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The organisation of the myofibrils and the sarcoplasmic reticulum in frog slow muscle fibres has been compared with that in twitch fibres. It has been found that the filaments have the same length in the two types of fibre, but that there are differences in their packing: (a) in contrast to the regular arrangement of the I filaments near the Z line in twitch fibres, those in slow fibres are irregularly packed right up to their insertion into the Z line; (b) the Z line itself shows no ordered structure in slow fibres; (c) the fine cross-links seen between the A filaments at the M line level in twitch fibres are not present in slow fibres. The sarcoplasmic reticulum in slow fibres consists of two separate networks of tubules. One set of tubules (diameter about 500 to 800 A) is oriented mainly in a longitudinal direction. The tubules of the other network (diameter about 300 A) are oriented either transversely at approximately Z line level or longitudinally, connecting the transverse tubules. Triads are very rarely found, occurring at only every 5th or 6th Z line of each fibril. The central element of these triads is continuous with the thin tubules. Slow fibres from muscles soaked in ferritin-containing solutions contain ferritin particles in the network of thin tubules, the rest of the sarcoplasm remaining free of ferritin.  相似文献   

The macronucleus in Tokophrya infusionum is composed of numerous Feulgen-positive chromatin bodies (about 0.5 µ in diameter) which appear in thin sections as a dense spongework, homogeneous throughout. The same appearance characterizes metaphase chromosomes of higher forms. Some chromatin bodies of the macronucleus were found to possess a highly organized structure in certain old organisms. This structure appears in cross-sections as a honeycomb and in longitudinal sections as parallel lines about 120 A in diameter evenly spaced (about 230 A). As far as is known this is the first time a regular structure has been found in bodies of chromosomal character at the dimensional level presently explored by electron microscopy. The demonstration that OsO4 can preserve order in chromatin material is another significant aspect of these findings.  相似文献   

Analysis of high-speed (150 frames/sec) cinematographs of the filling and expulsion of the water expulsion vesicle of Tetrahymena pyriformis shows that the vesicle fills as water is pumped into it by contractions of at least four ampullary sacs which are continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. When filled, the vesicle is pressed against its two excretory pores by cyclotic movements of the cytoplasm. This pressure closes the apertures of the ampullae, preventing backflow from the vesicle into them, and also spreads the pellicle of and at the pore, thereby stretching and rupturing the pore-sealing membrane. The vesicle is then invaginated by the cytoplasmic pressure, driving fluid out of the pore. The pore-sealing membrane then reforms, apparently by constriction, and the vesicle is again filled. Electron micrographs show that crisscrossed pore-microtubules extend from the pore to the openings of the ampullae, anchoring the vesicle in place. Each pore is surrounded by a stack of at least 11 ring-microtubules, to which the anchoring pore-microtubules are attached. The pore-microtubules appear to exert tension which assists in spreading the pore, aiding cyclotic pressures in rupturing the pore-sealing membrane. A possible mechanism for the cyclotic pressure and ampullary contraction is proposed.  相似文献   

1. The structure of the smooth muscle fibres in the longitudinal muscle coat of the body wall of Lumbricus terrestris has been investigated by phase contrast light microscopy and electron microscopy. 2. The muscle fibre is ribbon-shaped, and attached to each of its two surfaces is a set of myofibrils. These are also ribbon-shaped, and they lie with their surfaces perpendicular to the surfaces of the fibre, and their inner edges nearly meeting in the middle of the fibre. These fibrils are oriented at an angle to the fibre axis, and diminish greatly in width as they approach the edge of the fibre. The orientation of the set of fibrils belonging to one surface of the fibre is the mirror image of that of the set belonging to the other surface; thus, when both sets are in view in a fibre lying flat on one face, the fibre exhibits double oblique striation. A comparison of extended and contracted fibres indicates that as the fibre contracts, the angle made between fibre and fibril axes increases (e.g. from 5 to 30°) and so does the angle made between the two sets of fibrils (e.g. from 10 to 60°). 3. The myofibril, throughout its length, contains irregularly packed filaments, commonly 250 A in diameter, which are parallel to its long axis and remain straight in contracted muscles. Between them is material which probably consists of much finer filaments. Thus A and I bands are absent. 4. Bound to one face of each fibril, but not penetrating inside it, is a regularly spaced series of transverse stripes. They are of two kinds, alternating along the length of the fibril, and it is suggested that they are comparable to the Z and M lines of a cross-striated fibril. The spacing of these stripes is about 0.5 µ ("Z" to "Z") in extended muscles, and 0.25 µ in contracted muscles. A bridge extends from each stripe across to the stripeless surface of the next fibril.  相似文献   

