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Summary Selection for post-weaning weight gain in mice from 21 to 42 days, on either a full or restricted feeding level during this period was carried out for seven generations. Control lines were maintained for each feeding level. The rate of selection response was higher on full feeding due to a higher heritability and a larger phenotypic variance. Realised heritabilities of 0.29±0.05 and 0.19±0.04 for selection on full and restricted feeding respectively, were in close agreement with base population estimates.Selection on full feeding led to positive correlated responses in 21 day weight, 42 day weight, food intake and efficiency between 21 and 42 days, and 42 day tail length, but with little change in reproductive performance.Correlated responses to selection on restricted feeding were reduced 21 day weight, but an increase in 42 day weight and increased efficiency from 21 to 42 days. However, overall reproductive performance fell.  相似文献   

Summary This study aimed to test the hypothesis that if animals were fed the same amount over the same time period, selection of the fastest growers would result in a change in the partitioning of metabolisable energy toward more protein and less fat deposition. Two mouse lines (S1 and S2) were selected for high 5 to 9 week weight gain corrected to mean 5 week weight. Appetite variation between mice was eliminated by feeding a fixed amount to each mouse daily. After 6 generations of selection, the lines were compared with an unselected control (C) on restricted and ad libitum levels of feeding for growth rate, appetite, food conversion efficiency and chemical body composition.Realised heritabilities of 5 to 9 week gain were 0.36+ 0.05 and 0.19±0.04 for S1 and S2 respectively. Nine week weights were increased by an average of 13% on both feeding levels. Most of this increase, particularly in S2, occurred before 5 weeks and was therefore outside the period of measurement used in selection. On ad libitum feeding, selection increased food intake per unit time by 6% but there was no increase per unit body weight. Food conversion efficiency (gain/food) increased by 12%. Compared with controls at 9 weeks, 3% more of the body weights of selected mice was fat and 1% less was protein. These differences were reduced but were still in the same direction when comparisons were made at the same body weight. Thus the expected change in energy partitioning toward greater protein and less fat deposition in the S lines did not occur.It was concluded that the increased growth and energy retention in the S lines was brought about by a reduction in maintenance requirement. To achieve the desired change in energy partitioning using a similar selection scheme, higher levels of dietary protein should be fed, and some measure of protein deposition rather than growth rate used as the selection criterion.  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of mice were selected for high post-weaning weight gain (3 to 6 weeks) adjusted for 3 week weight. One line (F) was grown on freely available food and the other (S) on a feeding scale set at the same level for all mice. Food intake of the S line averaged 80% of the F line. The realised heritabilities after 6 generations of selection were 0.38±0.06 and 0.33±0.07 for the F and S lines, respectively. In generation 7, mice from the F and S lines and from an unselected control line (C) were compared on both free and set levels of feeding from 3 weeks to 9 weeks of age. Measurements taken were growth rate, appetite, food conversion efficiency (weight gain/food intake) and body composition (fat, protein, ash, water). The F and S lines grew more rapidly and efficiently than the C line on both levels of feeding, each line performing best on the level of feeding on which it was selected. The average genetic correlation between growth rates of the same line on the two feeding levels was 0.54±0.10. The F line grew 19% faster and was 9% more efficient than the S line on free feeding but the S line grew 15% faster and was 15% more efficient than the F line on set feeding. Relative to the C line, food intake per day on free feeding was 4% higher in the F line and 6% lower in the S line. There was no difference between the lines in food intake/g body weight. The rate of deposition of all body components increased in both selection lines. In the F, S and C lines respectively, efficiencies of gains in body components (102x gain/food) were 1.79, 1.31 and 1.06 for fat, 1.53, 1.63 and 1.22 for protein and 5.88, 6.45 and 4.98 for protein + water. Apparently energy lost as heat was reduced in both the F and S lines. The partitioning of energy retained was altered in favour of more fat in the F line and more protein in the S line.  相似文献   

