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Quantitative fluorescent staining and analysis of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were accomplished using three groups of reagents having different mechanisms of action for DNA binding. These reagents included (a) the fluorescent antitumor antibiotics mithramycin, chromomycin A3 and olivomycin; (b) the Feulgen reagents acriflavine and flavophosphine N and (c) the intercalating dyes ethidium bromide and propidium iodide. Propidium iodide (PI) was used in combination with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to stain both cellular DNA and protein, respectively. Multiparameter analysis of PI/FITC-stained cells provided a direct correlation of DNA and protein for cells in all stages of the cell cycle. Nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio determinations were also performed on PI/FITC-stained cells by analysis of the time duration of the red (DNA) and green (protein) fluorescence signals from each cell. These staining and analysis techniques provide alternative methods for directly determining the quantitative relationship between cellular DNA and protein and will be extremely useful in investigations where fluctuations of these parameters are of importance for assessing experimental results.  相似文献   

The rapid assessment of protein solubility is essential for evaluating expressed proteins and protein variants for use as reagents for downstream studies. Solubility screens based on antibody blots are complex and have limited screening capacity. Protein solubility screens using split beta-galactosidase in vivo and in vitro can perturb protein folding. Split GFP used for monitoring protein interactions folds poorly, and to overcome this limitation, we recently developed a protein-tagging system based on self-complementing split GFP derived from an exceptionally well folded variant of GFP termed 'superfolder GFP'. Here we present the step-by-step procedure of the solubility assay using split GFP. A 15-amino-acid GFP fragment, GFP 11, is fused to a test protein. The GFP 1-10 detector fragment is expressed separately. These fragments associate spontaneously to form fluorescent GFP. The fragments are soluble, and the GFP 11 tag has minimal effect on protein solubility and folding. We describe high-throughput protein solubility screens amenable both for in vivo and in vitro formats. The split-GFP system is composed of two vectors used in the same strain: pTET GFP 11 and pET GFP 1-10 (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Note online). The gene encoding the protein of interest is cloned into the pTET GFP 11 vector (resulting in an N-terminal fusion) and transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells containing the pET GFP 1-10 plasmid. We also describe how this system can be used for selecting soluble proteins from a library of variants (Box 1). The large screening power of the in vivo assay combined with the high accuracy of the in vitro assay point to the efficiency of this two-step split-GFP tool for identifying soluble clones suitable for purification and downstream applications.  相似文献   

A sensitive method has been developed for the detection of E. coli beta-galactosidase in transfected HeLa cells. The chromogenic substrate, CPRG (chlorophenol red-beta-D-galactopyranoside), was compared with ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside) by kinetic analysis with purified beta-galactosidase. The Km for CPRG was 1.35 mM and the Vmax was 21.4, whereas the Km for ONPG was 2.42 and the Vmax was 41.1. CPRG at 8.0 mM (6-fold Km) gave 86% of the Vmax and was used as the standard concentration for quantitation of enzyme levels. The Vmax for CPRG was half that for ONPG, and chlorophenol red has an extinction coefficient that is 21-fold higher than o-nitrophenol; these factors make CPRG about 10-fold greater in sensitivity for the quantitation of enzyme levels. The use of Nonidet P-40 to lyse the cells and the use of CPRG as substrate permitted the rapid detection of low levels of enzyme production from transfected human cells that could not be detected using ONPG.  相似文献   

Epitope tags are widely used in cell biology and biochemistry research. The S-peptide/S-protein interaction has previously been utilized to purify polypeptides expressed in bacteria. We have now re-engineered the S-peptide/S-protein system to allow isolation of S-peptide-tagged polypeptides and their binding partners from eukaryotic cells with S-protein-agarose. In addition, two anti-S-peptide monoclonal antibodies have been generated for analysis of expression and subcellular localization of S-peptide-tagged polypeptides. These reagents make the S-peptide/S-protein system an attractive alternative to currently available epitope tagging methods.  相似文献   

