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To study the interaction between low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and granules from rat serosal mast cells in vitro, mast cells were stimulated with the degranulating agent 48/80 to induce exocytosis of the secretory granules. Subsequent incubation of the exocytosed granules with 125I-LDL resulted in binding of the labelled LDL to the granules. When increasing amounts of agent 48/80 were added to mast-cell suspensions, a dose-dependent release of granules was observed and a parallel increase in the amount of 125I-LDL bound to granules resulted. 125I-LDL bound to a single class of high-affinity binding sites on the granules. At saturation, 105 ng of LDL were bound per microgram of granule protein. The lipoprotein binding to mast-cell granules was apolipoprotein(apo)-B + E-specific. Thus 125I-LDL binding to the granules was effectively compared for by LDL (apo-B) or by dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles containing apo-E, but not by high-density lipoprotein (HDL3) containing apo-AI as their major protein component. Neutralization by acetylation of the positively charged amino groups of apo-B of LDL or presence of a high ionic strength in the incubation medium prevented LDL from binding to the granules, indicating the presence of ionic interactions between the positively charged amino acids of LDL and negatively charged groups of the granules. It could be demonstrated that LDL bound to the negatively charged heparin proteoglycan of the granules. Thus treatment of granules with heparinase resulted in loss of their ability to bind LDL, and substances known to bind to heparin, such as Toluidine Blue, avidin, lipoprotein lipase, fibronectin and protamine, all effectively competed with LDL for binding to the granules. The results show that LDL is efficiently bound to the heparin proteoglycan component of mast-cell granules once the mast cells are stimulated to release their granules into the extracellular space.  相似文献   

35S-labelled mast-cell granules isolated from mouse mastocytomas were added to mouse macrophages in vitro. The granules were avidly phagocytosed, and subsequently the radioactivity was released to the medium as inorganic [35S]sulphate. After pulse-labelling, a total of about 80% of the cell-associated radioactivity was thus released in the course of 24 h, indicating an extensive breakdown of the sulphated polysaccharides, mainly heparin, present in the granules. The uptake of the mast-cell granules caused pronounced, but reversible, spreading of the macrophages.  相似文献   

In vitro, heparin and antithrombotic drugs specifically stimulate the synthesis of an antithrombotic heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) produced by endothelial cells. The putative heparin binding site(s) that may be related to this phenomenon were investigated. In the preceding article, using various heparin probes, it was shown that the heparin does not bind to the endothelial cell surface, but only to the extracellular matrix. The present study demonstrated that, when the cells were exposed to heparin at 37 degrees C, the heparin was internalized and with time was localized in lysosomes. However, endocytosis of heparin was not required for the stimulation of HSPG synthesis. The requirement for heparin degradation in the stimulus of HSPG synthesis was also investigated. When the cells were incubated with chloroquine, a lysosomotropic amine that raises the lysosomal pH thus inhibiting enzymatic degradation of internalized compounds, stimulation of HSPG synthesis was still observed. These combined results indicate that neither internalization nor degradation of heparin is required for stimulation of HSPG synthesis, and suggests that its binding to the extracellular matrix could be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

Pulse-labelling of mouse mastocytoma cell cultures, established from ascites fluid, with inorganic [35S]sulphate for 1 h yielded labelled heparin proteoglycan containing polysaccharide chains of Mr 60,000-100,000. After chase incubation for 24 h most of the 35S appeared in intracellular polysaccharide fragments similar in size to commercially available heparin, Mr 5000-25,000, as indicated by gel chromatography. Products isolated from cultures after 6 h of chase incubation consisted of partially degraded free polysaccharide chains and, in addition, residual proteoglycans that were of smaller size than the proteoglycans initially pulse-labelled. The polysaccharide chains released by alkali treatment from the residual chase-incubated proteoglycans were of the same size as the chains derived from proteoglycans after 1 h of pulse labelling. These results suggest that the intracellular degradation of heparin proteoglycan to polysaccharide fragments is initiated by release of intact polysaccharide chains, probably by action of a peptidase, and is pursued through cleavage of these chains by an endoglycosidase. An endoglucuronidase with stringent substrate specificity [Thunberg, Bäckström, Wasteson, Ogren & Lindahl (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 10278-10282] has previously been implicated in the latter step. Cultures of more purified mastocytoma cells (essentially devoid of macrophages) did not metabolize [35S]heparin proteoglycan to polysaccharide fragments, but instead accumulated free intact polysaccharide chains, i.e. the postulated intermediate of the complete degradation pathway. When such purified cells were co-cultured with adherent mouse peritoneal cells, presumably macrophages, formation of polysaccharide fragments was observed. It is tentatively proposed that the expression of endoglucuronidase activity by the mast cells depends on collaboration between these cells and macrophages.  相似文献   

