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Every year since 2007, the Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC) has excelled in representing state-of-the-art proteomics in and around Central and Eastern Europe, and linking it to international institutions worldwide. Its mission remains to contribute to all approaches of proteomics including traditional and often-revisited methodologies as well as the latest technological achievements in clinical, quantitative and structural proteomics with a view to systems biology of a variety of processes. The 9th CEEPC was held from June 15th to 18th, 2015, at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, Poland. The scientific program stimulated exchange of proteomic knowledge whilst the spectacular venue of the conference allowed participants to enjoy the cobblestoned historical city of Poznań.  相似文献   

In six sites in the Ko?ice Basin we collected 17,520 larvae of 15 mosquito species during the seasons (April–August) of 2010 and 2011. They were: Aedes vexans (Meigen, 1830), Ae. cinereus (Meigen, 1818) [or Ae. rossicus (Dolbeskin, Gorickaja & Mitrofanova, 1930], Ochlerotatus geniculatus (Olivier, 1791), Oc. refiki (Medschid, 1928), Oc. rusticus (Rossi, 1790), Oc. sticticus (Meigen, 1838), Oc. punctor (Kirby, 1837), Oc. cataphylla (Dyar, 1916), Oc. cantans (Meigen, 1818)[or Oc. annulipes (Meigen, 1830)], Oc. communis (De Geer, 1776), Oc. flavescens (Müller, 1764), Oc. leucomelas (Meigen, 1804), Culiseta annulata (Schrank, 1776), Culex pipiens (L., 1758) [or Cx. torrentium (Martini, 1925)] and Anopheles maculipennis s.l. The objective of the present research was to identify the mosquito larvae species diversity and compare their distribution and density in urban and suburban localities of the monitored territory.  相似文献   

Four species of the genus, Bryoria were found in the Sučí Potok Valley: B. capilaris (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., B. fuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., B. implexa (Hoffm.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., B. nadvornikiana (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. The most common species in the valley was B. implexa. Four chemotypes of this lichen were recognized.  相似文献   

Acidification of lakes takes place when pH of rainwater is less than 4.5 and the catchments lie on sensitive geology. Both conditions are met for most lakes in Bohemia and Slovakia. Since 1978 we have studied mountain lakes in the Sumava and in the High Tatra Mountains. In Šumava the three lakes under study are of glacial origin. The catchments are small, with steep sides covered by spruce. The bedrocks are biotite-rich paragneiss, together with gneiss, quartzite and granite. In summer 1936 surface pH was 5.7–6.9 in the Lake Čertovo and 6.9–7.0 in the Lake Černé. Now the pH values are 4.3–4.8 in the two lakes and in the Lake Prášilské as well. Old reports on zooplankton are from the years 1871, 1892–96, 1935–37, 1947 and 1960. Since 1979 we have not found any planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Černé and Čertovo. Lake Prášilské is inhabited by Daphnia longispina and Cyclops abyssorum. In July 1989 the pH values were 4.4, 4.7 and 4.7, concentrations of labile monomeric Al were 0.83, 0.68 and 0.24 mg l-1 in the lakes Čertovo, Černé and Prašilské, respectively. High levels of toxic Al compounds might be responsible for the extinction of planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Čertovo and Černé. All the three lakes are void of fish at present. In the High Tatra Mts. we examined more than 40 lakes above timberline in altitudes 1612–2145 m. They are all clearwater, naturally fishless lakes. The bedrock is granite. Owing to different levels of calcium the lakes are now in different stages of acidification. According to recent changes in the zooplankton they can be divided into three groups: (1) Species composition of planktonic Crustacea has not changed. (2) Planktonic Crustacea were present until 1973 but are absent now. (3) From the original species of Crustacea only Chydorus sphaericus is present. The three groups are well separated along the gradients of calcium, ANC and pH. They can be identified with the Henriksen's bicarbonate (our group 1), intermediate (our group 2) and acid (our group 3) lakes. We suppose that in the process of acidification the lakes of the group (2) have been shifted from oligotrophy to ultraoligotrophy.  相似文献   