A novel microwave-enhanced ink staining method was developed for rapid and sensitive estimation of protein content in sample buffers containing chaotropes, dyes, detergents, and reducing agents. Dye-based Blue-Black ink was used to quantitatively visualize proteins spotted on a nitrocellulose membrane. The total staining time was greatly reduced to 3 min by brief exposure to microwave radiation. The stained membrane was washed with distilled water, baked in a microwave oven for complete desiccation, transparentized with mineral oil, and documented by a desktop scanner or densitometer. Only 1 microL of protein sample (protein solubilized in SDS-PAGE sample buffer or IEF rehydration buffer) was used for protein spotting. The novel solid-phase protein assay gives a 500-fold dynamic range from 19.5 to 10000 ng/microL and can be scaled up for high-throughput protein quantification analysis. The fast, sensitive and low-cost microwave-enhanced ink staining procedure is ideal for protein quantification in proteomic analysis.  相似文献   

This article reveals a rapid sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the highly sensitive detection of human C-reactive protein (CRP) in less than 30 min. It employs a one-step kinetics-based highly simplified and cost-effective sandwich ELISA procedure with minimal process steps. The procedure involves the formation of a sandwich immune complex on capture anti-human CRP antibody-bound Dynabeads in 15 min, followed by two magnet-assisted washings and one enzymatic reaction. The developed sandwich ELISA detects CRP in the dynamic range of 0.3 to 81 ng ml−1 with a limit of detection of 0.4 ng ml−1 and an analytical sensitivity of 0.7 ng ml−1. It detects CRP spiked in diluted human whole blood and serum with high analytical precision, as confirmed by conventional sandwich ELISA. Moreover, the results of the developed ELISA for the determination of CRP in the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid plasma samples of patients are in good agreement with those obtained by the conventional ELISA. The developed immunoassay has immense potential for the development of rapid and cost-effective in vitro diagnostic kits.  相似文献   

Epitope tagging is a valuable tool for quick detection, isolation, and analysis of protein-protein interaction, without prior knowledge of the target protein. The FLAG epitope tag, one of the most widely used tags, is an eight amino acid peptide that can be detected by anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody. In the present study, we have examined the detection sensitivity of a protein fused to three tandem FLAG epitopes by Western blot analysis, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemical analysis using anti-FLAG® M2 antibody. We find that the triple FLAG epitope significantly enhances the sensitivity of detection of fusion protein expressed in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of recombinant soluble proteins could be quite a difficult task, especially when it comes to reliably detect minute amounts of the soluble protein in the supernatant of transfected mammalian cells. Timing and sensitivity are of the essence in order to optimise the benefits/costs balance and to decide which clones to grow further and which ones to discard. Here we propose a modified inhibition assay. The key feature of this approach is the development of a sensitive and quantitative test to detect the presence of the recombinant soluble protein by exploiting its ability to compete with the binding of a specific monoclonal antibody to a target cell. The described procedure is a sensitive, efficient, dependable and low cost method.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase ERp57 is localized predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum, but is also present in the cytosol and, according to preliminary evidence, in the nucleus of avian cells. Conclusive evidence of its nuclear localization and of its interaction with DNA in vivo in mammalian cells is provided here on the basis of DNA-protein cross-linking experiments performed with two different cross-linking agents on viable HeLa and 3T3 cells. Nuclear ERp57 could also be detected by immunofluorescence in HeLa cells, where it showed an intracellular distribution clearly different from that of an homologous protein, located exclusively in the endoplasmic reticulum. Mammalian ERp57 resembles the avian protein in its recognition of S/MAR-like DNA sequences and in its association with the nuclear matrix. It can be hypothesized that ERp57, which is known to associate with other proteins, in particular STAT3 and calreticulin, may contribute to their nuclear import, DNA binding, or other functions that they fulfil inside the nucleus.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering involves ex vivo seeding of anchorage-dependent mammalian cells onto scaffolds, or transplanting cells in vivo. The cell expansion currently requires repeated cell detachment from solid substrata by enzymatic, chemical or mechanical means. The report here presents a high yield three-dimensional culture and harvest system circumventing the conventional detachment requirements. Cells mixed with dilute cationic collagen were microencapsulated within an ultra-thin shell of synthetic polymers. The cationic collagen could rapidly form a conformal layer of collagen fibers around cells to support cell proliferation and functions. The collagen could be readily removed from cells with a buffer rinse after harvesting from the fragile microcapsules. The cells harvested from this system demonstrate improved attachment, morphology and functions over conventionally cultured cells, upon binding to ligand-conjugated polymer surfaces. The harvested cells can be re-encapsulated and allowed to proliferate again, or used immediately in applications.  相似文献   