Summary Direct and correlated responses in weight gain and body weights were assessed for nine generations of within-family selection. Four selection criteria were used: gain between 28 and 38 or 48 and 58 days of age, and under two feeding regimes, i.e. ad libitum consumption or 80% of the control line. Direct responses to selection and realized heritabilities in the ad libitum lines were greater in the first period. Weight gain under ad libitum feeding at later ages appeared to have a lower genetic variability. In the restricted lines the responses and realized heritabilities were higher in the second period. Selection under restricted feeding in both periods led to animals that had lower weight gains than the control line when compared under ad libitum feeding.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI), defined as the difference between observed and expected feed intake based on growth and backfat, has been used to investigate genetic variation in feed efficiency in cattle, poultry and pigs. However, little is known about the biological basis of differences in RFI in pigs. To this end, the objective of this study was to evaluate the fifth generation of a line of pigs selected for reduced RFI against a randomly selected Control line for performance, carcass and chemical carcass composition and overall efficiency. Here, emphasis was on the early grower phase. A total of 100 barrows, 50 from each line, were paired by age and weight (22.6 ± 3.9 kg) and randomly assigned to one of four feeding treatments in 11 replicates: ad libitum (Ad), 75% of Ad (Ad75), 55% of Ad (Ad55) and weight stasis (WS), which involved weekly adjustments in intake to keep body weight (BW) constant for each pig. Pigs were individually penned (group housing was used for selection) and were on treatment for 6 weeks. Initial BW did not significantly differ between the lines (P > 0.17). Under Ad feeding, the low RFI pigs consumed 8% less feed compared with Control line pigs (P < 0.06), had less carcass fat (P < 0.05), but with no significant difference in growth rate (P > 0.85). Under restricted feeding, low RFI pigs under the Ad75 treatment had a greater rate of gain while consuming the same amount of feed as Control pigs. Despite the greater gain, no significant line differences in carcass composition or carcass traits were observed. For the WS treatment, low RFI pigs had similar BW (P > 0.37) with no significant difference in feed consumption (P > 0.32). Overall, selection for reduced RFI has decreased feed intake, with limited differences in growth rate but reduced carcass fat, as seen under Ad feeding. Collectively, results indicate that the effects of selection for low RFI are evident during the early grower stage, which allows for greater savings to the producer.  相似文献   

To elucidate the influence of high body weight selection on body compositional relationships, the accumulation of lipid, protein, and ash was investigated in two lines of mice selected for high 42-day body weight (H lines) and an unselected foundation population (FP). The two H lines differed in population size and were designated as the high-large (HL) and high-small (HS) lines. Logistic body growth curves revealed that HL mice exhibited an accelerated growth rate and reached a higher mature body weight than FP or HS mice. Over the range of body weights examined, HL mice had more lipid, less protein, and less ash than FP or HS mice of the same sex and body weight. However, HL lipid accumulation (relative to body weight increase) was not accelerated in comparison to that of FP mice. This study suggests that the existing model of selection-mediated compositional changes requires expansion to account for the ability of high-growth selection to direct an acceleration of body growth without a correlated enhancement of the relative rate of fat accumulation.  相似文献   