This study of customary harvests of sooty shearwater Puffinus griseus chicks by Rakiura Maori compares the utility of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and ecological science for understanding patterns in prey availability. We recorded TEK of 28 muttonbirders about emergence patterns and variation in chick size at different aspects of 14 breeding islands and in their coastal fringe compared to inland areas. Spatial and temporal variation of chick availability were measured using the methods of ecological science in the 2001 harvest season across Putauhinu Island, south west of Rakiura, New Zealand. As predicted by TEK, titi emerged earlier from west than east coast locations on Putauhinu. Scientific measures were also consistent with an earlier emergence in coastal compared to inland areas as asserted by TEK, but conclusive inference is potentially confounded by movement of chicks between burrows just before fledging. A TEK construct predicting heavier chicks on the west coast was not supported by scientific measurements. We also measured the characteristics of areas preferred for harvesting so that we could gauge representativeness of the areas “sampled” by the muttonbirders to accumulate their TEK. Within forested habitat, areas harvested by muttonbirders had 62–65% higher chick density than unharvested areas. The muttonbirders concentrated harvesting where there was less ground cover and taller canopy cover and only hunted on nights and times of the season when harvesting was most profitable. Therefore, TEK may be less able to detect wider‐scale variation and harvest impacts on prey in particular. Short runs of scientific information from spatially and temporally stratified sampling will complement and assist inference from longer term TEK. As shown in this case study, TEK and science often agree on pattern, but are likely to disagree on why a pattern exists.  相似文献   

Isotopic studies of multi-taxa terrestrial vertebrate assemblages allow determination of paleoclimatic and paleoecological aspects on account of the different information supplied by each taxon. The late Campanian-early Maastrichtian “Lo Hueco” Fossil-Lagerstätte (central eastern Spain), located at a subtropical paleolatitude of ~31°N, constitutes an ideal setting to carry out this task due to its abundant and diverse vertebrate assemblage. Local δ18OPO4 values estimated from δ18OPO4 values of theropods, sauropods, crocodyliforms, and turtles are close to δ18OH2O values observed at modern subtropical latitudes. Theropod δ18OH2O values are lower than those shown by crocodyliforms and turtles, indicating that terrestrial endothermic taxa record δ18OH2O values throughout the year, whereas semiaquatic ectothermic taxa δ18OH2O values represent local meteoric waters over a shorter time period when conditions are favorable for bioapatite synthesis (warm season). Temperatures calculated by combining theropod, crocodyliform, and turtle δ18OH2O values and gar δ18OPO4 have enabled us to estimate seasonal variability as the difference between mean annual temperature (MAT, yielded by theropods) and temperature of the warmest months (TWMs, provided by crocodyliforms and turtles). ΔTWMs-MAT value does not point to a significantly different seasonal thermal variability when compared to modern coastal subtropical meteorological stations and Late Cretaceous rudists from eastern Tethys. Bioapatite and bulk organic matter δ13C values point to a C3 environment in the “Lo Hueco” area. The estimated fractionation between sauropod enamel and diet is ~15‰. While waiting for paleoecological information yielded by the ongoing morphological study of the “Lo Hueco” crocodyliforms, δ13C and δ18OCO3 results point to incorporation of food items with brackish influence, but preferential ingestion of freshwater. “Lo Hueco” turtles showed the lowest δ13C and δ18OCO3 values of the vertebrate assemblage, likely indicating a diet based on a mixture of aquatic and terrestrial C3 vegetation and/or invertebrates and ingestion of freshwater.  相似文献   

