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Srivastava DS 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):204-214
Global patterns in community species richness may represent limitations operating at the local scale, such as competitive exclusion and habitat suitability, or, in the case of unsaturated communities, limitations to the species pool of biogeographic regions. Separating the effects of local and regional processes on community richness requires combining small-scale experiments with broad surveys. I examine limitations to the number of aquatic insect species per treehole at the scale of a single woodland, and between eight biogeographic regions. Variation in species richness at the woodland scale can largely be explained by small-scale differences between treeholes in drought disturbance, as shown for British treehole insects for 2 years. At the global scale, drought disturbance is a relatively poor predictor of patterns in the local richness of treehole mosquitoes. Instead, regional differences in the species pool explain most of the variation in local mosquito richness. Treeholes in at least the most species-poor regions appear to be unsaturated with mosquito species. In this system, therefore, local processes do not necessarily scale to global patterns.  相似文献   

The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is one of the most striking ecological patterns on our planet. Determining the evolutionary causes of this pattern remains a challenging task. To address this issue, previous LDG studies have usually relied on correlations between environmental variables and species richness, only considering evolutionary processes indirectly. Instead, we use a phylogenetically integrated approach to investigate the ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for the global LDG observed in swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). We find evidence for the 'diversification rate hypothesis' with different diversification rates between two similarly aged tropical and temperate clades. We conclude that the LDG is caused by (1) climatically driven changes in both clades based on evidence of responses to cooling and warming events, and (2) distinct biogeographical histories constrained by tropical niche conservatism and niche evolution. This multidisciplinary approach provides new findings that allow better understanding of the factors that shape LDGs.  相似文献   


An understanding of the diversity spatial organization in plant communities provides essential information for management and conservation planning. In this study we investigated, using a multi-species approach, how plant–plant interactions determine the local structure and composition of diversity in a set of Mediterranean plant communities, ranging from semi-arid to subalpine habitats. Specifically, we evaluated the spatial pattern of diversity (i.e., diversity aggregation or segregation) in the local neighborhood of perennial plant species using the ISAR (individual species–area relationship) method. We also assessed the local pattern of beta-diversity (i.e., the spatial heterogeneity in species composition among local assemblages), including the contribution of species turnover (i.e., species replacement) and nestedness (i.e., differences in species richness) to the overall local beta-diversity. Our results showed that local diversity segregation decreased in the less productive plant communities. Also, we found that graminoids largely acted as diversity segregators, while forbs showed more diverse neighborhoods than expected in less productive study sites. Interestingly, not all shrub and dwarf shrub species aggregated diversity in their surroundings. Finally, an increase in nestedness was associated with less segregated diversity patterns in the local neighborhood of shrub species, underlining their role in creating diversity islands in less productive environmental conditions. Our results provide further insights into the effect of plant–plant interactions in shaping the structure and composition of diversity in Mediterranean plant communities, and highlight the species and groups of species that management and conservation strategies should focus on in order to prevent a loss of biodiversity.


Grassle and Maciolek (1992) estimated that there were of the order of 107 species of benthic macro-invertebrates in the world's deep sea soft sediments. Their estimate was extrapolated from the 798 species they sampled and the pattern of species diversity observed along a 176km transect on the continental slope of the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Relative to the deep sea invertebrate fauna, the deep sea fish fauna has been better sampled, at least in the upper 1500m. To test the validity of the Grassle and Maciolek method of extrapolation, we applied it to data from a survey of fishes along the continental slope off western Australia, a diverse and previously unsurveyed region. The resulting global estimate for the deep sea demersal fishes – 60000 species – was then compared with the number described to date, about 2650 species, and an estimate of total extant species. Our estimate, which considers the proportion of new species found in little-explored regions of the world ocean, such as off western Australia, and the number of new species expected in future taxonomic revisions, is a total of 3000–4000 species. The Grassle and Maciolek method appears invalid as a means to extrapolate global biodiversity from local surveys.  相似文献   

