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The imino proton resonances of gamma OR3 17mer in water were observed at 500 MHz with the time-shared Redfield pulse train. All of the 17 imino proton resonances could be assigned specifically to individual base pairs by utilizing the trace of NOE connectivities between the imino and adenine C2H protons and between imino protons themselves. AT1 and 17 showed abnormally high chemical shifts in comparison with the other AT pairs. On raising the temperature, broadening of the signal occurred in a sequential manner from the terminals except for AT10 and AT11, which were broadened at a lower temperature than GC12. The relaxation rates of the imino protons were measured by the inversion recovery method. The rates at higher temperatures represent the exchange rates of the imino protons. From the temperature dependences, activation energies of about 15 kcal/mol for the AT imino protons and 23-26 kcal/mol for the GC imino protons were obtained.  相似文献   

S H Chou  D R Hare  D E Wemmer  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1983,22(13):3037-3041
Using solid-phase phosphite triester methods, we have synthesized both strands of the phage lambda OR3 DNA sequence, reannealed them, and studied the native operator duplex by high-resolution NMR at 500 MHz. At 7 degrees C the imino protons of the two terminal base pairs at each end have disappeared from the spectrum by exchange broadening. The 13 detectable imino resonances have been assigned to their respective base pairs in the duplex by using sequential nearest-neighbor NOE connectivity methods described previously. In cases where two imino protons overlap in the spectrum, spin diffusion was used to drive the cross-saturation further afield in order to produce second-order next-nearest-neighbor effects. The results show that the imino connectivity method can be used to unambiguously assign the imino proton spectrum of operator DNAs containing one to two full turns of the helix.  相似文献   

An oligodeoxyribonucleotide composed of 17 residues, d(TATCACCGCCAGAGGTA), and a complementary chain were synthesized. Their duplex was identical with the operator OR1, the binding site for bacteriophage lambda cro and c1 repressors. The 1H NMR spectra (500 MHz) of the duplex imino and aromatic protons were studied at 10, 20 and 25 degrees C. Signals from the imino protons of complementary base pairs and from the C2 protons of adenine (with the exception of the duplex terminal nucleotides) were assigned using the NOE technique and the known characteristics of short DNA fragment melting. No signals from the imino protons of the terminal base pairs were detected even at 10 degrees C due to fraying which increased as the temperature was raised. The assignment of signals can be used to identify centers of interaction between the operator OR1 and repressors, as well as to study possible local changes in DNA geometry.  相似文献   

1H-NMR spectra of lambda-OR3 17mer in the complex with lambda-cro has been analysed and the change in its conformation on the complexation has been deduced. The changed conformation is retained until the duplex melts above 55 degrees C. Increase in heat stability of the cro dimer was observed. The result was compared with those of other DNA fragments phi 80-OR2 19 mer and the CRP binding site 22mer mixed with lambda-cro.  相似文献   

In the present work, we employ a combination of CD spectroscopy and gel retardation technique to characterize thermodynamically the binding of lambda phage cro repressor to a 17 base pair operator OR3. We have found that three minor groove-binding antibiotics, distamycin A, netropsin and sibiromycin, compete effectively with the cro for binding to the operator OR3. Among these antibiotics, sibiromycin binds covalently to DNA in the minor groove at the NH2 of guanine, whereas distamycin A and netropsin interact preferentially with runs of AT base pairs and avoid DNA regions containing guanine bases in the two polynucleotide strands. Only subtle DNA conformation changes are known to take place upon binding of these antibiotics. Both the CD spectral profiles and the results of the gel retardation experiments indicate that distamycin A and netropsin can displace cro repressor from the operator OR3. The binding of cro repressor to the OR3 is accompanied by considerable changes in CD in the far-UV region which appear to be attributed to a DNA-dependent structural transition in the protein. Spectral changes are also induced in the wavelength region of 270-290 nm. The CD spectral profile of the cro-OR3 mixture in the presence of distamycin A can be represented as a sum of the CD spectrum of the repressor-operator complex and spectrum of distamycin-DNA complex at the appropriate molar ratio of the bound antibiotic to the operator DNA (r). When r tends to the saturation level of binding the CD spectrum in the region of 270-360 nm approaches a CD pattern typical of complexes of the antibiotic with the free DNA oligomer. This suggests that simultaneous binding of cro repressor and distamycin A to the same DNA oligomer is not possible and that distamycin A and netropsin can be used to determine the equilibrium affinity constant of cro repressor to the synthetic operator from competition-type experiments. The binding constant of cro repressor to the OR3 is found to be (6 +/- 1).10(6)M-1 at 20 degrees C in 10 mM sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) in the presence of 0.1 M NH4F.  相似文献   

The interaction between carbonic anhydrase B in the molten globule state and water molecules was studied by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. NMR spin diffusion experiments revealed spin diffusion propagation from the protein to waters. This is a process of complex bioexponential kinetics presented in spin diffusion spectra as a change in water signal intensity dependent on the post-excitation time of protein molecules. Its reverse, spin diffusion propagation from waters to the protein, was also found. These phenomena are protein concentration- and temperature-dependent and shown to be possibly explained with the assumption that there exist water-protein complexes provoking the formation of large branched associations. At a temperature above 309 K, a stepwise increase in the interaction between waters and proteins occurs in these complexes. The formation of water-protein associations is induced by increasing temperature and/or protein concentration. In these associations, at normal temperature, the protein mobility is close to that of carbonic anhydrase B dimers.  相似文献   

