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Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of colchicine and vinblastine on the localization of alkaline phosphatase (AlPase) in rat duodenum in relation to structural changes. AlPase was localized on the membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi stacks, cytoplasmic vesicles, microvilli, on lateral plasma membranes, and in some lysosomes of the duodenal epithelial cells of rats treated with either lumicolchicine or 0.9% NaCl alone. Microvilli were most intensely stained, and AlPase-positive Golgi stacks were regularly distributed in the supranuclear regions. After colchicine treatment, microvilli were shortened and the staining intensity became weaker, whereas basal as well as lateral plasma membranes showed stronger staining. The AlPase-positive microvilli appeared not only on the luminal surfaces, but also on the baso-lateral plasma membranes and even on the surfaces of characteristic intracytoplasmic cysts. Golgi stacks became smaller and their distribution became less localized, and the staining intensity of the Golgi stacks became weaker. AlPase localization in rats treated with vinblastine was almost identical with that of rats treated with colchicine. Thus, colchicine and vinblastine appeared to have elicited a disorientation of intracellular transport of intestinal AlPase by inhibiting microtubule organization.  相似文献   

Summary The terminal web (TW) region of mature absorptive cells in the small intestine of the rat contains an elaborate cytoskeleton which supports the apical microvillus membrane. In studies regarding the structural organization of the cytoskeleton and associated proteins in the small intestine, microtubules have not been mentioned as components of the TW. By transmission electron microscopy of conventional resin-embedded sections of rat small intestine, we observe many microtubule profiles in the TW of mature absorptive cells. These microtubules are found in various orientations, although most course parallel to the long axis of the cell, and many microtubule profiles are seen in close association with smooth-surfaced vesicles.  相似文献   

Albumin was isolated immunologically from various subcellular fractions from livers of adult male rats receiving an intraperitoneal injection of [3H]leucine to investigate the kinetics and pathway of subcellular transfer of newly synthesized albumin during secretion. At appropriate time intervals, livers were excised and fractionated into endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Golgi apparatus were further subfractionated into cisternae and secretory vesicles. In endoplasmic reticulum fractions, labeled albumin appeared within 7.5 min of injection of isotope, followed by a rapid decline in specific activity. Albumin in Golgi apparatus was labeled and concentrated in secretory vesicles over 25 min. The radioactivity in albumin per mg total protein was highest in secretory vesicles and insignificant in the cisternal fraction. Labeled albumin was present in serum by 30 min and radioactivity in serum albumin reached a plateau within 60–90 min after injection of isotope. Results provide evidence for the migration of albumin from its site of synthesis on endoplasmic reticulum membrane-bound polyribosomes to its site of secretion into the circulation via the Golgi apparatus. The pathway of albumin transport to secretory vesicles is suggested to involve peripheral elemenst of the Golgi apparatus. Secretory vesicle formation and maturation required 20 to 30 min for completion, via a mechanism whereby the inner spaces of the central saccules may be bypassed.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of caldesmon (a calmodulin-binding, F-actin-interacting protein) (Sobue et al. 1982) and of actin was studied in the rat's small intestine by means of light-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Positive immunostaining for caldesmon was seen in smooth muscle cells of the intestinal wall, and of blood vessels, and in the apical portion of the absorptive epithelial cells. The immunoreactivity in goblet cells was difficult to recognize. The positive reaction to immunostaining for actin showed almost the same pattern as that for caldesmon. These results suggest that this calmodulin-binding protein may play an important role in the control of actin-myosin interaction in smooth muscle cells and in non-muscle cells.This study was supported by grants (No. 56370002, 57480092, 58770019) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture  相似文献   

The tridimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus has been studied in the absorptive cells of the mouse colon by means of reduced osmium postfixation and phosphatase cytochemistry. In thick sections of tissue impregnated with osmium tetroxide or treated with a technique to demonstrate TPPase activity, the Golgi formed a continuous ribbon-like structure capping the upper pole of the nucleus. Along the longitudinal axis of this ribbon, compact zones made up of superposed flattened saccules alternated with less compact zones which consisted of highly perforated saccules or bridging anastomosed tubules. In the cis-trans axis, the following elements were observed: (1) a cis element consisting of a continuous osmiophilic tubular network; (2) two or three subjacent elements selectively perforated by wells; (3) a trans compartment made up of two or three TPPase-reactive sacculotubular elements, some showing a "peeling-off" configuration. In some regions, the first flattened saccule of this trans compartment displayed discrete ovoid dilatations, located in compact zones and containing a dense granulofibrillar material; in the subjacent elements this material was seen concentrated in nodular swellings, at the intersection of the meshes of anastomosed membranous tubules. 100-300 nm vesicles containing a similar dense granulofilamentous material were observed in the trans Golgi zone and interspersed in the supranuclear cytoplasm between the Golgi zone and the apical surface of the cell. Smaller vesicles 80-100 nm in diameter containing a fine dusty material were also seen in proximity. These morphological observations suggested that at least two kinds of material were segregated in the saccules of the trans compartment and packaged in vesicles of two class sizes that detached from the Golgi stack on its trans aspect.  相似文献   

