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The complete lyc gene encoding the autolytic lysozyme of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was reconstructed from two overlapping DNA fragments and cloned into a suitable plasmid enabling Escherichia coli to produce this lytic enzyme under the control of the lac promoter. A polypeptide with an apparent M(r) of 35,000, corresponding to that predicted from the nucleotide sequence, was observed by maxicell analysis of whole-cell extracts of E. coli harboring the clostridial gene. The enzyme yield was shown to depend on the pH of the culture medium, since the protein was unstable at alkaline pH. The expression of the lyc gene was not increased by using the E. coli strong promoter, lpp-lac, probably due to the limit imposed by the extreme differences in codon usage. Although the LYC lysozyme does not contain a cleavable signal peptide, most of the protein was found in the periplasmic fraction of E. coli suggesting that this enzyme was secreted through a specific mechanism, as already observed for other autolysins.  相似文献   

Abstract We demonstrate that the 1C10 monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against the N-terminal domain of the colicin A recognizes a 13 residue-region (13Thr-Gly-Trp-Ser-Ser-Glu-Arg-Gly-Ser-Gly-Pro-Asp-Pro25). When this peptide is inserted into a protein in the amino-terminal or an internal position, the tagged protein is efficiently detected by the 1C11 mAb either by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitation. In vitro, the minimal structure required for detection using the pepscan system is 19Arg-Gly-Ser-Gly-Pro-Glu-Pro25, indicating that in vivo the proper exposure of the epitope requires additional residues. The construction of a versatile vector allowing overproduction of tagged proteins is described. Various applications of the 1C11 epitope are mentioned. This epitope did not alter the function of any of the proteins so far tested.  相似文献   

Abstract By a comparison of the rate øX174 gene E product (gpE)-induced autolysis of Escherichia coli RM4101 and its autolysis deficient mutant strains RK232, RK238 and RK316, it was shown that gpE-induced autolysis differs from autolysis induced by EDTA or moenomycin. Subclones of these strains which could no longer be lysed by gpE can be lysed by EDTA shock treatment or moenomycin at almost normal rates. GpE seems to induce only partially the activity of the autolytic system of E. coli.  相似文献   

Abstract Vaccine regimens which mimic actual infection with bacterial enteropathogens should offer the best opportunity for successful long-term immunoprotection against diarrheal disease caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) or Vibrio cholerae . Based on this principle, we designed and tested an oral whole cell anti-ETEC vaccine consisting of intact cells of ETEC strain H-10407 (ST+LT+; O78: H11: CFA/I) which were rendered incapable of replication by treatment with a potent DNA endonuclease, colicin E2. Young healthy volunteers were administered two oral doses of either placebo or approx. 3 × 1010 vaccine cells. In a double-blind study, 9 of 10 vaccinees responded with an increase in CFA/I-specific intestinal IgA antibody, determined as percent of total IgA. Challenge with virulent strain H-10407 (5 × 109 living cells) produced diarrhea in 8 of 9 (89%) of the placebo-treated volunteers and in 2 of 10 (20%) of the vaccinees. Thus, the colicin E2-killed whole cell vaccine afforded both a significant intestinal immune response and significant protection against challenge with the virulent organism. The data presented here suggest that for this vaccine preparation an intestinal anti-CFA/I IgA response is a good indicator of a protective immune response, which most likely involves antibody responses to a number of antigens in addition to CFA/I. We conclude that the colicin E2 method for preparing an oral anti-ETEC vaccine merits further study and that this method may also be applicable to other enteropathogens.  相似文献   

Iron-regulated synthesis and uptake of colicin V   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Virulent strains of Escherichia coli frequently contain ColV plasmids. It is shown that synthesis of the marker protein, colicin V, is regulated by iron via the iron repressor encoded by the fur gene. Mutants in the Cir outer membrane protein, in tonB , as well as in the exbB gene are resistant to colicin V suggesting all three functions to be required for colicin V uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract Sensitivity of Escherichia coli bacteria to colicins A and E1 was significantly increased by overproduction of the BtuB receptor protein. The amount of vitamin B12 needed before colicins A and E1 treatment to protect cells against killing was found to be a function of the number of BtuB molecules present at the cell surface. Cells treated by colicins A and E were rescued from killing by addition of vitamin B12 shortly after colicin treatment. The rate of reversal by vitamin B12 may correspond to the kinetics of irreversible binding to BtuB of the various colicins.  相似文献   