Summary Mice selected for high (H6) and low (L6) 6-week body weight and a randombred control population (C1) were characterized for rate, composition and efficiency of growth. Individual body weights were obtained from birth to 8 weeks of age on 682 mice representative of the three lines. Individual whole carcass determinations of water, fat, ash and protein (residual) were obtained for 180 mice sampled weekly from 3–8 weeks of age. Efficiency of feed utilization was estimated from individual body weight and feed consumption data obtained on 189 mice from 3–8 weeks of age. Growth curves for body weight and gain in body weight, constructed by line and sex, showed a temporary retardation of maximum growth rate in the L6 line, which was attributed in part to an extended depression in growth following weaning. The composition of growth yielded no evidence that the more rapid growth rate in the H6 line resulted from an increase in fat deposition relative to the other carcass components. A decrease in fat percent at 7 weeks of age in the H6 and C1 lines was not evident in the L6 line until 8 weeks of age. Females had a higher percentage carcass fat than did males during the 4–7 weeks growth period, but this difference was essentially reduced to zero by 8 weeks of age. Percentage water was highly correlated negatively with percentage fat. Percentages protein and ash were essentially constant across lines and ages. A positive relation between rate and efficiency of growth was observed between lines. Consistent sex differences, males more efficient than females, were observed prior to 6 weeks of age, but were not evident in the later (6–8 week) data.
Zusammenfassung Bei Mäusen, die auf hohes (H6) und geringes (L6) 6 Wochen-Körpergewicht selektiert waren, und einer unselektierten Kontrollpopulation (C1) wurde die Zuwachsrate, die Veränderung des Wasser-, Fett-, Protein- und Aschegehaltes während des Wachstums sowie die Wuchsleistung untersucht. Das Körpergewicht von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 6 Wochen wurde an 682 einzelnen Mäusen, die repräsentativ für die drei Linien sind, festgestellt. Die Ermittlung des Wasser-, Fett-, Asche- und (Rest-)Proteingehaltes der Tiere erfolgte wöchentlich für 180 Mäuse im Alter von 3–8 Wochen. Die Futterverwertung (Wuchsleistung) wurde für 189 drei bis acht Wochen alte Mäuse auf Grund von Einzelgewichten und Futterverbrauch geschätzt.Die Wachstumskurven für Körpergewicht und Gewichtszunahme, nach Linien und Geschlecht zusammengestellt, zeigten bei der L6-Linie eine zeitweilige Verzögerung der maximalen Zuwachsrate, was z. T. einer längeren Wachstumsdepression nach der Entwöhnung zugeschrieben wird. Es ergab sich kein Beweis dafür, daß die schnellere Wachstumsrate bei der H6-Linie auf eine Erhöhung der Fetteinlagerung im Verhältnis zu den anderen Komponenten zurückzuführen ist. Ein Rückgang des Fettgehalts, der bei den H6- und C1-Linien im Alter von 7 Wochen festzustellen war, wurde bei der Linie L6 erst nach 8 Wochen sichtbar. Weibliche Tiere hatten im Alter von 4–7 Wochen einen höheren Körperfettgehalt als männliche, im Alter von 8 Wochen war dieser Unterschied aber nicht mehr vorhanden. Der Wassergehalt war in hohem Maße negativ mit dem Fettgehalt korreliert. Die Protein- und Ascheanteile waren im wesentlichen für die Linien und untersuchten Wuchsperioden konstant. Zwischen den Linien wurde eine positive Relation hinsichtlich Wuchsrate und Wuchsleistung festgestellt. Deutliche Geschlechtsunterschiede wurden bis zum Alter von 6 Wochen beobachtet, und zwar wuchsen die Männchen schneller als die Weibchen, später (6.–8. Woche) waren keine Unterschiede mehr feststellbar.

Paper number 2640 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina. Supported by Public Health Service Grant GM 11546-05. Computation was supported by NIH Grant No. FR-00011. The senior author was supported by NIH Training Grant No. 2-Tl-GM-296.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the postnatal maternal environment, simulated by rearing mice in litters of three, six or nine, on body weight and body composition was investigated in three lines of mice differing widely in growth rate. The lines were selected for high (H6) and low (L6) 6-week body weight while the control line was maintained by random selection. Body weight and weights and percentages of ether extract, water, ash and protein at 21, 42, 63 and 84 days were recorded. With few exceptions, there were positive correlated responses to selection in body weight and in weights of body components. At 21 and 42 days the correlated responses were larger in L6 mice than in H6 mice. Body weight and weights of body components were larger for mice reared in litters of three than for those reared in litters of nine. Also, mice reared in litters of six were intermediate in body weight and weights of some of the body components between those reared in litters of three and nine. Differences in body weight and weights of body components due to postnatal maternal environment were small by comparison with differences due to genetic line. There were significant line by maternal environment interactions in body weight at 21 days and in ether extract weight at 21 and 63 days. Line and maternal environment differences in percentages of body components did not follow any consistent trend. The results for percentages of body components were further complicated by line x maternal environment interactions. In general, both line and postnatal maternal environmental differences in percentages of body components diminished with age.Paper No. 5670 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

