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The sulfhydryl groups required for the catalytic activity of gramicidin S synthetase of Bacillus brevis and Escherichia coli isoleucyl tRNA synthetase were compared. In gramicidin S synthetase 2(GS 2), about four sulfhydryl groups react rapidly with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and are essential for gramicidin S formation in the presence of gramicidin S synthetase 1 (GS 1). These sulfhydryl groups are protected against DTNB and NEM reactions by the preincubation of GS 2 with amino acid substrates in the presence of ATP and MgCl2, like the sulfhydryl groups that react rapidly with DTNB or NEM and are required for the catalytic activity of GS 1 and isoleucyl tRNA synthetase. In GS 2, GS 1, and isoleucyl tRNA synthetase, the sulfhydryl group that reacts rapidly with NEM and is required for the catalytic activity is involved in the amino acid binding as a thioester. In isoleucyl tRNA synthetase, it is suggested that isoleucine may be transferred from the isoleucine thioester enzyme complex to tRNA by a mechanism similar to that proposed for gramicidin S synthetase.  相似文献   

Twenty two analogues of SB-203207 have been prepared by total synthesis, and evaluated as inhibitors of a range of tRNA synthetases. Changes to the bicyclic core, removing either the terminal amino substituent or the sulfonyl group from the side chain, and altering either the carbon skeleton or stereochemistry of the isoleucine residue, decreases the potency of inhibition of isoleucyl tRNA synthetase. Substituting the isoleucine residue with other amino acids produces inhibitors of the corresponding synthetases. In particular, a methionine derivative is 50-100 times more potent against methionyl tRNA synthetase than against any of the corresponding isoleucyl, leucyl, valyl, alanyl and prolyl synthetases.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and characterization of novel inhibitors of IleRS, whose binding affinity approaches the tightest reported for noncovalent inhibition. Compounds were designed from a binding model for the natural product pseudomonic acid-A (PS-A) together with a detailed understanding of the reaction cycle of IleRS and characterization of the mode of binding of the reaction intermediate IleAMP. The interactions of the compounds with IleRS were characterized by inhibition of aminoacylation of tRNA or PP(i)/ATP exchange at supersaturating substrate concentration and by transient kinetics and calorimetry methods. A detailed understanding of the interaction of a comprehensive series of compounds with IleRS allowed the identification of key features and hence the design of exquisitely potent inhibitors. Predictions based on these results have been recently supported by a docking model based on the crystal structure of IleRS with PS-A [Silvian, L. F., Wang J. M., and Steitz T. A. (1999) Science 285 1074-1077].  相似文献   

The reactive thioester complexes of gramicidin S synthetase with substrate amino acids and intermediate peptides are slowly hydrolyzed in neutral buffer solutions under mild conditions. Fully active enzyme is recovered. These processes are strongly accelerated by certain thiol protective agents. In the presence of 1 mM dithioerythritol the half-life times of these hydrolysis reactions are in the range of 1-90 h at 3 degrees C. The thioester complex of gramicidin S synthetase 2 (GS2, the heavy enzyme) with the tripeptide DPhe-Pro-Val is distinguished by the highest stability of all these intermediates. A different decomposition pattern is observed for the thioester complex of GS2 with LOrn. Here 3-amino-2-piperidone (cyclo-LOrn) is formed in a rapid cyclization reaction. This product specifically blocks the activation center of GS2 for LOrn at the thioester binding site. All other activation reactions of gramicidin S synthetase are unaffected. A procedure for a specific labelling of the reaction centers of the multienzyme is outlined.  相似文献   

A highly conserved protein motif characteristic of Class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetases was found to align with a region of Escherichia coli asparagine synthetase A. The alignment was most striking for aspartyl tRNA synthetase, an enzyme with catalytic similarities to asparagine synthetase. To test whether this sequence reflects a conserved function, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace the codon for Arg298 of asparagine synthetase A, which aligns with an invariant arginine in the Class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. The resulting genes were expressed in E. coli, and the gene products were assayed for asparagine synthetase activity in vitro. Every substitution of Arg298, even to a lysine, resulted in a loss of asparagine synthetase activity. Directed random mutagenesis was then used to create a variety of codon changes which resulted in amino acid substitutions within the conserved motif surrounding Arg298. Of the 15 mutant enzymes with amino acid substitutions yielding soluble enzyme, 13 with changes within the conserved region were found to have lost activity. These results are consistent with the possibility that asparagine synthetase A, one of the two unrelated asparagine synthetases in E. coli, evolved from an ancestral aminoacyl tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

The structural accessibility of tryptophan residues in leucyl-tRNA synthetase from cow mammary gland has been studied using chemical modifications by N-bromosuccinimide and 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide. The modifications were monitored by UV absorbance and intrinsic fluorescence of the enzyme's tryptophan residues. Under native conditions, at pH 7,8, only two exposed tryptophan residues are modified in each subunit of the dimeric enzyme. Under denaturing conditions, in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride solution, internal tryptophan residues are also modified as a consequence of unfolding of the native tertiary structure of the enzyme. Modifications of tryptophan residues resulted in inactivation of leucyl-tRNA synthetase both in aminoacylation and ATP-PPi exchange reactions. In the specific complex of leucyl-tRNA synthetase with the cognate tRNALeu one of exposed tryptophan residues is protected by tRNALeu and is not modified by the above reagents.  相似文献   

