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Mitogenic concentrations of recombinant acidic or basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) stimulated the accumulation of [3H]inositol phosphates ([3H]IPs) in Swiss 3T3 cells pre-labelled for 48 h with [3H]inositol. Maximal effects were obtained at 0.3 ng/ml and 3 ng/ml for basic and acidic FGF, respectively. Higher doses of either factor led to a diminished stimulation. FGF also stimulated 45Ca2+ release from cells pre-labelled with the isotope. However, FGF-stimulated production of [3H]IPs and release of 45Ca2+ exhibited marked differences when compared with the responses to the peptide mitogen bombesin; the FGF responses were markedly slower and were not inhibited by phorbol esters.  相似文献   

The effect of a number of growth factors on phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) turnover in Swiss-3T3 cells was studied. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), bombesin, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and vasopressin rapidly stimulated PtdCho hydrolysis, diacylglycerol (DAG) production, and PtdCho synthesis. Insulin and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) stimulated PtdCho synthesis, but not its breakdown, whereas epidermal growth factor (EGF) and bradykinin were without effect. Stimulation of PtdCho hydrolysis by the above ligands resulted in increased production of phosphocholine and DAG (due to phospholipase C activity) and significant amounts of choline, suggesting activation of a phospholipase D as well. CDP-choline and glycerophosphocholine levels were unchanged. Down-regulation of protein kinase C with PMA (400 nM, 40 h) abolished the stimulation of PtdCho hydrolysis and PtdCho synthesis by PMA, bombesin, PDGF and vasopressin, but not the stimulation of PtdCho synthesis by insulin and PGF2 alpha. PtdCho hydrolysis therefore occurs predominantly by activation of protein kinase C (either by PMA or PtdIns hydrolysis) leading to elevation of DAG levels derived from non-PtdIns(4,5)P2 sources. PtdCho synthesis occurs by both a protein kinase C-dependent pathway (stimulated by PMA, PDGF, bombesin and vasopressin) and a protein kinase C-independent pathway (stimulated by insulin and PGF2 alpha). DAG production from PtdCho hydrolysis is not the primary signal to activate protein kinase C, but may contribute to long-term activation of this kinase.  相似文献   

Cystamine together with colchicine markedly enhanced the uptake of [3H]-thymidine into DNA of quiescent cultures of insulin-stimulated Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Flow cytofluorometric analyses showed an increased rate of transition of cells from G0/G1----S + G2 in response to combinations of insulin, colchicine, and cystamine. Cystamine, the most effective of several thiol compounds, gave maximal augmentation at 200 microM and was toxic at 300-500 microM. Amplification of DNA synthesis by cystamine was also obtained with epidermal growth factor, vasopressin, and 0.5% fetal bovine serum. Combinations of cystamine and other microtubule-disrupting agents such as nocodazole, maytansine, and podophyllotoxin enhanced DNA synthesis in insulin-stimulated cells. In experiments involving sequential addition of agents, significant enhancement of DNA synthesis was observed when the addition of colchicine to cystamine-treated cells was delayed or conversely when the addition of cystamine to colchicine-treated cultures was delayed. This reciprocal interaction between cystamine and colchicine suggests that a prereplicative intermediate accumulates in response to the action of these dissimilar compounds. We consider the possibility that cystamine may act by forming mixed disulfides with thiol groups of unknown protein(s) that regulate DNA replication.  相似文献   

Addition of the cAMP derivatives butcAMP or 8BrcAMP to quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 causes synergistic stimulation of DNAk synthesis with insulin, phorbol esters, vasopressin, epidermal growth factor, or fetal bovine serum (2-5%). In the presence of insulin, 8BrcAMP, and butcAMP stimulate [3H]-thymidine incorporation into acid-precipitable material in a dose-dependent manner. The effect of these agents is specific since 8Br5'AMP, 5'AMP, butyrate, or 8BrcGMP fail to stimulate DNA synthesis under identical experimental conditions. Furthermore, the mitogenic effects of the cAMP derivatives were markedly potentiated by 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine and 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxy benzyl)-2-imidazolidine, both of which are potent inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. The growth-promoting effects of the cAMP derivatives were demonstrated by [3H]-thymidine incorporation (either by scintillation counting or by autoradiography), by flow cytofluorometric analysis, and by increase in cell number. When quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells were exposed to butcAMP and insulin, DNA synthesis began after a lag of 17h. The result of sequential additions of cAMP derivatives and insulin to quiescent 3T3 cells suggest that these agents must act simultaneously in G0/G1 to stimulate entry into DNA synthesis in these cells. The findings support the proposition that an increase in cellular levels of cAMP (but not cGMP) act sas a mitogenic stimulus for confluent and quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

