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The high incidence of thromboembolic complications of mechanical heart valves (MHV) limits their success as permanent implants. The thrombogenicity of all MHV is primarily due to platelet activation by contact with foreign surfaces and by nonphysiological flow patterns. The latter include elevated flow stresses and regions of recirculation of blood that are induced by valve design characteristics. A numerical simulation of unsteady turbulent flow through a bileaflet MHV was conducted, using the Wilcox k-omega turbulence model for internal low-Reynolds-number flows, and compared to quantitative flow visualization performed in a pulse duplicator system using Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV). The wake of the valve leaflet during the deceleration phase revealed an intricate pattern of interacting shed vortices. Particle paths showed that platelets that were exposed to the highest flow stresses around the leaflets were entrapped within the shed vortices. Potentially activated, such platelets may tend to aggregate and form free emboli. Once formed, such free emboli would be convected downstream by the shed vortices, increasing the risk of systemic emboli.  相似文献   

目前临床使用的各种机械心脏瓣膜的主要问题是血栓栓塞和与抗凝治疗有关的出血,其缺陷在于瓣膜开启时,碟片和支架将瓣膜的整个血流通道分隔成三至四个较小的血流通道。在这种受阻隔的血流通宫,形成容易诱发血栓的高剪应力区、紊流和滞流区。我们研制的两种机械心脏瓣膜在瓣膜开启时,没有任何支架和碟片分隔瓣膜的血流通道,使血流与天然心脏瓣膜中的相类似,可减少对血液的危害,从而可减少换瓣病人对抗凝治疗的依赖程度。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study of the post valvular flow field on a new cardiovascular simulator including an elastic model of the aortic arch. Transverse and vertical two-dimensional velocity measurements are performed with an ultrasonic velocimeter. Two prosthetic heart valves are tested in the aortic position. The behaviour of the velocity vectors patterns during one pulsatile cycle is one of the most striking features of the flow.  相似文献   

Thrombus formation is a major concern for recipients of mechanical heart valves (MHVs), which requires them to take anticoagulant drugs for the rest of their lives. Bioprosthetic heart valves (BHVs) do not require life-long anticoagulant therapy but deteriorate after 10–15 years. The thrombus formation is initiated by the platelet activation which is thought to be mainly generated in MHVs by the flow through the hinge and the leakage flow during the diastole. However, our results show that the activation in the bulk flow during the systole phase might play an essential role as well. This is based on our results obtained by comparing the thrombogenic performance of a MHV and a BHV (as control) in terms of shear induced platelet activation under exactly the same conditions. Three different mathematical activation models including linear level of activation, damage accumulation, and Soares model are tested to quantify the platelet activation during systole using the previous simulations of the flow through MHV and BHV in a straight aorta under the same physiologic flow conditions. Results indicate that the platelet activation in the MHV at the beginning of the systole phase is slightly less than the BHV. However, at the end of the systole phase the platelet activation by the bulk flow for the MHV is several folds (1.41, 5.12, and 2.81 for linear level of activation, damage accumulation, and Soares model, respectively) higher than the BHV for all tested platelet activation models.  相似文献   

Evaluation of cavitation in vivo is often based on recordings of high-pass filtered random high-frequency pressure fluctuations. We hypothesized that cavitation signal components are more appropriately assessed by a new method for extraction of random signal components of the pressure signals. We investigated three different valve types and found a high correlation between the two methods (r2: 0.8806-0.9887). The new method showed that the cavitation signal could be extracted without a priori knowledge needed for setting the high-pass filter cut off frequency, nor did it introduce bandwidth limitation of the cavitation signal.  相似文献   

A numerical method is developed for simulating unsteady, 3-D, laminar flow through a bileaflet mechanical heart valve with the leaflets fixed. The method employs a dual-time-stepping artificial-compressibility approach together with overset (Chimera) grids and is second-order accurate in space and time. Calculations are carried out for the full 3-D valve geometry under steady inflow conditions on meshes with a total number of nodes ranging from 4 x 10(5) to 1.6 x 10(6). The computed results show that downstream of the leaflets the flow is dominated by two pairs of counter-rotating vortices, which originate on either side of the central orifice in the aortic sinus and rotate such that the common flow of each pair is directed away from the aortic wall. These vortices intensify with Reynolds number, and at a Reynolds number of approximately 1200 their complex interaction leads to the onset of unsteady flow and the break of symmetry with respect to both geometric planes of symmetry. Our results show the highly 3-D structure of the flow; question the validity of computationally expedient assumptions of flow symmetry; and demonstrate the need for highly resolved, fully 3-D simulations if computational fluid dynamics is to accurately predict the flow in prosthetic mechanical heart valves.  相似文献   

