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In most eukaryotic cells, DNA replication is confined to S phase of the cell cycle [1]. During this interval, S-phase checkpoint controls restrain mitosis until replication is complete [2]. In budding yeast, the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p has been associated with the checkpoint arrest of mitosis when DNA is damaged or when mitotic spindles have formed aberrantly [3] [4], but not when DNA replication is blocked with hydroxyurea (HU). Previous studies have implicated the protein kinase Mec1p in S-phase checkpoint control [5]. Unlike mec1 mutants, pds1 mutants efficiently inhibit anaphase when replication is blocked. This does not, however, exclude an essential S-phase checkpoint function of Pds1 beyond the early S-phase arrest point of a HU block. Here, we show that Pds1p is an essential component of a previously unsuspected checkpoint control system that couples the completion of S phase with mitosis. Further, the S-phase checkpoint comprises at least two distinct pathways. A Mec1p-dependent pathway operates early in S phase, but a Pds1p-dependent pathway becomes essential part way through S phase.  相似文献   

We report that the histone acetyltransferase Gcn5p is involved in cell cycle progression, whereas its absence induces several mitotic defects, including inefficient nuclear division, chromosome loss, delayed G2 progression, and spindle elongation. The fidelity of chromosome segregation is finely regulated by the close interplay between the centromere and the kinetochore, a protein complex hierarchically assembled in the centromeric DNA region, while disruption of GCN5 in mutants of inner components results in sick phenotype. These synthetic interactions involving the ADA complex lay the genetic basis for the critical role of Gcn5p in kinetochore assembly and function. We found that Gcn5p is, in fact, physically linked to the centromere, where it affects the structure of the variant centromeric nucleosome. Our findings offer a key insight into a Gcn5p-dependent epigenetic regulation at centromere/kinetochore in mitosis.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint prevents cells from initiating anaphase until the spindle has been fully assembled. We previously isolated mitotic arrest deficient (mad) mutants that inactivate this checkpoint and thus increase the sensitivity of cells to benomyl, a drug that interferes with mitotic spindle assembly by depolymerizing microtubules. We have cloned the MAD1 gene and show that when it is disrupted yeast cells have the same phenotype as the previously isolated mad1 mutants: they fail to delay the metaphase to anaphase transition in response to microtubule depolymerization. MAD1 is predicted to encode a 90-kD coiled-coil protein. Anti-Mad1p antibodies give a novel punctate nuclear staining pattern and cell fractionation reveals that the bulk of Mad1p is soluble. Mad1p becomes hyperphosphorylated when wild-type cells are arrested in mitosis by benomyl treatment, or by placing a cold sensitive tubulin mutant at the restrictive temperature. This modification does not occur in G1- arrested cells treated with benomyl or in cells arrested in mitosis by defects in the mitotic cyclin proteolysis machinery, suggesting that Mad1p hyperphosphorylation is a step in the activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint. Analysis of Mad1p phosphorylation in other spindle assembly checkpoint mutants reveals that this response to microtubule- disrupting agents is defective in some (mad2, bub1, and bub3) but not all (mad3, bub2) mutant strains. We discuss the possible functions of Mad1p at this cell cycle checkpoint.  相似文献   

An essential aspect of progression through mitosis is the sequential degradation of key mitotic regulators in a process that is mediated by the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase [1]. In mitotic cells, two forms of the APC/C exist, APC/C(Cdc20) and APC/C(Cdh1), which differ in their associated WD-repeat proteins (Cdc20 and Cdh1, respectively), time of activation, and substrate specificity [2, 3]. How the WD-repeat proteins contribute to APC/C's activation and substrate specificity is not clear. Many APC/C substrates contain a destruction box element that is necessary for their ubiquitination [4-6]. One such APC/C substrate, the budding yeast anaphase inhibitor Pds1 (securin), is degraded prior to anaphase initiation in a destruction box and APC/C(Cdc20)-dependent manner [3, 7]. Here we find that Pds1 interacts directly with Cdc20 and that this interaction requires Pds1's destruction box. Our results suggest that Cdc20 provides a link between the substrate and the core APC/C and that the destruction box is essential for efficient Cdc20-substrate interaction. We also find that Pds1 does not interact with Cdh1. Finally, the effect of spindle assembly checkpoint activation, known to inhibit APC/C function [8], on the Pds1-Cdc20 interaction is examined.  相似文献   

