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黑龙江省完达山东部林区是东北马鹿(Cervus elaphus xanthopygus)种群密度较高的分布区之一,本文对2年冬季采集的167份马鹿粪便进行了7个微卫星座位的个体识别,评价了马鹿种群遗传多样性,并分析近期马鹿数量的急剧下降对种群遗传结构的影响。结果表明:167份粪便DNA分属66只个体;种群平均等位基因数9.00±2.77;平均有效等位基因数3.97±0.99;平均多态信息含量0.69±0.09;平均期望杂合度0.74±0.08;平均观察杂合度0.69±0.08。整个种群显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡,但种群固定系数Fis为0.060,没有显著偏离零。可见,完达山东部林区马鹿种群遗传多样性较高,数量的急剧下降近期还没有表现在种群遗传结构上。  相似文献   

2005 年7 ~8 月我们在塔什库尔干自然保护区对马可波罗盘羊的种群数量进行了调查。首先走访当地居民和保护区工作人员,确定盘羊分布范围,然后根据地形和水系,将调查区域分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 4 个区。在每个调查区域沿河谷和沟谷设置随机样线,步行、骑马或开车沿样线搜寻盘羊,记录群体数量、年龄、性别、栖息地类型。通过调查以盘羊所在地为中心、直径200 m 的圆形样方中的地形和生态因子,确定盘羊利用的栖息地特征值,建立马可波罗盘羊对栖息地利用的模型。以1∶50 000 的地形图建立调查地区的数字高程模型(DEM), 用ArcView3.2 的spatial analyst 模块进行空间模拟与分析,计算出马可波罗盘羊分布区内符合模型中的海拔、坡度、坡向等要求的空间的范围和面积。通过计算每个调查地区的种群密度、适宜栖息地面积等数据,获得种群数量估计值,进而得到保护区内马可波罗盘羊的种群数量的估计值。调查结果表明,马可波罗盘羊分布在保护区西部达布达尔乡的皮斯岭、卡拉其古、赞坎沟等帕米尔高原地区;种群总数在1 500 ~ 1 700 只;保护区内盘羊分布面积为4 012.17 km2 ,适宜栖息地面积只有641.16 km2 ,可利用的栖息地仅482.67km2,仅占分布区的12.03% 。过牧、栖息地破坏、非法狩猎、疫病和交流障碍是盘羊生存的主要威胁因子。建议通过调整保护区边界、恢复栖息地、防止疫病、加强宣传、开展多边合作等措施来加强马可波罗盘羊的保护问题。  相似文献   

黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎猎物生物量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究一个地区猎物种群生物量能否满足捕食动物种群数量的需求,这对于了解濒危大型食肉动物是否受到来自于食物缺乏的威胁和制定相应的保护措施极其重要。为了掌握黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎食物需求与猎物生物量之间的关系,于2008年冬季至2009早春积雪覆盖期采用随机布设样线,通过收集有蹄类动物在雪地上留下的足迹等活动的方法,在东方红林业局和迎春林业局管辖境内3 692.06 km2的区域布设大样方48个,并在大样方里共布设样线240条开展有蹄类动物种群数量调查,确定东北虎猎物生物量。调查结果表明:研究地区野猪(成体502 606只,亚成体209 210只)、马鹿(成体331 357只,亚成体67 72只)和狍子(成体810 815只,亚成体202 203只)的生物量分别为74 767.50 87 825.00 kg、79 744.50 85 984.50 kg 和 31 337.00 31 525.50 kg,3种有蹄类动物生物量共计1 85 849.00 205 335.00 kg。研究地区猎物总生物量为209 619.89 231 598.24 kg。如果按8%的生物提供给东北虎,3种主要猎物生物量可满足5.22 6.92只东北虎个体的食物需求,研究地区猎物总生物量则可满足5.89 7.81只东北虎个体的食物需求。此外,对足迹遇见率与抽样强度、抽样强度与足迹遇见率的均值标准误差之间关系的分析表明,在完达山东部林区布设120条样线(抽样距离600 km)、150条样线(抽样距离750 km)和115条样线(抽样距离675 km)能满足野猪、马鹿、狍子种群数量调查准确性的最低需求。  相似文献   

