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以往的研究表明,甲状腺中分布有肽能神经,包括神经肽Y(NPY)能神经、P物质(SP)能神经和脑肠肽(VIP)能神经.这些神经纤维的终末与血管和甲状腺的滤泡接触.一般认为,甲状腺的功能活动主要受下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴的调节,有关神经肽的调节,尤其是在甲亢状态下的调节尚不清楚.本研究以SD大鼠为实验动物,通过T4注射建立甲亢动物模型.使用免疫组化技术对NPY、CGRP和SP 在实验与对照动物的分布进行形态学研究,使用放射免疫测定技术对模型动物与对照动物甲状腺中的NPY、CGRP和SP进行定量研究.免疫组化技术发现NPY阳性神经纤维密集环绕小血管,其末端与血管内皮紧密联系,一些NPY阳性神经走行于滤泡间的结缔组织中,其末端与滤泡上皮接触;有SP阳性神经纤维走行于滤泡间的结缔组织中,其末端与滤泡上皮接触;CGRP阳性细胞分布于滤泡间的结缔组织中,或滤泡上皮细胞之间.放射免疫测定表明甲亢大鼠NPY、SP水平高于对照大鼠,CGRP水平低于对照大鼠.结果表明,在甲亢状态下,机体通过血管收缩介质NPY、SP的增多与血管舒张介质CGRP的减少,控制甲状腺素进入血液循环,这是机体在病理过程中的自稳机制之一.  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling for demonstrating nine neuropeptides in the kidney of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, revealed for the first time the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of certain neuropeptides in the kidney of the submammalian vertebrates. Substance P, neuropeptide Y, and calcitonin generelated peptide were localized in nerve fibers distributed along the afferent arterioles connected with the glomeruli, and along the capillary network between uriniferous tubules. Neuropeptide Y and calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive fibers were more numerous than substance P immunoreactive fibers. In these two regions, about one half of the neuropeptide Y or calcitonin in gene-related peptide fibers contained substance P. No immunoreactivity of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, FMRFamide, or leucine- and methionine-enkephalins was detected in the bullfrog kidney.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-, tachykinins- and somatostatin-immunoreactive neurones in rat dorsal root ganglia have been studied by means of single and double immunogold labelling techniques. Peptide-immunoreactive neurones are generally B- or C-type cells of small size, with well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and scanty neurofilaments. In neurones classifiable as A2-type cells, i.e. larger neurones with a lighter cytoplasm due to the presence of poorly developed Nissl bodies and numerous neurofilaments, only CGRP immunoreactivity was detected. Immunolabelled structures were identified as large (60–100 nm diameter), electron-dense, membranebounded p-type granules. They were observed only in neuronal cell bodies or in the intraganglionic portions of the axons. No granules immunoreactive to the antisera applied in this study were observed in non-neuronal cells. Immunostaining experiments with different combinations of the antisera revealed, in some cells, the presence of double immunolabelled granules; in particular localization of CGRP and tachykinins, CGRP and somatostatin, and tachykinins and somatostatin to single secretory granules was demonstrated. The finding that more than one peptide is localized to the same secretory granule supports the postulate that peptides are co-released upon nerve stimulation providing morphological support for physiological and pharmacological data demonstrating an interaction between different peptides in the modulation of synaptic activity.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of the vertebrate-like neuropeptides substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and cholecystokinin (CCK8) in the central nervous system of the freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus has been studied using specific antisera and single and double immunohistochemistry. A widespread but precise distribution of immunore-activity (IR) in neurons and fibers of almost all the ganglia is observed for each antiserum. A comparison of the IR with classical neurosecretory staining (AB/AY) shows a partial overlap only for CGRP and CCK8. Whereas CGRP-IR is found in some Yellow Cells in the left parietal ganglion, CCK8-IR is found in Yellow Green, Green and Brown Cells in the viscero-parietal complex. Studies employing double-sequential methods or simultaneous immunofluorescence have shown that, with regard to the tested antisera, CCK8- and NPY-IR are colocalized in a limited number of cells and fibers in the buccal and visceral ganglia, whereas CCK8- and SP-IR are colocalized only rarely in neurons in the left cerebral ganglion. The possible roles in P. corneus of the investigated neuropeptides and the contribution that molluscan models may offer to the knowledge of the basic properties of neuropeptides are discussed.  相似文献   

