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The small positive elliplicity near 239 nm in the CD spectrum of RNase has been investigated as a function of pH. Theoretical calculations using CD parameters representing buried or exposed tyrosine residues have been carried out. A comparison of the theoretical calculations with experimental data suggests that the changes in the band's intensity, as a function of pH, arise mainly from electronic transitions associated with the tyrosine residues. The buried tyrosine residues are the major contributors to the ellipticity in this region at neutral pH. At higher pH contributions from exposed residurs are also observed.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism (CD) spectra of ribonuclease A, ribonuclease S, and N-acetyltyrosineamide were recorded as a function of pH in the presence of various concentrations of inorganic salts. Above pH 9.0 salting-in of tyrosine residues increases their intramolecular associations. This association enhances the contribution from these residues to the CD spectrum leading to an apparent titration curve that is shifted toward lower pH. The data indicate that unfolding of ribonuclease A and S by inorganic salts does not begin with disrupting existing electrostatic interactions. But, as the unfolding process progresses, disruption of electrostatic interactions may take place. This is consistent with our previous calorimetric studies which suggest that unfolding of ribonuclease A by salts proceeds initially by energetically favorable solvation of the folded protein. An increase in ellipiticity at 275 nm of partially unfolded protein in salt was observed as the pH was changed from 7.0 to 4.0. This observation may suggest that the isothermal unfolding of the protein by salts at low pH proceeds through an intermediate step which involves histidine residues and causes a conformational change in the tyrosine's asymmetric environment.  相似文献   

To elucidate the structural characteristics of alcohol-denatured proteins, we measured the vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism (VUVCD) spectra of six proteins-myoglobin, human serum albumin, α-lactalbumin, thioredoxin, β-lactoglobulin, and α-chymotrypsinogen A-down to 170 nm in trifluoroethanol solutions (TFE: 0-50%) and down to 175 nm in methanol solutions (MeOH: 0-70%) at pH 2.0 and 25°C, using a synchrotron-radiation VUVCD spectrophotometer. The contents of α-helices, β-strands, turns, poly-L-proline type II helices (PPIIs), and unordered structures of these proteins were estimated using the SELCON3 program, including the numbers of α-helix and β-strand segments. Furthermore, the positions of α-helices and β-strands on amino acid sequences were predicted by combining these secondary-structure data with a neural-network method. All alcohol-denatured proteins showed higher α-helix contents (up to ~ 90%) compared with the native states, and they consisted of several long helical segments. The helix-forming ability was higher in TFE than in MeOH, whereas small amounts of β-strands without sheets were formed in the MeOH solution. The produced α-helices were transformed dominantly from the β-strands and unordered structures, and slightly from the turns. The content and mean length of α-helix segments decreased as the number of disulfide bonds in the proteins increased, suggesting that disulfide bonds suppress helix formation by alcohols. These results demonstrate that alcohol-denatured proteins constitute an ensemble of many long α-helices, a few β-strands and PPIIs, turns, and unordered structures, depending on the types of proteins and alcohols involved.  相似文献   

Four residues Pro19, Leu28, Cys31 and Cys32 proved to be the minimal structural requirements in determining the dimeric structure and the N-terminal segment swapping of bovine seminal ribonuclease, BS-RNase. We analyzed the content of secondary and tertiary structures in RNase A, P-RNase A, PL-RNase A, MCAM-PLCC-RNase A and MCAM-BS-RNase, performing near and far-UV CD spectra. It results that the five proteins have very similar native conformations. Thermal denaturation at pH 5.0 of the proteins, studied by means of CD measurements, proved reversible and well represented by the two-state ND transition model. Thermodynamic data are discussed in the light of the structural information available for RNase A and BS-RNase.  相似文献   