Germfree life and feed restriction initiated at an early age are known to extend life span. We have examined growth rate and life expectancy in germfree (GF) and conventional (CV) male Lobund Wistar rats, fullfed (F) or restricted (R) to 12 grams/day of natural ingredient diet L-485. GF-F and CV-F rats show comparable growth rates during the first 6 months of life. Thereafter, the GF-F rat falls behind, with its body weight stabilizing at 85% of the CV rat's weight at 2 years of age (510 g vs 435 g). In contrast, GF-R rats become slightly, but significantly, heavier than CV-R rats after an initial 6 months of comparable growth. At 2 years of age GF-R rats weigh 12% more than the CV-R rats (340 g vs 300 g). Physiological parameters were examined in each treatment group in animals that had to be sacrificed because of contamination. These gnotobiotic (GN) rats (see text) and their CV counterparts were grouped as adult (7 to 11 months) and old (18 to 28 months) rats. The most significant findings were: GN-F rats have smaller hearts than CV-F rats, both on an absolute and relative basis; restriction did not affect absolute testes size but elevated serum testosterone levels; serum T4 was reduced by restriction only in CV rats, and declined with age in all groups; and serum T3 was higher in adult GN-F and GN-R rats, but fell to CV levels in old age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A modified crossfostering technique was developed to compare the performance of nurse dams in selected and control populations of mice. The H6 and M16 populations were selected for increased 6-week body weight and 3- to 6-week postweaning gain, respectively, while the C2 and ICR populations were the respective controls. Crossfostering was performed using H6, M16 and their reciprocal F1 crosses as nurse dams in the selected crossfostering group and C2 ICR and their reciprocals in the control group. Measurements recorded for nurse dams included mean body weight of 8 young within a nursed litter at birth (MWB) and 12 days of age (MW12). The latter was used as a measure of postnatal maternal performance. Other traits recorded for nurse dams were number born (NB), body weight at parturition (DWP) and 12 days postpartum (DW12), and weight gain (DWG), feed intake (FED) and efficiency (EFF = DWG/FED) for the first 12 days of lactation. The correlated response in MW12 was negative (P less than .01) for M16 and essentially zero for H6. Both lines exhibited positive (P less than .01) correlated responses in DWP and DW12 and no change in EFF. Only the H6 line increases significantly in DWG and FED as a result of selection. NB increased in M16 and H6, but was significant for the latter population only. Population differences in selection response [(M16-ICR)-(H6-C2)] were significant for FED only, primarily due to average direct genetic effects. Direct comparisons of M16 and H6 indicated that M16 was larger in DWP and DW12 but smaller in DWG and EFF. Average direct genetic effects favored M16 for NB, DWP, and DW12, whereas average maternal genetic effects favored H6 for NB, DWP, DW12 and FED. Percent direct heterosis, in F1 crosses of selected populations was significant for MW12 (13.7%) ,FED (10.8%) and NB (11.4%). Direct heterosis in F1 crosses of the controls was significant for MW12 (9.4%), NB (6.6%), DWP (3.5%), DW12 (3.3%) and FED (4.4%). The effects of MW12, DWG and metabolic body size (MBS) accounted for 47% of the variation in FED, pooled within populations. Of these variables, MW12 accounted for the highest proportion (32%) of variation in total feed intake.  相似文献   

