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Competition between sigma factors for core RNA polymerase.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The switch of RNA polymerase specificity from early to late promoters of bacteriophage T4 is achieved by substitution of host sigma factor, sigma 70, with the T4 induced factor, sigma gp55. However, overproduction of sigma gp55 from an expression vector is not detrimental to Escherichia coli growth. Direct competition binding assays demonstrate that sigma 70 readily displaces sigma gp55 from RNA polymerase and thereby reverses the promoter specificity of the enzyme. The displacement also occurs with the core enzyme modified by bacteriophage T4 infection. We postulate that an antagonist of sigma 70 should be formed in T4-infected cells to aid sigma gp55 in the early/late switch.  相似文献   

Spiroperidol was covalently conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA). Conjugated spiroperidol was almost as efficient as free spiroperidol in its binding capacity to dopamine receptor. Antibodies to spiroperidol were produced in rabbits following repeated immunizations with the conjugate of spiroperidol and BSA. The obtained antibodies have an apparent KD of 0.02 nM for [3H]-spiroperidol. These antibodies bind also to other butyrophenones with IC50 values three to four orders of magnitude higher than the IC50 obtained with unlabeled spiroperidol. Antibodies were purified from anti-spiroperidol sera by affinity chromatography. Anti-idiotypic antibodies were raised in rabbits by immunization with the purified anti-spiroperidol antibodies. Some rabbits produced anti-idiotypic antibodies which bind to rat and calf striatum.  相似文献   

Summary Competition between three grass species and white clover for phosphorus and potassium were studied in pot trials. Differences in the ability of the individual grasses to compete with clover were noted to be of the same order for both nutrients.Nitrogen application was shown to increase competition for nutrients by grasses in clover associations without postulating an indirect mechanism acting through competition for light.Evidence of a light by nutrient competition interaction was observed and its mechanism discussed.  相似文献   

Competition for ethanol between sulfate-reducing and fermenting bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition for ethanol between the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfobulbus propionicus, Desulfotomaculum orientis, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Marburg, Desulfovibrio gigas, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Essex and the fermenting bacteria Pelobacter propionicus and Acetobacterium carbinolicum were studied in batch culture. A number of these bacteria was also chosen for competition experiments under ethanol limitation in chemostat culture. The maximum growth rates determined by washout experiments were higher for the fermenting bacteria (max=0.096 resp. 0.335h–1) than for the sulfate-reducing bacteria (max0.03h–1). In contrast, the saturation concentrations for half maximum growth rates (Ks values) for ethanol were lower for the sulfate-reducing bacteria (Ks5 M) than for the fermenting bacteria (Ks50 M). In batch culture competition experiments the fermenting bacteria turned out to be the better competitors, degrading 51–80% of the ethanol added. In competition experiments with ethanollimited chemostat cultures the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfobulbus propionicus and Desulfovibrio vulgaris outcompeted Pelobacter propionicus at dilution rates below their maximum specific growth rates. At a high dilution rate, a fast growing population of Desulfobulbus propionicus originated and was enriched in the chemostat during the competition experiment.  相似文献   

Competition for nitrogen between plants and soil microorganisms   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Experiments suggest that plants and soil microorganisms are both limited by inorganic nitrogen, even on relatively fertile sites. Consequently, plants and soil microorganisms may compete for nitrogen. While past research has focused on competition for inorganic nitrogen, recent studies have found that plants/mycorrhizae in a wide range of ecosystems can use organic nitrogen. A new view of competitive interactions between plants and soil microorganisms is necessary in ecosystem where plant uptake of organic nitrogen is observed.  相似文献   

Summary We present two models for phenotypic-dependent interspecific competition. In both cases the survivorship of individuals of one population depends on the entire phenotypic distribution of the other species. The first model considers a continuously varying metric trait, with assortative or random mating; the second model examines a character controlled by two alleles at a single locus. Pursuing the notion that each population maximizes its mean fitness we define a vector-optimum strategy using the concepts of cooperative and competitive optima. It is found that the dynamical constraints placed on the equations of motion by Mendelian genetics often prevent a population from evolving to a strategic optimum. However, for the single locus case with complete dominance, the competitive optimum always coincides with some dynamical equilibrium on the Hardy-Weinberg manifold.  相似文献   

