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It has been known that 13C-labeling technique is quite useful in estimating the metabolic fluxes. Although the program-based flux analysis is powerful, it is not easy to be confident with the result obtained without experiences and exhaustive trial and errors based on statistical analysis for the confidence intervals in practice. It is, therefore, quite important to grasp the relationship between the fluxes and the 13C-labeled isotopomer distribution to get deeper insight into the metabolic flux analysis. In the present research, it was shown explicitly how the isotopomer distribution changes with respect to the fluxes in relation to the labeling patterns of the substrate, where either labeled glucose, acetate, or pyruvate was used as a carbon source. Some of the analytical expressions were derived based on the matrix representation, and they were utilized for analysis. It was shown that the isotopomer pattern does not necessarily change uniformly with respect to fluxes, but changes in a complicated way in particular for the case of using pyruvate as a carbon source where some isotopomers do not necessarily change monotonically. It was shown to be quite important to grasp how the isotopomer pattern changes with respect to fluxes and the labeling pattern of the substrate for flux determination and the experimental design. It was also shown that the mixture of [1-13C] acetate and [2-13C] acetate should not be used from the information index point of view. Some of the experimental data were evaluated from the present approach. It was also shown that the isotopomer distribution is less sensitive to the bidirectional fluxes in the reversible pathway.  相似文献   

Metabolic flux quantification in plants is instrumental in the detailed understanding of metabolism but is difficult to perform on a systemic level. Toward this aim, we report the development and application of a computer-aided metabolic flux analysis tool that enables the concurrent evaluation of fluxes in several primary metabolic pathways. Labeling experiments were performed by feeding a mixture of U-(13)C Suc, naturally abundant Suc, and Gln to developing soybean (Glycine max) embryos. Two-dimensional [(13)C, (1)H] NMR spectra of seed storage protein and starch hydrolysates were acquired and yielded a labeling data set consisting of 155 (13)C isotopomer abundances. We developed a computer program to automatically calculate fluxes from this data. This program accepts a user-defined metabolic network model and incorporates recent mathematical advances toward accurate and efficient flux evaluation. Fluxes were calculated and statistical analysis was performed to obtain sds. A high flux was found through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (19.99 +/- 4.39 micromol d(-1) cotyledon(-1), or 104.2 carbon mol +/- 23.0 carbon mol per 100 carbon mol of Suc uptake). Separate transketolase and transaldolase fluxes could be distinguished in the plastid and the cytosol, and those in the plastid were found to be at least 6-fold higher. The backflux from triose to hexose phosphate was also found to be substantial in the plastid (21.72 +/- 5.00 micromol d(-1) cotyledon(-1), or 113.2 carbon mol +/-26.0 carbon mol per 100 carbon mol of Suc uptake). Forward and backward directions of anaplerotic fluxes could be distinguished. The glyoxylate shunt flux was found to be negligible. Such a generic flux analysis tool can serve as a quantitative tool for metabolic studies and phenotype comparisons and can be extended to other plant systems.  相似文献   

In this work, brain cell metabolism was investigated by (13)C NMR spectroscopy and metabolic flux analysis (MFA). Monotypic cultures of astrocytes were incubated with labeled glucose for 38 h, and the distribution of the label was analyzed by (13)C NMR spectroscopy. The analysis of the spectra reveals two distinct physiological states characterized by different ratios of pyruvate carboxylase to pyruvate dehydrogenase activities (PC/PDH). Intracellular flux distributions for both metabolic states were estimated by MFA using the isotopic information and extracellular rate measurements as constraints. The model was subsequently checked with the consistency index method. From a biological point of view, the occurrence of the two physiological states appears to be correlated with the presence or absence of extracellular glutamate. Concerning the model, it can be stated that the metabolic network and the set of constraints adopted provide a consistent and robust characterization of the astrocytic metabolism, allowing for the calculation of central intracellular fluxes such as pyruvate recycling, the anaplerotic flux mediated by pyruvate carboxylase, and the glutamine formation through glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Neochloris oleoabundans UTEX 1185 is a green microalga that is considered as a promising feedstock for microalgal biodiesel production as it contains high amount of...  相似文献   

Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Selective stable isotope labeling has transformed structural and dynamics analysis of RNA by NMR spectroscopy. These methods can remove 13C-13C dipolar couplings that...  相似文献   

