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Compensatory growth, a frequent phenomenon observed in ruminants due to seasonal variation in food availability, affects protein metabolism including protein oxidation. These oxidation processes may have an impact on animal health as well as on meat protein degradation during post mortem aging (ie meat maturation). Sixteen male lambs were randomly divided into four groups. One group was fed ad libitum (C) and one group was food-restricted to 60% of the intake of the C group (R). The last two groups were restricted similarly to the R group and refed either ad libitum (RAL) or similarly to the C group (pair-feeding) (RPF). Muscles samples were taken immediately after slaughter. The present study showed that the restriction/refeeding pattern had no effect on protein oxidation in the muscles studied (longissimus dorsi (LD), semitendinosus (ST) and supraspinatus (SP)). However, total antioxidant capacity decreased after food restriction (-51%, -43%, P < 0.01 for ST and LD muscles, respectively) and re-increased only after ad libitum refeeding. This alteration in the total antioxidant status can partially be explained by the similar pattern of change observed in the glutathione concentration of the muscles (-25%, P < 0.05 for ST muscle and NS for the other muscles). However, none of the concentrations of other water-soluble antioxidants studied (carnosine, anserine, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) were altered during compensatory growth. This study showed that an inappropriate feeding level following a nutritional stress induced alterations in the total antioxidant status (particularly that of glutathione), which may have consequences on animal health. Other consequences of a decrease of the animal antioxidant status in vivo could be an alteration of the protein oxidation processes during meat maturation.  相似文献   

In the present study, two groups of pregnant female rats were submitted to food restriction (24 h fast versus 24 h diet intake) from the 14th day of pregnancy until either the 14th day (group B) or the 4th day after parturition (group C). All pups and their mothers were sacrificed on day 14 after delivery. The body weight of the 14-day-old pups (group B) was 46% less than the controls (group A). Free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine levels in the plasma were reduced by 44 and 16% in pups and by 20 and 36% in their mothers, respectively. These reductions were correlated with a decrease in thyroid iodine content of the pups (-50%) and their mothers (-24%). Radioiodine uptake (131I) by the thyroid gland of pups was significantly increased by 27%. Plasma TSH levels were decreased by 38% in pups and by 44% in dams. Morphological changes in thyroid glands were observed in energy restricted dams and in their pups. Some of follicles in pups were empty. Moroever in dams, we noted the presence of peripheral resorbed vacuoles, sign of thyroid hyperactivity. After a refeeding (group C) period of ten days, total recovery occurred in plasma thyroid hormone levels (FT4 and FT3) and in thyroid iodine contents of pups in spite of a partial recovery of body weights and plasma TSH levels. In dams, a partial recovery occurred in plasma thyroid hormone levels in spite of total recovery in thyroid iodine contents, while plasma TSH levels exceeded control values. A significant amelioration in thyroid histological aspects was observed in pups and their dams.  相似文献   

Adult male rats were subjected to four cycles of mild starvation (2 wk) and refeeding (1 wk) and were compared with a fed group. Starvation was induced by giving rats one-third of their measured daily food consumption. During each starvation cycle, rats lost approximately 20% of their body weight. Despite catch-up growth and overall weight gain, starved rats had lower final body weight than fed rats. Lung dry weight and lung volumes were also reduced in the starved group. The mechanical properties of air- and saline-filled lungs did not change significantly with repeated cycles of starvation. Mean linear intercept was similar in the two groups, but alveolar surface area was reduced in the starved rats. Total content of crude connective tissue and concentration per lung dry weight of hydroxyproline and crude connective tissue were reduced in starved rats. We conclude that lung growth is retarded in growing rats subjected to repeated cycles of mild starvation and refeeding, as manifested by smaller lung volume and reduced alveolar surface area. Because alveolar size is unchanged, a reduced number of alveoli is most likely responsible for decreased lung volumes.  相似文献   

