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Isolated-bout method to estimate the retention times and dispersal distances was applied to the seed dispersal by red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) and Humboldts woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) in a lowland tropical forest at La Macarena, on the border of the Macarena and Tinigua National Parks, the Department of Meta, Colombia. Continuous observations were made on the feeding and ranging behavior of well-habituated troops of howler monkeys and woolly monkeys as well as continuous collection of monkeys feces. We selected out the isolated-bout as a feeding bout on the specific species that was only once recorded within 48 h before the seeds of that species appeared in the feces of monkeys. In that case, the seeds were strongly suggested to come from that isolated bout. Then retention times, route seed dispersal distances and direct seed dispersal distances were estimated. Howler monkeys, which are regarded as generalist herbivores, showed longer retention times and dispersal distances along monkeys route than did woolly monkeys, which are specialist frugivores. However, the direct distances that seeds were carried from the mother tree were not significantly greater for howler monkeys than for woolly monkeys. This shows that both retention time and movement patterns by the monkeys, especially the total ranging area, influence the direct distance that seeds are carried from the mother tree.  相似文献   

We report the feeding behavior and food preferences of a troop of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) over two annual cycles in primary tropical rain forest in French Guiana. The monkeys used 195 plant species from 47 families as food. Major food categories were young leaves (54%), mature fruits (21.5%), and flowers (12.6%). Other food categories included old leaves, immature fruits, termitarium soil, bark, and moss. The monkeys were less selective than other howler groups, since 19 plant species contributed 1% to their diet and accounted for only 35.7% of their total diet. The Sapotaceae was the most frequently eaten plant family and represented >10% of the total diet.  相似文献   

We surveyed howler (Alouatta) populations at 36 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondônia, in southwestern Amazonia, using quantitative (line transect surveys) and qualitative (interviews) methods. We recorded the red howler (Alouatta seniculus) at only one- third of the sites, and the species was relatively rare at most of them, especially in comparison with sympatric atelids (Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana). In addition to local discontinuities, Alouatta was absent from a wide area (possibly as much as 100,000 km2) of northern Rondônia, south of the upper Madeira river. This lacuna apparently contradicts the typical association of the species with flooded forest ecosystems, but the ecological factors that may underlie it remain unclear. Competition with sympatric atelids does not appear to be a significant factor anywhere within the study area. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that the distribution patterns are related to recent human colonization of the state. We collected indirect evidence of the presence of a second howler species – Alouatta caraya – at two sites in southern Rondônia, where they are associated with highland savanna habitats and gallery forests in the Guaporé grasslands.  相似文献   

We compare the allogrooming behavior of 5 troops (average size = 8.2) of red howlers (Alouatta seniculus) from the Venezuelan Llanos with that of other A. seniculus and Alouatta spp. of the genus. In 126.9 observation hr, we recorded 118 allogrooming events, with an average bout length of 109 sec. Females groomed more frequently than males did, but as groomees there is no significant differences between sexes. Adult males groomed adult females mostly in a sexual context (before copulation). Allogrooming rates differ significantly among groups. There are also significant differences among members of the same troop both as groomers and groomees, which we explain in the context of the social behavior and history of each troop. There is no significant correlation between weight of the groomee and duration of the grooming bout. However, the examination of grooming rates and ectoparasite load suggests that allogrooming may have hygienic consequences. Differences in allogrooming rates among species of Alouatta are related to differences in group kin structure and patterns of female competition, in particular, coalition formation. We conclude that the social structure and the degree of relatedness among individuals within a group (or among individuals in a population in interpopulation comparisons) is a more important determinant of allogrooming rate than body size or group size. Our results emphasize the importance of considering intergroup and interpopulational variation in behavior.  相似文献   

