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邵晓阳  黎道峰  潭路  蔡庆华 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4858-4865
2006年10月-2007年10月对三峡库区香溪河太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼资源以及水体的主要理化因子进行调查,对太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼的生长特点进行了比较分析,结果表明:(1)香溪河1-3月多年平均气温为8.4℃,2月份多年平均最低10.8℃,适宜银鱼孵化的最佳温度时间为12月至翌年3月。(2)香溪河pH值全年在7.5-9.0之间变动,大多季节稳定在8.5左右,有利银鱼的繁殖生长。(3)太湖新银鱼5-6 cm规格的个体数量占优势,占总数96.2%;太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼的肥满度指数分别为(0.004±0.0004)g/cm3、(0.002±0.0003) g/cm3,两种银鱼的肥满度指数差异显著(P<0.001)。分析探讨了银鱼的时空分布格局、捕捞强度和渔产量对银鱼种群形成与衰退的影响。结果显示:(1)太湖新银鱼、短吻间银鱼在三峡水库湖北库区的各支流河道均有分布,沿江而上,种群规模逐渐减小,渔获量组成以太湖新银鱼为优势类群。(2)以灯光诱捕为主的扳罾网(网片规格为14.7 m × 14.7 m,网目0.3 cm × 0.3 cm)引入库区,使银鱼种群数量急剧下降,规格组成也发生巨大变化。2006年10月,太湖新银鱼种群主要由体长为50-60、60-70 mm的个体组成,在种群中所占的比例分别为62.3%和20.6%,大于70 mm的个体也占14.7%;2007年10月,种群主要由体长为40-50、50-60、60-70 mm的个体组成,在种群中所占的比例分别为20.2%、61.7%、15.8%,大于70 mm的个体极少见。(3)太湖新银鱼垂直活动范围在10 m以上的水层,受河岸底质的影响,山坡陡峭、浸水坡面主要由岩石构成的河岸水质清澈,银鱼数量较大。  相似文献   

滴滴涕对太湖经济鱼类危害的生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取滴滴涕(diehloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane,DDT)作为太湖持久性有机氯污染的代表性污染物,以大银鱼、陈氏短吻银鱼和刀鲚为研究对象,建立太湖主要经济鱼类食物网模型,并结合DDT的生物化学特性以及蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)不确定性分析方法,应用食物网模型研究DDT在食物网主要经济鱼类中的迁移分布特性,分析由此导致的生态风险.结果表明:大银鱼DDT累积量为0~0.329 mg·kg-1,平均值为0.039 mg·kg-1;陈氏短吻银鱼DDT累积量为0-0.188 mg·kg-1,平均值为0.022 mg·kg-1;刀鲚DDT累积量为0-0.575 mg·kg-1,平均值为0.067 mg·kg-1;以脂溶性为代表的污染物累积性质是太湖经济鱼类富集DDT的主要控制因素;生态风险总体状况为:刀鲚>大银鱼>陈氏短吻银鱼.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖银鱼多样性及其时空格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用专门设计的银鱼拖网系统地调查了鄱阳湖银鱼夏季索饵期和春季产卵期的空间分布格局.结果显示鄱阳湖银鱼物种多样性低、空间分布不均匀;3种银鱼的相对丰度差异悬殊,小型物种寡齿新银鱼相对丰度最高(71.5%),体型中等的太湖新银鱼次之(25.6%),而体型较大的短吻间银鱼相对丰度最低(2.9%).春季银鱼空间分布不均匀,南部受保护区域丰富度(R)高于北部受干扰生境;产卵场分布格局种间差异显著:2种新银鱼南北都有分布,寡齿新银鱼分布最广(发生率IO=70.0%),太湖新银鱼次之(IO=55.0%),而短吻间银鱼仅见于南部水域(IO=30.0%).夏季银鱼分布广泛,种间分布格局相近,彼此相关显著.表明鄱阳湖银鱼区系多样性结构与其产卵场分布格局和状况相关,而受夏季银鱼索饵场空间布局影响不大.以物种多样性参数为变量的聚类分析将40个调查样点聚为6类,其中3类生境对银鱼区系稳定贡献显著,应受到优先保护.  相似文献   

