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Cytochrome c oxidase from baker's yeast contains three mitochondrially made subunits (I to III) which are relatively hydrophobic and four cytoplasmically made subunits (IV to VII) which are relatively hydrophilic (Mason, T. L., Poyton, R. O., Wharton, D.C., and Schatz, G. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 1346-1354 and Poyton, R. O., and Schatz, G. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 752-761). In order to explore the arrangement of these subunits in the holoenzyme, the reactivity of each subunit with a variety of "surface probes" was tested with isolated cytochrome c oxidase, with cytochrome c oxidase incorporated into liposomes, and with mitochondrially bound cytochrome c oxidase. The surface probes included iodination with lactoperoxidase and coupling with p-diazonium benzenesulfonate. In addition, external subunits were identified by linking them to bovine serum albumin carrying a covalently bound isocyanate group. In the membrane-bound enzyme, Subunit I was almost completely inaccessible and Subunit II was partly inaccessible to all surface probes. All of the other subunits were accessible. Similar results were obtained with the solubilized enzyme, except that the differences in reactivity between the individual subunits were less clear-cut. The results obtained with liposome-bound cytochrome c oxidase resembled those obtained with the mitochondrially bound enzyme. These data suggest that the two largest mitochondrially made subunits are localized in the interior of the enzyme and that they are genuine components of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondria and purified yeast cytochrome c oxidase incorporated into micelles of the nonionic detergent Tween 80 were equilibrated with the hydrophobic aryl azides 5-[125I]iodonaphthyl-1-azide or S-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)-[35S]thiophenol. The azides were then converted to highly reactive nitrenes by flash photolysis or by illumination for 2 min and the derivatized cytochrome c oxidase subunits were identified by gel electrophoresis and radioactivity measurements. 5-[125I]Iodonaphthyl-1-azide labeled mainly the three mitochondrially made Subunits I to III and the cytoplasmically made Subunit VII. Subunits IV to VI or cytochrome c bound to the purified enzyme were labeled 9- to 90-fold less. Essentially the same result was obtained with S-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)-[35S]thiophenol except that Subunit V was labeled as well. In contrast, all seven subunits as well as cytochrome c were heavily labeled when the enzyme was dissociated with dodecyl sulfate prior to photolabeling with either of the two probes. These data indicate that all subunits of yeast cytochrome c oxidase except Subunits IV and VI are at least partly embedded in the lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of the individual subunits of yeast cytochrome c oxidase, rabbit antisera were prepared against Subunit II (a mitochondrially made polypeptide) and Subunit VI (a cytoplasmically made polypeptide). Antisera were also obtained against a mixture of the two mitochondrially made subunits (I PLUS II) and against mixtures of the following cytoplasmically made subunits: (IV PLUS VI); (V PLUS VII); and (IV PLUS V PLUS VI PLUS VII). Neither anti-II serum nor anti-VI serum cross-reacted with any of the other six subunits of cytochrome c oxidase as judged by a sensitive ring test or by double diffusion in agarose gels. Anti-II serum inhibited the oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by purified yeast cytochrome c oxidase or by freshly isolated as well as sonically fragmented yeast mitochondria. Anti-(V, VII) serum and anti-(IV, V, VI, VII) serum were also strongly inhibitory. Anti-VI serum and anti-(IV, VI) serum inhibited only weakly. If purified cytochrome c oxidase was inhibited with a saturating amount of anti-VI serum, anti-II serum elicited a further increment of inhibition, as would be expected if the inhibitory effects of these two antisera involved different antigenic sites on the holoenzyme. Each of the antisera precipitated all seven cytochrome c oxidase subunits from crude mitochondrial extracts. However, anti-VI and, particularly, anti-II were much less effective precipitants than antisera against Subunits IV to VII or antisera against the holoenzyme. These data suggest that the oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by cytochrome c oxidase required both mitochondrially as well as cytoplasmically made subunits.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c1 has been purified from mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The procedure involves solubilization withcholate, ammonium sulfate fractionation, disruption of the dytochrome b-c1 complex with mercaptoethanol and detergents, and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The final product is psectrally pure, contains up to 62 nmol of covalently bound heme per mg of protein and does not react with oxygen or carbon monoxide. Sodium dodecyl sulfate disaggregates the purified cytochrome into a single 31,000 dalton subunit carrying the covalently attached heme group. Many cytochrome c1 preparations contain in addition an 18,500 dalton polypeptide which is devoid of covalently bound heme. Since this polypeptide can be removed from the heme-carrying polypeptide by relatively mild procedures, it is probably not an essential subunit of cytochrome c1. Cytochrome c1 is extremely sensitive to proteolysis. If it si purified in the absence of protease inhibitors, a family of heme polypeptides with molecular weights of 29,000, 27,000, and 25,000 daltons is obtained. In the presence of the protease inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride the purification yields predominantly a 31,000 dalton heme protein with only little contamination by a 29,000 dalton degradation product. In order to show that only the 31,000 dalton heme-polypeptide is the native species, yeast cells were labeled with the heme-precursor delta-amino[3H]levulinic acid, converted to protoplasts and directly lysed with dodecyl sulfate in the presence of protease inhibitors. Subsequent electrophoresis of the lysate in the presence of dodecyl sulfate reveals the covalently bound heme of cytochrome c1 as a single symmetrical peak at 31,000 daltons.  相似文献   