Egg laying behaviour of Bulinus octoploidus in the laboratorycomprises three phases: (1) grazing, (2) deposition and (3)sweeping. The grazing phase lasts about 60–90 min andcan be recognized by the slowness of forward movement, movementin a restricted area, extended pseudobranch, and regular radularmovements against the substratum. Radular movements stop onlyduring turns and have a maximum frequency of about 45 min–1.Egg mass deposition occurs at the end of the grazing phase andis accomplished in 1 min or less. Egg mass sweeping is a post-depositionphase lasting 8—12 min, during which the snail "sweeps"back and forth across the egg mass, apparently to anchor andflatten it. 1 Authors' present address: Museum of Zoology, The Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. (Received 23 January 1979;  相似文献   

Data on the electrical stimulation of sciatic-gastrocnemius preparations of the frog by both direct currents and condenser discharges at the same time are discussed in relation to the validity of the differential equation See PDF for Equation where p is the local excitatory process, V the stimulating current or voltage, and K and k are constants. It is concluded that the constant k is the same whether it is derived from the data of the one stimulus or the other when the same fibres are being stimulated.  相似文献   

When orientation is attained under the influence of beams of parallel light opposed at 180° the deflection θ from a path at right angles to the beams is given by tan See PDF for Equation, where I 1 and I 2 are the photic intensities and H is the average angle between the photoreceptive surfaces. This expression is independent of the units in which I is measured, and holds whether the primary photosensory effect is proportional to I or to log I. When photokinetic side-to-side motions of the head occur, H decreases with increasing total acting light intensity, but increases if higher total light intensity restricts the amplitude of random movements; in each case, H is very nearly proportional to log I 1 I 2. For beams of light at 90°, See PDF for Equation. The application of these equations to some particular instances is discussed, and it is shown why certain simpler empirical formulæ previously found by others yield fair concordance with the experimental data. The result is thus in complete accord with the tropism theory, since the equations are based simply on the assumption that when orientation is attained photic excitation is the same on the two sides.  相似文献   