一、目的和意义 太湖短吻银鱼Neosalanx tangkahkeii taihuensis Chen为太湖中的名贵鱼类之一,也是太湖中的优势种类之一。调源丰富,产量较高。渔产品除供应国内市场外,又为我国主要出口水产品之一。根据过去记载,渔产量不断提高,尤以今年上半年又获较大丰收(接近100万斤),就春季繁殖生长的个体,在银鱼汛期的种群分析中占有一半左右(另一半为秒季繁殖的个体)。由于这一鱼类古今中外久享盛名,目前已列入国家水产资源中的重点繁殖保护对象之一。关于它在春季生殖时期的发育和孵化规律方面,目前尚缺乏参考资料。为此,作  相似文献   

江湖阻隔对短吻间银鱼空间发生格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于2001–2003年长江流域86个水体短吻间银鱼资源的连续调查,本文报道了短吻间银鱼(Hemisalanxbrachyrostralis)在流域尺度上的分布格局和年度动态,分析了其时空分布格局与湖泊面积和隔离因子间的关系,探讨了流域江-湖水网系统破碎化对短吻间银鱼种群结构和动态的影响。结果显示短吻间银鱼仅分布于葛洲坝以下的长江中下游,发生率低(年均21.3%),空间发生格局年度变动频率高,种群稳定性低。调查湖泊内目标种发生率、种群稳定性均与湖泊面积呈正相关关系,而与湖泊隔离系数呈负相关关系;三年的发生格局始终极显著地正相关于湖泊的面积因子,同时负相关于湖泊的隔离因子。表明江湖阻隔所引发的湖泊水面缩减和湖间隔离度增大对短吻间银鱼资源产生了深刻的影响,对其空间格局的形成贡献显著。  相似文献   

1992年5月至1996年8月对徐家河水库近太湖新银鱼的形态学,繁殖特性,生长以及食性进行了研究。结果表明,徐家河水库近太湖新银鱼主要以枝角类和桡足类为食,繁殖季节为3-6月,其中4月中旬为繁殖高峰期,与太湖新银鱼不同只有春季产卵群体,生命周期为一年。体重与体长关系为:W=2.014×10-6L3.170(r=0.999)。其von Benrtalanffy生长方程为Lt=65.071-e-0.2394(t+0.5066)forbody length and Wt=1.1281-e-0.2394(t+0.5066)3.170。    相似文献   

基于四个线粒体基因片段的银鱼科鱼类系统发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银鱼科鱼类是我国重要的经济鱼类,但其属间系统发育关系与属、种的界定尚存争议。研究使用线粒体12S/16S核糖体RNA、细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因部分序列以及NADH脱氢酶亚基1全长序列重建银鱼科属间的系统发育。结果显示银鱼科鱼类是单系群,白肌银鱼属在银鱼系统发育的基部,"大银鱼属+新银鱼属"、"间银鱼属+银鱼属"形成两个单系亚群,但日本银鱼属的位置没有很好解决。基于COI基因序列计算的"短吻-陈氏-太湖-近太湖新银鱼复合群"种间遗传距离为0—0.19%、"乔氏-寡齿新银鱼复合群"种间遗传距离为0%。整合研究结果与前人形态、分子证据,详细地讨论了银鱼的属、种分类。  相似文献   

太湖产乔氏短吻银鱼于3月中旬至5月末产卵。卵具粘性。集中在有沉水植物着生的湖湾内产卵。生殖周期短,一年可达性成熟。繁殖力强。在水温14.5—25.0℃时,仔鱼在受精后118小时23分孵出。终生以浮游动物为食。生长较缓慢,接近一年才达上市规格。其寿命只一年,产卵后不久死亡。保护其产卵基质——沉水植物,以及适当地扩大银鱼网的网目,是关键的增殖措施。    相似文献   