Focused microwave irradiation to the head (FMI) has been used extensively by neurochemists for rapid inactivation of enzymatic activity in brain tissues and the preservation, for in vitro analysis, of in vivo substrate concentrations. Periodically the suitability of this technique for regional studies has been questioned. Evidence has now been obtained, on the basis of altered concentration gradients for GABA and taurine from the Substantia Nigra (SN) to an Adjacent Dorsal Area (ADJ), that FMI not only inactivates enzymes, but also facilitates rapid diffusion of small molecules from areas of high concentrations to adjacent areas of lower concentration. To a lasser extent, the implantation of plastic injection cannulas also decreased these concentration gradients. These results offer clear evidence that FMI is ill suited and unreliable for studies designed to map and compare the in vivo regional concentrations of diffusible organic molecules (such as amino acids) in brain tissues. Any invasive technique that compromises membrane barriers is likely to produce smaller similar effects.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and various neuropeptides in the myenteric plexus regulate esophageal motility. We sought colocalization of nitric oxide synthase and neuropeptides in frozen sections of mid-portion of smoothmuscled opossum esophagus using NADPH-diaphorase activity to mark the synthase and immunoreactivity to detect peptides. The peptides, all with demonstrated physiological activity in this organ, were calcitonin generelated peptide, galanin, neuropeptide Y, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The ExtrAvidin Peroxidase immunostain for each peptide was carried up to the final peroxidase reaction with 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole. The NADPH-diaphorase reaction was applied with short incubation to provide light staining just before the peroxidase reaction was performed. We examined sections for the proportions of singly and dually labeled nerve cells in the myenteric plexus. NADPH-diaphorase activity was highly colocalized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (59%), galanin (54%), and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (53%). It showed little colocalization with neuropeptide Y (10%) and substance P (8%). The proportions of all nerve cells containing each of the substances were: NADPH-diaphorase-33%, calcitonin gene-related peptide-30%, galanin-55%, neuropeptide Y-16%, substance P-35%, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-58%. We conclude that the nerves responsible for peristalsis in the esophagus may act by releasing nitric oxide along with other inhibitory substances, calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, but not excitatory substances, neuropeptide Y and substance P.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and distribution of peptide-containing nerve fibres [substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI), neuropeptide Y (NPY)] and noradrenergic nerve fibres [tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)- and dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH)-positive] in the airways of the pig were studied by means of immunohistochemistry. SP- and CGRP-immunoreactive (-IR) nerve fibres were present close to and within the lining respiratory epithelium, around blood vessels, within the tracheobronchial smooth muscle layer and around local tracheobronchial ganglion cells. The content of CGRP- and neurokinin A (NKA)-like immunoreactivity (-LI) measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) was twice as high in the trachea compared to that in the peripheral bronchi. SP was a more potent constrictor agent than NKA on pig bronchi in vitro. CGRP had a relaxant effect on precontracted pig bronchi. On blood vessels CGRP exerted a relaxant effect that was more pronounced on pulmonary arteries than on bronchial arteries. VIP/PHI-IR fibres were seen in association with exocrine glands and in the tracheobronchial smooth muscle layer. VIP-positive nerve fibres were abundant around blood vessels in the trachea but sparse or absent around blood vessels in the peripheral bronchi. This histological finding was supported by RIA; it was shown that the content of peptides displaying VIP-like immunoreactivity (-LI) was 18 times higher in the trachea compared to peripheral bronchi. VIP was equally potent as CGRP in relaxing precontracted pig bronchi in vitro. Both bronchial and pulmonary arteries were relaxed by VIP. NPY was colocalized with VIP in tracheal periglandular nerve fibres and in nerve fibres within the tracheobronchial smooth muscle layer. NPY was also present in noradrenergic (DBH-positive) vascular nerve fibres. The content of NPY was much higher (15-fold) in the trachea compared to small bronchi. NPY caused a contraction of both pulmonary and bronchial arteries. The bronchial smooth muscle contraction to field stimulation in vitro was purely cholinergic. A non-cholinergic relaxatory effect following field stimulation was observed after bronchial precontraction. Capsaicin had no effect on pig bronchi in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of nerve growth factor receptor (NGF receptor)-like immunoreactivity in pulps of developing primary and mature permanent cat canine teeth was examined, by use of a monoclonal antibody against NGF receptor detected by fluorescence immunohistochemistry and pre-embedding immunocytochemical light- and electron microscopy. Both primary and permanent pulps contained a vast number of NGF receptor-like immunoreactive nerves. Immunolabelling appeared to be localized both to axons and Schwann cells. In addition, many blood vessel walls in immature primary tooth pulps showed NGF receptor-like immunoreactivity, in contrast to permanent pulps where blood vessels rarely were NGF receptor-immunoreactive. Double-labelling immunofluorescence experiments revealed that in the permanent pulp a majority of the NGF receptor-positive nerves also showed calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-like immunoreactivity, and many showed substance P-like immunoreactivity. However, nerve fibers with neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity lacked NGF receptor-like immunoreactivity. In developing primary tooth pulps fewer NGF receptor-positive nerves were CGRP-like immunoreactive or substance P-like immunoreactive, as compared to the permanent pulp. Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive nerve fibers were not detected in the primary tooth pulp. The results suggest a role for nerve growth factor in both developing and mature sensory nerves of the tooth pulp.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of neuropeptide Y has been determined in the rat female genitourinary tract by radioimmunoassay and chromatographic analysis. Within the bladder, higher concentrations of neuropeptide Y were found in the trigone (48.8±5.2 pmol/g) than in the dome (36.0±2.1 pmol/g). In the genital tract, highest concentrations were identified in the vagina (41.4±2.1 pmol/g). Treatment of rats with 6-hydroxydopamine resulted in significant depletion of neuropeptide Y concentrations in both parts of the bladder, together with vagina, uterine horn and fallopian tube. No change was observed in the cervix, uterine body and ovary. Concentrations of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide were unaffected by treatment with 6-hydroxydopamine except in the area of the cervix where concentrations rose from 64.1±5.7 pmol/g to 133.6±15.1 pmol/g (p<0.05). There was a generalised, but statistically insignificant rise in substance P concentrations.  相似文献   

