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提出了一种基于省级平台的临床路径知识库共享系统的设计方案,主要从系统整体架构的设计、网络结构设计、功能规划以及系统的业务流程设计几个方面进行了分析。构架基于省级平台的临床知识库共享平台,可以将过去单一的仅在本医院内使用的临床路径分享给所有医院,真正意义上实现数据互通,数据共享。同时,本系统与省外医疗信息平台实现对接。  相似文献   

中国是心血管疾病的数据大国,但是从数据质量和临床科研上讲,并非强国。为了提高心血管数据在临床质量评估和科研中的应用,我院心内科开始了心血管专科临床科研数据中心的尝试和建设。通过借鉴美国相关经验,以及对我国心血管临床质量评估以及科研需求的深入调研,我们建设了以心血管专科临床数据仓库以及心血管注册数据中心为核心的心血管专科临床科研数据中心。在此基础上,进一步探索并建设了自定义科研表单,多维度组合筛选,基于随访策略的心血管随访管理,基于个性化诊疗计划的心血管病人院后管理,相关性分析及不良心血管事件模式发现等应用和工具,有助于提升心血管专科的临床流程效率,临床质量评估和科研水平,同时为建立全国性的心血管疾病注册数据库打下了基础。  相似文献   

系统提取并分析了农作物种质资源普查数据、调查数据、评价数据和保存数据等数据信息,采用基于数据元技术方法制定了农作物种质资源调查数据标准和数据元目录;定义了种质资源调查数据集以及对象和属性的映射关系;给出了基于XML数据标准存储及交换策略。标准的制定使农作物种质资源调查在"数据层"上达到统一,规范了数据库构建,促进了农作物种质资源调查数据的整合和共享。  相似文献   

It ought to be easy to exchange digital micrographs and other computer data files with a colleague even on another continent. In practice, this often is not the case. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods that are available for exchanging data files between computers are discussed. When possible, data should be transferred through computer networking. When data are to be exchanged locally between computers with similar operating systems, the use of a local area network is recommended. For computers in commercial or academic environments that have dissimilar operating systems or are more widely spaced, the use of FTPs is recommended. Failing this, posting the data on a website and transferring by hypertext transfer protocol is suggested. If peer to peer exchange between computers in domestic environments is needed, the use of Messenger services such as Microsoft Messenger or Yahoo Messenger is the method of choice. When it is not possible to transfer the data files over the internet, single use, writable CD ROMs are the best media for transferring data. If for some reason this is not possible, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, 100 MB ZIP disks and USB flash media are potentially useful media for exchanging data files.  相似文献   

It ought to be easy to exchange digital micrographs and other computer data files with a colleague even on another continent. In practice, this often is not the case. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods that are available for exchanging data files between computers are discussed. When possible, data should be transferred through computer networking. When data are to be exchanged locally between computers with similar operating systems, the use of a local area network is recommended. For computers in commercial or academic environments that have dissimilar operating systems or are more widely spaced, the use of FTPs is recommended. Failing this, posting the data on a website and transferring by hypertext transfer protocol is suggested. If peer to peer exchange between computers in domestic environments is needed, the use of Messenger services such as Microsoft Messenger or Yahoo Messenger is the method of choice. When it is not possible to transfer the data files over the internet, single use, writable CD ROMs are the best media for transferring data. If for some reason this is not possible, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, 100 MB ZIP disks and USB flash media are potentially useful media for exchanging data files.  相似文献   

Despite the centrality of epistemic issues in biobank knowledge generation, there is currently a lacuna in research addressing the epistemic assumptions of biobank science and data sharing. The article addresses this lacuna. Using the insights of philosophical and sociological analysis, we examine standardization and harmonization and central challenges biobank data-sharing faces. We defend two central epistemic values, namely “spatial and temporal translatability” and “epistemic adequacy” which foster effective biobank knowledge generation. The first refers to the way in which biobank data need to be re-usable and re-purposable by bioscience researchers who did not create them. Given the perennial issues of data mutability and incommensurability, we also propose “epistemic adequacy.” In uncovering the social and epistemic foundations of biobank science, we emphasize issues essential for achieving effective and transparent biobank practice and productive communication and engagement with the public about the nature, potential and limits of biobanks.  相似文献   

食物分享是灵长类动物的一种重要社会交往行为,主要发生在成体-幼体间和成体-成体之间。本文从这两个方面对灵长类动物食物分享的行为表现、特点以及功能进行总结,着重比较了无亲缘关系的成年个体间食物分享的互惠解释和骚扰解释。通过对以上内容的综合分析,进一步提出了食物分享行为的未来研究方向以及对人类合作行为演化的启示。  相似文献   

红外相机技术在野生动物调查研究中得到广泛应用, 其发展和普及为中国自然保护地生物多样性保护带来了诸多机会。为进一步推广该技术在我国自然保护地野生动物监测中的应用, 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所在自然保护区生物标本资源共享子平台增设野生动物红外相机数据库专栏, 并通过门户网站“中国自然保护区生物标本资源共享平台” (http://www.papc.cn/)对外发布, 向公众开放, 可以随时查阅、下载信息。本文重点介绍了该平台的野生动物红外相机数据库建设进展, 包括所监测的自然保护区、监测方案、数据规范存储、标准化分析、成果介绍、工作计划等内容。2010-2019年间, 该平台使用红外相机调查技术在全国13个不同类型的保护地开展兽类和鸟类资源调查, 累计27.25万个有效工作日, 共拍摄到8.41万张独立图像, 经鉴定有80种野生兽类和200种野生鸟类, 并利用这些数据对野生动物行为、稀有物种探测、人为干扰, 以及气候变化影响等方面进行研究, 取得了重要的阶段性成果。下一步, 子平台牵头单位将筹建自然保护地红外相机数据共享平台, 制定红外相机调查设计、监测技术、数据格式等统一标准化方案, 逐步完善我国自然保护地野生动物红外相机监测网络。  相似文献   

