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The partitioning behavior of viruses in the two-phase aqueous nonionic n-decyl tetra(ethylene oxide) (C10E4) micellar system cannot be fully explained by considering solely the repulsive, steric, excluded-volume interactions that operate between the viruses and the nonionic C10E4 micelles. Specifically, an excluded-volume theory developed recently by our group is not able to quantitatively predict the observed viral partition coefficients, even though this theory is capable of providing reasonable quantitative predictions of protein partition coefficients. To shed light on the discrepancy between the theoretically predicted and the experimentally measured viral partition coefficients, a central assumption underlying the excluded-volume theory that the viruses and the C10E4 micelles interact solely through repulsive, excluded-volume interactions was challenged in this study. In particular, utilizing bacteriophage P22 as a model virus, a competitive inhibition test and a partitioning study of the capsids of bacteriophage P22 were conducted. Based on the results of these two experimental studies, it was concluded that any attractive interactions between the tailspikes of bacteriophage P22 and the C10E4 micelles are negligible. Another experimental study was carried out wherein the partition coefficients of the model viruses, bacteriophages P22 and T4, were measured at various temperatures, and compared with those previously obtained for bacteriophage phiX174. This comparison also indicated that possible attractive, electromagnetic-induced interactions between the bacteriophage particles and the C10E4 micelles cannot be invoked to rationalize the observed discrepancy between the theoretically predicted and the experimentally measured viral partition coefficients.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid extraction in two-phase aqueous complex-fluid systems has been proposed as a scalable, versatile, and cost-effective purification method for the downstream processing of biotechnological products. In the case of two-phase aqueous micellar systems, careful choices of the phase-forming surfactants or surfactant mixtures allow these systems to separate biomolecules based on size, hydrophobicity, charge, or specific affinity. In this article, we investigate the affinity-enhanced partitioning of a model affinity-tagged protei--green fluorescent protein fused to a family 9 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM9-GFP)--in a two-phase aqueous micellar system generated from the nonionic surfactant n-decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (C10G1), which acts simultaneously as the phase-former and the affinity ligand. In this simple system, CBM9-GFP was extracted preferentially into the micelle-rich phase, despite the opposing tendency of the steric, excluded-volume interactions operating between the protein and the micelles. We obtained more than a sixfold increase (from 0.47 to 3.1) in the protein partition coefficient (Kp), as compared to a control case where the affinity interactions were "turned off" by the addition of a competitive inhibitor (glucose). It was demonstrated conclusively that the observed increase in Kp can be attributed to the specific affinity between the CBM9 domain and the affinity surfactant C10G1, suggesting that the method can be generally applied to any CBM9-tagged protein. To rationalize the observed phenomenon of affinity-enhanced partitioning in two-phase aqueous micellar systems, we formulated a theoretical framework to model the protein partition coefficient. The modeling approach accounts for both the excluded-volume interactions and the affinity interactions between the protein and the surfactants, and considers the contributions from the monomeric and the micellar surfactants separately. The model was shown to be consistent with the experimental data, as well as with our current understanding of the CBM9 domain.  相似文献   

The enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) plays an important role in maintaining the level of NADPH and in producing pentose phosphates for nucleotide biosynthesis. It is also of great value as an analytical reagent, being used in various quantitative assays. In searching for new strategies to purify this enzyme, the partitioning of G6PD in two-phase aqueous mixed (nonionic/cationic) micellar systems was investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Our results indicate that the use of a two-phase aqueous mixed micellar system composed of the nonionic surfactant C(10)E(4) (n-decyl tetra(ethylene oxide)) and the cationic surfactant C(n)TAB (alkyltrimethylammonium bromide, n = 8, 10, or 12) can improve significantly the partitioning behavior of G6PD relative to that obtained in the two-phase aqueous C(10)E(4) micellar system. This improvement can be attributed to electrostatic attractions between the positively charged mixed (nonionic/cationic) micelles and the net negatively charged enzyme G6PD, resulting in the preferential partitioning of G6PD to the top, mixed micelle-rich phase of the two-phase aqueous mixed micellar systems. The effect of varying the cationic surfactant tail length (n = 8, 10, and 12) on the denaturation and partitioning behavior of G6PD in the C(10)E(4) /C(n)TAB/buffer system was investigated. It was found that C(8)TAB is the least denaturing to G6PD, followed by C(10)TAB and C(12)TAB. However, the C(10)E(4)/C(12)TAB/buffer system generated stronger electrostatic attractions with the net negatively charged enzyme G6PD than the C(10)E(4)/C(10)TAB/buffer and the C(10)E(4)/C(8)TAB/buffer systems, when using the same amount of cationic surfactant. Overall, the two-phase aqueous mixed (C(10)E(4)/C(10)TAB) micellar system yielded the highest G6PD partition coefficient of 7.7, with a G6PD yield in the top phase of 71%, providing the optimal balance between the denaturing effect and the electrostatic attractions for the three cationic surfactants examined. A recently developed theoretical framework to predict protein partition coefficients in two-phase aqueous mixed (nonionic/ionic) micellar systems was implemented, and the theoretically predicted G6PD partition coefficients were found to be in reasonable quantitative agreement with the experimentally measured ones.  相似文献   