Among New World monkeys, spontaneous tool use and object manipulation are commonly descirbed inCebus species only. We report here an occurrence of tool manipulation by a wild male red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), observed using a stick to softly but repeatedly hit a two toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) resting in the same tree. The ecological context of this unusual behavior for this quiet species generally showing very little manipulative propensity is discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical variation inLecanora epibryon andL. subimmersa, two species of theL. subfusca group, has been examined. In both species the chemical differences are correlated with geographical distribution, but not with morphological differences. As a consequence the chemotypes are recognized at subspecific level. InL. epibryon three chemical races are segregated according to the various chemosyndromes present. Subspeciesepibryon, containing atranorin and triterpenoids, occurs in the northern hemisphere and South America, while the other two subspecies occur only in the southern hemisphere. The subsp.broccha (Nyl.)Lumbsch, comb. nova, contains atranorin, the stictic acid and the 2,5,7-trichloro-3-O-methylnorlichexanthone chemosyndromes, while subsp.xanthophora Lumbsch, subsp. nova, is similar but lacks the stictic acid chemosyndrome. Two chemical races occur in the pantropical speciesL. subimmersa. While subsp.subimmersa contains atranorin and zeorin, subsp.ramboldii Lumbsch & Elix, subsp. nova, contains an additional ten chlorinated xanthones.L. impressa is reduced to synonymy toL. subimmersa.  相似文献   

Segers  Hendrik 《Hydrobiologia》2003,500(1-3):103-114
An analysis of distribution patterns reveals a unique group of Nearctic endemics in Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801. This group, comprising 13.4% of all taxa analysed in the genus, is of diverse origin. A glacial origin is postulated for one species. The observed biogeographic pattern of eight others, and possibly two New World taxa, suggests a pre-Pleistocene origin followed by differential extinctions during glaciations in the Nearctic and Palaearctic. In general, endemism in Trichocerca is strongly biased towards the Northern hemisphere, with no endemism in tropical regions. This suggests a Laurasian origin of the genus. The analysis further reveals a majority (65.7%) of widely distributed taxa, with strict cosmopolitanism in more than a third of the species analysed. Latitudinal variation is evident in 26.9% of Trichocerca, and a warm-water preference appears to be indicated for a majority of these. Although the results should be interpreted with caution due to confused taxonomy, a Southern hemisphere, warm-water and Northern hemisphere, cold water component appear to be present. Comments on the taxonomy and distribution of several species are provided, along with illustrations of poorly known species. Suggestions include elevating T. maior (Hauer, 1936) to species rank, and several new cases of synonymy.  相似文献   

M. Alonso 《Hydrobiologia》1985,128(3):217-228
A very particular form of Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia), adapted to life in epicontinental hyperhaline waters of Mediterranean arid regions had long been confused with Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) dolichocephala Sars, 1895. In this paper the morphological and ecological differences between the two taxa are pointed out and comparison is made with another closely related Rumanian form (Daphnia cf. mediterranea) and with the related Spanish species (D. atkinsoni and D. chevreuxi). The Daphnia of saline environments is described here as Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) mediterranea. The most important differential characters of this new species are: 1) the short and widely rounded rostrum; 2) dorsal ridge of the female extends to the anteriormost part of the head; 3) elliptical ephippium with a ride anterior margin; convex shape and separate from the dorsal ridge; 4) males possessing a very long antennule base that reaches the distal limit of the head.  相似文献   

Nineteen natural Mediterranean fir populations, belonging to eight species and to one natural hybrid (A. ×borisii-regis), were investigated by starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A total of 31 alleles was scored at eight loci (IDH-B, ACP-A, PER-B, 6PGD-A, 6PGD-B, MNR-B, PGI-B, PGM-A. Great variation was observed in the heterozygosity among the population studied and ranged from 0.010 (A. pinsapo) to 0.328 (A. cephalonica). The interpopulation genetic diversity was about 26% of the total genetic diversity. From the dendrogram, new phylogenetic relationships were revealed. High affinity was observed between the Calabrian fir population and the one from north-west Greece as well as betweenA. equi-trojani grown in Asia Minor and the southern Greek populations. Species specific alleles were found inA. cilicica. From the findings of the present work, a new hypothesis concerning the taxonomy, distribution and evolution ofAbies species in the Balkan Peninsula is supported.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of pachytene chromosomes was studied in A. glabrata Benth. and A. pusilla Benth. belonging respectively to the sections Rhizomatosae and Triseminale. These two species can not be crossed with the cultivated groundnut A. hypogaea L. All 20 chromosomes of A. glabrata could be identified individually and further classified into 5 basic types. The features that enabled the identification of chromosomes were: total length, arm ratios, nucleolus attachment and position and extent of heterochromatin. A simple key has been proposed for classifying different chromosomes to facilitate their easy identification. The genomes of A. glabrata did not resemble those of A. hypogaea except for the presence of an A chromosome, 2 euchromosomes and 2 nucleolus organisers. A. glabrata did not appear to be an amphidiploid but rather an allopolyploid hybrid. The genome of A. pusilla contained chromosomes unlike those of any other species of section Arachis. It was concluded that both these species are quite unrelated to other species of the section Arachis.  相似文献   

