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cAR1, a G protein-coupled cAMP receptor, is essential for multicellular development of Dictyostelium. We previously identified a cAR1-Ile(104) mutant that appeared to be constitutively activated based on its constitutive phosphorylation, elevated affinity for cAMP, and dominant-negative effects on development as well as specific cAR1 pathways that are subject to adaptation. To investigate how Ile(104) might regulate cAR1 activation, we assessed the consequences of substituting it with all other amino acids. Constitutive phosphorylation of these Ile(104) mutants varied broadly, suggesting that they are activated to varying extents, and was correlated with polarity of the substituting amino acid residue. Remarkably, all Ile(104) substitutions, except for the most conservative, dramatically elevated the receptor's cAMP affinity. However, only a third of the mutants (those with the most polar substitutions) blocked development. These findings are consistent with a model in which polar Ile(104) substitutions perturb the equilibrium between inactive and active cAR1 conformations in favour of the latter. Based on homology with rhodopsin, Ile(104) is likely buried within inactive cAR1 and exposed to the cytoplasm upon activation. We propose that the hydrophobic effect normally promotes burial of Ile(104) and hence cAR1 inactivation, while polar substitution of Ile(104) mitigates this effect, resulting in activation.  相似文献   

Muscle acetylcholine receptors are synaptic ion channels that "gate" between closed- and open-channel conformations. We used Phi-value analysis to probe the transition state of the diliganded gating reaction with regard to residues in the M3, membrane-spanning helix of the muscle acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit. Phi (a fraction between 1 and 0) parameterizes the extent to which a mutation changes the opening versus the closing rate constant and, for a linear reaction mechanism, the higher the Phi-value, the "earlier" the gating motion. In the upper half of alphaM3 the gating motions of all five tested residues were temporally correlated (Phi approximately 0.30) and serve to link structural changes occurring at the middle of the M2, pore-lining helix with those occurring at the interface of the extracellular and transmembrane domains. alphaM3 belongs to a complex and diverse set of synchronously moving parts that change structure relatively late in the channel-opening process. The propagation of the gating Brownian conformational cascade has a complex spatial distribution in the transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1998,92(3-4):269-274
Scanning mutagenesis of transmembrane domain 3 of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor has revealed a highly-differentiated α-helical structure. Lipid-facing residues are distinguished from a patch of residues which selectively stabilise the ground state of the receptor, and from a band of amino acids extending the full length of the helix, which contribute to the active agonist-receptor-G protein complex. The most important residues are strongly conserved in the GPCR superfamily.  相似文献   

When localized adjacent to a Pro-kink, Thr and Ser residues can form hydrogen bonds between their polar hydroxyl group and a backbone carbonyl oxygen and thereby modulate the actual bending angle of a distorted transmembrane α-helix. We have used the homo-dimeric transmembrane cytochrome b(559)' to analyze the potential role of a highly conserved Ser residue for assembly and stabilization of transmembrane proteins. Mutation of the conserved Ser residue to Ala resulted in altered heme binding properties and in increased stability of the holo-protein, most likely by tolerating subtle structural rearrangements upon heme binding. The results suggest a crucial impact of an intrahelical Ser hydrogen bond in defining the structure of a Pro-kinked transmembrane helix dimer.  相似文献   