The present paper cites results of 2-year research on zooplankton in the Gronica Reservoir near Kragujevac during the period 1996–98. Comparison of the obtained results with those of earlier investigations performed during the period 1950–52 showed that changes have occurred in the interval. A significant increase was recorded in the number of zooplankton species, and only a small number of previously registered species were not recorded again. Considerable changes in the faunistic composition of zooplankton are also indicated by the low value of the Sørenson similarity index (32.12%) and Jaccard index (19.13%). At the same time, the abundance of zooplankton increased markedly, which suggests to us intensification of eutrophicaton processes. On the basis of the composition and abundance of zooplankton, it can be assumed that the Gronica Reservoir belongs to the category of meso-oligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   


The distribution of inorganic and organic lead species in atmospheric and surface waters from the ?ibenik area (central part of the Eastern Adriatic coast) was investigated. The concentration range of lead compounds in rainwater was 12,000 to 57,000 ng Pb L?1 for total lead, and 10 to 96 ng Pb L?1 for ionic alkyllead compounds (mostly in the form of trialkyl derivatives). In seawater, trialkyllead compounds were detected in concentration from <0.5 to 12.5 ng Pb?1 L, which represented 0.5 to 6.8% of the total lead. These results were compared with data obtained elsewhere, and the influence of lead compounds emitted from leaded gasoline (from automobiles and gasoline stations) on the adjacent water body is elucidated.  相似文献   


Clusterin (CLU; also known as apolipoprotein J, ApoJ) is a protein of inconstant structure known to be involved in diverse processes inside and outside of brain cells. CLU can act as a protein chaperon or protein solubilizer, lipid transporter as well as redox sensor and be anti- or proapoptotic, depending on context. Primary structure of CLU is encoded by CLU gene which contains single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP’s) associated with the risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). Studying a sample of Czech population and using the case-control association approach we identified C allele of the SNP rs11136000 as conferring a reduced risk of LOAD, more so in females than in males. Additionally, data from two smaller subsets of the population sample suggested a possible association of rs11136000 with diabetes mellitus. In a parallel study, we found no association between rs11136000 and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Our findings on rs11136000 and LOAD contradict those of some previous studies done elsewhere. We discuss the multiple roles of CLU in a broad range of molecular mechanisms that may contribute to the variability of genetic studies of CLU in various ethnic groups. The above discordance notwithstanding, our conclusions support the association of rs1113600 with the risk of LOAD.


In the following pages I have summarized some of the findings presented at two recent `cell cycle gatherings'. I have focused on those topics which in my opinion represent a substantial advancement in our understanding of the cell cycle regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Rumex alpinus is a native plant in the mountains of Europe whose distribution has partly been affected by its utilization as a vegetable and medicinal herb. The distribution of...  相似文献   

In this paper an overview is given of earlier work on transport, deposition AND transformation of suspended matter, and contaminants (metals, hydrocarbons) in Lithuanian coastal waters as well as in other parts of the Baltic Sea. The Lithuanian river Nemunas dischargesc. 600.106 kg suspended matter into the Kuršių Marios Lagoon annually, of which two thirds are accumulated in the lagoon. The remainder is exported to the Baltic Sea through the Klaipéda Strait influencing biological activity in the coastal zone. Sedimentation rate in Kuršių Marios Lagoon is estimated at 3.2 mm y−1. In the last 50 years the surface area of the lagoon decreased by 0.7 km2 y−1. Concentration profiles of metals and hydrocarbons were measured in the Kuršių Marios Lagoon, the Baltic proper, and in the Gulf of Finland. Among hydrocarbons both anthropogenic and compounds from natural sources are present. It is argued that correct interpretation of concentration horizons in sediment may be hampered by various processes,e. g. early sedimentogenesis and diagenesis, and cyclic salinity changes in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Ectoparasitic copepods have been reported in a wide range of aquatic animals, including crustacean shellfish. However, with the exception of the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, our knowledge of such parasites in commercial species is rudimentary. The current study examines the morphology and pathology of the parasitic copepod, Nicotho? astaci (the 'lobster louse') in its host, the European lobster, Homarus gammarus. Lobsters were sampled from waters surrounding Lundy Island (Bristol Channel, UK) and all individuals collected were found to harbour female adult N. astaci in their gills, with a mean of 47·3 parasites/lobster. The majority of N. astaci were found in the basal region of pleurobranch gills. The parasite was found to attach to gill filaments via its oral sucker, maxillae and maxillipeds, and to feed on host haemolymph (blood) through a funnel-like feeding channel. It caused varying degrees of damage to the host gill, including occlusion of gill filaments and disruption to the vascular system in the central axis. Although there was evidence of extensive host response (haemocytic infiltration) to the parasite, it was displaced from the parasite attachment site and thus was observed in the central gill axis below. The region of gill filament immediately underlying the parasite feeding channel was devoid of such activity suggesting that the parasite interferes with the cellular defence and haemostatic mechanisms of the lobster in order to maintain invasion of the host.  相似文献   

