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Immune complexes (soluble antigens of L1210 and antibody to L1210) when given to allogeneic C3H mice generated suppressor cells that inhibited receptors for cytophilic antibody on macrophages. Thymocytes or nylon-nonadherent splenic T cells (4 × 107) from immune-complex-treated mice transferred this suppressive activity when injected into normal syngeneic mice. Maximal suppression of macrophages occurred 4 to 6 days after transfer. In contrast, even 5 × 107 nylon-adherent, non-T spleen cells from immune-complex-treated (“suppressed”) mice failed to induce macrophage suppression in the syngeneic recipients. When T-cell-depleted “B” mice were used as recipients, neither thymocytes nor splenic T cells from suppressed mice were able to transfer suppressive activity. However, the admixture of 2 × 107 normal syngeneic thymocytes with 4 × 107 thymocytes from suppressed mice restored the latter's ability to elicit suppression of macrophages in T-cell-deprived recipients. Peritoneal monocytes from recipients of suppressor thymocytes (to L1210) could not attach cytophilic antibody to L1210 but could attach cytophilic antibody to EL-4 and sheep erythrocytes. Thus, suppressor T cells induced by immune complexes can transfer immunologically specific macrophage suppression (inhibition of cytophilic antibody receptors) to syngeneic recipients. The suppressor cells required the cooperation of normal T cells, suggesting either recruitment of suppressor cells from, or a helper effect by, the normal T cells, in order to produce their effect.  相似文献   

Human lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood leukocytes were stained with six monoclonal antibodies directed against monocyte/macrophage populations. The staining pattern described by each of these monoclonal reagents was compared with the distribution of morphologically distinguishable tissue macrophages. The results show that there exists considerable heterogeneity of tissue macrophages based on the expression of surface and/or cytoplasmic antigens; furthermore, the distribution of cells bearing particular antigenic determinants is associated with distinct regions in normal lymphoid tissue. Double staining methods demonstrated that these antibodies bind to different, as well as to identical, macrophage populations. OKM-1 antibody binds predominantly to sinus histiocytes and tingible body macrophages. The Leu M-1 reagent stains interdigitating reticulum cells, while the KiM-4 antibody labels follicular dendritic cells. Leu M-3 antibody identifies cells predominantly in the germinal center, and histiocytes lining the sinuses. Both CM-1 and BRL-M.1 appear to stain tissue macrophages distributed throughout the lymphoid tissue.  相似文献   

Mitogenic stimulation of mouse lymphocytes by the enzyme galactose oxidase (GO) is inhibited if Con A is present during the enzymatic oxidation. The mechanism of this inhibition appears to involve steric hindrance of GO action at cell surface sites which bind Con A because (a) similar pulse exposure of unoxidized cells to Con A does not affect their subsequent ability to respond to GO stimulation; (b) Con A binding to fetuin interferes with GO oxidation of that glycoprotein substrate; and (c) sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of cells labeled by GONaB3H4 in the presence of Con A shows a selective inhibition of labeling of some high-molecular-weight glycoproteins compared to controls labeled in the absence of Con A.  相似文献   

Murine lymphocytes oxidized by galactose oxidase were radiolabeled by reduction with NaB3H4. The labeled cells were incubated with Con A and the Con A-Con A receptor complexes formed in situ on the viable cells were isolated by immuno-precipitation with anti-Con A serum and fixed Staphylococcus aureus. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis fluorography analysis of the precipitates demonstrated four high-molecular-weight glycoproteins which were oxidized by GO and which bound Con A. These same four glycoproteins were also oxidized and labeled by IO4NaB3H4. [3H]Tyrosine biosynthetic labeling identified these four plus several other Con A receptors. Because Con A sterically inhibits GO mitogenic stimulation, these four glycoproteins are likely to represent the necessary sites of oxidative mitogenic action and are good candidates for the targets of Con A mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) of the neural retina of the 14-day chick embryo was conducted under conditions that yielded quantitative recovery of binding activity. IEF of the cytosol, equilibrated with [3H]triamcinolone acetonide (TA) at 0-2 degrees C yielded three major TA-GR components with apparent isoelectric points (pI') of 5.4 +/- 0.3, 6.5 +/- 0.2, and 7.6 +/- 0.3, designated as I, II, and III, respectively. During temperature-induced activation (incubation at 30 degrees C for 60 min, in the presence of free [3H]TA and 0.15 M KCl), approximately 25% of the specifically bound TA was irreversibly lost. IEF reveals that this loss is accounted for by the complete loss of binding from I. During activation, II also decreases but correspondingly III increases, i.e., the sum of II and III remains unchanged. Only the bound TA of I is sensitive to the addition of KCl (a promoter of activation). This sensitivity of I is temperature dependent. Molybdate (an inhibitor of activation) protects the bound TA of I and suppresses the formation of III. These two effects of molybdate diminish simultaneously when the temperature is increased to 30 degrees C. III preferentially exhibits binding activity to nuclei. The data suggest that (i) the glucocorticoid-free cytosol contains two GRs, I and II, with possibly two different functions; (ii) activation involves the loss of bound TA from I and the transformation of II to III with increased pI; (iii) these two molecular events in GR activation are interdependent.  相似文献   