Minicells from Escherichia coli P678-54 are refractory towards procedures known to induce bacteriolysis of DNA-containing E. coli cells. Although still engaged in murein synthesis, minicells could not be lysed by penicillin G. Likewise, endogenous overproduction of the cloned soluble lytic transglycosylase, the predominant murein hydrolytic activity in E. coli, failed to lyse minicells. Furthermore, induction of the phage MS2 lysis protein, a hydrophobic protein assumed to trigger the autolytic system of the host, did not result in bacteriolysis. It is concluded that the murein hydrolases present in minicells are under a tight cellular control.  相似文献   

tolA mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 release periplasmic proteins into the extracellular medium; they are sensitive to growth inhibitors such as cholic acid and tolerant to group A colicins and filamentous bacteriophage. Suppressor mutants of the tolA-876 allele were isolated by selecting for cholic acid resistant clones that did not release periplasmic ribonuclease I. One class of tolA suppressor strains carried mutations in the staA gene (for suppressor of tolA) located a 41 min. tolA-876 staA strains partially recovered a wild-type phenotype: they exported alkaline phosphatase and beta-lactamase into the periplasm and only released very low amounts of periplasmic proteins; moreover, they were sensitive to E1 and A colicins and more resistant than tolA-876 staA+ strains to various growth inhibitors. Furthermore, tolA-876 staA-2 and tolA+staA-2 mutants were 10- to 2700-times more resistant than staA+ strains to bacteriophages TuIa, TuIb and T4, and TuII whose receptors are major outer membrane proteins OmpF, OmpC and OmpA, respectively. SDS-PAGE analysis suggested that cell envelopes of staA or staA+ strains contained similar amounts of these proteins but characterization of strains carrying ompF (or C or A)-phoA gene fusions showed that mutation stA-2 reduced ompF gene expression by a factor of two. Analysis of double mutants strains carrying mutation staA-2 and a tolA, tolB, excC or excD periplasmic-leaky mutation showed that staA suppression was allele specific which suggested that proteins TolA and StaA might directly interact.  相似文献   

Abstract We compared the phenotype of two thermosensitive Escherichia coli mutants defective in lipid A biosynthesis i.e. SM101 ( lpxA ) and CDH23-213 ( lpxD ). More than 40% of the periplasmic 27-kDa marker enzyme β-lactamase was released from SM101 at 28°C. At this temperature, the mutant still grew with a generation time (67 min), not much longer than that of the parent control strain (57 min). CDH23-213 released β-lactamase only at higher temperatures. SM101 and CDH23-213 were both unable to grow in hypo-osmotic conditions. Derivatives of SM101 and CDH23-213 with mdoA ::Tn 10 had identical phenotypes (including thermosensitivity and defective outer membrane permeability barrier to hydrophobic probes) to those of SM101 and CDH23-213, indicating that the potential loss of membrane-derived oligosaccharides (MDO) did not explain these phenotypic properties. A method for the estimation of lipid A synthesis rate was developed.  相似文献   

Recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli usually leads to accumulation of the product inside the cells. To capture the product, cells are harvested, resuspended, and lysed. However, in cases where the product is transported to the periplasm, selective disruption of the outer membrane leads to much purer crude extracts compared to complete cell lysis, as only 4–8% of the native E. coli host cell proteins are located in the periplasmic space. A variety of different strategies to enable selective release of the product from the periplasm is available. However, in most of these studies cells are harvested before they are resuspended in permeabilization agent and no differentiation between leakiness and lysis is made. Here, we tested and compared different strategies to trigger leakiness. In contrast to other studies, we performed these experiments during cultivation and quantified both leakiness and lysis. In summary, we recommend incubation with 350 mM TRIS at constant pH for several hours followed by a mild heat treatment up to 38°C to trigger leakiness with only minimal lysis. This study represents a comparative summary of different strategies to trigger E. coli leakiness and describes a solid basis for further experiments in this field.  相似文献   

Aim: To prepare enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) E2348/69 ghosts and investigate whether immunization with EPEC bacterial ghosts can elicit protective immune responses. Methods and Results: A recombinant plasmid with double λPL/PR‐cI857 temperature‐sensitive regulatory cassettes was constructed. The lysis gene E and/or the staphylococcal nuclease A (SNA) gene were separately inserted downstream of the two regulatory cassettes to construct the lysis plasmids pBV220::E and pBV220::E::CI‐P‐SNA. An EPEC reference strain E2348/69 (serotype O127:H6) was transformed with the lysis plasmids to produce EPEC ghosts. Mice injected with bacterial ghosts EGE (EPEC ghosts produced using lysis protein E) or EGES (EPEC ghosts produced using a combination of lysis protein E and SNA) gained weight normally and showed no clinical signs of disease. Vaccination trials showed that mice immunized with EGE or EGES were significantly protected against subsequent challenge with the wild‐type virulent parent strain, EPEC E2348/69 (42/50 and 45/50 survival, respectively); in contrast, none of the 30 control mice survived. Conclusions: Immunization with EPEC ghosts can elicit protective immune responses in BALB/c mice. Significance and Impact of the Study: EPEC ghosts may represent a promising new approach for vaccination against EPEC infection.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant deficient in genes for heme biosynthesis grew in medium of initial pH 8 containing 1% tryptone and glucose under aerobic growth conditions, and its doubling time was approximately 60 min at 37°C. The growth rate was not increased under O2-limiting conditions. When the mutant was grown in medium of initial pH 6, growth stopped at the middle of the exponential growth phase. This could be overcome and the growth yield increased by the addition of 20 mM lysine to the growth medium. Lysine did not prevent the decrease in the medium pH as growth proceeded, making it unlikely that lysine decarboxylation stimulates growth by the alkalinization of the medium. These results indicate that respiration is not obligatory for growth under aerobic conditions, but growth without respiration at low pH requires a large amount of lysine.  相似文献   

