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Goldenhar (GS) syndrome is a well-recognised developmental disorder involving first and second branchial arches and characterized by considerable phenotypic variability. The present study presents clinical data on the morphologic features, hearing, ophthalmologic, orthopaedic, neurological, cardiovascular, genitourinary and gastrointestinal evaluation of 17 Greek patients (one pair of monozygotic twins) aged 20 days to 23 years with the clinical diagnosis of GS and with a normal karyotype. The most consistent findings were auricular defects (94%), followed by facial (76%) and ocular anomalies (65%), 70% unilateral, mainly right-sided. In the majority of our patients (90%) mandibular hypoplasia was ipsilateral to the dysplastic ear or the most severely affected ear in bilateral cases. Hearing loss, mainly conductive, was noted in 76% of our patients. Skeletal defects were evident in 23%, while cardiovascular, genitourinary and gastrointestinal in 18%, 23% and 12% respectively. The most frequent neurological manifestation was facial nerve paralysis (12%), while the incidence of mental retardation was higher (23%) than reported in the literature, presumably attributed to the severe hearing and vision loss. In a pair of monozygotic twins of our study discordance of clinical findings was noted. Precise evaluation of GS patients and multidisciplinary care management is necessary to avoid possible complications of many systems and to offer appropriate genetic counselling to the family.  相似文献   

F I Chasalow  S L Blethen  K Taysi 《Steroids》1985,46(4-5):827-843
In early infancy, two unrelated children with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome were found to have elevated levels of androgen sulfates. When the steroid conjugates in the serum of normal infants were hydrolyzed and chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20, 4 androgen containing peaks (I, II, III, IV) were found. In the serum from these two infants with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Peaks I and III were increased, but Peaks II and IV were absent. The parents of the two children, and of three additional unrelated children with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, had exaggerated 17-hydroxyprogesterone responses to an intravenous bolus of ACTH. These findings suggest that a defect in steroid metabolism may be linked to the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of autoantibody reactions towards different organs in patients with aneuploid sex chromosome aberrations have been controversial, and no conclusions can be drawn at present. If the findings by certain authors of increased thyroid autoantibody titers in patients with Down's syndrome as well as in the mothers are confirmed by further studies, this might indicate that the increased thyroid autoantibody titers found in mothers of patients with Down's syndrome in some way might be aetiologically connected with the risk of non-disjunction resulting in trisomy 21.  相似文献   

We developed a mathematical model of monochorionic twin pregnancies and twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), combining both fetal fluid dynamics and fetoplacental growth and circulation alterations and assuming that transplacental fluid flow from mother to fetus accounts for normal fetal and amniotic fluid volumes. Ten coupled differential equations, describing fetal total body and amniotic fluid volumes, their osmolalities, and fetal blood colloid osmotic pressure, for both donor and recipient twins, were solved numerically. Amniotic flows are controlled by fetal plasma osmolality and hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures. We included varying placental anastomoses and placental sharing of the circulations. Consistent with clinical experience, model predictions are: fetofetal transfusion from unidirectional arteriovenous anastomoses cause oligo-polyhydramnios, a normal size recipient but hypovolemic donor; compensating oppositely directed deep and superficial anastomoses moderate discordant development; and anhydramnios results from mild and severe TTTS, where milder forms may even present earlier in gestation than severe TTTS. Unequal placental circulatory sharing may exacerbate discordant development. In conclusion, our model simulates a wide variety of realistic manifestations of amniotic fluid volume and fetal growth in TTTS related to placental angioarchitecture. The model may allow an assessment of the efficacy of current therapeutic interventions for TTTS.  相似文献   

A girl was born with anotia, facial palsy and cardiac malformations. Her case is compared with three other similar ones described in the literature, and the question is raised as to whether this is a new clinical entity or represents a variation of Goldenhar syndrome.  相似文献   