Information displayed by homonuclear and heteronuclear spin-coupling patterns in 13C- and 1H-MR spectra allowed us to identify the major lactate isotopomers produced either from [1-(13)C]-glucose or from [2-(13)C]-glucose by human erythrocytes. Relative concentrations of detectable isotopomers were determined by integrating the corresponding MR signals. The interpretation of these data in terms of the fractional glucose metabolised through glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway was performed by a computer simulation of the metabolism that took into account metabolic schemes pertaining to glycolysis and to the F-type of pentose phosphate pathway. The simulation was organised in a way to anticipate the populations of the isotopomers produced from any precursor at a priori established metabolic steady state. By the simulation, isotopomer populations were determined according to different values of pentose cycle, defined as the flux of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate originating from pentose phosphate pathway at unitary glucose uptake. The populations of the isotopomers originating from [2-(13)C]-glucose were described by polynomials, and ratios between the polynomials were used in conjunction with 13C- and 1H-MR data to determine pentose cycle values. The knowledge of glucose uptake and of pentose cycle value allowed us to perform accurate measurement of the pentose phosphate pathway flux, of the hexokinase and phosphofructokinase fluxes as well as, indirectly, of the carbon dioxide production.  相似文献   

The dynamics of developing linseed embryo metabolism was investigated using (13)C-labelling experiments where the real-time kinetics of label incorporation into metabolites was monitored in situ using in vivo NMR. The approach took advantage of the occurrence in this plant tissue of large metabolite pools - such as sucrose or lipids - to provide direct and quantitative measurement of the evolution of the labelling state within central metabolism. As a pre-requisite for the use of steady state flux measurements it was shown that isotopic steady state was reached within 3 h at the level of central intermediates whereas it took a further 6h for the sucrose pool. Complete isotopic and metabolic steady state took 18 h to be reached. The data collected during the transient state where label was equilibrated but the metabolic steady state was incomplete, enabled the rates of lipid and sucrose synthesis to be measured in situ on the same sample. This approach is suitable to get a direct assessment of metabolic time-scales within living plant tissues and provides a valuable complement to steady state flux determinations.  相似文献   

Since most bio‐production processes are conducted in a batch or fed‐batch manner, the evaluation of metabolism with respect to time is highly desirable. Toward this aim, we applied 13C‐metabolic flux analysis to nonstationary conditions by measuring the mass isotopomer distribution of intracellular metabolites. We performed our analysis on batch cultures of wild‐type Escherichia coli, as well as on Pyk and Pgi mutants, obtained the fluxes and metabolite concentrations as a function of time. Our results for the wild‐type indicated that the TCA cycle flux tended to increase during growth on glucose. Following glucose exhaustion, cells controlled the branch ratio between the glyoxylate pathway and the TCA cycle, depending on the availability of acetate. In the Pyk mutant, the concentrations of glycolytic intermediates changed drastically over time due to the dumping and feedback inhibition caused by PEP accumulation. Nevertheless, the flux distribution and free amino acid concentrations changed little. The growth rate and the fluxes remained constant in the Pgi mutant and the glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase reaction was the rate‐limiting step. The measured fluxes were compared with those predicted by flux balance analysis using maximization of biomass yield or ATP production. Our findings indicate that the objective function of biosynthesis became less important as time proceeds on glucose in the wild‐type, while it remained highly important in the Pyk mutant. Furthermore, ATP production was the primary objective function in the Pgi mutant. This study demonstrates how cells adjust their metabolism in response to environmental changes and/or genetic perturbations in the batch cultivation. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The metabolic fluxes of central carbon metabolism were measured in chemostat-grown cultures of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 with methanol as the sole organic carbon and energy source and growth-limiting substrate. Label tracing experiments were carried out using 70% (13)C-methanol in the feed, and the steady-state mass isotopomer distributions of amino acids derived from total cell protein were measured by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Fluxes were calculated from the isotopomer distribution data using an isotopomer balance model and evolutionary error minimization algorithm. The combination of labeled methanol with unlabeled CO(2), which enters central metabolism in two different reactions, provided the discriminatory power necessary to allow quantification of the unknown fluxes within a reasonably small confidence interval. In wild-type M. extorquens AM1, no measurable flux was detected through pyruvate dehydrogenase or malic enzyme, and very little flux through alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (1.4% of total carbon). In contrast, the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase flux was 25.5% of total carbon in the regulatory mutant strain phaR, while the pyruvate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme fluxes remained insignificant. The success of this technique with growth on C(1) compounds suggests that it can be applied to help characterize the effects of other regulatory mutations, and serve as a diagnostic tool in the metabolic engineering of methylotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