短吻红舌鳎鱼卵、仔鱼的DNA条形码和形态学鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确鉴定2015年7–10月青岛崂山青山湾鱼类浮游生物调查中采集的依形态学初步鉴定为某种舌鳎属的鱼卵、仔鱼样本,本实验同时采集青岛胶州湾短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri)和长吻红舌鳎(C.lighti)的成鱼样本为参照,通过线粒体COI基因测序分析,以及同山东半岛海域分布的6种舌鳎属鱼类的COI基因序列比对,开展了该舌鳎属鱼卵、仔鱼种类的鉴别分析,以期为今后舌鳎属鱼类的分类及其鱼卵、仔鱼的鉴别提供参考资料。形态学研究结果显示:鱼卵为圆球形浮性卵,直径0.68–0.87 mm(0.73±0.03 mm,n=50),卵膜单层,较薄、光滑透明,卵周隙较大,卵膜及卵黄囊均无特殊构造,油球6–15个,直径0.04–0.10 mm(0.07±0.01 mm,n=50),圆形,大小不一,多位于卵黄囊中与胚体相对的一侧,既有聚集分布也有分散分布;仔鱼的2条冠状幼鳍及右眼移位过程中体长、色素分布等的特征和变化是此鱼种仔鱼鉴别的最明显特征。遗传学分析结果显示:该种舌鳎属样品(Cynoglossus sp.)与短吻红舌鳎和长吻红舌鳎的遗传距离最为接近,三者K2P遗传距离为0.006–0.009;短吻三线舌鳎(C.abbreviatus)与紫斑舌鳎(C.purpureomaculatus)亲缘关系最近,两者K2P遗传距离仅为0.002。以带纹条鳎(Zebrias zebra)为外类群构建的NJ系统发育树显示,该种舌鳎属样品与短吻红舌鳎和长吻红舌鳎以及短吻三线舌鳎与紫斑舌鳎分别聚为一支,其他种类各聚为一支。综合形态特征和COI基因比对结果,确定该舌鳎属鱼卵、仔鱼样品为短吻红舌鳎。  相似文献   

盐度对条石鲷胚胎发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了确定条石鲷胚胎孵化的适宜盐度,在试验水温为23.0℃~25.2℃条件下,设置了8个盐度组进行条石鲷胚胎孵化试验,研究了盐度对条石鲷胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:低盐度和高盐度对胚胎有持续性伤害,均可造成胚胎和卵黄球在卵裂期收缩而死亡,一部分胚胎在原肠期之后收缩死亡;低盐度可造成初孵仔鱼畸形率增加,主要引起仔鱼脊柱"L"形和"C"形弯曲,而高盐度可导致胚体胚孔关闭以后尾部的畸形发育;通过分析各盐度组的孵化率、仔鱼畸形率和盐度之间的关系,得出健康仔鱼比例(PHL)和盐度(S)的关系式为PHL=-0.0018S2-0.1135S-0.8853(R2=0.948),以PHL70%为适宜孵化盐度范围,以PHL90%为最适孵化盐度范围,由此确定在23.0℃~25.2℃条件下,条石鲷的适宜孵化盐度范围为21~42(PHL70%),最适为30~33(PHL90%)。  相似文献   