1. The cross-striation in the indirect flight myofibrils of Calliphora has been studied by phase contrast and polarised light microscopy. The band pattern at rest-length has been determined in flies killed in osmium tetroxide vapour while their wings remained in the resting position. All other observations have been made on unfixed fibrils. Although length changes in situ are probably very slight (about 2 per cent), isolated fibrils, by treatment with crude muscle extract or with ATP, can be induced to elongate to 104 per cent rest-length, or to shorten by 8 per cent but no more. Over the range 98 to 104 per cent rest-length, experimentally induced length changes are reversible. The fibrils can also be stretched beyond 104 per cent rest-length, but the process is irreversible. During the course of glycerol extraction the fibrils elongate to 104 per cent rest-length. 2. The changes in band pattern observed over the range 104 to 92 per cent rest-length are qualitatively the same as the changes observed over a wider range (about 130 to 40 per cent rest-length) in the skeletal myofibrils of rabbits. The earlier stages of shortening appear to be effected by retraction of the I bands into the A bands where they fill up the H zones. No evidence has been found that any changes in band pattern are due to a migration of the A substance. 3. Two components of the sarcomere can be extracted from it and a third component remains behind. These three components, which have also been demonstrated in skeletal myofibrils of the rabbit, where they behave in the same way, are: (a) the A substance which does not change its position as the fibril changes its length, and which can be extracted by the same procedures as remove myosin (shown elsewhere to be the A substance) from rabbit fibrils; (b) a material which extends from the Z lines to the borders of the H zone and which moves inwards during contraction and outwards during elongation; it can capture rabbit myosin from solution and form with it a contractile system, and it is thought to be actin; (c) a "backbone" or stroma bearing Z and M lines. 4. Since all these features of the cross-striation are the same in the insect fibrils as in rabbit fibrils, it is considered very probable that the sarcomere is similarly organised in both types of muscle and contracts by essentially the same mechanism.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the chloroplasts of maize (Zea mays L.) has been investigated by electron microscopic examination of ultrathin sections of leaves fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide solutions. Both the parenchyma sheath and mesophyll chloroplasts contain a system of densely staining lamellae about 125 A thick immersed in a finely granular matrix material (the stroma), and are bounded by a thin limiting membrane which often appears as a double structure. In the parenchyma sheath chloroplasts, the lamellae usually extend the full width of the disc-shaped plastids, and grana are absent. The mesophyll chloroplasts, however, contain numerous grana of a fairly regular cylindrical form. These consist of highly ordered stacks of dense lamellae, the interlamellar spacing being ca. 125 A. The grana are interlinked by a system of lamellae (intergrana lamellae) which are on the average about one-half as numerous as the lamellae within the grana. In general, this appears to be due to a bifurcation of the lamellae at the periphery of the granum, but more complex interrelationships have been observed. The lamellae of the parenchyma sheath chloroplasts and those of both the grana and intergrana regions of the mesophyll chloroplasts exhibit a compound structure when oriented normally to the plane of the section. A central exceptionally dense line (ca. 35 A thick) designated the P zone is interposed between two less dense layers (the L zones, ca. 45 A thick), the outer borders of which are defined by thin dense lines (the C zones). Within the grana, the C zones, by virtue of their close apposition, give rise to thin dense intermediate lines (I zones) situated midway between adjacent P zones. A model of the lamellar structure is proposed in which mixed lipide layers (L zones) are linked to a protein layer (P zone) by non-polar interaction. Chlorophyll is distributed over the entire lamellar surface and held in the structure by van der Waals interaction of the phytol "tail" with the hydrocarbon moieties of the mixed lipide layers. The evidence in favour of the model is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Toad spinal ganglion cells are individually enclosed in sheaths consisting of one or more attenuated layers of satellite cell cytoplasm surrounded externally by a basement membrane. Narrow (~150 A) extracellular channels separate these layers from one another and from the underlying neuron. In both in vivo and in vitro experiments it was found that molecules of ferritin, a water-soluble protein, are to some extent able to pass across the basement membrane and through these channels to reach the neuronal plasma membrane. Ferritin particles arriving at the neuronal surface are engulfed by the neuron in 0.1 to 0.2 µ "coated" vesicles. The concentration of ferritin in these vesicles is higher than in the perineuronal space. The ferritin incorporated into the neuron is segregated, apparently intact, in multivesicular bodies. It is inferred that the 150A channels in the satellite cell sheath are patent, aqueous spaces through which molecules with a diameter as large as 95 A are able to pass, and that these neurons are capable of taking up whole protein from their immediate environment by the process of pinocytosis.  相似文献   