Three initiation factors (IF1, IF2, and IF3) have been highly purified from Escherichia coli and extensively characterized, but little is known about the molecular forms of these proteins as they occur in vivo. We have analyzed molecular-weight and charge forms in crude cell lysates by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with antibodies specific for the initiation factors. Freshly grown bacterial cells were lysed by sonication in buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulfate, and the lysate was fractionated by gel electrophoresis. Proteins from the gel were electrotransferred to a nitrocellulose sheet which was treated with a specific rabbit antiserum followed by radiolabeled Staphylococcus aureus protein A. Autoradiography showed only one major band each for IF1 and IF3, exactly corresponding to the isolated factors. For IF2, two molecular-weight forms were detected which were identical with purified IF2a and IF2b. No evidence for precursor forms was found. Two-dimensional gel analysis showed no charge heterogeneity for IF1, IF2a, and IF3, but multiple forms were seen for IF2b. Analysis of phosphoproteins from cells grown in radioactive phosphate medium ruled out the possibility that phosphorylation occurs on the initiation factors, elongation factors, or ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 NMR lines corresponding to inner and outer surfaces of sonicated phosphatidylserine vesicles can be distinguished by the effects of added Ca2+ or Mg2+ at low bulk concentrations (millimolar or less). The changes in chemical shift and relaxation times indicate that Ca2+ binds directly to the PS phosphate, neutralizing at least a portion of the negative charge and restricting the motion of this group. Mg2+ ion also binds to the head group, but apparently not as strongly as Ca2+, nor is the mobility of the headgroup affected as much.  相似文献   

Antiviral activity of recombinant human leukocyte A interferon was inactivated by heating at 65 degrees C or by reduction of disulfide bonds. The specific immunoreactivity, as measured by radioimmunoassays measuring binding to monoclonal antibodies, decreased concomitantly with the antiviral activity. Although the monoclonal antibodies did bind to inactivated interferon, their binding affinity to inactivated interferon was in general very much lower than their binding affinity to active interferon. Therefore, this immunoassay could replace the antiviral assay for detection of biologically active interferon. In addition, most of these antibodies should be especially useful for purification of the interferons since they discriminate between the native active and inactive denatured species. Screening for such antibodies is convenient and simple. The general use of antibodies that preferentially interact with native molecules provides a powerful new principle for choosing monoclonal antibodies with extraordinary potential in assay and purification.  相似文献   

The extraction of chlorophyll-protein (CP) complexes from thylakoids by the detergent octyl glucoside is strongly affected by pretreatment of the thylakoids with trypsin or cations. In these experiments, washed thylakoids were incubated in the presence of 0.5 μm to 5 mm Mg2+, pelleted, and extracted with octyl glucoside (30 mm). Increasing amounts of Mg2+ depressed extractability of all CP complexes, but especially the chlorophyll a + b-containing light-harvesting complex (LHC). This cation effect is observed with other cations which promote thylakoid stacking (5 mm Mn2+ or Ca2+, 50 mm Na+). However, the effect is not merely due to stacking, since low concentrations of Mg2+ (0.5 μmto 0.5 mm) have a marked effect on extractability but have no effect on light scattering (OD 550 nm), an indicator of stacking. Furthermore, trypsin treatment of thylakoids stacked with 5 mm Mg2+ caused a significant reversal of stacking, but had little effect on extractability. Trypsin treatment of unstacked membranes resulted in increased extractability of all CP complexes, but especially of the LHC. Cation-treated membranes are also significantly different from those “stacked” at pH 4.5. While the latter do show decreased extractability, there is no change in the chlorophyll ab ratio of the extract, and the membranes cannot be “unstacked” with trypsin. We conclude that octyl glucoside extractability reflects the lateral interaction of CP complexes with each other and with other components in the same plane of the membrane. It is clear that divalent cations have several effects on thylakoid membranes, not all of which are due to their ability to promote stacking.  相似文献   