The hatching distributions of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) with different genotypes at eight loci are compared in two experiments with the same strain. Embryos were incubated at temperatures colder (5 and 8°C) and warmer (12°C) than normally experienced by these fish (9.5°C). At hatching, embryos were separated into five hatching groups representing the chronological order of hatching. There is no significant correlation between multilocus heterozygosity and hatching time at any temperature in either experiment. Fish in the middle of the hatching distribution had the highest average heterozygosity. In both experiments, heterozygotes at the majority of loci examined tended to hatch relatively later within the hatching distribution at 12°C than at both 5 and 8°C. Fish with different genotypes atPgm2 andCk1 showed significant differences in hatching time that were consistent between experiments.Ck1 heterozygotes hatched sooner than homozygotes at 8°C but later at 12°C.Pgm2 heterozygotes hatched later than homozygotes at all temperatures and significantly later in four of five cases. At the other loci examined, however, the relative hatching distributions of fish with particular genotypes were not significantly different or repeatable between experiments.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8300039 awarded to Dr. Fred W. Allendorf. Moira M. Ferguson was supported by a postgraduate scholarship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the time of hatching of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria using egg pods that are artificially buried in the soil under outdoor conditions. Most eggs hatch in the mid‐morning, with a peak between 11.00 and 12.00 h, and none hatch before 09.00 or after 16.00 h. Furthermore, most egg pods complete hatching within a day, although some take 2 or 3 days, and egg hatching is interrupted by rain. There are no large differences in hatching time from May to September. Laboratory experiments in which the eggs are exposed to temperatures simulating outdoor conditions show that soil temperature is the main factor controlling hatching activity. The increase in temperature in the morning appears to trigger egg hatching, as confirmed by laboratory experiments, which may explain the similar hatching times between seasons. The seasonal patterns of temperature variation and hatching time suggest that the hatching time of L. migratoria eggs may be adjusted to allow the hatchlings to be exposed to high temperatures in the afternoon so that they can harden their bodies quickly.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which a particle of concentrated hatching factor is separated by cyst wall from eelworm eggs. Comparison of the hatching of these and control eggs showed that the cyst wall is permeable to the hatching stimulant. The experiments also demonstrated that the cyst wall is permeable to dissolved air.  相似文献   

A technique for conducting hatching experiments on eggs freed from cysts is described. The form of the hatching response was found to be similar to that of eggs contained within cysts, but the response of the free eggs to the hatching stimulus was slightly more rapid. Investigations into factors affecting free egg hatching showed that it was necessary to presoak cysts before extracting the eggs from them for hatching. Eggs taken from dry cysts or from cysts that had been opened or cracked before presoaking did not respond to diffusate. When free eggs and whole cysts were exposed to the same graded series of dilutions of diffusate, the L.A. values (i.e. log concentrations of hatching factor) derived from plotting the hatching curves were in very close agreement.  相似文献   

A statistical method for generating seasonal egg hatching profiles is applied to the brachyuran crabs Uca pugnax (Smith) and U. minax (LeConte) in New Jersey. Calibration experiments quantified the time course of egg development, using serial egg sampling at 1- to 2- day intervals from marked ovigerous females maintained in cages in the field. Egg stage was ranked from 1 to 10, based on morphological changes during development. Equations for predicting the number of days remaining until hatching from egg developmental stage were obtained from the calibration experiments, using stepwise polynomial regression. To cover the reproductive season, three consecutive calibration experiments using 15 or more females were run for U. pugnax; two for U. minax. Significant seasonal differences in the time course of egg development were detected. Weekly collections of females for each species were made; the date of larval release for each ovigerous female was predicted from the proximate calibration equation, yielding weekly hatching profiles. Weekly hatching profiles were summed to obtain seasonal hatching profiles. The average number of broods produced per female over the reproductive season was 1.9 for U. pugnax and 1.6 for U. minax. Hatching peaks for both species were associated with spring tides. The merits of this and other methods used to estimate daily variation in egg hatching of crabs are discussed.  相似文献   

Hatching gland cells of the medaka, Oryzias latipes, have been observed to differentiate from the anterior end of the hypoblast, which seems to first involute at the onset of gastrulation. These results suggest that the hatching gland cells of medaka originate from the embryonic shield, the putative organizer of this fish. The present study investigated whether hatching gland cells really originate from the embryonic shield in the medaka. Transplantation experiments with embryonic shield and in situ hybridization detection of hatching enzyme gene expression as a sign of terminal differentiation of the gland cells were carried out. The analysis was performed according to the following processes. First, identification and functional characterization of the embryonic shield region were made by determining the expression of medaka goosecoid gene and its organizer activity. Second, it was confirmed that the embryonic shield had an organizer activity, inducing a secondary embryo, and that the developmental patterns of hatching gland cells in primary and secondary embryos were identical. Finally, the hatching gland cells as identified by hatching enzyme gene expression were found to coincide with the dye-labeled progeny cells of the transplanted embryonic shield. In conclusion, it was determined that hatching gland cells were derived from the embryonic shield that functioned as the organizer in medaka.  相似文献   