A member of the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily, the LH receptor (LHR), and the two other glycoprotein hormone receptors are distinguished from the other members by the presence of a relatively large N-terminal extracellular domain that is responsible for high-affinity ligand binding. Transmembrane helix (TMH) 7 of LHR is amphipathic, with an extended face containing only hydrophobic side chains and another containing both hydrophobic and polar side chains with potential hydrogen bond donor and acceptor functions. Since several reports have shown the importance of this helix in ligand-mediated signaling, we have used Ala scanning mutagenesis to study eight amino acid residues of rat LHR that are invariant in the three glycoprotein hormone receptors, Leu586, Val587, Asn593, Ser594, Cys595, Asn597, Phe604, and Thr605. The wild type (WT) and mutant cDNAs were transiently transfected into COS-7 cells for characterization by human CG (hCG) binding and cAMP production. No differences were detected in dissociation constants (K(d)S) or basal cAMP production relative to WT LHR, but three categories of LHR mutants were distinguished from WT LHR based upon their expression levels and responsiveness to hCG: 1) comparable or higher expression but reduced ligand responsiveness (N593A and C595A), 2) reduced expression and ligand responsiveness (N597A and T605A), and 3) comparable expression and responsiveness (L586A, V587A, S594A, and F604A). Three other mutants, C595M, F604Y, and T605Y, were comparable to WT LHR in ligand responsiveness. To provide more information on Asn593 and Asn597, a total of 12 replacements were investigated. Of considerable interest and potential significance was the finding that many of the replacements in LHR resulted in either loss of function (N593A, Q, S; N597R) or gain of function (N593R and N597Q), this being the first evidence of a position in LHR that, depending upon the nature of the amino acid residue, can result in constitutive activation and/or diminished responsiveness to ligand. The results of molecular modeling and energy minimization of TMHs 6 and 7, based on a postulated interaction between Asp556 (TMH 6) and Asn593/Asn597 (TMH 7), indicated that, while there is not a correlation between function and predicted energies of WT LHR and the mutants, reorientation of one or both helices is responsible for the functional changes observed. Possible interactions of TMHs 3 and 4 and of 5 and 6 were suggested by molecular modeling. Ten mutants were prepared of two amino acid residues that are invariant in the glycoprotein hormone receptors and have side chain hydrogen bond donor and acceptor function, Glu429 in TMH 3 and Asn513 in TMH 5. Expression levels and hCG-mediated signaling were reduced in most of the LHR mutants, but none of these exhibited constitutive receptor activation. We conclude that Glu429 is not critical for receptor function, while Asn513 appears to be particularly important in receptor folding and/or trafficking. The results reported herein indicate an important role for TMH 7, and particularly Asn593 and Asn597, in the process of receptor activation. Moreover, these two asparagines, although in close proximity to each other in TMH 7, are quite distinct in function as evidenced by certain replacements that can lead to loss of function in one and gain of function in the other.  相似文献   