Brood-farm veterinarians were surveyed and theriogenology records were examined to obtain information on the natural outcome of rectally-diagnosed twin pregnancies. Four of the veterinarians estimated that 50% of mares with twin embryos had single foals. In the analyses of palpation records, 31 53 (58%) of the diagnosed twin pregnancies terminated in birth of one foal. However, the loss of one embryo without the loss of the other occurred significantly more often before day 40-42 (30 53 ; 57%) than after day 40-42 (1 16 ; 6%). Of the remaining 15 mares with diagnosed twins at day 40-42, 5 had two foals and 10 had no foals. The methods used for intervention when twins were diagnosed were unsatisfactory. Complete termination of pregnancy with a prostaglandin or an intrauterine flushing resulted in failure to reestablish a singleton pregnancy during the operational breeding season in 10 11 mares. Attempts to eliminate one embryo resulted in loss of both in 6 7 mares. The results indicated that, at the present time, nonintervention should be given more consideration as a method of handling twin pregnancies.  相似文献   

Summary A non-mongoloid boy born to a mongoloid mother is described. He showed aplasia of the left 5th finger and some clinical and dermatoglyphic features frequently found in Down's syndrome. Chromosome analysis revealed few hyperdiploid but no G-trisomic cells. An undetected G-trisomy mosaic, or a mechanism of extrachromosomal inheritance, and an embryonic development in a pathological milieu are discussed.Supported by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung  相似文献   

Expression of simian papovavirus 40 (SV40) T-antigen following in vitro infection was studied in skin fibroblasts from patients with Down syndrome (DS) and their parents to determine whether the increased susceptibility to SV40 infection reflected the cytogenetic defect or the leukemia risk associated with this syndrome. As a group, fibroblasts from patients with DS showed elevated T-antigen expression 72 hrs after infection compared to that of a healthy control population. However, among 24 patients tested, the cell lines of only 11 showed statistically significant increases in T-antigen expression. A cell line from a patient with concurrent DS and acute myelogenous leukemia had a normal value. T-antigen expression did not correlate with the percentage of cells trisomic for chromosome 21 in 18 cell lines examined or with the number of copies of this chromosome in disomic and trisomic cell strains cloned from three mosaic patients.Collectively, cell lines from parents of trisomy 21 patients also showed increased susceptibility to SV40 infection; however, in five families tested, a consistent pattern of genetic transmission of elevated T-antigen expression from parent to offspring was not observed. Q-banding of cell lines in one family showed that elevated T-antigen expression is not a marker of parental nondisjunction. Variation in susceptibility to human interferon, an antiviral agent, did not account for variation in T-antigen levels among these cell lines. Thus, the abnormalities of T-antigen expression in DS appear independent of the hyperdiploid state and are not a sensitive indicator of cancer risk.  相似文献   

Total protein concentrations (TPC) in the human amniotic fluid, during 19 to 40 weeks of gestation, from normal and twins pregnancies were compared. In the normal pregnancies the protein concentrations were found to increase with progressing gestation, but to decrease gradually to the term. TPC fluctuations also showed a similar pattern in the twin pregnancies. There was no significant difference in the total protein contents between the normal and twin pregnancies, which probably indicates that the majority of the proteins originate from maternal source.  相似文献   

Peripheral plasma samples from Brahman cows with single and twin pregnancies were assayed for progesterone and estradiol-17beta throughout pregnancy. The twin pregnancies were obtained by transfer of Friesian embryos to inseminated single-ovulating Brahman cows. The twin-bearing cows had significantly higher levels of progesterone at 8 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. There were no differences in estradiol-17beta levels until the pre-parturient rise which occurred earlier in twin pregnancies. Intra-muscular injection of progesterone had no measurable effect on peripheral plasma levels of estradiol-17beta in Charolais cows 31 - 32 weeks pregnant.  相似文献   

Summary Trisomy 7, trisomy 10 and loss of the Y chromosome have been found by some authors in presumptive normal parts of human kidneys. We describe cytogenetic findings in short-term cultures from 58 biopsies obtained from non-neoplastic and neoplastic (renal cell carcinoma, RCC) tissues from the same kidney, the same types of tissues from independent kidneys, and tissue from kidneys without neoplasia. The results indicate the following. Non-neoplastic tissue from kidneys involved in RCC have (in mosaics) trisomies 5, 7, 10, 18 and loss of the Y as non-random clonal changes. They are not the result of local metastasis but are also found in kidneys with non-tumoral chronic pathologies and should thus not be considered specific for RCC. They are neither culturing artefacts nor a general phenomenon found in cultured normal solid tissues, but are acquired abnormalities, possibily related to various reactive cellular states in the tissues that are histologically normal.  相似文献   