GTP binding proteins of the Sec4/Ypt/rab family regulate distinct vesicular traffic events in eukaryotic cells. We have cloned GDI1, an essential homolog of bovine rab GDI (GDP dissociation inhibitor) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analogous to the bovine protein, purified Gdi1p slows the dissociation of GDP from Sec4p and releases the GDP-bound form from yeast membranes. Depletion of Gdi1p in vivo leads to loss of the soluble pool of Sec4p and inhibition of protein transport at multiple stages of the secretory pathway. Complementation analysis indicates that GDI1 is allelic to sec19-1. These results establish that Gdi1p plays an essential function in membrane traffic and are consistent with a role for Gdi1p in the recycling of proteins of the Sec4/Ypt/rab family from their target membranes back to their vesicular pools.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Yu Z  Fu X  Liang C 《Cell》2002,109(7):849-860
Initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication requires many proteins that interact with one another and with replicators. Using a yeast genetic screen, we have identified Noc3p (nucleolar complex-associated protein) as a novel replication-initiation protein. Noc3p interacts with MCM proteins and ORC and binds to chromatin and replicators throughout the cell cycle. It functions as a critical link between ORC and other initiation proteins to effect chromatin association of Cdc6p and MCM proteins for the establishment and maintenance of prereplication complexes. Noc3p is highly conserved in eukaryotes and is the first identified bHLH (basic helix-loop-helix) protein required for replication initiation. As Noc3p is also required for pre-rRNA processing, Noc3p is a multifunctional protein that plays essential roles in two vital cellular processes.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the metaphase-anaphase transition is initiated by the anaphase-promoting complex-dependent degradation of Pds1, whereby Esp1 is activated to promote sister chromatid separation. Although this is a fundamental step in the cell cycle, little is known about the regulation of Esp1 and how loss of cohesion is coordinated with movement of the anaphase spindle. Here, we show that Esp1 has a novel role in promoting anaphase spindle elongation. The localization of Esp1 to the spindle apparatus, analyzed by live cell imaging, is regulated in a manner consistent with a function during anaphase B. The protein accumulates in the nucleus in G2 and is mobilized onto the spindle pole bodies and spindle midzone at anaphase onset, where it persists into midanaphase. Association with Pds1 occurs during S phase and is required for efficient nuclear targeting of Esp1. Spindle association is not fully restored in pds1 mutants expressing an Esp1-nuclear localization sequence fusion protein, suggesting that Pds1 is also required to promote Esp1 spindle binding. In agreement, Pds1 interacts with the spindle at the metaphase-anaphase transition and a fraction remains at the spindle pole bodies and the spindle midzone in anaphase cells. Finally, mutational analysis reveals that the conserved COOH-terminal region of Esp1 is important for spindle interaction.  相似文献   

Salah SM  Nasmyth K 《Chromosoma》2000,109(1-2):27-34
Sister chromatid cohesion is established during DNA replication and depends on a multiprotein complex called cohesin. At the onset of anaphase the cohesive structures that hold sisters together must be destroyed to allow segregation of sisters. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae loss of sister chromatid cohesion depends on a separating protein (separin) called Esp1. At the metaphase to anaphase transition, separin is activated by proteolysis of its inhibitory subunit (securin) called Pds1. This process is mediated by the anaphase promoting complex and an accessory protein Cdc20. In meiosis a single round of DNA replication is followed by two successive rounds of segregation. Thus loss of cohesion is spun out over two divisions. By studying the mechanisms that initiate anaphase in meiotic division we show that the yeast securin Pds1p is present in meiotic nuclei and is destroyed at the onset of each meiotic division. We also show that securin destruction depends on Cdc20p which accumulates within nuclei around the time of Pds1p’s disappearance. Received: 1 December 1999; in revised form: 20 January 2000 / Accepted: 21 January 2000  相似文献   

