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Abstract: Thirty‐eight plants were taken from a University of California alfalfa selection nursery for developing resistance to silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring. Seventeen of the plants had low whitefly infestation and were categorized as ‘potentially resistant’; 21 of the plants had high whitefly infestation and were categorized as ‘presumed susceptible’. Plants were propagated vegetatively so that replicated measurements of whitefly performance could be made on each genotype. Two colonies of silverleaf whiteflies were used: one reared on alfalfa (alfalfa‐experienced whiteflies), and the other on cotton (alfalfa‐naive whiteflies). The effect of variation among alfalfa genotypes on whitefly performance was similar for both whitefly sources, although on all genotypes, the alfalfa‐experienced whiteflies generally performed better than their alfalfa‐naive counterparts. In greenhouse tests, fecundity of newly eclosed adults (over a 5‐day period) on the 17 potentially resistant genotypes was relatively consistent in being lower than fecundity on the presumed susceptible genotypes. However, in nymphal survival tests, the response on the 17 potentially resistant genotypes was not consistent. Nymphal survival (egg to adult) on some of these was very low, as expected, while nymphal survival on others was as high as on the presumed susceptible genotypes. Fecundity and nymphal survival data were not correlated for alfalfa‐naive whiteflies, and were only weakly correlated (r2 = 0.13, d.f. = 32, P = 0.04) for alfalfa‐experienced whiteflies. Thirteen genotypes then were examined in the greenhouse in stage‐specific survival tests, where four genotypes demonstrated high resistance (<10% nymphal survival) and three demonstrated moderate resistance (11–34% survival) compared with the three presumed susceptible genotypes that were tested (51–73% survival). Most of the mortality on the resistant genotypes occurred in the first instar, while mortality was more evenly distributed across the life stages on the susceptible genotypes. Interestingly, if nymphs survived to second instar on the resistant genotypes, then their subsequent survival to adult eclosion was similar to survival of second instar to adult on susceptible genotypes. Six of the genotypes used in the greenhouse stage‐specific survival test also were evaluated in the field for nymphal survival, and these results were consistent with the greenhouse tests.  相似文献   

Bayberry whitefly (Parabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) crawlers were placed on young and mature lemon leaves and were allowed 7–9 days to settle. Afterwards, the nymphs were fixed and sectioned in situ on the leaves and the area of leaf under each whitefly was examined at 1 000 x for stylet penetration. Both stylets and stylet tracks were readily visible in the sections. The path of penetration was mostly intercellular and the objective appeared to be the phloem. Passage of the stylets through the plant tissue did not cause detectable damage to most cells; however, damaged plant cells occasionally were noticed. Nymphs that had moulted during the 7–9 day settling period reached the phloem significantly more often than those that were still in their first instar. In each of the three replicates, penetration in the mature leaf occurred significantly less often than penetration in the young leaf (4% vs. 72%, p<0.01, 2). Penetration appears to be inhibited in the mature leaf either by the leaf cuticle or by factors detected by the nymphs after very shallow penetration into the leaf. The cuticle of mature leaves was much thicker than the cuticle of young leaves and may have been a barrier to stylet penetration.
Résumé Des larves de premier stade (avant la fixation) de l'aleurode, Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana), ont été placées, pour qu'elles se fixent, pendánt 2 à 9 jours, sur des feuilles jeunes ou mûres de citronnier. Des morceaux de feuilles avec des larves fixées ont été trempés dans 2% d'agar; ce procédé a permis de maintenir les larves à leurs sites de fixation finale. Des pièces d'agar contenant les morceaux de feuilles avec les larves ont ensuite été trempées dans de la paraffine, et sectionnées en séries de 10 . Il était nécessaire de maintenir une basse température pendant l'opération afin d'obtenir de bonnes sections des feuilles mûres durcies. Les stylets et leurs traces étaient faciles à voir dans les sections teintées aux safranins, et fast green. Presque toutes les traces des stylets étaient intercellulaires et leur destination semblaient être de phloème. En général, la plupart des cellules ne semblaient pas endommagées, les larves qui avaient mué pendant la période de 7 à 9 jours de fixation avaient atteint significantivement plus le phloeme que les larves du premier stade. Dans trois essais, la pénétration des feuilles mûres était significativement moins fréquente que celle des feuilles jeunes (p<0.01, 2).La pénétration dans des feuilles mûres semble être empêchée par la cuticule ou par des facteurs perçus par les nymphes après une pénétration superficielle. La cuticule des feuilles mûres était beaucoup plus épaisse que la cuticule des jeunes feuilles et pourrait donc représenter une barrière à la pénétration des stylets.