Left ventricular flow is intrinsically complex, three-dimensional and unsteady. Its features are susceptible to cardiovascular pathology and treatment, in particular to surgical interventions involving the valves (mitral valve replacement). To improve our understanding of intraventricular fluid mechanics and the impact of various types of prosthetic valves thereon, we have developed a custom-designed versatile left ventricular phantom with anatomically realistic moving left ventricular membrane. A biological, a tilting disc and a bileaflet valve (in two different orientations) were mounted in the mitral position and tested under the same settings. To investigate 3D flow within the phantom, a four-view tomographic particle image velocimetry setup has been implemented. The results compare side-by-side the evolution of the 3D flow topology, vortical structures and kinetic energy in the left ventricle domain during the cardiac cycle. Except for the tilting disc valve, all tested prosthetic valves induced a crossed flow path, where the outflow crosses the inflow path, passing under the mitral valve. The biological valve shows a strong jet with a peak velocity about twice as high compared to all mechanical heart valves, which makes it easier to penetrate deeply into the cavity. Accordingly, the peak kinetic energy in the left ventricle in case of the biological valve is about four times higher than the mechanical heart valves. We conclude that the tomographic particle imaging velocimetry setup provides a useful ground truth measurement of flow features and allows a comparison of the effects of different valve types on left ventricular flow patterns.  相似文献   

The feasibility of an anaesthetic protocol developed for surgery during right heart bypass in sheep is reported. Seven female Suffolk sheep, weighing 25-35 kg, were selected for the study. Premedication consisted of midazolam and methadone (both 0.1 mg kg(-1) intravenously). Anaesthesia was induced with propofol (2-4 mg kg(-1)) and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen and continuous rate infusions of propofol (5-7 mg kg(-1 )h(-1)) and fentanyl (5 microg kg(-1) bolus, 5 microg kg(-1) h(-1)). Cisatracurium (0.2 mg kg(-1)) provided muscle relaxation. A standard roller pump was used for the extracorporeal circulation. Drugs administered to maintain blood pressure and heart rate within acceptable levels included phenylephrine (3-4 microg kg(-1)), ephedrine (0.1-0.2 mg kg(-1)), nitroglycerine (50-150 microg kg(-1) h(-1)) and metoprolol succinate (30-80 microg kg(-1)). Electrolytes were infused as needed. Postoperative analgesia was provided by an intercostal block (15 mL 0.5% bupivacaine + epinephrine), carprofen (4 mg kg(-1)) and an opioid (methadone 0.1 mg kg(-1) or buprenorphine 0.01 mg kg(-1)). One sheep became hypoxic during the bypass (PaO(2) 47.7 mmHg). Irregularities of the electrocardiogram were observed during manipulation of the heart in all animals. During the initial phase of the bypass, blood pressure decreased in all sheep, accompanied by dilatation of the heart and large intrathoracic veins in five sheep. With appropriate treatment, blood pressure was restored and easily maintained until the end of the bypass. Weaning from the bypass, using an infusion of nitrates, was smooth. One sheep required a blood transfusion because of severe blood loss and another sheep died postoperatively from respiratory complications. Minor irregularities of the electrocardiogram observed during manipulation of the heart were not life threatening and required no treatment. Decreases in blood pressure at the beginning of the bypass can be expected and require treatment. Nitrates are useful in avoiding volume overload during weaning. The anaesthetic protocol is acceptable for surgery under right heart bypass in sheep.  相似文献   