S H Chou  D E Wemmer  D R Hare  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1984,23(10):2257-2262
We have synthesized both strands of a DNA duplex containing the consensus Pribnow promoter sequence TATAATG , flanked by GC base pairs to stabilize the ends of the helix. The stability of this duplex has been studied by using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance. The imino protons have been assigned by using the sequential nuclear Overhauser effect approach. Exchange rates have been monitored by using selective inversion recovery measurements. The helix is relatively unstable in the center of the AT-rich region even when surrounded by GC base pairs, and there is considerable asymmetry in the melting of the helix.  相似文献   

Smith IC  Baert R 《IUBMB life》2003,55(4-5):273-277
NMR has progressed relatively recently from a technique used almost exclusively by chemists and physicists to a viable tool for medical diagnosis. NMR applications have developed from analysis of cells, tissues, and biological fluids, to in vivo analysis. We discuss some examples of its clinical successes, as well as some of the challenges encountered along the way.  相似文献   

The imino proton spectrum of Escherichia coli valine tRNA has been studied by two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) in H2O solution. The small nuclear Overhauser effects from the imino proton of an internal base pair to the imino protons of each nearest neighbor can be observed as off-diagonal cross-peaks. In this way most of the sequential NOE connectivity trains for all the helices in this molecule can be determined in a single experiment. AU resonances can be distinguished from GC resonances by the AU imino NOE to the aromatic adenine C2-H, thus leading to specific base-pair assignments. In general, the NOESY spectrum alone is not capable of assigning every imino proton resonance even in well-resolved tRNA spectra. Multiple proton peaks exhibit more than two cross-peaks, resulting in ambiguous connectivities, and coupling between protons with similar chemical shifts produces cross-peaks that are incompletely resolved from the diagonal. The sequence of the particular tRNA determines the occurrence of the latter problem, which can often be solved by careful one-dimensional experiments. The complete imino proton assignments of E. coli valine tRNA are presented.  相似文献   

Surface studies at ambient conditions of potato starch granules subjected to multiple freezing and thawing, performed by a high resolution non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM), revealed some details of the starch granule nanostructure. After the treatment, a significant separation and a chain-like organisation of the granule surface elements have been observed. An accurate analysis of the granule surface nanostructure with a single amylopectine cluster resolution could be carried out. The oblong nodules of approximately 20-50 nm in diameter have been observed at the surface of the potato starch granules. The same size particles were precipitated by ethanol from gelatinized potato starch suspensions. They were also detected at the surface of oat and wheat starch granules. After multiple freezing and thawing, the eroded potato granule surface revealed a lamellar structure of its interior. The 30-40 nm inter-lamellar distances were estimated by means of nc-AFM. These findings fit previously proposed dimensions of the structural elements in the crystalline region of the starch granule. The observed surface sub-particles might correspond to the single amylopectine side chain clusters bundled into larger blocklets packed in the lamellae within the starch granule. The results supported the blocklet model of the starch granule structure.  相似文献   

Concentrated Aqueous Protein Systems, Proton Relaxation Times, Slow Chemical Exchange In this paper we present proton spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation times measured vs. concentration, temperature, pulse interval (tauCPMG) as well as 1H NMR spectral measurements in a wide range of concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. The anomalous relaxation behaviour of the water protons, similar to that observed in mammalian lenses, was found in the two most concentrated solutions (44% and 46%). The functional dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time vs. tauCPMG pulse interval and the values of the motional activation parameters obtained from the temperature dependencies of spin-lattice relaxation times suggest that the water molecule mobility is reduced in these systems. The slow exchange process on the T2 time scale is proposed to explain the obtained data. The proton spectral measurements support the hypothesis of a slow exchange mechanism in the highest concentrated solutions. From the analysis of the shape of the proton spectra the mean exchange times between bound and bulk water proton groups (tauex) have been estimated for the range of the highest concentrations (30%-46%). The obtained values are of the order of milliseconds assuring that the slow exchange condition is fulfilled in the most concentrated samples.  相似文献   

Fibrillation of a human calcitonin mutant (hCT) at the position of Asp(15) (D15N-hCT) was examined to reveal the effect of the electrostatic interaction of Asp(15) with charged side chains. The secondary structures of fibrils and soluble monomers in the site-specific (13)C-labeled D15N-hCTs were determined using (13)C cross-polarization magic angle spinning and dipolar decoupled magic angle spinning NMR approaches, sensitive to detect (13)C signals from the fibril and the soluble monomer, respectively. The local conformations and structures of D15N-hCT fibrils at pH 7.5 and 3.2 were found to be similar to each other and those of hCT at pH 3.3 and were interpreted as a mixture of antiparallel and parallel beta-sheets, whereas they were different from the hCT fibril at pH 7.5 whose structure is proposed to be antiparallel beta-sheets. Thus the negatively charged Asp(15) in the hCT molecule turned out to play an essential role in determining the structures and orientations of the hCT molecules. Fibrillation kinetics of D15N-hCT was analyzed using a two-step autocatalytic reaction mechanism. The results indicated that the replacement of Asp(15) with Asn(15) did not reduce the rate constants of the fibril formation but rather increased the rate constants at neutral pH.  相似文献   