From the established mouse fibroblast line 3T3, we have isolated two clonal sublines that accumulate large amounts of triglyceride fat when the cells are in the resting state. The accumulation is reduced by lipolytic agents. Unless lipid accumulation is allowed to proceed too far, the fatty cells begin to grow again when they are transferred and in this way eliminate most of their lipid.  相似文献   

Confluent quiescent Swiss mouse 3T3 cells can be stimulated to initiate DNA synthesis and to divide by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), two mitogens of unrelated structure. Heat treatment at 46 degrees C for up to 20 min of confluent quiescent cells, which has no mitogenic effect, can enhance the stimulatory effect of suboptimal concentrations of EGF or PGF2 alpha on the initiation of DNA synthesis. Furthermore, insulin, which is not mitogenic in these cells, enhances the effect of these mitogens, but this effect is not further enhanced by heat treatment. Likewise the combination of EGF and PGF2 alpha is synergistic on DNA synthesis, and this effect is also not enhanced by the heat treatment. Incubation at 46 degrees C for longer than 20 min was inhibitory in all cases. These results suggest that heat treatment induces events which affect the regulation of the initiation of DNA synthesis in a manner depending on the duration of the heat treatment and the stimulation of the cells.  相似文献   

Previous reports have indicated that metabolic acidosis stimulates H+ excretion, and this excretion is accompanied by an increased turnover of phospholipids (PL) in toad urinary bladder. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if other known stimulators of H+ excretion [insulin, deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), epinephrine, parathyroid hormone, and CO2] might also stimulate PL turnover in the toad urinary bladder. Quarter bladders from normal toads were removed, weighed, and then incubated with [32P]orthophosphate for 2 hr at 25 degrees C. PL were extracted, separated, and detected using thin layer chromatography and autoradiography, and quantitated by liquid scintillation counting. Results were expressed in cpm (100 mg bladder)-1 (hr)-1. One quarter bladder received insulin (100 milliunits/ml), DOCA (10(-6) M), epinephrine (50 mM), parathyroid hormone (100 micrograms/ml), or 5% CO2 during the incubation, whereas the paired quarter bladder received no treatment. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylinositol turnover were increased by insulin (P less than 0.025 and less than 0.05, respectively). DOCA had no effect on PL turnover, but stimulated the percentage fraction of PC (P less than 0.05) expressed as percentage fraction of total lipids. Five percent CO2 in the bath resulted in an increased rate of turnover of the PL fractions phosphatidylinositol (P less than 0.05), and the phosphatidic acid plus phosphatidyl-serine (P less than 0.01). Epinephrine and parathyroid hormone were both without effect on PL metabolism. We conclude that insulin, DOCA, and CO2 may stimulated H+ excretion in toad bladder in part by increasing turnover of membrane PL, PC, and phosphatidylinositol, and in the case of CO2, phosphatidic acid plus phosphatidylserine as well, but not PC.  相似文献   

