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Abstract: Black spruce (Picea mariana), white spruce (Picea glauca), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) seedlings were inoculated with Hebeloma crustuliniforme or Laccaria bicolor and subjected to NaCl and Na2SO4 treatments. The effects of ectomycorrhizas on salt uptake, growth, gas exchange, and needle necrosis varied depending on the tree and fungal species. In jack pine seedlings, ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi reduced shoot and root dry weights and in the ECM white spruce, there was a small increase in dry weights. Sodium chloride treatment reduced net photosynthesis and transpiration rates in the three studied tree species. However, NaCl-treated black spruce and jack pine colonized by H. crustuliniforme maintained relatively high photosynthetic and transpiration rates and needle necrosis of NaCl-treated black spruce seedlings was reduced by the ECM fungi. Higher concentrations of Na+ were found in shoots compared with roots of the three examined conifer species. ECM fungi reduced the concentrations of Na+ mainly in the shoots and this reduction was greater in plants treated with NaCl compared with Na2SO4. Shoots contained generally higher concentrations of Cl- compared with roots. In the NaCl-treated black spruce and white spruce, both ECM species significantly reduced Cl- concentrations. Our results point to overall greater phytotoxicity of NaCl compared with Na2SO4 and support our earlier findings which demonstrated beneficial effects of ECM fungi for woody plants exposed to NaCl stress.  相似文献   

The water relations of shoots of young jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were examined 6 and 15 weeks after the initiation of four different dynamic nitrogen (N) treatments using a pressure-volume analysis. The N treatments produced a wide range of needle N concentrations from 12 to 32 mg g?1 dry mass and a 10-fold difference in total dry mass at 15 weeks. Osmotic potential at full turgor did not change over the range of needle N concentrations observed. Osmotic potential at turgor-loss point, however, declined as N concentrations decreased, indicating an increased ability of N-deficient jack pine plants to maintain turgor. The increase could be attributed largely to an increase in cell wall elasticity, suggesting that elasticity changes may be a common, significant adaptation of plants to environmental stresses. Dry mass per unit saturated water almost doubled as needle N level dropped from 32 to 12 mg g?1 and was inversely correlated to the bulk modulus of elasticity. This suggests that cell wall elasticity is determined more by the nature of its cross-linking matrix than by the total amount of cell wall material present. Developmental change was evident in the response of some water relation variables to N limitation.  相似文献   

Effects of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Suillus tomentosus on water transport properties were studied in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) seedlings. The hydraulic conductivity of root cortical cells (Lpc) and of the whole root system (Lpr) in ECM plants was higher by twofold to fourfold compared with the non‐ECM seedlings. HgCl2 had a greater inhibitory effect on Lpc in ECM compared with non‐ECM seedlings, suggesting that the mercury‐sensitive, aquaporin (AQP)‐mediated water transport was largely responsible for the differences in Lpc between the two groups of plants. Lpc was rapidly and drastically reduced by the 50 mm NaCl treatment. However, in ECM plants, the initial decline in Lpc was followed by a quick recovery to the pre‐treatment level, while the reduction of Lpc in non‐ECM seedlings progressed over time. Treatments with fluoride reduced Lpc by about twofold in non‐ECM seedlings and caused smaller reductions of Lpc in ECM plants. When either 2 mm KF or 2 mm NaF were added to the 50 mm NaCl treatment solution, the inhibitory effect of NaCl on Lpc was rapidly reversed in both groups of plants. The results suggest that AQP‐mediated water transport may be linked to the enhancement of salt stress resistance reported for ECM plants.  相似文献   