In an intercross between the high-body-weight-selected mouse line NMRI8 and the inbred line DBA/2, we analyzed genetic effects on growth during the suckling period and after weaning during the juvenile phase of development. QTL mapping results indicated that a switch of gene activation might occur at the age of three weeks when animals are weaned. We found QTLs for body weight with major effects at the age of two and three weeks when animals are fed by their mothers, and QTLs with highest effects after weaning when animals have to live on their own under ad libitum access to food. Specific epistatic effects on body weight at two and three weeks and epistatic interaction influencing growth after weaning support this finding. QTL effects explained the greatest variance during puberty when animals grow fastest and become fertile. In the present study, all except one QTL effect for early body weight had dominance variance components. These might result from direct single-locus-dominant allelic expression, but also from the identified epistatic interaction between different QTLs that we have found for body weight at all ages. Beside body weight, body composition traits (muscle weight, reproductive fat weight, weight of inner organs) were analyzed. Sex-dimorphic QTLs were found for body weight and fat deposition. The identified early-growth QTLs could be the target of epigenetic modifications which might influence body weight at later ages.  相似文献   

Summary An examination was carried out of the feed intake, feed efficiency and body composition of selected and unselected mice. It was demonstrated that selected mice utilised food more economically, and, in total, produced more protein than the control animals. However, selection had a negative influence on the percentage content of protein and ash. Also, selection caused greater adiposity of selected females and a greater water content in the bodies of selected males (in %).This work was partly supported by grant No. FG-Po-348 (JB-13), Project No. PL-ARS-68.  相似文献   

The inhibition of cancer by calorie restriction was discovered over 50 years ago. By 1950 it had been well characterized and there existed sufficient data to propose a mechanism of action. For reasons that remain unclear, but are probably related to the perception of the calorie restricted rodent as "small" and the ad libitum feeding regimen as more "normal," the concept of calorie restriction has been largely ignored by investigators after this time. Hence, despite the fact that calorie restriction is one of the oldest, best-documented, and most effective ways known to reduce cancer risk in rodents, it has had little impact on modern cancer research. In this report the history of calorie restriction is briefly reviewed, and a mechanism of action is proposed that involves increased production of ACTH and decreased production of gonadotrophins. It is further proposed that these changes may come about in part from the restriction of the time during which feeding is permitted as well as from the restriction of food per se. There is renewed interest in calorie restriction due in part to the growing recognition that there are differences in the efficiency of utilization of various sources of energy, in particular that fat calories are utilized more efficiently and provide more usable energy than carbohydrate calories. New data are presented indicating that the apparent enhancement by dietary fat of mammary cancer in rats is really a manifestation of the caloric effect. Further, the effect is abolished by moderate calorie restriction of only 15-20%. The application of these findings to the prevention of cancer in humans is considered.  相似文献   

Summary Four lines of mice were formed from a common base population and selected for 37 generations for either increased 3-week weight (weaning weight), 6-week weight, 3–6 week gain, or maintained as a randomly bred control line. Realised heritability estimates for short-term (long-term) responses were 0.33±0.20 (0.07±0.10), 0.46±0.14 (0.26±0.09), 0.36±0.14 (0.24±0.11) for 3-week weight, 6-week weight and 3–6 week gain, respectively. Realised genetic correlations estimated from short-term (long-term) responses were 0.23±0.08 (0.35±0.10) between 3-week weight and 3–6 week gain; 0.82±0.04 (0.58±0.08) between 3-week weight and 6-week weight; and 0.81±0.04 (0.97±0.04) between 3–6 week gain and 6-week weight. The genetic correlation between 3-week weight and 6-week weight was asymmetric with a greater correlated response for 3-week weight when selecting for 6-week weight (1.06) than vice versa (0.63).  相似文献   