European populations of Daphnia similis Claus have been compared with populations from tropical Asia. Daphnia similoides n. sp. from tropical Asia was described as the sibling species of D. similis. The female has characteristic neonate, postabdomen, head, and ephippium. The male has characteristic rostrum, antennules, and the distalmost part of the postabdomen. The D. similis group was compared with D. carinata s. str. Australian populations.  相似文献   

L. sativa L. cultivars were compared morphologically with accessions ofL. saligna L.,L. serriola L., andL. virosa L. in order to define the infra- and interspecific variation. Multivariate analysis (principal component analysis) distinguished four groups corresponding with the four species. Infraspecific variation (e.g., colour, leaf shape) withinL. sativa is the largest, because breeding has caused a large variation in vegetative features; infraspecific variation withinL. serriola is also large. Three plants of one accession were placed betweenL. sativa andL. serriola because they showed morphological characteristics of both species. They are still classified asL. sativa. The morphological differences betweenL. sativa andL. serriola are too large to consider these two as one species. The descent of the cultivar groups and the four species is described.  相似文献   

Korovchinsky  N. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):73-92
The poorly known D. dubium Manuilova is redescribed on extensive material from more than 80 populations from the Russian Far East, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Its morphological variability and geographical distribution are analysed and supplemented by notes on biology. The conspecificity of morphologically different distant populations is discussed. In the northern part of its range, D. dubium was long confused with D. brachyurum or D. leuchtenbergianum, and in the south with D. modigliani. It seems that the recent appearance of D. dubium in fish ponds of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was an introduction, together with Far Eastern fish. D. pseudodubium sp.nov., close to but markedly different, is described from two lakes in the lower Amur river system. D. dubium, D. pseudodubium, D. tropicum and D. modigliani s. str. form a group of related species, widely distributed in Eastern and Southern Asia.  相似文献   

Three new species of monoxenous parasites from the Neotropical Heteroptera are described on the basis of the ultrastructure of cells in culture, as well as gene sequences of Spliced Leader (SL) RNA, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and small subunit (SSU) rRNA. The results have highlighted a striking discrepancy between the morphological (dis)similarities and the phylogenetic affinities among the insect trypanosomatids. Although each of the new species is characterized by a distinct set of morphological characters, based on the predominant promastigotes observed in culture, each of them has been provisionally assigned to the genus Leptomonas pending the future revision of this genus. Yet, instead of the phylogenetic affinity with the other members of this polyphyletic genus, the new species are most closely related to Crithidia species. Thus, the extremely long promastigotes of Leptomonas acus sp. n. and the unique morphological features found in Leptomonas bifurcata sp. n. sharply contrast with their respective relatives C. fasciculata and C. deanei both of which are typical choanomastigotes. The results clearly show that the current classification at the genus level is misleading and needs to be revised. The phylogenetic clades potentially representing the candidate new genera of monoxenous trypanosomatids have started to emerge from the presented analyses.  相似文献   


The large amount of morphological variability within Fritillaria montana Hoppe ex W.D.J. Koch, a southeastern European species described from northeastern Italy, led to the creation of several further taxa: Fritillaria caussolensis Goaty & Pons ex Adoino from southeastern France, Fritillaria orsiniana Parl. from central Italy, Fritillaria intermedia N. Terracc. and Fritillaria pollinensis N. Terracc. from southern Italy. Aiming to test the taxonomic value of these taxa, a biometric study of both herbarium and living specimens of F. montana s.l. is carried out. A total of 22 morphological features were analysed and measured in 417 plants from 46 different localities, including loci classici of all the involved taxa. In addition, typical populations of F. montana, F. caussolensis, F. intermedia, F. orsiniana and F. pollinensis and also several other Italian populations resulted with 2n = 18 chromosomes. We also counted 2n = 27 chromosomes in endotriploid cells of plants from Abruzzo. However, there is no clear‐cut correlation between morphology and karyology. The biometric analysis, together with many observations on fresh material in the field, revealed that F. montana is a single polymorphic species with no infraspecific taxa.  相似文献   

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