Cortistatin (CST) is an endogenous neuropeptide bearing strong structural and functional analogies with somatostatin (SST). Gene expression of CST and its putative receptor MrgX2 in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons in man suggests the involvement of CST in pain transmission. In this study we have investigated the effects of CST and SST on calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP, the main neuropeptide mediator of pain transmission) from primary cultures of rat trigeminal neurons. Moreover, here for the first time we used organotypic cultures of rat brainstem to investigate the release of CGRP form nucleus caudalis as a model of pre-synaptic peptide release. In both experimental paradigm CGRP release was evaluated in the presence of CST or SST, with or without the addition of known secretagogues (namely high KCl concentrations, veratridine and capsaicin). We found that CST and SST do not modify basal CGRP secretion from trigeminal neurons, but both peptides were able to inhibit in a concentration-dependent manner the release of CGRP stimulated by KCl, veratridine or capsaicin. Likewise, in brainstem organotypic cultures CST and SST did not modify baseline CGRP secretion. Of the secretagogues used, capsaicin proved to be most effective compared to KCl and veratridine (8-fold vs 2-fold increase, respectively). Thereafter, CST and SST were tested on capsaicin-stimulated CGPR release only. Under these conditions, CST but not SST was able to inhibit in a significant manner pre-synaptic CGRP release from the brainstem, providing further evidence in support of a role for CST in pain transmission.  相似文献   

Summary Antisera to neuropeptide Y (NPY) gave an intense immunohistochemical reaction of certain nerve cells in the myenteric and submucous plexuses of the guinea-pig small intestine. Each nerve cell had up to 20 branching, tapering processes that were less than 50 m long and a long process that could be followed for a considerable distance. This morphology corresponds to that of the type-III cells of Dogiel. The long process of each myenteric cell ran through the circular muscle to the submucosa, and in most cases the process could be traced to the mucosa. The submucous nerve cell bodies also had processes that extended to the mucosa. These cell bodies, in both plexuses, also stained with antisera raised against calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP), cholecystokinin (CCK), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and somatostatin (SOM), but did not stain with antibodies against enkephalin, substance P or vasoactive intestinal peptide. Thus, it has been possible for the first time to trace the processes of chemically specified neurons through the layers of the intestinal wall and to show by a direct method that CGRP/CCK/ChAT/NPY/ SOM myenteric and submucous nerves cells provide terminals in the mucosa.  相似文献   

Kraiczi, H., G. Karlsson and R. Ekman. Analytical extraction of regulatory peptides from rat lung tissue. Peptides 18(10) 1597–1601, 1997.—We evaluated protocols for the extraction of calcitonin gene-related peptide, neuropeptide Y, substance P, peptide YY and β-endorphin from rat lung tissue for subsequent radioimmunoassay. The effects of varying acidity of the extraction solution and repeating extraction on the recovery of peptide immunoreactivity and non-specific tracer-binding were compared by analysis of variance. Moreover, variability of immunoreactivity was quantified for comparison. Considering all three criteria, the optimal acidity for extraction was: 0.1 M or 1 M acetic acid for CGRP and β-endorphin, 0.1 M acetic acid for NPY, 1 M acetic acid for substance P and phosphate buffer for peptide YY. Double or combined extraction unambiguously improved assay results only for substance P. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of CGRP-, NPY- and SP-immunoreactivity obtained from selected extracts suggested that differences in recovery of these peptides are not explainable by differential peptide fragmentation during extraction.  相似文献   

