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The song control nuclei of songbirds undergo pronounced seasonal changes in size and neuronal attributes. The mechanisms by which seasonal changes in environmental variables such as photoperiod mediate seasonal changes in these brain regions are not known. Manipulations of photoperiod and/or testosterone in captive songbirds induce seasonal changes in the size of song nuclei comparable to those observed in wild songbirds. It is unclear, however, whether the effects of photoperiod on the song nuclei are mediated by testosterone or by steroid-independent mechanisms. We independently manipulated photoperiod and testosterone in castrated male Gambel's white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) to determine the contributions of steroid-dependent and -independent actions of photoperiod to seasonal changes in the size and neuronal attributes of song nuclei. Testosterone implants increased the size of several song nuclei, regardless of photoperiod. Photoperiod exerted small but significant steroid-independent effects on the volume of the higher vocal center and the size of neurons in the robust nucleus of the archistriatum. Photoperiod also modulated the effect of testosterone on the size of area X; testosterone treatment had a more pronounced effect on the size of area X on short days than on long days. These results suggest that although testosterone is the primary factor mediating seasonal changes in neural attributes of the song nuclei, photoperiod may act via mechanisms that are independent of steroid levels to supplement or modulate the actions of testosterone. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 426–442, 1997.  相似文献   

Adult songbirds can incorporate new neurons into HVc, a telencephalic song control nucleus. Neuronal incorporation into HVc is greater in the fall than in the spring in adult canaries (open‐ended song learners) and is temporally related to seasonal song modification. We used the western song sparrow, a species that does not modify its adult song, to test the hypothesis that neuronal incorporation into adult HVc is not seasonally variable in age‐limited song learners. Wild song sparrows were captured during the fall and the spring, implanted with osmotic pumps containing [3H]thymidine, released onto their territories, and recaptured after 30 days. The density, proportion, and number of new HVc neurons were all significantly greater in the fall than in the spring. There was also a seasonal change in the incorporation of new neurons into the adjacent neostriatum that was less pronounced than the change in HVc. This is the first study of neuronal recruitment into the song control system of freely ranging wild songbirds. These results indicate that seasonal changes in HVc neuronal incorporation are not restricted to open‐ended song learners. The functional significance of neuronal recruitment into HVc therefore remains elusive. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 316–326, 1999  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding songbirds, brain nuclei of the song control system that act in song perception change in size between seasons. It has been hypothesized that seasonal regression of song nuclei may impair song discrimination. We tested this hypothesis in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), a species in which males share song types with neighbors and must discriminate between similar songs in territorial interactions. We predicted that song sparrows with regressed song systems would have greater difficulty in discriminating between similar songs. Sparrows were housed either on short days (SD) and had regressed song circuits, or were exposed to long days and implanted with testosterone (LD+T) to induce full growth of the song circuits. We conducted two experiments using a GO/NO-GO operant conditioning paradigm to measure song discrimination ability of each group. Birds learned four (experiment 1) or three (experiment 2) pairs of song types sequentially, with each pair more similar in the number of shared song elements and thus more difficult to discriminate. Circulating T levels differed between the SD and LD+T groups. The telencephalic song nuclei HVc, RA, and area X were larger in the LD+T birds. The two groups of sparrows did not differ, however, in their ability to learn to discriminate between shared song types, regardless of the songs' similarity. These results suggest that seasonal changes in the song control system do not affect birds' ability to make difficult song discriminations.  相似文献   

There is extensive diversity among the 4000 species of songbirds in different aspects of song behavior, including the timing of vocal learning, sex patterns of song production, number of songs that are learned (i.e., repertoire size), and seasonality of song behavior. This diversity provides unparalleled opportunities for comparative studies of the relationship between the structure and function of brain regions and song behavior. The comparative approach has been used in two contexts: (a) to test hypotheses about mechanisms of song control, and (b) to study the evolution of the control system in different groups of birds. In the first context, I review studies in which a comparative approach has been used to investigate sex differences in the song system, the relationship between the number of song types a bird sings and the size of the song nuclei, and seasonal plasticity of the song control circuits. In the second context, I discuss whether the vocal control systems of parrots and songbirds were inherited from a common ancestor or independently evolved. I also consider at what stage in the phylogeny of songbirds the hormone-sensitive forebrain circuit found in modern birds first evolved. I conclude by identifying directions for future research in which a comparative approach would be productive. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 517–531, 1997  相似文献   

