to 145 days) persisted despite continued exposure to an LD cycle. Because three independent output rhythms of the clock (i.e., activity, body temperature, and melatonin rhythms) were equally affected, the authors conclude that overt arrhythmicity was due not merely to disrupted output pathways but to an altered state of the central pacemaker. The authors suggest a qualitative two-oscillator model to explain this phenomenon. Their hypothesis assumes that, due to loose coupling, the pacemaker of Djungarian hamsters can be driven to a state of zero phase difference between the two oscillators, with zero amplitude of their outputs.  相似文献   

Cell membranes experience frequent stretching and poking: from cytoskeletal elements, from osmotic imbalances, from fusion and budding of vesicles, and from forces from the outside. Are the ensuing changes in membrane tension localized near the site of perturbation, or do these changes propagate rapidly through the membrane to distant parts of the cell, perhaps as a mechanical mechanism of long-range signaling? Literature statements on the timescale for membrane tension to equilibrate across a cell vary by a factor of ≈106. This study reviews and discusses how apparently contradictory findings on tension propagation in cells can be evaluated in the context of 2D hydrodynamics and poroelasticity. Localization of tension in the cell membrane is likely critical in governing how membrane forces gate ion channels, set the subcellular distribution of vesicle fusion, and regulate the dynamics of cytoskeletal growth. Furthermore, in this study, it is proposed that cells can actively regulate the degree to which membrane tension propagates by modulating the density and arrangement of immobile transmembrane proteins. Also see the video abstract here https://youtu.be/T6K7AIAqqBs .  相似文献   

Summary Finches exposed to constant bright light of 50 and 500 lux, show continuous locomotor activity without any circadian rhythmicity. A rhythmic alternation of these intensities with a period of 24 h, however, can induce a similar activity rhythm. Some of the birds show a distinct rest-time while others which remain continuously active show fluctuations in the amount of activity. When the birds are synchronized by the same light intensities to 22 h, the phase relationship to the Zeitgeber delays. This indicates that an oscillatory synchronization is present and that activity rhythms are not only passive reactions to changing light intensities. After the transfer from constant bright to constant dim light (1 lux), clear freerunning rhythms start immediately, with phases that are determined only by the instants of the transfer. All phenomena observed in the bright light experiments are in agreement with postulations of a simple oscillation model the validity of which had been shown previously.The results of the experiments under bright light may have consequences in some different respects. For instance, they suggest that the evolutionary meaning of the circadian system is primarily the active reduction of the damping inherent in the biological processes; the endogenous generation of self-sustaining rhythms seems rather to be an epiphenomenon. An appendix deals with consequences with regard to the structure of the circadian system. The results of the former experiments with pinealectomized birds do not cogently implicit the assumption of a pacemaker in the pineal organ. They are equally compatible with the assumption that the influence of the pineal organ on the circadian system is similar to that of light. A crucial experiment to discriminate between the two assumptions is proposed.  相似文献   

Why Don't Anthropologists Like Children?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Few major works in anthropology focus specifically on children, a curious state of affairs given that virtually all contemporary anthropology is based on the premise that culture is learned, not inherited. Although children have a remarkable and undisputed capacity for learning generally, and learning culture in particular, in significant measure anthropology has shown little interest in them and their lives. This article examines the reasons for this lamentable lacunae and offers theoretical and empirical reasons for repudiating it. Resistance to child-focused scholarship, it is argued, is a byproduct of (1) an impoverished view of cultural learning that overestimates the role adults play and underestimates the contribution that children make to cultural reproduction, and (2) a lack of appreciation of the scope and force of children's culture, particularly in shaping adult culture. The marginalization of children and childhood, it is proposed, has obscured our understanding of how cultural forms emerge and why they are sustained. Two case studies, exploring North American children's beliefs about social contamination, illustrate these points. [Keywords: anthropology of childhood, children's culture, acquisition of cultural knowledge, race]  相似文献   