A strain of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)) with a history of insecticide exposure was selected with malathion sufficient to cause 80–90% mortality. After 13 generations, malathion resistance had increased 55-fold, and a slight (1.7 ×) increase in resmethrin resistance was noted. There was no cross-resistance to dichlorvos, methomyl or permethrin.DEF (S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate) synergized malathion (18.6 ×) and resmethrin (3.4 ×). This suggested involvement of esterases in resistance of whiteflies to insecticides.Throughout selection, the resistant strain showed a high proportion of females. Virgin females of both resistant and parent strains produced males only.
Résumé La lutte chimique contre Trialeurodes vaporarium Westwood est possible mais difficile (Kraemer, 1966; Watve et al., 1976) par suite de l'augmentation de la résistance (Wardlow et al., 1972, 1975, 1976). Une population ayant subi des traitements à différent insecticides pendant les précédentes années a été choisie. 13 générations successives ont été exposées aux doses de malathion nécessaires pour provoquer une mortalité de 80 à 90%. La sensibilité de chaque génération a été testée sur des adultes de 3–4 jour, placés sur feuilles de Phaseolus vulgaris. La DL50 a été calculée par la méthode de Finney (1971).En 13 générations, la sélection a accuru la LC50 au malathion de 55 fois. La résistance à la resméthrine a augmenté de 1,7 fois; mais il n'y a pas eu apparition de résistance au dichlorvos, au méthomyl ou à la perméthrine.DEF (S,S,S,-tributyl phosphorotrithioate) augmente la toxicité du malathion de 18,6 fois et celle de la resméthrine de 3,4 fois. Ceci impliquerait les estérases dans la résistance des aleurodes au malathion.Pendant la sélection, le taux sexuel de la lignée résistante est favorable aux femelles. La parthénogenèse, la rapidité du cycle, la polyphagie et la mobilité accélèrent le processus de résistance aux insecticides chez les aleurodes.

Stylet penetration by larvae of the greenhouse whitefly on cucumber   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Probing behaviour of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) larvae was monitored using the DC electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique on the host plant cucumber. EPGs were recorded for 16 h, simultaneously with honeydew excretion using a honeydew clock. Three waveforms were distinguished: a pathway waveform (C), and two phloem waveforms, one with a high (H), and one with a low frequency (L) signal. The C waveform mainly occurred in the crawler stage of the 1st instar larvae. EPGs recorded from larvae during and after moulting indicated that the process involves stylet withdrawal; hence the stylets of each new instar need to penetrate again from the leaf surface to the phloem.All sessile stages, from L1 to pre-pupa, spent almost their entire time in waveforms H and L. These waveforms alternated more frequently in the early instars than during the later ones, in which the H waveform became predominant. The H waveform was highly correlated with honeydew excretion and thus phloem sap ingestion. The L waveform was not related to honeydew excretion but EPGs indicated that the stylet tips remain in a sieve element during both waveforms. Periods of honeydew production demonstrated a delay of 30–40 min in relation to the onset and end of H and L waveforms. This delay is presumably related to the time needed for food passing through, or emptying of, the insect's gut. From the 1st instar to the pre-pupa, the frequency of excreted honeydew droplets decreased but their size increased, causing a net increase of the excretion rate.  相似文献   