Abstract A pair of relA + and relA E. coli strains, otherwise isogenic, were studied with regard to the susceptibility of starved cells to lysis induced by the natural peptide seminalplasmin. Starved relA cells were more sensitive to seminalplasmin-induced lysis when compared to starved relA + cells. Nevertheless, pronounced lysis of starved relA + cells was observed with increase in the concentration of seminalplasmin. In conctrast, ampicillin could not lyse starved relA + cells even at very high concentrations. Further, seminalplasmin could cause loss of viability and degradation of peptidoglycan in starved relA + cells. These observations suggest that, unlike many other antibiotics, seminalplasmin can induce autolysis under the conditions of a stringent response.  相似文献   

In order to further characterize cellular invasion by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), we compared invasion of HEp-2 cells by EPEC and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC). We used a gentamicin HEp-2 cell assay and measured bacterial recovery under conditions of varying incubation time and temperature, and in the presence or absence of inhibitors of cellular microfilaments and microtubules. We found that, unlike EIEC, EPEC did not rapidly multiply within HEp-2 cell but invaded well at 32 degrees C. While microfilament inhibitors reduced invasion by both EIEC and EPEC, microtubule inhibitors reduced invasion by EPEC only. These results suggest that EPEC and EIEC differ in their mechanisms of epithelial cell invasion.  相似文献   

Five different mechanical cell disruption processes were evaluated as methods to extract plasmids from bacterial cells. The methods used were sonication, nebulization homogenization, microfluidization, and bead milling. The recovery yields of intact plasmids from the various methods were measured by quantitative gel electrophoresis. Bead milling and microfluidization were found to have the highest potential for large scale extraction with total intact recoveries of over 90% and around 50%, respectively. Other methods resulted in substantial plasmid degradation, with recoveries no greater than 20% of the total intact plasmid. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Ferrous iron transport mutants in Escherichia coli K12   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A ferrous iron transport system in Escherichia coli is described. Mutants in this transport system were isolated using the antibiotic streptonigrin. The gene locus feo (for ferrous iron transport) was mapped near pncA at 38.5 min on the genetic map of E. coli K12. The transport of ferrous iron was regulated by fur as the siderophore transport systems.  相似文献   

Abstract We report a new pathway for galactose metabolism in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium . Growth of gal mutants on galactose is restored by the addition of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ) to the medium. In such strains galactose is oxidized to galactonate by a PQQ-dependent, membrane-bound dehydrogenase. A pathway for galactonate metabolism in these organisms has already been described.  相似文献   

AIM: To test the hypothesis that Escherichia coli and enterococci bacteria have similar release rates and transport characteristics after being released from land-applied manure. METHODS AND RESULTS: Turfgrass soil sod was placed into 200 cm long boxes that had the top two 25 cm sections separated to monitor the release and infiltration of bacteria, which affected bacteria transport in the rest of the box. Dairy manure with added KBr was broadcast on the top two sections. Boxes with either live or dead grass stand were placed under a rainfall simulator for 90 min. Runoff and infiltration samples were collected and analysed for Br, E. coli, enterococci and turbidity. Significant differences in release kinetics of E. coli and enterococci were found. A change from first-order release kinetics to zero-order kinetics after 1 h of rainfall simulation was observed. CONCLUSION: Differences in release rates but not in the subsequent transport were observed for E. coli and enterococci. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Because both E. coli and enterococci are currently used as indicator organisms for manure-borne pathogens, the differences in their release rates may affect the efficiency of using these organisms as indicators.  相似文献   

Abstract The current model of TonB-dependent colicin transport through the outer membrane of Escherichia coli proposes initial binding to receptor proteins, vectorial release from the receptors and uptake into the periplasm from where the colicins, according to their action, insert into the cytoplasmic membrane or enter the cytoplasm. The uptake is energy-dependent and the TonB protein interacts with the receptors as well as with the colicins. In this paper we have studied the uptake of colicins B and Ia, both pore-forming colicins, into various tonB point mutants. Colicin Ia resistance of the tonB mutant (G186D, R204H) was consistent with a defective Cir receptor-TonB interaction while colicin Ia resistance of E. coli expressing TonB of Serratia marcescens , or TonB of E. coli carrying a C-terminal fragment of the S. marcescens TonB, seemed to be caused by an impaired colicin Ia-TonB interaction. In contrast, E. coli tonB (G174R, V178I) was sensitive to colicin Ia and resistant to colicin B unless TonB, ExbB and ExbD were overproduced which resulted in colicin B sensitivity. The differential effects of tonB mutations indicate differences in the interaction of TonB with receptors and colicins.  相似文献   

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