In earlier studies, we established that mycorrhizal associations protect plants against salt stress. However, elevated boron levels are often present in saline soils and little is known about the effects of boron on salt resistance of mycorrhizal plants. In the present study, we inoculated jack pine (Pinus banksiana) seedlings with Hebeloma sp., Suillus tomentosus and Wilcoxina mikolae var. mikolae to study the effects of mycorrhizal associations on seedling responses to boron and salt. Seedlings were grown in the greenhouse and subjected to 60 mM NaCl, 2 mM H3BO3 or 60 mM NaCl + 2 mM H3BO3 treatments for 4 weeks. Dry weights, shoot:root ratios and chlorophyll concentrations were higher in inoculated seedlings for all treatments compared with the non-inoculated plants. When applied with NaCl, B aggravated needle necrosis while reducing Cl concentrations in shoots of non-inoculated plants. Plants treated with 2 mM H3BO3 + 60 mM NaCl had similar concentrations of Na and B to those that were treated separately with 60 mM NaCl and 2 mM H3BO3. Plants inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi had lower shoot Na concentrations compared with non-inoculated seedlings, but showed relatively little impact from elevated B concentrations.  相似文献   

Differential screening of a cDNA library constructed from root mRNA from jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings exposed to two cycles of drought conditioning identified a S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (sam-s) cDNA. A cDNA encoding the entire open reading frame of SAM-S was identified and characterized. Analysis of the full-length sam-s cDNA revealed that it was 1675 bp, encoded an open reading frame of 393 amino acids and had a predicted protein mass of 43 kDa. Jack pine sam-s was found to be highly similar to several other plant sam-s genes. RNA gel blot analysis showed that sam-s mRNA abundance increased following two cycles of drought conditioning and remained abundant after 3 d of rewatering. Expression of this gene appears to be root-specific. Quantitative slot blot analysis showed that two cycles of drought conditioning caused a 6-fold increase in sam-s mRNA abundance whereas heat shock, cold stress and anoxia did not result in the accumulation of sam-s mRNA. SAM-S enzyme activity increased 2-fold following two cycles of drought conditioning. The increase in the rate of SAM-s enzyme activity was also correlated with changes in rates of ethylene and betaine synthesis, biosynthetic pathways that utilize SAM as a substrate. Ethylene evolution and betaine abundance increased following two cycles of drought conditioning.  相似文献   

Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) is a broadly distributed North American conifer and its current range was covered by the Laurentian ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. To infer about the history and postglacial colonization of this boreal species, range-wide genetic variation was assessed using a new and highly variable minisatellite-like marker of the mitochondrial genome. Among the 543 trees analysed, 14 distinct haplotypes were detected, which corresponded to different repeat numbers of the 32-nucleotide minisatellite-like motif. Several haplotypes were rare with limited distribution, suggesting recent mutation events during the Holocene. At the population level, an average of 2.6 haplotypes and a mean haplotype diversity (H) of 0.328 were estimated. Population subdivision of genetic diversity was quite high with G(ST) and R(ST) values of 0.569 and 0.472, respectively. Spatial analyses identified three relatively homogeneous groups of populations presumably representative of genetically distinct glacial populations, one west and one east of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States and a third one presumably on the unglaciated northeastern coastal area in Canada. These results indicate the significant role of the northern part of the US Appalachian Mountains as a factor of vicariance during the ice age. A fourth distinct group of populations was observed in central Québec where the continental glacier retreated last. It included populations harbouring haplotypes present into the three previous groups, and it had higher level of haplotype diversity per population (H = 0.548) and lower population differentiation (G(ST) = 0.265), which indicates a zone of suture or secondary contact between the migration fronts of the three glacial populations. Introgression from Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm. was apparent in one western population from Alberta. Altogether, these results indicate that the mitochondrial DNA variation of jack pine is geographically highly structured and it correlates well with large-scale patterns emerging from recent phylogeographical studies of other tree boreal species in North America.  相似文献   

