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The influence of the preparation method on the structure, conduction and photoelectrochemical properties of monomeric and polymeric tetraruthenated porphyrin films on ITO glass and nanocrystalline TiO2 has been investigated. The films were characterized by STM, MAC mode SFM, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and combined electro-/photoelectrochemical techniques. The electronic diffusion coefficient D(e)C(m)2 of the films differed by three to four orders of magnitude depending on the procedure employed for the deposition process. The photoelectrochemical properties were evaluated either: by depositing the films directly on transparent ITO electrodes, under an applied bias potential and presence of O2 as electron acceptor; or by depositing the porphyrin material on nanocrystalline TiO2 in a Gr?tzel-type cell. In the first case the porphyrin films exhibited a typical p-type semiconductor behavior described by a Schottky junction model, while in the second the films behaved as a sensitizer of an n-type semiconductor. The photoelectrochemical properties of the porphyrin films and their performance as sensitizer in Gr?tzel-type cells were found to be strongly dependent on the conductivity and packing characteristics of the material. Semi-empirical calculations were performed by modified MM2 and ZINDO/S methods, in order to simulate the packing and electronic structures of the tetraruthenated porphyrin.  相似文献   

Optical properties of black lecithin films   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We optimized the procedure for the formation of Langmuir films of antibodies based on amphiphilic polyelectrolytes and studied the physicochemical and immunochemical properties of the films obtained. Their immunochemical properties were compared with the immunochemical activity of antibodies in Langmuir films without amphiphilic polyelectrolytes and with antibodies adsorbed on the surface of polystyrene and graphite. The efficiency of immune adsorption by the films based on amphiphilic polyelectrolytes was shown to be greater; the affinity of antibodies and surface concentration of their active conformation depended on the type of amphiphilic polyelectrolytes used to obtain the films. We investigated the structure of these films at the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite using the method of atomic force microscopy. Changes in the structure of the films under study caused by the increase of surface pressure were demonstrated.  相似文献   

The photovoltaic properties of chlorophyll a and beta-carotene Langmuir films and Langmuir films of a mixure of chlorophyll a and beta-carotene at different molar ratios were investigated. SnO2-optically transparent electrodes were used as a support. It was shown that the film photovoltage value depends on surface pressure and the total film thickness (the number of layers deposited onto SnO2-optically transparent electrodes). Fifteen layers (SP = 35 mH/m) of chlorophyll and 7-10 layers (SP = 20 mH/m) of beta-carotene give rise to a maximal photovoltage of 140 and 270 mV (at a shunt resistance of 10(7) Ohm), correspondingly. It was found that the photovoltage values in films of the carotene-chlorophyll mixture increase with the carotene concentration. The photovoltage value of a film containing 80-90% of carotene exceeds that of single-component pigment films prepared under the same deposition conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the preparation and characterization of Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayers of the enzyme organophosphorus acid anhydrolase (OPAA). Langmuir films of OPAA were characterized on different subphases, such as phosphate, ammonium carbonate, and bis-tris-propane buffers. Monolayers at the air-water interface were characterized by measuring the surface pressure and surface potential-area isotherms. In situ UV-vis absorption spectra were also recorded from the Langmuir monolayers. The enzyme activity at the air-water interface was tested by the addition of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) to the subphase. LB films of OPAA were transferred to mica substrates to be studied by atomic force microscopy. Finally, a one-layer LB film of OPAA labeled with a fluorescent probe, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), was deposited onto a quartz slide to be tested as sensor for DFP. The clear, pronounced response and the stability of the LB film as a DFP sensor show the potential of this system as a biosensor.  相似文献   

Synthetic phosphatidylcholine Langmuir films have been incorporated into metal—insulator—metal (MIM) thin film junctions. The capacitance characteristics of these junctions have been studied as a function of temperature, the number of lipid layers in the insulating layer, and the length of the hydrocarbon chains of the lipid molecule. The thickness of the oxide layer on the base aluminum electrode has been determined to be ? 11 Å, and its effects on the capacitance characteristics have been considered in some detail. Indications of phase transitions in the temperature dependence of the capacitance imply that the basic lamellar arrangement of the lipid molecules is retained even after the samples are subjected to a dehydrating vacuum annealing process. An examination of the effects of varying the hydrocarbon chain length and salt content of the subphase during sample fabrication showed that capacitance characteristics of the MIM junction are very sensitive to small structural changes in the insulating layer.  相似文献   

Optical properties of the polyglycine II helix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W B Rippon  A G Walton 《Biopolymers》1971,10(7):1207-1212
The circular dichroism spectrum obtained from a dilute aqueous solution of poly (ala-gly-gly) resembles that described for charged polypeptides such as the salt form of poly glutamic acid. A similar spectrum is found for films cast from aqueous solution where x-ray studies reported elsewhere have indicated a poly-glycinc II conformation. Evidence is presented for a heat induced poly-glycine II to unordered state transition similar to that described for collagen. The interpretation of this, the first observation of the optical properties of a poly-amino acid in the poly glycine II conformation, is further rationalized on the basis of spectra obtained from a number of polypeptides whose conformation approaches that of a 31 helix.  相似文献   