The structures of pyridinechromiumpentacarbonyl, (1), and bis(pyridine)chromiumtetracarbonyl,(2) have been determined. (1) crystallizes in the space group Pbam with a = 15.289(3) Å, b = 19.276(5) Å and c = 7.677(6) Å. (2) crystallizes in the space group P1 with a = 7.365(2) Å, b = 8.136(2) Å, c = 13.491(4) Å, α = 89.49(2)°, β = 88.89(2)°, and γ = 63.09(2)°. The structures refined to Rw values of 0.020 and 0.034 for (1) and (2), respectively. In both cases the pyridine rings are planar and stagger the cis CrCO bonds. A comparison of the structural results from these two compounds to piperidinechromiumpentacarbonyl and Cr(CO)6 seems to indicate that the pyridine ligand is a weaker σ-donor and stronger π-acceptor than the saturated analog, piperidine.  相似文献   

Alanine aminotransferase catalyzes exchange of the β-hydrogens of alanine with the solvent at a rate commensurate with the rate of exchange of the α-hydrogen. These methyl protons are lost sequentially and intermediates having protons on the α-carbon but deuterium on the β-carbon were detected by nuclear magnetic resonance. The overall rates of exchange of both α-hydrogen and β-hydrogen were less than the rate of transamination and did not vary from pH 6–8. The α-hydrogen of glutamate, on the other hand, was found to exchange at a greater rate than the overall transamination rate with ketoglutarate. However the β-hydrogens of glutamate are not removed during the enzymic reaction. It is concluded that a basic group on the enzyme removes the proton from the α-carbon of alanine at a rate at least as great as the rate of transamination. Because the proton is held on the enzyme, it appears to exchange more slowly in alanine. Labilization of the α-hydrogen of amino acids does not appear to be the ratelimiting reaction of alanine aminotransferase, but occurs at a rate comparable to that of the overall reaction.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants were determined as a function of electrode potential for one-electron oxidation in acetonitrile (AN) at O °C of a series of organocobaloximes [R-Co(DH)2L] bearing widely different organic groups. Reaction entropies were determined by voltammetric half-wave potential (Er12) measurements in a non-isothermal cell. The electron transfer coefficients and reorganization parameters were calculated following the Marcus theory. The reaction free energies relative to a reference couple ΔG° are linearly correlated with the polar Taft constant of the organic substituent R.The steric effects on ΔG° are shown by the correlation of Ersol12 with the CoC bond distance.Assuming constancy of double layer effects along the series in the given solution composition, the trends of the apparent rate constants kapp were considered in order to evaluate the effects of the nature of the organic ligand on the activation energy ΔG3 of the electron transfer. The steric effects on ΔG3 are pointed out i.a. by consideration of the relationship between ΔG3 and ΔG°.  相似文献   

A compound of the type [DenH3]SbCl6 (DenH3 = diethylenetriammonium cation) was prepared and characterized by means of structural and vibrational measurements. The structure consists of monomeric SbCl63? anions and triprotonated diethylenetriam-monium cations. The SbCl63? anion has a strongly distorted octahedral geometry, presenting three short (2.415–2.495 Å) and three long (2.836–3.114 Å) SbCl bonds. The presence of multiple hydrogen bonds, mainly involving the counterion and the three long-bonded chlorine atoms, is considered to be responsible for the octahedral distortion. Vibrational properties of the complex are discussed in the light of its known crystal structure.  相似文献   

New methods and computer programs are described which enable one to analyze autoradiograms produced by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These programs are completely automatic with respect to finding spots resolved by such gels and quantitating the radioactivity in them. Semiautomatic programs have also been developed to match the spot patterns of different autoradiograms, and to follow the synthesis of any individual polypeptide through a series of gels.  相似文献   

The main objective of this survey is to demonstrate that by extensive assessment of variable temperature 1H NMR data obtained on paramagnetic f-element complexes in solution, not only valuable information on details of the molecular structure, but also on the electronic structure may be deduced. One of the most informative quantities to arrive at is the paramagnetic anisotropy term, χ∥ - χ⊥, of axially symmetric molecules from which, if the bulk susceptibility χ is also known, the crystal-field sensitive parameters χ∥ and χ⊥ can be derived.The majority of the examples considered belong to the widely studied type [Cp3fMLn]q (Cp = η5C5H4R); fM = Pr(III), Nd(III), Yb(III) and U(IV); n = 0, 1 and 2; q = 0 or ?1) and to the uranocene family. The survey also includes the two sub-classes of novel anionic complexes [Cp3LnL]? and [(Cp3Ln)2(μ-L)]?, respectively, and different isomers of the general composition [Cp3UXY]q (L = lanthanoid).  相似文献   