Black spruce ( Picea mariana ), white spruce ( Picea glauca ) and jack pine ( Pinus banksiana ) were inoculated with Suillus tomentosus and subjected to potassium fluoride (1 m M KF and 5 m M KF) in the presence and absence of 60 m M NaCl. The NaCl and KF treatments reduced total dry weights in jack pine and black spruce seedlings, but they did not affect total dry weights in white spruce seedlings. The addition of 60 m M NaCl to KF treatment solutions alleviated fluoride-induced needle injury in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) black spruce and white spruce, but had little effect in jack pine seedlings. Both KF and 60 m M NaCl treatments reduced E values compared with non-treated control seedlings. However, with the exception of small reductions of Kr by NaCl treatments in black spruce, the applied KF and NaCl treatments had little effect on Kr in ECM plants. Chloride tissue concentrations in NaCl-treated plants were not affected by the presence of KF in treatment solutions. However, shoot F concentrations in ECM black spruce and white spruce treated with 5 m M KF + 60 m M NaCl were significantly reduced compared with the 5 m M KF treatment. The results point to a possible competitive inhibition of F transport by Cl. We also suggest that the possibility that aquaporins may be involved in the transmembrane transport of F should be further investigated.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of ectomycorrhizal inoculation at the tree nursery seedling production stage on growth and survival was examined in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and white spruce (Picea glauca) planted in oil sands reclamation sites. The seedlings were inoculated with Hebeloma crustuliniforme strain # UAMH 5247, Suillus tomentosus strain # UAMH 6252, and Laccaria bicolor strain # UAMH 8232, as individual pure cultures and in combinations. These treatments were demonstrated to improve salinity resistance and water uptake in conifer seedlings. The field responses of seedlings to ectomycorrhizal inoculation varied between plant species, inoculation treatments, and measured parameters. Seedling inoculation resulted in higher ectomycorrhizal colonization rates compared with non-inoculated control, which had also a relatively small proportion of roots colonized by the nursery contaminant fungi identified as Amphinema byssoides and Thelephora americana. Seedling inoculation had overall a greater effect on relative height growth rates, dry biomass, and stem volumes in jack pine compared with white spruce. However, when examined after two growing seasons, inoculated white spruce seedlings showed up to 75 % higher survival rates than non-inoculated controls. The persistence of inoculated fungi in roots of planted seedlings was examined at the end of the second growing season. Although the inoculation with H. crustuliniforme triggered growth responses, the fungus was not found in the roots of seedlings at the end of the second growing season suggesting a possibility that the observed growth-promoting effect of H. crustuliniforme may be transient. The results suggest that the inoculation of conifer seedlings with ectomycorrhizal fungi could potentially be carried out on a large scale in tree nurseries to benefit postplanting performance in oil sands reclamation sites. However, these practices should take into consideration the differences in responses between the different plant species and fungal strains.  相似文献   

Sodium chloride and sodium sulfate are commonly present in extraction tailings waters produced as a result of surface mining and affect plants on reclaimed areas. Red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings were demonstrated to be relatively resistant to these high salinity oil sands tailings waters. The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of Na2SO4 and NaCl, on growth, tissue ion content, water relations and gas exchange in red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings. In the present study, red-osier dogwood seedlings were grown in aerated half-strength modified Hoagland's mineral solution containing 0, 25, 50 or 100 mM of NaCl or Na2SO4. After four weeks of treatment, plant dry weights decreased and the amount of Na+ in plant tissues increased with increasing salt concentration. Na+ tissue content was higher in plants treated with NaCl than Na2SO4 and it was greater in roots than shoots. However, Cl concentration in the NaCl treated plants was higher in shoots than in roots. The decrease in stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates observed in presence of salts is likely to contribute to the growth reduction. Our results suggest that red-osier dogwood is able to control the transport of Na+ from roots to shoots when external concentrations are 50 mM or less.  相似文献   

Two-month-old jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were placed in a greenhouse where both nitrogen source and light level were varied. After 4 months, whole seedling biomass, leaf biomass and relative growth rate were greatest in seedlings grown with NH+4/NO/NO3-N and full light (FL) and least in seedlings grown with NO 3-N and low light (LL). NO 3-seedlings grown under full light and NH+4/NO3-seedlings grown under low light were approximately equal. This indicates that the extra carbon costs of assimilating only NO3-N were similar to the reduction of carbon fixation resulting from a 50% decrease in photon flux density. Percentage and total nitrogen content of needles were greater in seedlings grown under low light independent of nitrogen fertilization. Percentage and total nitrogen content of roots were higher under low light and lower when fertilized with NO3.
Nitrate reductase (NR) activity was higher in roots than in needles, while glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was higher in needles than in roots. Low light resulted in decreased NR activity (mg N)−1 in needles, but not in roots. However, no nitrate was detected in the needles in any treatment. GS activity, on the other hand, was greater under low light in both needles and roots. GS activity in needles is most likely involved with the reassimilation rather than the initial assimilation of ammonium. Some implications of these shifts in enzymatic activity for ecological phenomena in forests are discussed.  相似文献   