Realized heritability (h 2) of resistance to dicrotophos in greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, was estimated from a laboratory selection experiment. Five generations of selection increased the LC50 approximately 13-fold. Estimatedh 2 of resistance to dicrotophos was 0.40 when calculated with the method of Tabashnik (1992) and 0.35 with the method of Tanaka & Noppun (1989). These results suggest that 35 to 40% of the total phenotypic variation in resistance was caused by additive genetic variation. For thirteen previously reported estimates ofh 2 of insecticide resistance in other insect pests, the mean was 0.29. The relatively highh 2 of dicrotophos resistance forT. vaporariorum is consistent with rapid resistance development in field populations.  相似文献   

The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to determine what part of stylet penetration behavior by the whitefly vector, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), is lettuce chlorosis virus (LCV) inoculated in the host plant Malva parviflora L. LCV is a semipersistently-transmitted closterovirus. Since closteroviruses generally are found in the phloem of their plant hosts, this study tested the hypothesis that virus inoculation occurs during the phloem phase of stylet penetration behavior. Virus-exposed whiteflies were allowed to feed on uninfected host plants, and the whiteflies were divided into two experimental groups: group 1 attained phloem phase on the uninfected plants, and group 2 did not attain phloem phase. Two series of tests were conducted, one where whiteflies were manipulated so that the amount of time spent in non-phloem phase stylet penetration behaviors was similar between group 1 and group 2, and a second series of tests where whiteflies were manipulated so that the number of intracellular punctures made during stylet penetration was similar between group 1 and group 2. Both series of tests indicated that virus inoculation took place primarily during phloem phase. Considering only individual whiteflies shown to be capable of transmitting virus, 11 of 23 whiteflies (48%) in the phloem phase treatment successfully inoculated the virus whereas only one of 19 whiteflies (5%) in the non-phloem phase treatment successfully inoculated the virus (P=0.00008).  相似文献   

We studied inheritance of resistance to dicrotophos in greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Compared with females from a field-collected susceptible strains (S), females from a resistant strain (R) ofT. vaporariorum derived from heavily treated cotton fields had a 28-fold greater LC50 to dicrotophos in laboratory bioassays. Concentration-mortality lines obtained from female progeny of reciprocal F1 crosses (R XS and S XR) were similar, suggesting that inheritance of dicrotophos resistance was autosomal and not influenced by maternal effects. Responses of F1 female progeny were similar to those of the parental S strain, indicating that the resistance was partially recessive (degree of dominance, D, was −0.61). Mortality observed in female progeny obtained from a backcross (F1♀ XR) corresponded more closely to expectations derived from polygenic models than to expectations from a monogenic model. The estimated number of effective factors (sensu Lande, 1981) contributing equally to resistance was three.  相似文献   

Host-plant and whitefly strain effects and their interactions on the probing and sap feeding of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), have been investigated in this study using the DC-EPG (Electrical Penetration Graph) technique. Whiteflies generally displayed fewer but longer probes on highly acceptable cucumber than on less acceptable tomato. Both whitefly strains, the T(omato)-strain and the C(ucumber)-strain, showed a significantly lower number of phloem phases on cucumber than on tomato. However, the duration of total phloem phases achieved by either of the whitefly strains on these two host plants was not significantly different. These data indicate that a more continuous phloem feeding has occurred on cucumber plants. Indeed, the percentage of phloem feeding time after the first sustained phloem phase (longer than 15 min) was higher on cucumber for the C-strain whiteflies. When comparing these two whitefly strains, the T-strain whiteflies probed less frequently but longer than the C-strain whiteflies did on both host plants. Also, the T-strain whiteflies displayed a longer duration of total phloem phases on tomato. An interaction between the whitefly strain and plant effects was detected on a parameter, which showed that whiteflies probed significantly longer before reaching the first phloem phase on the host plants that had been previously experienced. In conclusion, both plant species and whitefly strains affect whitefly's probing and feeding behaviour, though plant effects are much stronger.  相似文献   

