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1. (+/-)-2-Amino-1-phenyl[1-(14)C]propan-1-ol ([(14)C]norephedrine) was administered orally to man, rat and rabbit and the metabolites excreted in the urine were identified and measured. Pronounced species differences in the metabolism of the drug were found. 2. Three male human subjects, receiving 25mg each of [(14)C]norephedrine hydrochloride, excreted over 90% of the (14)C in the first day. The main metabolite was the unchanged drug (86% of the dose) and minor metabolites were hippuric acid and 4-hydroxynorephedrine. 3. In rats given 12mg of the drug/kg almost 80% of the (14)C administered was excreted in the first day. The major metabolites in the urine were the unchanged drug (48% of the dose), 4-hydroxynorephedrine (28%) and trace amounts of side-chain degradation products. 4. Rabbits given 12mg of the drug/kg excreted 85-95% of the dose of (14)C in the urine in the first 24h after dosing. The major metabolites in the urine were conjugates of 1,2-dihydroxy-1-phenylpropane (31% of the dose) and of 1-hydroxy-1-phenylpropan-2-one (27%) and hippuric acid (20%). The unchanged drug was excreted in relatively small amounts (8%).  相似文献   

Sex-steroid-binding plasma proteins (SBPs) of man, cattle, dog, and rabbit were purified to apparent homogeneity by sequential chromatography on testosterone-17 alpha-ethynylcarboxyaminoethyl Sepharose and hydroxyapatite. When subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, all the purified SBPs were resolved into two subunits, the relative amounts of which differed considerably from species to species. Two-dimensional electrophoresis according to O'Farrell also revealed that each subunit was further separable into several charged variants. The heavy subunit had somewhat more acidic molecular variants than the light subunit. One molecule of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone was bound per dimer of the subunits. Dissociation constants of heavy and light homodimers of rabbit SBP were 3.3 and 4.9 nM, respectively. Polypeptide fragmentation patterns resulting from digestion of heavy and light subunits with protease V8 differed from species to species but resembled each other in each species. These results suggest that the native SBPs may exist as a homodimer of a single variant or a hybrid dimer composed of various combinations of light and heavy variants.  相似文献   

Protein binding characteristics including percentage of total binding, total binding capacity (pmol/mg protein), degree of specific binding, competition with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2) binding sites and dissociation constants (Kd) of low and high affinity binding sites were investigated for the progestins cyproterone acetate (CPA), gestodene (G), norethisterone (NET) and levonorgestrel (LN) in serum or plasma pools from man and four laboratory animal species (rat, rabbit, dog and monkey). Serum pools from animals were constructed from samples obtained either prior to or 1 day after pretreatment with ethinyl estradiol (EE2) (5 micrograms/kg/day for 7 days). Human plasma pools differed by SHBG levels (normal/induced). All serum pools were characterized by protein content and distribution. Equilibrium dialysis or dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) methods were used to separate bound and free steroids labelled with tritium. All progestins were highly (greater than 80%) bound to proteins in all undiluted samples. Total binding capacity was highest in rat and lowest in monkey. Human plasma showed a capacity of 1.5-2.1 microgram steroid/ml. In man, monkey and rabbit LN and G were specifically bound to the same degree as DHT, whereas NET binding was 50% lower. Specific binding of CPA to dog serum was 2-3 times higher than for other steroids. Two (high and low affinity) binding sites were found for LN, G and NET in man, monkey and rabbit and in dog for LN. Kd values for high affinity binding ranged from 3.5 (G in man) to 23 (NET in man) x 10(-9)M. Kd values of low affinity binding varied from 0.5 (CPA in dog) to 4 (NET in man) x 10(-6)M. E2 and DHT competition experiments confirmed the concept of SHBG as a carrier protein of 19-nor-progestins and DHT and its occurrence in man, monkey and rabbit. A sex hormone binding protein (SBP) in the dog seems to be responsible for the relatively high specific binding of CPA. SHBG is inducible by means of EE2 in man and monkey, but not in rabbit. EE2 may induce SBP in the dog. Comparison of in vitro Kds (high affinity binding) and in vivo metabolic clearance rates showed the same rankings for LN, G and NET in man, monkey and rabbit.  相似文献   