High resolution NMR study of CAP binding site 22mer in H2O solution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High resolution proton NMR were measured for the deoxyoligonucleotide 22mer duplex corresponding to the CAP (catabolite gene activator protein) binding site of lac promotor. The spectra in the lower field region than the water resonance were taken with the time-shared Redfield pulse method by using a JEOL 500 MHz NMR spectrometer. In the imino proton region 18 peaks were separately observed, but the area intensity at 10 degrees C corresponds to 20 protons. By selective irradiation at each peak position NOEs (nuclear Overhauser effects) were observed between the imino and adenine C2H protons and between imino proton themselves. By tracing sequential NOE train carefully, 17 imino proton signals could be unambiguously assigned to each base pair except five AT base pairs at terminals. With the elevation of temperature the peaks showed gradual broadening and disappeared, which indicates the stepwise base pair opening of the duplex. Referring to the above peak assignments it can be concluded that GC20 and AT4 pairs close to terminals relax first and the base pair opening proceeds toward central GC13 and 14.  相似文献   

The specific complex between the lambda phage OR3 operator and the Cro protein has been studied by proton NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz. The DNA imino proton resonances of this complex have been assigned to specific base pairs using the known assignments of these resonances for the free operator. Increase of the protein/DNA ratio to complete saturation of the OR3 operator with the Cro protein made it possible to follow the shift changes of the resonances. Ambiguities were resolved by nuclear Overhauser effect measurements on the complex. The shifts of the imino proton resonance positions provide information on the changes induced in the conformation of the operator upon complex formation with a dimer of the Cro protein. The most striking shift occurs for the central (GC 9) base pair, which is known to have no direct contacts with the Cro protein. This shift may be induced by a bend in the OR3 operator DNA at the GC 9 base pair to accommodate the operator for the binding of the Cro protein dimer. The imino proton resonances of two additional base pairs can be observed in the complex, demonstrating an overall stabilization of the DNA structure by the binding of the Cro protein.  相似文献   

CD2 associated protein (CD2AP) is an adaptor protein that plays an important role in cell to cell union needed for the kidney function. CD2AP interacts, as an adaptor protein, with different natural targets, such as CD2, nefrin, c-Cbl and podocin. These proteins are believed to interact to one of the three SH3 domains that are positioned in the N-terminal region of CD2AP. To understand the network of interactions between the natural targets and the three SH3 domains (SH3-A, B and C), we have started to determine the structures of the individual SH3 domains. Here we present the high-resolution structure of the SH3-C domain derived from NMR data. Full backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained from triple-resonance spectra. The structure was determined from distance restraints derived from high-resolution 600 and 800 MHz NOESY spectra, together with phi and psi torsion angle restraints based on the analysis of 1HN, 15N, 1Hα, 13Cα, 13CO and 13Cβ chemical shifts. Structures were calculated using CYANA and refined in water using RECOORD. The three-dimensional structure of CD2AP SH3-C contains all the features that are typically found in other SH3 domains, including the general binding site for the recognition of polyproline sequences.  相似文献   

Ex vivo(1)H NMR spectroscopy was used to measure changes in the concentrations of cerebral metabolites in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus of rats subjected to repeated morphine treatment known to cause tolerance/dependence. The results show that repeated morphine exposure induces significant changes in the concentrations of a number of cerebral metabolites, and such changes are region specific. After 10 days of repeated morphine treatment, the concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) increased significantly in the PFC (20+/-11%), but decreased in the hippocampus (-31+/-12%), compared to control. In contrast, the glutamate (Glu) concentrations in both the PFC (-15+/-8%) and hippocampus (-13+/-4%) decreased significantly. Significant changes were also observed in the concentrations of hippocampal glutamine (Gln), myo-inositol, taurine, and N-acetyl aspartate. These morphine-induced changes were reversed during a subsequent 5-day withdrawal period. It is suggested that the observed concentration changes for Glu, Gln and GABA are most likely the result of a shift in the steady-state equilibrium of the Gln-Glu-GABA metabolic cycle. Changes in the metabolism of this neurotransmitter system might be part of the adaptive measures taken by the central nervous system in response to repeated morphine exposure and subsequent withdrawal.  相似文献   

Thanks to rather large (5–9 Hz) long-range imino proton-13C J-couplings, heteronuclear correlation experiments in H2O provide unambiguous assignment of imino protons by intranucleotide through-bond connectivities to guanosine H8 and thymidine CH3 protons, or sequence-specific assignment of non-exchangeable protons when the imino protons are identified independently. This method is demonstrated in the Dickerson dodecamer [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2 and in a human telomeric fragment of 22 nucleotides.  相似文献   

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