The necessity to quantify the mechanical function with high spatial resolution stemmed from the advancement of myocardial salvaging techniques. Since these therapies are localized interventions, a whole field technique with high spatial resolution was needed to differentiate the normal, diseased, and treated myocardium. We developed a phase correlation algorithm for measuring myocardial displacement at high spatial resolution and to determine the regional mechanical function in the intact heart. Porcine hearts were exposed and high contrast microparticles were placed on the myocardium. A pressure transducer, inserted into the left ventricle, synchronized the pressure (LVP) with image acquisition using a charge-coupled device camera. The deformation of the myocardium was measured with a resolution of 0.58+/-0.04 mm. Within the region of interest (ROI), regional stroke work (RSW), defined as the integral of LVP with respect to regional area, was determined on average at 21 locations with a resolution of 27.1+/-2.7 mm2. To alter regional mechanical function, the heart was paced at three different locations around the ROI. Independent of the pacemaker location, RSW decreased in the ROI. In addition, a gradient of increasing RSW in the outward direction radiating from the pacemaker was observed in all pacing protocols. These data demonstrated the ability to determine regional whole field mechanical function with high spatial resolution, and the significant alterations induced by electrical pacing.  相似文献   

Method of silver nitrate impregnation was used in order to study 50 preparations of not-changed atrioventricular valves of the heart of domestic bulls and 30 preparations of the same valves of adult humans. It has been shown that in heart valves there are certain relationships between striated muscle fibres, blood vessels and nerve elements. The nerve structures of the valves are represented by nerve bundles of different thickness. In their composition there are comparatively thin non-myelinated and thicker myelinated fibres. Towards the free edge of cusps the nerve bundles become thinner and the nerve trunks give off separate thin nerve fibres disposed along the vessels of a capillary type and in some places getting around them. In certain portions of cusps the nerve bundles, some of which have zigzag sinuosity, cross blood vessels in different directions. In man the major mass of blood vessels and nerve elements are disposed near the base of the valve cusps, accompanying the muscle fibre bundles penetrating from the base side. In the bull heart valves an amount of blood vessels and nerve elements is found in considerable portions of the cusps not connected with muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Detailed comparisons of aortic valvular flow using saline, with that using a glycerin-based blood analog in a pulse duplicator are reported. The experiments were carried out to determine whether exposure to glycerin caused stiffening of bioprosthetic valve leaflets. For two pericardial bioprostheses and for a mechanical valve we observed a fluid-dependent systolic volume flow, a fluid-dependent regurgitation volume, and fluid-dependent systolic pressure differences. Volume flow changes, both forward and reverse, are independent of valve type. The observed pressure differences, while proportional to fluid density for the mechanical valve, are fluid dependent in a more complicated way for the pericardial valves. However, no trend of changing valvular performance was observed over as much as 80 days of glycerin exposure, indicating that it is unlikely that the fluid-dependent performance was caused by glycerin absorption by the valve leaflets. We conclude that valid performance comparisons between mechanical and bioprosthetic valves may be made using a glycerin-based fluid. Furthermore, it appears that any detailed analysis of the physical mechanisms of valvular flow dissipation will require a properly matched blood analog.  相似文献   

The characterization of the bileaflet mechanical heart valves (BMHVs) hinge microflow fields is a crucial step in heart valve engineering. Earlier in vitro studies of BMHV hinge flow at the aorta position in idealized straight pipes have shown that the aortic sinus shapes and sizes may have a direct impact on hinge microflow fields. In this paper, we used a numerical study to look at how different aortic sinus shapes, the downstream aortic arch geometry, and the location of the hinge recess can influence the flow fields in the hinge regions. Two geometric models for sinus were investigated: a simplified axisymmetric sinus and an idealized three-sinus aortic root model, with two different downstream geometries: a straight pipe and a simplified curved aortic arch. The flow fields of a 29-mm St Jude Medical BMHV with its four hinges were investigated. The simulations were performed throughout the entire cardiac cycle. At peak systole, recirculating flows were observed in curved downsteam aortic arch unlike in straight downstream pipe. Highly complex three-dimensional leakage flow through the hinge gap was observed in the simulation results during early diastole with the highest velocity at 4.7 m/s, whose intensity decreased toward late diastole. Also, elevated wall shear stresses were observed in the ventricular regions of the hinge recess with the highest recorded at 1.65 kPa. Different flow patterns were observed between the hinge regions in straight pipe and curved aortic arch models. We compared the four hinge regions at peak systole in an aortic arch downstream model and found that each individual hinge did not vary much in terms of the leakage flow rate through the valves.  相似文献   

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