Fast cyclic electron transport (CET) around photosystem I (PS I) was observed in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves under intense far-red light (FRL) of up to 200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1. The electron transport rate (ETR) through PS I was found from the FRL-dark transmittance change at 810 and 950 nm, which was deconvoluted into redox states and pool sizes of P700, plastocyanin (PC) and cytochrome f (Cyt f). PC and P700 were in redox equilibrium with K e = 35 (ΔE m = 90 mV). PS II ETR was based on O2 evolution. CET [(PS I ETR) − (PS II ETR)] increased to 50–70 μmol e m−2 s−1 when linear electron transport (LET) under FRL was limited to 5 μmol e m−2 s−1 in a gas phase containing 20–40 μmol CO2 mol−1 and 20 μmol O2 mol−1. Under these conditions, pulse-saturated fluorescence yield F m was non-photochemically quenched; however, F m was similarly quenched when LET was driven by low green or white light, which energetically precluded the possibility for active CET. We suggest that under FRL, CET is rather not coupled to transmembrane proton translocation than the CET-coupled protons are short-circuited via proton channels regulated to open at high ΔpH. A kinetic analysis of CET electron donors and acceptors suggests the CET pathway is that of the reversed Q-cycle: Fd → (FNR) → Cyt cn → Cyt bh → Cyt bl → Rieske FeS → Cyt f → PC → P700 →→ Fd. CET is activated when PQH2 oxidation is opposed by high ΔpH, and ferredoxin (Fd) is reduced due to low availability of e acceptors. The physiological significance of CET may be photoprotective, as CET may be regarded as a mechanism of energy dissipation under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Drastic declines in insect populations, ‘Ecological Armageddon’, have recently gained increased attention in the scientific community, and are commonly considered to be the consequence of large‐scale factors such as land‐use changes, use of pesticides, climate change and habitat fragmentation. Artificial light at night (ALAN), a pervasive global change that strongly impacts insects, remains, however, infrequently recognised as a potential contributor to the observed declines. Here, we provide a summary of recent evidence of impacts of ALAN on insects and discuss how these impacts can drive declines in insect populations in light‐polluted areas. ALAN can increase overall environmental pressure on insect populations, and this is particularly important in agroecosystems where insect communities provide important ecosystem services (such as natural pest control, pollination, conservation of soil structure and fertility and nutrient cycling), and are already under considerable environmental pressure. We discuss how changes in insect populations driven by ALAN and ALAN itself may hinder these services to influence crop production and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Understanding the contribution of ALAN and other factors to the decline of insects is an important step towards mitigation and the recovery of the insect fauna in our landscapes. In future studies, the role of increased nocturnal illumination also needs to be examined as a possible causal factor of insect declines in the ongoing ‘Ecological Armageddon’, along with the more commonly examined factors. Given the large scale of agricultural land use and the potential of ALAN to indirectly and directly impact crop production and biodiversity, a better understanding of effects of ALAN in agroecosystems is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Leaf phyllotaxis: Does it really affect light capture?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intriguing mathematical properties of leaf phyllotaxis still attract scientific attention after centuries of research. Phyllotaxis, and in particular the divergence angle between successive leaves, have been frequently interpreted in terms of maximization of light capture, although certain model simulations of light capture by vertical shoots revealed minor effects of phyllotaxis in comparison with the effect of other morphological features of the plant. However, these simulations assumed a number of simplifications, did not take into account diffuse light, and were not based on real plants with their natural range of morphological variation. This study was aimed at filling these gaps by examining the influence on light harvesting of shoot architecture and divergence angle in four species with spiral phyllotaxis (Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo, Heteromeles arbutifolia and Daphne gnidium) with a realistic 3-D model (Y-plant). A wide range of divergence angles (from 100° to 154°) was observed within each species, with 144° being the most frequent one. These different divergence angles rendered very different vertical projections of the shoot due to contrasting patterns of leaf overlap as seen from above, but they rendered indistinguishable light interception efficiencies (Ea). Setting the leaves with an opposite-decussate phyllotaxis led, however, to a 40–50% decrease of Ea. The interplay of internode length, leaf size and shape, and leaf elevation angle led to significant species differences in Ea. Thus, only particular phyllotaxis (e.g., decussate) might be functionally inefficient under certain combinations of the various morphological variables that influence light capture of a shoot. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider a simple stochastic unit realized by digital ANDs and ORs. The function of the unit is inspired by nerve cells found in brains of higher organisms. Information is carried by trains of pulses in time. Therefore, time is introduced into the model as an essential variable. Principles of stochastic computing are used to appropriately model weighted summation of inputs. The model unit allows to process analog information as is provided by observables of real environment. The statistical properties of the model are examined. The traditional saturation non-linearity of neurons emerges as a natural consequence of signal gating by synapses. Different schemes of synaptic modification are indicated.  相似文献   