杨波  周绍春  张明海  陈红  王启蕃 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8655-8662
水獭作为淡水生态系统健康的指示种和旗舰物种,在维持水生生态系统平衡与稳定中发挥着重要作用。然而目前对于完达山东部地区水獭种群数量、分布及其生境选择的影响因素的研究较为匮乏,严重影响了对该物种的野外保护与管理工作。于2021年12月至2022年4月冬季河流封冻期,采用沿河随机样线调查和红外相机监测相结合的方法对完达山东部地区8条主河和23条支流内的欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)种群数量、分布现状进行了调查,并利用广义可加模型探究水獭出现频次与环境因子的关系。研究结果表明:(1)欧亚水獭在完达山东部水獭种群数量为571-661只,水獭种群密度为沿河(0.5559±0.2898)只/km,呈现中间高,四周低的趋势;(2)环境因子对水獭出现频次影响分析表明,河流深度、距农田距离、距居民区距离和距道路距离是影响水獭出现频次的关键因素。水獭出现频次与河流深度(0-40 cm)呈线性正相关,当河流深度达到40-50 cm时,水獭出现频次最高,之后随着河流深度的增加,出现频次降低;水獭出现频次与距农田距离(0-1.5 km)呈非线性正相关,在距农田距离为1.5-2 km范围内,水獭出现频次最高,之后降低;水獭出现频次与距居民区距离呈线性正相关;水獭出现频次与距道路距离呈非线性关系,当距离>7 km时,二者之间呈现为正相关,反之呈现为负相关。因此,水獭选择栖息地偏向于河流深(40-50 cm),远离农田(1.5-2 km)、居民区和道路(>7 km)的水域。研究为完达山东部欧亚水獭物种保护提供了基础数据和理论依据,建议通过河岸土地覆盖类型的管理、在河岸周围建立森林缓冲区及加强水獭保护宣传力度等措施实现对水獭物种及其栖息地的维持和保护。  相似文献   

基于能体现直接与间接人为干扰的不同意外死亡率和环境容纳量情景,使用景观尺度的动物种群模型(LAPS)模拟了1990—2009年完达山东部地区东北虎主要猎物种群的时空动态,研究了意外死亡率和环境容纳量对种群动态的影响,并直观展现了研究区内动物集群的时空分布状况,比较了不同生境斑块类型中个体密度的差异.结果表明:意外死亡率对研究区动物种群动态的影响较环境容纳量大;灌丛中动物种群的密度高于阔叶林中的密度.研究结果为有效进行东北虎主要猎物的保护与管理提供了科学依据,但相关的定量验证还需深入研究.  相似文献   

广东省原鸡种群数量、分布及栖息地现状的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
广东原鸡栖息地分布在徐闻,雷州,信宜,高州,阳春5个县(市),为孤立的三块,呈岛屿状分布,总面积2501.62km^2,总体数量680-750只,原鸡数量最多,面积最大的一块栖息地是由信宜,高州,阳春3块小栖息地组合而成,成为广东原鸡的主要栖息和分布地。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地不同生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦德志  姜秋旭  曹瑞  闫秋月  杨允菲 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3432-3440
采用单位土体取样,计测长度和生物量的调查与统计方法,对扎龙湿地保护区4个生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征进行比较分析。结果表明,芦苇5月10日左右返青后进入营养生长期,根茎长度6—8月份缓慢增加,8—10月份显著增加,后期是前期的3.5—10.3倍,生长季中后期是种群新根茎补充和生长的主要时期,不仅实现了种群空间扩展,并为营养繁殖储备更多繁殖芽;根茎生物量和干物质贮量6—8月份逐渐减少,8—10月份又逐渐增加,均以生长季末期的10月份最大,并均显著地(P0.05)高于其他月份,种群根茎养分的消耗主要供给根茎芽的萌发和幼株生长,根茎养分的储藏又为翌年种群的更新及扩展提供物质保障,种群对地下根茎存在明显的养分"超补偿性"贮藏现象。种群根茎长度和生物量均以湿生生境最大,依次为旱生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小,根茎干物质贮量以旱生生境最大,依次为湿生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小。种群根茎长度与返青后实际生长时间之间均较好地符合直线函数关系,种群根茎生物量和干物质贮量与生长时间之间较好地符合二次曲线函数关系,R2在0.804—0.997之间,拟合方程均达到了显著或极显著(P0.01)水平。4个生境芦苇种群在根茎长度、生物量、干物质贮量等数量特征均表现出由遗传因素控制的比较稳定的季节动态规律,在生境间的差异及其差异序位又均基本稳定,均表现出明显的土壤因子环境效应,其中土壤含水量、有机质、速效氮为正向驱动,p H、速效磷为负向驱动,土壤含水量、p H对根茎数量特征的驱动作用更突出。  相似文献   