Quiescent Swiss mouse 3T3 cells react to a heat treatment at 46°C for 20 min by changing their flat, well-extended morphology to a round appearance with retracted cytoplasmic processes during the subsequent 2 h at 37°C. The percentage of morphologically changed cells was used to quantify changes in heat sensitivity, or resistance, in response to mitogenic stimulation. Stimulating quiescent cells with serum or with the specific growth factors epidermal growth factor (EGF) and prostaglandin F (PGF) markedly increased the heat resistance to a 46°C treatment, but only when the heat treatment, but only when the heat treatment was applied within 2–3 h after the addition. When insulin (which is not mitogenic, but synergistic with EGF and PGF in these cells) was added alone or in combination with either EGF or PGF, it had no effect on the development of heat resistance. Neither did cycloheximide nor tunicamycin inhibit heat resistance induced by EGF, and cycloheximide even enhanced it after 2–4 h. However, adding colcemid before or at the beginning of the heat treatment abolished the increased heat resistance. The results indicate that the resistance to a single heat treatment at 46°C may be related to changes in the metabolic state after mitogenic stimulation, even though these changes need not be reflected in the rate of entry into S phase. Furthermore, the cytoskeletal organization appears to be a crucial component in heat resistance of Swiss 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

Onion and garlic oil were seen to shorten the cell-doubling time and stimulate the growth and proliferation of NIHY-3T3 cells. FNollowing treatment with either onion or garlic oil, an increase in the growth rate and almost a 2-fold increase in cell number over the control was observed within a 24-hour period. Phorbol myristate acetate when given simultaneously with either oil appeared to nullify both effects. FNollowing exposure to low doses (< 10 µm/ml) of either oil, an increase in cell survival, not seen with the oil control tricaprylin, was observed following a 5-day exposure period. At higher concentrations cell survival decreased proportionately in all cases. The appearance of multinucleated cells, which increased with dose and time, was also observed following treatment with both garlic and onion oil.Abbreviations EMEMM Eagles Minimal Essential Medium - MCN mean cell number - PMA phorbol myristateacetate - RCE relative cloning efficiency - SEM standard error of the mean  相似文献   

The possible role of peptide growth factors in mammalian intrauterine cell growth has been investigated using primary cultures of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells from 11-day mouse embryo limb buds. When grown as monolayer cultures, proliferation is greatly favored by high cell densities. In medium containing 0.2% serum, purified epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), multiplication stimulating activity (MSA), insulin, and somatomedin-C (Sm-C) do not increase cell growth, but a 30-40,000 molecular weight component of mouse fetal liver conditioned medium is stimulatory. On the other hand, when limb bud cells are grown as high density or micromass cultures, a method which better approximates in vivo growth conditions, all of the purified growth factors tested stimulate cell growth significantly. These growth factors have additive effects when used in combination, the best stimulation being observed with liver medium (10% v/v), EGF (10 ng/ml), FGF (200 ng/ml), and either insulin (1 microgram/ml) or Sm-C (20 ng/ml). We conclude that the response of limb bud cells to growth stimulation is influenced by the manner in which the cells are cultured and that at least four different growth factors are required for optimal in vitro proliferation. One of these, the active component of liver medium, appears to be a previously uncharacterized growth factor.  相似文献   