In chronic experiment on dogs it has been established that the subcutaneous injection of equimolar doses of izadrine (nonselective beta-adrenergic agonist), alupent (moderately selective beta 2-adrenergic agonist) and salbutamol (predominantly beta 2-adrenergic agonist) suppresses the pentagastric secretion approximately in the same degree. The blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors by the anapriline intensifies the gastric secretion stimulated by pentagastrin. All investigated adrenoactive agents didn't effect the dogs' histamine gastric secretion. In healthy men the activation of beta 2-adrenergic receptors by alupent accompanied by the expressed intensification of basal, pentagastrin and submaximal histamine gastric secretion. The blockade of these receptors by anaprilin decreases the gastric secretion. It has been concluded that only beta 2-adrenoceptors take part in the gastric secretion regulation. Considerable specific differences in the reaction of gastric glands on the activation of beta-adrenoreceptors are revealed: in human beings it leads to the excitation, in dogs--to the suppression of secretory cells.  相似文献   

It was found in various animal species and man that an ordered internucleosome fragmentation of DNA is characteristic of lymphoid cells dying in the interphase. Both in vivo and in vitro, the postirradiation DNA degradation in thymocytes of rodents and piglets preceded the increase in the permeability of their plasma membrane. The in vivo kinetics of death of lymphoid cells from the thymus and spleen is similar in rodents and piglets. Rat thymocytes died in vitro earlier than thymocytes of piglets, calves and man which was evidently associated with a worse adaptive capacity of the latter to cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

Various studies address the morphology of the gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) of insectivorous bat species. However, detailed morphometric studies including mucin histochemistry are scarce. This study compares various GIT measurements as well as the quantification of intestinal mucin secreting cells in four insectivorous bat species representing four different families of Chiroptera. Alcian blue/Periodic acid Schiff's stain was used to differentiate between acid and neutral mucin-secreting cells while the Aldehyde fuchsin/Alcian blue stain further differentiated between two acid mucins, namely sialo-, and sulphomucins. The number of cells was quantified and statistically analysed. All species had a simple GIT morphology represented by a simple, completely glandular stomach and the absence of a cecum. The exception was R. hardwickii, where a small cecum was observed which had histological mucosal features of both the small and large intestine. In R.hardwickii, distal to the cecum, typical colonic mucosal features such as the absence of villi and an abundance of goblet cells were observed. In all four species, the total number of goblet cells increased from the proximal to the distal intestinal regions. Mixed (acid and neutral) mucins dominated the entire GIT of all species. Neutral mucin-secreting cells were observed in the gastric pylorus and proximal intestinal regions in all species. Brunner's glands stained positive for neutral mucins. Exclusively acid mucin-secreting cells were seen in the distal intestinal regions of all species except N. thebaica. Sulphomucin-secreting cells were the most prominent acid mucin cell-type towards the distal intestine. The distribution of different mucin secreting cells indirectly provides information regarding the quality of the intestinal biofilm in the species studied.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify and analyse the micro‐organisms present in the conjunctival secretion in anophthalmic cavities of wearers of ocular prostheses, as well as on the prostheses used by them, correlating them with the microbiota of the contralateral eye. Nine patients with maxillofacial abnormalities, wearers of an acrylic resin ocular prosthesis participated in the study. Collections of conjunctival secretions and biofilm were performed on the prosthesis, anophthalmic cavity and contralateral eye for the mycological and bacterial analyses. The data were submitted to statistical analysis, performing a Kendall correlation test to identify the correlation between the collection site and the identified micro‐organism (< 0·05). It was verified that the most prevalent micro‐organisms were the Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, independent of the collection site, and that negative cultures for fungi were encountered in 85·2% of collections, independent of the region. It was not possible to establish a correlation among the types of micro‐organisms and the collection sites.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Some evidence suggests that the surface roughness of ocular prostheses can influence interactions with micro‐organisms, with greater prejudicial consequences, such as the establishment of biofilms, which could lead to infections. Thus, it becomes extremely important to identify the micro‐organisms present on the acrylic surfaces of ocular prostheses, as well as the microbiota of the anophthalmic cavity and contralateral eye of wearers of the same, so that subsequent control measures promote the homeostatic maintenance of the ocular region.  相似文献   