焦德志  荣子  曹瑞  闫秋月  姜秋旭  杨允菲 《生态学报》2017,37(23):7843-7853
采用单位面积取样,计数和测量的调查与统计方法,对扎龙湿地保护区4个生境单优群落芦苇种群分株构件数量特征进行比较分析。结果表明,4个生境芦苇种群从5月10日左右返青后进入营养生长期,分株高度和分株密度均持续增加到生殖生长初期的8月份,其中6-8月份差异均达到显著水平(P0.05),8-10月份差异均未达到显著水平(P0.05),芦苇进入生殖生长期后,分株便停止高度生长,地下芽的输出也不再形成分株补充现实种群;分株生物量和种群生物量均持续增加到生殖生长旺盛期的9月份,至休眠期的10月份均有所降低,各月份间的差异均达到显著水平,芦苇种群在生长季末期,具有将生产的物质分配转移到地下储藏与营养繁殖器官的形成与生长上的特性。芦苇种群分株数量特征与返青后实际生长时间之间均较好地符合对数函数关系,R~2在0.818-0.994之间,拟合方程均达到了P0.05的显著水平。4个生境芦苇种群分株密度以湿生生境最大,依次为水生生境、旱生生境,盐碱生境最小,分株高度、分株生物量和种群生物量均以水生生境最大,依次为湿生生境、旱生生境,盐碱生境最小。因此,4个生境芦苇种群分株构件数量特征均表现出基本一致的生育期节律性,同时,芦苇种群的个体生长和种群动态存在明显的环境效应,土壤含水量、pH是影响该地区芦苇分株数量特征的主要因子。  相似文献   

栖息地破碎是生物多样性下降的主要原因之一。栖息地破碎引起的面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应能影响动物种群的绝灭阈值、分布、多度、种间关系以及生态系统过程, 最终影响动物种群的数量分布。2006年10-11月和2007年10-11月, 利用全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和样方法定量分析京杭运河邵伯至高邮段狗獾栖息地破碎化程度, 确定不同斑块的面积、斑块距离、斑块隔离度以及栖息地质量对斑块中狗獾数量分布的影响。结果表明, 各个斑块内狗獾的洞口数、粪堆数与该斑块的面积显著的正相关(r=0.961, P=0.039; r=0.999, P=0.023), 但与斑块距离、斑块隔离度无显著的相关性(P>0.05)。栖息地的质量也会影响狗獾的数量分布, 多元线性逐步回归分析表明, 人类干扰和与栖息地的郁闭性显著的影响狗獾的数量分布。以上结果说明, 京杭运河邵伯高邮段栖息地的破碎化程度对狗獾的数量分布还没有造成显著的直接影响, 但会间接降低栖息地的质量, 进而影响狗獾的生存。  相似文献   

大雾岭保护区野猪种群数量、结构及繁殖习性的初步研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
吴诗宝  陈海  蔡显强 《兽类学报》2000,20(2):151-156
野猪 ( Susscrofa)是重要的资源兽类之一 ,几乎广布于我国各地 ,国外见于欧洲、非洲和亚洲。至今已记录的亚种有 2 3个 ,我国 6个 [1~ 3] ,由于大量捕杀和栖息地破坏 ,其数量下降很快 ,不少地方已很难见到 [1,4 ] 。广东已将野猪列为省重点保护动物。开展野猪生态学的研究 ,可为野猪资源的保护和利用提供科学依据。近年来 ,国外对野猪的种群生态学的研究十分活跃 ,内容广而深入 [5~ 12 ] ,而国内迄今只有几篇综述性的报道 [13~ 16 ] ,仅有高中信等对小兴安岭地区野猪冬季卧息地选择进行了较为细致的研究 [4 ] 。笔者于 1 996年 5月至 1 …  相似文献   

Bullet-derived lead in game food products is an important source of human contamination. Careless removal of tissues from around the bullet pathway in the animal body results in elevated lead doses being ingested by humans. To assess bullet-derived lead contamination of soft game tissues, muscle tissue samples were collected from ten wild boars and ten red deer immediately after they had been shot. The samples were collected from around the entry and exit wounds, from around the bullet pathway at different sites along its length, and from a distance of about 5, 15, 25, and 30 cm from the bullet track. The individuals examined differed in the lead contents in their tissues surrounding the entry and exit wounds and at different sites along the bullet pathway. One of the animals showed as much lead as 1,095.9 mg kg−1 wet weight in the tissue surrounding the bullet track near the entry wound, 736.0 mg kg−1 being recorded around the exit wound.  相似文献   