The deposition behavior and photoelectric response characteristics of chlorophylla (Chla) monolayers and multilayers were investigated under various film fabrication conditions. Chla LB films were deposited onto quartz and pretreated ITO glass substrates under several fabrication conditions, including surface pressure and number of layers. The absorption spectra of Chla in a solution state and solid-like state (LB films) were fairly consistent with each other, and two absorption peaks were found at 678 and 438 nm, respectively. The prepared Chla LB films were set into an electrochemistry cell equipped with a Pt plate as the counter electrode, and the photoelectric response characteristics were obtained and analyzed relative to the light illumination. By considering the resulting photocurrents, the optimal fabrication conditions for Chla LB films were determined as 20 mN/m of surface pressure and 20 layers. The action spectrum of the Chla LB films was obtained in the visible region, and was found to be in good agreement with the absorption spectrum. The possible application of the proposed system as a constituent of an artificial color recognition device was suggested based on combining with the photoelectric conversion property of another lightsensitive biological pigment.  相似文献   

The refractive indices, water content, and volume of wet-spun films of Na-hyaluronate have been measured as a function of relative humidity (rh). These data are used with the Lorentz-Lorenz formula to determine the optical polarizabilities of Na-hyaluronate parallel and perpendicular to the helical axis. The analysis reveals a drop in the optical polarizabilities of approximately 20% between 80 and 88% rh, indicating a phase transition.  相似文献   

A negative photopotential was shown to appear upon illumination on a fucoxanthin solid film-covered platinum electrode, immersed into an electrolyte solution. The effects of electrolyte pH and the reducing and oxidyzing agents on the photopotential value and its kinetic behaviour upon illumination and in the dark were studied. The data obtained are indicative of the ability of fucoxanthin to perform photochemical reactions at the level of electron transfers, which accounts for its photosensitizing activity.  相似文献   

Although photooxidation of water and numerous other species which are part of reversible redox couples is poorly efficient at nanocrystalline TiO2, conversely high photocurrent efficiencies are observed for the oxidation of various organic molecules.This is associated with the fact that in most cases photooxidation of organic molecules does not produce species able to act as electron scavengers. The behaviour of nanocrystalline TiO2 photoelectrodes is clearly dominated by the indirect recombination or redox cycling where intermediates or products of the hole transfer act in turn as electron scavengers. These processes occur whatever the applied anodic bias showing that the actual potential in most of the nanocrystalline TiO2 film is disconnected from that imposed to the conducting substrate.  相似文献   

Elastase. II. Optical properties and the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L Visser  E R Blout 《Biochemistry》1971,10(5):743-752

Surface-modification of TiO(2) is found to be a powerful tool for manipulating the fundamental optical and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO(2). High surface area nanocrystalline TiO(2) was modified by urea pyrolysis products at different temperatures between 300 degrees C and 500 degrees C. Modification occurs through incorporation of nitrogen species containing carbon into the surface structure of titania. The N1s XPS binding energies are 399-400 eV and decrease with increasing modification temperature whereby the Ti2p(3/2) peak is also shifted to lower binding energies by about 0.5 eV. With increasing modification temperature the optical bandgap of surface-modified TiO(2) continuously decreases down to approximately 2.1 eV and the quasi-Fermi level of electrons at pH 7 is gradually shifted from -0.6 V to -0.3 V vs. NHE. The surface-modified materials show enhanced sub-bandgap absorption (Urbach tail) and exhibit photocurrents in the visible down to 750 nm. The maximum incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) was observed for the materials modified at 350 degrees C and 400 degrees C (IPCE approximately 14% at 400 nm, and IPCE approximately 1% at 550 nm, respectively). The efficiency of photocurrent generation is limited by surface recombination, which leads to a significant decrease in IPCE values and significantly changes the shape of the IPCE spectra in dependence on the optical bandgap.  相似文献   

Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) of lipid/protein monolayer films in situ at the air/water interface provides unique molecular structure and orientation information from the film constituents. The technique is thus well suited for studies of lipid/protein interaction in a physiologically relevant environment. Initially, the nature of the IRRAS experiment is described and the molecular structure information that may be obtained is recapitulated. Subsequently, several types of applications, including the determination of lipid chain conformation and tilt as well as elucidation of protein secondary structure are reviewed. The current article attempts to provide the reader with an understanding of the current capabilities of IRRAS instrumentation and the type of results that have been achieved to date from IRRAS studies of lipids, proteins, and lipid/protein films of progressively increasing complexity. Finally, possible extensions of the technology are briefly considered.  相似文献   