A method is described for the estimation of the true width of fibrillar or rod-like structures from electron micrographs of metal-shadowed preparations. The method is based on variations in the image width as a function of the angle (β) between the long axis of the fibril and the direction of the shadow in the plane of the preparation. The image width when β = 0° practically represents the real width of the elongated particle but is often indistinguishable from the background. The fibril image width is conveniently measured at β values between 15° and 90°. The true width is obtained by plotting the image width versus sin β and extrapolating to β = 0°. Latex spheres are sprayed with the fibrils or rods to indicate the direction of shadow. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was used as a model structure because of its known constant diameter of 150 A (5). The width (in the case of TMV equal to the diameter) found by the present method was 150 A ± 8 A.  相似文献   

When cells of C. columnaris were broken open, treated with PTA, and examined in the electron microscope, tubular structures (rhapidosomes) were present in the preparations. The rhapidosomes are approximately 300 A in diameter. Their length varies from about 500 to about 15,000 A. An axial hole which runs the length of the rhapidosomes appears to widen and narrow with a regular periodicity. End-on views of short segments of rhapidosomes revealed the presence of subunits around their outside peripheries. The results of studies of lysed cells and of sectioned cells indicate that the rhapidosomes are produced during the disintegration of cells. It seems likely that the compound membranes of the mesosomes break down to give rise to the tubular structures. The mesosomal origin of rhapidosomes is postulated only for the rhapidosomes of C. columnaris, since the origin of rhapidosomes from other organisms was not investigated during this study. The rhapidosomes of C. columnaris may be unrelated to those of S. grandis, S. myxococcoides, A. violaceum, and Sorangium 495, since there was a difference in the details of fine structure between rhapidosomes from C. columnaris and those found in the other four organisms.  相似文献   

In Blaberus discoidalis and Gromphadorhina portentosa, the distribution of motor axons to the muscles which control movements of the spiracular valves at both respiratory and non-respiratory spiracles is identical. Both fast and slowly contracting heads of the opener muscles are innervated by an excitatory motor axon. Physiological properties of the opener excitor axon correlate with valve function. The slowly contracting head of the opener muscle is, in addition, innervated by a common inhibitor which also occasionally innervates closer muscle fibers. Activation of the common inhibitor terminates contraction of slowly contracting opener muscle fibres and initiates a rapid relaxation of these fibres.  相似文献   

  • 1 The succession of hypotheses on the role of myotomal muscle in the generation of swimming movements is described and the conventional concept of ‘waves of contraction’ is shown to be based on a number of misinterpretations.
  • 2 The form of undulatory movements in vertebrate swimmers is characterized by the properties of the sinusoidal oscillation of parts of the body about the axis of progression. An important variable is the relative amplitude of the lateral oscillation of the head end, which can be large in some animals though usually small in most adult aquatic vertebrates.
  • 3 Cinematographic records of swimming animals are examined to determine the forces involved in the generation of waves of bending. A simplified analysis suggests that undulation can be produced by alternation of tension development from side to side without ‘waves of contraction’ passing down the body.
  • 4 Model systems which are able to flex from side to side are considered and two types distinguished - the ‘resistance-dominated’ which propagates waves of bending from centre to extremities, and the ‘stiffness-dominated’ which does not. The type to which a model belongs is determined by the interrelationship of its stiffness and resistance, and the power with which it flexes.
  • 5 A model homogeneous in its properties along its length cannot generate longitudinal movement by flexing from side to side. Some degree of unevenness from one end to the other is required for propulsion.
  • 6 Observations of the movements of an ‘ostraciiform model’ are shown to discount previous theories of the hydromechanics of swimming by the oscillation of a stiff tail about a single pivot. A new interpretation is provided.
  • 7 The majority of vertebrate swimmers behave like ‘hybrid oscillators’ which flex from side to side, ‘resistance-dominated’ posteriorly and ‘stiffness-dominated’ anteriorly.
  • 8 The origin of the ‘waves of contraction’ suggested by electromyograms of swimming animals is traced to the requirement for a tail of variable stiffness for variable frequency of oscillation and to the need to reduce lateral oscillation of the head. Delayed contraction posteriorly and early contraction anteriorly contribute to these functions.
  • 9 The ability of amphioxus to swim backwards and the inability of most vertebrates to do so is related to their structural organization in the form of ‘hybrid oscillators’.
  • 10 Electromyograms are examined in the light of these mechanical models. A developmental sequence is described for the newt which illustrates the organization of the muscular control of swimming movements and may throw light upon the development of the neural mechanism.

