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The capacity of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) in the heart is limited, since the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD), the first and regulating enzyme of this pathway, is very low. Two mechanisms are involved in the regulation of this pathway. Under normal conditions, G-6-PD is inhibited by NADPH. This can be overcome in the isolated perfused rat heart by increasing the oxidized glutathione and by elevating the NADP+/NADPH ratio. Besides this rapid control mechanism, there is a long-term regulation which involves the synthesis of G-6-PD. The activity of G-6-PD was elevated in the rat heart during the development of cardiac hypertrophy due to constriction of the abdominal aorta and in the non-ischemic part of the rat heart subsequent to myocardial infarction. The catecholamines isoproterenol and norepinephrine stimulated the activity of myocardial G-6-PD in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The isoproterenol-induced stimulation was cAMP-dependent and due to increased new synthesis of enzyme protein. The G-6-PD mRNA was elevated by norepinephrine. As a consequence of the stimulation of the oxidative PPP, the available pool of 5-phosphoribosyl-l-pyrophosphate (PRPP) was expanded. PRPP is an important precursor substrate for purine and pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis. The limiting step in the oxidative PPP, the G-6-PD reaction, can be bypassed with ribose. This leads to an elevation of the cardiac PRPP pool. The decline in ATP that is induced in many pathophysiological conditions was attenuated or even entirely prevented by i.v. infusion of ribose. In two in vivo rat models, the overloaded and catecholamine-stimulated heart and the infarcted heart, the normalization of the cardiac adenine nucleotide pool by ribose was accompanied by an improvement of global heart function. Combination of ribose with adenine or inosine in isoproterenol-treated rats was more effective to restore completely the cardiac ATP level within a short period of time than either intervention alone. (Mol Cell Biochem 160/161: 101–109, 1996)  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) forms a small family of isoenzymes playing an important role in maintaining the concentration of ATP and ADP in muscle cells. To delineate the impact of a lack of CK activity, we studied contractile performance during a single maximal tetanic contraction and during 12 repeated tetanic contractions of intact dorsal flexors of CK knockout (CK(-/-)) mice. To investigate the effect on ATP regeneration, muscular high-energy phosphate content was determined at rest, immediately after the contraction series, and after a 60-s recovery period. Maximal torque of the dorsal flexors was significantly lower in CK(-/-) mice than in wild-type animals, i.e., 23.7 +/- 5.1 and 33.3 +/- 6.8 mN. m. g(-1) wet wt, respectively. Lower muscle ATP (20.1 +/- 1.4 in CK(-/-) vs. 28.0 +/- 2.1 micromol/g dry wt in controls) and higher IMP (1.2 +/- 0.5 in CK(-/-) vs. 0.3 +/- 0.1 micromol/g dry wt in controls) levels at the onset of contraction may contribute to the declined contractility in CK(-/-) mice. In contrast to wild-type muscles, ATP levels could not be maintained during the series of 12 tetanic contractions of dorsal flexors of CK(-/-) mice and dropped to 15.5 +/- 2.4 micromol/g dry wt. The significant increase in tissue IMP (2.4 +/- 1.1 micromol/g dry wt) content after the contraction series indicates that ATP regeneration through adenylate kinase was not capable of fully compensating for the lack of CK. ATP regeneration via the adenylate kinase pathway is a likely cause of reduced basal adenine nucleotide levels in CK(-/-) mice.  相似文献   

1. During late foetal and early post-natal development of rabbit skeletal muscle the total protein increased more rapidly than the non-protein nitrogen content per g. wet wt. 2. AMP-deaminase activity of rabbit leg muscles increased rapidly over the period 5-15 days after birth. In diaphragm muscle from the same animal the rapid increase to the adult enzymic activity took place at about the time of birth. 3. The rapid increase in AMP-deaminase activity of leg muscle occurred earlier in animals born relatively mature, such as the chick and guinea pig, than in animals less well developed at birth, such as the rabbit and rat. 4. The pattern of enzymic activity shown by AMP deaminase during development in diaphragm, leg and cardiac muscles in a given species was closely paralleled by those of adenylate kinase and creatine phosphokinase. 5. When young rabbits were encouraged to become active at an earlier stage than is normal, the rise in creatine-phosphokinase activity occurred at an earlier age than in the control animals. 6. The results suggest that the activity pattern of the muscle is an important factor in determining the time at which the activities of the enzymes of special significance for muscle rise sharply to the adult values. 7. Development in rabbit leg muscle also involved an increase in aldolase activity. The pattern of change was similar to that obtained with other enzymes studied.  相似文献   