Resistance of the melon line TGR‐1551 to the aphid Aphis gossypii is based on preventing aphids from ingesting phloem sap. In electrical penetration graphs (EPGs), this resistance has been characterized with A. gossypii showing unusually long phloem salivation periods (waveform E1) mostly followed by pathway activities (waveform C) or if followed by phloem ingestion (waveform E2), ingestion was not sustained for more than 10 min. Stylectomy with aphids on susceptible and resistant plants was performed during EPG recording while the stylet tips were phloem inserted. This was followed by dissection of the penetrated leaf section, plant tissue fixation, resin embedding, and ultrathin sectioning for transmission electron microscopic observation in order to study the resistance mechanism in the TGR. The most obvious aspect appeared to be the coagulation of phloem proteins inside the stylet canals and the punctured sieve elements. Stylets of 5 aphids per genotype were amputated during sieve element (SE) salivation (E1) and SE ingestion (E2). Cross‐sections of stylet bundles in susceptible melon plants showed that the contents of the stylet canals were totally clear and also, no coagulated phloem proteins occurred in their punctured sieve elements. In contrast, electron‐dense coagulations were found in both locations in the resistant plants. Due to calcium binding, aphid saliva has been hypothesized to play an essential role in preventing/suppressing such coagulations that cause occlusion of sieves plate and in the food canal of the aphid's stylets. Doubts about this role of E1 salivation are discussed on the basis of our results.  相似文献   

Beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus (Baker) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), is the only known North American vector of beet curly top virus (Geminiviridae), which causes major economic losses in a number of crops including sugar beet, tomato, beans, and peppers. Beet curly top virus is a phloem-limited, persistently transmitted, circulative geminivirus. The strain/species of curly top virus used in this study is the CFH strain, also referred to as beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV). The direct current (DC) electrical penetration graph technique was used to determine the specific stylet penetration behavior associated with inoculation of BSCTV. Viruliferous leafhoppers were allowed to feed on healthy 3–4-week-old sugar beet plants until specific electrical penetration graph waveforms were produced, at which point feeding was artificially terminated. A series of comparisons between leafhoppers that produced different combinations of waveforms clearly implicated waveform D1 as the only waveform correlated with inoculation of BSCTV. All successful inoculations contained waveform D1, and 56 out of 64 leafhoppers that produced waveform D1 successfully inoculated test plants. Eighty-five leafhoppers did not produce waveform D1 and none of these inoculated BSCTV. While the occurrence of waveform D1 appears to be necessary for BSCTV inoculation, there was no correlation between duration of waveform D1 and inoculation success rate. The correlation of waveform D1 and BSCTV inoculation found in this study implies that waveform D1 is associated with phloem salivation.  相似文献   