The intracellular location of the major induced mammalian heat shock (or stress) protein (Mr = 72,000) has been determined by both biochemical and immunological methods. This protein, shown here to be comprised of at least three structurally related isoforms, is produced at high levels within 30 min to 1 h following heat treatment of cells. Biochemical fractionation of cells grown under heat shock showed that following its synthesis a portion of the 72,000-Da protein (and its isoforms) becomes associated with the nucleus while some remains in the cytoplasm. Indirect immunofluorescence studies using antiserum directed against the major isoforms of the 72,000-Da protein were carried out in normal and heat-shocked cells as well as in cells grown under stress by exposure to either an amino acid analogue or to sodium arsenite. Diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining was observed in cells grown at 37 degrees C. In cells grown under heat shock conditions, both the cytoplasmic staining and the nuclear staining were found to increase with the nuclear staining consisting of both granular and patch-like structures, the latter being coincident with phase-dense nucleoli. In the case of cells exposed to amino acid analogues or to sodium arsenite, only cytoplasmic and to a lesser extent nuclear staining was observed, i.e. no localized nucleolar fluorescence was observed. Following return of heat shock-treated cells to normal growth temperatures, both the synthesis of the 72,000-Dalton stress protein and its nucleolar staining were found to diminish.  相似文献   

The quantification of metabolite leakage from damaged mammalian cells to the surrounding medium is of high interest for the processing of samples for metabolomic analysis. It is also of relevance to know the typical time span which is required for a promoted metabolite release through a selectively permeabilized cell membrane. The real-time observation of such a process is difficult since small metabolites cannot be observed directly by optical methods and other more indirect assays can disturb the metabolite concentration itself. However, the diffusion based loss of metabolites from the cytoplasm can be predicted on the basis of reference measurements taken from an easy-to-detect molecule with known diffusion coefficient. In this work, we use green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker and model its release from damaged cells using the finite-element method. A correlation between the disrupted membrane area fraction, A d , the distribution of membrane ruptures and the rate of GFP efflux, k e , has been established. k e has been determined experimentally for Chinese hamster ovary cells, which have been damaged mechanically by passage through a micronozzle geometry in a microfluidic system. The immediate GFP release downstream of the micronozzles has been observed in real-time and the corresponding membrane damage has been predicted. On this basis, we calculated the expected times required for the drainage of freely diffusable cytosolic glucose and found a loss of ??90% within 1 s for a disrupted membrane area fraction of ??5%. Hence, even minimal membrane damage would lead to a rapid loss of cytosolic metabolites by diffusion unless membrane resealing processes take place.  相似文献   

Fumarase, a mitochondrial matrix protein, is previously indicated to be present in substantial amounts in the cytosol as well. However, recent studies show that newly synthesized human fumarase is efficiently imported into mitochondria with no detectable amount in the cytosol. To clarify its subcellular localization, the subcellular distribution of fumarase in mammalian cells/tissues was examined by a number of different methods. Cell fractionation using either a mitochondria fraction kit or extraction with low concentrations of digitonin, detected no fumarase in a 100,000 g supernatant fraction. Immunoflourescence labeling with an affinity-purified antibody to fumarase and an antibody to the mitochondrial Hsp60 protein showed identical labeling pattern with labeling seen mainly in mitochondria. Detailed studies were performed using high-resolution immunogold electron microscopy to determine the subcellular localization of fumarase in rat tissues, embedded in LR White resin. In thin sections from kidney, liver, heart, adrenal gland and anterior pituitary, strong and specific labeling due to fumarase antibody was only detected in mitochondria. However, in the pancreatic acinar cells, in addition to mitochondria, highly significant labeling was also observed in the zymogen granules and endoplasmic reticulum. The observed labeling in all cases was completely abolished upon omission of the primary antibody indicating that it was specific. In a western blot of purified zymogen granules, a fumarase-antibody cross-reactive protein of the same molecular mass as seen in the mitochondria was present. These results provide evidence that fumarase in mammalian cells/tissues is mainly localized in mitochondria and significant amounts of this protein are not present in the cytosol. However, these studies also reveal that in certain tissues, in addition to mitochondria, this protein is also present at specific extramitochondrial sites. Although the cellular function of fumarase at these extramitochondrial locations is not known, the appearance/localization of fumarase outside mitochondria may help explain how mutations in this mitochondrial protein can give rise to a number of different types of cancers.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, and convenient method for detecting a specific bacterium was developed by using a GFP phage. Here we describe a model system that utilizes the temperate Escherichia coli-restricted bacteriophage lambda, which was genetically modified to express a reporter gene for GFP to identify the colon bacillus E. coli in the specimen. E. coli infected with GFP phage was detected by GFP fluorescence after 4-6 hr of incubation. The results show that a few bacteria in a specimen can be detected under fluorescence microscopy equipped with a sensitive cooled CCD camera. When E. coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis were mixed in a solution containing GFP phage, only E. coli was infected, indicating the specificity of this method. The method has the following advantages: 1) Bacteria from biological samples need not be purified unless they contain fluorescent impurities; 2) The infection of GFP phage to bacteria is specific; 3) The fluorescence of GFP within infected bacteria enables highly sensitive detection; 4) Exogenous substrates and cofactors are not required for fluorescence. Therefore this method is suitable for any phage-bacterium system when bacteria-specific phages are available.  相似文献   