Okuda  Toshinori  Kachi  Naoki  Kheong Yap  Son  Manokaran  N. 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):155-171
Three analyses of species diversity in a lowland dipterocarp forest were conducted to examine whether the nature of forest community dynamics are determined by density-dependent recruitment and mortality of saplings with a data set obtained in a 50 ha plot in Pasoh Forest Reserve. The first analysis examined whether sapling density varied as a function of distance from the nearest conspecific adult. The second analysis assessed the relationship between the spatial distribution patterns of saplings and adult trees. A third analysis examined sapling recruitment and mortality based on data from 2 censuses, taken in 1985 and 1990. Four hundred forty-four species (each with more than 100 individuals) out of the total of 814 species recorded in the plot, were chosen for the analyses. Of these selected species, 56 species showed significant reduction in sapling densities close to the conspecific adults. Within this group, 11 species were in the emergent layer (29.0% of the total species in this layer), 17 were in the canopy layer (10.5%), 18 were in the understory layer (11.3%), and 10 were in treelet and shrub layer (11.8%). In contrast, the sapling densities of 53 species decreased with increasing distance from conspecific adults; 2 of these species were in the emergent layer (5.2% of the total species in this layer), 14 were in the canopy layer (8.6%), 21 were in the understory layer (13.2%), and 16 were in the treelet and shrub layer (18.8%). The saplings of 35 of the 444 total selected species were clumped, while adults were regularly or randomly distributed. Of the remaining species, in 183 species (41.2%), the distributions of both adults and saplings were clumped. Thus, these 2 analyses do not support the prediction that most of the species of lowland tropical forests fail to produce new adults in their vicinity and as a result of this, adult trees are more regularly distributed than their conspecific juveniles (Janzen 1970). In the third analysis, the recruitment of saplings of species in the emergent and canopy layers increased significantly and in proportion with mortality, suggesting that the dominant species suffer higher mortality than do less common species. This trend is not so apparent in the understory, and the treelet and shrub layers. The results imply that a dynamic equilibrium process, which prevents competitive exclusion and maintains space for minor species, may be active among the species in the upper layers (particularly the emergent layer); however, such a dynamic equilibrium condition is not due exclusively to the reduced recruitment of saplings near conspecific adults, and the dynamic equilibrium condition is not prevalent among the lower story species.  相似文献   

Bryophyte and fungal communities were investigated on fallen trees representing seven deciduous tree species in a mixed near natural nemoral forest. Bryophytes were represented by 41 taxa, including several very frequent species. Of the 296 fungal species, most were recorded with very low frequency and the share of high frequent species was much lower than among the bryophytes. Species turnover was bigger in the fungal communities, compared to the bryophyte communities, and related to a higher extent to measured differences in environmental conditions. Tree species diversity was found to be an important factor for fungal species composition, while only small differences in bryophyte species composition were found between the different tree species. On the other hand bryophyte species richness showed distinct relations to tree species and microclimatic variables, a tendency which was not evident for fungal diversity. It is concluded that the two organism groups to some extent differ in their conservation demands. Thus, conservation of wood-inhabiting bryophytes requires prioritising of large, coherent forest stands in which a stable humid microclimate and a reasonable supply of dead wood is secured. Successful conservation of fungi requires that substantial amounts of dead wood are left for natural decay in a variety of natural forest environments representing different tree species, so that heterogeneity in dead wood types is secured.  相似文献   

In addition to newly generated and continuously growing datasets in mycological research, existing compilations are of high value to assess the fungi of a whole region. In the present study, a private database with ca. 65,000 entries of macromycetous fruit body observations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, was analysed. Observed species richness of tree-associated mycorrhizal and saprobic fungi exceeded 3,000 taxa. The total fungal species richness could not be determined with confidence but will possibly exceed 4,000. Distinct species turnover with respect to host trees was observed. However, the rate of community overlap clearly differed between mycorrhizal and saprobic fungi and deciduous and coniferous trees. By separating the data into abundant core species and rare satellite taxa potential indicator species are presented, whose preservation will be beneficial to many other fungi and the entire ecosystems they live in.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Species–habitat associations can be used as a proxy for species niches. Previous research has shown that niche plasticity may increase diversity in plant communities, and that...  相似文献   

The work reported here investigated the fungal community inhabiting western redcedar fence material with a focus on species colonizing wood below the surface, of which little is known. From seven pieces of fence material, twenty-three different fungal species were isolated and characterized using both traditional morphology and molecular identification methods. The species identified included thirteen ascomycetous and ten basidiomycetous fungi. Isolates were tested for their resistance to -thujaplicin - one of the principle fungicidal agents of western redcedar heartwood extractives. Generally, ascomycetous fungi exhibited greater resistance to -thujaplicin than basidiomycetous fungi. Interestingly, three ascomycetous and two basidiomycetous species frequently isolated had high tolerance to this compound. These species could be candidate pioneer species that invade and detoxify western redcedar extractives, paving the way for colonization by decay fungi.  相似文献   

How is diversity related to species turnover through time?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jonathan B. Shurin 《Oikos》2007,116(6):957-965
Empirical studies across a wide range of taxa show that the slopes of species–time relationships often decline as average species richness increases, indicating that more diverse communities have greater temporal stability in species composition. I explored potential explanations for this observation using two simple model formulations for species temporal dynamics. In the Abiotic model, species turnover is governed by the degree of heterogeneity in the environment and the range of species' tolerances. In this case, more variable conditions lead to lower species richness and higher turnover, but only if the distribution of species' niche widths and the size of the species pool are independent of the degree of environmental variability. The Biotic model represents direct effects of diversity on turnover through positive or negative feedbacks between diversity and species' colonization and extinction rates. Declining turnover with increasing richness occurred when higher diversity either facilitated colonization by new species or reduced extinction rates of extant species. Both models could produce the observed pattern of declining turnover at higher diversity under some circumstances, however the conditions for this outcome in the Abiotic model were restrictive and potentially unrealistic. The models provide a process-based framework for understanding the connection between diversity and species turnover through time.  相似文献   