Line crossfostering techniques were used to study differences among selected and control lines of mice in direct genetic and postnatal maternal genetic influences on preweaning (day 12) body weight and composition. The lines were selected for high (H6) and low (L6) 6-week body weight and the control line (C2) was maintained by random selection. There were positive correlated responses to selection in both direct genetic and postnatal maternal genetic effects on body weight and weights of all body components (P less than 0.01) except for water and ash weight in H6. The correlated responses in postnatal maternal genetic effects were of the same order of magnitude as those in direct genetic effects. Correlated responses were greater in L6 than in H6. Correlated responses in direct genetic effects were positive (P less than 0.01) for water percent in H6 and ether extract percent in L6, and negative (P less than 0.01) for water percent and lean percent in L6. Correlated responses in postnatal maternal genetic effects were positive for ether extract percent and negative for water percent (P less than 0.01). Correlated responses were far greater in L6 than in H6 and were greater for postnatal maternal genetic effects than for direct genetic effects. Analyses of covariance results indicated line differences in the relative growth rates of the body components.  相似文献   

Summary Two populations of randombred of different origin (P and Q) containing eight lines (MP, WP, BP, CP, MQ, WQ, BQ and CQ) were used to evaluate the growth, feed efficiency and lifetime performance of females from eight pure lines and 16 F1 crosses. Line comparisons within populations (P or Q) revealed that the heaviest line at days 21, 42 and 63 was W, followed by lines B, M and C in both populations, while the highest in feed efficiency between days 21 and 63 was line W, followed by lines B, M and C in population P, and was line B followed by lines W, M and C in population Q. Generally, average body weights and feed efficiencies of crosses within and between populations were similar to those of mid-parents. Selection produced line W superior to the line M in additive direct genetic effects on body weight and feed efficiency in each population, and line WP superior to line WQ in additive maternal genetic effects on body weights at days 21, 42 and 63. In lifetime performance tests, total 20-day weight of litters produced by a dam during 200 days averaged from 442.7 g (WP) to 739.1 g (MP) for the eight lines. Lines M and W of populations P and Q generally did not differ in additive direct and maternal genetic effects on lifetime performance. Crosses excelled lines in the number of litters raised to weaning (5.44 vs. 5.25) and total 20-day litter weight per dam during 200 days (648.5 vs. 589.3 g). For lifetime 20-day litter weight per group, crosses from unselected lines (C) exceeded crosses from lines selected for nursing ability (M), adult weight (W) and both traits (B). Crosses of lines from different populations showed a higher heterosis in lifetime performance than crosses of lines within populations. Heterosis in the number of litters raised to weaning, and total 20-day litter weight per dam was significant in crosses between lines CP and CQ, between lines WP and wQ, and between lines WP and mQ. Crosses CPCQ and CQCP had a highly persistent production during lifetime tests.Animal Research Institute Publication 860USDA SEA-AR, Purdue University, West Lafayette, In. 47906 (USA)  相似文献   

Summary Body composition was studied in three lines of mice, one selected for high (H) and one for low (L) 8 week weight, and one maintained as an unselected control (C). After 25 generations 8 week weights were 41.2g, 30.6 g and 20.5g for the H, C and L lines. Mice were sampled from the lines and analysed for fat, protein, ash and water at generations 14 and 25. Apart from fat in the H line, there was little alteration due to selection in the relationships between individual body components and total body weight. In the H line, the contribution of fat to body weight gain was considerably increased. Although leaner than the C and L mice at low body weights, H line mice rapidly became fatter with increasing body weight. Selection appeared to reduce the body weight at which fat was deposited at its maximum rate in the H line. The H and C lines were equally fat at body weights of 29.0 g and 21.6 g at generations 14 and 25 respectively. Body weights at points of inflection of the growth curves of the H, C and L lines at generation 25 were 18.3 g, 14.3 g and 12.8 g. The implications of these findings for meat species slaughtered at set weights are discussed.  相似文献   