【目的】明确苜蓿斑蚜Therioaphis trifolii对不同品种苜蓿Medicago sativa的取食行为,探明抗蚜因子和抗虫位点,筛选抗蚜苜蓿品种。【方法】利用刺吸电位技术(electrical penetration graph, EPG)记录苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在10个苜蓿品种上的取食行为,并基于聚类分析方法筛选合适的EPG参数进行抗蚜性评价。【结果】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在取食苜蓿过程中呈现np波、pd波、A波、B波、C波、E波、F波和G波8种波形,其中E波、F波和G波的总时间在不同品种间表现出显著差异。在5 h测试期间,E波持续时间在敖汉上最长,金皇后和中苜3号上次之,草原2号和阿尔冈金上最短;F波总时间以准格尔、阿尔冈金和金皇后上最长,敖汉、德宝和草原2号上最短,说明前者具有较强的机械抗性而后者机械抗性较弱。以第1次刺探持续时间、总刺探时间、F波总时间、C波总时间、E波总时间作为聚类分析的指标,10个苜蓿品种被聚成3类:阿尔冈金、草原2号、WL168HQ、德宝、中苜2号和新牧2号为第Ⅰ类,金皇后、中苜3号和准格尔为第Ⅱ类,敖汉为第Ⅲ类。【结论】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在不同苜蓿品种上的取食行为存在差异,草原2号、阿尔冈金和WL168HQ在叶表皮、叶肉和韧皮部层次对苜蓿斑蚜成蚜存在抗性,金皇后在叶表皮和叶肉部位表现出抗性;苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在敖汉上能够长时间刺吸取食,因此敖汉抗性最弱。本研究为深入探讨苜蓿抗虫机理和蚜虫综合治理提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Immediately after their stylets penetrate a phloem sieve element, aphids inject saliva into the sieve element for approximately 30–60 s before they begin to ingest phloem sap. This salivation period is recorded as waveform E1 in electrical penetration graph (EPG) monitoring of aphid feeding behavior. It has been hypothesized that the function of this initial period of phloem salivation is to reverse or prevent plugging of the sieve element by one of the plant's phloem defenses: formation of P‐protein plugs or callose synthesis in the sieve pores that connect adjacent sieve elements. This hypothesis was tested using the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and faba bean, Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae), as a model system, and the results do not support the hypothesis. In legumes, such as faba bean, P‐protein plugs in sieve elements are formed by dispersal of proteinaceous bodies called forisomes. Contrary to the hypothesis, the great majority of sieve element penetrations by pea aphid stylets do not trigger forisome dispersal. Thirteen sieve elements were cryofixed early in phloem phase before the aphids could complete their salivation period and the forisomes were not dispersed in any of the 13 samples. However, in these samples, the aphids completed on average a little over half of their normal E1 salivation period before they were cryofixed. Thus, it is possible that sieve element penetration triggered forisome dispersal in these samples but the abbreviated period of salivation was still sufficient to reverse dispersal. To rule out this possibility, 17 sieve elements were cryofixed during R‐pds, which are an EPG waveform associated with sieve element penetration but without the characteristic E1 salivation that occurs during phloem phase. In 16 of the 17 samples, the forisomes were not dispersed. Thus, faba bean sieve elements usually do not form P‐protein plugs in response to penetration by pea aphid stylets. Consequently, the characteristic E1 salivation that occurs at the start of each phloem phase does not seem to be necessary to prevent a plugging response because penetration of sieve elements during R‐pds does not trigger forisome dispersal despite the absence of E1 salivation. Furthermore, as P‐protein plugs do not normally form in response to sieve element penetration, E1 salivation that occurs at the start of each phloem phase is not a response to development of a P‐protein plug. Thus, the E1 salivation period at the beginning of the phloem phase appears to have function(s) unrelated to phloem sealing.  相似文献   

Abstract  Gossypium thurberi Todaro is a wild cotton species native to Mexico and parts of the southwestern USA. Four years of field studies in California's Imperial Valley revealed consistent very high levels of resistance in G. thurberi against silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring, an important pest of cotton in many regions of the world. Naturally developing field infestations in plots of G. thurberi were significantly lower than in plots of the commercial cotton cultivars DP 5415, Siokra L23, and Stoneville 474. Gossypium thurberi has two morphological traits that, in past research, have been associated with lower levels of whitefly susceptibility: smooth- and okra-leaf; however, the levels of resistance observed in G. thurberi were significantly greater than in the cotton cultivar DP 5415, which is a smooth-leaf cotton, and Siokra L23 which, like G. thurberi , has both smooth- and okra-leaf traits. Therefore, the high level of resistance in G. thurberi seems to be due to factors above and beyond smooth- and okra-leaf. Siokra L23, which is among the least whitefly-susceptible cotton cultivars, developed whitefly populations over 30 times those on G. thurberi in all 3 years that Siokra L23 was tested. The difference in whitefly population development between G. thurberi and the other two cotton cultivars was even more striking, up to a 475-fold difference. In contrast to the clear results on naturally developing field infestations, experiments comparing nymphal survival among G. thurberi and commercial cotton cultivars did not detect antibiosis, and both choice and no-choice oviposition experiments did not detect antixenosis. Thus, the mechanisms of resistance in G. thurberi remain unknown.  相似文献   