Low resolution electron density maps have revealed the general orientation of the transmembrane helices of rhodopsin. However, high resolution structural information for the transmembrane domain of the G-protein-coupled receptor, rhodopsin, is as yet unavailable. In this study, a high resolution solution structure is reported for a 15 residue portion of the sixth transmembrane helix of rhodopsin (rhovih) as a free peptide. Helix 6 is one of the transmembrane helices of rhodopsin that contains a proline (amino acid residue 267) and the influence of this proline on the structure of this transmembrane domain was unknown. The structure obtained shows an alpha-helix through most of the sequence. The proline apparently induces only a modest distortion in the helix. Previously, the structure of the intradiskal loop connected to helix 6 was solved. The sequence of this loop contained five residues in common (residues 268-272) with the peptide reported here from the rhovih. The five residues in common between these two structures were superimposed to connect these two structures. The superposition showed a root mean square deviation of 0.2 A. Thus, this five residue sequence formed the same structure in both peptides, indicating that the structure of this region is governed primarily by short range interactions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of an individual helix of bacteriorhodopsin have been monitored during folding of the protein into lipid bilayer vesicles. A fluorescence probe was introduced at individual sites throughout helix D of bacteriorhodopsin and the changes in the fluorescence of the label were time-resolved. Partially denatured, labelled bacteriorhodopsin in SDS was folded directly into phosphatidylcholine lipid vesicles. Stopped-flow mixing of the reactants allowed the folding kinetics to be monitored with millisecond time resolution by time-resolving changes in the label fluorescence, intrinsic protein fluorescence as well as in the absorption of the retinal chromophore. Monitoring specific positions on helix D showed that two kinetic phases were altered compared to those determined by monitoring the average protein behaviour. These two phases, of 6.7 s(-1) and 0.33 s(-1), were previously assigned to formation of a key apoprotein intermediate during bacteriorhodopsin folding. The faster 6.7s(-1) phase was missing when time-resolving fluorescence changes of labels attached to the middle of helix D. The amplitude of the 0.33 s(-1) phase increased along the helix, as single labels were attached in turn from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular side. An interpretation of these results is that the 6.7 s(-1) phase involves partitioning of helix D within the lipid headgroups of the bilayer vesicle, while the 0.33 s(-1) phase could reflect transmembrane insertion of this helix. In addition, a single site on helix G was monitored during folding. The results indicate that, unlike helix D, the insertion of helix G cannot be differentiated from the average protein behaviour. The data show that, while folding of bacteriorhodopsin from SDS into lipids is a co-operative process, it is nevertheless possible to obtain information on specific regions of a membrane protein during folding in vitro.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin (TSH) receptor is an interesting model to study G protein-coupled receptor activation as many point mutations can significantly increase its basal activity. Here, we identified a molecular interaction between Asp(633) in transmembrane helix 6 (TM6) and Asn(674) in TM7 of the TSHr that is crucial to maintain the inactive state through conformational constraint of the Asn. We show that these residues are perfectly conserved in the glycohormone receptor family, except in one case, where they are exchanged, suggesting a direct interaction. Molecular modeling of the TSHr, based on the high resolution structure of rhodopsin, strongly favors this hypothesis. Our approach combining site-directed mutagenesis with molecular modeling shows that mutations disrupting this interaction, like the D633A mutation in TM6, lead to high constitutive activation. The strongly activating N674D (TM7) mutation, which in our modeling breaks the TM6-TM7 link, is reverted to wild type-like behavior by an additional D633N mutation (TM6), which would restore this link. Moreover, we show that the Asn of TM7 (conserved in most G protein-coupled receptors) is mandatory for ligand-induced cAMP accumulation, suggesting an active role of this residue in activation. In the TSHr, the conformation of this Asn residue of TM7 would be constrained, in the inactive state, by its Asp partner in TM6.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the sulfhydryl-reactive reagent, methyl thiosulfonate ethylammonium (MTSEA), on ligand binding to the human melanocortin-4 (MC4) receptor stably expressed in HEK-293 cells. MTSEA inhibited binding of the agonist, 125I-NDPalpha-MSH, and the antagonist, 125I-SHU9119, in a concentration-dependent manner. Pre-incubation of cells with either the agonist or antagonist protected from subsequent MTSEA inhibition of radioligand binding. Mutation of Cys130 in transmembrane helix 3 to alanine, whilst not affecting ligand binding, led to a complete loss of the inhibitory effect of MTSEA. Since other types of sulfhydryl-reactive reagents had no effect on ligand binding, we conclude that covalent modification of Cys130 by MTSEA disrupts ligand binding by neutralising a close-by negative charge, most likely on Asp126.  相似文献   

Ala substitution scanning mutagenesis has been used to probe the functional role of amino acids in transmembrane (TM) domain 2 of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, and of the highly conserved Asn43 in TM1. The mutation of Asn43, Asn61, and Leu64 caused an enhanced ACh affinity phenotype. Interpreted using a rhodopsin-based homology model, these results suggest the presence of a network of specific contacts between this group of residues and Pro415 and Tyr418 in the highly conserved NPXXY motif in TM7 that exhibit a similar mutagenic phenotype. These contacts may be rearranged or broken when ACh binds. D71A, like N414A, was devoid of signaling activity. We suggest that formation of a direct hydrogen bond between the highly conserved side chains of Asp71 and Asn414 may be a critical feature stabilizing the activated state of the M1 receptor. Mutation of Leu67, Ala70, and Ile74 also reduced the signaling efficacy of the ACh-receptor complex. The side chains of these residues are modeled as an extended surface that may help to orient and insulate the proposed hydrogen bond between Asp71 and Asn414. Mutation of Leu72, Gly75, and Met79 in the outer half of TM2 primarily reduced the expression of functional receptor binding sites. These residues may mediate contacts with TM1 and TM7 that are preserved throughout the receptor activation cycle. Thermal inactivation measurements confirmed that a reduction in structural stability followed the mutation of Met79 as well as Asp71.  相似文献   

