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An original signal extraction procedure is applied to database of 146 base nucleosome core DNA sequences from C. elegans (S. M. Johnson et al. Genome Research 16, 1505–1516, 2006). The positional preferences of various dinucleotides within the 10.4 base nucleosome DNA repeat are calculated, resulting in derivation of the nucleosome DNA bendability matrix of 16x10 elements. A simplified one-line presentation of the matrix (“consensus” repeat) is…A(TTTCCGGAAA)T…. All 6 chromosomes of C. elegans conform to the bendability pattern. The strongest affinity to their respective positions is displayed by dinucleotides AT and CG, separated within the repeat by 5 bases. The derived pattern makes a basis for sequence-directed mapping of nucleosome positions in the genome of C. elegans. As the first complete matrix of bendability available the pattern may serve for iterative calculations of the species-specific matrices of bendability applicable to other genomic sequences.  相似文献   

We have used an antisense strategy to effectively disrupt the expression of two genes encoding myofilament proteins present in C. elegans body wall muscles. DNA segments from the unc-22 and unc-54 genes have been placed in reverse orientation in vectors designed to produce RNA in body wall muscles. When the resulting plasmids are injected into oocytes, progeny with defects in muscle function are produced. These animals have phenotypes consistent with reduction and/or elimination of function of the gene to which antisense RNA has been produced: twitching and disorganization of muscle filaments for the unc-22 antisense constructs and lack of muscle tone, slow movement, and egg laying defects for the unc-54 antisense constructs. A fraction of the affected animals transmit the defective-muscle trait to subsequent generations. In these cases the transforming DNA is present at high copy number and cosegregates with the observed muscle defects. We have examined several of the unc-22 antisense plasmid transformed lines to determine the mechanistic basis for the observed phenotypes. The RNA product of the endogenous unc-22 locus is present at normal levels and this RNA is properly spliced in the region homologous to the antisense RNA. No evidence for modification of this RNA by deamination of adenosine to inosine was found. In affected animals the level of protein product from the endogenous unc-22 locus is greatly reduced. Antisense RNA produced from the transforming DNA was detected and was much more abundant than 'sense' RNA from the endogenous locus. These data suggest that the observed phenotypes result from interference with a late step in gene expression, such as transport into the cytoplasm or translation.  相似文献   

P granules are cytoplasmic structures of unknown function that are associated with germ nuclei in the C. elegans gonad, and are localized exclusively to germ cells, or germ cell precursors, throughout the life cycle. All the known protein components of P granules contain putative RNA-binding motifs, suggesting that RNA is involved in either the structure or function of the granules. However, no specific mRNAs have been identified within P granules in the gonad. We show here that P granules normally contain a low level of RNA, and describe conditions that increase this level. We present evidence that several, diverse mRNAs, including pos-1, mex-1, par-3, skn-1, nos-2 and gld-1 mRNA, are present at least transiently within P granules. In contrast, actin and tubulin mRNA and rRNA are either not present in P granules, or are present at relatively low levels. We show that pgl-1 and the glh (Vasa-related) gene family, which encode protein components of P granules, do not appear essential for RNA to concentrate in P granules; these proteins may instead function in events that are a prerequisite for RNAs to be transported efficiently from the nuclear surface.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) induces gene silencing in a sequence-specific manner by a process known as RNA interference (RNAi). The RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) is a multi-subunit ribonucleoprotein complex that plays a key role in RNAi. VIG (Vasa intronic gene) has been identified as a component of Drosophila RISC; however, the role VIG plays in regulating RNAi is poorly understood. Here, we examined the spatial and temporal expression patterns of VIG-1, the C. elegans ortholog of Drosophila VIG, using a vig-1::gfp fusion construct. This construct contains the 908-bp region immediately upstream of vig-1 gene translation initiation site. Analysis by confocal microscopy demonstrated GFP-VIG-1 expression in a number of tissues including the pharynx, body wall muscle, hypodermis, intestine, reproductive system, and nervous system at the larval and adult stages. Furthermore, western blot analysis showed that VIG-1 is present in each developmental stage examined. To investigate regulatory sequences for vig-1 gene expression, we generated constructs containing deletions in the upstream region. It was determined that the GFP expression pattern of a deletion construct (delta-908 to -597) was generally similar to that of the non-deletion construct. In contrast, removal of a larger segment (delta-908 to -191) resulted in the loss of GFP expression in most cell types. Collectively, these results indicate that the 406-bp upstream region (-596 to -191) contains essential regulatory sequences required for VIG-1 expression.  相似文献   

PUF proteins specifically bind mRNAs to regulate their stability and translation. Here we focus on the RNA-binding specificity of a C. elegans PUF protein, PUF-11. Our findings reveal that PUF-11 binds RNA in multiple modes, in which the protein can accommodate variable spacings between two distinct recognition elements. We propose a structural model in which flexibility in the central region of the protein enables the protein to adopt at least two distinct structures, one of which results in base flipping.  相似文献   


Centrosomes are the principal microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) of animal cells and comprise a pair of centrioles surrounded by pericentriolar material (PCM). Centriole number must be carefully regulated, notably to ensure bipolar spindle formation and thus faithful chromosome segregation. In the germ line of most metazoan species, centrioles are maintained during spermatogenesis, but eliminated during oogenesis. Such differential behavior ensures that the appropriate number of centrioles is present in the newly fertilized zygote. Despite being a fundamental feature of sexual reproduction in metazoans, the mechanisms governing centriole elimination during oogenesis are poorly understood. Here, we investigate this question in C. elegans. Using antibodies directed against centriolar components and serial-section electron microscopy, we establish that centrioles are eliminated during the diplotene stage of the meiotic cell cycle. Moreover, we show that centriole elimination is delayed upon depletion of the helicase CGH-1. We also find that somatic cells make a minor contribution to this process, and demonstrate that the germ cell karyotype is important for timely centriole elimination. These findings set the stage for a mechanistic dissection of centriole elimination in a metazoan organism.  相似文献   