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a medium-sized ungulate that produces a large variety of marks. Traditionally, wallowing is an activity that has fundamentally been related to several processes such as thermoregulation, reduction in the number of ectoparasites or disinfection of wounds in the skin of males resulting from fights to reach females. In this study, I analysed another possible function of wallowing in free-ranging wild boar populations when temperatures are low and parasitic numbers are not significant. The results indicate that during the sampling time, from October to February, the number of wild boars with a mud layer on their skin was 47, out of a total of 558 wild boar analysed. Of these 47 wild boars, 44 were males and within this group, 40 individuals were adult males. The wallowed males were bigger and older than non-wallowed males hunted at the same time. In addition, I found that males wallowed mainly during autumn (90.9% of all cases). In the total number of wild boars analysed, I did not notice individuals with wounds resulting from fights other than from the hunting day. On the other hand, the analysis of the females reproductive systems indicated that the rut period took place during the last days of October and the first days of November. From these results, the coincidence of the rut period with the maximum of wallowing in adult males could be indicative of a sexual function of this activity.  相似文献   

2009年7月,在陕西观音山自然保护区凉风垭小区域(中高海拔)和西沟小区域(低海拔)安装18台红外相机,2009年8月至2013年4月共收集野猪照片1 195张。定义9种野猪行为,分别为站立、走动、跑动、采食、饮水、修饰、发情、拱土、坐着休息,并逐一比对照片中野猪的行为,统计各种行为所占的比例;引入月相对丰富度和时间段相对丰富度两个指数分别研究野猪的年活动规律和日活动规律;利用一个种群估测模型探讨野猪密度的年际变化。结果表明:(1)春季野猪以走动、采食和站立为主,分别占总行为次数的36%、25.6%和17.4%;夏季野猪以走动、站立、采食和跑动为主,分别占总行为次数的35.7%、23.6%、17%和16.5%;秋季野猪以采食、走动和发情为主,分别占总行为次数的50.3%、19.3%和17.8%;冬季野猪以采食、走动和站立为主,分别占总行为次数的53.7%、26.7%和11.9%。(2)野猪在8月、9月和12月活动较为频繁;全年日活动高峰出现在午后14:00-16:00,低谷出现在22:00-04:00,四季显示活动规律不同。(3)2009-2012年野猪密度呈逐年上升趋势。这些研究结果有助于了解野猪的行为活动和种群动态,并采取针对性的措施对野猪进行有效管理。  相似文献   

吉林省长白山区野猪种群资源现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2007年至2009年的两个冬季,采用样带法对长白山区的野猪资源现状进行了调查.根据野猪的生物学特性以及长白山地区的自然环境特征,随机布设样带189条.对样带内野猪活动新鲜足迹链进行记录,并对其它痕迹进行综合分析,转化成实体数,计算样带密度,运用DPS7.05软件进行统计分析,求出吉林省东部长白山区野猪的种群数量,结...  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the properties of wild boar semen and their changes in annual cycle. During a 14-month study period, 167 ejaculates were sampled from 3 mature boars. In each ejaculate the volume of liquid fraction, percentage of spermatozoa motility, spermatozoa concentration and the total number of spermatozoa were determined. The activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase, and aspartate aminotransferase in the fresh semen plasma was also measured. It was shown that wild boar ejaculates did not differ from those of domestic boars, and the semen of the highest volume, concentration and number of spermatozoa was produced in late autumn. The spermatozoa motility was the lowest in summer. The activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase in the semen plasma increased with shortening of the light period.  相似文献   