In vitro drug metabolism by cultured rat, rabbit and human adult hepatocytes has been studied, using ketotifen (ZADITEN) as a model substrate because it is biotransformed in vivo by various metabolic pathways in man and animals. The major in vivo pathways were demonstrated in vitro, namely oxidation in rat hepatocytes, oxidation, glucuronidation and sulfation in rabbit hepatocytes, reduction and glucuronidation in human hepatocytes. Human hepatocytes were the most stable in culture, displaying ketotifen biotransformation for at least one week. These results clearly demonstrated that cultured hepatocytes retain their in vivo specific drug metabolizing activities, including inter-species polymorphism, for a few days. Therefore, pure hepatocyte cultures represent a useful system suitable for drug metabolism studies.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are invariably fatal and highly infectious neurodegenerative diseases that affect a wide variety of mammalian species such as sheep and goats, cattle, deer and elk, and humans. But for rabbits, studies have shown that they have a low susceptibility to be infected by prion diseases. This paper does molecular dynamics (MD) studies of rabbit NMR structures (of the wild type and its two mutants of two surface residues), in order to understand the specific mechanism of rabbit prion proteins (RaPrPC). Protein surface electrostatic charge distributions are specially focused to analyze the MD trajectories. This paper can conclude that surface electrostatic charge distributions indeed contribute to the structural stability of wild-type RaPrPC; this may be useful for the medicinal treatment of prion diseases.  相似文献   

The hip joint forces of sheep and dogs were measured with instrumented endoprostheses and the results were compared with reported data concerning these forces in man. In all animals load directions with 0 to 30° inclinations relative to the femoral axis predominated. The transverse components mostly acted from medio-ventral directions. While the force orientations varied little during each single stance phase, they changed rapidly during the swing phase. Strong inter-and intra-individual differences of load directions were found in all animals. Irregular forces, acting upwards or transverse to the femur, were frequently observed. Maximum joint forces were up to 110% of body weight and depended more on the postoperative time than on the walking speed. Load orientations in the animals were similar to those reported for man. In this regard sheep and dogs appear equally well suited for tests of hip endoprostheses for man.  相似文献   

Genomic uracil is a DNA lesion but also an essential key intermediate in adaptive immunity. In B cells, activation-induced cytidine deaminase deaminates cytosine to uracil (U:G mispairs) in Ig genes to initiate antibody maturation. Uracil-DNA glycosylases (UDGs) such as uracil N-glycosylase (UNG), single strand-selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase 1 (SMUG1), and thymine-DNA glycosylase remove uracil from DNA. Gene-targeted mouse models are extensively used to investigate the role of these enzymes in DNA repair and Ig diversification. However, possible species differences in uracil processing in humans and mice are yet not established. To address this, we analyzed UDG activities and quantities in human and mouse cell lines and in splenic B cells from Ung(+/+) and Ung(-/-) backcrossed mice. Interestingly, human cells displayed ~15-fold higher total uracil excision capacity due to higher levels of UNG. In contrast, SMUG1 activity was ~8-fold higher in mouse cells, constituting ~50% of the total U:G excision activity compared with less than 1% in human cells. In activated B cells, both UNG and SMUG1 activities were at levels comparable with those measured for mouse cell lines. Moreover, SMUG1 activity per cell was not down-regulated after activation. We therefore suggest that SMUG1 may work as a weak backup activity for UNG2 during class switch recombination in Ung(-/-) mice. Our results reveal significant species differences in genomic uracil processing. These findings should be taken into account when mouse models are used in studies of uracil DNA repair and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

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