Exit from mitosis in all eukaroytes requires inactivation of the mitotic kinase. This occurs principally by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of the cyclin subunit controlled by the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). However, an abnormal spindle and/or unattached kinetochores activates a conserved spindle checkpoint that blocks APC function. This leads to high mitotic kinase activity and prevents mitotic exit. DBF2 belongs to a group of budding yeast cell cycle genes that when mutated prevent cyclin degradation and block exit from mitosis. DBF2 encodes a protein kinase which is cell cycle regulated, peaking in metaphase-anaphase B/telophase, but its function remains unknown. Here, we show the Dbf2p kinase activity to be a target of the spindle checkpoint. It is controlled specifically by Bub2p, one of the checkpoint components that is conserved in fission yeast and higher eukaroytic cells. Significantly, in budding yeast, Bub2p shows few genetic or biochemical interactions with other members of the spindle checkpoint. Our data now point to the protein kinase Mps1p triggering a new parallel branch of the spindle checkpoint in which Bub2p blocks Dbf2p function.  相似文献   

SIC1 is a non-essential gene encoding a CDK inhibitor of Cdc28-Clb kinase activity. Sic1p is involved in both mitotic exit and the timing of DNA synthesis. To identify other genes involved in controlling Clb-kinase activity, we have undertaken a genetic screen for mutations which render SIC1 essential. Here we describe a gene we have identified by this means, RSI1/APC2. Temperature-sensitive rsi1/apc2 mutants arrest in metaphase and are unable to degrade Clb2p, suggesting that Rsi1p/Apc2p is associated with the anaphase promoting complex (APC). This is an E3 ubiquitin-ligase that controls anaphase initiation through degradation of Pds1p and mitotic exit via degradation of Clb cyclins. Indeed, the anaphase block in rsi1/apc2 temperature-sensitive mutants is overcome by removal of PDS1, consistent with Rsi1p/Apc2p being part of the APC. In addition, like our rsi1/apc2 mutations, cdc23-1, encoding a known APC subunit, is also lethal with sic1Delta. Thus SIC1 clearly becomes essential when APC function is compromised. Finally, we find that Rsi1p/Apc2p co-immunoprecipitates with Cdc23p. Taken together, our results suggest that RSI1/APC2 is a subunit of APC.  相似文献   

Maringele L  Lydall D 《Genetics》2004,166(4):1641-1649
Telomerase-defective budding yeast cells escape senescence by using homologous recombination to amplify telomeric or subtelomeric structures. Similarly, human cells that enter senescence can use homologous recombination for telomere maintenance, when telomerase cannot be activated. Although recombination proteins required to generate telomerase-independent survivors have been intensively studied, little is known about the nucleases that generate the substrates for recombination. Here we demonstrate that the Exo1 exonuclease is an initiator of the recombination process that allows cells to escape senescence and become immortal in the absence of telomerase. We show that EXO1 is important for generating type I survivors in yku70delta mre11delta cells and type II survivors in tlc1delta cells. Moreover, in tlc1delta cells, EXO1 seems to contribute to the senescence process itself.  相似文献   