A survey was administered to 241 individuals whose questionnaire responses were analyzed to determine if they told their dreams to others, to whom they told their dreams, for what purpose, and in what social contexts dreams were shared. Respondents were also asked whether there were types of dreams they would not tell and individuals with whom they would not share dreams. This exploratory study suggests that dream sharing is a part of everyday social interaction, with the primary purpose of entertainment. There are gender differences with regard to dream sharing, and this sharing involves the utilization of social practices whereby individuals may protect themselves and others through deciding whether or not to share a dream. The study describes dream sharing as a social act that is negotiated based on the social rules regarding what topics friends and other intimates share in public or private.  相似文献   

随着科技的快速发展和信息的扁平化,人类社会的各种风险在不断扩大,个体承担风险的程度是有限的,利益相关主体的合理化分担是保证风险化解的基础。医学作为一门不精确的科学,接近真理和无法穷尽真理是客观事实,作为探索医学真理的利益相关主体的患者、医疗工作者、医院和政府,单一分担医疗风险是不合理的,只有按照相关的规则共同分担,才能保证医学科学的进步和发展。  相似文献   

朱文静  刘志玮 《遗传》2021,(4):375-386
小鼠发育代谢表型库(Mouse Developmental and Metabolic Phenotype Repository,MDMPR)是一个致力于小鼠资源和表型数据实时共享的开放性平台,它依托于科技部重点研发计划“发育编程及其代谢调节”专项项目“建立小鼠发育代谢表型库”。该项目预计在5年内完成500个发育代谢相关小鼠敲除模型的建立,并对其表型数据进行标准化的解析、建立表型数据库。MDMPR作为一个资源及数据集成的库,由多个子系统作为支撑,包括ES细胞数据库、项目管理系统、繁育管理系统、精子库管理系统、表型分析系统,信息化管理深入到项目中每个环节,从基因突变ES细胞制备、基因突变小鼠制备、小鼠繁育,精子冻存到最终的表型分析、数据处理及展示,保证了MDMPR产生数据的真实性及实时性。MDMPR除了不断地推进项目进行,增加自身产生的数据外,也在积极的整合其他的资源及数据,如人特异性基因敲除ES细胞库、蛋白相互作用数据库(STRING)、核心转录调节环路(dbCoRc)和Enhancer-Indel数据库,今后还将进一步整合,帮助发育代谢及其他领域的研究人员能够一站式的获取所需资源和数据、加快研究进程,最终服务于全人类的医疗事业。  相似文献   

Hanli Xu  Yongtao Guan 《Genetics》2014,197(3):823-838
A novel haplotype association method is presented, and its power is demonstrated. Relying on a statistical model for linkage disequilibrium (LD), the method first infers ancestral haplotypes and their loadings at each marker for each individual. The loadings are then used to quantify local haplotype sharing between individuals at each marker. A statistical model was developed to link the local haplotype sharing and phenotypes to test for association. We devised a novel method to fit the LD model, reducing the complexity from putatively quadratic to linear (in the number of ancestral haplotypes). Therefore, the LD model can be fitted to all study samples simultaneously, and, consequently, our method is applicable to big data sets. Compared to existing haplotype association methods, our method integrated out phase uncertainty, avoided arbitrariness in specifying haplotypes, and had the same number of tests as the single-SNP analysis. We applied our method to data from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium and discovered eight novel associations between seven gene regions and five disease phenotypes. Among these, GRIK4, which encodes a protein that belongs to the glutamate-gated ionic channel family, is strongly associated with both coronary artery disease and rheumatoid arthritis. A software package implementing methods described in this article is freely available at http://www.haplotype.org.  相似文献   

Researchers have used the amount of leisure as a yardstick to proxy for quality of life, but so far they have paid scant attention to the quality of leisure. Here I use spousal leisure sharing to proxy for quality of leisure and, by implication, for quality of life. I draw on life-cycle perspective, price theory, and on human ecology to frame hypotheses about the determinants of spousal leisure sharing. Drawing on longitudinal information collected over 2 years from 32 households in two villages of Tawahka Amerindians, a horticultural and foraging society in the tropical rain forest of eastern Honduras, I estimate the simultaneous effects of age and age squared, cash income, and climatic/seasonal variables on the amount of time spouses spend together in leisure. Analysis using different random and fixed-effect multivariate logit models suggests that (1) life-cycle determinants play a strong role in spousal leisure sharing and (2) neither climate/seasonal variables nor income correlate with spousal leisure sharing. As is true among couples in the United States, among Tawahka couples a change in the income of either spouse has a small effect on the amount of leisure shared by spouses. I find no evidence that economic development erodes spousal leisure sharing or that couples exhibit fissure in their pursuit of a common goal of leisure sharing.  相似文献   

上海市于1984年实施农作物新品种审定制度,至2006年共审(认)定新品种464个,包括粮食作物153个、油料作物24个、纤维作物5个、蔬菜134个、瓜果85个、食用菌31个。本文分析了上海市审定品种的物种多样性和主要作物的性状变异,并以水稻为例分析了水稻审定品种的多样性及育种成就,探讨了在水稻产量提高过程中的产量构成因子的作用。介绍了上海市审定品种数据化共享系统及其应用方法。  相似文献   

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