G-protein activation by G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) is accomplished through proper interaction with the cytoplasmic loops rather than through sequence-specific interactions. However, the mechanism by which a specific G-protein is selected by a GPCR is not known. In the current model of GPCR activation, agonist binding modulates helix-helix interactions, which is necessary for fully determining G-protein specificity and stimulation of GDP/GTP exchange. In this study, we report that a single-residue deletion in transmembrane helix IV leads the angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor chimera CR17 to retain GTP-sensitive high affinity for the agonist angiotensin II but results in complete inactivation of intracellular inositol phosphate production. The agonist dissociation profile of CR17 in the presence of guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate suggests that the activation-induced conformational changes of the chimeric receptor itself remain intact. Insertion of an alanine at position 149 (CR17triangle down149A) in this chimera rescued the inactive phenotype, restoring intracellular inositol phosphate production by the chimera. This finding suggests that in the wild-type AT(1) receptor the orientation of transmembrane helix IV-residues following Cys(149) is a key determinant for effectively distinguishing among various structurally similar G-proteins. The results emphasize that the contacts within the membrane-embedded portion of transmembrane helix IV in the AT(1) receptor is important for specific G-protein selection.  相似文献   

Experimental structure determination continues to be challenging for membrane proteins. Computational prediction methods are therefore needed and widely used to supplement experimental data. Here, we re‐examined the state of the art in transmembrane helix prediction based on a nonredundant dataset with 190 high‐resolution structures. Analyzing 12 widely‐used and well‐known methods using a stringent performance measure, we largely confirmed the expected high level of performance. On the other hand, all methods performed worse for proteins that could not have been used for development. A few results stood out: First, all methods predicted proteins in eukaryotes better than those in bacteria. Second, methods worked less well for proteins with many transmembrane helices. Third, most methods correctly discriminated between soluble and transmembrane proteins. However, several older methods often mistook signal peptides for transmembrane helices. Some newer methods have overcome this shortcoming. In our hands, PolyPhobius and MEMSAT‐SVM outperformed other methods. Proteins 2015; 83:473–484. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Alanine-scanning mutagenesis has been applied to residues 100-121 in transmembrane domain 3 of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. This study complements a previous investigation of the triad Asp122-Arg123-Tyr124 (Lu, Z-L., Curtis, C. A., Jones, P. G., Pavia, J., and Hulme, E. C. (1997) Mol. Pharmacol. 51, 234-241). The results demonstrate the alpha-helical secondary structure of the domain and suggest its orientation with respect to the other transmembrane domains. The C-terminal part of the helix appears to be largely buried within the receptor structure. On its surface, there is a patch of three residues, Val113, Leu116, and Ser120, which may form intramolecular contacts that help to stabilize the inactive ground state of the receptor. Mutagenic disruption of these increased agonist affinity and signaling efficacy. In two cases (L116A and S120A), this led to constitutive activation of the receptor. Parallel to the helix axis and spanning the whole transmembrane region, a distinct strip of residues on one face of transmembrane domain 3 forms intermolecular (acetylcholine-receptor, receptor-G protein) or intrareceptor bonds that contribute to the activated state. The binding of acetylcholine may destabilize the first set of contacts while favoring the formation of the second.  相似文献   