The MDR1 gene product, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), was shown to confer multidrug resistance to cancer cells, but its overexpression is also suggested to be involved in pharmacoresistance of epilepsy by acting as an energy-dependent drug-efflux pump in the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In normal brain tissue, P-gp is almost exclusively expressed by capillary endothelial cells (EC) of the BBB, whereas little or no expression is detected in other cell types. Increased P-gp expression was observed after seizures, but localization of this increase, i.e., within brain capillary EC or within parenchymal or perivascular astrocytes, which contribute to the BBB function, is controversial. To test whether these antithetic data arise from unusual properties of the antigen itself, we compared different immunohistochemical techniques and monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies to P-gp in normal rat brain and rat brain after kainate-induced seizures. Using acetone-fixed cryostat sections of snap-frozen tissue, strong P-gp labeling was detected in EC and, after seizures, in hippocampal neurons, but not in astrocytes. In contrast, EC and neuronal P-gp immunolabeling were not seen in paraformaldehyde-fixed sections, whereas both perivascular and parenchymal astrocytes exhibited strong P-gp labeling after seizures. The lack of P-gp labeling in EC by paraformaldehyde fixation, was reversed by treatment of the sections with acetate/ethanol. These experiments demonstrate that various fixation conditions have a striking effect on the immunohistochemical localization of P-gp in rat brain and detection of its increased expression by seizures. When data obtained from different immunohistochemical techniques are taken together, seizures seem to induce overexpression of P-gp in four different cell types, i.e., EC, perivascular astrocytes, parenchymal astrocytes, and neurons.  相似文献   

The localization of trypsin in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A simple and rapid staining procedure is described for qualitative and quantitative determination of the activity of plant (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Shamouti) and fungal (Trichodermata viride) cellulases in polyacrylamide gels. The method is based on the incorporation of carboxymethyl cellulose, a cellulase substrate, into the gels. After electrophoresis of crude extracts the gels are incubated in sodium-potassium phosphate buffer for the cellulase reaction which is stopped at the desired time by acidification of the gels in 60% sulfuric acid. The gels are then exposed to 2.0% KI + 0.2% I2. No color develops in areas containing cellulase activity. The experimental procedure is described, and its different aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Calsequestrin is a calcium binding protein present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of animal muscle cells and is thought to be essential for the rapid uptake and release of Ca2+, and thus for the regulation of Ca2+-dependent cellular functions. Higher plant cells of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) contain a polypeptide of about Mr 55000 that cross-reacts with a monoclonal antibody raised against calsequestrin from rabbit skeletal muscle SR. In beet this protein changes its apparent molecular weight with pH as indicated in Western immunoblotting. Although this protein bound calcium it was not the dominant calcium-binding protein in red beet. Washing of beet root tissue leads to a slight increase of this polypeptide in microsomal fractions as indicated by immunoblotting. After immunoblotting to partially purified cell membrane fractions this polypeptide appeared to be predominantly associated with endoplasmic reticulum-enriched fractions. Immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections of cucumber hypocotyl using the anti-calsequestrin antibody showed that gold particles were very largely confined to the cytosol and often in close proximity to the ER. Clusters of up to nine gold particles were observed, often over small vesicular areas, as observed in some animal tissues. These results indicate that red beet and cucumber cells contain a protein which may be related to animal calsequestrin. It appears to be associated with the ER and could be involved in cellular calcium regulation.  相似文献   

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