Mature male Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Long-Evans (LE) rats were instrumented with telemetry transmitters for measurement of heart rate (HR) and housed in room calorimeters for assessment of food intake and oxygen consumption (Vo(2)) at standard laboratory temperatures (23 degrees C) to examine physiological responses to caloric restriction (CR; 60% of baseline ad libitum calories for 2 wk) and refeeding. Ad libitum controls had stable food intake (84-88 kcal/day) and gained weight at rates of 3-4 g/day. Groups from both strains assigned to CR exhibited similar patterns of weight loss and reductions in Vo(2) and HR. Upon refeeding, SD rats exhibited a mild, transient hyperphagic response (1 day) accompanied by sustained suppression of Vo(2) and HR that remained evident 8 days after refeeding. In contrast, LE rats exhibited sustained daily hyperphagia that persisted 8 days after refeeding and was accompanied by a complete restoration of HR and Vo(2). The lower HR and Vo(2) observed during refeeding in SD rats were not due to reduced locomotor activity. The results reveal a strain-dependent divergent response to recovery from CR. We conclude that during recovery from CR, homeostatic stimulation of appetite or suppression of energy expenditure may occur selectively to restore body weight.  相似文献   

We examined effects of 4 wk of food restriction on ovariectomy-related changes in muscle, bone, and plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). Female Sprague-Dawley rats (7 mo old) were assigned to freely eating groups: sham-operated (Sham), ovariectomized (Ovx-AL), and estrogen (estradiol)-replaced Ovx (Ovx+E(2)). Ovx rats were also pair fed with Sham (Ovx-PF) or weight matched with Sham by food restriction (Ovx-FR). Ovx-AL and Ovx-PF rats had similar estrogen status and body weight; therefore, the groups were combined (group: Ovx). After treatment, body weight was approximately 10% greater in Ovx than in Sham rats (P < 0.05), and muscle weight-to-body weight ratios were comparable among all groups. Bone mineral contents of whole tibiae in Ovx-FR and Ovx were approximately 15% (P < 0.05) and approximately 6% lower than in Sham rats (P < 0.05), respectively. Plasma IGF-I was approximately 30% higher in Ovx than in Sham (P < 0.05) but was similar between Sham and Ovx-FR. IGF-I was highly correlated with body weight and muscle mass. Within non-estrogen-replaced Ovx rats, IGF-I explained approximately 19% of variance in bone mineral content after accounting for variance attributable to body weight. Findings suggest that estrogen acts indirectly on skeletal muscle and bone in rats through regulation of body growth by factors such as IGF-I.  相似文献   

Researchers are gaining an increasing understanding of host–gut microbiota interactions, but studies of the role of gut microbiota in linear growth are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of food restriction and refeeding with different diets on gut microbiota composition in fast-growing rats. Young male Sprague–Dawley rats were fed regular rat chow ad libitum (control group) or subjected to 40% food restriction for 36 days followed by continued restriction or ad libitum refeeding for 24 days. Three different diets were used for refeeding: regular vegetarian protein chow or chow in which the sole source of protein was casein or whey. In the control group, the composition of the microbiota remained stable. Food restriction for 60 days led to a significant change in the gut microbiota at the phylum level, with a reduction in the abundance of Firmicutes and an increase in Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria. Rats refed with the vegetarian protein diet had a different microbiota composition than rats refed the casein- or whey-based diet. Similarities in the bacterial population were found between rats refed vegetarian protein or a whey-based diet and control rats, and between rats refed a casein-based diet and rats on continued restriction. There was a significant strong correlation between the gut microbiota and growth parameters: humerus length, epiphyseal growth plate height, and levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 and leptin. In conclusion, the type of protein in the diet significantly affects the gut microbiota and, thereby, may affect animal's health.  相似文献   