By using a modified purification procedure in which we have substituted detergent exchange gel filtration for DEAE-cellulose or hydroxylapatite chromatography (Mason, T. L., Poyton, R. O., Wharton, D. C., and Schatz, G. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 1346-1354), we have isolated yeast cytochrome c oxidase preparations which are low in contaminating polypeptides and which have been successfully used for the large scale purification of subunits. Subunits have been purified from this preparation by a simple two-step procedure which involves: 1) the release of subunits IV and VI from an "insoluble" core composed of subunits I, II, III, V, and VII; and 2) gel filtration of the "core" subunits in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Molecular weights of the isolated subunits, obtained from sodium dodecyl sulfate gel retardation coefficients (KR) derived from Ferguson plots, were: I, 54,000; II, 31,000; III, 29,500; IV, 14,500; V, 12,500; VI, 9,500; VII, 4,500. In their purified state all subunits, except for subunit V, exhibited electrophoretic behavior similar to that exhibited by unpurified subunits in sodium dodecyl sulfate-dissociated holoenzyme preparations. As purified, subunit V exhibits a slightly smaller apparent molecular weight than its counterpart in the holoenzyme. Amino acid analysis of the isolated subunits revealed that subunit III, a mitochondrial translation product, contained 41.9% polar amino acids, whereas subunits V and VII, cytoplasmic translation products, each contained 47.7% polar amino acids. These results extend and support our previous finding that the mitochondrially translated subunits of yeast cytochrome c oxidase are more hydrophobic than the cytoplasmically translated subunits.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between cytochrome c oxidase and its substrate cytochrome c by catalyzing the covalent linkage of the two proteins to yield 1 : 1 covalent enzyme-substrate complexes under conditions of low ionic strength. In addition to the 'traditional' oxidized complex formed between oxidized cytochrome c and the oxidized enzyme we prepared complexes under steady-state reducing conditions. Whereas for the 'oxidized' complex cytochrome c became bound exclusively to subunit II of the enzyme, for the 'steady-state' complex cytochrome c became bound to subunit II and two low molecular mass subunits, most likely VIb and IV. For both complexes we investigated: (a) the ability of the covalently bound cytochrome c to relay electrons into the enzyme, and (b) the ability of the covalently bound enzyme to catalyze the oxidation of unbound (exogenous) ferrocytochrome c. Steady-state spectral analysis (400-630 nm) combined with stopped-flow studies, confirmed that the bound cytochrome c mediated the efficient transfer of electrons from the reducing agent ascorbate to the enzyme. In the case of the latter, the half life for the ascorbate reduction of the bound cytochrome c and that for the subsequent transfer of electrons to haem a were both < 5 ms. In contrast the covalent complexes, when reduced, were found to be totally unreactive towards oxidized cytochrome c oxidase confirming that the previously observed reduction of haem a within the complexes occurred via intramolecular rather than intermolecular electron transfer. Additionally, stopped-flow analysis at 550 nm showed that haem a within both covalent complexes catalyzed the oxidation of exogenous ferrocytochrome c: The second order rate constant for the traditional complex was 0.55x10(6) m(-1) x s(-1) while that for the steady-state was 0.27x10(6) m(-1) x s(-1). These values were approximately 25-50% of those observed for 1 : 1 electrostatic complexes of similar concentrations. These results combined with those of the ascorbate and the electrophoresis studies suggest that electrons are able to enter cytochrome c oxidase via two independent pathways. We propose that during enzyme turnover the enzyme cycles between two conformers, one with a substrate binding site at subunit II and the other along the interface of subunits II, IV and VIb. Structural analysis suggests that Glu112, Glu113, Glu114 and Asp125 of subunit IV and Glu40, Glu54, Glu78, Asp35, Asp49, Asp73 and Asp74 of subunit VIb are residues that might possibly be involved.  相似文献   