The region between the amino acids 31-46 was previously identified as being first exposed during thermal unfolding of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase). The exchange of one amino acid (Leu35toSer) in this unfolded region of RNase is shown to have a dramatic destabilizing effect (Tm=9 °C). Antibodies raised against a peptide corresponding to the sequence of the labile region, S32-V43, of RNase were effective in stabilizing L35S-RNase against thermal inactivation (65 °C for 2 h) and surpassed the stabilization effect of antiRNase antibodies. An 11% contribution to the stabilizing effect of antiRNase antibodies resulted from antibodies recognizing the unfolding region of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Absorption, circular dichroism (CD), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and emission spectra of rat liver and rat kidney cadmium-, zinc- and copper-containing metallothioneins (MT) are reported. The absorption, CD and MCD data of native rat kidney Cd,Cu-MT protein closely resemble data recorded for the rat liver Cd,Zn-MT. This suggests that the major features in all three spectra of the native Cd,Cu-MT are dominated by cadmium-related bands. The CD spectrum of the Cd,Cu-MT recorded at pH 2.7 has the same band envelope that is observed for a Cd,Cu-MT formed in vitro by titration of Cd,Zn-MT with Cu(I), suggesting that the copper occupies the zinc sites in Cd,Cu-MT formed both in vivo and, at low molar ratios, in vitro. Remetallalion of the metallothionein from low pH in the presence of both copper and cadmium results in considerably less cadmium bound to the protein than was present in the native sample. It is suggested that this is due to the effect of the distribution of the copper amongst all available binding sites, thus inhibiting cluster formation by the cadmium. Emission spectra are reported for the first time for a cadmium- and copper-containing metallothionein. An emission band at 610 nm is shown to be a sensitive indicator of Cu(I) binding to metallothionein. Both the native Cd,Cu-MT and a Cd,Cu-MT formed in vitro exhibit an excitation spectrum with a band in the copper-thiolate charge-transfer region.  相似文献   

Recent applications in our laboratories of electronic circular dichroism to the study of peptide secondary structures and their changes under external stimuli are briefly reviewed. More specifically, this article deals with: 1). characterization of a novel peptide conformation; 2). origin of amino acid homo-chirality on Earth; 3). bend and helical peptides as spacers; and 4). transfer and propagation of chirality in peptides.  相似文献   

Vacuum ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra are reported for poly(galacturonic acid) solution and film, sodium polygalacturonate solution and film, and calcium polygalacturonate gel. In addition to the positive c.d. band near 208 nm previously observed, we find a pair of higher energy bands at 170 180 nm (negative) and 145 nm (positive). The low energy band, assigned to an n-π1 carboxyl transition, is blue-shifted upon gelation or film formation.  相似文献   

Promiscuous ligand binding by hen egg-white avidin has been demonstrated and studied by using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy complemented by molecular docking calculations. It has been shown that the biotin-binding pocket of avidin is able to accommodate a wide variety of chemical compounds including therapeutic drugs (e.g., thalidomide, NSAIDs, antihistamines), natural compounds (bilirubin, myristic acid), and synthetic agents (xanthenone dyes). The cluster of aromatic residues located at the biotin-binding pocket renders the intrinsic CD spectrum of avidin sensitive to ligand binding that results in the increase of the vibronic components of the (1) L(b) transition of the Trp residues. Extrinsic (induced) CD bands measured with chemically diverse avidin ligands are generated by intramolecular coupled oscillator (e.g., bilirubin) or by intermolecular ligand-Trp exciton coupling mechanism [e.g., 2-(4'-hydroxyazobenzene)-benzoic acid (HABA)]. Among the compounds of which avidin-binding affinity constants have been calculated, two novel high-affinity ligands, flufenamic acid and an enzyme inhibitor thiazole derivative have been identified (K(d) ≈ 1 μM). Avidin binding mode of the ligand molecules has been discussed in the light of docking results. The induced CD profile of the thiazole derivative has been correlated with the stereochemistry of its docked conformation. The important role in the ligand binding of a polar side-chain cluster at the bottom of the biotin-binding cavity as well as the analogous avidin-binding mode of HABA and fenamic acid type NSAIDs have been proposed.  相似文献   

Robert W. Woody 《Biopolymers》1978,17(6):1451-1467
The rotational strength of the La transition in phenylalanine and tyrosine side chains has been calculated for dipeptides with various backbone and side-chain conformations. Similar calculations have also been performed for tripeptides in the β-turn conformation with aromatic residues at the corners of the turn. The interaction of the aromatic ring with neighboring peptides generates rotational strengths in the La transition of the order of 0.1 Debye-Bohr magneton. When the preferred backbone and side-chain conformations are considered, it is found that the most probable conformations have positive La bonds. This result accounts for the observation that the N-acyl amino acid amides of L -Tyr and L Phe have positive La bands. It also suggests that, although other interactions may affect the numerical value and even the sign, there will be a significant positive contribution to the rotational strength of aromatic residues in globular proteins from nearest-neighbor interactions. Calculations on proteins of known conformation at the nearest-neighbor level confirm the tendency toward positive La contributions for Phe and Tyr residues. This contribution can be of the order of 10% of the observed CD even in proteins with rather strong amide contributions. In some proteins, such as the gene 5 protein from bacteriophage fd and many snake-venom toxins, side-chain contributions from Tyr and Trp residues manifest themselves as positive CD bands in the 225–250-nm region. The magnitude of the nearest-neighbor contributions and the trend toward positive contributions are consistent with the observation of such CD bands in globular proteins. No special stacking interaction among aromatic side chains needs to be invoked.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) and UV/Visible absorption (UV/Vis) spectroscopy techniques were used to investigate the interaction between heparin and chloroquine, an antimalarial drug that has shown potential as an anti-prion agent. CD spectra of rac-chloroquine upon addition of heparin provide evidence of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) binding, support recent findings suggesting that interactions between heparin and antimalarial drugs are largely due to electrostatic interactions, and represent the first reported GAG-induced CD signal of a bicyclic, aromatic compound. The association constant (∼103 M−1) between chloroquine and heparin was calculated from a UV titration curve and provided additional insight into the nature of the association between these two compounds.  相似文献   

Vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism (VUVCD) spectra of five monosaccharides (D-glucose, D-mannose, D-galactose, D-xylose, and D-lyxose) and five disaccharides (maltose, isomaltose, cellobiose, gentiobiose, and lactose) were measured to 160 nm using a synchrotron-radiation VUVCD spectrophotometer in aqueous solution under high vacuum at 25 degrees C. Most of the saccharides show a positive peak with some shoulders at around 170 nm, except for D-galactose and lactose, which show two distinct negative peaks at around 165 and 177 nm. These spectra are influenced by such structural factors as alpha and beta anomers at C-1, axial and equatorial hydroxyl groups at C-2 and C-4, trans (T) and gauche (G) conformations of the hydroxymethyl group at C-5, and the type of glycosidic linkage. Deconvolution of the VUVCD spectra of D-glucose, D-mannose, and D-galactose into six independent Gaussian components for alpha-GG, alpha-GT, alpha-TG, beta-GG, beta-GT, and beta-TG conformations suggests that the alpha anomer has red-shifted spectra relative to the beta anomer, and that GG and GT conformations have positive and negative circular dichroism signs, respectively, while the sign for TG conformation is anomer dependent. These speculations from the deconvolution analyses are also supported by the VUVCD spectra of disaccharides. These results give new insight into the equilibrium conformations of saccharides, demonstrating the usefulness of synchrotron-radiation VUVCD spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Peptide:N-glycanase has been thought to be responsible for proteasome-dependent degradationof misfolded glycoproteins translocated from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cytosol.Therefore,theenzyme was supposed to be able to distinguish between native and non-native glycoproteins.In the presentstudy,a recombinant,yeast peptide:N-glycanase,Png lp, was expressed in Escherichia coli as inclusionbodies and was purified,refolded and characterized.The results showed that the recombinant enzymehas a broad pH range adaptation,from pH 4.0 to pH 10.0,and has an optimum temperature of 30 ℃.This enzyme is a zinc metalloenzyme.Its activity was abolished with the addition of EDTA and notrestored by adding metal ions.Furthermore,the deglycosylation efficiency of recombinant Pnglpfrom E.coli was investigated with respect to the substrate conformation in vitro.When ribonuclease B(RNase B) was denatured at 60-65 ℃ or by 40-60 mM dithiothreitol, indicated by its obvious structuralchange and sharpest activity change,its deglycosylation by Pnglp was most prominent.The deglycosylationefficiency of RNase B by Pnglp was found to be related to its structural conformation and enzymaticactivity.  相似文献   

Dartigalongue T  Hache F 《Chirality》2006,18(4):273-278
A calculation of the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of carbonmonoxy- and deoxy-myoglobin is carried out in relation to a time-resolved CD experiment. This calculation allows us to assign a dominant role to the proximal histidine in the definition of the electronic normal modes and to interpret the transient CD structure observed in a strain of the proximal histidine. This strain builds up in 10 ps and relaxes in 50 ps as the protein evolves towards its deoxy form.  相似文献   

The VCD spectrum of the monoterpene (−)-myrtenal (1) was compared with theoretical spectra using ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p), B3LYP/6-31G+(d,p), B3LYP/6-311G+(d,p), B3LYP/DGDZVP, and B3PW91/DGTZVP levels of theory. Conformational analysis of 1 indicated that the lowest energy conformer was s-trans-C2-C10, which contributes more than 98.5% to the total conformational population regardless of the employed level of theory. The use of a recently developed confidence level algorithm demonstrated that VCD spectra calculated for the main conformer, using the indicated hybrid functionals and basis set, gave no significant changes, from where it follows that B3LYP/DGDZVP calculations provide a superior balance between computer cost and VCD spectral accuracy. The DGDZVP basis set demanded around a quarter the time than the 6-311G+(d,p) basis set while providing similar results. The spectral comparison also provided evidence that the levorotatory enantiomer of myrtenal has the 1R absolute configuration.  相似文献   