The kinetics of phase separation in aqueous two-phase systems have been investigated as a function of the physical properties of the system. Two distinct situations for the settling velocities were found, one in which the light, organic-rich (PEG) phase is continuous and the other in which the heavier, salt-rich (phosphate) phase is continuous. The settling rate of a particular system is a crucial parameter for equipment design, and it was studied as a function of measured viscosity and density of each of the phases as well as the interfacial tension between the phases. Interfacial tension increases with increasing tie line length. A correlation that describes the rate of phase separation was investigated. This correlation, which is a function of the system parameters mentioned above, described the behavior of the system successfully. Different values of the parameters in the correlation were fitted for bottom-phase-continuous and top-phase-continuous systems. These parameters showed that density and viscosity play a role in the rate of separation in both top continuous- and bottom continuous-phase regions but are more dominant in the continuous top-phase region. The composition of the two-phase system was characterized by the tie line length. The rate of separation increased with increasing tie line length in both cases but at a faster rate when the bottom (less viscous) phase was the continuous phase. These results show that working in a continuous bottom-phase region is advantageous to ensure fast separation.  相似文献   

Isolation of plasmid DNA from cell lysates by aqueous two-phase systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work presents a study of the partitioning of a plasmid vector containing the cystic fibrosis gene in polyethylene glycol (PEG)/salt (K2HPO4) aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS). The plasmid was extracted from neutralized alkaline lysates using PEG with molecular weights varying from 200 to 8000. The effects of the lysate mass loaded to the ATPS (20, 40, and 60% w/w) and of the plasmid concentration in the lysate were evaluated. The performance of the process was determined by qualitative and quantitative assays, carefully established to overcome the strong interference of impurities (protein, genomic DNA, RNA), salt, and PEG. Plasmid DNA partitioned to the top phase when PEG molecular weight was lower than 400. The bottom phase was preferred when higher PEG molecular weights were used. Aqueous two-phase systems with PEG 300, 600, and 1000 were chosen for further studies on the basis of plasmid and RNA agarose gel analysis and protein quantitation. The recovery yields were found to be proportional to the plasmid concentration in the lysate. The best yields (>67%) were obtained with PEG 1000. These systems (with 40 and 60% w/w of lysate load) were able to separate the plasmid from proteins and genomic DNA, but copartitioning of RNA with the plasmid was observed. Aqueous two-phase systems with PEG 300 concentrated both plasmid and proteins in the top phase. The best system for plasmid purification used PEG 600 with a 40% (w/w) lysate load. In this system, RNA was found mostly in the interphase, proteins were not detected in the plasmid bottom phase and genomic DNA was reduced 7.5-fold.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been proposed as an ideal choice for a protein-based biological indicator for use in the validation of decontamination or disinfection treatments. In this article, we present a potentially scalable and cost-effective way to purify recombinant GFP, produced by fermentation in Escherichia coli, by affinity-enhanced extraction in a two-phase aqueous micellar system. Affinity-enhanced partitioning, which improves the specificity and yield of the target protein by specific bioaffinity interactions, has been demonstrated. A novel affinity tag, family 9 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM9) is fused to GFP, and the resulting fusion protein is affinity-extracted in a decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (C10G1) two-phase aqueous micellar system. In this system, C10G1 acts as phase forming and as affinity surfactant. We will further demonstrate the implementation of this concept to attain partial recovery of affinity-tagged GFP from a clarified E. coli cell lysate, including the simultaneous removal of other contaminating proteins. The cell lysate was partitioned at three levels of dilution (5x, 10x, and 40x). Irrespective of the dilution level, CBM9-GFP was found to partition preferentially to the micelle-rich phase, with the same partition coefficient value as that found in the absence of the cell lysate. The host cell proteins from the cell lysate were found to partition preferentially to the micelle-poor phase, where they experience less excluded-volume interactions. The demonstration of proof-of-principle of the direct affinity-enhanced extraction of CBM9-GFP from the cell lysate represents an important first step towards developing a cost-effective separation method for GFP, and more generally, for other proteins of interest.  相似文献   