This study discusses the use of parameterization within the life cycle inventory (LCI) in the wooden pallet sector, in order to test the effectiveness of LCI parametric models to calculate the environmental impacts of similar products. Starting from a single case study, the objectives of this paper are (1) to develop a LCI parametric model adaptable to a range of wooden pallets, (2) to test this model with a reference product (non-reversible pallet with four-way blocks) and (3) to determine numerical correlations between the environmental impacts and the most significant LCI parameters; these correlations can be used to improve the design of new wooden pallets.


The conceptual scheme for defining the model is based on ISO14040-44 standards. First of all, the product system was defined identifying the life cycle of a generic wood pallet, as well as its life cycle stages. A list of independent and dependent parameters was used to describe the LCI flows of a generic wooden pallet. The LCI parametric model was applied to calculate the environmental impacts of the reference product, with regard to a selection of impact categories at midpoint level (climate change, human toxicity, particulate matter formation, agricultural land occupation, fossil depletion). The model was then applied to further 11 wooden pallets belonging to the same category.

Results and discussion

The definition of a LCI parametric model based on 31 independent parameters and 21 dependent parameters streamlined the data collection process, as the information required for fulfilling the LCI are standard information about the features of the wooden pallet and its manufacturing process. The contribution analysis on the reference product revealed that the most contributing life cycle stages are wood and nails extraction and manufacturing (positive value of environmental impact) and end-of-life (avoided impact). This result is driven by two parameters: mass of wood and average distance for transport of wood. Based on the results of the application of the LCI parametric model to the identified products, one parameter-based regression and one multiple non-linear regression allowed to define a correlation between the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) category indicators considered and the most influencing parameters.


The definition of LCI parametric model in the wooden pallet sector can effectively be used for calculating the environmental impacts of products with different designs, as well as for obtaining a preliminary estimation of the life cycle environmental impacts of new products.  相似文献   

Question: In a southern temperate rain forest, we addressed three questions: (1) Does the abundance of climbing plants increase with light availability? (2) Do host tree species differ in their susceptibility to vine infestation? (3) How does the relationship between host tree trunk diameter and relative abundance of vines vary with their climbing mechanism? Location: Two sites in the temperate evergreen rain forest of southern Chile: Puyehue (40°39′S, 72°09′W; 350 m a.s.l.) and Pastahue (42°22′S, 73°49′W; 285 m a.s.l.). Methods: We sampled vines in 60 25‐m2 plots, with 20 plots in each of three light environments: mature forest, forest edges and canopy gaps. In each plot, for every tree ≥1.50‐m tall of any diameter we counted and identified all climbing plant individuals at a height of 1.30 m. We also counted, measured (trunk diameter at 1.30 m) and identified all these trees, and determined prevalence of vine infestation for each tree species. Results: Light availability in forest plots did not affect vine abundance when the number and size of host trees was taken into account. Overall, vine abundance increased with host tree trunk diameter. Tree species did not differ in the prevalence of vine infestation. The relative abundance of stem twiners and adhesive climbers decreased and increased with trunk diameter, respectively. The densities of stem twiners and adhesive climbers were negatively correlated across the forest. Conclusion: We provide further evidence that the pattern of vine abundance is independent of light availability in southern temperate rain forests, in contrast to results commonly reported for tropical rain forests. We also show that support suitability across the forest varies with the mechanism by which vines climb, probably due in part to biomechanical constraints and in part to vine interspecific competition, a virtually unexplored ecological factor.  相似文献   

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