W H Bishop  R J Ryan 《Biochemistry》1973,12(16):3076-3084

Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and its bacterial homologs catalyze electron transfer and proton translocation reactions across membranes. The eukaryotic enzyme complex consists of a large number of polypeptide subunits. Three of the subunits (I, II, and III) are mitochondrially encoded while the remaining 6 (yeast) to 10 (bovine) are nuclear encoded. Antibody and chemical-labelling experiments suggest that subunits I-III and most (but not all) of the nuclear-encoded subunits span the inner mitochondrial membrane. Subunits I and II are the catalytic core of the enzyme. Subunit I contains haem a, haem a3 and CuB, while subunit II contains CuA and the cytochrome c binding site. Subunit III and most of the nuclear subunits are essential for the assembly of a functional catalytic enzyme. Some nuclear subunits are present as isozymes, although little functional difference has yet been detected between enzyme complexes composed of different isozymes. Therefore, any additional role attributed to the nuclear-encoded subunits beyond that of enzyme assembly must be tentative. We suggest that enough evidence exists to support the idea that modification of the larger nuclear subunits (IV, V, and possibly VI) can effect enzyme turnover in vitro. Whether this is a physiological control mechanism remains to be seen.  相似文献   

Pyridoxine dehydrogenase ( (pyridoxal reductase), purified to homogeneity from baker's yeast, is a monomer of Mr approximately 33,000. It catalyzes the reversible oxidation of pyridoxine by NADP to yield pyridoxal and NADPH; equilibrium lies far in the direction of pyridoxine formation (Keq approximately 1.4 X 10(11) l/mol at 25 degrees C). Reduction of pyridoxal occurs most rapidly at pH 6.0-7.0; oxidation of pyridoxine is optimal at pH 8.6. NAD and NADH do not replace NADP and NADPH as substrates; pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate are the only naturally occurring cosubstrates found. Several other aromatic aldehydes also are reduced, but substrate specificity and other properties of the enzyme distinguish it clearly from other alcohol dehydrogenases or aldehyde reductases. Between pH 6.3 and 7.1 (the intracellular pH of yeast), V/Km with pyridoxal and NADPH as substrates is greater than 600 times that observed with pyridoxine and NADPH as substrates is greater than 600 times that observed with pyridoxine and NADP as substrates. These and other considerations strongly indicate that the dehydrogenase functions in vivo to reduce pyridoxal to pyridoxine, which is the preferred substrate for pyridoxal (pyridoxine) kinase in yeast.  相似文献   

Ubiquinol oxidase has been reconstituted from ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (Complex III), cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV). The steady-state level of reduction of cytochrome c by ubiquinol-2 varies with the molar ratios of the complexes and with the presence of antimycin in a way that can be quantitatively accounted for by a model in which cytochrome c acts as a freely diffusible pool on the membrane. This model was based on that of Kröger & Klingenberg [(1973) Eur. J. Biochem. 34, 358-368] for ubiquinone-pool behaviour. Further confirmation of the pool model was provided by analysis of ubiquinol oxidase activity as a function of the molar ratio of the complexes and prediction of the degree of inhibition by antimycin.  相似文献   