Structure of Golgi apparatus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Golgi apparatus (GA) of eukaryotic cells consist of one or more stacks of flattened saccules (cisternae) and an array of fenestrae and tubules continuous with the peripheral edges of the saccules. Golgi apparatus also are characterized by zones of exclusion that surround each stack and by an assortment of vesicles (or vesicle buds) associated with both the stacks and the peripheral tubules of the stack cisternae. Each stack (sometimes referred to as Golgi apparatus, Golgi complex, or dictyosome) is structurally and functionally polarized, reflecting its role as an intermediate between the endoplasmic reticulum, the cell surface, and the lysosomal system of the cell. There is probably only one GA per cell, and all stacks of the GA appear to function synchronously. All Golgi apparatus are involved in the generation and movement of product and membrane within the cell or to the cell exterior, and these functions are often reflected as structural changes across the stacks. For example, in plants, both product and membrane appear to maturate from the cis to the trans poles of the stacks in a sequential, or serial, manner. However, there is also strong ultrastructural evidence in plants for a parallel input to the stack saccules, probably through the peripheral tubules. The same modes of functioning probably also occur in animal GA; although here, the parallel mode of functioning almost surely predominates. In some cells at least, GA stacks give rise to tubular-vesicular structures that resemble the trans Golgi network. Rudimentary GA, consisting of tubular-vesicular networks, have been identified in fungi and may represent an early stage of GA evolution.  相似文献   

Summary A cytochemical study of the Golgi apparatus in the developing oocyte of the golden hamster was carried out using the TPPase, AcPase and zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide (ZnOs) techniques. Tissue from both immature and sexually mature animals was investigated.Peak TPPase activity was found in pre-growth oocytes in ovaries from sexually mature adults. Some activity was also present in SER in the peripheral cytoplasm of growing oocytes. AcPase activity was found only after the onset of oocyte growth. It was present in Golgi cisternae and associated vesicles and in some profiles of peripheral SER. No structures corresponding to GERL were identified. Strong staining with ZnOs was seen, at all stages studied, in certain Golgi vesicles and short tubules but not in the cisternae unless the oocyte was atretic. Weaker ZnOs staining was characteristic of ER throughout the oocyte.With all techniques there was a falling off of reactivity as oocyte size increased. Within a single oocyte some Golgi bodies were negative while others were positive, with both TPPase and AcPase techniques. This suggests that two or more functional types of this organelle are present within the developing oocytes.We would like to thank Dr. K.N. Christie for his interest and helpful suggestions regarding the enzyme techniques  相似文献   

Effects of monensin on photoreceptors of isolated frog retinas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monensin induces the vacuolization of the Golgi apparatus in photoreceptors of isolated frog retinas and also, more slowly, produces a vacuolization of the pre-synaptic terminals. Accompanying these effects is an inhibition of transport of protein to the outer segment so that the radioactive bands normally detectable by autoradiography do not form. Monensin thus promises to be a useful tool in the study of intracellular transport in photoreceptors. The findings reported here indicate that impairment of the functioning of the Golgi apparatus considerably diminishes transport of membrane protein to the rod outer segment suggesting that passage through the Golgi apparatus is an obligatory step for completion of outer segment membrane or its transport to the outer segment.  相似文献   

The effects of chloroquine, verapamil and monensin on secretion of very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) were studied in cultured rat hepatocytes. Maximum inhibition of VLDL-triacylglycerol secretion by 50–90% of control was reached at 200 μM chloroquine, 200 μM verapamil and 5 μM monensin, whereas no effect on cellular triacylglycerol synthesis was observed. The inhibition could be seen within 15 min and was reversible after washout of the drugs. Chloroquine and verapamil inhibited both cellular protein synthesis and protein secretion, whereas monesin reduced protein secretion without any effect on protein synthesis. Control experiments with cycloheximide revealed that intact protein synthesis was not necessary for secretion of VLDL-triacylglycerol during 2 h. Electron micrographs of cells treated with chloroquine, verapamil or monensin showed swollen Golgi cisternae containing VLDL-like particles. By morphometry, a more than 2-fold increase in volume fractions and size indices of Golgi complexes and secondary lysosomes was observed, except that monensin had no significant effect on these parameters of secondary lysosomes. These results suggest that the inhibition of VLDL secretion by chloroquine, verapamil and monensin which takes place in the Golgi complex might be due to disruption of trans-membrane proton gradients. An increase in pH of acidic Golgi vesicles may cause swelling and disturb sorting and membrane flow through this organelle.  相似文献   

