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The ultrastructure of the spontaneous acrosome reaction in ram spermatozoa has been compared with that induced by the ionophore, A23187. The spontaneous event was dependent on incubation for 4 h, on the temperature, and on dilution. Apart from the more rapid occurrence of the ionophore-induced event, the mean diameter and distribution of vesicle size was also different. The ionophore-induced vesicles were larger, more irregular, and heterogeneous in size compared with those occurring in the spontaneous acrosome reaction (average diameter 84 nm vs. 60 nm in the spontaneous acrosome reaction). These observations are interpreted in relation to capacitation.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) in general is known as an insoluble protein in aqueous buffers without the initial aid of denaturing agents. However, following the total delipidization of rat plasma low-density lipoproteins, a considerable portion (28.2 +/- 3.0%) of rat ApoB was found directly soluble in an aqueous buffer, N-ethylmorpholine acetate (pH 7.3) as demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and electron microscopic analysis. On the other hand, this was not observed for human ApoB. This solubility difference may suggest some structural differences that exist between rat ApoB and human ApoB.  相似文献   

Hyperactive analogues of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) are beleived to derive their properties from either increased binding affinity to anterior pituitary receptor sites or through decreased susceptibility to enzymic degradation. To investigate the latter suggestion and to examine the possible sites of hypothalamic peptidases inactivating LH-RH, D-Ser(TBU)6-EA10-LH-RH and D-Leu6-EA10-LH-RH, which are known to have considerably greater activity than LH-RH, were incubated with a hypothalamic supernatant fraction containing active peptidases degrading LH-RH, and their gonadotrophin-releasing ability after incubation with the enzymes was tested in normal, adult male rats; LH-RH was also tested in the same way. From a comparison of the relative losses of biological activity, both the LH-RH analogues treated proved to be more resistant to the hypothalamic peptidases than LH-RH itself; the D-Leu6-EA10-LH-RH retained its gonadotrophin-releasing activity longer than the D-Ser(TUB)6-EA10-LH-RH. These findings indicate that increased activity of the analogues may, in part be due to increased resistance to enzymic inactivation and suggest initial sites of cleavage at the Gly-leu and Pro-Gly NH2 bonds in the LH-RH decapeptide by the hypothalamic enzymes. Studies on the action of peptidases on LH-RH and its analogues may yield useful information in the design of peptidase with increased biological activity.  相似文献   

The linoleate oxidation products of the affinity chromatography-purified lipoxygenase-like enzyme isolated from rat testes microsomes were characterized. Three types of reaction products separated by thin-layer chromatography were generally present: polar byproducts (A and B) and hydroperoxides. The methyl hydroxystearates obtained from the enzymically produced hydroperoxides were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography and showed a ratio of 67% 13-hydroxy isomer to 33% 9-hydroxy isomer.The major polar byproduct was analysed by infrared spectra, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry (of the toluene-p-sulphonyl derivative) and its structure was established as 13-hydroxy-12-oxo-octadec-cis-9-enoic acid. The possibility of the existence of a linoleate hydroperoxide isomerase in the affinity-purified preparation is discussed.  相似文献   

Levels of immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) were measured in extracts of hypothalamic tissue from human fetuses of 12–26 weeks gestation. The IRS contents (0.7–22.5 ng) and concentrations (2.7–118.0 pg/mg wet weight tissue) both increased slightly with gestation. Sephadex G-50 chromatography of 11 extracts showed up to four peaks of IRS, one co-eluting with synthetic somatostatin-14 (S14), a second co-eluting with synthetic somatostatin-28 (S28) and two other peaks having approximate molecular weights of 6000 and 10 000, respectively. The levels of S14 and S28 increased significantly during gestation, while the levels of 6000 molecular weight IRS decreased with age. We suggest that the increase in S14 and S28 levels may be the cause of the fall in circulating growth hormone (GH) in the fetus in later gestation.  相似文献   