In a rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) increased the twitch contraction induced by nerve or transmural stimulation dose dependently. Either electrical or high K+ stimulation of the phrenic nerve caused release of a CGRP-like immunoreactive substance (CGRP-LIS) in a Ca2(+)-dependent manner. Electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve also increased the cyclic AMP content in diaphragm. This increase was not observed in Ca2(+)-free medium and was blocked by antiserum against CGRP. These results indicate that excitation of the motor nerve causes release of CGRP-LIS at nerve terminals and that the released CGRP-LIS increases the cyclic AMP content of skeletal muscles and potentiates twitch contraction.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of bioactive peptides in the gut and their possible electrophysiological effects on the intestinal epithelium were studied in two teleost species, the tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and the goldfish (Carassius auratus). Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-like immunoreactive nerve fibres were found beneath the intestinal epithelium of both species. Galanin-, metenkephalin-and calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive nerve fibres were found exclusively in the mucosa of the tilapia. Both species had vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, enkephalin- or neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactive endocrine cells; calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive endocrine cells were additionally found in the tilapia. Somatostatin- and dopamine--hydroxylase-like immunoreactivities were not observed. Nerve cell bodies in the myenteric plexus of both species showed immunoreactivity for calcitonin gene-related peptide-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, and galanin-like peptide. Enkephalin-like immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were present in the tilapia only. None of the peptides had a pronounced electrogenic effect. However, calcitonin gene-related peptide added to stripped intestinal epithelium of the tilapia, reduced the ion selectivity, and addition of galanin increased the ion selectivity. In goldfish intestine, both galanin and calcitonin gene-related peptide were without effect. Enkephalin counteracted the serotonin-induced reduction of the ion selectivity of the goldfish intestinal epithelium, but had no effect on the tilapia epithelium. In both species, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide reduced the ion selectivity of the intestinal epithelium, and neuropeptide Y induced an increase of the ion selectivity. Somatostatin showed no effect on the epithelial ion selectivity of either species. Tetrodotoxin did not inhibit the effects of the peptides studied. The changes in ion selectivity suggest that the enterocytes may be under the regulatory control of these peptides.  相似文献   

目的:探讨交感神经分泌的神经肽Y(NPY)和感觉神经分泌的钙基因相关肽(CGRP)在体内骨折愈合的不同阶段的变化及意义。方法:选择6-8月龄的雄性大鼠,建立大鼠的股骨闭合骨折模型,术后2、4、8、12周取材。进行扫描电镜,免疫组织荧光染色和血清Elisa检测。结果:1骨折愈合不同时期感觉神经肽类物质CGRP和交感神经肽类物质NPY都有表达,且其含量有先增加后减少的趋势,并在骨折后8周含量达到最高。2骨折愈合不同阶段的大鼠血清感觉神经肽类物质CGRP和交感神经肽类物质NPY均呈上升趋势,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),且NPY的含量比CGRP的含量高。骨折后2-4周,CGRP含量增加较快;骨折后4-8周NPY含量增加较快。结论:骨折愈合的不同阶段,感觉神经肽类物质CGRP和交感神经肽类物质NPY含量先升后降,对不同阶段的骨形成及骨吸收产生影响。  相似文献   