Neurocan and brevican are related chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans which are mainly expressed in the central nervous system. Neurocan and the secreted brevican variant are composed of globular N-terminal hyaluronan binding domains, central O-linked oligosaccharide attachment regions, and globular C-terminal domains. Interaction studies of mouse brain proteoglycans revealed that neurocan, but not brevican, was retained on a heparin affinity matrix. Also a recombinantly produced C-terminal fragment of neurocan, expressed by HEK 293 cells, was retained by the heparin affinity matrix. The substitution of this fragment with a chondroitin sulfate chain did not inhibit binding to the heparin affinity matrix at physiological NaCl concentrations, but decreased the NaCl concentration necessary for elution. Two potential consequences of the heparin binding ability of neurocan are an enforcement of the interaction with other heparin binding molecules and a directed secretion by polarized cells.  相似文献   

Employing agarose gel electrophoresis, physiological concentrations of plasmin have been shown to degrade purified proteoglycan monomers and aggregates isolated from bovine articular cartilage. Proteoglycan degradation was (1) proportional to plasmin concentration, (2) dependent on the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin by plasminogen activator, (3) not displayed by plasminogen or plasminogen activator alone, and (4) inhibited by a serine proteinase inhibitor. These results, coupled with other findings, provide further support for a possible role of plasmin/plasminogen activator in cartilage destruction associated with rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Plasmin degradation of cartilage proteoglycan   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Employing agarose gel electrophoresis, physiological concentrations of plasmin have been shown to degrade purified proteoglycan monomers and aggregates isolated from bovine articular cartilage. Proteoglycan degradation was (1) proportional to plasmin concentration, (2) dependent on the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin by plasminogen activator, (3) not displayed by plasminogen activator alone, and (4) inhibited by a serine proteinase inhibitor. These results, coupled with other findings, provide further support for a possible role of plasmin/plasminogen activator in cartilage destruction associated with rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

1. Chondroitin sulphate was isolated from different regions of rat costal cartilage after extensive proteolysis of the tissues. The molecular weight, determined by gel chromatography, of the polysaccharide obtained from an actively growing region (lateral zone) near the osteochondral junction was higher than that of the polysaccharide isolated from the remaining portion of the costal cartilage (medial zone). 2. In both types of cartilage the molecular weight of chondroitin sulphate, labelled with [(35)S]sulphate, remained unchanged in vivo over a period of 10 days, approximately corresponding to the half-life of the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan. The molecular-weight distribution of chondroitin [(35)S]sulphate, labelled in vivo or in vitro, was invariably identical with that of the bulk polysaccharide from the same tissue. It is concluded that the observed regional variations in molecular-weight distribution were established at the time of polysaccharide biosynthesis. 3. In tissue culture more than half of the (35)S-labelled polysaccharide-proteins of the two tissues was released into the medium within 10 days of incubation. The released materials were of smaller molecular size than were the corresponding native proteoglycans. In contrast, the molecular-weight distribution of the chondroitin [(35)S]sulphate (single polysaccharide chains) remained constant throughout the incubation period. 4. A portion (about 20%) of the total radioactive material released from (35)S-labelled cartilage in tissue culture was identified as inorganic [(35)S]sulphate. No corresponding decrease in the degree of sulphation of the labelled polysaccharide could be detected. These findings suggest that a limited fraction of the proteoglycan molecules had been extensively desulphated. 5. It is suggested that the initial phase of degradation involves proteolytic cleavage of the proteoglycan, but the constituent polysaccharide chains remain intact. The partially degraded proteoglycan may be eliminated from the cartilage by diffusion into the circulatory system. An additional degradative process, which may occur intracellularly, includes desulphation of the polysaccharide, probably in conjunction with a more extensive breakdown of the polymer.  相似文献   

G Pejler  J E Sadler 《Biochemistry》1999,38(37):12187-12195
Chymases are highly basic chymotrypsin-like serine proteases expressed exclusively by mast cells. Large amounts of chymases complexed with heparin proteoglycan (PG) are released in vivo during mast cell activation. The tight binding of chymase to heparin PG results in increased activity of the protease toward certain substrates, e.g., thrombin and MeO-Suc-Arg-Pro-Tyr-pNA (S-2586). In this study, the mechanism by which heparin PG modulates chymase activity was investigated, using thrombin and various chromogenic peptide substrates as model substrates. Incubation of thrombin with oligonucleotides that block the heparin-binding site of thrombin abolished the stimulatory effect of heparin PG on thrombin inactivation. Further, thrombin mutants with defects in their heparin-binding regions were less efficiently inactivated by chymase-heparin PG than wild type thrombin. These findings suggest a model for chymase stimulation where heparin PG may promote the chymase-catalyzed cleavage of heparin-binding substrates by simultaneously binding to both chymase and substrate. Experiments in which various chromogenic peptide substrates were utilized showed that heparin PG enhanced the activity of chymase toward positively charged peptide substrates such as S-2586, whereas the cleavage of uncharged substrates was not affected by the presence of heparin PG. On the basis of the latter findings, an alternative stimulation mechanism is discussed where heparin PG may stimulate chymase activity by blocking positively charged regions in chymase, thereby reducing the level of electrostatic repulsion between chymase and positively charged substrates.  相似文献   