Effect of protein conformation on rate of deamidation: ribonuclease A   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of the folded conformation of a protein on the rate of deamidation of a specific asparaginyl residue has been determined. Native and unfolded ribonuclease A (RNase A) could be compared under identical conditions, because stable unfolded protein was generated by breaking irreversibly the protein disulfide bonds. Deamidation of the labile Asn-67 residue of RNase A was followed electrophoretically and chromatographically. At 80 degrees C, similar rates of deamidation were observed for the disulfide-bonded form, which is thermally unfolded, and the reduced form. At 37 degrees C and pH 8, however, the rate of deamidation of native RNase A was negligible, and was more than 30-fold slower than that of reduced, unfolded RNase A. This demonstrates that the Asn-67 residue is located in a local conformation in the native protein that greatly inhibits deamidation. This conformation is the beta-turn of residues 66-68.  相似文献   

Examination of a variety of arabinose containing C-glycosylflavones has shown that the sign and intensity of the CD band at 250–275 nm (charge-transfer band) reflect not only the point of attachment of the sugar to the flavone but also depend upon the absolute and anomeric configuration, ring-size and ring-conformation in addition to the preferred rotameric conformation of the sugar about the C-aryl, C-l″ bond. A change in stereochemistry of arabinose from the α to β anomer resulted in sign inversion of the 250–275 nm CD band for 6-C-l-arabinosylflavones. Furthermore, a 6-C-arabinosylflavone containing α-l-arabinose exhibited an oppositely signed charge-transfer CD band in comparison to one which contained α-d-arabinose. 6,8-Di-C-glycosylflavones containing arabinose and glucose exhibited CD bands resulting from contributions due to both sugars, if the arabinose was not present as the β-pyranose form (1C4, conformation).  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of specific disulfide bridges (Cys6‐Cys127, Cys30‐Cys115, Cys64‐Cys80, and Cys76‐Cys94) on the secondary structure of hen lysozyme, the vacuum‐ultraviolet circular dichroism (VUVCD) spectra of 13 species of disulfide‐deficient variants in which Cys residues were replaced with Ala or Ser residues were measured down to 170 nm at pH 2.9 and 25°C using a synchrotron‐radiation VUVCD spectrophotometer. Each variant exhibited a VUVCD spectrum characteristic of a considerable amount of residual secondary structures depending on the positions and numbers of deleted disulfide bridges. The contents of α‐helices, β‐strands, turns, and unordered structures were estimated with the SELCON3 program using the VUVCD spectra and PDB data of 31 reference proteins. The numbers of α‐helix and β‐strand segments were also estimated from the VUVCD data. In general, the secondary structures were more effectively stabilized through entropic forces as the number of disulfide bridges increased and as they were formed over larger distances in the primary structure. The structures of three‐disulfide variants were similar to that of the wild type, but other variants exhibited diminished α‐helices with a border between the ordered and disordered structures around the two‐disulfide variants. The sequences of the secondary structures were predicted for all the variants by combining VUVCD data with a neural‐network method. These results revealed the characteristic role of each disulfide bridge in the formation of secondary structures. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Here we report synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectra of various G‐quadruplexes from 179 to 350 nm, and a number of bands in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) are reported for the first time. For a tetramolecular parallel structure, the strongest band in the spectrum is a negative band in the VUV at 182 nm; for a bimolecular antiparallel structure with diagonal loops, a new strong positive band is found at 190 nm; for a bimolecular parallel structure with edgewise loops, a strong positive band at 189 nm is observed; and for a self‐folded chair‐type structure, the strongest band in the spectrum is a positive band at 187 nm. For the tetramolecular parallel structure, the CD signals at all wavelengths are dominated by contributions from quartets of G bases, and the signal strength is approximately proportional to the number of quartets. Our experiments on well‐characterized G‐quadruplex structures lead us to question past attributions of CD signals to helix handedness and G quartet polarity. Although differences can be observed in the VUV region for the various quadruplex types, there do not appear to be clear‐cut spectral features that can be used to identify specific topological features. It is suggested that this is because a dominant positive band in the VUV seen near 190 nm in all quadruplex structures is due to intrastrand guanine–guanine base stacking. However, our spectra can serve as reference spectra for the G‐quadruplex structures investigated and, not least, to benchmark theoretical calculations and empirical models. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 429–433, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

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