Munshi UM  Pogozheva ID  Menon KM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(13):3708-3715
The elucidation of the role of highly conserved polar amino acids in the transmembrane helices of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is important in understanding the mechanism of receptor activation. To this end, the significance of a highly conserved serine residue in the third transmembrane alpha-helix (TM3) of the luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LH/hCGR) in regulating receptor activation was examined. Results showed that mutation of serine 431 to alanine (S431A) decreased the ability of the receptor to mediate cAMP production in response to hCG, suggesting that S431 stabilizes the active state of the receptor. Homology with other GPCRs suggests that S431 may participate in the coordination of a Na(+) ion. Since Na(+) has been found to stabilize the active state of the receptor in the presence of hCG, the possibility that S431 promotes receptor activation by mediating the effects of Na(+) was explored. Results showed that the regulation of hormone-induced receptor activation by S431 was independent of Na(+). A rhodopsin-based homology model of the TM region of the LH/hCGR was developed to identify other amino acids that might mediate the effects of Na(+) on receptor function. Results indicate that substitution of an Asp at position 556 with Tyr alters the ability of Na(+) to regulate receptor activation. The homology model is used to explain this result as well as to identify a mechanism through which S431 may regulate receptor signaling. Taken together, these studies provide novel insights into the mechanism of LH/hCG receptor activation.  相似文献   

The ligand-induced activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is predicted to involve pronounced conformational changes on the intracellular surface or the receptor proteins. A reorientation of the cytoplasmic end of transmembrane domain VI (TM VI) is thought to play a key role in GPCR activation and productive receptor/G protein coupling. Disulfide cross-linking studies with solubilized, Cys-substituted mutant versions of bovine rhodopsin and the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor suggested that the cytoplasmic end of TM VI is conformationally highly flexible, even in the absence of activating ligands (Farrens, D. L., et al. (1996) Science 274, 768-770; Zeng, F. Y., et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 16629-16640). To test the hypothesis that the promiscuous disulfide cross-linking pattern observed in these studies was caused by the use of solubilized receptor proteins endowed with increased conformational flexibility, we employed a recently developed in situ disulfide cross-linking strategy that allows the detection of disulfide bonds in Cys-substituted mutant M3 muscarinic receptors present in their native membrane environment. Specifically, we used membranes prepared from transfected COS-7 cells to analyze a series of double Cys mutant M3 receptors containing one Cys residue within the sequence K484(6.29) to S493(6.38) at the cytoplasmic end of TM VI and a second Cys residue at the cytoplasmic end of TM III (I169C(3.54)). This analysis revealed a disulfide cross-linking pattern that was strikingly more restricted than that observed previously with solubilized receptor proteins, both in the absence and in the presence of the muscarinic agonist, carbachol. Carbachol stimulated the formation of disulfide bonds in only two of the 10 analyzed mutant muscarinic receptors, I169C(3.54)/K484C(6.29) and I169C(3.54)/A488C(6.33), consistent with an agonist-induced rotation of the cytoplasmic end of TM VI. These findings underline the usefulness of analyzing the structural and dynamic properties of GPCRs in their native lipid environment.  相似文献   