Oxidative degradation of bilirubin produces vasoactive compounds.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Subarachnoid haemorrhage is often followed by haemolysis and concomitant oxidative stress, and is frequently complicated by pathological vasoconstriction or cerebral vasospasm. It is known that upregulation of haem oxygenase (HO-1) is induced by oxidative stress and results in release of biliverdin and bilirubin (BR), which are scavengers of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here we report biomimetic studies aimed at modelling pathological conditions leading to oxidative degradation of BR. Oxidative degradation products of BR, formed by reaction with hydrogen peroxide (an ROS model system), demonstrated biological activity by stimulating oxygen consumption and force development in vascular smooth muscle from porcine carotid artery. Analogous biological activity was observed with vasoactive cerebrospinal fluid from subarachnoid haemorrhage patients. Three degradation products of BR were isolated: two were assigned as isomeric monopyrrole (C9H11N2O2) derivatives, 4-methyl-5-oxo-3-vinyl-(1, 5-dihydropyrrol-2-ylidene)acetamide and 3-methyl-5-oxo-4-vinyl-(1, 5-dihydropyrrol-2-ylidene)acetamide and the third was 4-methyl-3-vinylmaleimide (MVM), a previously isolated photodegradation product of biliverdin. Possible mechanisms of oxidative degradation of BR are discussed. Tentative assignment of these structures in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of cerebral vasospasm patients has been made. It is proposed that one or more of the degradation products of biliverdin or bilirubin are involved in complications such as vasospasm and or pathological vasoconstriction associated with haemorrhage.  相似文献   

1. Heparin was degraded by enzymes of adapted Flavobacterium heparinum. Several degradation products were separated by combined Sephadex-gel filtration and paper chromatography, and chemically analysed. 2. These products were identified as glucosamine 2,6-disulphate, saturated disaccharides constituted of uronic acid and glucosamine and containing two and three sulphate residues, and tetra- and hexa-saccharides with the same basic disaccharide units. 3. The implications of these findings with respect to the present knowledge of heparin structure and its enzymic degradation are discussed.  相似文献   

(1) Polysaccharides were isolated from bovine liver capsule by extraction with 2m-potassium chloride followed by precipitation from 0.8m-potassium chloride with cetylpyridinium chloride. Chondroitin sulphate was eliminated by digestion with hyaluronidase. The yield of heparin was approx. 40% of that obtained after extraction of the papain-digested tissue. (2) The macromolecular properties of the hyaluronidase-digested polysaccharide were studied by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200 of the intact, as well as of the alkali-degraded, material. The results suggested the presence of single heparin chains in addition to a dermatan sulphate proteoglycan. (3) A purified heparin preparation was analysed for amino acids and neutral sugars. Xylose, galactose and serine were found in amounts corresponding to 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 residue/polysaccharide chain (mol.wt. 7400), respectively. It is suggested that the isolated material had been degraded by a polysaccharidase with endo-enzyme properties.  相似文献   

M E Silva 《Biochimie》1979,61(4):543-547
Human blood platelets are able to degrade heparin from different tissues and species. The main degradation product is an oligosaccharide. Low molecular weight components such as inorganic sulfate or monosaccharides, i.e. products released by exoenzymes are not detected. The in vitro degradation of heparin by the crude enzyme is observed at pHs below 6.5 with an optimum temperature around 37 degrees C. The presence of sulfate in the substrate structure is shown to be essential for the enzyme activity. Since the oligosaccharides formed have only 10 per cent of the anticoagulant activity of the heparins tested, it is conceivable that the platelet enzyme may play an important role in the inactivation of some of the biological properties of heparin.  相似文献   

Dibenzylsulfid (DBS) as a model of the organic sulfur compounds in crude oil was converted by a mixed culture (containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa) into several water soluble organic substances. Whereas these compounds are detectable with DC- and IR-spectroscopic techniques, benzylmercaptoacetic acid (BMA) was the only isolated product of DBS utilization. Efficiency of degradation, respectively, accumulation of BMA were dependent on aeration and pH-regulation.  相似文献   

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