Adult songbirds can incorporate new neurons into HVc, a telencephalic song control nucleus. Neuronal incorporation into HVc is greater in the fall than in the spring in adult canaries (open-ended song learners) and is temporally related to seasonal song modification. We used the western song sparrow, a species that does not modify its adult song, to test the hypothesis that neuronal incorporation into adult HVc is not seasonally variable in age-limited song learners. Wild song sparrows were captured during the fall and the spring, implanted with osmotic pumps containing [3H]thymidine, released onto their territories, and recaptured after 30 days. The density, proportion, and number of new HVc neurons were all significantly greater in the fall than in the spring. There was also a seasonal change in the incorporation of new neurons into the adjacent neostriatum that was less pronounced than the change in HVc. This is the first study of neuronal recruitment into the song control system of freely ranging wild songbirds. These results indicate that seasonal changes in HVc neuronal incorporation are not restricted to open-ended song learners. The functional significance of neuronal recruitment into HVc therefore remains elusive.  相似文献   

In songbirds, the size of brain nuclei that control song learning and production change seasonally. These changes are mainly controlled by seasonal changes in plasma testosterone (T) concentration. One hypothesis to explain why it may be adaptive for these areas to regress in the fall is that this would decrease the metabolic demand of maintaining a large song system when singing is reduced or absent. We used a marker for cellular metabolism to examine birds with regressed song nuclei and compared them to birds whose song nuclei were induced to grow by administration of exogenous T. Photorefractory male Gambel's white-crowned sparrows were captured during their autumnal migration and kept in outdoor aviaries on a natural photoperiod. We implanted birds with Silastic capsules containing T or with empty implants. Three weeks later the birds were sacrificed. We assayed the brains for cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity and measured the volume of four song nuclei: HVc, RA, 1MAN, and area X. All four nuclei increased in volume in response to T treatment. T treatment increased the metabolic capacity of area X, HVc, and RA relative to surrounding tissue but had no effect on the metabolic capacity of 1MAN. These results support the hypothesis that song nuclei are more metabolically active under the influence of T than they are when plasma T levels are low.  相似文献   

In zebra finches the gonadal steroid estradiol (E2) directs the sexual differentiation of neural regions controlling song and synergizes with androgens to stimulate song in adulthood. To identify regions where E2 may act to exert these effects, steroid autoradiographic techniques were used to assess cellular accumulation of 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites within various nuclei of the zebra finch brain. In Experiment 1 we examined brains from juvenile females, still within the critical period for E2's effect on sexual differentiation. In Experiment 2 the pattern and extent of labeling in adult male brains was determined following injection of 3[H]-E2, 3[H]-testosterone, or 3[H]-dihydrotestosterone. The results suggest that, both during development and in adulthood, most song-control nuclei contain few E2-accumulating cells. In contrast, many cells densely labeled by 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites are present in the hypothalamus and in close proximity to one song-control region, the hyperstriatum ventralis pars caudalis (HVc). The distribution of these latter cells overlaps with cells that project to another song-related nucleus, Area X. Thus, in Experiment 3 fluorescent retrograde tracing and steroid autoradiographic techniques were combined to determine if E2-accumulating cells project to Area X in adult males. Although a few retrogradely labeled cells were lightly labeled by 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites, for the most part these appear to be two distinct populations of cells. The sparse accumulation of E2 in the zebra finch song system contrasts with that described in other song birds and has important implications as to the mechanism of E2 action on the developing and mature song system.  相似文献   

The song system of songbirds consists of an interconnected set of forebrain nuclei that has traditionally been regarded as dedicated to the learning and production of song. Here, however, we suggest that the song system could also influence muscles used in reproductive behaviour, such as the cloacal sphincter muscle. We show that the same medullary nucleus, retroambigualis (RAm), that projects upon spinal motoneurons innervating expiratory muscles (which provide the pressure head for vocalization) and upon vocal motoneurons for respiratory–vocal coordination also projects upon cloacal motoneurons. Furthermore, RAm neurons projecting to sacral spinal levels were shown to receive direct projections from nucleus robustus arcopallialis (RA) of the forebrain song system. Thus, by indicating a possible disynaptic relationship between RA and motoneurons innervating the reproductive organ, in both males and females, these results potentially extend the role of the song system to include consummatory as well as appetitive aspects of reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