Kallmann syndrome, a form of idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, is characterized by developmental abnormalities of the reproductive system and abnormal olfaction. Despite association of certain genes with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, the genetic inheritance and expression are complex and incompletely known. In the present study, seven Kallmann syndrome pedigrees in an ethnic Han Chinese population were screened for genetic mutations. The exons and intron–exon boundaries of 19 idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism)-related genes in seven Chinese Kallmann syndrome pedigrees were sequenced. Detected mutations were also tested in 70 sporadic Kallmann syndrome cases and 200 Chinese healthy controls. In pedigrees 1, 2, and 7, the secondary sex characteristics were poorly developed and the patients’ sense of smell was severely or completely lost. We detected a genetic mutation in five of the seven pedigrees: homozygous KAL1 p.R191ter (pedigree 1); homozygous KAL1 p.C13ter (pedigree 2; a novel mutation); heterozygous FGFR1 p.R250W (pedigree 3); and homozygous PROKR2 p.Y113H (pedigrees 4 and 5). No genetic change of the assayed genes was detected in pedigrees 6 and 7. Among the 70 sporadic cases, we detected one homozygous and one heterozygous PROKR2 p.Y113H mutation. This mutation was also detected heterozygously in 2/200 normal controls and its pathogenicity is likely questionable. The genetics and genotype–phenotype relationships in Kallmann syndrome are complicated. Classical monogenic inheritance does not explain the full range of genetic inheritance of Kallmann syndrome patients. Because of stochastic nature of genetic mutations, exome analyses of Kallmann syndrome patients may provide novel insights.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis is widely used for the detection of diagnostic markers. In the present study amniotic fluid supernatants (AFS) from pregnancies with Down syndrome (DS) fetuses and from chromosomally normal fetuses in the 17th week of gestation were analyzed by 2-DE. Gel comparison revealed significant differences in the two groups. Spots with different expression levels were excised and proteins were identified by MALDI-MS and nano-ESI-MS/MS. Splicing factor arginine/serine-rich 4 (SFRS4; Q08170) was present only in AFS from DS fetuses and completely absent in the control group. Quantitative differences were detected for alpha-1-microglobulin (AMBP; P02760), collagen alpha 1 (I) chain (CO1A1; P02452), collagen alpha 1 (III) chain (CO3A1; P02461), collagen alpha 1 (V) chain d (CO5A1; P20908), and basement membrane-specific heparin sulfate proteoglycan core protein (PGBM; P98160). These proteins were increased in cases with DS, whereas protein IBP-1 (P08833) was decreased by 40% compared with chromosomally normal fetuses. Four proteins, CO1A1, CO3A1, CO5A1, and PGBM, appeared as fragments. As differentially expressed proteins were present in all pregnancies with DS tested, they may represent useful potential markers for prenatal diagnosis. However, for protein biomarkers to be of any clinical utility, systematic analysis of the maternal serum should be conducted.  相似文献   

Delineation of a cognitive endophenotype for autism is useful both for exploring the genetic mechanisms underlying the disorder and for identifying which cognitive traits may be primary to it. This study investigated whether first-degree relatives of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) demonstrate a specific profile of performance on a range of components of executive function (EF), to determine whether EF deficits represent possible endophenotypes for autism. Parents and siblings of ASD and control probands were tested on EF tasks measuring planning, set-shifting, inhibition and generativity. ASD parents showed poorer performance than control parents on a test of ideational fluency or generativity, and ASD fathers demonstrated a weakness in set-shifting to a previously irrelevant dimension. ASD siblings revealed a mild reduction in ideational fluency and a weakness in non-verbal generativity when compared with control siblings. Neither ASD parents nor siblings displayed significant difficulties with planning or inhibition. These results indicated that the broad autism phenotype may not be characterized primarily by impairments in planning and cognitive flexibility, as had been previously proposed. Weaknesses in generativity emerged as stronger potential endophenotypes in this study, suggesting that this aspect of EF should play a central role in cognitive theories of autism. However, discrepancies in the EF profile demonstrated by parents and siblings suggest that factors related to age or parental responsibility may affect the precise pattern of deficits observed.  相似文献   

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