The flux of 13C-labeled carbons from the soluble metabolite 2,3-cyclopyrophosphoglycerate (CPP), a novel compound found in high concentrations exclusively in methanobacteria and methanobrevibacter, into carbohydrate-containing material has been deduced by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy which strongly argues for a role in gluconeogenesis for this unique metabolite. The turnover rates, but not the steady-state levels, of CPP labeled by 13CO2 or [13C]acetate depend dramatically on cell growth conditions. When the demand for carbohydrate synthesis is reduced (i.e. in stationary phase), the rates of CPP biosynthesis and degradation decrease 10-fold, and the disaccharide alpha, alpha-trehalose accumulates. Valinomycin, a metabolic inhibitor of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum growth, does not affect steady-state levels of CPP, but does decrease 13C uptake into the CPP pool. The effects of these different conditions on CPP labeling suggest stringent regulation of CPP linked to cellular metabolism. Labeling of CPP by [6-(13)C]glucose, which does not serve as an energy or carbon source for this organism, provides strong evidence that glucose is cleaved by the reverse of the gluconeogenesis pathway. This metabolic pathway linking glucose with triose phosphate type precursors and an analysis of the 13C NMR spectrum of CPP labeled by incubating cells with [U-13C]glucose have established that in vivo phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase must be reversible.  相似文献   

Complete isotopomer models that simulate distribution of label in 13C tracer experiments are applied to the quantification of metabolic fluxes in the primary carbon metabolism of E. coli under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The concept of isotopomer mapping matrices (IMMs) is used to simplify the formulation of isotopomer mass balances by expressing all isotopomer mass balances of a metabolite pool in a single matrix equation. A numerically stable method to calculate the steady-state isotopomer distribution in metabolic networks in introduced. Net values of intracellular fluxes and the degree of reversibility of enzymatic steps are estimated by minimization of the deviations between experimental and simulated measurements. The metabolic model applied includes the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas and the pentose phosphate pathway, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, anaplerotic reaction sequences and pathways involved in amino acid synthesis. The study clearly demonstrates the value of complete isotopomer models for maximizing the information obtainable from 13C tracer experiments. The approach applied here offers a completely general and comprehensive analysis of carbon tracer experiments where any set of experimental data on the labeling state and extracellular fluxes can be used for the quantification of metabolic fluxes in complex metabolic networks.  相似文献   

开放式空气CO2增高对水稻物质生产与分配的影响   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
在大田栽培条件下,研究开放式空气CO2增加(FACE)200μmol·mol^-1的处理对水稻物质生产与分配的影响.结果表明,FACE处理使移栽至抽穗后20d的干物质积累量显著增加,使抽穗后20d至成熟期的干物质生产量显著减少,生物产量显著提高.移栽至抽穗期的干物质积累量增加是由于叶面积系数和净同化率共同提高所致;抽穗期至抽穗后20d的干物质积累量增加主要是由于叶面积系数的增加所致;抽穗后20d至成熟期的干物质生产量减少主要是由于净同化率的下降所造成.提高茎鞘占全株干物重的比例,降低叶片占全株干物重的比例,对穗占全株干物重的比例无显著影响,能显著提高水稻抽穗期茎鞘中可溶性糖、淀粉的含有率和含量,提高FACE处理的生物产量能极显著提高水稻产量(r=0.7825).  相似文献   

Fermentation patterns of Escherichia coli HB101 carrying plasmids expressing cloned genes of Zymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase li (ADH) were determined in glucose-limited complex medium in pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultivations. Time profiles of glucose, dry cell weight, succinate, formate, acetate, and ethanol were determined, as were the activities of ADH and PDC. Fluxes through the central carbon pathways were calculated for each construct utilizing exponential phase data on extracellular components and assuming quasi-steady state for intermediate metabolites. Overall biomass yields were greatest for cells expressing both PDC and ADH activities. Yields of carbon catabolite end products were similar for all PDC-expressing strains and different from those for other strains. Relative to its glucose uptake rate, the strain with greatest PDC and ADH activities produces formate and acetate more slowly and ethanol more rapidly than other strains. Strong influences of plasmid presence and metabolic coupling complicate detailed interpretations of the data.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli has several elaborate sensing mechanisms for response to the availability of oxygen and the presence of other electron acceptors. Among them, the one component Fnr protein and the two-component Arc system coordinate the adaptive responses to oxygen availability. To systematically investigate the contribution of Arc- and Fnr-dependent regulation in catabolism, glucose-limited chemostat cultures were conducted on wild-type E. coli, an arcA mutant, an fnr mutant, and an arcAfnr double mutant strains under a well-defined semi-aerobic condition. The metabolic flux distributions of the cultures of these strains were estimated based on C-13 labeling experiments. It was shown that the oxidative pentose phosphate (PP) pathway was functioning at low level under semi-aerobic condition. The fluxes through pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle were found to be lower in the arcA mutant and the arcAfnr double mutant strains than that in the wild-type strain, although the expression of the genes involved in these pathways have been proved to be derepressed in the mutant strains ([Shalel-Levanon, S., San, K.Y., Bennett, G.N., 2005a. Effect of ArcA and FNR on the expression of genes related to the oxygen regulation and the glycolysis pathway in Escherichia coli under microaerobic growth conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 92, 147-159; Shalel-Levanon, S., San, K.Y., Bennett, G.N., 2005c. Effect of oxygen, and ArcA and FNR regulators on the expression of genes related to the electron transfer chain and the TCA cycle in Escherichia coli. Metab. Eng. 7, 364-374]). The significantly higher lactate production in the arcAfnr double mutant strain was shown to be an indirect effect caused by the reduced pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) and PDH fluxes as well as the intracellular redox state.  相似文献   