Adult neuroplasticity is strongly influenced by steroids. In particular, corticosterone (CORT) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) can have opposing effects, where CORT reduces while DHEA increases neurogenesis and neuron recruitment. It has been previously shown that in adult male song sparrows, DHEA treatment increases neuron recruitment throughout the telencephalon, including the lateral ventricular zone, while the effect of CORT treatment is restricted to HVC, one of the song control regions. These data suggest that the two steroids may differentially affect proliferation, migration, differentiation, and/or survival of new neurons. To determine if CORT or DHEA alters the migration and differentiation of young neurons, we examined an endogenous marker of migrating immature neurons, doublecortin (DCX), in HVC and hippocampus of adult male song sparrows that were treated with CORT and/or DHEA for 28 days. In HVC, DHEA increased the number of DCX‐labeled round cells, while CORT had no main effect on the number of DCX‐labeled cells. Furthermore, DHEA increased the area covered by DCX immunoreactivity in HVC, regardless of CORT treatment. In the hippocampus, neither DHEA nor CORT affected DCX immunoreactivity. These results suggest that DHEA enhances migration and differentiation of young neurons into HVC while CORT does not affect the process, whether in the presence of DHEA or not. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 52–62, 2014  相似文献   

Zebra finches are age-limited learners; males crystallize their songs at 90 days and do not subsequently alter those songs. However, a variety of interventions, including deafening and syringeal denervation, result in long-term changes to the crystallized song. These changes can be prevented by lesioning nucleus LMAN. As different social contexts for song production result in differential activation of LMAN, we asked whether the social context experienced by adult males would affect their ability to alter their songs in response to syringeal denervation. Males able to see and direct their songs to females made fewer changes to their songs than did males that could hear but not see females, but this trend was not significant. The volume of a male's HVc, a forebrain song control nucleus, also failed to predict the degree to which a male would change his song. However, testis mass was significantly correlated with the number of changes made to the song, indicating that variations in testosterone modulate adult song plasticity. We directly tested the effect of circulating testosterone on adult song plasticity by implanting adult males with either testosterone or flutamide, a testosterone receptor blocker, and tracking song changes triggered by ts nerve injury. As predicted, males implanted with testosterone changed their songs less than did males that received flutamide implants. These results suggest that the high testosterone concentrations associated with sexual maturity and song crystallization in zebra finches continue to act in adult males to reduce the potential for vocal plasticity.  相似文献   

All songbirds learn to sing during postnatal development but then display species differences in the capacity to learn song in adulthood. While the mechanisms that regulate avian vocal plasticity are not well characterized, one contributing factor may be the composition of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR). Previous studies of an anterior forebrain pathway implicated in vocal plasticity revealed significant regulation of NMDAR subunit expression during the developmental sensitive period for song learning. Much less is known about the developmental regulation of NMDAR subunit expression in regions that participate more directly in motor aspects of song behavior. We show here that an increase in NR2A subunit mRNA and a decrease in NR2B subunit mRNA within the vocal motor pathway accompany song learning in zebra finches; however, manipulations that can alter the timing of song learning did not alter the course of these developmental changes. We also tested whether adult deafening, a treatment that provokes vocal change in songbirds that normally sing a stable song throughout adulthood, would render NMDAR subunit expression more similar to that observed developmentally. We report that NR2A and NR2B mRNA levels did not change within the anterior forebrain or vocal motor pathways after adult deafening, even after substantial changes in song structure. These results indicate that vocal plasticity does not require "juvenile patterns" of NMDAR gene expression in the avian song system.  相似文献   

Following the pioneering work of Nottebohm, the brain regions involved in song production in songbirds have become a focus of extensive research in several laboratories. As both singing behavior and the neuroanatomy of song control regions are strongly affected by sex steroids in many songbird species, this system has become regarded as an ideal model system in which one can potentially determine how steroids affect neuronal anatomy, how altered anatomy leads to altered physiology, and how the altered physiology causes changes in singing. In the initial part of this review, I shall focus on canaries and zebra finches as most of our knowledge of the song system has been obtained from these two species. I shall describe singing behavior, the constituents of the song system, what is known of how these nuclei contribute to song, and how each is affected by steroid fluctuations. I shall then speculate on new ways of posing questions on hormone—anatomy interaction in this system (which I will illustrate with preliminary data from my own lab). This review will be brief as several reviews of aspects of the song system have recently been published (Arnold, 1982; Nottebohm, 1984; Arnold and Gorski, 1984; DeVoogd, 1984; Konishi, 1985).  相似文献   