Although studies of interspecific competition have traditionally been concerned with interactions between closely related species, ecological systems teem with examples of competition between representatives not only from different phyla, but even from different kingdoms. Indeed, inter-kingdom competition may be one of the commonest forms of interaction in nature; particularly prevalent are competitive interactions for shared hosts between insect parasitoids and pathogens from four other kingdoms. Ecologists have barely started to explore the ecological and evolutionary implications of interkingdom competition.  相似文献   

噬菌体和它们的宿主菌组成了地球上教目最庞大的微生物种群,噬菌体靠寄生宿主菌来扩增繁衍。但在漫长的进化中,噬菌体与宿主菌间不单是捕食关系,它们间还形成了复杂的相互对抗机制,其中抵抗防御机制的抗防御机制也会促使抗.抗防御机制的产生。从生态学角度来看,噬菌体和宿主菌间的共进化保持着动态平衡。本文综述近年来这一领域的研究,为更清楚地了解噬菌体与宿主菌间的关系和应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Clostridium cochlearium could be reproducibly enriched in an L-aspartate- and L-glutamate-limited, anaerobic chemostat inoculated with anaerobic sludge. L-glutamate, L-glutamine and L-histidine were the only fermentable substrates. Less specialised clostridia of the C. tetanomorphum type could only be isolated from batch enrichments with L-glutamate and L-aspartate as energy sources. Competition experiments with C. cochlearium and C. tetanomorphum in a L-glutamate-limited chemostat resulted in the selective elimination of the latter species. Addition of glucose to the medium resulted in coexistence of both species. The molar growth yields for L-glutamate at different dilution rates at 30°C were determined for both species. The maximum specific growth rates on L-glutamate were 0.55 h-1 for C. cochlearium and 0.35 h-1 for C. tetanomorphum.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that the oxidized form of glutathione, the tripeptide glutamate-cysteine-glycine, is a source of oxidizing equivalents needed for the formation of disulphide bonds in proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), although the in vivo function of glutathione in the ER has never been studied directly. Here we show that the major pathway for oxidation in the yeast ER, defined by the protein Ero1, is responsible for the oxidation of both glutathione and protein thiols. However, mutation and overexpression studies show that glutathione competes with protein thiols for the oxidizing machinery. Thus, contrary to expectation, cellular glutathione contributes net reducing equivalents to the ER; these reducing equivalents can buffer the ER against transient hyperoxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

Meiobenthos, small invertebrates inhabiting the surface layers of marine sediments, can absorb dissolved organic matter (DOM). Experiments were performed to test if meiobenthos can compete with sediment microbes for uptake of small amounts of [14C]glucose. Meiofaunal glucose uptake rates were measured by themselves and in the presence of sediment microbes. Glucose uptake by meiofauna was not inhibited by the presence of bacteria, nor did it appear that bacterial uptake was inhibited by meiofauna. Thus, there was no direct or interference competition. Uptake rates by 1 cm3 of sediment (bacteria) were four orders of magnitude greater than those of individual meiofauna, but on a biomass specific basis, meiofaunal uptake was in the same range if not higher than that of sediment bacteria. Thus, the potential for indirect or resource competition exists. Since bacterial biomass dominated the system studied, uptake of glucose was dominated by bacteria. The results support the hypothesis that in natural sediments, where the biomass of bacteria is higher than that of meiofauna, heterotrophic uptake is primarily a microbial process. However, resource competition between meiofauna and bacteria for DOM in sediments probably exists where bacterial biomass is low relative to meiofaunal biomass.  相似文献   

20 rheumatoid factors of two classes, namely IgG and IgM, were isolated from the serum of 11 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The method of monolayer analysis revealed that these proteins differ from normal ones either by the instability of their native structure, or by their anomalous hydrophilic properties. Dialysis resulted in partial or complete restoration of normal properties in the majority of samples studied. It has been concluded that at least some of the rheumatoid factors are complex structures that contain, beside IgG and IgM molecules, also certain smaller molecules.  相似文献   