In the present study we present evidence for the critical role of Sp1 in the mechanism of transactivation of the human cell cycle inhibitor p21(WAF1/Cip1) (p21) gene promoter by the tumor suppressor p53 protein. We found that the distal p53-binding site of the p21 promoter acts as an enhancer on the homologous or heterologous promoters in hepatoma HepG2 cells. In transfection experiments, p53 transactivated the p21 promoter in HaCaT cells that express Sp1 but have a mutated p53 form. In contrast, p53 could not transactivate the p21 promoter in the Drosophila embryo-derived Schneider's SL2 cells that lack endogenous Sp1 or related factors. Cotransfection of SL2 cells with p53 and Sp1 resulted in a synergistic transactivation of the p21 promoter. Synergistic transactivation was greatly decreased in SL2 cells and HaCaT cells by mutations in either the p53-binding site or in the -82/-77 Sp1-binding site indicating functional cooperation between Sp1 and p53 in the transactivation of the p21 promoter. Synergistic transactivation was also decreased by mutations in the transactivation domain of p53. Physical interactions between Sp1 and p53 proteins were established by glutathione S-transferase pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation assays. By using deletion mutants we found that the DNA binding domain of Sp1 is required for its physical interaction with p53. In conclusion, Sp1 must play a critical role in regulating important biological processes controlled by p53 via p21 gene activation such as DNA repair, cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphogenesis checkpoint delays mitosis in response to insults that impair actin organization and/or bud formation. The delay is due to accumulation of the inhibitory kinase Swe1p, which phosphorylates the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28p. Having screened through a panel of yeast mutants with defects in cell morphogenesis, we report here that the polarity establishment protein Bem2p is required for the checkpoint response. Bem2p is a Rho-GTPase activating protein (GAP) previously shown to act on Rho1p, and we now show that it also acts on Cdc42p, the GTPase primarily responsible for establishment of cell polarity in yeast. Whereas the morphogenesis role of Bem2p required GAP activity, the checkpoint role of Bem2p did not. Instead, this function required an N-terminal Bem2p domain. Thus, this single protein has a GAP-dependent role in promoting cell polarity and a GAP-independent role in responding to defects in cell polarity by enacting the checkpoint. Surprisingly, Swe1p accumulation occurred normally in bem2 cells, but they were nevertheless unable to promote Cdc28p phosphorylation. Therefore, Bem2p defines a novel pathway in the morphogenesis checkpoint.  相似文献   

Ross KE  Cohen-Fix O 《Genetics》2003,165(2):489-503
Cdh1p, a substrate specificity factor for the cell cycle-regulated ubiquitin ligase, the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), promotes exit from mitosis by directing the degradation of a number of proteins, including the mitotic cyclins. Here we present evidence that Cdh1p activity at the M/G(1) transition is important not only for mitotic exit but also for high-fidelity chromosome segregation in the subsequent cell cycle. CDH1 showed genetic interactions with MAD2 and PDS1, genes encoding components of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint that acts at metaphase to prevent premature chromosome segregation. Unlike cdh1delta and mad2delta single mutants, the mad2delta cdh1delta double mutant grew slowly and exhibited high rates of chromosome and plasmid loss. Simultaneous deletion of PDS1 and CDH1 caused extensive chromosome missegregation and cell death. Our data suggest that at least part of the chromosome loss can be attributed to kinetochore/spindle problems. Our data further suggest that Cdh1p and Sic1p, a Cdc28p/Clb inhibitor, have overlapping as well as nonoverlapping roles in ensuring proper chromosome segregation. The severe growth defects of both mad2delta cdh1delta and pds1delta cdh1dDelta strains were rescued by overexpressing Swe1p, a G(2)/M inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinase, Cdc28p/Clb. We propose that the failure to degrade cyclins at the end of mitosis leaves cdh1delta mutant strains with abnormal Cdc28p/Clb activity that interferes with proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the PI3K-AKT signaling cascade in a cohort of sarcomas and found a marked induction of insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS2) and phosphorylated AKT and a concomitant upregulation of downstream effectors in most leiomyosarcomas. To determine the role of aberrant PI3K-AKT signaling in leiomyosarcoma pathogenesis, we genetically inactivated Pten in the smooth muscle cell lineage by cross-breeding Pten(loxP/loxP) mice with Tagln-cre mice. Mice carrying homozygous deletion of Pten alleles developed widespread smooth muscle cell hyperplasia and abdominal leiomyosarcomas, with a very rapid onset and elevated incidence (approximately 80%) compared to other animal models. Constitutive mTOR activation was restricted to the leiomyosarcomas, revealing the requirement for additional molecular events besides Pten loss. The rapamycin derivative everolimus substantially decelerated tumor growth on Tagln-cre/Pten(loxP/loxP) mice and prolonged their lifespan. Our data show a new and critical role for the AKT-mTOR pathway in smooth muscle transformation and leiomyosarcoma genesis, and support treatment of selected sarcomas by the targeting of this pathway with new compounds or combinations of these with conventional chemotherapy agents.  相似文献   

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