The resonance Raman spectra of cytochrome c oxidase in protonated buffer compared to that in deuterated buffer indicate that water molecules are near the heme of cytochrome a. Differences in widths of the heme line at 1610 cm-1, after short exposure to D2O, and, additionally, of the heme line at 1625 cm-1, after long exposure, can be accounted for by changes in resonance vibrational energy transfer between modes of cytochrome a2+ and the bending mode of water molecules in the heme pocket. On the basis of the assignment of these modes, we place one water molecule near the vinyl group and one water molecule near the formyl group of the cytochrome a heme. These water molecules may play several possible functional roles.  相似文献   

Xanthine dehydrogenase (EC from mouse small intestine was accompanied by 20% as much xanthine oxidase (EC activity (dehydrogenase-associated oxidase). NAD+ and oxygen did not compete as electron acceptors. Upon incubation at 37 °C, the dehydrogenase activity was gradually transformed to oxidase activity. Unexpectedly, the oxidase thus formed (dehydorgenase-derived oxidase) had catalytic properties different from those of the dehydrogenase-associated oxidase. The activation energy for the dehydrogenase-associated oxidase was 20,600 cal/mol, whereas that for the dehydrogenase-derived oxidase was 13,500 cal/mol. The activation energy for the dehydrogenase was 14,000 cal/mol. Between pH 6.4 and 8.5, the activity of the dehydrogenase-associated oxidase was essentially pH independent, whereas the activities of the dehydrogenase-derived oxidase and the dehydrogenase were enhanced with increasing pH. Use of the transformation inhibitor, dithiothreitol, and the protease inhibitor, diisopropylfluorophosphate, showed that these catalytic differences were not the result of partial proteolysis of the enzyme. The data demonstrate the existence of two catalytically different types of mammalian xanthine oxidase activities: A dehydrogenase-associated oxidase and a dehydrogenase-derived oxidase.  相似文献   

The yeast alpha-mannosidase [EC] was purified 1160-fold from the crude extract of the autolysate. The purified preparation was practically free from alpha-glucosidase, beta-glucosidase, alpha-galactosidase, beta-galactosidase, beta-mannosidase, and beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase activities. After the separation of yeast mannan during the purification procedures the enzyme became unstable but could be stored at 5 degrees C for three weeks with 50% loss of activity. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed both aryl and alkyl mannosides, but hydrolysis of yeast mannan proceeded slowly. Yeast mannan and Zn2+ increased the enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl mannoside, whereas NaN3, monoiodoacetate and methyl alpha-D-mannoside acted as inhibitors. The molecular weight was estimated to be 450,000 by gel filtration.  相似文献   

In Pichia pastoris, alcohol oxidase (AOX) is the first enzyme in the methanol utilization pathway and is encoded by two genes, AOX1 and AOX2. The DNA and predicted amino acid sequences of the protein-coding portions of the genes are closely homologous, whereas flanking sequences share no homology. The functional roles of AOX1 and AOX2 in the metabolism of methanol were examined. Studies of strains with disrupted AOX genes revealed that AOX1 was the major source of methanol-oxidizing activity in methanol-grown P. pastoris. The results of two types of experiments each suggested that the difference in AOX activity contributed by the two genes was a consequence of sequences located 5' of the protein-coding portions of the genes. First, the coding portion of AOX2 was able to functionally substitute for that of AOX1 when placed under the control of AOX1 regulatory sequences. Second, when labeled oligonucleotide probes specific for the 5' nontranslated region of each gene were used, it was apparent that the steady-state level of AOX1 mRNA was much higher than that of AOX2. Except for the difference in the amount of mRNA present, the two genes appeared to be regulated in the same manner. A physiological reason for the existence of AOX2 was sought but was not apparent.  相似文献   

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