C A Carlson  J Preiss 《Biochemistry》1982,21(8):1929-1934
Inactivation of Escherichia coli ADP-glucose synthetase (EC by the arginine-specific reagents cyclohexanedione and phenylglyoxal resulted primarily from interference with normal allosteric activation. Partial modification by phenylglyoxal resulted in a lessened ability of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (fructose-P2) to stimulate and of 5'-AMP (5'-adenylate) to inhibit enzymic activity. The apparent affinity for fructose-P2 and the Vmax at saturating fructose-P2 concentrations were decreased by the arginine modification. Fructose-P2, 5'-adenylate, and several other allosteric effectors were able to partially protect the enzyme from inactivation. However, catalytic activity was not decreased by arginine modification under conditions where the enzyme was assayed in the absence of fructose-P2. The two arginine-modifying reagents differed markedly in their reactivity with the enzyme. Cyclohexanedione inactivated the enzyme quite slowly and eventually reacted with at least 14 of the 32 arginines present per subunit. Phenylglyoxal was some 50-fold more effective in inactivation, but it modified only one arginine residue per subunit.  相似文献   

In the biosynthesis of the cyclic decapeptide antibiotic gramicidin S, the constituent amino acids are activated by a two-step mechanism involving aminoacyl adenylate and thio ester formation which are both reversible processes. The dissociation constants (KD) for the gramicidin S synthetase-substrate amino acid-thio ester complexes are 100-1000-fold lower compared to the KM data of the preceding aminoacyl adenylate reactions. The affinity for these substrates is appreciably higher at the thio template sites than at the aminoacyl adenylate reaction centers. Therefore, the activation equilibria are quantitatively shifted toward thio ester formation. A set of thermodynamic parameters for the activation processes was determined from the temperature dependence of the KM and KD data. Reaction enthalpies were obtained from a van't Hoff analysis of these constants. delta G degree for the substrate activation reactions of the heavy enzyme of gramicidin S synthetase (GS 2) is predominantly controlled by entropy contributions. In contrast, the overall activation and concomitant racemization of phenylalanine by phenylalanine racemase (GS 1) are exothermic processes which are distinguished by a small negative reaction entropy.  相似文献   

The interferon-induced enzyme 2-5A synthetase is shown to adenylate tRNA. Yeast tRNAPhe was incubated with the enzyme in the presence of double stranded RNA (in this case polyI-polyC) and ATP or deoxyATP. The reaction products were analyzed by ribonuclease T1 digestion of the tRNA, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Using ATP, the 2-5A synthetase adds one, two or three AMP residues to the 3'-end of the tRNA whereas when dATP is replacing ATP, only one nucleotide unit is added. It is concluded that one of the mechanisms of the interferon-induced antiviral effect may be an inhibition of the translation process caused by an inactivation of tRNA molecules by a 2-5A synthetase catalyzed 2'-adenylation of the 3'-end.  相似文献   

Pigeon liver fatty acid synthetase was inactivated by arginine modifying reagent, phenylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione. The inactivation of overall fatty acid synthetase was accompanied by the loss of beta-ketoacyl reductase and enoyl-CoA reductase activity. The inactivation followed a pseudo-first order kinetics and sum of the second order rate constants for the two reductase reactions equaled that for the synthetase reaction. Inactivation of all three activities was prevented by NADPH or its analogs 2',5'-ADP and 2'-AMP but not by the corresponding nucleotides containing the 5'-phosphate. These results suggest that binding of NADPH to fatty acid synthetase involves specific interaction of the 2'-phosphate with the guanidino group of arginine residues at the active site of the two reductases. pH-Dependent inactivation by phenylglyoxal indicated that a group with a pka 7.5 is involved in the loss of enzyme activity. Stoichiometric results showed that 4 out of 164 arginine residues per enzyme molecule were essential for the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Chemical modification was used to elucidate the essential amino acids in the catalytic activity of arginine kinase (AK) from Migratoria manilensis. Among six cysteine (Cys) residues only one Cys residue was determined to be essential in the active site by Tsou's method. Furthermore, the AK modified by DTNB can be fully reactivated by dithiothreitol (DTT) in a monophasic kinetic course. At the same time, this reactivation can be slowed down in the presence of ATP, suggesting that the essential Cys is located near the ATP binding site. The ionizing groups at the AK active site were studied and the standard dissociation enthalpy (ΔH°) was 12.38 kcal/mol, showing that the dissociation group may be the guanidino of arginine (Arg). Using the specific chemical modifier phenylglyoxal (PG) demonstrated that only one Arg, located near the ATP binding site, is essential for the activity of AK.  相似文献   

Lacunae of understanding exist concerning the active site organization during the charging step of the aminoacylation reaction. We present here a molecular dynamics simulation study of the dynamics of the active site organization during charging step of subclass IIa dimeric SerRS from Thermus thermophilus (ttSerRS) bound with tttRNASer and dimeric ThrRS from Escherichia coli (ecThrRS) bound with ectRNAThr. The interactions between the catalytically important loops and tRNA contribute to the change in dynamics of tRNA in free and bound states, respectively. These interactions help in the development of catalytically effective organization of the active site. The A76 end of the tttRNASer exhibits fast dynamics in free State, which is significantly slowed down within the active site bound with adenylate. The loops change their conformation via multimodal dynamics (a slow diffusive mode of nanosecond time scale and fast librational mode of dynamics in picosecond time scale). The active site residues of the motif 2 loop approach the proximal bases of tRNA and adenylate by slow diffusive motion (in nanosecond time scale) and make conformational changes of the respective side chains via ultrafast librational motion to develop precise hydrogen bond geometry. Presence of bound Mg2+ ions around tRNA and dynamically slow bound water are other common features of both aaRSs. The presence of dynamically rigid Zinc ion coordination sphere and bipartite mode of recognition of ectRNAThr are observed.  相似文献   

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