Pinus sylvestris seedlings infected with either the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Paxillus involutus or Suillus variegatus were exposed to a range of Cd or Zn concentrations. This was done to investigate the relationship between the sensitivity of ECM fungi and their host plants over a wide range of concentrations. P. involutus ameliorated the toxicity of Cd and Zn to P. sylvestris with respect to root length, despite significant inhibition of ECM infection levels by Cd (Cd EC50 [effective concentration which inhibits ECM infection by 50%] values were: P. involutus 3.7 μg g-1 Cd; S. variegatus 2.3 μg g-1 Cd). ECM infection by P. involutus also decreased Cd and Zn transport to the plant shoots at potentially toxic concentrations and also influenced the proportion of Zn transported to the roots and shoots, with a higher proportion retained in the roots of the seedlings. ECM infection did increase host biomass production, but this was not affected by the presence of Cd or Zn. Root and shoot biomass production by P. sylvestris, in both the presence and absence of ECM fungi, was unaffected by Cd and Zn at all concentrations tested. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Halophytes are potential gene sources for genetic manipulation of economically important crop species. This study addresses the physiological responses of a widespread halophyte, Prosopis strombulifera (Lam.) Benth to salinity. We hypothesised that increasing concentrations of the two major salts present in soils of central Argentina (Na2SO4, NaCl, or their iso‐osmotic mixture) would produce distinct physiological responses. We used hydroponically grown P. strombulifera to test this hypothesis, analysing growth parameters, water relations, photosynthetic pigments, cations and anions. These plants showed a halophytic response to NaCl, but strong general inhibition of growth in response to iso‐osmotic solutions containing Na2SO4. The explanation for the adaptive success of P. strombulifera in high NaCl conditions seems to be related to a delicate balance between Na + accumulation (and its use for osmotic adjustment) and efficient compartmentalisation in vacuoles, the ability of the whole plant to ensure sufficient K+ supply by maintaining high K + /Na + discrimination, and maintenance of normal Ca2 + levels in leaves. The three salt treatments had different effects on the accumulation of ions. Findings in bi‐saline‐treated plants were of particular interest, where most of the physiological parameters studied showed partial alleviation of SO42?‐induced toxicity by Cl?. Thus, discussions on physiological responses to salinity could be further expanded in a way that more closely mimics natural salt environments.  相似文献   

Summary It was the purpose of this study to investigate the effect of compound fertilization and compound fertilization with cupric sulfate on the growth and the bioelement content of cembra pine seedlings. At the same time microbiological investigations of the soil were carried out under the same conditions.Five months after fertilization the seedlings of the plot treated with compound fertilizer showed lower total weights and lower bioelement contents in their organs than the seedlings in the untreated control plot and in the plot treated with copper.In addition to these results it was found that in the plot treated with compound fertilizer there was an increase in the activity of those microorganisms which are probably nutrient competitors to the cembra pine seedlings whereas the plot treated with cupric sulfate showed a decrease in the activity of these microorganisms. The addition of cupric sulfate caused a partial elimination of this competition because of the toxic properties of the heavy metal and enabled the young cembra pine plants to increase their uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and other bioelements.In the control plot and in the plot treated with copper beginnings of mycorrhiza were observed. It could not be proved that the results were influenced by weed competition.These observations have contributed to explaining the results of previous experiments which have always shown that fertilizers containing cupric sulfate favour the growth of cembra pine seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Suitability of young jack pine as a host for jack pine budworm was examined on similarly-aged trees growing on two areas previously burned in wildfires and on two previously clearcut areas in northwest Wisconsin. Nitrogen, monoterpenes, and moisture levels of foliage, and xylem water potential were measured and related to larval survival and pupal weight of caged jack pine budworm larvae. Nitrogen, monoterpenes, needle weight, and needle moisture were higher in trees growing on clearcut sites than on burned area trees. Surival of budworms to early and late instar, pupation, and adult eclosion was greater for larvae caged on clearcut-area trees than on burned-area trees. Female pupal weight differed between older (ca 10 years old) and younger (ca 8 years old) trees, but not between clearcut and burned areas. Mean female pupal weight was greatest on lownitrogen trees, where larval survival was lowest. Foliar nitrogen was consistently included as a significant predictor in budworm survival regressions. Regressions indicated larval survival and pupal weight may be associated with different tree- and foliage-related traits. Results suggest long-lasting effects of previous forest disturbance may subsequently affect herbivorous insects such as jack pine budworm.  相似文献   

The activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) in mustard ( Sinapis alba L.) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings was used as an index to evaluate the capacity to cope with excessive ammonium supply. In these 2 species GS activity was differently affected by the application of nitrogen compounds (NH4+ or NO3). Mustard seedlings older than 5 days showed a considerable increase in GS activity after NH4+ or NO3 application. This response was independent of the energy flux, but GS activity in general was positively affected by light. Endogenous NH4+ did not accumulate greatly after nitrogen supply. In contrast, seedlings of Scots pine accumulated NH4+ in cotyledons and roots and showed no stimulation of GS activity after the application of ammonium. In addition, root growth was drastically reduced. Thus, the pine seedlings seem to have insufficient capacity to assimilate exogenously supplied ammonium. NO3, however, did not lead to any harmful effects.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl-derived callus cultures of Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis cv. Kim-jung (Chinese cabbage) were grown on Murashige and Skoog medium containing no additional salt, NaCl or Na2SO4. Na2SO4 was more than twice as inhibitory in comparison to the same concentration of NaCl when growth and fresh:dry weight ratios of established callus were measured. Levels of protein, starch, sucrose and α-amino nitrogen were not significantly altered in salt-grown callus. Concentrations of reducing sugars and chlorophyll were 2–3 times greater in callus grown on either salt. Proline concentration increased 15–20 fold on the highest levels of salt. Final concentrations (reached in 20–24 days) were closely correlated to the initial Na+ concentration of the medium, regardless of salt type. The osmotic potential in callus transferred to NaCl or Na2SO4 reached a maximum negative value after 16 days. For both salts, subsequent increases were correlated to increases in fresh:dry weight and growth. On both salts, turgor remained relatively constant (0. 6–0.75 MPa). Changes in Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ content were correlated to initial Na+ concentration in the medium, not salt type. Accumulation of Na+ was accompanied by loss of K+ and Mg2+. Six to seven times less sulfate was measured in callus grown on Na2SO4 than chloride in callus grown on similar concentrations of NaCl.  相似文献   

Marcar  Nico E.  Guo  Jianmin  Crawford  Debbie F. 《Plant and Soil》1999,208(2):251-257
In a sand culture experiment we investigated the effects of boron (0.01, 0.19, 0.46 and 0.93 mol m−3 B, as H3BO3), sodium chloride (0, 100 and 200 mol m−3 NaCl) and combined B and NaCl, over 36 days, on growth, water use and foliar ion concentrations of nine week-old seedlings of three fast-growing, commercial eucalypts ( Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. , E. globulus Labill. ssp. globulus and E. grandis W.Hill.). Shoot dry weight was significantly reduced by high concentrations of NaCl (p < 0.001) and by B and NaCl in combination (p ≤ 0.05) but not by B alone. Root dry weight was significantly reduced by both NaCl (p < 0.001) and B (p < 0.001), but not by combined B and NaCl. Foliar B concentrations increased with higher concentrations of applied B and decreased with higher NaCl concentrations. Foliar Na concentrations were greater with higher NaCl concentrations, whereas B application had no significant effect on foliar Na concentrations. All three species accumulated relatively high B concentrations in leaves. Severe boron toxicity symptoms (BTS) were apparent only when leaf B concentrations exceeded 50 mol x 10−6 g−1, but even at these high concentrations plant growth was only slightly reduced. E. camaldulensis showed least development of BTS, the lowest leaf B concentrations and least reduction in height growth due to B and NaCl. The results suggest that there was a correlation between both B tolerance and B accumulation in leaves and between tolerance to B and NaCl. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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