When a heterotrophic (Rhodotorula rubra) and a phototrophic (Selenastrum capricornutum) plankton were grown together in dilute phosphate (Pi) continuous cultures, coexistence occurred only when the heterotroph was growthrate limited by organic carbon (C). Because of its higher affinity for Pi, and because C starvation does not affect the heterotrophic yeast's ability to transport Pi, the concentration of organic carbon indirectly controlled the biomass of the phototroph. The results support a threshold model of microbial growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate new and previously hypothesised non-genetic risk factors for serologic subtypes of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) defined by the presence or absence of auto-antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP). In a national case-control study, we included 515 patients recently diagnosed with RA according to the American College of Rheumatology 1987 classification criteria and 769 gender- and age-matched population controls. Telephone interviews provided information about non-genetic exposures, and serum samples for patients were tested for anti-CCP-antibodies. Associations between exposure variables and risk of anti-CCP-positive and anti-CCP-negative RA were evaluated using logistic regression. A series of RA subtype-specific risk factors were identified. Tobacco smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 1.65; 95% confidence interval: 1.03–2.64, for >20 versus 0 pack-years) was selectively associated with risk of anti-CCP-positive RA, whereas alcohol consumption exhibited an inverse dose-response association with this RA subtype (OR = 1.98, 1.22–3.19, for 0 versus >0–5 drinks per week). Furthermore, coffee consumption (OR = 2.18; 1.07–4.42, for >10 versus 0 cups per day), ever use of oral contraceptives (OR = 1.65; 1.06–2.57) and having a first-degree relative with schizophrenia (OR = 4.18; 1.54–11.3) appeared more strongly associated with risk of anti-CCP-positive RA. Obesity was selectively associated with risk of anti-CCP-negative RA, with obese individuals being at more than 3-fold increased risk of this subtype compared with normal-weight individuals (OR = 3.45; 1.73–6.87). Age at menarche was the only examined factor that was significantly associated with both serologic subtypes of RA (p-trends = 0.01); women with menarche at age ≥ 15 years had about twice the risk of either RA subtype compared with women with menarche at age ≤ 12 years. Major differences in risk factor profiles suggest distinct etiologies for anti-CCP-positive and anti-CCP-negative RA.  相似文献   

Competition between mullet fry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fry of Liza ramada, L. aurata, L. saliens, Chelon labrosus and Mugil cephalus in a lagoon in NE Spain fed mainly on zooplanktonic crustacea, such as cyclopoids, calanoids and cladocerans, but adult chironomids were also important. A high trophic and temporal overlap was found between the fry of several of these species. Trophic overlap was asymmetrical for almost all the species pairs and niche breadth expanded for the less competitive species when they were alone in the estuary. In contrast, niche breadth did not expand for the most competitive species ( L. ramada ) when it was alone. These results suggest that competition was occurring among these species, but experimental evidence is needed to prove its existence.  相似文献   

Honeydew, the sugary exudate of the scale insect Ultracoelostoma brittini, is an important food source in black beech (Nothofagus solandri var. solandri) forests in the South Island of New Zealand. Two of the most prominent foragers of honeydew are honey bees (Apis mellifera) and wasps (Vespula germanica and V. vulgaris). Observations in the field and using a captive bee hive were used to investigate competition between bees and wasps feeding on honeydew. In laboratory trials, interference competition was often strong, and many cases of aggression were noted. In the forest, there was invariably enough room on the trees for bees and wasps to feed while rarely encountering one another. Over the whole year, environmental variables (especially low temperatures and rain), were found to constrain honey bee foraging to a greater degree than competition with wasps. Because the competition that did occur was primarily exploitation competition, reciprocal effects were likely to be felt. At Coopers Creek, bees may be reducing wasp densities, compared with the situation in Nelson—Marlborough where commercial hives are scarce. It may be possible to reduce wasp densities locally by increasing the number of bee hives in an area.  相似文献   

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