Increased O(2) metabolism resulting in chronic hypoxia is common in models of endstage renal disease. Mitochondrial uncoupling increases O(2) consumption but the ensuing reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential may limit excessive oxidative stress. The present study addressed the hypothesis that mitochondrial uncoupling regulates mitochondria function and oxidative stress in the diabetic kidney. Isolated mitochondria from kidney cortex of control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were studied before and after siRNA knockdown of uncoupling protein-2 (UCP-2). Diabetes resulted in increased UCP-2 protein expression and UCP-2-mediated uncoupling, but normal mitochondria membrane potential. This uncoupling was inhibited by GDP, which also increased the membrane potential. siRNA reduced UCP-2 protein expression in controls and diabetics (-30-50%), but paradoxically further increased uncoupling and markedly reduced the membrane potential. This siRNA mediated uncoupling was unaffected by GDP but was blocked by ADP and carboxyatractylate (CAT). Mitochondria membrane potential after UCP-2 siRNA was unaffected by GDP but increased by CAT. This demonstrated that further increased mitochondria uncoupling after siRNA towards UCP-2 is mediated through the adenine nucleotide transporter (ANT). The increased oxidative stress in the diabetic kidney, manifested as increased thiobarbituric acids, was reduced by knocking down UCP-2 whereas whole-body oxidative stress, manifested as increased circulating malondialdehyde, remained unaffected. All parameters investigated were unaffected by scrambled siRNA. In conclusion, mitochondrial uncoupling via UCP-2 regulates mitochondria membrane potential in diabetes. However, blockade of the diabetes-induced upregulation of UCP- 2 results in excessive uncoupling and reduced oxidative stress in the kidney via activation of ANT.  相似文献   

Adenyl and pyridine nucleotide production has been tested in the whole erythrocyte population and in cells of different age, separated by Percoll density gradient. Both the cellular nucleotide production from adenine and nicotinic acid and the related phosphoribosyltransferase activities show a decrease during cellular life span. Pyridine nucleotide production decay in intact cells parallels the NAPRT pattern, while APRT decrease during senescence is greater than cellular adenine nucleotide production decay.  相似文献   

The relation between ATP production and adenine nucleotide metabolism was investigated in human platelets which were starved by incubation in glucose-free, CN?-containing medium and subsequently incubated with different amounts of glucose. In the absence of mitochondrial energy production (blocked by CN?) and glycogen catabolism (glycogen almost completely consumed during starvation), lactate production increased proportionally with increasing amounts of glucose. The generated ATP was almost completely consumed in the various ATP-consuming processes in the cell except for a fixed portion (about 7%) that was reserved for restoration of the adenylate energy charge. During the first 10 min after glucose addition, the adenine nucleotide pool remained constant. Thereafter, when the glycolytic flux, measured as lactate formation, was more than 3.5 μmol · min?1 · 10?11 cells, the pool increased slightly by resynthesis from hypoxanthine-inosine and then stabilized; at a lower flux the pool decreased and metabolic ATP and energy charge declined to values found during starvation. Between moments of rising and falling adenylate energy charges, periods of about 10 min remained in which the charge was constant and ATP supply and demand had reached equilibrium. This enabled comparison between the adenylate energy charge and ATP regeneration velocity. A linear relation was obtained for charge values between 0.4 and 0.85 and ATP regeneration rates between 0.6 and 3.5 ATP equiv. · min?1 · 10?11 cells. These data indicate that in starved platelets ATP regeneration velocity and energy charge are independent and that each appears to be subject to the availability of extracellular substrate.  相似文献   