Incubation of Swiss mouse 3T3 cells at 37 degrees C with bovine brain-derived growth factor (BDGF) decrease the cell surface 125I-EGF binding activity of these cells by 70-80%. This down-modulation of the EGF receptor by BDGF was time, temperature, and dose dependent. Scatchard plot analysis indicated that BDGF binding led to a selective decrease in the number of high-affinity EGF receptors. The BDGF-induced down-modulation of the EGF receptor was completely blocked by protamine, a potent inhibitor of receptor binding and mitogenic activities of BDGF. BDGF down-modulated the EGF receptor in phorbol myristic acetate (PMA)-pretreated cells, as well as in control cells. Furthermore, PMA-pretreated cells responded mitogenically to BDGF, whereas PMA itself failed to stimulate the mitogenic response of PMA-pretreated cells. This BDGF-induced down-modulation of the EGF receptor in PMA-desensitized cells suggests that BDGF down-regulates the EGF receptor by a mechanism distinct from that of PMA. Incubation of cells with compounds which are known to inhibit pinocytosis blocked the down-modulation induced either by BDGF or by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) but had no effect on the PMA-induced down-modulation. Incubation of cells with inhibitors of receptor recycling enhanced the BDGF-induced down-modulation of the EGF receptor. These results suggest that BDGF and PDGF induce down-modulation of the EGF receptor by increasing the internalization of cell surface high-affinity receptors and that the internalization process may not be required for down-modulation induced by PMA.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) E2, known as a bone-resorption factor, was released as a predominant arachidonate metabolite in the culture medium of an osteoblastic cell line cloned from mouse calvaria (MC3T3-E1). Epidermal growth factor (EGF) (10 ng/ml) prominently enhanced endogenous PGE2 synthesis, requiring the simultaneous presence of unidentified factor(s) contained in bovine serum. PGE2 synthesis increased after a lag phase for 1-2 h and reached a maximum level at about 3 h after EGF addition. EGF-stimulated PGE2 synthesis was almost completely blocked by 10 microM cycloheximide or 1 microM actinomycin D. Furthermore, when the cells were pretreated with EGF, the microsomes exhibited an increased activity of fatty acid cyclooxygenase (arachidonic acid----PGH2), whereas the activity of PGE synthase (PGH2----PGE2) remained unchanged. These results suggested an EGF-mediated induction of cyclooxygenase. Following increased PGE2 synthesis, DNA synthesis increased and alkaline phosphatase activity decreased in a slower response to EGF. PGE2 (above 0.1 microM) added to the cells could replace EGF. However, such effects of EGF on the osteoblasts could not be attributed totally to an autocrine function of PGE2 produced by stimulation with EGF because these effects of EGF were not abolished by indomethacin, which blocked the PGE2 synthesis.  相似文献   

Cell growth and tRNA-lys4 synthesis in mouse 3T3 cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The RPC-5 chromatographic profiles of lys-tRNA were analyzed during the growth of 3T3 cells in culture. An inverse relationship was seen between tRNA2lys and tRNA4lys which was markedly influenced by medium changes. This interchange of tRNA2lys and tRNA4lys could be controlled by altering the levels of serum in the medium, or more precisely by altering the serum to cell ratio. A different change in lys-tRNA distribution was seen when the cells reached confluency. The amounts of tRNA2lys, tRNA3lys and tRNA4lys all decreased with a corresponding increase in either tRNA5lys or tRNA6lys. An identical change in lys-tRNA could be produced by shifting sparse cells into a medium containing 10% calf plasma instead of 10% serum. Both tRNAlys profiles and cell growth were returned to normal when the cells were returned to medium with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) or 10% calf plasma and fibroblast growth factor (FGF). A third alteration in tRNAlys profiles was seen by the addition of cAMP to the cultures. A decrease in tRNA5lys and a corresponding increase in tRNA6lys was seen upon the addition of 10?3 M db-cAMP and was accentuated by the simultaneous addition of 10?3 M methyl isobutylxanthine.These data are consistent with an ordered sequence of tRNAlys modification involving tRNA2lys, tRNA3lys, tRNA4lys, tRNA5Blys and tRNA6lys. Several of the factors which control proliferation appear to control the activity of different tRNA-modifying enzymes in this tRNAlys pathway thereby controlling the levels of tRNA4lys, a tRNA previously shown to correlate directly with the proliferative rate of cells.  相似文献   

Liposomes containing phosphatidic acid were capable of stimulating DNA synthesis in quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells while liposomes composed of other phospholipids were not. These results show that liposomes, which are usually employed to deliver non-lipid molecules into cells, can themselves have profound effects on cell growth. The possible mechanism of phosphatidic acid-mediated cell stimulation and its relation to other growth factors are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of serum and growth factors [platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)] on the synthesis of the nuclear protein cyclin and its correlation with DNA synthesis has been studied in quiescent mouse 3T3 cells by means of quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Serum must be present in the medium for at least 8-12 h to induce maximal synthesis of cyclin (6- to 7-fold increase compared with quiescent cells). The stimulation of cyclin synthesis is dose-dependent and correlates directly with DNA synthesis. In addition, partially purified PDGF and FGF also induce cyclin and DNA synthesis in a coordinate way. Both growth factors, like serum, exhibit a similar lag phase to induce maximal cyclin (6- to 7-fold) and DNA synthesis (90% of the cells). Pure PDGF at a concentration as low as 10 ng/ml has the same effect as 10% serum. The coordinate induction of cyclin and DNA synthesis can only be observed with growth factors that induce DNA synthesis. These results strengthen the notion that cyclin is an essential component of the events leading to DNA replication.  相似文献   