The detergent solubilization of dog kidney (Na + K)-ATPase has been investigated. The nonionic detergents, Brij 58, C12E8, and Lubrol WX were tested for their ability to produce active, soluble enzyme. Lubrol WX gave the best results. Enzyme so treated is found in the supernatant fraction after centrifugation at 100,000g for 1 h. It has the same or slightly greater specific activity, the same subunit composition as judged by SDS-gel electrophoresis, and very similar kinetic parameters with respect to sodium, potassium, ATP, pNPP, and ouabain as the membrane-bound enzyme. The Lubrol-treated enzyme is stable for at least 5 days at 4 °C. The phospholipid content of the Lubrol-treated enzyme is decreased, as might be expected, by about 50%. Limited tryptic proteolysis and fluorescence changes seen after modification with FITC indicate that the solubilized (Na + K)-ATPase undergoes the same conformational transitions as the membrane enzyme. Our results indicate that kidney enzyme solubilized as described here is nondenatured and fully active, and therefore a valuable preparation for spectroscopic and other approaches for study of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells were grown in the presence of L-serine and gallium(III) nitrate a different molar ratios. Under these conditions ultrastructural changes were observed in the cells when examined under the electron microscope. Although some changes were seen inside the cell the major modifications were observed at the cell surface. These changes appeared to involve both the cell and the peptidoglycan layer. Autoradiography at the electron microscope level undertaken with similar mixtures and containing L-(3 - 3H) serine showed silver grains at or near the cell surface. In some cases, surface modifications were so pronounced that they resulted in the E. coli appearing as sheets of cells.No cell surface changes were detected when mixtures of L-serine and potassium tetrachloropalladate(II) were used as modifying agents. With the palladium(II) mixtures all changes observed were intracellular. These modifications included the appearance of membrane-bound vehicles, clumping of the cytoplasm and changes in the nucleoplasm. Autoradiography carried out in the presence of L-(3 - 3H) serine showed a significant proportion of silver grains over the nuclear region. A pure palladium(II) complex of L-serine was examined as a modifying agent in the concentration range 1–9 μ/cm3 resulting in very pronounced modification of the cells when exposed to higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of myeloperoxidase from normal human neutrophilic granulocytes obtained from a single donor can be resolved by carboxymethyl (CM)-cellulose ion-exchange column chromatography into three forms (I, II, and III) designated in order of elution of adsorbed enzyme using a linear salt gradient. Selective solubilization of individual forms of the enzyme by detergent (form I) or high-ionic-strength procedures (forms II and III) suggested that these forms of the enzyme were compartmentalized differently. All three forms were purified by a combination of preferential extraction, manipulation of ionic strength, and ion-exchange and molecular sieve chromatography. Purified forms II and III had similar specific activities for a variety of substrates. Form I was less active toward several of these same substrates, most notably iodide, with a specific activity about one-half that of forms II and III. All forms had similar spectral properties characteristic of a type alpha heme. The amino acid compositions of the three forms were similar, yet significant differences were found in selected residues such as the charged amino acids. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis resolved small differences in mobility between the forms which were consistent with the charge heterogeneity observed on CM-cellulose. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis data were consistent with the generally accepted subunit structure of two heavy chains and two light chains. All three forms contained a small-molecular-weight subunit of Mr 11,500. Form I contained a large subunit of Mr 63,000, while forms II and III contained a corresponding subunit of Mr approximately 57,500. We conclude that heterogeneity of human myeloperoxidase is accompanied by differences in cellular compartmentalization, enzymatic activity, and subunit structure.  相似文献   

Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthase activity was measured in fat body mitochondria from adult male Blaberus discoidalis cockroaches. The enzyme reached its maximum activity at 4 to 6 days of adult age and then dropped to a minimal level which was maintained throughout the remainder of the study period. ALA synthase activity was doubled by allylisopropylacetamide and showed a half-life of about 6 h at 25 °C. Enzyme activity was depressed by long-term allatectomy. However, juvenile hormone administration in vivo did not significantly stimulate the enzyme relative to appropriate controls, and endocrine regulation of fat body ALA synthase remains inconclusive. Hemin inhibited ALA synthase activity, suggesting that fat body heme synthesis could be regulated by end-product inhibition.  相似文献   

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