Patterns of biodiversity provide insights into the processes that shape biological communities around the world. Variation in species diversity along biogeographical or ecological gradients, such as latitude or precipitation, can be attributed to variation in different components of biodiversity: changes in the total abundance (i.e., more‐individual effects) and changes in the regional species abundance distribution (SAD). Rarefaction curves can provide a tool to partition these sources of variation on diversity, but first must be converted to a common unit of measurement. Here, we partition species diversity gradients into components of the SAD and abundance using the effective number of species (ENS) transformation of the individual‐based rarefaction curve. Because the ENS curve is unconstrained by sample size, it can act as a standardized unit of measurement when comparing effect sizes among different components of biodiversity change. We illustrate the utility of the approach using two data sets spanning latitudinal diversity gradients in trees and marine reef fish and find contrasting results. Whereas the diversity gradient of fish was mostly associated with variation in abundance (86%), the tree diversity gradient was mostly associated with variation in the SAD (59%). These results suggest that local fish diversity may be limited by energy through the more‐individuals effect, while species pool effects are the larger determinant of tree diversity. We suggest that the framework of the ENS‐curve has the potential to quantify the underlying factors influencing most aspects of diversity change.  相似文献   

? Linking tree diversity to carbon storage can provide further motivation to conserve tropical forests and to design carbon-enriched plantations. Here, we examine the role of tree diversity and functional traits in determining carbon storage in a mixed-species plantation and in a natural tropical forest in Panama. ? We used species richness, functional trait diversity, species dominance and functional trait dominance to predict tree carbon storage across these two forests. Then we compared the species ranking based on wood density, maximum diameter, maximum height, and leaf mass per area (LMA) between sites to reveal how these values changed between different forests. ? Increased species richness, a higher proportion of nitrogen fixers and species with low LMA increased carbon storage in the mixed-species plantation, while a higher proportion of large trees and species with high LMA increased tree carbon storage in the natural forest. Furthermore, we found that tree species varied greatly in their absolute and relative values between study sites. ? Different results in different forests mean that we cannot easily predict carbon storage capacity in natural forests using data from experimental plantations. Managers should be cautious when applying functional traits measured in natural populations in the design of carbon-enriched plantations.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Vapor steam vents are prevailing structures on geothermal sites in which local geochemical conditions allow the development of extremophilic microorganisms. We describe the...  相似文献   

Based on the most recent estimates by the Canadian Cancer Society, 2 in 5 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes. More than half of all cancer patients receive some type of radiation therapy, and all patients undergo radiation-based diagnostics. While radiation is one of the most important diagnostic and treatments modalities, high-dose cranial radiation therapy causes numerous central nervous system side-effects, including declines in cognitive function, memory, and attention. While the mechanisms of these effects have been studies, they still need to be further elucidated. On the other hand, the effects of low dose radiation as well as indirect radiation bystander effects on the brain remain elusive.

We pioneered analysis of the molecular and cellular effects of low dose direct, bystander and scatter radiation on the brain. Using a rat model, we showed that low dose radiation exposures cause molecular and cellular changes in the brain and impacts animal behavior. Here we reflect upon our recent findings and current state of knowledge in the field, and suggest novel radiation effect biomarkers and means of prevention. We propose strategies and interventions to prevent and mitigate radiation effects on the brain.  相似文献   

Proteinase-activated receptors (PARs) are a subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) with four members, PAR1, PAR2, PAR3 and PAR4, playing critical functions in hemostasis, thrombosis, embryonic development, wound healing, inflammation and cancer progression. PARs are characterized by a unique activation mechanism involving receptor cleavage by different proteinases at specific sites within the extracellular amino-terminus and the exposure of amino-terminal “tethered ligand“ domains that bind to and activate the cleaved receptors. After activation, the PAR family members are able to stimulate complex intracellular signalling networks via classical G protein-mediated pathways and beta-arrestin signalling. In addition, different receptor crosstalk mechanisms critically contribute to a high diversity of PAR signal transduction and receptor-trafficking processes that result in multiple physiological effects.In this review, we summarize current information about PAR-initiated physical and functional receptor interactions and their physiological and pathological roles. We focus especially on PAR homo- and heterodimerization, transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and receptor serine/threonine kinases (RSTKs), communication with other GPCRs, toll-like receptors and NOD-like receptors, ion channel receptors, and on PAR association with cargo receptors. In addition, we discuss the suitability of these receptor interaction mechanisms as targets for modulating PAR signalling in disease.  相似文献   

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