Small mammals in the temperate area often face fluctuations in food availability. Changes in food availability may have a great influence on an animals' immunity, which is important to their survival. We tested the hypothesis that cellular and humoral immunity would be suppressed by food restriction and restored to control levels by refeeding in Mongolian gerbils Meriones unguiculatus. Forty adult male gerbils were randomly divided into food-restricted (80% of baseline food intake) and food ad lib. groups. Similarly, another 40 adult male gerbils were also randomly assigned to two groups: a group for which food was restricted for 36 d and then provided ad lib. and a group that was continuously fed ad lib. Half of the gerbils in each group were injected with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and keyhole limpet hemocyanin solution to assess cellular and humoral immunity, respectively; the others were injected with sterile saline as control groups. Food-restricted gerbils had significantly lower body mass, body fat mass, dry thymus mass, wet and dry spleen mass, and serum leptin levels than those of the controls, whereas refeeding restored these parameters to the controls. Both food restriction and refeeding had no significant effect on PHA response indicative of cellular immunity, immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M concentrations, and white blood cells. We also found that food restriction decreased corticosterone levels in food-restricted gerbils, while refeeding increased corticosterone levels in refed gerbils compared with the controls. Our results suggest that cellular and humoral immunity were not affected by food restriction and refeeding in gerbils.  相似文献   

Although many studies have shown that amino acid ingestion acutely stimulates protein anabolism, only few studies have investigated whether long-term supplementation promotes changes in body composition. We therefore tested the hypothesis that l-leucine (LEU) and l-phenylalanine (PHE) supplementation might have a positive impact on the body composition of rats submitted to intermittent periods of food restriction and refeeding (weight cycling or WC). The WC protocol comprised three cycles, each consisting of 1 week of 50% food restriction followed by 2 weeks of ad libitum ingestion. The groups submitted to WC ingested the control diet (WC-CON) or the diet supplemented with LEU+PHE (WC-AA). A pair-fed group receiving the control diet (PF-CON) was used as a reference for the effects of WC. Although food intake was the same in all groups, higher body weight and energy efficiency were observed in the WC-AA group compared to the PF-CON and WC-CON groups although not significantly in relation to the latter. These results were the consequence of a significant increase of lean body mass and body protein content in the WC-AA group compared to the PF-CON and WC-CON groups. The WC-CON and WC-AA groups presented 36.1% and 18.9% more body fat, respectively, than the PF-CON group but this difference was not significant. Neither fasting insulin nor glucose concentration nor postprandial insulin secretion was significantly affected by the supplemented diet. In conclusion, supplementation with LEU+PHE improved the body composition profile of rats submitted to WC, mainly by increasing lean body mass and body protein content.  相似文献   

Orexins are hypothalamic peptides implicated in the regulation of ingestive and other behaviours. Here we investigated prepro-orexin expression and hypothalamic orexin-A and -B levels in lactating rats, which display marked hyperphagia, with or without food restriction for 2 days or treatment with bromocriptine, which inhibits milk production and thus reduces the energy losses of lactation. Neither prepro-orexin gene expression nor hypothalamic orexin-A peptide levels were changed in any of these lactating groups compared with age-matched virgin controls. However, hypothalamic orexin-B levels were significantly higher in lactating rats that were food-restricted for 2 days (P<0.05) compared with non-lactating controls and with lactating rats that were either freely-fed or bromocriptine-treated. Thus, food restriction superimposed on lactation selectively increases hypothalamic orexin-B levels, suggesting that orexin-A and -B may be differentially released or cleared. Changes in orexin-B availability may influence physiological activities other than energy homeostasis, perhaps inducing arousal.  相似文献   