Absorption and circular dichroism measurements have been carried out to obtain information regarding the stability and the nature of complexes between Cu(II) and heparin, and between Cu(II) and related glycosaminoglycans. In the presence of Cu(II), all glycosaminoglycans, except keratan sulfate, show a characteristic absorption band near 237 nm, which we assign to charge-transfer bands involving ligands to metal ion. From the absorbance values, the formation constants of Cu(II)-heparin and Cu(II)-(itN)-desulfated heparin have been determined to be approximately 1 × 104 and 2 × 102 mol?1, respectively. The large difference in the stability constant values is attributed to the difference in the charge density of the polymers, and to involvement of more than one ligand in the case of heparin. The CD characteristics of the Cu(II)-heparin complex suggest that both carboxyl and sulfamino groups are involved as ligands. The appearance of extrinsic CD bands in heparin, heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and N-desulfated heparin at pH > 5 is ascribed to asymmetry of chelate rings. Absence of CD change in chondroitin sulfate and N-desulfated heparin (pH < 5) in the presence of Cu(II) suggests that only the carboxyl group is involved in those complexes. The differences either in iduronic acid conformation (C-1 vs. 1-C) or in intersaccharide linkages between dermatan sulfate and heparin (or heparan sulfate) are revealed in the difference CD spectra between the complexes and the polymers. The change in the intrinsic Cotton effect on complex formation is accounted for as a change in spatial orientation of the ligand groups rather than as a major conformational change of the polymers.  相似文献   

Multilayer films of complexes of polycytidylic acid with dioctadecyldimetylammonium were obtained by the Langmuir-Blodgett method (LB films), and complexes of poly(C) with polycations (poly-L-lysisne, polyethyleneimine, polyallylamine) were obtained by the method of alternate adsorption (polyionic assembly) from solutions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes on the solid carrier (SA films). It was shown that poly(C) exists in SA films in a single-stranded state irrespective of whether in the starting solution it occurred in the single-stranded nonprotonated or double-stranded protonated conformation. Conversely, in the LB film poly(C) preferred to be in a double protonated conformation. UV-spectra of water-insoluble LB and SA films at different pH values of surrounding water medium were investigated. Proton titration curves of poly(C) immobilized in LB films were obtained. The analysis of the shape of titration curves showed that the molecular-ionic transformation of poly(C) in LB films is accompanied by both the conformational transition of the polynucleotide and the molecular rearrangement in the whole film. Poly(C) was found to transform from the double- to single-stranded state and vice versa in the "deprotonation-protonation" cycle of LB film due to cooperative release/binding of hydrogen ions by cytosine bases. In contrast, poly(C) "protonation-deprotonation" in SA films occurred without conformational transitions of the polynucleotide. As opposed to poly(C) in solution a rather big hysteresis of forward and back titration curves was found for both types of multilayer films, indicating molecular rearrangements in films. The reason for the structural transformations of poly(C) upon fabrication of LB or SA films and the mechanism of molecular ionic transformations of poly(C) in films are discussed in terms of a simple model of ion exchange. An assumption about the nature of structural transformations of LB and SA films during their protonation-deprotonation is put forward.  相似文献   

A novel neodymium pentafluoropropionate binuclear complex, Nd(C2F5COO)3Dipy (Dipy: 2,2′-dipyridyl), was synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. At a concentration of 0.2 M in DMSO-d6, the Judd-Ofelt parameters (Ω2, Ω4, Ω6) were calculated from the UV-Vis spectrum. According to the small value of Ω2 and the zero splitting energy of 4F/3/2 level, a symmetric ligand field of the complex was confirmed in DMSO-d6. Strong emission of the complex in DMSO-d6 at 1057 nm with a decay time about 1.3 μs were detected when excited at 800 nm pumped by a laser diode. The stimulated emission cross-section of 4F3/2 → 4I11/2 fluorescence transition was 2.36 × 10−20 cm2 and comparable with some laser glasses, which indicated good radiative properties of this neodymium pentafluoropropionate binuclear complex in liquid matrix.  相似文献   

When an electric field is applied along the fiber axis, the intensities of all observable optical diffraction lines of skeletal muscle fibers increase. This electro-optical effect was extensively studied and it was confirmed that the effect is due to the interaction between electric dipole moments of thin filaments and the applied field. From the present study on the intensity modulation due to applied field in sinusoidal and square forms, we confirmed that (1) the thin filament is a semiflexible rod, (2) the second order mode of the bending motion of thin filaments contributes to the electro-optical effect of muscle fibers at higher frequencies of a sinusodidal field or shorter durations of a square field, (3) the induced moment has no appreciable effect, and (4) the estimated value of the flexural rigidity of thin filaments strongly depends on the concentrations of free calcium ions in the myofibrillar space.  相似文献   

In nature, interfacial molecular recognition and chirality are of fundamental significance for the construction of biological assemblies. Lipid monolayers at liquid interface can be used as biomimetic models for studying molecular interactions in such assemblies. In this article, we will focus on the use of Langmuir monolayers for studying self-organization and insertion properties of several neoglycolipids. Two types of glycolipids have been considered, one in the context of the analysis of glycoconjugates of biological relevance, and one dealing with the ability of some glycoprobes to insert into a monolayer in relation with their efficiency for serving as membrane imaging systems.  相似文献   

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