Synthetic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) lost both its immunore-activity and hormonal activity on incubation with hypothalamic or cerebrocortical slices or homogenates. This inactivation was shown to be due to degradation of the decapeptide by soluble enzyme(s) present in the 100,000 × g supernatant fraction of the homogenates. The supernatant derived from one rat hypothalamus was capable of destroying 1 μg of exogenous LH-RH within 5 min. The hexapeptide pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly was identified as the major radioactive breakdown product of [pGlu-3-3H] LH-RH, and tentative evidence for the formation of the tetrapeptide Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2 was obtained by sequential electrophoresis and paper chromatography. These findings suggest that the Gly-Leu bond may be the preferred site of cleavage.  相似文献   

Effects of high (K+) and dopamine on the release of immunoreactive somatostatin from isolated hypothalamic synaptosomes were studied in rats. High (K+) (60 mM) and dopamine (10(-6) M) in the incubation media stimulated the release of immunoreactive somatostatin and the former effect was completely abolished by the removal of Ca++ from the media. These suggest that hypothalamic somatostatinergic synaptosomes preserved at least one of the important basic properties of secretory cells. Although it is of interest to note that dopamine stimulated the release of somatostatin. Its physiological significance awaits further studies.  相似文献   

The effect of galanin (GAL) on the release of GH-releasing factor (GRF) and somatostatin (SRIF) was examined in an in vitro perifusion system of rat hypothalamic slices. GAL at doses of 10(-7) and 10(-6)M stimulated the release of immunoreactive GRF while it failed to affect SRIF release. Therefore, in vivo stimulation of GH release by GAL may be explained in part by the GRF-releasing effect of this peptide.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the immunohistochemical localization of S-100 protein in the testes of seven mammalian species including rat, cat, dog, pig, sheep, cattle and horse. Significant differences are demonstrated in the cellular distribution and intensity of immunoreaction for the protein. In bull, ram, boar and cat tests S-100 protein was localized in the cytoplasm and nuclei of Sertoli cells. A particularly intense staining was seen in the modified Sertoli cells of the terminal tubular segment. With the exception of the cat and horse S-100 protein immunoreactivity was additionally found in epithelial cells of the straight testicular tubules and in the epithelial cells of the rete testis. Endothelial cells of capillaries, veins and lymphatic vessels are regularly S-100 immunoreactive in ruminants. Leydig cells were found to be strongly positive for S-100 protein in the cat and rat testes and to a lower degree in pig and horse testes. Finally a distinct immunostaining of peritubular cells was restricted to the testis of dogs and rats. The remarkable species-specific variations of immunoreactivity for S-100 protein in different cell types of the testis support the hypothesis that S-100 protein is a multifunctional protein and may have a different function in testicular physiology.  相似文献   

A single 30 mg/kg., s.c. injection of atropine sulfate into male guinea pigs produces a storage of LH-RH immunoreactive material in hypothalamic neurons. In diestrus female there is no increase of immunoreactive LH-RH substance in neuron and in eminential terminals; the rate of LH-RH synthesis may be still slight. The LH-RH immunoreactive neuronal increase, in male may be related to an atropine blockade of LH-RH portal cession, perhaps via infundibular dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