Food restriction(FR) and refeeding(Re) have been suggested to impair body mass regulation and thereby making it easier to regain the lost weight and develop over-weight when FR ends. However, it is unclear if this is the case in small mammals showing seasonal forging behaviors. In the present study, energy budget, body fat and serum leptin level were measured in striped hamsters that were exposed to FR-Re. The effects of leptin on food intake, body fat and genes expressions of several hypothalamus neuropeptides were determined. Body mass, fat content and serum leptin level decreased during FR and then increased during Re. Leptin supplement significantly attenuated the increase in food intake during Re, decreased genes expressions of neuropepetide Y(NPY) and agouti-related protein(AgRP) of hypothalamus and leptin of white adipose tissue(WAT). Hormone-sensitive lipase(HSL) gene expression of WAT increased in leptin-treated hamsters that were fed ad libitum, but decreased in FR-Re hamsters. This indicates that the adaptive regulation of WAT HSL gene expression may be involved in the mobilization of fat storage during Re, which partly contributes to the resistance to FR-Re-induced overweight. Leptin may be involved in the down regulations of hypothalamus orexigenic peptides gene expression and consequently plays a crucial role in controlling food intake when FR ends.  相似文献   

Objectives:To investigate in growing rats the effect of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) on the bone mineral density of the mandible and tibia, as well as the quality of the mandibular and condylar bone.Methods:Twelve male rats were born IUGR by mothers sustaining 50% food restriction during pregnancy. Twelve control male rats were born by mothers fed ad libitum. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) of the tibia, proximal tibial metaphysis and the mandible, biochemical markers, histology and histomorphometrical analysis on the mandibular and subchondral bone of the condyle were performed.Results:IUGR significantly affected bone mineral density (BMD) of both tibial and mandibular bones. IUGR rats had significantly lower osteocalcin values (p=0.021) and phosphorus (p=0.028), but not 25-OH vitamin D (p=0.352). Bone area percentage in the mandible was significantly lower (51.21±5.54) in IUGR compared to controls (66.00±15.49), and for subchondral bone of the condyle for IUGR (47.01±6.82) compared to controls (68.27±13.37). IUGR had a significant reduction in the fibrous layer, but not the proliferating layer, with the hypertrophic layer significantly increased.Conclusion:Maternal restricted nutrition during gestation can affect BMD of the mandible and the tibia of the offspring animals.  相似文献   

The intake of 5% gluten + casein (4:1, W:W) (PM) (E group) diet compared to 20% (16:4, W:W) (control group) caused an overall decreased synthesis. With the duration of PM, Tg2 and Chtg1 synthesis remained steady, while lipase synthesis decreased and amylase synthesis increased. At the beginning of refeeding (two days), in E group Tg2 and amylase synthesis was increased with rebound effect compared to controls, then decreased, Chtg1 synthesis was higher than control synthesis and remained constant, lipase synthesis was increased and reached the control value only after 9 days.  相似文献   

Fate restriction in the growing and regenerating zebrafish fin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use transposon-based clonal analysis to identify the lineage classes that make the adult zebrafish caudal fin. We identify nine distinct lineage classes, including epidermis, melanocyte/xanthophore, iridophore, intraray glia, lateral line, osteoblast, dermal fibroblast, vascular endothelium, and resident blood. These lineage classes argue for distinct progenitors, or organ founding stem cells (FSCs), for each lineage, which retain fate restriction throughout growth of the fin. Thus, distinct FSCs exist for the four neuroectoderm lineages, and dermal fibroblasts are not progenitors for fin ray osteoblasts; however, artery and vein cells derive from a shared lineage in the fin. Transdifferentiation of cells or lineages in the regeneration blastema is often postulated. However, our studies of single progenitors or FSCs reveal no transfating or transdifferentiation between these lineages in the regenerating fin. This result shows that, the same as in growth, lineages retain fate restriction when passed through the regeneration blastema.  相似文献   