F. Spitz    G. Janeau 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(3):423-434
Spatial segregation of the sexes is observed in numerous species of ungulates, but are there other forms of segregation in species where spatial segregation is not present, such as in the wild boar? This study investigates the differences in habitat selection between two categories of individuals whose ecological requirements are supposedly divergent: subadult males, and females with dependent piglets. The proportion of the day spent in each category of habitat was used as a parameter representative of daily decisions. The overall results fit with the hypothesis that females with piglets avoid insecure habitats, and that both categories select habitats on the basis of food richness. In addition, it was found that the pattern of habitat selection depends on the total time spent moving slowly. A short duration of slow movement was observed only in males, but the time dedicated to efficient foraging (in rich habitats) was sufficient in all observations of all animals. Subadult males, therefore, do not differ from each other in foraging efficiency, but in the time spent on slow movement in secure habitats. Those spending more time active in secure habitats have the opportunity of performing more potentially beneficial activities such as social interactions and sexual contacts.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis isolate obtained from the thigh muscle of a wild boar (Sus scrofa), captured from Gilan Province, northern Iran, was subjected to molecular analysis. Genomic DNA was obtained using a DNA extraction tissue kit and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for amplification of the 18S ribosomal DNA region yielded an 842 bp DNA band on agarose gel. Analysis of DNA sequencing by BLAST confirmed the isolate as Sarcocystis miescheriana and the sequence was deposited in GenBank by Accession No. GU395554. This is the first molecular identification of an isolate of S. miescheriana in Iran.  相似文献   

吉林珲春地区野猪危害防控研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
近年来人与野生动物冲突日趋严重。2012年7月到2014年10月,利用东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)粪便、声音在吉林珲春地区开展了野猪(Sus scrofa)危害防控研究。以采取防控措施起始时间到野猪进入实验样地或对照样地的时间间隔作为防控有效期;以实验结束时实验样地内放置东北虎粪便、东北虎声音播放器位置或对照样地中心点与样地内野猪危害发生处的最短距离作为防控范围。将防控有效期和防控范围分别转化为有效期指数和范围指数。结果表明:(1)东北虎粪便对野猪危害防控效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均存在显著差异(P0.05);(2)东北虎声音对野猪危害防控效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均差异显著(P0.05);(3)同时应用东北虎粪便和声音防控野猪危害效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均差异显著(P0.05);(4)单独应用东北虎粪便、单独应用东北虎声音与同时应用东北虎粪便和声音的各种防控方法之间,有效期指数和范围指数无显著差异(P0.05)。本研究认为,东北虎粪便、声音对野猪危害防控效果显著与东北虎是野猪天敌,且珲春地区存在东北虎有关。  相似文献   

冬季清凉峰山区小麂和野猪的生境选择及差异   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
从2005 年11 月5 日至2006 年1 月21 日,为了评估小麂和野猪的生境选择及其差异,我们在浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区核心区共设置了248 个样方群。研究发现,两者都选择平缓坡的灌丛植被、草本密度小、离住宅较近和离隐蔽物距离适中的生境,表现了它们的生境选择有一定的重叠性。但是它们也表现出生境选择的一些差异,小麂选择乔木密度适中、灌丛密度大和郁闭度适中的生境,而野猪选择乔木密度小的生境,随机地使用各类灌丛密度和郁闭度的生境。小麂还选择北坡、离水源距离较远的生境,野猪只是随机地使用不同的坡向和离水源距离的生境。分析两者共存的机制,我们发现小麂采取隐藏策略而野猪采取逃跑策略来避敌和利用资源,即它们之间存在与反捕食策略相关的生境选择差异。

Aim We reviewed 54 studies reporting population densities of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in western Eurasia in order to investigate the roles of vegetation productivity [fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) index], winter harshness (mean January temperature) and presence/absence of wolves (Canis lupus) in shaping the biogeographical variation in population density of wild boar. Location We collected published data on the autumn–winter population density of wild boar (number of individuals km?2) in 54 locations in western Eurasia, from 1966 to 2003. Methods The mean January temperature, obtained from the World Climate data base ( http://www.worldclimate.com ), was taken as a measure of winter severity. We used monthly 4 × 4 km MODIS FPAR data sets covering January 2000 to June 2004 to calculate the vegetation productivity index. In addition, we collected literature data about the presence or absence of wolves from the study areas. Results In the geographical span of 37–60° N, the population densities of wild boar declined by three orders of magnitude, from 10 to 0.01 individuals km?2. The best multiple regression model (selected with the Akaike information criterion corrected for small samples) showed that mean January temperature and the vegetation productivity index were the most important factors explaining the biogeographical variation in population densities of wild boar. The impact of temperature was stronger than that of productivity. The presence of wolves had a weak limiting effect on population densities of wild boar at the biogeographical scale. Main conclusion We propose that winter harshness imposes density‐independent mortality on wild boar populations at higher latitudes. Competition for food in less productive regions may cause stronger density dependence in birth and death rates of wild boar populations. We expect that wild boar will respond to global warming by both an increase in local population densities and an expansion of their geographical range north and north‐eastwards.  相似文献   

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