Sauge MH  Lambert P  Pascal T 《Heredity》2012,108(3):292-301
The architecture and action of quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to plant resistance mechanisms against aphids, the largest group of phloem-feeding insects, are not well understood. Comparative mapping of several components of resistance to the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) was undertaken in Prunus davidiana, a wild species related to peach. An interspecific F(1) population of Prunus persica var. Summergrand × P. davidiana clone P1908 was scored for resistance (aphid colony development and foliar damage) and 17 aphid feeding behaviour traits monitored by means of the electrical penetration graph technique. Seven resistance QTLs were detected, individually explaining 6.1-43.1% of the phenotypic variation. Consistency was shown over several trials. Nine QTLs affecting aphid feeding behaviour were identified. All resistance QTLs except one co-located with QTLs underlying aphid feeding behaviour. A P. davidiana resistance allele at the major QTL was associated with drastic reductions in phloem sap ingestion by aphids, suggesting a phloem-based resistance mechanism. Resistance was also positively correlated with aphid salivation into sieve elements, suggesting an insect response to restore the appropriate conditions for ingestion after phloem occlusion. No significant QTL was found for traits characterising aphid mouthpart activity in plant tissues other than phloem vessels. Two QTLs with effects on aphid feeding behaviour but without effect on resistance were identified. SSR markers linked to the main QTLs involved in resistance are of potential use in marker-assisted selection for aphid resistance. Linking our results with the recent sequencing of the peach genome may help clarify the physiological resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour, excretion rate, and life history traits of the cotton-melon aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera, Aphididae), were measured on a resistant melon, Cucumis melo L., breeding line, AR 5. The site of resistance detection by the aphids was determined using the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. EPG recordings showed that resistance is expressed within the host plant, rather than on its surface, because the time to first stylet penetration was not significantly different between AR 5 and the closely related susceptible breeding line, PMR 5. EPG patterns associated with stylet pathway activities of the aphids were not significantly different between the resistant and susceptible lines. Significant behavioural differences were observed only after stylets contacted phloem sieve elements. On AR 5, the duration of salivation after sieve element puncture (waveform E1) was significantly longer, and the number of aphids showing phloem sap ingestion (waveform E2) was significantly reduced. We conclude that the resistance mechanism producing the effects seen in this study acts within the phloem sieve elements. Monitoring of excretion rates on the two genotypes showed that aphid feeding was delayed and greatly reduced on the resistant genotype. Comparisons of aphid life history traits and population development between host plant genotypes showed that the effects of resistance act throughout aphid development and are highly effective at slowing down population increase.  相似文献   

【目的】由电光叶蝉Recilia dorsalis传播的水稻条纹花叶病毒(rice stripe mosaic virus, RSMV)目前在我国华南稻区大面积发生并对水稻生产造成严重危害。本研究旨在明确RSMV对介体电光叶蝉生长繁殖及取食行为的影响。【方法】通过生物学实验测定RSMV侵染后电光叶蝉的生长和生命表参数;利用刺吸电位(electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术比较携带和未携带RSMV的电光叶蝉成虫在健康水稻上的取食行为差异;采用Y型嗅觉仪测定电光叶蝉成虫对感染和未感染RSMV水稻的寄主选择倾向性。【结果】与无毒电光叶蝉相比,携带RSMV的电光叶蝉若虫发育历期延长,而若虫存活率、成虫羽化率、雌虫繁殖力和卵孵化率下降。无毒电光叶蝉成虫倾向于选择取食RSMV侵染的水稻,而带毒电光叶蝉成虫倾向于选择取食健康水稻。与无毒电光叶蝉相比,带毒电光叶蝉成虫取食健康水稻所产生的刺探波、障碍波和唾液分泌波次数和持续时间均显著增加,被动取食波和休息波次数减少但时间均延长。【结论】与无毒电光叶蝉相比,感染RSMV使带毒电光叶蝉若虫发育历期延长且不利于其种群的繁殖。R...  相似文献   