Skewing of the sex ratio towards males occurs among pups born to mice fed a very high saturated fat (VHF) diet. In the present study, we tested whether the fat content of the VHF diet rather than the number of calories consumed is responsible for this effect. Eight-week-old NIH Swiss mice were placed on the VHF diet either ad libitum (VHF) or in a restricted manner (VHF-R). The VHF-R mice gained weight at a similar rate to controls fed a standard chow diet. Mice were bred at 15 wk and subsequently at 26 wk and 35 wk of age. Overall, the VHF, VHF-R, and control groups delivered 244, 242, and 274 pups, respectively, with male proportions of 0.60, 0.43, and 0.48, respectively. The pup sex ratios of the VHF group (favoring males) and VHF-R group (favoring females) each differed from 0.5 (P < 0.01). The sex ratios also differed (P < 0.0001) between the VHF and control groups, and between the VHF and VHF-R groups. Within the diet groups, maternal body weight had no effect on sex ratio. Serum leptin concentrations among the dams were similar in the VHF and VHF-R groups but higher than in the control group, while the IGF1 and corticosterone levels were comparable in all three groups. Therefore, the atypical sex ratios of offspring born to dams on the VHF diet seem to be influenced by the amount of fat consumed. Since males fed the VHF diet had neither more Y-sperm nor sired more sons than daughters, the dietary effects are manifested exclusively through the female.  相似文献   

Ad libitum (AL) supply of standard chow is the feeding method most often used for rodents in animal experiments. However, AL feeding is known to result in a shorter lifespan and decreased health as compared with restricted feeding. Restricted feeding and thus limiting calorie intake prevents many health problems, increases lifespan and can also increase group uniformity. All this leads to a reduced number of animals needed. So-called standard chows are known to be prone to variation in composition. Synthetic foods have a more standard composition, contributing to group uniformity which, like diet reduction, may decrease the number of animals necessary to obtain statistical significance. In this study, we compared the effects of AL versus restricted feeding (25% reduction in food intake) on standard chow versus synthetic food of three different suppliers on body weight (BW), growth, several blood parameters and organ weights in growing female Wistar rats over a period of 61 days. Diet restriction led to a decreased growth and significantly reduced variation in BW and growth as compared with AL feeding. AL feeding on synthetic diets caused a significantly higher BW gain than on chow diets. Due to experimental design, this same effect occurred on food restriction. Blood parameters and organ weights were affected neither by diet type nor by amount. Incidentally, variations were significantly reduced on food restriction versus AL, and on synthetic diets versus chow diets. This study demonstrates that food restriction versus AL feeding leads to a significantly reduced variation in BW and growth, thereby indicating the potential for reduction when applying this feeding schedule.  相似文献   

Objective: Calcium intake is a potential factor influencing weight gain and may reduce body weight, but the evidence for this in children is conflicting. The aim of this study was to use data from randomized controlled trials to determine whether calcium supplementation in healthy children affects weight or body composition. Research Methods and Procedures: This study is a systematic review. We identified potential studies by searching the following electronic bibliographic databases: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, MANTIS, ISI Web of Science, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, and Human Nutrition up until April 1, 2005 and hand‐searched relevant conference abstracts. Studies were included if they were placebo‐controlled randomized controlled trials of calcium supplementation, with at least 3 months of supplementation, in healthy children and with outcome measures including weight. Meta‐analyses were performed using fixed effects models and weighted mean differences for weight and height and standardized mean differences (SMDs) for body composition measures. Results: There were no statistically significant effects of calcium supplementation on weight [+0.14 kg; 95% confidence interval (CI), ?0.28, +0.57 kg], height (+0.22 cm; 95% CI, ?0.30, +0.74 cm), body fat (SMD, +0.04; 95% CI, ?0.08, +0.15), or lean mass (SMD, +0.14; 95% CI, ?0.03, +0.31). Discussion: There is no evidence to support the use of calcium supplementation as a public health intervention to reduce weight gain or body fat in healthy children. Although our results do not rule out an effect of dietary supplementation with dairy products on weight gain or body composition, there is little evidence to support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

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