Adverse environmental conditions can impact the life history trajectory of animals. Adaptive responses enable individuals to cope with unfavorable conditions, but altered metabolism and resource allocation can bear long‐term costs. In songbirds, early developmental stress can cause lifelong changes in learned song, a culturally transmitted trait, and nestlings experiencing developmental stress develop smaller song control nucleus HVCs. We investigated whether nutrition‐related developmental stress impacts neurogenesis in HVC, which may explain how poor nutrition leads to smaller HVC volume. We provided different quality diets (LOW and HIGH) by varying the husks‐to‐seeds ratio to zebra finch families for the first 35 days after the young hatched (PHD). At PHD14–18 and again at nutritional independence (PHD35), juveniles were injected with different cell division markers. To monitor growth, we took body measures at PHD10, 17, and 35. At PHD35 the number of newly recruited neurons in HVC and the rate of proliferation in the adjacent ventricular zone (VZ) were counted. Males raised on the LOW diet for their first weeks of life had significantly fewer new neurons in HVC than males raised on the HIGH diet. At the time when these new HVC neurons were born and labeled in the VZ (PHD17) the birds exposed to the LOW diet had significantly lower body mass. At PHD35 body mass or neuronal proliferation no longer differed. Our study shows that even transitory developmental stress can have negative consequences on the cellular processes underlying the development of neural circuits. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 107–118, 2016  相似文献   

Many fundamental advances in our understanding of basic neural function have been made using bird song learning and performance as a model system. These advances have included a greater understanding of higher-order neural processing, developmental and hormonal influences on behavior, and the realization that neurogenesis plays an important role in normal adult brain function. The great diversity of passerine birds and song-related behaviors they exhibit suggest that oscine songbirds are ideally suited for comparative studies. While the comparative approach has been used successfully in the past to study song-related phenomena at anatomical and behavioral levels, it has been underutilized in addressing questions at the neurophysiological level. Most neurophysiological studies of songbird auditory and motor processing have been performed in one species, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We present and compare neurophysiological studies we have performed in zebra finches and song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), species that differ markedly in their singing behavior and song repertoire characteristics. Interspecific similarities, and striking differences, in song neural processing are apparent. While preliminary, these data suggest that comparative neurophysiological studies of species carefully chosen for their vocal repertoire and singing behavior will contribute significantly to our understanding of vertebrate sensory and motor neural processing.  相似文献   

This essay provides a brief overview of neuronal plasticity in adult invertebrate nervous systems. Our discussion focuses on the factors which influence sprouting by adult neurons, i.e., (1) the nature of the neuron itself, (2) axon integrity, (3) the presence of targets, (4) diffusible factors, and (5) ageing. Evidence that the neurites of some adult neurons exhibit a dynamic equilibrium of expansion and retraction is presented, a topic which prompted us to speculate on the significance of such plasticity in altered behavioral states. We conclude with some suggestions as to specific questions that need to be addressed by future studies in this challenging area.  相似文献   

Most temperate songbird species sing seasonally, and the brain areas involved in producing song (the song system) vary in size alongside the changes in behavior. Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) also sing seasonally, and we find that there are changes in the stereotypy and the length of the fee-bee song from the nonbreeding to the breeding season. Yet despite these changes, we fail to find any evidence of seasonal changes in the song system. The song system of males is larger than that of females, as is typical in songbirds, but the ratio between the sexes is small compared to other species. We suggest three hypotheses to explain our failure to find seasonal variation in the chickadee song system.  相似文献   

Photoperiod and hormonal cues drive dramatic seasonal changes in structure and function of the avian song control system. Little is known, however, about the patterns of gene expression associated with seasonal changes. Here we address this issue by altering the hormonal and photoperiodic conditions in seasonally-breeding Gambel's white-crowned sparrows and extracting RNA from the telencephalic song control nuclei HVC and RA across multiple time points that capture different stages of growth and regression. We chose HVC and RA because while both nuclei change in volume across seasons, the cellular mechanisms underlying these changes differ. We thus hypothesized that different genes would be expressed between HVC and RA. We tested this by using the extracted RNA to perform a cDNA microarray hybridization developed by the SoNG initiative. We then validated these results using qRT-PCR. We found that 363 genes varied by more than 1.5 fold (>log(2) 0.585) in expression in HVC and/or RA. Supporting our hypothesis, only 59 of these 363 genes were found to vary in both nuclei, while 132 gene expression changes were HVC specific and 172 were RA specific. We then assigned many of these genes to functional categories relevant to the different mechanisms underlying seasonal change in HVC and RA, including neurogenesis, apoptosis, cell growth, dendrite arborization and axonal growth, angiogenesis, endocrinology, growth factors, and electrophysiology. This revealed categorical differences in the kinds of genes regulated in HVC and RA. These results show that different molecular programs underlie seasonal changes in HVC and RA, and that gene expression is time specific across different reproductive conditions. Our results provide insights into the complex molecular pathways that underlie adult neural plasticity.  相似文献   

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