Beg AA  Ernstrom GG  Nix P  Davis MW  Jorgensen EM 《Cell》2008,132(1):149-160
Muscle contraction is normally mediated by the release of neurotransmitters from motor neurons. Here we demonstrate that protons can act as a direct transmitter from intestinal cells to stimulate muscle contraction. During the C. elegans defecation motor program the posterior body muscles contract even in the absence of neuronal inputs or vesicular neurotransmission. In this study, we demonstrate that the space between the intestine and the muscle is acidified just prior to muscle contraction and that the release of caged protons is sufficient to induce muscle contraction. PBO-4 is a putative Na+/H+ ion exchanger expressed on the basolateral membrane of the intestine, juxtaposed to the posterior body muscles. In pbo-4 mutants the extracellular space is not acidified and the muscles fail to contract. The pbo-5 and pbo-6 genes encode subunits of a "cys-loop" proton-gated cation channel required for muscles to respond to acidification. In heterologous expression assays the PBO receptor is half-maximally activated at a pH of 6.8. The identification of the mechanisms for release and reception of proton signals establishes a highly unusual mechanism for intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Epigenetic silencing of Hox cluster genes by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins is thought to involve the formation of a stably inherited repressive chromatin structure. Here we show that the C. elegans-specific PcG protein SOP-2 directly binds to RNA through three nonoverlapping regions, each of which is essential for its localization to characteristic nuclear bodies and for its in vivo function in the repression of Hox genes. Functional studies indicate that the RNA involved in SOP-2 binding is distinct from either siRNA or microRNA. Remarkably, the vertebrate PcG protein Rae28, which is functionally and structurally related to SOP-2, also binds to RNA through an FCS finger domain. Substitution of the Rae28 FCS finger for the essential RNA binding region of SOP-2 partially restores localization to nuclear bodies. These observations suggest that direct binding to RNA is an evolutionarily conserved and potentially important property of PcG proteins.  相似文献   

Shirayama M  Seth M  Lee HC  Gu W  Ishidate T  Conte D  Mello CC 《Cell》2012,150(1):65-77
Organisms employ a fascinating array of strategies to silence invasive nucleic acids such as transposons and viruses. Although evidence exists for several pathways that detect foreign sequences, including pathways that sense copy number, unpaired DNA, or aberrant RNA (e.g., dsRNA), in many cases, the mechanisms used to distinguish "self" from "nonself" nucleic acids remain mysterious. Here, we describe an RNA-induced epigenetic silencing pathway that permanently silences single-copy transgenes. We show that the Piwi Argonaute PRG-1 and its genomically encoded piRNA cofactors initiate permanent silencing, and maintenance depends on chromatin factors and the WAGO Argonaute pathway. Our findings support a model in which PRG-1 scans for foreign sequences and two other Argonaute pathways serve as epigenetic memories of "self" and "nonself" RNAs. These findings suggest how organisms can utilize RNAi-related mechanisms to detect foreign sequences not by any molecular signature, but by comparing the foreign sequence to a memory of previous gene expression.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an organism most recognized for forward and reverse genetic and functional genomic approaches. Proteomic analyses of DNA damage-induced apoptosis have not been shown because of a limited number of cells undergoing apoptosis. We applied mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics to evaluate protein changes induced by ionizing radiation (IR) in isolated C. elegans germlines. For this purpose, we used isobaric peptide termini labeling (IPTL) combined with the data analysis tool IsobariQ, which utilizes MS/MS spectra for relative quantification of peak pairs formed during fragmentation. Using stringent statistical critera, we identified 48 proteins to be significantly up- or down-regulated, most of which are part of a highly interconnected protein-protein interaction network dominated by proteins involved in translational control. RNA-mediated depletion of a selection of the IR-regulated proteins revealed that the conserved CAR-1/CGH-1/CEY-3 germline RNP complex acts as a novel negative regulator of DNA-damage induced apoptosis. Finally, a central role of nucleolar proteins in orchestrating these responses was confirmed as the H/ACA snRNP protein GAR-1 was required for IR-induced apoptosis in the C. elegans germline.  相似文献   

Kerr R  Lev-Ram V  Baird G  Vincent P  Tsien RY  Schafer WR 《Neuron》2000,26(3):583-594
Electrophysiology and optical indicators have been used in vertebrate systems to investigate excitable cell firing and calcium transients, but both techniques have been difficult to apply in organisms with powerful reverse genetics. To overcome this limitation, we expressed cameleon proteins, genetically encoded calcium indicators, in the pharyngeal muscle of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. In intact transgenic animals expressing cameleons, fluorescence ratio changes accompanied muscular contraction, verifying detection of calcium transients. By comparing the magnitude and duration of calcium influx in wild-type and mutant animals, we were able to determine the effects of calcium channel proteins on pharyngeal calcium transients. We also successfully used cameleons to detect electrically evoked calcium transients in individual C. elegans neurons. This technique therefore should have broad applications in analyzing the regulation of excitable cell activity in genetically tractable organisms.  相似文献   

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