A technique was developed for measuring the length of stylet insertion during adult whitefly probing. The distance that the labium shortens during a probe was shown to be equal to the length of stylets that were inserted into the plant tissue. The length of labial shortening then was measured in high-magnification video recordings of adult female silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii, in conjunction with recording electrical penetration graphs (EPGs – AC method). Using a split-screen device, video images of the whitefly's labium during a probe and the EPG waveforms produced during the probe were recorded simultaneously on the same video tape. On playback, changes in labial length could be measured during specific EPG waveforms to determine the length of stylet insertion that occurred during the waveforms. The focus of the study was on two characteristics of the pathway phase sawtooth waveform: the frequency of voltage peaks and the increase in voltage level that occurs over time during sawtooth waveforms. The rate of stylet penetration was significantly and positively correlated with frequency of sawtooth waveform voltage peaks (r 2=0.33) and the length of stylet penetration was significantly and positively correlated (second-order polynomial) with the relative difference in voltage level between the beginning and end of the sawtooth waveform (r 2=0.43). Stylet advancement did not appear to occur during the few low-flat waveforms (unknown behavioral correlation) and high-flat waveforms (phloem phase) that were observed. Voltage drops occur sporadically during sawtooth waveforms, and these were associated with partial stylet withdrawal (indicated when the labium increased in length, but the probe was not terminated) with an accuracy of 99%.  相似文献   

利用田间抗蚜性鉴定模糊识别技术,结合室内刺探电位(EPG)植物抗性鉴定技术,比较分析了不同遗传背景的小麦种质资源的抗蚜性,为筛选新型小麦抗蚜种质材料提供依据。2年田间抗蚜性鉴定结果表明: 小偃麦多表现为中抗或低抗,而小黑麦多为中感或低感。选取抗性性状稳定且抗性级别不同的小偃麦21(中抗)、小偃麦22(低抗)、小黑麦31(中感)和小黑麦32(低感)进行麦长管蚜取食行为分析。对非刺探波(Np)、刺探波(P)、电势落差(Pd)、水溶性唾液分泌波(E1)、韧皮部取食波(E2)、细胞机械阻碍波(F)和木质部取食波(G)等基本波形的分析显示,麦长管蚜在小偃麦上首次开始刺探的时间显著长于小黑麦,且在小偃麦上的E1波的持续时间显著大于小黑麦;麦长管蚜在小偃麦21上的F波和小偃麦22上Np波的持续时间最长,在小黑麦31上的P波和小黑麦32上的G波的持续时间最长。以E1、F和Np波的持续时间为指标,基于刺探电位的小麦种质资源抗性水平鉴定结果与田间鉴定结果基本一致。因此,使用EPG技术筛选抗蚜小麦材料时,建议采用E1、F和Np波作为评价小麦抗性水平的指标。小偃麦21、22对麦长管蚜的抗性水平较高,可作为小麦抗蚜育种的种质材料。  相似文献   

Stylet penetration behaviors of cotton aphids Aphis gossypii Glover on a transgenic cotton line "GK-12" expressing Bt toxic protein of Cry1A (Bt cotton) and a non-Bt conventional cotton line "Simian-3" (CK cotton) were recorded with the direct current electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG) technique. Cotton aphids reared on Bt cotton (abbreviated as Bt-aphids) and its parental non-Bt control line (CK-aphids) for more than 20 generations each, were used for recordings on two cotton lines. Among 47 selected parameters reflecting the activities of aphid stylets within plant tissues, there were eight parameters of CK-aphids showing significant differences between the performances of CK-aphids on Bt cotton and CK cotton, while for Bt-aphids, all the parameters were statistically equal between the performances on the two cotton lines. All parameters with significant differences indicated that CK-aphids could penetrate into Bt cotton more easily, but the phloem saps of Bt cotton were not as good as those of regular cotton for CK-aphids. Based on the present results, we concluded that there were some factors in Bt cotton affecting penetration behaviors of CK-aphids, but it just took several generations for CK-aphids to completely adapt Bt cotton, and Bt-aphids could feed on two cotton lines without difficulty.  相似文献   

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