The linoleate oxidation products of the affinity chromatography-purified lipoxygenase-like enzyme isolated from rat testes microsomes were characterized. Three types of reaction products separated by thin-layer chromatography were generally present: polar byproducts (A and B) and hydroperoxides. The methyl hydroxystearates obtained from the enzymically produced hydroperoxides were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography and showed a ratio of 67% 13-hydroxy isomer to 33% 9-hydroxy isomer. The major polar byproduct was analysed by infrared spectra, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry (of the toluene-p-sulphonyl derivative) and its structure was established as 13-hydroxy-12-oxo-octadec-cis-9-enoic acid. The possibility of the existence of a linoleate hydroperoxide isomerase in the affinity-purified preparation is discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ontogeny of immunoreactive beta-endorphin (i-beta E) in the testes of rats from 5 to 150 days of age. i-beta E was measured by RIA in acid extracts of decapsulated testes and characterized by gel filtration chromatography. Significant age-related differences in both the levels and type of i-beta E were observed. Total levels of i-beta E in the testes were very low and barely detectable from 5-20 days of age, but rose sharply in parallel with testes weights from 20-60 days of age; thereafter, no significant changes in i-beta E were found through 150 days of age. Concentrations of i-beta E, expressed in pmol/g testis, fell precipitously between days 5 and 10 and remained relatively constant from 10-150 days. Most of the i-beta E at 5 and 15 days chromatographed like authentic beta-endorphin. However, with the onset of puberty (30-35 days) and during sexual maturation, much of the total i-beta E chromatographed like its' precursor beta-lipotropin (beta LPH). Hypophysectomy decreased the weight and total i-beta E levels of the testes to the same extent without altering the concentrations of i-beta E or the chromatographic pattern of i-beta E. These results indicate that beta E-like and beta LPH-like peptides are present in the rat testis and that age-related changes in both the levels and type of i-beta E correlate with various structural and functional aspects of testicular development.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the sequence of events concerning gonadotropin surge, serum LH, FSH and estradiol concentrations were measured during the rat estrous cycle as well as hypothalamic and blood levels of LH-RH in the preovulatory stage. Normally cyclic female Wistar rats kept on 12 hr light (from 22.00 hr to 10.00 hr) and 12 hr dark were killed at different times of day during each stage of the cycle. The hypothalamus was quickly dissected out, divided into 3 portions (the anterior, middle and posterior) and extracted in 90% methanol. Blood LH-RH was extracted by affinity chromatography prior to radioimmunoassay. The content of LH-RH in the anterior and middle hypothalamus started to decrease between 1.00 hr-3.00 hr, reached its nadir at 6.00 hr on proestrus and recovered to its previous values on estrus. Almost simultaneously blood LH-RH concentration showed an increase of 18.3 pg/ml-8.8 pg/ml between 1.00 hr-3.00 hr, and then fell to less than 1.0 pg/ml at 6.00 hr. On the other hand, serum estradiol level began to elevate on diestrus II followed by its peak at 6.00 hr on proestrus, while the peaks of serum LH and FSH were observed at 8.00 hr and 10.00 hr, respectively. These studies indicate that the elevation of serum estradiol was followed by the release of LH-RH from the hypothalamus and the LH-RH may be responsible for the preovulatory discharge of gonadotropin.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the synthesizing enzyme for acetylcholine, has been implicated to involve multiple isoforms of ChAT mRNA in several animals. Since these isoforms are mostly non-coding splice variants, only a homologous ChAT protein of about 68 kDa has been shown to be produced in vivo. Recent evidence indicates the existence of a protein coding splice variant of ChAT mRNA, which lacks exons 6-9 of the rat ChAT gene. The encoded protein was designated ChAT of a peripheral type (pChAT), because of its preferential expression in the peripheral nervous system as confirmed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. However, functional significance of pChAT is unknown. To obtain a clue to this question, we examined a possible difference in intracellular trafficking between pChAT and the well-known ChAT of the common type (cChAT) using green fluorescent protein (GFP) in living human embryonic kidney cells. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that pChAT-GFP was detectable in the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus, whereas cChAT-GFP was found in both cytoplasm and nucleus. Following treatment with leptomycin B, a nuclear export pathway inhibitor, pChAT-GFP became detectable in both cytoplasm and nucleus, indicating that pChAT can be translocated to the nucleus. In contrast, the leptomycin B treatment did not seem to affect the content of intranuclear cChAT-GFP. After incubation with protein kinase C inhibitors, enhanced accumulation of pChAT-GFP but not cChAT-GFP occurred in the nucleus. These results clearly indicate that pChAT varies from cChAT in intracellular transportation, probably reflecting the difference in physiological roles between pChAT and cChAT.  相似文献   

Rat testis steroid sulfatase. 2. Kinetic study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A D Notation  F Ungar 《Steroids》1969,14(2):151-159

《FEBS letters》2014,588(24):4740-4748
Replication protein A-1 (RPA-1) is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein involved in DNA metabolism. We previously demonstrated the interaction between LaRPA-1 and telomeric DNA. Here, we expressed and purified truncated mutants of LaRPA-1 and used circular dichroism measurements and molecular dynamics simulations to demonstrate that the tertiary structure of LaRPA-1 differs from human and yeast RPA-1. LaRPA-1 interacts with telomeric ssDNA via its N-terminal OB-fold domain, whereas RPA from higher eukaryotes show different binding modes to ssDNA. Our results show that LaRPA-1 is evolutionary distinct from other RPA-1 proteins and can potentially be used for targeting trypanosomatid telomeres.  相似文献   

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