Several genes involved in glucosensing of the endocrine pancreas have been proposed to serve a similar function in the brain. These genes include the glucose transporter-2 (Glut-2) and glucokinase (GK). In addition, the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor, which serves as a downstream signal modulator in pancreatic glucosensing and centrally alters feeding, is also of interest. We used quantitative real-time RT-PCR to measure changes in hypothalamic and brainstem Glut-2, GK, and Glp-1R expression of these genes induced by food restriction and refeeding. Sprague-Dawley rats were 50% food restricted for 1 day; one-half of the food-restricted rats were refed with chow for 1 hr before sacrifice. In both hypothalamus and brainstem, gene expression of Glut-2, GK, and Glp-1R was significantly lower in refed rats compared with food-restricted rats. The measures of gene expression in two feeding control groups (ad libitum and voluntarily overfed animals) were intermediate between the food-restricted and refed groups, but were not significantly different from each other. The results indicate that putative glucosensing (GK, Glut-2, and Glp-1R) gene expression in the hypothalamus and brainstem is reduced in response to food intake, depending on prior nutritional status.  相似文献   

1. Rapidly growing broiler chickens fed ad lib. until 56 days, but feed restricted until 60 days of age, had higher arterial oxygen saturations, lower respiratory frequencies, total ventilations that were not different, and higher tidal volumes compared to those fully fed for 56 days. 2. Arterial oxygen saturation correlated negatively with respiratory frequency, but was not related to total ventilation or tidal volume. 3. Hypoventilation appeared not to be the cause of arterial oxygen desaturation. 4. Arterial oxygen desaturation correlated with the degree of right ventricular hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Food restriction (FR) is hypothesized to decrease body fat content of an animal and thus prevent obesity. However, the response of energy budget to a continuous (CFR) or discontinuous FR (DFR) remains inconsistent. In the present study, effects of CFR or DFR and refeeding on energy budget and behavior were examined in male Swiss mice. CFR significantly decreased the energy expenditure associated with basal metabolic rate (BMR) and activity behavior, but not sufficiently to compensate for energy deficit and thus resulted in lower body mass and fat content. DFR mice had a significantly higher food intake on ad libitum days and showed increases in BMR and activity after 4 weeks’ DFR, which might resulted in lower body mass and less body fat than controls. After being refed ad libitum, both CFR and DFR mice had similar body mass, BMR, and behavioral patterns to controls but had 95% and 75% higher fat content. This suggested that not only CFR but also DFR would be a significant factor in the process of obesity for animals that were refed ad libitum. It also indicated that food restriction interrupted many times by periods of ad libitum feeding had the same long-term effects like continuous underfeeding.  相似文献   

Reproductive development was examined in wild house mice who had either unlimited or severely restricted access to food. The degree of food restriction was set at a level that allowed no body growth after 24 days of age. This treatment completely blocked reproductive development in females. In contrast, it had only minor effects on the reproductive development of males. Despite their stunted condition, food-restricted males developed normal numbers of sperm in their testes and vasa deferentia. They developed almost normal accessory tissues, and 8 of 10 inseminated test females when challenged at 8 wk of age. These results are considered primarily in relation to the opportunistic reproductive strategy of this species.  相似文献   

In the rat, small intestine preparation was studied with the aid of our modification of Na(+)-dependent nutrient absorption short-circuit current method. In experiments on rats, it was shown that reaction of the gut to animal state changes (fasting, satiety and refeeding) depended on its medial or distal localization. Active Na+ absorption in medial part of small intestine after refeeding rose 3-6-fold depending on period of previous fasting (2 or 5 days). Two states of satiety were elucidated: when the rats were in cage with meal and after refeeding following a 5-day fasting; at least in distal small intestine, absorption of nutrients in the latter state was much higher. Fast nutrient adaptation (approximately 30 min) of absorption was revealed, second responses of short-circuit current to glyala were 3.4-fold higher than the first one: 33.4 +/- 9.7 (n = 6) and 9.9 +/- 2.9 microA/cm2 (n = 6) (P < 0.05). It is possible that increased nutrients (glucose and aminoacids) entering in mucose after the 5th day refeeding play role as a primary signal for change of animal behavior.  相似文献   

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