Seasonal and vertical distribution of tintinnids, non-loricate ciliates and micrometazoa were studied in Kaštela Bay (central Adriatic Sea) throughout 1995. The species composition of tintinnids and copepods were studied as well. This is the first estimation of non-loricate ciliate biomass in the coastal area of the central Adriatic. Non-loricate ciliates were quantitatively the best represented ciliated protozoa, whereas nauplii were the most numerous micrometazoan organisms. Temperature affected the distribution of most micrometazoan components of the zooplankton and that of non-loricate ciliates. The temperature-dependent presence of individual size categories of non-loricate ciliates was also established. Apart from the interaction between microzooplankton groups, the influence of biotic factors, such as phytoplankton, bacteria, non-pigmented nanoflagellates (NNF) and mesozooplankton, was also discussed. The abundance of ciliates was controlled by both food supply (phytoplankton and NNF) and micrometazoan grazing. The results point to very complex trophic relationships within the planktonic community, suggesting that microzooplankton could be an important link between the microbial food web and higher trophic levels. Received in revised form: 8 November 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in abundance and carbon biomass of ciliated protozoa and micrometazoa were studied from May 1998 to November 1999 in the eutrophicated area of Katela Bay (Middle Adriatic Sea). Ciliates showed peaks in spring and autumn, primarily due to changes in the abundance and biomass of tintinnines, which participated in total ciliate abundance and biomass with 40.48 and 60.02%, respectively. The highest tintinnine density was 4,278 ind. l–1, while their average biomass varied from 0.611 to 26.557 gC l–1 . Maximal average density and biomass of non-loricates were 1,430 ind. l–1 and 3.925 gC l–1, respectively. The micrometazoa community was dominated by copepod nauplii, especially during the summer and autumn. The copepod biomass ranged between 3.47 and 26.75 gC l–1 . High abundance and biomass values of the investigated zooplankton groups point to an important role of these organisms in the secondary production in the Bay, indicating that they may be (1) a crucial factor in controlling the populations of nano-/pico-phytoplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and (2) a significant prey for larger micrometazoans.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The Tournaisian–Viséan boundary of the Lower Carboniferous was established in carbonate facies deposits of the “Kipchak” section (Southern Urals)....  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Middle Jurassic Cardioceratidae is reconstructed on the basis of a study of their shell morphology and analysis of their stratigraphic distribution. The phylogenetic lineage CranocephalitesArctocephalitesArcticocerasParacadoceras is assigned to the subfamily Arctocephalitinae (Upper Bajocian–lowermost Callovian). The subfamily Cadoceratinae (Upper Bajocian–Callovian) also originating from Cranocephalites includes the phylogenetic lineage GreencephalitesCadocerasLongaeviceras; and lateral branches Chamoussetia and Platychamoussetia. The origin of the Early Callovian Eckhardites, also assigned to Cardioceratidae, is not established. The generic names Rondiceras and Cadochamoussetia are considered as junior synonyms of Cadoceras and Chamoussetia, respectively. The Early Callovian species Cadoceras bellabimba sp. nov. is described.  相似文献   

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