Experiments on the hatching of Heterodera rostochiensis have shown that the addition of ammonium carbonate to potato root water markedly inhibits hatching when the concentration of ammonia introduced is approximately 100 p.p.m. The strong acid salts of ammonia in equivalent amounts have no such inhibitory effect.
These observations are linked with experiments on the effect of partial sterilization of soil on the hatching of H. rostochiensis , and it is demonstrated that delay of hatching in such soils is only effective so long as the ammonia concentration within the soil is maintained at a sufficiently high level.  相似文献   

The possibility of involvement of calcium ions in the hatching of Schistosoma mansoni eggs in water is described. The hatching of S. mansoni eggs under low osmotic pressure was partially inhibited by EGTA (5 mM), lanthanum chloride (1-5 mM), and ruthenium red (0.1-1 mM). The reagents used in these experiments were not toxic to the eggs however, because miracidia hatched normally when the reagents were removed.  相似文献   

Environmentally cued hatching in reptiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence is accumulating for the widespread occurrence of environmentally cued hatching (ECH) in animals, but its diversity and distribution across taxa are unknown. Herein I review three types of ECH in reptiles: early hatching, delayed hatching, and synchronous hatching. ECH is currently known from 43 species, including turtles, crocodilians, lizards, snakes, tuatara, and possibly worm lizards. Early hatching caused by physical disturbance (e.g., vibrations) is the most commonly reported ECH across all groups; although it apparently serves an antipredator function in some species, its adaptive value is unknown in most. Delayed hatching, characterized by metabolic depression or embryonic aestivation, and sometimes followed by a hypoxic cue (flooding), occurs in some turtles and possibly in monitor lizards and crocodilians; in some of these species delayed hatching serves to defer hatching from the dry season until the more favorable conditions of the wet season. Synchronous hatching, whereby sibling eggs hatch synchronously despite vertical thermal gradients in the nest, occurs in some turtles and crocodilians. Although vibrations and vocalizations in hatching-competent embryos can stimulate synchronous hatching, cues promoting developmentally less advanced embryos to catch up with more advanced embryos have not been confirmed. Synchronous hatching may serve to dilute predation risk by promoting synchronous emergence or reduce the period in which smells associated with hatching can attract predators to unhatched eggs. Within species, advancing our understanding of ECH requires three types of studies: (1) experiments identifying hatching cues and the plastic hatching period, (2) experiments disentangling hypotheses about multiple hatching cues, and (3) investigations into the environmental context in which ECH might evolve in different species (major predators or abiotic influences on the egg, embryo, and hatchling). Among species and groups, surveys for ECH are required to understand its evolutionary history in reptiles. The probability of ECH occurring is likely influenced by a species's life history, ecology, behavior, and interrelationships with other species (e.g., sizes of predator and prey). More broadly, the discovery of embryo-embryo communication as a mechanism for synchronous hatching in crocodilians and turtles indicates that the social behavior of (nonavian) reptiles has been underestimated.  相似文献   

Lindsey JK 《Biometrics》1999,55(1):149-155
Response surface methodology, originally developed for determining optimal conditions in industrial experiments, was early adapted to experiments in marine ecology. However, these involved studying the shape of the complete response surface, not only detecting the optimum, and often had counts or durations as the response variable. Thus, nonlinear, nonnormal response models were required. For counts, binomial and beta-binomial models have been used, the latter because of substantial overdispersion. In closely controlled experiments, overdispersion among units held under the same conditions might indicate that some mishap has occurred in conducting the study. One possible check is to model the dispersion as a second response surface. This procedure is used to show that overdispersion in fish egg hatching experiments has a biological explanation in that it occurs only under suboptimal hatching conditions.  相似文献   

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