The concentration of biomarkers, such as DNA, prior to a subsequent detection step may facilitate the early detection of cancer, which could significantly increase chances for survival. In this study, the partitioning behavior of mammalian genomic DNA fragments in a two‐phase aqueous micellar system was investigated using both experiment and theory. The micellar system was generated using the nonionic surfactant Triton X‐114 and phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS). Partition coefficients were measured under a variety of conditions and compared with our theoretical predictions. With this comparison, we demonstrated that the partitioning behavior of DNA fragments in this system is primarily driven by repulsive, steric, excluded‐volume interactions that operate between the micelles and the DNA fragments, but is limited by the entrainment of micelle‐poor, DNA‐rich domains in the macroscopic micelle‐rich phase. Furthermore, the volume ratio, that is, the volume of the top, micelle‐poor phase divided by that of the bottom, micelle‐rich phase, was manipulated to concentrate DNA fragments in the top phase. Specifically, by decreasing the volume ratio from 1 to 1/10, we demonstrated proof‐of‐principle that the concentration of DNA fragments in the top phase could be increased two‐ to nine‐fold in a predictive manner. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1613–1623. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Intensification of mass transfer in aqueous two-phase systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel technique which intensifies conventional aqueous two-phase extraction by conversion of dispersed phase into colloidal gas aphrons (CGAs) has been developed for extraction of an enzyme. In the present work, amyloglucosidase (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase) was extracted using a polyethylene glycol-sodium sulfate-water system. The lighter phase, i.e., polyethylene glycol (PEG) rich phase, was converted into CGAs which were then dispersed into a salt rich phase. The effect of type of surfactant and its concentration, dispersed phase velocity, phase composition, and type of sparger on the dispersed phase mass transfer coefficient was investigated. The results suggests 9-16 times higher values of mass transfer coefficient compared to spray column. The multiorifice sparger at concentrations of 0.33 g/L of cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride yielded best results. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a novel microfluidic system in which an aqueous two-phase laminar flow is stably formed, and the continuous partitioning of relatively large cells can be performed, eliminating the influence of gravity. In this study, plant cell aggregates whose diameters were 37-96 microm were used as model particles. We first performed cell partitioning using a simple straight microchannel having two inlets and two outlets and examined the effects of the flow rate and the phase width on partitioning efficiency. Second, by using a microchannel with a pinched segment, the partitioning efficiency was successfully improved. This microscale aqueous two-phase flow system can further be incorporated into micro total analysis systems (microTAS) or lab-on-a-chip technology, owing to its simplicity, applicability, and biocompatibility.  相似文献   

Human proteins are expressed in some hosts wrongly glycosylated or nonglycosylated. Although it is accepted that glycosylation contributes to the stability of the protein in solution, the effect of glycosylation on the stability of human antibodies is not fully understood. In this work, we present solubility studies of two human antibodies that have the same primary structure but different glycosylation pattern. The studies were done by monitoring the partitioning behavior of both proteins in a series of aqueous two‐phase systems at and away the isoelectric point of the proteins and at different temperatures. Our studies show that in the absence of direct electrostatic forces, the partitioning behavior of the antibodies depends on the presence or absence of the polysaccharide chains. Overall, the nonglycosylated protein is less soluble than the glycosylated one. The potential of aqueous two‐phase systems for the separation of the glycosylated and nonglycosylated proteins was also explored. A simple series of extractions seems to be enough to separate the glycosylated variety from the nonglycosylated one at high purity but low yields. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:943–950, 2013  相似文献   

Correlations to describe the effect of surface hydrophobicity and charge of proteins with their partition coefficient in aqueous two-phase systems were investigated. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000/phosphate, sulfate, citrate, and dextran systems in the presence of low (0.6% w/w) and high (8.8% w/w) levels of NaCl were selected for a systematic study of 12 proteins. The surface hydrophobicity of the proteins was measured by ammonium sulfate precipitation as the inverse of their solubility. The hydrophobicity values measured correlated well with the partition coefficients, K, obtained in the PEG/salt systems at high concentration of NaCl (r = 0.92-0.93). In PEG/citrate systems the partition coefficient correlated well with protein hydrophobicity at low and high concentrations of NaCl (r = 0.81 and 0.93, respectively). The PEG/citrate system also had a higher hydrophobic resolution than other systems to exploit differences in the protein's hydrophobicity. The surface charge and charge density of the proteins was determined over a range of pH (3-9) by electrophoretic titration curves; PEG/salt systems did not discriminate well between proteins of different charge or charge density. In the absence of NaCl, K decreased slightly with increased positive charge. At high NaCl concentration, K increased as a function of positive charge. This suggested that the PEG-rich top phase became more negative as the concentration of NaCl in the systems increased and, therefore, attracted the positively charged proteins. The effect of charge was more important in PEG/dextran systems at low concentrations of NaCl. In the PEG/dextran systems at lower concentration of NaCl, molecular weight appeared to be the prime determinant of partition, whereas no clear effect of molecular weight could be found in PEG/salt systems.  相似文献   