1. This paper describes the changes in the activity of adenylate deaminase, adenylate and inosinate phosphatase, and adenosine deaminase in the developing chick embryo liver. 2. The adenylate and inosinate phosphatase and adenosine deaminase activity appears considerably higher in chick embryo liver with respect to other chick embryo tissues previously examined. 3. During development the control exerted by ATP on AMP breakdown undergoes variations. Consequently, in the first period of incubation AMP is degraded by the direct pathway (AMP-IMP) and in the last period of incubation by the indirect pathway (AMP-adenosine). In the intermediate period (from the 12th to the 15th day of incubation) both pathways may be followed. 4. The ability to synthesize purine nucleotides through "salvage pathway" seems to be acquired by embryonic liver at least at the 15th day.  相似文献   

The effects of adenosine on adenine nucleotide metabolism in [14C]adenine-labeled rat thymocytes were studied. It was shown that adenosine increases the intracellular pool of adenine nucleotides, predominantly ATP, which is accompanied by marked acceleration of their catabolism and a release of labeled products (especially inosine, hypoxanthine and adenosine) from the thymocytes. The effect of adenosine depends on its concentration and manifests itself already at 10(-6) M. 2-Deoxycoformycin partly relieves the effect of adenosine on adenine nucleotide metabolism. Exogenous deoxyadenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine and adenine, unlike adenosine, do not significantly affect the adenine nucleotide catabolism and the label release from the cells. All the effectors under study strongly increase inosine transport from the thymocytes, and inhibit, with the exception of adenosine, the hypoxanthine release from the cells.  相似文献   

The coupled reactions of electron transport and ATP synthesis for the first two sites of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation have been previously reported to be near equilibrium in isolated respiring pigeon heart (Erecińska, M., Veech, R. L., and Wilson, D. F. (1974) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 160, 412-421) and rat liver mitochondria (Forman, N. G., and Wilson, D. F. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12908-12915). Measurements are presented in this paper which demonstrate that the same relationship exists for both forward and reverse electron transport in rat heart mitochondria. This conclusion implies that adenine nucleotide translocation, a partial reaction of the system, is also near equilibrium, contrasting with proposals that the translocase is rate-limiting for oxidative phosphorylation. To resolve this controversy, the respiratory rates of suspensions of isolated rat liver and rat heart mitochondria were controlled by varying either the added [ATP]/[ADP][Pi] ratios ratios or [ADP] (by varying hexokinase in a regenerating system). Titrations with carboxyatractyloside, a high affinity inhibitor of the translocase which is noncompetitive with ADP, were carried out to assess the dependence of the respiratory rate on translocase activity. Plots of respiratory rate versus [carboxyatractyloside] were all strongly sigmoidal. In liver mitochondria, 40%-70% and in heart mitochondria 66% of the sites could be blocked with carboxyatractyloside before a 10% decrease in the respiratory rate was observed. Further analysis showed that liver and heart mitochondria have translocase/cytochrome a ratios of 1.52 and 3.20, respectively, and that at 23 degrees C the maximal turnover numbers for the translocases were 65 s-1 and 23 s-1. In all states of controlled respiration (no added inhibitor), a substantial excess of translocase activity was present, suggesting that the translocase was not normally rate-limiting in oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The regulative role of adenine nucleotide translocators (ANTs) in oxidative phosphorylation has been estimated by the titration of respiration of isolated rabbit heart mitochondria with carboxyatractyloside in the presence of a non-rate limiting creatine phosphokinase ADP-regenerating system. It has been established that the respiration rate is not controlled by ANTs in the two extreme states, state 3 and state 4. On the other hand, at an intermediate respiration rate (30-70% of the state 3 respiration, which roughly corresponds to that under physiological conditions) the ANT control coefficient had a value of 0.62-0.75. Thus, ANTs seem to play a key role in the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The regulatory role of adenine nucleotide translocase in oxidative phosphorylation was determined by titration of respiration of isolated rabbit heart mitochondria with carboxyatractyloside in the creatine phosphokinase ADP-regenerating system, which is not rate-limiting. It was found that the respiration rate is not controlled by adenine nucleotide translocase in states 3 and 4. Within the physiological region of respiration (30-70% of the maximal rate), the control coefficient for ADP/ATP translocase is 0.62-0.75. Thus, translocase plays a key role in the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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