Summary Although peptide neurotransmitters have been shown to modulate hormone secretion in many glands, there are very few studies of neurotransmitters in the parathyroid gland. Bovine parathyroid glands were collected at a local abattoir, fixed with paraformaldehyde, sectioned using a cryostat, and stained by indirect immunohistochemistry for calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P. We were able to positively identify both neuropeptides. Nerve fibres containing calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P were identified in contact with the tunica media of arteries and arterioles and dispersed throughout the stroma of the gland. While many of the fibres encircled parenchymal lobules, no intimate contact with the peripheral chief cells was observed. All immunoreactive fibres were found to contain both neuropeptides. Since calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P are vasodilators, they may increase blood flow within the gland. In addition, the neuropeptides may diffuse from perilobular nerve fibres into the parenchyma, thereby modulating secretion of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Summary In light of the possible role peripheral nerves may play in bone metabolism, the morphology of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-, substance P (SP)-, neuropeptide Y (NPY)-, and dopamine--hydroxylase (DH)-immunoreactive nerve fibers was examined in whole-mount preparations of periosteum of membranous bones (calvaria, mandible) and long bones (tibia) from the rat. Periosteum from animals treated to remove selectively either the sympathetic or fine-caliber primary afferent nerves was also examined to determine the origin of the nerve fibers. We found a consistent and often dense innervation of the periosteum. The innervation patterns of the calvaria and mandible were similar, with networks of nerves spread across the surface of the bone. Nerves in the tibial periosteum were oriented in the longitudinal axis and were more numerous at the epiphyses than in the mid-shaft region. CGRP-immunoreactive fibers were widely and densely distributed. The presence of populations of CGRP-immunoreactive fibers of differing calibers and perivascular arrangements suggests that such nerves in bone tissues may serve different functions. SP-immunoreactivity was present in a fine network of varicose fibers in the superficial layers of the periosteum. CGRP- and SP-immunoreactive nerve fibers were dramatically reduced in periosteum of capsaicin-treated animals as compared to controls, indicating the sensory origin of these nerves. VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers were distributed in the periosteum of mandible and calvaria as small networks and individual fine varicose fibers. In tibial periosteum, larger networks of these fibers were visible. VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the periosteum were associated with both vascular and nonvascular elements within the layers of cells closest to the bone, suggesting that VIP may serve more than one function in periosteal tissues. NPY-immunoreactive fibers were largely confined to vascular elements; occasional fibers were observed among the bone-lining cells. DH-immunoreactivity was associated only with blood vessels. VIP-, NPY-, and DH-immunoreactivities were dramatically reduced in the periosteum of guanethidinetreated animals, indicating the sympathetic origin of these nerves.  相似文献   

Summary The peptidergic innervation of lymphoid tissue and the lung in relation to mast cells was studied in rat. The sensitivity of neuropeptide-containing nerves to capsaicin treatment and immunization was also examined. Measurements of the content of neurokinin A and calcitonin gene-related peptide revealed that the lung contained the highest content of both neuropeptides; lymph nodes had intermediate levels, whereas the spleen had the lowest content. Immuhohistochemistry showed that the calcitonin gene-related peptide- and neurokinin A-immunoreactive nerves in lymph nodes were mainly found around blood vessels, whereas in the lung the nerves were present within the lining respiratory epithelium, bronchial smooth muscle, around blood vessels and close to lymphoid aggregates. Combined immunohistochemistry for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), as a marker for mast cells, and tachykinins or calcitonin gene-related peptide revealed that a close association was often present between the nerves and 5-hydroxytryptamine-positive cells in the bronchi of the lung, while 5-hydroxytryptamine-positive cells were not observed in lymph nodes. The neurokinin A and calcitonin gene-related peptide content in lymph nodes, spleen and lung, but not the content of neuropeptide Y, was markedly decreased by capsaicin treatment, suggesting a sensory origin for the two former peptides. Aerosol immunization increased the levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide in the lung, whereas the content in mediastinal lymph nodes was not affected. These data demonstrate a peptidergic innervation mainly of blood vessels in lymphoid tissue and a close relation between sensory nerves and mast cells as well as lymphoid aggregates in the bronchi of the lung. This further suggests that the sensory innervation of lymph nodes is mainly related to regulation of vascular tone and lymph flow. Furthermore, at the site of immunization, i.e., in the airway mucosa, sensory nerve mediators may interact both with mast cells and lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve fibres displaying immunoreactivity to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are abundantly distributed in the respiratory tract of man, dog, cat, guineapig, rat and mouse. Numerous fine, beaded CGRP fibres were seen in the middle ear mucosa, and a moderate supply was found in the ear drum. In the nasal mucosa and in the wall of the Eustachian tube CGRP fibres occurred around blood vessels, arteries in particular. A conspiciously rich supply of CGRP fibres was seen beneath and within the epithelium. In addition, a few fibres were seen in smooth muscle bundles and close to sero-mucous glands. In the tracheo-bronchial wall CGRP fibres were distributed beneath and within the epithelium, in vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle and sometimes close to small glands. A few CGRP-immunoreactive endocrine-like cells were, in addition, distributed in the tracheal epithelium of cat, rat and mouse. The trigeminal, spinal and nodose ganglia, studied in rats and guinea-pigs, harboured numerous CGRP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies. The cervical sympathetic ganglia were devoid of immunoreactive neuronal perikarya. Surgical and chemical (6-hydroxydopamine treatment) sympathectomy did not affect the number and distribution of CGRP fibres. The distribution of CGRP fibres in the respiratory tract suggests that CGRP may take part in sensory transmission. In addition, CGRP may affect the regulation of local blood flow, smooth muscle tone and glandular secretion.  相似文献   

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