A new type of aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) has been developed in which a temperature-sensitive polymer, poly-N-isopropylacrylamide [poly (NIPAM)] was used as a ligand carrier for the specific separation of animal cells. Monoclonal antibodies were modified with itaconic anhydride and copolymerized with N-isopropylacrylamide, and the ligand-conjugated carriers were added to the polyethylene glycol 8000-dextran T500 aqueous two-phase systems. The antibody-polymer conjugates were partitioned to the top phase in the absence or presence of 0.15 M NaCl. When ligand-conjugated carriers were used, more than 80% of the cells were specifically partitioned to the top phase in the presence of NaCl up to 0.1 M. The cells were partitioned almost completely to the bottom phase at 0.1 M NaCl or above, when no antibody-conjugate was added in the ATPS. As a model system, CD34-positive human acute myeloid leukemia cells (KG-1) were specifically separated from human T lymphoma cells (Jurkat) by applying anti-CD34 conjugated with poly-N-isopropylacrylamide in the aqueous two-phase system. By the temperature-induced precipitation of the polymer, about 90% of the antibody-polymer conjugates were recovered from the top phase, which gave approximately 75% cell separating efficiency in the next cycle of reuse.  相似文献   

Aqueous/organic two-phase systems have been evaluated for enhanced production of (R)-phenylacetylcarbinol (PAC) from pyruvate and benzaldehyde using partially purified pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) from Candida utilis. In a solvent screen, octanol was identified as the most suitable solvent for PAC production in the two-phase system in comparison to butanol, pentanol, nonanol, hexane, heptane, octane, nonane, dodecane, methylcyclohexane, methyl tert butyl ether, and toluene. The high partitioning coefficient of the toxic substrate benzaldehyde in octanol allowed delivery of large amounts of benzaldehyde into the aqueous phase at a concentration less than 50 mM. PDC catalyzed the biotransformation of benzaldehyde and pyruvate to PAC in the aqueous phase, and continuous extraction of PAC and byproducts acetoin and acetaldehyde into the octanol phase further minimized enzyme inactivation, and inhibition due to acetaldehyde. For the rapidly stirred two-phase system with a 1:1 phase ratio and 8.5 U/mL carboligase activity, 937 mM (141 g/L) PAC was produced in the octanol phase in 49 h with an additional 127 mM (19 g/L) in the aqueous phase. Similar concentrations of PAC could be produced in the slowly stirred phase separated system at this enzyme level, although at a much slower rate. However at lower enzyme concentration very high specific PAC production (128 mg PAC/U carboligase at 0.9 U/mL) was achieved in the phase separated system, while still reaching final PAC levels of 102 g/L in octanol and 13 g/L in the aqueous phase. By comparison with previously published data by our group for a benzaldehyde emulsion system without octanol (50 g/L PAC, 6 mg PAC/U carboligase), significantly higher PAC concentrations and specific PAC production can be achieved in an octanol/aqueous two-phase system.  相似文献   

An experimental design was used to optimize plasmid purification from an alkaline lysate of Escherichia coli cells using PEG-sodium citrate aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS), and to evaluate the influence of pH, PEG molecular weight, tie line length, phase volume ratio, and lysate load. To build the mathematical model and minimize the number of experiments for the design parameters, response surface methodology (RMS) with an orthogonal rotatable central composite design was defined based on the conditions found for the highest purification by preliminary tests. The adequacy of the calculated models for the plasmid recovery and remaining RNA were confirmed by means of variance analysis and additional experiments. Analysis of contours of constant response as a function of pH, PEG molecular weight, tie line length, and cell lysate load for three different phase volume ratios revealed different effects of these five factors on the studied parameters. Plasmid recovery of 99% was predicted for a system with PEG 400, pH 6.9, tie line length of 38.7%, phase volume ratio of 1.5, and lysate load of 10% (v/v). Under these conditions the predicted RNA removal was 68%.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel pH‐sensitive terpolymer PADB was synthesized by random terpolymerization of 2‐(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate, acrylic acid, and butyl methacrylate. The terpolymer PADB could form aqueous two‐phase systems (ATPS) with a light‐sensitive terpolymer PNBC, which was synthesized in our laboratory, using n‐isopropylacrylamide, n‐butyl acrylate, chlorophyllin sodium copper salt as monomers. More than 97% of the PADB terpolymer could be recovered by adjusting the pH to isoelectric point (PI) 4.1. The terpolymer PNBC could be recovered by using light radiation at 488 nm, with recovery ratio of 98%. BSA and lysozyme were partitioned in the PNBC–PADB ATPS to examine this new system. It was found that the partition coefficient of BSA and lysozyme could reach 4.46 and 0.49 in the systems, respectively. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