The fine structure of the transitional epithelium of rat ureter has been studied in thin sections with the electron microscope, including some stained cytochemically to show nucleoside triphosphatase activity. The epithelium is three to four cells deep with cuboidal or columnar basal cells, intermediate cells, and superficial squamous cells. The basal cells are attached by half desmosomes, or attachment plates, on their basal membranes to a basement membrane which separates the epithelium from the lamina propria. Fine extracellular fibres, ca. 100 A in diameter, are to be found in the connective tissue layer immediately below the basement membrane of this epithelium. The plasma membranes of the basal and intermediate cells and the lateral and basal membranes of the squamous cells are deeply interdigitated, and nucleoside triphosphatase activity is associated with them. All the cells have a dense feltwork of tonofilaments which ramify throughout the cytoplasm. The existence of junctional complexes, comprising a zonula occludens, zonula adhaerens, and macula adhaerens or desmosome, between the lateral borders of the squamous cells is reported. It is suggested that this complex is the major obstacle to the free flow of water from the extracellular spaces into the hypertonic urine. The free luminal surface of the squamous cells and many cytoplasmic vesicles in these cells are bounded by an unusually thick plasma membrane. The three leaflets of this unit membrane are asymmetric, with the outer one about twice as thick as the innermost one. The vesicles and the plasma membrane maintain angular conformations which suggest the membrane to be unusually rigid. No nucleoside triphosphatase activity is associated with this membrane. Arguments are presented to support a suggestion that this thick plasma membrane is the morphological site of a passive permeability barrier to water flow across the cells, and that keratin may be included in the membrane structure. The possible origin of the thick plasma membrane in the Golgi complex is discussed. Bodies with heterogeneous contents, including characteristic hexagonally packed stacks of thick membranes, are described. It is suggested that these are "disposal units" for old or surplus thick membrane. A cell type is described, which forms only 0.1 to 0.5 per cent of the total cell population and contains bundles of tubular fibres or crystallites. Their origin and function are not known.  相似文献   