The membrane-associated folding/unfolding of pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) provides an opportunity to study how sequence variations influence the kinetics and pathway of peptide insertion into bilayers. Here, we present the results of steady-state and kinetics investigations of several pHLIP variants with different numbers of charged residues, with attached polar cargoes at the peptide's membrane-inserting end, and with three single-Trp variants placed at the beginning, middle, and end of the transmembrane helix. Each pHLIP variant exhibits a pH-dependent interaction with a lipid bilayer. Although the number of protonatable residues at the inserting end does not affect the ultimate formation of helical structure across a membrane, it correlates with the time for peptide insertion, the number of intermediate states on the folding pathway, and the rates of unfolding and exit. The presence of polar cargoes at the peptide's inserting end leads to the appearance of intermediate states on the insertion pathway. Cargo polarity correlates with a decrease of the insertion rate. We conclude that the existence of intermediate states on the folding and unfolding pathways is not mandatory and, in the simple case of a polypeptide with a noncharged and nonpolar inserting end, the folding and unfolding appears as an all-or-none transition. We propose a model for membrane-associated insertion/folding and exit/unfolding and discuss the importance of these observations for the design of new delivery agents for direct translocation of polar therapeutic and diagnostic cargo molecules across cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins often contain proline residues in their alpha-helical transmembrane (TM) fragments, which may strongly influence their folding and association. Pro-scanning mutagenesis of the helical domain of glycophorin A (GpA) showed that replacement of the residues located at the center abrogates helix packing while substitution of the residues forming the ending helical turns allows dimer formation. Synthetic TM peptides revealed that a point mutation of one of the residues of the dimerization motif (L75P) located at the N-terminal helical turn of the GpA TM fragment, adopts a secondary structure and oligomeric state similar to the wild-type sequence in detergents. In addition, both glycosylation mapping in biological membranes and molecular dynamics showed that the presence of a proline residue at the lipid/water interface has as an effect the extension of the helical end. Thus, helix packing can be an important factor that determines appearance of proline in TM helices. Membrane proteins might accumulate proline residues at the two ends of their TM segments in order to modulate the exposition of key amino acid residues at the interface for molecular recognition events while allowing stable association and native folding.  相似文献   

In this study, we employed an in situ disulfide cross-linking strategy to gain insight into the structure of the inactive and active state of the M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Specifically, this study was designed to identify residues in TM I that are located in close to Cys532 (position 7.42), an endogenous cysteine residue present in the central portion of TM VII. Cysteine residues were substituted, one at a time, into 10 consecutive positions of TM I (Ala71-Val80) of a modified version of the M(3) muscarinic receptor that lacked most endogenous cysteine residues and contained a factor Xa cleavage site within the third intracellular loop. Following their expression in COS-7 cells, the 10 resulting cysteine mutant receptors were oxidized in their native membrane environment, either in the absence or in the presence of muscarinic ligands. Disulfide cross-link formation was monitored by examining changes in the electrophoretic mobility of oxidized and factor Xa-digested receptors on SDS gels. When molecular iodine was used as the oxidizing agent, the L77C receptor (position 1.42) was the only mutant receptor that displayed significant disulfide cross-linking, either in the absence or in the presence of muscarinic agonists or antagonists. On the other hand, when the Cu(II)-(1,10-phenanthroline)(3) complex served as the redox catalyst, muscarinic ligands inhibited disulfide cross-linking of the L77C receptor, probably because of impaired access of this relatively bulky oxidizing agent to the ligand binding crevice. The iodine cross-linking data suggest that M(3) muscarinic receptor activation is not associated with significant changes in the relative orientations of the outer and/or central segments of TM I and VII. In bovine rhodopsin, the residues present at the positions corresponding to Cys532 and Leu77 in the rat M(3) muscarinic receptor are not located directly adjacent to each other, raising the possibility that the relative orientations of TM I and VII are not identical among different class I GPCRs. Alternatively, dynamic protein backbone fluctuation may occur, enabling Cys532 to move within cross-linking distance of Leu77 (Cys77).  相似文献   

Metcalf DG  Law PB  DeGrado WF 《Proteins》2007,67(2):375-384
We present a molecular modeling protocol that selects modeled protein structures based on experimental mutagenesis results. The computed effect of a point mutation should be consistent with its experimental effect for correct models; mutations that do not affect protein stability and function should not affect the computed energy of a correct model while destabilizing mutations should have unfavorable computed energies. On the other hand, an incorrect model will likely display computed energies that are inconsistent with experimental results. We added terms to our energy function which penalize models that are inconsistent with experimental results. This creates a selective advantage for models that are consistent with experimental results in the Monte Carlo simulated annealing protocol we use to search conformational space. We calibrated our protocol to predict the structure of transmembrane helix dimers using glycophorin A as a model system. Inclusion of mutational data in this protocol compensates for the limitations of our force field and the limitations of our conformational search. We demonstrate an application of this structure prediction protocol by modeling the transmembrane region of the BNIP3 apoptosis factor.  相似文献   

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