The ionic liquid (IL) Ammoeng110 contains cations with oligoethyleneglycol units and was found to be highly effective for the formation of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) that can be used for the biocompatible purification of active enzymes. Above critical concentrations of the IL and an inorganic salt in aqueous solution, phase separation takes place resulting in the formation of an IL-enriched upper and a salt-enriched lower phase. For the optimization of the composition of IL-based ATPS with regard to the extraction of catalytically active enzymes, the Box-Wilson method of experimental design was successfully applied; IL-based ATPS proved to be suitable for the purification and stabilization of two different alcohol dehydrogenases (from Lactobacillus brevis and a thermophilic bacterium). Both enzymes were enriched in the IL-containing upper phase resulting in an increase of specific activity by a factor of 2 and 4 respectively. Furthermore, the presence of IL within the system provided the opportunity to combine the extraction process with the performance of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The IL was found to exhibit a stability improving effect on both enzymes and a solubility enhancing effect on hydrophobic substrates. Thus the conversion and volumetric productivity of ADH catalyzed reduction of acetophenone could be increased significantly.  相似文献   

用双水相系统从大肠杆菌细胞内释放L-天门冬酰胺酶   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聚乙二醇-磷酸盐双水相系统可以释放大肠杆菌ATCC11303细胞内的L-天门冬酰胺酶。研究了聚乙二醇、磷酸氢二钾的浓度对酶和蛋白质的释放及分配的影响。在双水相系统中加入适量的盐酸胍和TritonX100可以提高酶的释放量。实验表明,用新的下相代替富含酶的下相,上相能够重复使用几次。这种方法将酶的释放和萃取结合为一个步骤,使酶的纯化更加简单和有效  相似文献   

Chemical modification of proteins is gaining importance due to the improvement in properties and the broader range of applications that these protein conjugates have. Once modified, several purification strategies need to be applied to isolate the conjugates of interest. Aqueous two‐phase systems (ATPS) are an attractive alternative for the primary recovery of proteins and their conjugates. However, to better understand which biochemical parameters affect in greater degree the partition behavior of these modified proteins in ATPS, it becomes necessary to characterize the partition behavior of different species. In this work, ribonuclease A (RNase A) was selected as a model protein to address the partition behavior of chemically modified proteins in ATPS. Native, mono‐PEGylated, Uniblue A, Dabsyl Chloride, and Direct Red 83 chemically modified RNase A's were partitioned in 16 different polyethylene glycol (PEG)–potassium phosphate ATPS. Results suggest that while the effects of system design parameters govern the partition of native RNase A, the behavior of the chemically modified species is more influenced by the physicochemical characteristics of the modifying molecules, that in most cases promote partition toward the top polymer‐rich phase with recovery percentages as high as 86%. It has been found that both, the hydrophobicity and molecular weight of the modifying species play a preponderant role in conjugate partition behavior since as hydrophobicity increases partition is promoted towards the PEG‐rich phase balancing the effect of the molecular weight of the modifying molecules that tends to shift partition towards the salt rich phase. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29: 378–385, 2013  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC is an antioxidant enzyme that represents the primary cellular defense against superoxide radicals and has interesting applications in the medical and cosmetic industries. In the present work, the partition behavior of SOD in aqueous two‐phase systems (ATPS) (using a standard solution and a complex extract from Kluyveromyces marxianus as sample) was characterized on different types of ATPS (polymer–polymer, polymer–salt, alcohol–salt, and ionic liquid (IL)–salt). The systems composed of PEG 3350‐potassium phosphate, 45% TLL, 0.5 M NaCl (315 U/mg, 87% recovery, and 15.1‐fold purification) and t‐butanol‐20% ammonium sulfate (205.8 U/mg, 80% recovery and 9.8‐fold purification), coupled with a subsequent 100 kDa ultrafiltration stage, allowed the design of a prototype process for the recovery and partial purification of the product of interest. The findings reported herein demonstrate the potential of PEG‐salt ATPS for the potential recovery of SOD. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:1326–1334, 2014  相似文献   

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