The vitelline body in the mature oocyte of the spider Tegenaria parietina is composed of 4 different zones. 1. The central zone contains granular areas, vesicles, and a few lamellae. 2. The lamellar zone consists of numerous concentric lamellae. These sheets, 45 A in thickness, are stacked in groups. The fine structure and the regular arrangement recall those of myelin sheets, retinal rods, and chloroplasts. Between the stacks of lamellae, finely granular masses and various vesicles are to be found. 3. The "zone of transition" consists of a finely granular substance accumulated in abundant masses. This substance is composed of very closely packed granules about 50 to 60 A in diameter. Very often, near the lamellae, the granules show alignment giving a gradual transition from grains to lamellae. 4. The vesicular zone contains ergastoplasm, dense particles, mitochondria, and Golgi material. It is suggested that the peculiar ultrastructure of these cytoplasmic components may be related to an intense metabolic activity.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the experimental results obtained by Morgulis in a study of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by liver catalase at 20°C. and in the presence of an excess of a relatively high concentration of peroxide are quantitatively accounted for by the following mechanisms. 1. The rate of formation of oxygen is independent of the peroxide concentration provided this is greater than about 0.10 M. 2. The rate of decomposition of the peroxide is proportional at any time to the concentration of catalase present. 3. The catalase undergoes spontaneous monomolecular decomposition during the reaction. This inactivation is independent of the concentration of catalase and inversely proportional to the original concentration of peroxide up to 0.4 M. In very high concentrations of peroxide the inactivation rate increases. 4. The following equation can be derived from the above assumptions and has been found to fit the experiments accurately. See PDF for Equation in which x is the amount of oxygen liberated at the time t, A is the total amount of oxygen liberated (not the total amount available), and K is the inactivation constant of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The principal conclusion of this investigation is that the inhibitory effect of plasma or serum on hemolysis by saponin and lysins of the same type is similar in nature to the inhibitory effects of certain sugars and electrolytes, which again are similar to the acceleratory effects produced by indol, benzene, and other substances already studied. All these effects, both inhibitory and acceleratory, are the result of reactions between the inhibitors or accelerators and those components of the red cell membrane which are broken down by lysins. The inhibitory effect of plasma on saponin hemolysis has a number of properties in common with the inhibition produced by sugars and electrolytes and with accelerations in general. (a) The temperature coefficient is small and negative. (b) The extent of the inhibition depends on the type of red cell used in the hemolytic system. (c) The most satisfactory measure of the extent of the inhibition, the constant R, is a function of the concentration of lysin in the system, and (d) R is a linear function of the quantity of inhibitor present. It is also shown that the inhibitory effect of plasma, and serum is not entirely dependent on its protein content. The process underlying the phenomenon of lysis and its acceleration or inhibition seems to be one in which the lysin reacts with a component or components of the cell membrane in such a way as to break down its semipermeability to hemoglobin, and in which the accelerator or inhibitor also reacts with the same component in such a way as to increase or decrease the effectiveness of the lysin in producing breakdown. The membrane is considered as being an ultrastructure made up of small areas or spots of varying degrees of resistance to breakdown, the resistances being distributed according to a negatively skew type of frequency curve, and the process of lysis seems to begin with the least resistant spots breaking down first. These spots may be arranged in some regular spatial pattern, and the membrane has also to be regarded as possessing spots of varying rigidity of form. The accelerator or inhibitor changes the resistance of every reactive spot in the ultrastructure by a factor R, which suggests that acceleration and inhibition are results of some over-all effect, such as that of changing the extent to which lysin is concentrated at the surface or partitioned between the material of the membrane and the surrounding fluid. Some kind of combination between the accelerator or inhibitor and the material of the ultrastructure is presumably involved; at first the combination seems to be a loose one and partly reversible, but later some of the loose links are replaced by more permanent combinations involving the same types of bond as are broken down by the lysins themselves.  相似文献   

Sea water in which sodium has been replaced by potassium produces about the same degree of negativity in Halicystis and in Valonia. With increasing dilution of this sea water up to 1 ÷ 16 the degree of negativity steadily falls off in Halicystis. This differs from the situation in Valonia where Damon finds that with increasing dilution the negativity passes through a minimum after which increasing dilution produces increasing negativity. But conditions in the two organisms differ so greatly that a comparison is of rather doubtful significance.  相似文献   

The ciliated ependyma of the rat brain consists of a sheet of epithelial cells, the luminal surface of which is reflected over ciliary shafts and numerous evaginations of irregular dimensions. The relatively straight lateral portions of the plasmalemma of contiguous cells are fused at discrete sites to form five-layered junctions or zonulae occludentes which obliterate the intercellular space. These fusions occur usually at some distance below the free surface either independently or in continuity with a second intercellular junction, the zonula adhaerens. The luminal junction is usually formed by a zonula adhaerens or, occasionally, by a zonula occludens. The finely granular and filamentous cytoplasm contains supranuclear dense bodies, some of which are probably lysosomes and dense whorls of perinuclear filaments which send fascicles toward the lateral plasmalemma. The apical regions of the cytoplasm contain the basal body complexes of neighboring cilia. These complexes include a striated basal foot and short, non-striated rootlets emanating from the wall of each basal body. The rootlets end in a zone of granules about the proximal region of the basal body, adjacent to which may lie a striated mass of variable shape. All components of the basal body complex of adjacent cilia are independent of each other.  相似文献   

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