In a previous study, an Escherichia coli strain lacking the key enzymes (acetate kinase and phosphotransacetylase, ACK-PTA) of the major acetate synthesis pathways reduced acetate accumulation. The ackA-pta mutant strain also exhibits an increased lactate synthesis rate. Metabolic flux analysis suggested that the majority of excessive carbon flux was redirected through the lactate formation pathway rather than the ethanol synthesis pathway. This result indicated that lactate dehydrogenase may be competitive at the pyruvate node. However, a 10-fold overexpression of the fermentative lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA) gene in the wild-type parent GJT001 was not able to divert carbon flux from acetate. The carbon flux through pyruvate and all its end products increases at the expense of flux through biosynthesis and succinate. Intracellular pyruvate measurements showed that strains overexpressing lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) depleted the pyruvate pool. This observation along with the observed excretion of pyruvate in the ackA-pta strain indicates the significance of intracellular pyruvate pools. In the current study, we focus on the role of the intracellular pyruvate pool in the redirection of metabolic fluxes at this important node. An increasing level of extracellular pyruvate leads to an increase in the intracellular pyruvate pool. This increase in intracellular pyruvate affects carbon flux distribution at the pyruvate node. Partitioning of the carbon flux to acetate at the expense of ethanol occurs at the acetyl-CoA node while partitioning at the pyruvate node favors lactate formation. The increased competitiveness of the lactate pathway may be due to the allosteric activation of LDH as a result of increased pyruvate levels. The interaction between the reactions catalyzed by the enzymes PFL (pyruvate formate lyase) and LDH was examined.  相似文献   

Recent diabetes and obesity research has been focused on the role of intracellular lipids in insulin resistance. Fatty acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) esters play a central role in the trafficking of intracellular lipids, but there has not previously been a method with which to quantify their kinetics using tracer methodology. We have therefore developed a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry method to simultaneously measure the (13)C stable isotopic enrichment of palmitoyl-acyl-CoA ester and the concentrations of five individual long-chain fatty acyl-CoA esters extracted from muscle tissue samples. The long-chain fatty acyl-CoA can be effectively extracted from frozen muscle tissue samples and baseline separated by a reverse-phase HPLC with the presence of a volatile reagent-triethylamine. Negative ion electrospray mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring was used to analyze the fatty acyl-CoAs to achieve reliable quantification of their concentrations and (13)C isotopic enrichment. Applying this protocol to rabbit muscle samples demonstrates that it is a sensitive, accurate, and precise method for the quantification of long-chain fatty acyl-CoA concentrations and enrichment.  相似文献   

The advantage of using 13C-labelled glucose in metabolic studies is that it is an important carbon and energy source for almost all biotechnologically and medically important organisms. On the other hand, the disadvantage is its relatively high cost in the labelling experiments. Looking for cheaper alternatives we found that 13C-[2] acetate or 13C-[1,2] acetate is a prospective compound for such experiments. Acetate is well incorporated by many organisms, including mammalian and insect cell cultures as preferred source of acetyl-CoA. Our experimental results using 13C NMR demonstrated that acetate was efficiently incorporated into glutamate and alanine secreted by the insect cell culture. Using D-stat culture of Saccharomyces uvarum on glucose/13C-acetate mineral media we demonstrated that the labelling patterns of proteinogenic amino acids can be well predicted on the basis of specific substrate consumption rates using the modified scheme of yeast metabolism and stoichiometric modelling. According to this scheme aspartate and alanine in S. uvarum under the experimental conditions used is synthesised in the mitochondria. Synthesis of alanine in the mitochondria was also demonstrated for Spodoptera frugiperda. For both organisms malic enzyme was also operative. For S. uvarum it was shown that the activity of malic enzyme is sufficient for supporting the mitochondrial biosynthetic reactions with NADPH.  相似文献   

The effect of desialation of human transcortin on the transcortin-cortisol complex transport into hepatocytes and on subsequent intracellular distribution of the complex components was studied in model experiments with perfused rat liver. It was demonstrated that in the presence of desialated transcortin the time of [3H]cortisol incubation in the perfusion medium decreased more than 200 times as compared with the native protein. [3H]cortisol and [131I]asialotranscortin trapping by hepatocytes occurs simultaneously. The content of the [3H]cortisol--[131I]asialotranscortin complex in rat liver plasma membranes reaches a maximum 3 min after beginning of perfusion. Then the intact complex is transported into lysosomes, where it dissociates with a subsequent release of asialotranscortin and cortisol metabolites into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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