Transformation of NIH 3T3 cells, induced by v-myc oncogene, activates a proliferative potential of the cells cultivated in the serum-free medium, and reduces the ratio of 3H-Tdr incorporation into the cells grown in the presence of 10% fetal serum in comparison to those grown in the serum-free medium. The v-myc transformed cells (NIH 3T3-v-myc) as well as the untransformed ones are very responsive to insulin. On the other hand, the epidermal growth factor, able to stimulate proliferation of NIH 3T3 cells, exert no effects on the NIH 3T3-v-myc cells. The NIH 3T3-v-myc cells cultivated in the medium, containing 2.5% human plasma enriched with thrombocytes, have the same proliferative characteristics as cells grown in the thrombocyte-free plasma. It is concluded that transformation of NIH 3T3 cells induced by v-myc oncogene may reduce a requirement for thrombocyte-released growth factors and EGF but not for insulin.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LTbetaR) signaling is known to play a key role in embryonic lymphoid organ formation as well as maintenance of lymphoid architecture. Activation of the LTbetaR is induced by either the heterotrimeric lymphotoxin-alpha(1)beta(2) (LTalpha(1)beta(2)) or the homotrimeric LIGHT (homologous to lymphotoxins, exhibits inducible expression, and competes with HSV gpD for herpes virus entry mediator, a receptor expressed by T lymphocyte). Both ligands are expressed on activated lymphocytes. As mast cells reside in close proximity to activated T cells in some inflammatory tissues, we examined the expression of LTbetaR on bone marrow-derived mast cells and asked whether the LTbetaR-ligand interaction would allow communication between mast cells and activated T cells. We found that mast cells express LTbetaR at the mRNA as well as at the protein level. To investigate LTbetaR-specific mast cell activation, the LTbetaR on BMMC from either wild-type or LTbetaR-deficient mice was stimulated with recombinant mouse LIGHT or agonistic mAbs in the presence of ionomycin. LTbetaR-specific release of the cytokines IL-4, IL-6, TNF, and the chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein 2 and RANTES was detected. Moreover, coculture of mast cells with T cells expressing the LTbetaR ligands also entailed the release of these cytokines. Interference with a specific LTbetaR inhibitor resulted in significant suppression of mast cell cytokine release. These data clearly show that LTbetaR expressed on mast cells can transduce a costimulatory signal in T cell-dependent mast cell activation.  相似文献   

We have isolated a factor that copurifies with chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan secreted by mouse splenocytes and some murine T-cell hybridomas. This factor will stimulate proliferation and plaque-forming cell differentiation of B lymphocytes from mouse spleens, even after T cells have been depleted (less than 2% Thy 1.2-bearing cells). Adherent macrophages enhance the activity of this factor, but their function can be replaced in macrophage- and T-cell-depleted populations by small concentrations of a protein mitogen from Salmonella typhimurium. The stimulatory fraction contains chondroitin sulfate, a major protein which has a molecular weight of 74,000 and a minor moiety at 50,000. Stimulatory activity of this material is destroyed by (i) boiling, (ii) mild alkali treatment, and (iii) protease digestion. It is unaffected by RNase and chondroitinase treatments, suggesting that the factor is a protein. Our data define a new B-cell stimulatory substance(s) and suggest that it may be associated with chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan secreted by immune cells.  相似文献   

A rapid cytophotometric method was developed to measure binding of acridine orange (AO) to the nuclear chromatin of mouse fibroblasts. Contact-inhibited 3T3 cells bound 50–70% less dye than did growing cells in G1 phase of the cell cycle. Release from contact inhibition by fresh serum resulted in stimulated binding of AO within 30 min. No such changes were observed in SV40 virus transformed cells. Differences in AO-binding disappeared at high dye concentration, suggesting that activated cells have a greater affinity to the dye rather than an increased number of binding sites.  相似文献   

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