Summary Epidermal and outer rootcap cells of maize root tips were treated with the sodium selective ionophore, monensin, and the ultrastructural changes were studied. In the presence of 10–5 to 10–3 M monensin, dictyosomes became distorted, cisternae separated from the stack, and secretory vesicles were released. Released secretory vesicles disappeard from the cytoplasm suggesting that their transport to, and fusion with, the plasma membrane was unaffected. Monensin did not inhibit cytoplasmic streaming of the outer rootcap cells. No new secretory vesicles were formed on the remaining dictyosomes or dictyosome fragments. In contrast to results with animal cells, swelling of plant dictyosome cisternae was observed only after fixation in glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide and not after fixation in potassium permanganate. Other cell components were not altered structurally by monensin. The effects of monensin on the Golgi apparatus were reversible, and dictyosomes were either repaired or new dictyosomes were formed after the root tips were removed from the monensin.Dictyosomes in epidermal cells reacted in the same manner as those in the rootcap except that numerous secretory vesicles remained in the cytoplasm, mostly in association with dictyosome fragments. Some secretory vesicles increased in size but no evidence of vesicle-vesicle fusion was noted. Cell plate formation was partially inhibited or blocked by monensin.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the USDA.  相似文献   

Lipid metabolism takes place in the Golgi apparatus, but at a higher rate in female than in male rats. I therefore examined the Golgi apparatus by morphometric means for differences between the sexes at the light-and electron-microscopic level. The Golgi apparatus was stained in situ by a zinc-iodide-osmium method. The counts of the Golgi apparatus in cross-sections in female hepatocytes by light microscopy were approximately twice that in male hepatocytes. Upon ovariectomy, these counts were greatly reduced but were reestablished after estrogen supplement. To clarify this phenomenon, three-dimensional reconstructions of the Golgi apparatus were produced from electron-microscopic images of serially cut 160-nm sections. The Golgi apparatus of both male and ovariectomized females had the shape of a small ring, whereas it took the form of a large elongated cylinder in normal females and in castrated males after treatment with estrogen. The numerical difference in Golgi apparatus counts by light microscopy of in males and females is, therefore, apparently attributable to the size and shape of the Golgi apparatus, and is controlled by the estrogen level.  相似文献   

The imino sugar N-butyldeoxynojirimycin inhibits the N-linked oligosaccharide processing enzymes α-glucosidases I and II, and the ceramide specific glucosyltransferase which catalyses the first step in glucosphingolipid biosynthesis. We have studied the effects of this compound on the ultrastructure of HL-60 cells to identify novel activities of this compound. Treatment of HL-60 cells with this imino sugar results in several morphological changes within the cell, none of which result in cytotoxicity. The plasma membrane stains heavily with potassium ferrocyanide within 30 min following addition of the compound to the medium, and there is then a time dependent involvement of all other intracellular membranes. Secretory granules become enlarged and lose their dense core morphology and appear either empty and vacuolated or have low density contents. However, the most striking effect of NB-DNJ treatment is on the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi exhibits a time-dependent change from typical Golgi morphology to a structure almost completely devoid of cisternae and consisting predominantly of vesicles. All the observed changes are fully reversible on withdrawal of the compound.  相似文献   

1998 is the year of the centenary of the discovery of the Golgi apparatus. This event is considered in its historical context: the first cell theory of 1838–1839, the first polemics in cytology and the research on the cell organelles at the turn of the century. The first approaches to clarify the physiological significance of the apparatus is traced from Golgi (1909) to Bowen (1929).  相似文献   

The effects of vinblastine and colchicine on the Golgi apparatus of stomach surface mucoid and absorptive intestinal cells were compared by cytochemical analysis. The two epithelial cells were chosen because of their different specific functions in the formation of secretory granules, the production of lysosomes and the intensity of membrane traffic in the cytoplasm. For the analysis, adult mice were injected with 1 mg/100 g b.w. of vinblastine and 1 mg/100 g b.w. of colchicine. For the demonstration of cis and trans cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, prolonged osmification, thiamine pyrophosphatase and acid phosphatase activity identification were applied. After treatment with vinblastine or colchicine, polarity of stacks in the Golgi apparatus of surface mucoid cells is preserved although the number of cisternae with thiamine pyrophosphatase or acid phosphatase activity decreases. However, the Golgi apparatus of intestinal absorptive cells completely disintegrates and only a few separated cis or trans cisternae can be identified. The main effect seems to be a reduction of vesicles which can be cytochemically identified as parts of the Golgi apparatus and an accumulation of vesicles which probably originate from budding ER. Communication between the ER and the Golgi apparatus seems to be interrupted.  相似文献   

Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathology - The effects of vinblastine and colchicine on the Golgi apparatus of stomach surface mucoid and absorptive intestinal cells were compared by cytochemical analysis....  相似文献   

Phospholipase D has long been implicated in vesicle formation and vesicular transport through the secretory pathway. The Golgi apparatus has been shown to exhibit a plethora of mechanisms of vesicle formation at different stages to accommodate a wide variety of cargo. Phospholipase D has been found on the Golgi apparatus and is regulated by ADP-ribosylation factors which are themselves regulators of vesicle trafficking. Moreover, the product of phospholipase D activity, phosphatidic acid, as well as its degradation product diacylglycerol, have been implicated in vesicle fission and fusion events. Here we summarize recent advances in the understanding of the role of phospholipase D at the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of postnatal differentiation of the Golgi apparatus, the nucleus, the perikaryon, and the dendrites was studied in Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum for 30 days after birth using histochemical, histological, and electron microscopic methods.The Golgi apparatus during differentiation undergoes morphological and positional changes. From the 1st to 7th postnatal day, the Golgi apparatus is found in a supranuclear position, and is connected with the axes of differentiating primary dendrites by beam-like processes. From days 8 to 11 this connection disappears, and most of the Golgi apparatus assumes a lateronuclear and infranuclear position. After the 11th or 12th day, the Golgi apparatus is found in perinuclear and peripheral cytoplasmic positions. The formation of granular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the vicinity of the perinuclear Golgi apparatus. The differentiation of cell and nuclear forms requires approximately 20 days. The morphological changes of differentiation are discussed in relation to the participation of the Golgi apparatus in the differentiation of dendrites and in the formation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The higher plant Golgi apparatus, comprising many individual stacks of membrane bounded cisternae, is one of the most enigmatic of the cytoplasmic organelles. Not only can the stacks receive material from the endoplasmic reticulum, process it and target it to the correct cellular destination, but they can also synthesise and export complex carbohydrates and lipids and most likely act as one end point of the endocytic pathway. In many cells such processing and sorting can take place while the stacks are moving within the cytoplasm and, remarkably, the organelle manages to retain its structural integrity. This review considers some of the latest data and views on transport both to and from the Golgi and the mechanisms by which such activity is regulated.  相似文献   

We carried out a kinetic characterization of the Ca(2+)active transport in the rat liver Golgi Apparatus (GA) membrane. Calcium accumulation by vesicles of a GA enriched fraction was found to be a function of both Ca(2+)and ATP-Mg concentrations, it was inhibited by 2 microm thapsigargin but not stimulated by 3 microm calmodulin. The kinetic parameter values obtained for the GA Ca(2+)pump were: J(max)of 3.96 nmol/mg min, K(m)for Ca(2+)of 0.150 microm and two K(m)'s for ATP of 1.14 microm and 519 microm. These results were almost identical to those obtained for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) fraction, indicating that the GA Ca(2+)pump is a sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (SERCA) P-type, analogous-if not identical-to that present in the ER.  相似文献   

The differentiation of urothelial cells is characterized by the synthesis of uroplakins and their assembly into the asymmetric unit membrane. The Golgi apparatus (GA) has been proposed to play a central role in asymmetric unit membrane formation. We have studied the distribution and organization of the GA in normal mouse urothelial cells and in the superficial urothelial cells that undergo differentiation following cyclophosphamide-induced regeneration, in correlation with urothelial cell differentiation. In normal urothelium, immature basal cells have a simple GA, which is small and distributed close to the nucleus. In intermediate cells, the GA starts to expand into the cytoplasm, whereas the GA of terminally differentiated umbrella cells is complex, being large and spread over the whole basal half of the cytoplasm. During early stages of regeneration after cyclophosphamide treatment, the GA of superficial cells is simple and no markers of urothelial differentiation (uroplakins or asymmetric unit membranes, discoidal or fusiform vesicles, apical surface covered with microvilli) are expressed. At a later stage, the GA expands and, in the final stage of regeneration, when cells express all markers of terminal urothelial differentiation, the GA become complex once again. Our results show that: (1) GA distribution and organization in urothelial cells is differentiation-dependent; (2) the GA matures from a simple form in partially differentiated cells to a complex form in terminally differentiated superficial cells; (3) major rearrangements of GA distribution and organization correlate with the beginning of asymmetric unit membrane production. Thus, GA maturation seems to be crucial for asymmetric unit membrane formation. The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Sport, Government of Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia (grant no. 3311-04-831450).  相似文献   

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